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Pelvic PT Rising

by Nicole Cozean, PT, DPT, WCS & Jesse Cozean

Helping pelvic physical therapists improve as clinicians, in their careers or business, and their lives. Hosted by Dr. Nicole Cozean and Jesse Cozean, the founders of PelvicSanity physical therapy and the Pelvic PT Huddle, the podcast explores all aspects of pelvic physical therapy. You'll find the clinical pearls that Dr. Nicole teaches in her continuing education courses, the business and career advice that catapulted PelvicSanity into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country, and living life as business owners and pelvic health advocates. And we'll be keeping it 100% real - and having some fun - along the way!

Copyright: © 2024 Pelvic PT Rising


10 Biggest PelvicSanity Business Mistakes (Ugh!)

42m · Published 30 May 06:00

We've been promising it for a while now, but here are 10 huge mistakes we've made as PelvicSanity business owners.

As painful as many of these are to relive, we hope you learn from them.

The reason we do business coaching is to create the resources and help we wish had been available for ourselves! There are always going to be mistakes in business and things you would do differently in hindsight, but we'd love for you to learn from our mistakes instead of making them all yourselves!

Now that we've seen 500+ pelvic health businesses, we know where the pitfalls are.

We've divided these into two groups - mistakes made as a solopreneur and those involving employees.

By the way, hiring, onboarding, training and leading a team is a completely different skill set - as we always say, what got you here won't get you there!

Accelerator Program

If you're looking to take your business to the next level by the end of 2024, make sure you're on the Wait List for the Business Accelerator Program!

We've already taken 200+ businesses through this six-month coaching intensive, with another 100 already on the wait list for this cohort. Learn how to fill your schedule, streamline your systems and achieve Clinical Excellence for your patients! Details and wait list open at

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Happier at Work #4 - Are you working in the right place?

30m · Published 27 May 06:00

Is where you work working for you? If it is, we need to celebrate it. If not, it might be time to look for another position.

Let's start with this - no position is perfect. The best setting, time with patients, flexibility scheduling, reduced documentation, stress, quality of management, job responsibilities, fun coworkers, nice treatment rooms, great patient population....the list of things goes on and on.

So what's most important to you? Our advice is to make a list of your top-3 attributes.

In our annual 'State of Pelvic Health' survey, we asked this question - on average, here were the results:

  • Treatment time with patients - 80%
  • Flexible hours or working less than 40 hours per week - 73%
  • Relationship with your manager and coworkers - 58%
  • Clinical mentorship + growth - 41%
  • Maximum pay - 33%

But these are averages, your top-3 will be different. And these can change depending on your time in life!

We certainly know our priorities shifted with Clay!

This is where self-awareness is so important. Find a position that offers the things that are most important to you. If your current position is doing that, then celebrate it and let the little irritations go (no job is perfect). If it's not - and they can't change - it might be time to look for something else!

Downtraining & Vagus Nerve Masterclass

For those interested in learning more about working with the nervous system, check out the Downtraining and Vagus Nerve Treatment Masterclasses! With Downtraining, we take a broad look at the three different types of downtraining to use with your patients. In the Vagus Nerve masterclass (, we take a deep dive into specific vagus nerve techniques you can use with all your patients.

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

10 Ways Cash-Based Practices INCREASE Access to Care

34m · Published 23 May 13:00

We hear it from PT schools, insurance-based practices and even worry about this as cash-based business owners - are we 'decreasing access to care' by not contracting with insurance companies?

The rise of cash practices has dramatically INCREASED access to care over the last 5-10 years. It's driven the rapid growth of our specialty and field.

It's not to say we don't need insurance-based practices. We absolutely do. Increased choice is important to provide the best care to patients.

But we also need cash-based services if we want to increase access to care. We're no longer apologizing for charging for our services!

  1. Reducing long wait times -If you have to wait 3 months to get into a pelvic therapy appointment, many people won't go
  2. Distance -Opening new practices reduces the distance some people have to drive to get help
  3. Longer appointments -For those who have to travel, being able to offer 2-hour (or longer) appointments maximizes the benefit of their trip
  4. Calm, peaceful setting -Cash practices generally are set up for pelvic therapy and can be quieter, calmer places for healing
  5. Transparent, fair pricing -Most people now have high deductibles, and until those deductibles are met are often surprised by (artificially) high bills
  6. Full plans of care -At cash practices no one is discharged early because they have run out of insurance benefits
  7. Home visits & telehealth -Cash practices can be more nimble and offer different types of appointments to increase access to care
  8. Community education & social media -The single biggest growth in our field has been cash-based practices educating the public
  9. Provider education -Changing minds with meetings and training
  10. Reducing burnout -By providing great places to work, we reduce burnout and keep talent therapists in the field longer, helping more people

Accelerator Program

If you're a business owner looking to take things to the next level, get on the wait list for the Accelerator Program ( Doors open in June, so don't miss out!

