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Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed

by Inna Topiler

If you have Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism - YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. You have probably seen a doctor (or two) to help you improve energy, lose weight, reduce brain fog, help hair loss and many other symptoms. You may have tried medication and maybe even diet changes and supplements. However even with that, you may still not feel completely supported or back to your old self. Instead you are likely feeling discouraged, dismissed, and lost. Sound familiar? When it comes to dealing with your frustrating thyroid, Hashimoto's and autoimmunity symptoms, you have to really understand where the symptoms stem from and look at them from all angles - like a detective. That’s exactly what host, Inna Topiler does in Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed. As a leading Thyroid and Hashimoto’s expert and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist with 20 years in clinical practice, she refuses to accept the unexplained and looks at thyroid in a much more detailed way. In this podcast, she shares real cases where she reveals how she solved the thyroid issue and gives the exact protocols that she used with her patients, clients and students to help them feel like their old selves. She shares her vast knowledge and sheds so much light on thyroid and offers practical step by step guides to help you feel better too. The answers are out there, you just have to know where to find the clues. Whether you are newly diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism or have been dealing with thyroid challenges for a while, please know you are NOT alone. This is a place where you will be seen, heard and understood and will gain such valuable insights with Inna's in depth and heartfelt explanations. It’s time for you to solve your Thyroid Mystery without having to spend hours a day researching or struggling to make sense of contradicting information. The life you deserve is closer than you think and YES you CAN lose weight, improve your energy, fight brain fog and reduce inflammation with Hashimoto's and thyroid issues. Subscribe to Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed and Inna will show you as many possible answers starting right NOW!

Copyright: © Copyright 2019-2024 Inna Topiler. All Rights Reserved


139 How to Power Up Your Hashimoto's and Thyroid Healing Journey with Hypnosis Part 1

39m · Published 16 Mar 09:00

The Case: 

  • Liana is dealing with fatigue, digestive issues, hair loss, joint pain, and lack of concentration
  • She’s been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and has been trying to eat right and take supplements to support it but can’t seem to stick with the routine. 
  • She’s struggling to find a balance that includes feeling good. 

The Investigation

One of the things I noticed when I met with Liana was she had some limiting beliefs about her ability to feel good again and, I suspected that she was subconsciously self-sabotaging. I knew then that if we were dealing with issues on a subconscious level, we needed to start there - and more specifically with Hypnosis.

Understanding Hypnosis

Grace Smith is one of the world's leading hypnotherapists and I knew she was the perfect person to have on the show to address how hypnotherapy can help chronic illnesses, like Hashimoto’s, from all angles, including beliefs, fears, stressors, and traumas. 

Before we could dive into how it can help, we had to address the elephant in the room - the perception of hypnotherapy as a party trick that leaves people barking like a dog or strutting like a chicken. 

Grace has heard this all before and admits that she was skeptical herself before hypnosis helped her quit smoking. 

The first thing she does is dispel the myth that hypnosis is mind control. Next, she reveals the real secrets behind those hypnotist shows. Spoiler - it’s all a show!

She goes on to explain that hypnotherapy is just meditation with a goal or a purpose. 

How Hypnosis Works

Our brain waves fluctuate between several different states based on our level of consciousness. The beta state is where we spend most of our waking lives - it's the state of normal waking consciousness where we experience stress, fight or flight mode, and survival mode. Unfortunately, many people live in this state perpetually, which can be really corrosive to our physical, emotional, and mental health, as well as our relationships.

There are three other brain wave states that we can access with a bit of effort. The alpha state is where we go when we're daydreaming or doing something rote like washing our hair in the shower. It's a slightly more relaxed state where we can access inspiration and intuition. The delta state is where we go when we're sleeping and our brains are essentially offline. But the most interesting state, and the one that Grace works with, is the theta state. This is where hypnotherapy takes place, and it's a state of deep relaxation where we're still consciously aware of our surroundings. In this state, we have the surplus energy required to create new neural pathways in our brain extremely rapidly, which is why hypnotherapy can be so effective. It's all about telling your brain a better story and focusing on what you want, rather than staying stuck in the same old thought patterns.

