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Our Gifted Kids Podcast

by Sophia Elliott

Share the journey of parenting gifted kids with Sophia as she interviews experts from the global gifted community. Gifted is more than just a high IQ and parenting gifted kids is hard and lonely. Our community shares knowledge, celebrates our quirkiness and provides a safe place to be gifted and neurodivergent. Parents, researchers, psychologists, educators, authors, and more all connect here with advice and support, so we have everything we need for every member of our family to thrive. At www.ourgiftedkids.com find show notes, blogs, free resources, a paid member community, subscribe to our free newsletter or get in touch. Join the Our Gifted Kids community through our Facebook page or free group and Instagram. Don’t miss any episodes by subscribing to the podcast and help others find us by leaving a review (please!). Talk to you soon! xx

Copyright: Copyright Our Gifted Kids


#061 Navigating Education with Gifted Kids w/ Kintara Phillips – Part 1

46m · Published 14 Sep 23:27

In this episode, we’re talking to Kintara Phillips about navigating schools and education with gifted kids.

We ask Kintara to answer all of those questions you have about how to talk to your child’s teacher, what questions to ask a new school, when is it time to move on, what kind of education is your child going to need and so much more… there was so much we have split it in two and released Part 1 this week and next week we’ll publish Part2!

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“From a teacher perspective… I read posts and I read comments that parents are making about teachers and it hurts my heart. And I get it from both sides. I can see that these parents are tired and they don’t know what to do and at the same time it hurts my heart for my colleagues who I know if they knew better, they would do better. And I know they don't know better and it's not their fault [they are not trained in gifted].

But I also recognize there are teachers out there who don't want to know better and they don't care.  And that's also the reality and I'm embarrassed for those people. I apologize to parents on behalf of people I don't even know who have had to encounter that.

So I think, with my teacher head on, I do ask parents to consider when you are going into these kinds of meetings, go in without your armour, go in expecting that the teachers probably won't know a lot and go in and give your teachers a bit of grace and that where the goal is this shared understanding.

This wanting to learn together, not us and them, not school and home. This team around our young people, we're all part of it…. I always, anytime anything's a bit awkward or uncomfortable or could potentially be that conflict kind of conversation, I always go in and remind myself that I need to understand the other person’s why.” – Kintara Phillips


  • Emergence Education Website
  • Emergence Education Facebook
  • Emergence Education Instagram
  • James & Susie Youtube Video
    • “An allegory about what happens to smart kids who skate through elementary school, and don't get opportunities to develop persistence, grit, and the true self-confidence that comes from knowing how to tackle a genuine challenge.”
  • Heather’s Podcast – what happens when you don’t learn how to learn - #033 [GTN Awareness Week] #ActuallyGifted Adult with Heather Cox
  • State Gifted Associations – Australia (AAEGT) - USA


Kintara Phillips worked as a Secondary English teacher for 21 years across government, independent and catholic schools. After a principal suggested that her ‘gut feeling’ about extending the gifted students in her class needed to be backed by some evidence – always the overachiever, she completed a Masters in Gifted Education at UNSW in 2016 and presented said evidence at the International Gifted Conference later the same year (and yes, her gut feeling was right). Leaving the classroom in 2021, frustrated by the restrictive system and desperate to find a way to shake things up, she now finds herself almost halfway through a Graduate Diploma in Psychology and plans to complete honours then a Masters in Educational Psychology sometime before she turns 50.

Earlier this year, Kintara was formally diagnosed with ADHD, confirming her place in the2e community and further strengthening her passion for supporting young people and their families, but also educating teachers to be able to provide better inclusions and educational outcomes for gifted and 2e learners. Longer term she hopes to blend her years of classroom experience and psychology training to bridge the gap between schools, psychologists and gifted education and would love nothing more than to see her name mentioned when parents ask about for recommendations for a psychologist experienced with giftedness in the future.

