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Express Your Wonders

by Bronwyn Corkery

A discussion about the fears and anxiety that hold us back from living the lives we are meant to live.

Copyright: Bronwyn Corkery


Honesty: The Power of Being True to Yourself

11m · Published 12 Mar 08:24

Episode Summary:

In the latest heartfelt episode of "Express Your Wonders," host Bronwyn Corkery delves into the complex and intimate themes surrounding honesty, self-awareness, and personal growth. The show kickstarts with an encouraging affirmational resource offered to listeners, setting a tone of supportive introspection and self-improvement.

Bronwyn weaves personal anecdotes and reflections around the powerful lyrics of Billy Joel, using the song "Honesty" as a springboard to discuss the difficulties and importance of being truthful with oneself and others. The host navigates through a series of evocative ruminations, from understanding their own childhood experiences to realizing the empowering effect of self-acceptance and courage. With a masterful mix of narrative and emotive storytelling, Bronwyn invites listeners on a journey of confronting fear, embracing vulnerability, and striving towards genuine fulfillment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Music and Interpretation:How the personal impact of a song, such as Billy Joel's "Honesty," can evoke varied emotional responses and lead to deeper introspection.
  • Honesty with Self:The significance of confronting one's own feelings and being honest internally to catalyze personal growth and self-understanding.
  • Embracing Uncomfortable Feelings:Encouragement to face and accept difficult emotions as part of the process of overcoming fear and limiting beliefs.
  • Empowerment through Wonder:Using thoughtful self-inquiry, or "expressing wonders," as a method to navigate life’s challenges and grow stronger.
  • The Value of Vulnerability:Acknowledging the strength found in vulnerability and the ability to communicate openly about one's needs and feelings.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Being honest with yourself is something I say from the heart of someone who has been a people pleaser most of her life and has faced so many challenges with fear, fear of losing love, fear of facing the unknown, fear of embarrassment, fear of trying something new, and so on."
  • "It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to be imperfect. It's okay to fail."
  • "I wonder how I'd feel if, instead of trying to bury those feelings deep down once again, if I approached that child inside of me..."
  • "Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue, honesty is hardly ever heard, and mostly what I need from you."
  • "Expressing this wonder, I feel empowered. I feel brave. I feel supported."
  • Daily affirmation cards download link:
  • Social Media Handles: @express.your.wonders
  • Express Your Wonders Podcast Community:


For a dose of candid self-reflection, tune into the full episode of "Express Your Wonders" where host Bronwyn Corkery takes you through an authentic exploration of life's deeper truths guided by the timeless tunes of Billy Joel — and remember, your own honesty just might be the key to unlocking a happier, healthier you. Stay connected for more thought-provoking content and transformative discussions on the journey to self-discovery.

Healing Journey: Overcoming Childhood Criticism

26m · Published 05 Mar 09:30

Episode Summary:

Welcome to an enlightening episode where host Bronwyn Corkery delves deep into understanding the long-term effects of judgment and criticism. Experience a journey that explores the roots of these behaviors, their impact on our childhood, and how they manifest into adulthood, shaping our self-perception and decision-making abilities.

In this episode, Bronwyn shares her reflective thoughts on how growing up in a judgmental environment can instill self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. She differentiates between beneficial judgment skills and damaging unsolicited negative judgments that can lead to a lifelong battle with self-worth. Discover ways to counter these negative influences and how to practice self-kindness and empathy. The conversation also casts light on historical perspectives that have influenced parenting styles and the resulting intergenerational transmission of critical behaviors.

Bronwyn offers a powerful testimonial of the personal impacts of her upbringing, navigating feelings of unworthiness, and overcoming the drive for perfectionism. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging past experiences to reshape present perceptions and reactions. Utilizing mindful cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, the host guides listeners through an exercise designed to challenge self-judgment and foster self-compassion.