How Hypnotherapy can Help with Hashimoto’s, Inflammation, and other Autoimmune Issues

Through hypnotherapy, Grace Smith suggests that people can learn how to visualize their bodies healing and healthy, as well as learn how to communicate with their bodies to promote healing. By changing the way the person perceives their symptoms, they can reduce the inflammation in their body and improve their overall health. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing any emotional or mental factors that may be contributing to the inflammation and autoimmune response in the body. By helping the person relax and release emotional tension, hypnotherapy can promote a healthier immune response and reduce inflammation.

In this way, hypnotherapy can help with Hashimoto's and inflammation by:

  • Opening up access to a deep state of relaxation where rest and repair happen
  • Weakening the neural pathways of limiting beliefs and creating new pathways for positive change
  • Helping promote healing through visualization of the body's healing
  • Addressing emotional and mental factors that may be contributing to inflammation and autoimmune response in the body
  • Promoting a healthier immune response to further reduce inflammation

Grace shared that changes can happen fairly quickly and that the efficacy (for those who truly want to change) is very high. She said that one study found that six sessions of hypnotherapy resulted in an average of 93 % improvement per topic. The same study found that 600 sessions of talk therapy or psychotherapy, resulted in an average of 33 % improvement. This is not to say that therapy does not have value or its place in a healing journey. 

Amazing Healing Stories

In this episode, Grace shares a whole host of amazing stories where hypnosis provided healing in ways that the patients didn’t think were possible. She got started in this field because she was fascinated by how one technique could help on so many levels, from smoking to public speaking, from eating disorders to stroke recovery. 

Hypnotherapy and Your Hashimoto’s Healing Journey

Talking with Grace about hypnotherapy brought up so many different facets of the healing journey for anyone with Hashimoto’s including Liana. There are so many different symptoms, and there's typically a big inflammatory component and insufficient thyroid hormone. 

There are four main triggers with Hahsimoto’s including food, toxins, infections, and stress (including day-to-day, emotional, and past traumas). We can also experience upper limits that we hold about what we deserve or how we deserve to feel. We have stories we’ve told ourselves for so long that we don’t see them as stories, we see them as truths. For example, following a specific diet is hard or undesirable. 

This is where Grace says hypnotherapy can help. She shares some interesting studies relating to people with IBS and inflammation who had amazing results through hypnotherapy. One of the reasons hypnotherapy is so successful with decreasing inflammation is because it takes the body out of the stress state which creates the inflammation. She also says that hypnotherapy can help people lose their taste for processed foods and sugar, both of which contribute to inflammation and other health concerns. 

She says that these kinds of shifts can take between 6 and 10 sessions but that it is so often effective because your subconscious is hearing the better story of health for the first time and reframing the subconscious relationship with certain types of food or eating habits.   

Diving Deeper into Hypnotherapy for Hashimoto’s - To Be Continued!

There was so much in this interview with Grace, it was actually too long to get into one episode. So, we continue our conversation in episode 140 after which I’ll share what happened with Liana and how she was able to get past her struggles with Hashimoto’s. 

Plus, in the next episode, I’ll share everything that I have been using hypnosis for with myself and my family.  In the meantime, check out the links below to get to know Grace a bit better yourself and see if her resources can help you or someone in your life dealing with a health mystery. 



Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Grace Smith. You can connect with her and download her app at

And you can check out her books, too: 

  • Close Your Eyes, Get Free 
  • Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight 
  • Close Your Eyes, Sleep 
  • The Adventures of Sleep (a children’s book)


Related Podcast Episodes:

136 Unconventional Ways to Help Hashimoto’s and Overall Inflammation

132 4 Ways to Calm the Immune System and Support Hashimoto’s

The Case of the Teacher Who Was Always Sick w/ Dr. Mario Martinez

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138 Revealed! The Equation for Feeling Good with Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's

19m · Published 02 Mar 10:00

The Investigation

Most Hashimoto’s diagnoses come with many mixed emotions. On one hand, there is finally an explanation for all of your many symptoms, but on the other hand, the diagnosis brings on a slew of emotions like frustration, feeling lost, and uncertainty. And, for some, it can bring a devastating sense that life will never be the same again.  

I get so many questions from my community like, can I still get pregnant with Hashimoto’s? Can I have balanced hormones with Hashimoto’s? Can I ever get my energy back? Can my hair ever grow and be thick again? Can my digestive issues resolve? Can I ever get rid of my brain fog?  And the list goes on and on and on.

I am here to tell you that as mysterious as many of the symptoms may seem, having Hashimoto’s doesn’t have to be a barrier to you living a good, healthy life. 


My Personal Experience with Hashimoto’s

I was first diagnosed at 25.  Everything was so overwhelming and I worried that my health would be compromised for the rest of my life. I was so wrong. 

I was able to have children (I have 2). I have more than enough energy to take care of my young kids, run a full-time practice, and run an online business educating and supporting hundreds of students through their own Hashimoto’s journey. I’ve also been able to defy the norms of Hashimoto’s by having strong healthy hair and clear skin. I feel healthier now than I did when I was first diagnosed. My fears were unfounded and I want you to know that everything is possible. I was inspired by my friend, Hal Elrod who wrote The Miracle Equation because I believe that the first step in overcoming issues related to Hashimoto’s starts with his approach:


  1. Believe that you can. It's that faith, that knowing (even if you fake it before you make it) that you can and you will get through this. 
  2. Take action. Continuously put in the effort to make your desired health a reality.


You need both of these for the equation to work. If one side goes, everything comes tumbling down.  You need to take action and believe that you can be healthy and feel good again. 

If you need support on either part of this equation, you’ve got me in your corner. Through this podcast and, more specifically, through my Thyroid Mystery Solved free training and complete program, I’m here to help you get clear on the actions you need to take. I’m also there to help you keep the faith! 


The Two-Fold Approach to Healing Hashimoto’s

When it comes to what actions you need to take, the picture can be a bit confusing. There is so much conflicting information out there and so many people who feel that this or that tactic didn’t work. I know exactly why these don’t work. It’s because you have to use a two-fold approach. You cannot deal with your Hashimoto’s symptoms in a vacuum. You have to also support your immune system. 

This is the most important thing to remember when you are working at improving your health with Hashimoto’s. It does not matter what you do for your Hashimoto’s if your immune system is not supported, it will continue to attack your thyroid. And, you can’t just support your immune system without addressing your Hashimoto’s symptoms if you want to see improvements in your health. The two-fold approach is the only thing I have seen work in my long experience helping clients with Hashimoto’s. 


Why The Slow Road is Better for Hashimoto’s

In this episode, I share the stories of two friends. These stories perfectly illustrate why, despite it being the harder path, we do sometimes have to take the slow road to recovering our health. Quick fixes seldom stick. 

I know this is hard to hear when you’re suffering with Hashimoto’s but the process of working your way through your issues and drilling down until you find the root of the problem is going to mean that you land on a solution that is sustainable. Plus, you will appreciate your hard-won health and so, will respect it and continue to stay committed to maintaining it.  

Your current health journey is a necessary part of your future good health. Remember to keep that faith that you can get better!


How to Get Support on Your Path to Living Healthy with Hashimoto’s

As I explain in this episode, you need to both take action and you need to be steadfast in your belief that living healthy with Hashimoto’s is possible for you. 

These two things helped me regain my health. That’s why, when I decided to create a program to help you overcome Hashimoto’s I included elements that address both the mindset and the specific and customized actions you need to take to regain your health. 