Kintara currently teaches in the Masters of Teaching at two Victorian Universities, and hopes that by employing the butterfly effect and mentioning gifted learners frequently, even if it’s not in the course outline, to the future teacher’s she works with, that perhaps a little shake up may occur in schools sooner than later.

In all her spare time, Kintara and her teacher bestie, have started to build and nurture a small business specifically positioned to support gifted students navigate school, help families plan and advocate and work in schools with teachers providing professional learning opportunities that build understanding of gifted learning needs.

Hit play and let’s get started!

#060 How to Tell Your Child They are Gifted w/ Dr Gail Post

57m · Published 01 Sep 02:13

In this episode we’re talking to Dr Gail Post about how to tell your child they are gifted and do we need to modify our expectations for our gifted kids?

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“If you don't someone else will, and someone else will put information in their head that maybe you're not thrilled with or will overinflate the importance of it or confuse them. So, it's up to us to explain it to them and what I think is really important to consider…is, you need to take into account their age, their maturity, their developmental level, because what you say to a five-year-old is different from a 10-year-old or a 15 year old.

You have to think about what they can take in and really to talk to them about it as it's no big deal, just be as matter of fact as possible because it's just part of who they are.

It's not an accomplishment, they didn't accomplish anything. It's just who they are.

And just letting them know it's no different than your eye colour or your height. Or the fact that maybe you need glasses or the fact that you love peanut butter. I mean, these are all parts of who you are, and it's really important just to be as matter of fact as possible.” – Dr Gail Post


  • Gifted Challenges Website
  • Gifted Challenges Facebook
  • Gifted Challenges Twitter
  • Dr Gail Post Website


Gail Post, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist, parenting consultant, workshop leader, and writer. In practice for over 35 years, she provides psychotherapy with a focus on the needs of the intellectually and musically gifted, parenting consultation and workshops, and consultation with educators and psychotherapists.

She is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Dr. Post is the parent of two gifted young adults and served as co-chair of a gifted parents advocacy group when her children were in school. Her writing includes online articles, several book chapters, and a long-standing blog, Gifted Challenges. 

Her upcoming book through Gifted Unlimited Press, “The Gifted Parenting Journey: A Guide to Self-discovery and Support for Families of Gifted Children” extends her advocacy efforts to address the needs of parents of gifted children. 

Hit play and let’s get started!

#060 How to Tell Your Child They are Gifted w/ Dr Gail Post

57m · Published 01 Sep 02:13

In this episode we’re talking to Dr Gail Post about how to tell your child they are gifted and do we need to modify our expectations for our gifted kids?

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“If you don't someone else will, and someone else will put information in their head that maybe you're not thrilled with or will overinflate the importance of it or confuse them. So, it's up to us to explain it to them and what I think is really important to consider…is, you need to take into account their age, their maturity, their developmental level, because what you say to a five-year-old is different from a 10-year-old or a 15 year old.

You have to think about what they can take in and really to talk to them about it as it's no big deal, just be as matter of fact as possible because it's just part of who they are.

It's not an accomplishment, they didn't accomplish anything. It's just who they are.

And just letting them know it's no different than your eye colour or your height. Or the fact that maybe you need glasses or the fact that you love peanut butter. I mean, these are all parts of who you are, and it's really important just to be as matter of fact as possible.” – Dr Gail Post


  • Gifted Challenges Website
  • Gifted Challenges Facebook
  • Gifted Challenges Twitter
  • Dr Gail Post Website


Gail Post, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist, parenting consultant, workshop leader, and writer. In practice for over 35 years, she provides psychotherapy with a focus on the needs of the intellectually and musically gifted, parenting consultation and workshops, and consultation with educators and psychotherapists.

She is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Dr. Post is the parent of two gifted young adults and served as co-chair of a gifted parents advocacy group when her children were in school. Her writing includes online articles, several book chapters, and a long-standing blog, Gifted Challenges. 