Key Takeaways:

  • The distinction between constructive judgment and harmful criticism and their respective impacts on child development.
  • Acknowledging personal history is crucial in overcoming feelings of self-doubt and learning to trust oneself.
  • Strategies for dealing with negative self-talk, including reframing judgmental thoughts and practicing affirmations.
  • Understanding that the roots of parental criticism often stem from societal pressures and intergenerational habits.
  • Engaging in practices like curiosity and reframing thoughts can lead to greater peace and a reduction of stress associated with judgment.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Judgment is good. We need our judgment skills to be able to predict potential danger or in making an important decision."
  • "The good news is there's steps we can take to turn the negative feelings around and conclude that we are, in fact, good enough."
  • "My method was to overprotect their feelings."
  • "If you can also identify with these feelings, here's one exercise to try that was adapted from mindful cognitive behavioral therapy."
  • "Remember, judgment usually comes when a person doesn't have all the facts."

Tune in for the full episode to gain insight into transforming judgment and criticism into a path toward self-acceptance and love. Bronwyn Corkery's deeply personal and professional reflections offer listeners a chance to embrace a new perspective on how our experiences shape us and how we can choose to respond to them. Stay connected for more episodes that promise to enlighten and empower your journey.


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Building Strong Relationships Through Understanding and Mutual Influence

28m · Published 27 Feb 09:58

About the Guest:

Rocco Ricci is an accomplished professional with a specialization in operational development within the healthcare sector. Currently serving as the Operational Development Director at a hospital in New Hampshire, Rocco brings a wealth of experience in organizational dynamics and staff training. He is notable for implementing innovative programs like 'Understanding Personalities at Work', where he has categorized personality styles into four groups: red, blue, green, and yellow, providing valuable insights into team interactions and individual behaviors in a professional setting.

Episode Summary:

This episode of "Express Your Wonders" with host Bronwyn Corkery features a deep dive into the intricacies of personality traits in the workplace and beyond. Rocco Ricci returns to shed light on the ways these traits influence our interactions and offers strategies for harmonious collaboration despite differences. Bronwyn begins by sharing her engagement with Rocco's philosophy and how she's discovered her own personality style to be predominantly 'blue'.

The episode paints a detailed portrait of how dominant personality traits, categorized into four color-coded styles, shape our communication patterns, tolerance for disorder, and approach to time management. Listeners will find Rocco unraveling the mystery behind the adage 'opposites attract' and exploring the dynamics between different personality styles. The crux of the conversation revolves around achieving mutual understanding, being open to others' perspectives, and working toward meaningful relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding different personality styles is pivotal for enhanced relationships and reduced conflicts.
  • The four main personality styles (red, blue, green, yellow) influence how people communicate and relate to one another.
  • Opposites can attract in relationships due to the inherent value found in complementary traits.
  • Active, genuine listening and openness to influence are essential for moving beyond mere understanding to deep connection.
  • Relationships deepen when individuals accept and respect differences, fostering a safe space for discourse and personal growth.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Understanding and respecting different personality styles in the workplace and personal life is crucial for improved interactions and reducing conflicts." - Bronwyn Corkery
  • "No one personality is right and no one is wrong; just a different perspective." - Bronwyn Corkery
  • "If you're willing to understand me and you still disagree with me... you're willing to understand, but not willing to go any further, that reveals a very thinly disguised judgment about the other person." - Rocco Ricci
  • "Are they willing to see that that's how they're behaving?" - Rocco Ritchie
  • "We're not trying to change a person to think like us or be like us, but we're trying to influence each other to expand the way in which we can accept each other." - Rocco Ritchie
  • Rocco Ricci's bio and the personality styles assessment are not explicitly listed with URLs in the transcript, hence URL information is unavailable.
  • Bronwyn Corkery encourages following the podcast/webinar series on social media handles, which were not specified with exact URLs in the transcript.


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Understanding Different Personality Styles: A Key to Better Relationships

44m · Published 20 Feb 09:34

About the Guest:

Rocco Ricci is featured as the guest in this podcast episode. Holding the role of Organizational Development (OD) Director at a hospital in New Hampshire, Rocco brings a wealth of knowledge on team dynamics and communication strategies. With experience leading programs focused on understanding personalities at work, he melds his professional insights with practical applications for improving both work teams and personal relationships. His key program, "Understanding Personalities at Work," showcases his expertise in aiding individuals to recognize and harmonize various personality styles.

Episode Summary:

In the latest installation of the podcast "Express your Wonders," host Bronwyn Corkery engages with an intriguing topic sure to resonate with anyone looking to enhance their interpersonal connections. The episode delves deep into the intricacies of personality styles and how they shape our interactions at work and home. With a special appearance by Rocco Ricci, an expert in organizational development, listeners are in for an educational treat that promises to shed new light on daily dynamics.

