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Money Magic Podcast

by Vangile Makwakwa

Welcome to the Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa, this is the podcast where we talk about trauma and how it affects our finances and our lives. The intention with this podcast is to provide you with weekly episodes that help you understand the importance of healing and help you understand your relationship with money better so you can start making different financial decisions and creating a life you love for yourself and future generations.

Copyright: Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.


Episode 76: Balancing the Masculine and Feminine When it Comes to Money & Business

36m · Published 21 Jul 10:28

In this week’s podcast episode I talk about my experience in working with my inner masculine and my inner feminine and how I had to move from one or the other, to find balance between the two, especially in my approach to money and business.

We have been taught that the only way to survive is by becoming super productive and hyper-productive even when our spirit is tired and going through emotional trauma. We’ve been asked to give up so much of our mental and emotional health to systems that don’t give the same back to us. The old way of doing business and making money 24-7 is not working and has not been working for many of us, and this is coming to the surface. 

In today’s podcast I share how I tried to balance that by going to the extreme and working only in my feminine and how that started to affect my body. I share how feminine and masculine energy has nothing to do with gender and why it’s important to embody both energies in business.

Join the conversation with me, your host, Vangile Makwakwa as I share what I have learned about working with my inner masculine and inner feminine to optimize mental health, emotional well-being, spiritual growth, and physical health.


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:00] Introduction to the show 

[02:12] A bank account challenge experience that affected Vangile’s body

[05:33] The AHA moment! Working with the inner masculine and feminine 

[06:50] Inner work and how it shows up ultimately in your body

[08:05] Vangile's inner masculine requests and transformation  

[09:32] What inspired today’s show: Vangile past lifetime memory 

[16:04] Vows in different lifetimes and how they can hold you back

[17:34] Today’s perspective of productivity and why it’s a collective trauma

[18:54] Focusing on the soft skills/feminine side to healing yourself and your finances

[22:04] Working with the inner masculine 

[25:49] The role of the feminine in the modern system 

[28:30] The feminine way of doing business and making money 

[29:39] Building the masculine structure in your business and merging it with the feminine side

[33:26] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • Holding space for many people without energy coming back to you is not healthy, and it will exhaust you.
  • The modern system has been asking us to give up so much of our mental and emotional health to systems that don’t give the same back to us.  
  • Trauma keeps us in a loop, but the healing of trauma is not prioritized and is considered a soft skill and unnecessary.
  • If we don't heal the trauma and don't heal ourselves, we just keep operating the very same way that our parents operated around money, so we keep getting the same results
Let’s Connect Vangile Makwakwa





Episode 75: How To Work With The Womb To Access Your Inner Power & Heal Past & Future Generations

1h 18m · Published 08 Jul 08:37

This week on the #MoneyMagic Podcast, I talked to Shanika Malcolm, the founder of Starseed Landing, an organization that focuses on regenerative living, consciousness, and transformation on the planet to help people live in harmony with nature. Shanika is passionate about helping people live an empowered, authentic, and real life.  


If you didn’t know, Shanika is the first African American woman to complete the Naked and Afraid 21-day challenge in Chiapas, Mexico in the Jungle. She loves connecting with nature, and as with so many things that Shanika is into, there’s not enough representation of people of color, but this has not prevented her from achieving. Her mission is to create a path for people of color, especially women, to feel confident and comfortable in their quest.


In this episode, Shanika shares how she has always had home births with just her boyfriend and/or a midwife, without attending a single appointment with doctors or going for check ins and just working with her body and how her kids very rarely fall ill. She also shares what it’s like to travel the world with 3 kids, who are getting homeschooled.


She also discusses with us how as women, we’re constantly forced to make ourselves smaller and how a lot of the beliefs that we have about ourselves are not our own. Most of our beliefs come from a traumatic, wounded, and unnatural society, which makes self-awareness and healing very important. Healing yourself is healing the ancestors and the next generation. Healing yourself is also healing the planet. You heal backward in time and forward in time, and it starts with your womb. That is your power center, which holds many emotions and energy. 