Her upcoming book through Gifted Unlimited Press, “The Gifted Parenting Journey: A Guide to Self-discovery and Support for Families of Gifted Children” extends her advocacy efforts to address the needs of parents of gifted children. 

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#059 College level science for kids?! w/ Dr Daniel Fried

31m · Published 15 Aug 02:58

In this episode, we’re talking to Dr Daniel Fried about his Biochemistry Literacy for Kids online classes.

As soon as I saw this, I knew my gifted kids would love it and I’m excited to share something made for kids that is high-level science – that is so hard to find! I  hope you love it too!

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“Dr. Daniel Fried has been my son's mentor for more than two years. When my then 5-year-old wanted to learn more about "real science", Dr. Fried was the only one who believed and allowed a young child like my son to enter his classroom. Dr. Fried has a Ph.D. from Yale University and his life-long mission is to make college-level science accessible to younger students. He has taught many elementary students college-level biochemistry and organic chemistry.” – Hui, an Our Gifted Kids podcast listener


  • biochemistryliteracyforkids.com
  • Biochemistry Literacy for Kids Facebook Page
  • Biochemistry Literacy for Kids Instagram
  • Biochemistry Literacy for Kids Twitter

Upcoming entry-level Zoom classes begin the week of September 12th 2022.

See the website for details. Classes are Sundays, Mondays, or Tuesdays, depending on your location.

Class 1: 7PM Sundays California / 12PM Mondays Sydney

Class 2: 6:30PM Mondays New York / 8:30AM Tuesdays Sydney


Dr. Daniel Fried is the creator of Biochemistry Literacy for Kids, a unique digital learning system that brings college-level science to kids in K-12.

Dr. Fried grew up in Upstate New York, and earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Yale University. After a post doctoral fellowship at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Dr. Fried became an assistant professor of chemistry, first at Kean University, then at Saint Peter's University.

After receiving tenure, he took a job as an upper school science teacher at The Pingry School. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife, five-year-old son, and new baby daughter.

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#058 Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart?

48m · Published 26 Jun 03:49

In this episode we’re talking to Anne, mum of three gifted kids, about figuring out her kids are gifted and finding the right school.

All of Anne’s kids express their giftedness differently and have different challenges but they all ached to be seen for who they really are. A great episode if you’re wondering, ‘is my kid gifted?!’.

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“It was only once we entered school that I noticed that it wasn't quite right. There was something else going on. I just didn't know what it was. There were some wonderful moments in their childhoods that they would just blow me away and I'd be like, that's so awesome.

And there were other moments that were quite frightening as well.” - Anne


  • #002 What is gifted?
  • #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years?
  • #023 Gifted Assessments & IQ Tests

Hit play and let’s get started!

#058 Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart?

0s · Published 26 Jun 03:49

In this episode we’re talking to Anne, mum of three gifted kids, about figuring out her kids are gifted and finding the right school.

All of Anne’s kids express their giftedness differently and have different challenges but they all ached to be seen for who they really are. A great episode if you’re wondering, ‘is my kid gifted?!’.

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“It was only once we entered school that I noticed that it wasn't quite right. There was something else going on. I just didn't know what it was. There were some wonderful moments in their childhoods that they would just blow me away and I'd be like, that's so awesome.

And there were other moments that were quite frightening as well.” - Anne


  • #002 What is gifted?
  • #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years?
  • #023 Gifted Assessments & IQ Tests

Hit play and let’s get started!

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

#057 [Gifted Awareness Week] Our Kids talk about Being Gifted [& Minecraft]

31m · Published 26 May 01:22

It’s Gifted Awareness Week and we are raising awareness with four new episodes this week!

In our final episode, we’re talking to two of our kids, Finley & Lilly, about what it is like to be gifted, giftedness and Minecraft. I hope you enjoy it!

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!