Rocco Ricci enlightens us with a deep dive into the four color-coded personality styles - red, blue, green, and yellow - each with distinct ways of thinking, reacting, and perceiving the world. Corkery and Ricci navigate the conversation through the nuances of these personality types, emphasizing respect for each person's perspective as key to harmonious relations. With a breakdown of each personality style, the episode encourages listeners to self-reflect and identify their own dominant traits, as well as those of people around them.

Key takeaways:

  • Four main personality styles are color-coded as red, blue, green, and yellow, and everyone possesses traits from all four, though one may be more dominant.
  • Understanding and respecting different personality styles in the workplace and personal life is crucial for improved interactions and reducing conflicts.
  • Our environment and role in different contexts may influence how dominantly we exhibit traits of a particular personality style.
  • Recognizing the relative nature of perspectives helps us to have empathy and adapt our communication for better collaboration with others.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Everybody has all four personality types that we talk about in the program."
  • "So, for example, a high red person will be more likely to speak without thinking. ... Whereas a high blue person will think and think and think, but not speak."
  • "When you really get into it, it's a miracle that people can get along at all."
  • "All weaknesses are our strengths overused."
  • "The only way we can really empathize or understand how others see the world is when we are willing to take our lens off and put the other one on."


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Engage with the fascinating interplay of personality styles as presented in "Express your Wonders" with Bronwyn Corkery and special guest, Rocco Ricci. This insightful episode unveils the colors of our personalities and teaches us how to harmonize a spectrum of traits for more productive and understanding relationships. Tune in for the full episode and keep an ear out for next week's continuation of this compelling topic – where the secret to a 37-year marriage amidst different personality styles is revealed.

Changing the Rules: Trusting Your Intuition and Following Your Own Path

25m · Published 13 Feb 09:01

About the Host:

Bronwyn Corkery is the host of "Express Your Wonders" podcast. Though she doesn't boast traditional credentials such as bestselling books, Bronwyn brings a wealth of passion and personal experience to the table. Her mission is to challenge limiting beliefs and offer support to listeners who may feel isolated in their struggles. Bronwyn's topics are often centered around personal growth, overcoming fears, and pursuing meaningful connections in life.

Episode Summary: In this heartfelt episode of "Express Your Wonders," host Bronwyn Corkery delves into the reflections on self-doubt, educational struggles, and religious upbringing. With vivid storytelling, Bronwyn crafts a narrative that many can resonate with, especially those grappling with fear of judgment and the desire to fit in. The conversation evolves from discussing the challenges of online courses and feelings of inadequacy, to cherished memories of punchball games and church laughter.

Bronwyn shares her personal journey through the lens of her childhood education influenced by the Catholic Church's teachings and her experiences as a person with undiagnosed ADHD. The episode addresses the conflict between religious doctrine and personal belief, as well as the challenges of embracing one's faith amid changing rules and interpretations. Using stories from her life, she brings to light the importance of carving out one's own understanding and path in life, providing an insightful and relatable perspective for many listeners.

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal growth often involves challenging the limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our capabilities.
  • Fear of judgment can significantly inhibit our willingness to engage with new experiences and opportunities.
  • Bronwyn's account of her religious upbringing emphasizes the dissonance between personal faith and institutional dogma.
  • The power of self-care and self-love is underscored; we must take care of ourselves before we can effectively care for others.
  • The necessity for individual interpretation of faith and the courage to follow one's own path are highlighted.

Notable Quotes:

  • "If you have a dream in your heart, don't listen to the old lies that tell you it's not for you, or you don't get to chase it. Go for it. Chase it."
  • "Life isn't always easy, but we were meant to feel joy and love. Most of all, to love ourselves."
  • "I grew up learning about a pretty scary God. Praying was always a struggle for me."
  • "You need to love yourself and take care of yourself before you can take care of others. You're definitely worth it."
  • "In the final analysis, it is between you and your God. It was never between you and them anyway."