Becoming self-aware of what you think about yourself, connecting with the body, and working with the womb will help you align your beliefs with what you want to feel, heal, feel comfortable in your body, and build confidence.  


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[03:23] A bit about our guest today, Shanika Malcolm

[05:41] Bridging the gap, living an empowering life, and how Shanika does it  

[08:13] What inspired Shanika to the Naked and Afraid 21 days challenge  

[09:43] Shanika’s experience as the only person of color in spaces and her secret to success

[12:35] Mindset work that won Shanika a space in the Naked and Afraid show 

[15:18] Self-love and acceptance in building confidence within ourselves

[17:35] Shanika’s practices that help her heal and feel comfortable in her body  

[22:18] Shanika’s experience in the Naked and Afraid 21-day challenge in the jungle 

[24:24] Survival skills and how she worked her way to survive from the beginning   

[30:22] Land acknowledgment and how it helped Shanika to keep going 

[35:35] Shanika’s brand vision on ecovillages and how you can support them to grow 

[39:13] Womb and self-retrieval work and why it’s important in your life 

[41:34] What inspired Shanika into womb work and healing 

[45:07] Feeling unsafe and how it can lead to trauma and affect the outcome of your life

[52:53] Why your pelvic and your yoni are the most powerful parts of your body 

[55:02] Tuning in to ourselves and our innate knowing 

[56:21] How Shanika arrived at her birthing process, birthing at home

[00:00:01] Making birth seamless by working with your body 

[01:04:36] How to get into your feminine through deep breathing and relaxation 

[01:11:43] Shanika's intention and mission of sharing love and life 

[01:12:58] How to reach out, connect and work with Shanika 

[01:13:26] Ending the show and call to action 

Notable Quotes 
  • Being the only person of color in spaces takes a lot of self-awareness and confidence to go into and take up space. 
  • When you know the power of who you are, you can show up as that, and people will feel it. 
  • Building confidence within yourself comes down to self-love and acceptance.
  • A lot of beliefs that we have about ourselves are not our own; they come from a traumatic, wounded, and unnatural society.
  • How you feel in your body, and the inner environment will reflect around and how you interact with people  
  • The best environment to have a baby is the same environment the baby was created.
  • When you start connecting with the body and working with the womb, you learn how to relax, surrender, drop into your feminine and feel safe.
  • The breath and the mind are connected; a deep breath will help you connect with your body and feel relaxed. 

Shanika’s Naked and Afraid Video Update:

Connect With Us Shanika Malcolm 





Vangile Makwakwa






Episode 74: The link between the God Wound, vows of loyalty, and our money set point

1h 6m · Published 30 Jun 08:43

Most of us have a money set point - a set number we believe we can make or have in our bank accounts. If you want to see your money set point, look at your bank statement. This is the amount of money you will often have in your bank account.  


When you surpass this set point, you can find yourself overspending to get back to it. If you find yourself making more money, you can find yourself sabotaging and losing clients or losing your job so you can get back to your set point.


Join the conversation with me, your host Vangile Makwakwa, as I share the relationship between the God Wound, vows of loyalty, and our money set point. Your family's history with money will most likely affect your financial set points. In this episode, I will also explain why releasing a vow of loyalty is sometimes difficult because it ties to the God wound.


If you find yourself recreating certain financial situations, then this episode may shed light for you.


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:14] Episode intro

[03:35] Today’s focus: Financial setpoints & how they link to vows of loyalty & God-wound

[07:23] Getting into unexplainable debts

[10:03] Failing to allow ourselves to go beyond a certain income level

[10:42] How to find your money set point

[13:10] Vangile’s family story around money 

[18:04] Your set point can be at any value

[18:24] Debt set point and how debt affects us differently

[22:57] Vows of loyalty explained

[26:35] Ways you can find out how vows of loyalty are affecting your financial life

[29:44] Breaking away from vows of loyalty through meditation

[30:54] It’s inevitable to go through God wound when breaking away from vows of loyalty

[32:00] How the vow of loyalty played out in Vangile’s life

[38:48] Key indicators that show you have bumped against a vow of loyalty

[41:07] When your subconscious self can’t allow you to release a vow of loyalty

[46:45] The benefits of doing the God wound work

[48:55] Problems associated with the God wound

[56:27] Are you ready to change your relationship with your bank account? 