Some great resources for learning more about giftedness…

  • What is Gifted? Blog
  • #013 Screen time, help! Jocelyn Brewer talks Broccoli & Digital Nutrition Podcast
  • #051 How Our Brains Impact Behaviour w/ Allison Davies Podcast
  • #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! Podcast
  • James & Susie Youtube Video
  • Is parenting gifted kids harder, or just hard? Blog

Hit play and let’s get started!

#056 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 2

27m · Published 25 May 00:14

It’s Gifted Awareness Week and we are raising awareness with three new episodes this week!

This is Part 2 of our conversation with Nana & Pop about what it is like to grandparent gifted kids. We talk about coming to terms with what giftedness is all about, having gifted grandkids and parenting across the generations.

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

Nana- “I think if you let go of control on so many levels, actually, when you think about it. Yeah.”

Pop - “Yeah. It's like I said, you just got to make sure that they're safe.

“It's been a journey for all of us as parents, grandparents, and I think we've always done a pretty good job of remaining curious, trying to keep judgment out of  the conversation, trying to understand each other.” – Sophia Elliott


Some great resources for learning more about giftedness…

  • #055 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 1 Podcast
  • #051 How Our Brains Impact Behaviour w/ Allison Davies Podcast
  • #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! Podcast
  • #002 What is gifted? Podcast with Dr Lynda McInnes
  • #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years? Podcast with Dr Geraldine Townsend
  • James & Susie Youtube Video
  • Is parenting gifted kids harder, or just hard? Blog

Hit play and let’s get started!

#055 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 1

32m · Published 24 May 03:10

It’s Gifted Awareness Week and we are raising awareness with three new episodes this week!

In this episode, we’re talking to our gifted kids’ grandparents, Nana & Pop about what it is like to grandparent gifted kids. We talk about coming to terms with what giftedness is all about, having gifted grandkids and parenting across the generations.

It was such a great conversation, we have two parts, this is Part 1.

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“The hardest thing for me to do was change my attitude to children, you know, I had old-fashioned ideas.” – Pop

“I think once you get that [giftedness], when you have the education; and you’ve got to do a bit of reading yourself, once you've kind of got that in your mind. Actually, all you have to do really is accommodate them. You just have to love them.” - Nana


Some great resources for learning more about giftedness…

  • #051 How Our Brains Impact Behaviour w/ Allison Davies Podcast
  • #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! Podcast
  • #002 What is gifted? Podcast with Dr Lynda McInnes
  • #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years? Podcast with Dr Geraldine Townsend
  • James & Susie Youtube Video
  • Is parenting gifted kids harder, or just hard? Blog

Hit play and let’s get started!

#054 [Gifted Awareness Week] 5 Things I Wish I Knew When my Child was Diagnosed as Gifted

42m · Published 23 May 04:03

It’s Gifted Awareness Week and we are raising awareness with three new episodes this week!

In this episode we’re talking to parents, from one parent to another, about the 5 Things I Wish I Knew When my Child was Diagnosed as Gifted.

Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com

If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub.

Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us!

Memorable Quote

“So, the psychologist has just told you your child is gifted. Breathe, take a few deep breaths…

You know that it's actually because your child's brain is wired differently. And that encompasses not just a high IQ, but also these intense emotions and physical sensitivities that need to be taken into account as you parent, and as your child goes through school.

You know that it's okay to grieve and feel any of those big emotions that you have and that you need to find your people.

That's the beginning.” – Sophia Elliott


  • Gifted Research & Outreach
  • #044 [Neurodiversity Week] Unpacking Neurodiversity Podcast
  • #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! Podcast
  • #002 What is gifted? Podcast with Dr Lynda McInnes
  • #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years? Podcast with Dr Geraldine Townsend
  • James & Susie Youtube Video
  • #033 [GTN Awareness Week] #ActuallyGifted Adult with Heather Cox Podcast
  • Is parenting gifted kids harder, or just hard? Blog


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Our Gifted Kids Podcast has 97 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 68:34:35. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 22nd, 2024 23:41.

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