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Mind Your Subconscious

by Jennifer Schlueter

Mind Your Subconscious is the podcast that provides you with tips, tools and perspectives that you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality. We believe that the key to your dreams lies in your subconscious but we also know that not everything works for everyone. That is why we provide you with a variety of modalities you can use to get rid of your subconscious limiting beliefs, so you can make your dreams come true. Your host is hypnotherapist Jennifer Schlueter, who quit her job to travel the world while working online in 2016 after her first hypnosis session.

Copyright: Jennifer Schlueter


How to heal the emotional root cause of your physical symptoms - with Reenee Khanna

32m · Published 22 Apr 12:24

In this episode, Reenee and I spoke about

- how healing the emotional root cause can help your physical symptoms disappear

- how Reenee healed her knees after a doctor told her to stop dancing

- what auras are, how you can read them, and what you can read in them

- Ayurveda vs Western Herbalism

More about Reenee:

My name is Reenee Khanna, I’m a clinical herbalist and Ayurvedic advisor. For nearly a decade now, I’ve been helping people eliminate their chronic conditions by treating the root cause. And what I learned is the very thing causing your chronic condition is the limiting belief that holds you back from manifesting everything you want. Personally, I’ve gone from doctors telling me to give up my passion for dance due to knee problems..... to manifesting my dream to run my own dance school and teaching 8 hours a week. I went from experiencing exhaustion, anxiety, PTSD, nightmares and panic attacks to having multiple successful businesses and helping others manifest the life they've always wanted. I went from being in toxic relationship, a stay at home mom with no income to a thriving single mom, day trading stocks to support myself and my kids, buying a Tesla in cash and living in a gorgeous place in the neighbourhood of my dreams. My mission is to share the knowledge and wisdom I've learned about health and manifestation to help others also life in flow and thrive. Connect with Reenee here:

www.instagram.com/reenee.khanna https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe-AFALxsZN8-xTGtk9TyVg https://www.facebook.com/groups/loveyourmooncyclegroup https://www.tiktok.com/@reenee.khanna

S3 E13: My India trip - absolutely not what I expected - life update

34m · Published 26 Feb 05:55

In this episode, I talk about my trip to India and how I've completely shifted my thoughts on this country.

I was fortunate to spend 10 days in Bangalore, to visit my friend and her husband.

Listen in if you wanna hear about

- how I came with the wrong expectations

- the food (did I get Delhi belly?)

- the people

- the streets

- social dancing

- and more.

S3 E12: How to harness the energy of the dragon year 2024 - with Lisa Wynn

36m · Published 19 Feb 07:39

In this episode, Lisa Wynn and I talk about the Year of the Dragon - 2024.

The Year of the Dragon brings a background frequency that will insist on greater leadership, courage and creativity. It is going to provide immense potential for manifestation of our dreams if we bring forward, examine and enhance our relationship with power. It is time to remember who we came here to be.

We discussed the following questions and more:

What is the Year of the Dragon about?
Who will feel this energy the most?
Who will experience challenges?
How can we best harness this energy?
And how can we use this energy best in our


Lisa is a Master Certified Coach and Master Energy Worker who has studied and taught all over the world, kneeling at the feet of Eastern Masters and then being asked to mentor them in return. She has been studying the field of energetics for almost 30 years and has been a entrepreneur for as long. She combines kickass entrepreneurship with energetic mastery, deep spiritual practices, Human Design and work with Spirit Teams, Ascended Masters and more. Lisa has taught coaching and leadership in dozens of countries and many corporations, organisations and even a couple of governments and her work has won global awards for organisational impact and sustainability. She is a mum, a granny and a dog mum. Facebook Instagram Linked In CONVERGENCE Membership "Centred" - Power programme Email newsletter

S3 E11: Improve your sex life and experience more pleasure - with Mint, the Middle East's first pole dance studio owner

50m · Published 06 Feb 09:44

Where do I even begin with Mint...

She opened the first pole dance studio in the Middle East, which soon put her on a national and international stage.

She went abroad as the first young woman in her family.

She then quit her well established pole brand and studio to become a Somatic Sexologist.

In this episode, we talk about

- insecurities Mint had around her body and pleasure

- what Mint wishes women knew about sex and pleasure

- top 3 messages women inherit around their bodies and sex

- her #1 tip to experience more sexual pleasure

- what men struggle with when it comes to sex & pleasure

- what happened when Mint started conversations around sex and pleasure with her male friends

- how Somatic Sexology changed Mint's life

- and so much more.