Notable Quotes 
  • God wound is one of the hardest because it is like having to deconstruct your concepts of the divine or the universe.
  • It really does come down to how intentional you are about money.
  • Releasing vows goes into the physical, it goes into the spiritual and emotional plane
  • Sometimes first born daughters become like husbands to single mothers, you fill in the gap of the father who is not there
Let’s Connect Vangile Makwakwa






I invite you to check out and sign up for my 5 Day #BankAccountChallenge course.


You can register for the course at this link:


Once registered in the course, you get access to all course worksheets, meditations, and recordings of live classes I have done over the last year’s sessions.


Episode 73: How to Create Consistent Income as an Entrepreneur, Freelancer, or Artist

55m · Published 23 Jun 06:06

Since I became a full-time entrepreneur and nomad in 2017, the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was to figure out how I would make a consistent income. 

How do you build a business where you can start to create a consistent stream of income and continue to serve your customers or clients? 

Join me, Vangile, your host in this podcast as I share practical things you can start to implement to start making a consistent stream of income in your business and how to align your strategy and operations to your vision. I also share how I have been able to create various streams of income in my business and start paying myself a salary. 

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:14] Episode intro and today’s focus 

[05:18] What ‘creating a consistent income’ means

[08:15] Practical things you can implement to start making a consistent income

[08:31] How much do you need every month to live? Here is the breakdown

[11:31] Running a business gives you the freedom to set your salary 

[17:00] What to consider when growing your business

[18:19] Decide on the salary you want to earn

[24:08] Narrow down to two or three streams of income

[32:10] Understanding your capacity as an entrepreneur is important

[40:12] Celebrating your consistency and making necessary changes

[41:30] Your streams of income can change

[46:16] Your takeaway homework from this episode

[52:09] Get started! There is an audience for everything

[53:59] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • Part of growing a business is understanding the things you don't know, your areas of weakness, and hiring the right team.
  • A common mistake is creating all our desired income streams at once. That is almost a recipe for failure.
  • If we don’t feel comfortable going through our expenses, to understand how much debt we have, how much we really need for our own personal expenses then we underpay ourselves in terms of our salaries
  • When you are more intentional, I promise you, it is so much easier to create a consistent stream of income
Let’s Connect Vangile Makwakwa






Episode 72: Finding the courage to leave a job to pursue the dream of being a full time artist

1h 3m · Published 17 Jun 06:36

Our journeys in life are like concentric rings on a tree. Any decision you have made before will most times be the basis of what you do today. You will always feel a sense of alignment and confidence when you follow your passions to achieve your dreams. The alignment will be manifested in your ability to manage and thrive in uncertainties. Though it’s hard to live with the certainties of living without a salaried job, that sense of being safe to you because of living in your truth is incomparable.


This week on the #MoneyMagic Podcast, I talk to one of my coaching clients, Catriona Towriss, an artist who is passionate about supporting people to reconnect with their creativity. As a child, Catriona dreamt about becoming an artist. However, she nearly lost sight of that dream in the twists and turns of life. She got a Ph.D. and spent over a decade working as a researcher and lecturer in public health. In her spare time, she drew, painted, and took photographs.


In 2019, she hired me as a coach and at the height of the pandemic she made the big leap into life as a full-time artist. In this podcast, she shares how she did that and some of the fears she had to work through about money and supporting herself as an artist.


Through her art, she seeks to uncover nature’s timeless visual language and explore the dynamics between human and non-human nature.


Join the conversation and learn more about how honoring your inner voice can build your self-trust. Your relationships, possibilities and money. You will also understand the power of creativity and how creative expressions in the artistic sense will struggle to thrive under financial pressures.