  • Etsy Shop: ExpressYourWondersExpressYourWonders Etsy Shop
  • Promo Code: PODCAST15 for a 15% discount on the Etsy shop
  • Instagram and Facebook:@ExpressYourWonders
  • Facebook Group:ExpressYourWonders Podcast Community

Encourage your sense of self-worth and explore the depths of personal belief by listening to this profound episode of "Express Your Wonders." Bronwyn Corkery's candid reflections will resonate with many as she addresses the concerns of inadequacy and anxiety that so many of us face. Tune in for more enlightening content that will embolden you to chase your dreams and to live by your own truths.

From Anxiety to Empowerment: Lucy Wood's Path to Self-Discovery

45m · Published 06 Feb 11:00

About the Guest:

Lucy Wood is a passionate and creative artist, contributing her talents as a singer and songwriter. The multifaceted aspect of her career is seen in her ability to convey deep emotions and connect with her audience through her music. She is notably recognized for her written and performed song featured in the podcast's intro and outro, showcasing her unique skills. Moreover, Lucy is an advocate for mental health awareness, channeling her personal experiences into her lyrical compositions to inspire and comfort others. In her journey, she has navigated the complexities of the music industry, leading her to collaborate with other artists across New York City and Los Angeles. Presently, Lucy is actively engaged in the SKIT program, where she utilizes her music and creativity to work closely with the special needs community, further underlining her dedication to using her talents for communal healing and growth.

Episode Summary:

In this heartfelt and inspiring episode, Bronwyn Corkery invites her niece, the talented singer and songwriter Lucy Wood, to share her musical journey and advocacy work. Lucy candidly discusses the ups and downs of pursuing her passion for music, her personal battles with anxiety, and her dedication to helping others through her talents.

Lucy recounts the natural inclination she always had towards music, manifested since her high school days when she began writing songs that closely tied with her emotional experiences. Faced with the challenges of the music industry and personal self-doubt due to societal pressures, Lucy provides an authentic look at the realities of working towards a creative dream. She also delves into how her dedication to creativity has led her to the SKIT program, where she empowers individuals in the special needs community by fusing her love for music and teaching.

Key Takeaways:

  • Following your passion for creativity can lead to fulfilling work that goes beyond personal success, extending to community support and growth.
  • Overcoming personal struggles such as anxiety and fear is a continuous journey that requires perseverance and self-compassion.
  • The SKIT program exemplifies how utilizing one's talents can positively impact diverse communities and enrich the lives of both the artist and the audience.
  • Discussing mental health openly, especially within a family context, is necessary for healing and understanding shared experiences.
  • The music and entertainment industries are challenging landscapes that require resilience and a strong sense of self to navigate successfully.

Notable Quotes:

  • "I think it's a lot that I'm so grateful for and proud of that I did, especially going into that, just believing in yourself."
  • "The only way to face it was to do it. And now I'm able to take the train again just fine."
  • "We really are never alone...I truly believe each and every one of us are so very divinely protected."
  • "Don't let fear stop you from doing something that'll make you happy."


  • Lucy Wood's social media: Instagram handle "@lucywoodmusic"
  • SKIT Programs:Skit Programs
  • Drink Water (featuring Jon Batiste, Jon Bellion and Fireboy DML)
  • Book Recommendation: The Answer is Simple: Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit, By: Sonia Choquette
  • And look for Lucy Wood Music on Spotify

Join us in this episode to explore the rich tapestry of Lucy Wood's artistic path, her profound insights on overcoming personal fears, and her positively impactful work with the SKIT program. Let Lucy's story inspire you to embrace your passions and make a significant difference in your own life and the lives of others. Stay tuned for more episodes that promise to ignite your spirit and feed your soul with valuable lessons and conversations.

The Power of Acknowledging and Nurturing Your Inner Child

13m · Published 30 Jan 12:00


In this episode, the Bronwyn discusses anxiety and the importance of acknowledging and healing unresolved trauma. Inspired by Dr. Russell Kennedy's insights on anxiety, the Bronwyn shares personal experiences and strategies for managing anxiety. She emphasizes the significance of understanding that anxiety is not just a feeling or a mental state but an old energy stuck in the body. Bronwyn highlights the concept of "small t trauma" and how seemingly insignificant childhood experiences can have lasting effects on mental health. She encourages listeners to seek professional help and support to address the root causes of anxiety and trauma.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Anxiety is an old energy stuck in the body, often stemming from unresolved trauma.
  2. "Small t trauma" refers to seemingly insignificant childhood experiences that can have lasting effects on mental health.
  3. Acknowledging and healing unresolved trauma is essential for managing anxiety.
  4. Seek professional help and support to address the root causes of anxiety and trauma.