Mint Elmokadm is a Somatic Sexologist and Pleasure-focused Sex Educator with a focus on empowering Middle Eastern women and couples worldwide. Known for her daring initiatives and international presence, Mint has been transforming lives through her unique approach to movement, teaching, and sexual education. Mint specialises in working with Middle Eastern woman and couples who feel stuck in their sexual lives. Her mission is to guide them in letting go, helping them identify their desires, and ultimately leading them towards more fulfilling connections with both their bodies and their partners.

Connect with Mint here:


S3, E10: Accelerate your purpose, elevate your relationships and finances with the Gene Keys - with Analena Fuchs

40m · Published 30 Jan 12:00

In this week’s episode, we welcome Analena Fuchs, who is a Human Design & Gene Keys Guide and do a deep dive into the Gene Keys.

  • How Analena got into the Gene Keys the second time around after returning the book

  • The history of the Gene Keys

  • Why should people know about Gene Keys

  • How the Gene Keys have helped Analena and her clients

  • How I (Jenny) use the Gene Keys - learning about emotions, fears, etc.

  • The Shadows, gifts, and siddhis

  • Finding your purpose through the Gene Keys through the Activation sequence

  • Better understanding your love life with the Gene Keys through the Venus sequence

  • Elevating your finances with the Gene keys through the Pearl sequence

  • and more.

Analena is a Human Design & Gene Keys Guide for Conscious Leaders who are craving more Ease, Flow and Prosperity in their Lives & Businesses.

On the frustrating path of following others "success" formula one day Human Design found her and changed everything for her.

The awareness that the 64 Archetypal Energies, which are integral parts of both Human Design & the Gene Keys, has brought to her was so mind-blowing, it has become her mission to share this wisdom far and wide.

Her areas of expertise are:

•All things Human Design & Gene Keys to create Abundance in all areas of Life

•Conscious Money

•The Lifechanging Magic of Slowing Down

•Manifestation from Feminine Flow

She has created many projects in collaboration with other Conscious Leaders, including the Aligned Living Human Design Certification, is the Founder of the Conscious Money Collective and also the host of the Art of Slowing Down Podcast which is gaining popularity in the Spiritual and Entrepreneurial Circles.

Learn more about Analena here:





Analena’s Money Romance Activation Infinity Healing:


S3 E9 - Traveling solo will change your life. Here are the best tips on how to do it - with Vaishali Patel

30m · Published 22 Jan 09:38

About 2.5 years ago, my friend Liv connected me with Vaishali Patel, who had begun working on her book SOLO EXPLORERS, in which she would share the stories of 30 women from different backgrounds and in different stages of their lives. The one thing they had in common:

They all went on a solo trip that changed their lives, whether through a conversation, a workshop, a person, or a task they set out to do.

In this episode, Vaishali and I are talking about

- what female solo travelers have in common

- what fears we face and how to overcome them

- how to make friends

- and how to start solo traveling if you've never done it before.

Vaishali also shares the inspiring stories of some of the women in her book.

Listen to be inspired for your first or next solo trip <3

Vaishali is an avid solo traveller, TEDx speaker and transformation expert with a keen interest in how travel, creativity, and well-being can open new realms of potential. She believes venturing beyond comfort zones through solo travel offers insights into ourselves and the world, shaping aspirations and perspectives. Her solo travels not only ignited a successful marketing career but also elevated her self-confidence and paved the way for entrepreneurship. Eager to extend these benefits, she shares her journey in a TEDx talk, ‘Your Body’s Intelligence,’ and coaches others to embrace their natural self-expression, whether through public speaking, creativity or solo travel. Through coaching and speaking engagements, she inspires others to embark on empowering journeys of self-discovery.

Find Vaishali here:

[email protected] www.solo-explorers.com @solo.explorers www.facebook.com/vaishaliauthor @vaishali_tedx

S3 E8: Being in your feminine and why it is crucial to follow what works for you rather than other people's advice - with Heather Allison

29m · Published 20 Nov 05:32

In this episode full of channeling and woo woo magic, we talked about Heather's spiritual journey that started at 40, returning to the sacred ways, the masculine vs feminine, how to be in the feminine and receive miracles, as well as her channeled Trinity.

Heather Allison is the Sacred Feminine, Soul + Shamanic Guide for Thought Leaders, Lovers + Mystics. She is a Destiny Accelerator, an Activator of Activators, and the Divine Feminine mentor for some of the industry's top Divine Feminine coaches.

Her work has been described as “unimaginable transformation,” “revolutionary,” “whole-life changing,” and “by far the most important work I’ve ever done” by the women who have experienced it.

Through her signature Mystery School, Golden Goddess, Heather teaches the principles and practices from her Reality-changing methodology called Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ (S.H.E.), and helps women walk the Path of Miracles, step into everything that’s Calling them, and create a life of Beauty, Purpose and Magic.