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Happier at Work #3: 3 Easy Happiness Boosts at the Office

21m · Published 20 May 06:00

Continuing our series on 'Happier at Work', we have 3 easy tips to improve your work experience.

If we decide work can be a source of fulfillment, growth and purpose then it's incumbent on us to do the little things to make it as good as possible!

Here are three suggestions from this 'sode to get your mind working...

  1. Take the initiative and plan something. You have a big impact on the culture of your workplace. Get your coworkers together for a Happy Hour. Recently at PelvicSanity one of our team got the staff to go out to an improv show. Remember people's birthdays and do a little something for them. We tell our team at PelvicSanity we want you to contribute to a culture you want to work in!
  2. Get outside for a walk. Make sure you're seeing some (hopefully) sun each day. This can be solo or as a group. Decide whether you want to listen to a podcast or just enjoy the quiet. But this can be a great lunch reset!
  3. Spruce up your workspace. We love seeing our team take the initiative to make their workspace their own. Obviously within reason and keeping the aesthetics of the practice, but find a way to bring some happiness into your space. We have team members with their wedding picture, a rock collection from their travels, a little table lamp they love - find something to make your place just a little more homey!

We hope you're enjoying this series on Happier at Work. We all spend a lot of time at the office. Let's make it great!

Downtraining & Vagus Nerve Masterclass

For those interested in learning more about working with the nervous system, check out the Downtraining and Vagus Nerve Treatment Masterclasses! With Downtraining, we take a broad look at the three different types of downtraining to use with your patients. In the Vagus Nerve masterclass (, we take a deep dive into specific vagus nerve techniques you can use with all your patients.

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

The CEO Mindset: An Interview with Hannah Strom

41m · Published 16 May 06:00

We dive into community workshops, a CEO mindset, leading a team and integrating your past experience into your Clinical Ethos in this 'sode! You won't want to miss this conversation with Hannah!

Hannah is a member of the CEO Boardroom Program and a Rising Coach for other business owners - in this 'sode, you'll hear why her experience is so valuable for others who are growing their own practice.

On the clinical side, you'll hear how Hannah has integrated her yoga practice and Eastern medicine techniques into her pelvic health practice. We discuss how to use your past experience and integrate it into your current clinical Ethos in this 'sode.

On the business side, in just the last year Hannah has added three new clinicians to her practice while working as a Rising Coach and expanding her space. She's truly on a rocket path of growth.

This is something she always knew she wanted to do, and now she's bringing other business owners along as she coaches and mentors in the Rising Program.

We can't wait for you to hear her secrets to business success and her business 'superpower' in this episode!

Awake Pelvic Health

Make sure you're following Hannah @awakepelvichealth and check out what she's doing at!

Accelerator Cohort - Opens in June

If you're interested in transforming your business over the next six months, make sure you're on the wait list for the Accelerator Cohort! Kat is going to be one of our coaches, and participants have added (on average) more than $50,000 per year to their business while becoming more confident and enjoying the growth process. All the info and wait list at!

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Happier at Work #2: The Myth of "Work-Life Balance"

30m · Published 13 May 06:00

Is the term 'work-life balance' actually making us unhappier? This 'sode explores how to be happier at work and build actual balance into your life.

The assumption when we use the phrase 'work-life balance' is that work takes away from 'life.' Every minute spent working subtracts from your happiness. The only way to be happier is to work less. Except we have to work. So work is a necessary evil, to be endured, so we can 'live' outside our work hours.

Seems like a pretty bleak perspective, doesn't it?

We reframe this conversation, discuss how work can actually contribute to your happiness and how to stay engaged and passionate as we get to help others.

Some tough love and honest conversation around burnout, stress, different seasons of life and how to love your work and your life outside work.

Downtraining & Vagus Nerve Masterclass

For those interested in learning more about working with the nervous system, check out the Downtraining and Vagus Nerve Treatment Masterclasses! With Downtraining, we take a broad look at the three different types of downtraining to use with your patients. In the Vagus Nerve masterclass (, we take a deep dive into specific vagus nerve techniques you can use with all your patients.

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Enjoy the Business Process: An Interview with Kat Terrian

50m · Published 09 May 06:00

Can you become a successful solopreneur, prioritize your family and create a business that truly works for you...all while enjoying the process?

In this 'sode you'll hear from Kat Terrian, Rising coach and founder of Rythm Pelvic Health. She made the deliberate choice to stay as a solopreneur (even when she could have easily continued to grow) because it fit her life and priorities.