  • "Anxiety isn't a feeling or just in your mind. It's an old energy that is stuck inside your body."
  • "Trauma that you think is something that shouldn't bother you, but it does."
  • "The child we were is still inside us, still needs to be nurtured and cared for in a way that only we know what we need."
  • "Don't settle for coping with anxiety. Reach out and get whatever help you need to get to the root of it."

Anxiety RX Podcast:
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From Actor to Advocate: How Improv Changed Lives

42m · Published 23 Jan 11:00

**About The Guest(s):**

Jody Wood is an actor, comedian, teacher, and coach. He is the founder of SKIT (Special Kind of Improvisational Theater), a program that uses improv techniques to build confidence and empower individuals with special needs. Jody has a passion for helping others and believes in the power of improv to change lives.


In this episode, Jody Wood shares his journey from being a professional actor to starting SKIT, a program that uses improv techniques to empower individuals with special needs. He discusses the challenges he faced growing up and how he found his passion for acting. Jody also talks about the impact of childhood trauma and the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance. He shares inspiring stories of how improv has changed lives and emphasizes the importance of being yourself and following your dreams.

**Key Takeaways:**

- Improv techniques can be powerful tools for building confidence and empowering individuals with special needs.

- Childhood trauma, no matter how small, can have a lasting impact on a person's self-esteem and confidence.

- It's important to be open to self-awareness and self-acceptance in order to overcome the negative beliefs and false narratives we may have about ourselves.

- Following your passion and doing what makes you happy is essential for living a fulfilling life.

- Don't be afraid to take chances and pivot when necessary. Life may take unexpected turns, but embracing change can lead to new opportunities and personal growth.


- "Two words in improv: Yes. And. Two most important words. Two simple words that can literally change lives." - Jody Wood

- "You can get through anything if you find the right tools." - Jody Wood

- "Be yourself. Be yourself. Don't be afraid to be yourself." - Jody Wood

- "Do it scared. If you're feeling nervous or scared to take a step toward your dreams, take a breath and believe in yourself." - Jody Wood

- "Life isn't easy. Everyone has something that holds them back. But just remember, you can do it. You can follow your dreams and you deserve it." - Jody Wood


Song on the Spot -

Instagram - @skitprograms

Facebook - SKIT - Special Kind of Improvisational Theater

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Embracing a Brand New You

15m · Published 16 Jan 12:00

About The Host:

Bronwyn Corkery is the host of the Express Your Wonders podcast. She is a wife, mother, and someone with a lot of experience living with false beliefs. Through her podcast, she aims to help others overcome the limiting beliefs that hold them back from living their best lives.


Bronwyn Corkery shares her personal journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and finding her passion. She recounts how she started her podcast during the COVID-19 pandemic after losing her job and feeling inspired by a course on finding one's passion. Despite doubts and fears, she took the leap and started her podcast, only to pause it later due to overwhelm and burnout. After seeking therapy and rediscovering her passion, she decided to relaunch her podcast and continue sharing stories of personal growth and empowerment.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Overcoming limiting beliefs is a journey of self-discovery and growth.
  2. Taking time for self-care and reflection is essential for personal development.
  3. Finding inspiration in podcasts, music, and books can help in overcoming self-doubt.
  4. We are not alone in our struggles, and together we can overcome limiting beliefs.


  • "I've always kept quiet in fear of losing love."
  • "I'm not even sure what getting in trouble means."
  • "We are worthy, we are enough, and we got this."
  • "You're not alone. We're going to figure out how to get out of our limiting beliefs and start living our best lives."


Express Your Wonders Podcast Community on Facebook


2m · Published 14 Nov 11:00

Bronwyn has spent the last 3 years exploring the reasons behind anxiety the feeling of not feeling good enough to follow her own dreams. What she learned along the way has changed her life. On the Express Your Wonders Podcast you'll hear relatable stories and learn what strategies you can take to change your mindset to believe in the truth that you matter, you are worthy, and you are loved. Starting January 16th, 2024, Bronwyn will be here with you once a week with a new episode every Tuesday.

Express Your Wonders has 33 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 11:15:53. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 27th, 2024 14:40.

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