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[02:34] Meet our guest, Catriona Towriss

[03:41] A bit about Catriona, who she is and what she does

[05:23] What is ‘Money’ according to Catriona

[07:06] Taking the paradigm shift about the view of money

[09:59] Shifting from a job security mindset to a freedom mentality

[12:25] A world of inevitable uncertainties

[14:48] How following her dream created a positive relationship with uncertainties of life

[19:19] Catriona's prior relationship with money & the things she wishes she’d known before

[24:30] How honoring her inner voice helped to build self-trust and her relationship with money

[30:11] Why Catriona's fears are not about the amount of money in her bank account

[34:27] Catriona’s work as a creative coach  

[39:12] Her ways of helping clients tap into their creativity

[48:14] Failures and the expectations we place on ourselves

[52:20] Valuable lessons she has learned about money in her interaction with Vangile

[56:35] How you can reach out and connect with Catriona

[59:58] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • Money is the tool that enables you to live the life you want.
  • To be an artist is, in many ways, to live in a very explicit relationship with uncertainties.
  • That sense of being safe to you because of living in your truth is incomparable.
  • There’s nothing harder than getting up every day and living a life that doesn’t feel true to who you are.
  • When you are an embodiment of something, your energy literally calls to the clients. 
  • We live in a world that does not embrace failures but actually shames us for failing.
Connect With Us Catriona Towriss





 Vangile Makwakwa






Episode 71:The Vow of Visibility And Feeling not good enough

45m · Published 10 Jun 08:01

It’s completely possible to be invisible and be in front of a million people showcasing your intelligence but never letting them see you. Sharing the theoretical things without showing people who you are and not allowing yourself to be vulnerable or sharing your story can keep you invisible to the very people you’re trying to connect and build trust with. In some cases, this is not a problem, however, if you’re a business owner or in a career where your sales or income depends on connecting with people then this can be a problem. One of the things I’ve understood working with many entrepreneurs who are building businesses online, is that people want to feel like they know you, understand you and resonate with you to build trust and do business with you.  

Join the conversation with me, your host Vangile Makwakwa as she shares more about the feeling of not being good enough, the vow of visibility and how they affect us in terms of savings and income. Learn how you can change how you see yourself and relate to self by tracing and healing ancestral traumas. 


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[02:27] Today’s focus: Feeling not good enough and the vow of visibility

[03:48] Feeling not good enough and how it differentiates with gender

[07:43] How the vow of invisibility and feeling not good enough played out in Vangile’s life

[11:32] What happens when people heal from the vow of invisibility 

[12:11] Your business and the feeling not good enough

[15:06] Lessons from Vangile's desire for a PhD to get more validation  

[21:51] Allowing yourself to show up, be seen and increase your income 

[23:01] Showing up, articulating your value and pricing your services

[25:26] Why positive self-affirmations don’t work in healing the feeling of not being good enough

[27:57] The vow of invisibility meditation and how you can use it for healing 

[31:53] The tie between the vow of invisibility and collective trauma

[38:23] Tracing ancestral trauma and healing the ancestors' stories 

[40:54] How to register for the money magic course

[44:13] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • The vow of invisibility has so little to do with showing up in front of people.
  • Sharing your story will help you connect and build trust with people
  • Feelings of not being enough will make you miss opportunities to connect with people at a deeper level.  
  • Sometimes the trauma isn’t from this lifetime; it’s from other lifetimes 
  • The way we see ourselves impacts the way we show up 
Let’s Connect  Vangile Makwakwa





Episode 70: How to start and grow a business with minimal resources - Jane’s Success Story!

53m · Published 02 Jun 06:46

The last 2 weeks on the #MoneyMagic podcast, I’ve been talking about expansion and the triggers of expansion. This week, I am sharing another Facebook live class I did on growing your business with minimal resources. 

Even though we’ve been taught that business is all practical; that’s what I learned at school - the truth is business and expansion are also about mindset and integrating our trauma.

It’s not about a one-day aha moment you experience by watching a YouTube video or reading a book. Real inner work is more about embodiment, and we can often feel and see when a change is happening. This involves meditation, questioning our work, and dealing with what the traumas are. 