I also created this program because I know how hard you work to try to find all of the answers. I know that you’ve hit that wall of frustration and thought, why can’t there be one place with all of the answers and a clear plan for me to follow. 

I know because I’ve sat across from client after client who have said that exact thing. 

I know because I’ve been there.  

In this episode, I give you an overview of the Thyroid Mystery Solved program and invite you to discover for yourself what it feels like to be on your path to living healthy with Hashimoto’s instead of being stuck in that limbo of research and half efforts. 

This program is different from anything you’ve found online because we start by identifying your thyroid type. This is critical because the actions you need to take are based on your thyroid type. Most other approaches are a one-size-fits-all. 

Next, we look at the thyroid issue from every angle, taking into consideration all of the different systems involved. This goes beyond that two-fold approach I mentioned earlier - it is far more extensive. 

Yes, the program does cover diet (it even includes meal plans and recipes), exercise, mindset, and how to support your different systems and organs that is specific to you and your thyroid type. Plus, you will uncover and solve your specific Hashimoto’s triggers (this will be different for everyone which is another reason why we don’t want a one size fits all approach and why its so important for things to be customized)

You will also have access to me. 

I don’t mind sharing that this is one of the ONLY ways that you can get access to me because my practice calendar is full and I am not able to take new clients. You can jump the queue and have access to me directly through this program. I think this is also where so much of the value of the program comes from. Maybe you’ve already paid for doctor visits that resulted in more frustration. Maybe you’ve even gone to see an integrative doctor and paid to get one or two answers. Now imagine having access to me for all of your questions. How many hundreds of dollars will you save getting your questions answered through the program instead of having to pay for each one? 

It’s an incredibly extensive program that is totally customized to you and your journey. That’s the best part; YOUR path is clearly laid out for you so that all you have to do is take action and believe that you can get better. And I’ll be there to keep you on track. 

No more wasting hours searching for answers. No more half measures that get you a fraction of the result you want. No more feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. 

It’s the program I wish I had 20 years ago. I don’t want you to wait that long to live life in good health. 


Next Steps

You have two choices, learn more with the free training or start your journey today (and save during the month of March 2023) by saying yes to the full program. 


Resources Mentioned

Thyroid Mystery Solved Program

Free Training on Understanding Your Thyroid Type and the 2- fold approach to Hashimoto’s

Related Podcast Episodes:

[Ask Inna] What You Want to Know about Losing Weight & Feeling Good with Hashimoto’s

Why You Don’t Want to Ignore Symptoms of a Hyperactive Thyroid

[Ask Inna] Answers to Your Questions about Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s

[Ask Inna] More Answers to Your Hashimoto’s Questions (Part 2)

You CAN Resolve Your Hashimoto’s Symptoms and Get into Remission

3m · Published 22 Feb 10:00

Get the Answer to YOUR Hashimoto's and Hypothyroid Symptoms!

March 1st, 2 PM-3:15 PM EST

This Live Training will teach you:

* HOW to Identify YOUR Thyroid Type

* HOW to support Hashimoto's with a two-fold approach

* WHY you STILL have symptoms even if your labs are normal

* HOW to use your thyroid type to reverse your symptoms


137 Are You Ignoring an Important Connection Between Gluten, Your Gut, and Hashimoto's?

51m · Published 16 Feb 10:00

The Case: 

  • Alison has Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s and also experiences tons of digestion issues. 

  • She often feels gassy and bloated and has trouble going to the bathroom.

  • She’s tried taking all types of probiotics, eating super nutritious fermented foods, and done several colon cleanses, but nothing helped. 


The Investigation

When I met Alison, she explained that she had taken gut-support vitamins and eaten a healthy diet. However, I could see right away that she was missing a few big clues in solving her health mystery. 