Kat's practice grew more slowly in the beginning than she would have preferred. She was doing all the right things, but wasn't having instant success. Instead of panicking, Kat doubled down on what she could control, built amazing foundations and eventually her business exploded (almost 'overnight').

One of Kat's business (and coaching) superpowers is her self-awareness and insight. It's not just about building a business; it's about enjoying the process.

Kat has an amazing personal story of coping with burnout, designing her business and experimenting with what truly worked for her. She brings that same insight to our business coaching programs, and we're so lucky to have her.

Enjoy the conversation, and enjoy the process!

Kat Terrian

You can connect with Kat @rythm.pelvichealth or at She's coaching again in Cohort #3 of the Accelerator Program (open in June)!

Accelerator Cohort - Opens in June

If you're interested in transforming your business over the next six months, make sure you're on the wait list for the Accelerator Cohort! Kat is going to be one of our coaches, and participants have added (on average) more than $50,000 per year to their business while becoming more confident and enjoying the growth process. All the info and wait list at!

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Happier at Work: 3 Mental Habits for Better Work Life

23m · Published 06 May 06:00

This month, we're going to be doing a series on 'Happier at Work.' Our rates of stress and burnout are high. If we want long, productive careers where we help the most people we have to be taking care of ourselves!

In this 'sode we go through 3 mental habits Nicole has used to practice for nearly 20 years and that we try and cultivate in our team at PelvicSanity.

First is being ready to receive your patient. If you're rushing into work at the last minute you can feel behind, rushed or frenetic all day. That's extra stress and it means you aren't providing the best possible care for your people. We recommend arriving at least 10 minutes before your first patient, getting settled in, taking time to review your caseload and feel settled yourself so you can receive your patient.

Next is a reset ritual. This is a way to mentally reset between patients. You can leave the last session behind, refocus, and be ready to meet the challenges of your next patient. We find this skill to be critical in pelvic health when we deal with such a wide variety of patients.

Finally, count your wins! We start every staff meeting at PelvicSanity by having each team member go through their wins. As humans, we bias towards negativity. Many of us are (hopefully recovering) perfectionists. We dwell on the person who flared, or who got frustrated, or who isn't improving as quickly as we wanted. Instead of focusing on all of the success stories, people we've helped or positive outcomes. So ask yourself at the end of the day - 'what were the wins'? When you start looking for the positive, you'll find it!

Downtraining & Vagus Nerve Masterclass

For those interested in learning more about working with the nervous system, check out the Downtraining and Vagus Nerve Treatment Masterclasses! With Downtraining, we take a broad look at the three different types of downtraining to use with your patients. In the Vagus Nerve masterclass (, we take a deep dive into specific vagus nerve techniques you can use with all your patients.

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 500+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Invest In Your Team: An Interview with Brittany Sargent

48m · Published 02 May 06:00

Fascinating conversation with Rising business coach and CEO Boardroom member Brittaney Sargent! A leader in the OT space, she's built a multi-site, 5-clinician, multi-disciplinary practice in just the last three years. And all coming off maternity leave with three little ones at home!

We discuss her clinical philosophy, why she works with 'clients' and not patients, how to run a multi-disciplinary team of OTs and PTs, and how she invests back in her team to create an amazing place to work. We'll also talk about the pros and cons of a multi-site practice, how she mentors her team and how coaching others in the business has improved her own business skills.

Can't wait for you to hear this wide-ranging conversation with Brittaney and learn about what has fueled her incredible growth!

Business Accelerator

If you're a business owner looking to take your practice to the next level, make sure you're on the Wait List for the next cohort of the Business Accelerator Program! It opens in June. Participants feel more confident in their business journey and add - on average - more than $50,000 in revenue to their business. Check it out at!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Vagus Nerve Treatment - Not Just for Pelvic Pain

22m · Published 29 Apr 06:00

When many of think about nervous system downregulation and treatment, pelvic pain springs to mind. But this is something that is critical for all types of patients.

Nervous system safety is a prerequisite to healing!

Intellectually I think we would all agree with that, but often we jump into treating diagnoses like incontinence, prolapse, constipation and more without ensuring our patients are firmly inside a 'Zone of Safety'. It's definitely both/and, not either/or!

Vagus nerve treatment techniques are one of our most potent tools for creating this, regardless of the patient's diagnosis!

Vagus Nerve Masterclass

For those listening on the day this 'sode drops, it's the final day to register for the Vagus Nerve Treatment Masterclass (! Registration closes at 8pm (Pacific) tonight - really hope to see you there!

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!

Pelvic PT Rising has 761 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 410:52:36. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 1st, 2024 13:41.

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