Get the freebie we talked about in the podcast here: www.primordialfeminine.com/she
Connect with Heather here: www.primordialfeminine.com www.instagram.com/iamheatherallison

S3 E7: Being more while doing less & following your bliss

18m · Published 08 Nov 08:42

At the beginning of October, I wasn’t sure how (or even if) I wanted to continue my business.

Things needed to change because more often than not, I found myself frustrated rather than fulfilled.

I knew that I had felt different in the past and I wanted to get back to serving, being creative, and most importantly not be one of the other coaches claiming their solution will work for everyone or who underdeliver and disappoint.

I strive to be the living and breathing embodiment of what I teach: listening to your intuition. To your heart. And living life to the fullest.

But I found myself doing too much and so I decided to stop doing. Doing business-y content for social media. Doing selling. Doing healing. Doing affirming. Doing listening to others instead of myself.

Because all of that doing had not done anything for me other than leaving me frustrated.

I decided I would have a business based on referrals more so than social media. I don’t mind posting here and there but I will never overdo that again.

And if Source would show me that it would be for the Highest Good of everyone to continue my business, I told Source to provide for me.

And it has. In miraculous ways.

While I was doing less. And being more. More creative. More following my joy, bliss and satisfaction. More love. More trust.

And things have turned. I'm sharing the process in this podcast.

So expect to see less business-y content and more of me being. Blissful. Enjoying life. Dancing. Creating (I’m working on my second book and an oracle deck). Loving. Attracting not chasing.

And that is what I will be teaching and guiding and supporting my clients with. Effortlessness. Trust in Source. Flow. Bliss. Joy. Love. Creativity. Serving. Connecting.

Because I feel most at home in flow. Not planning. Trusting!

Let me know if you can relate!

S3, E6: Astropsychology and Astralhypnosis - with Hanna Lena Christensen

34m · Published 23 Oct 05:35

In this episode with soul medicine woman Hanna Lena Christensen, we dove deep into:

  • What are Astropsychology and Astralhypnosis?
  • How much of our astrological blueprint is destined vs. creation?
  • Does your astrology blueprint come from past lives?
  • The moment that started Hanna's astrology journey

Hanna Lena Christensen is a visionary Soul Medicine Woman, renowned for her unique fusion of Astro-Psychology and Astral Hypnotherapy. With a profound commitment to healing and transformation, she guides her clients on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Hanna Lena's expertise lies in helping individuals reprogram their subconscious minds, allowing them to break free from the chains of past traumas. Through her deep understanding of Astro-Psychology, she unveils the cosmic blueprint of her clients, revealing the profound connection between their inner world and the celestial forces that shape their lives. Her Astral Hypnotherapy sessions are a gateway to profound healing and self-realization. Hanna Lena empowers her clients to reclaim their inner power and align with their soul's mission. She assists them in manifesting their highest future timeline, fostering harmony between their inner selves and the universe. With a compassionate and intuitive approach, Hanna Lena Christensen has become a guiding light for those seeking to unlock their multidimensional potential, heal their wounds, and step into their true purpose. Her work transcends conventional therapy, offering a transformative journey that leads to a life in perfect synchronicity with one's soul mission. How to connect with Hanna: IG: @hannalenachristensen www.hannachristensen.com Hanna's freebie: The Power of Feminine Manifesting: https://sourcecode.myflodesk.com/

S3 E5: From sex work, homelessness and abuse to creating her dream life - an interview with Mel from Healographic

53m · Published 16 Oct 11:38

In this episode, Mel from Healographic and I are having a deep vulnerable conversation about how she went from

  • homelessness
  • mental, physical, and sexual abuse
  • addiction
  • sex work and other traumatic events

to living in her dream apartment with her dream partner doing her soul's work.

Mel is a Holistic Life Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master, Hypnotherapist, Tarot Reader, Personal Development Nerd and CEO and founder of Healographic Ltd through which she offers group and 1:1 coaching. Through her own challenging past of overcoming homelessness, addiction, sexual traumas and domestic violence, she has found a passion in helping others rise and grow from their challenges. Her mission is to help those who’ve experienced adversity heal from their past and reclaim their inner power so they can create the life they dream of. She is creating a movement of empowered people taking back control over their mind and life instead of being ruled by outdated unconscious beliefs. Connect with Mel here:

https://www.instagram.com/healographic/ https://healographic.com/ Mel's freebie: Resilient Rising Workbook to help you overcome any challenges and grow from them: https://healographic.com/free-transformational-mindset-coaching-workbook-copy/

Mind Your Subconscious has 92 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 59:22:08. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 18:40.

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