Join the conversation with your host Vangile Makwakwa as she shares the inspiring story of Jane, who began as an assistant at the Wealthy Money retreat and has now managed to grow from selling chili mix products to buying property through coaching and aligning her vision to her actions. You don’t need tons of money for your projects to become a success. Looking at Jane’s resources and success, you can get the motivation just to use what you have and get started. 

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[03:06] Who is Vangile Makwakwa, and how did Wealthy Money come into existence?

[09:10] Why Jane’s inspiration is the basis of this episode 

[14:20] Hiring her to help in my retreats

[18:30] The chilli recipe that became Jane’s turning point 

[24:18] A coaching session that gives birth to a second stream of income- The Chips

[27:18] From chips to owning her real estate property

[32:04] Becoming her own supplier of chilies

[34:35] What’s true financial freedom and the asset classes that create it?

[41:25] A bit about Vangile’s retreats and how you can join them

[46:41] You can also make your small story shine like Jane’s- connect!

[49:23] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • It’s not about the industry but the money mindset you have embraced that will give you the money.
  • Sometimes you have to share your secrets to a friend so that they can help you grow your ideas
  • Your financial expansion depends on your mindset.
Let’s Connect  Vangile Makwakwa





Episode 69: How to hold yourself through expansion triggers

40m · Published 26 May 07:31

In the previous episode, I spoke about what happens when expansion is the trigger.

In this podcast I share exercises you can do when you are triggered by expansion. These exercises are very simple, but they are life-changing because they shed so much light by helping you understand what is actually going on. 

Most of us approach money with a lot of heaviness. We look at what everyone is doing, and we employ the same business strategy, and it doesn’t work for us. The problem is not the strategy, but emotionally, we find ways to block and sabotage our income goals because we don’t feel safe expanding or making more money.

We all have different backgrounds, different ancestral stories, and have been brought up differently, and we can’t compare ourselves with others, so what triggers one person, may bot trigger another person in the same way.

Join the conversation with me, your host, Vangile Makwakwa, as I share how to deal with expansion and visibility fears. 


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about:

[02:04] Introduction to the show 

[03:40] Today’s focus: Dealing with expansion and visibility issues  

[06:40] You can energetically want or stop your income goals 

[08:27] How we sabotage and blow out our income goals despite having a working strategy

[11:48] The analogy of I Blew It Show on trauma and emotion around money

[13:00] What happens when we manifest the money we want with unhealed traumas

[17:11] Losing your sense of self and getting hijacked by the sub-personalities  

[22:23] Emotional intelligence and how we react from a hypermasculine and wounded place

[25:05] Changing your behavior and sub-personalities from the inside out 

[25:57] My trauma experience and how it impacted my career and business life 

[30:12] We have different ancestral stories, and they shape who we are and our traumas 

[32:33] Doing the inner work and going deeper into your psyche to change the game

[34:04] Master class: The Seven Emotions That Hold Us Back  From Saving, Investing, and Increasing Income

[37:10] Parenting and acknowledging our own fears and emotional states 

[39:11] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • It’s absolutely possible to want something and energetically block it. 
  • We try to get rid of something when we don’t feel safe with it
  • Changing our behavior is always from the inside out
  • Our progress is completely dependent on our thinking process, traumas, and ancestral stories.
  • It’s the things that we don’t know that hold us back 
  • The brain is hardwired to notice fear because the feeling of fear is what kept our ancestors alive 
Let’s Connect  Vangile Makwakwa





Episode 68: What happens when expansion is the trigger

54m · Published 19 May 07:42

In this week’s podcast, I talk about how the very idea of expansion can be a trigger for us and can actually cause us to shut down.

The fear of expanding beyond our family and community is a common fear. Most of us have a sense of dread about this, and the reasons behind this go back to our childhood experiences. To some of us, it comes as fear of rejection and being othered when we expand beyond our tribe, and to some of us, it can feel like our expansion is a betrayal and we are abandoning our families which can prevent us from connecting with our income goals. 

Expansion, especially in collective cultures, can often trigger family dynamics and sibling rivalry, leading to resentment and anger within the family unit, thus creating a barrier to moving forward and keeping you stuck in the past. The fear of expanding is rooted in trauma.

Join the conversation with your host Vangile Makwakwa as she shares more about expansions, family dynamics, and the concept of generation wealth. She also shares her childhood trauma that makes it unsafe for her to achieve and expand beyond her mother, how it has played out in her life, and her inner work toward healing.  


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[03:32] Today’s focus: Expansion and family dynamics and creating generational wealth

[04:42] How to set income goals that connect with your body

[08:32] Vangile’s breakthrough from her inner work in reaching her income goal

[10:07] Feeling into your body and your income goals 

[11:30] Vangile’s experience with her new income goals and trauma triggers

[17:34] How fear holds us back and Vangile’s trauma experiences growing up 

[25:15] How expansions lead to family dynamics and sibling rivalry

[26:57] Inner child and teen triggers’ control over expansion

[28:11] It’s not safe to expand beyond my mother

[37:32] How the fear of achieving more has played out in her life

[44:18] The fear of leaving the village

[45:41] How to join the wealthy money magic course

[47:22] Why we tend to attract the mirrors of what we don’t heal 

[49:39] Expansion that feels like a betrayal to the very people we love

[51:03] Join the Wealthy Money master class; Emotional Intelligence Around Money

[52:54] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 
  • The body never lies, you can create goals, but it all comes down to the body.
  • As you work through your beliefs, the way you respond to situations starts to shift.
  • The role of fear and anxiety is to keep you stuck
  • Awareness and healing are two different concepts 
  • We tend to attract the mirrors of the traumas that we don't heal.
  • Healing on vast levels leads to the most incredible insights and life changes.
Let’s Connect  Vangile Makwakwa





Episode 67: Why there is no formula to healing trauma

26m · Published 13 May 07:03

In last week’s podcast episode, I spoke about the fear of not having enough and running out of money. This week I share a podcast episode I did a while back when I was in Sri Lanka on why we do the inner work and why there’s no formula to healing.

Even though I don’t mention it in this podcast, I do believe resting and taking days off to focus on pleasure and taking time off for integration is part of doing the inner work. 

In this podcast I talk about why healing has no formula and why what works for one person on their healing journey, may not work for the next person, even if they are from the same family and have similar experiences. I also explain why money isn’t just about good thoughts and having great energy but is also about the practical things and making sure that you’re taking aligned action and why you need to be actively involved in your own healing.

Join me, your host Vangile Makwakwa, as I unpack why everyone’s healing journey looks different and why this needs to be honored. This episode will shed light for you if you've been following all the people and doing all the things and not seeing a shift.

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[02:06] Vangile in Sri Lanka and talking about yoga

[04:00] Today’s topic: Why we do the inner work and why we do it daily

[05:00] The difference between healing and intellectual pursuits

[06:51]  There is no one size fits all in healing

[09:09]  There’s no such thing as a formula when it comes to healing trauma

[10:37]  Think about this in terms of weight loss

[13:01]  You need to be actively involved in changing your behavior

[15:52]  There needs to be some kind of practicality

[17:11]  We also need to help the universe a little

[19:00]  Money is not purely mystical

[19:51]  This is how we create #MoneyMagic

[21:00]  What works for you, may not work for someone else

[24:34] Podcast ending

Notable Quotes 
  • When we talk about doing the deep inner healing and work, we are talking about going into the trauma itself, going into your body, sitting with that and healing
  • There’s no such thing as a formula when it comes to healing trauma
  • You’ve lived years of your life reacting in the same manner, having the same issues, the same dramas around money and you think reacting the same way for the last 20 years, that you’re going to incidentally clear that in 5 minutes
  • What often happens is that the expansion itself gives birth to another limit we’ve got, it brings up other limiting beliefs we’ve got
  • Money is just a spiritual or mental thing, it’s also an earthly thing
  • What are you doing today to make sure that tomorrow your finances have changed
  • You are part of this creation process. You have to show up for your own healing.
Let’s Connect  Vangile Makwakwa







Money Magic Podcast has 95 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 110:18:05. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 19th, 2024 17:11.

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