Gluten, Gut Health, and Hashimoto’s

I’ve talked a lot about the connection between Hashimoto’s and our gut on the podcast in the past. I knew that this was at the core of solving Alison’s issues. To discuss it further, I invited Dr. Vincent Pedre, aka America's Gut Doctor, to the show.  Dr. Pedre is an internist and the author of the upcoming book The Gutsmart Protocol. 

One of the first things he brings up is the connection between Hashimoto’s and gut health as well as gluten. We’ve talked a lot about this connection on the Health Mysteries Solved podcast - including my own journey with Hashimoto’s and gluten. Dr. Pedre shared the work of Alessio Fasano, who studied the effects of gluten on the gut and how gluten can trigger autoimmunity. He discovered that gluten triggers the release of a protein called Zonulin, which increases gut permeability. This leads to leaky gut, which can eventually result in autoimmunity. Dr. Pedre also explained that there are three key factors in the development of autoimmune diseases: genetic predisposition, environmental triggers (such as gluten), and leaky gut.

He went on to explain that one of the enzymes that helps break down gluten, called tissue transglutaminase, can create a chimeric molecule that can be recognized by the body's immune system as an invader. This can lead to an antibody response and cross-reactivity, especially with the thyroid where tissue transglutaminase is found in high concentration.

The Power of a Food Journal

One of the best ways to solve a health mystery involving gut health is to keep track of everything that is being eaten. Dr. Pedre uses this technique to help him diagnose issues but also finds that the activity really helps patients better understand their own triggers. So often we are unaware of all of the things we put in our mouth - especially when we don’t know all of the ingredients in the food we eat. Dr. Pedre shared a powerful story about one of his patients having a complete epiphany after keeping a food journal for just a few days. This mindful practice helps us better connect with our eating and be better advocates for our own health. It reminds us that everything we eat is feeding our microbiome. 

Balancing the Microbiome is Complex 

Many people think that the answer to balancing the microbiome is to take a probiotic, but Dr. Pedre explains that it’s far more complex than that. And, because our microbiome controls so many aspects of our health, it’s imperative that we keep it balanced. 

He explains that, while probiotics are helpful, they are just a small part of the bigger picture. His approach has changed over the years - he used to be quite aggressive in attacking the bad bugs but now he has a more holistic approach. This means looking at the person as a whole, their history, reactions to different things, and taking a gut-body-mind-spirit approach to healing. We’ve discussed this many times on the show (if you want a good overview, check out episode 112). The gut health issue is just a portal into something much bigger and it's important to approach it holistically.

One of the keys to a holistic approach is to understand what is actually going on. Dr. Pedre will sometimes use stool testing but warns that it can be misleading. Instead, he looks at different types of gut issues, which I love because it has been such a successful way for me to help people with thyroid conditions. We both agree that a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. There are so many things that could be at play in the gut issue including dysbiosis, yeast overgrowth, histamine issues, enzyme deficiency, leaky gut, damaged epithelium, SIBO or SIFO - and each of these will impact tolerance of probiotics and fermented foods. 

Could Toning the Vagus Nerve Be the Answer?

Dr. Vincent Pedre revealed a fascinating connection between the vagus nerve (also known as the vegal nerve) and our gut health issues. He explains that stress is a huge factor in affecting the vagus nerve, which is essentially the connection between the brain and internal organs, with the majority of communication being directed from the gut to the brain.

As you know if you’ve listened to my past episodes, stress in our lives can seriously impact our health. We often think of our mental health when we think of stress but it can cause biophysical stress. This can affect the vagus nerve which can impact our digestive processes. To get the body back to a state of relaxation and proper digestion, it is important to activate the vagus nerve through exercises and mindfulness practices. Dr. Pedre recommends deep breathing exercises where you breathe in and then exhale with a hum (or ‘Ohm’ sound). 

Dr. Pedre also stresses the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of the gut microbiome and the vagal nerve, as the gut microbiome stimulates vagal nerve receptors and sends signals back to the brain. He highlights that in order to achieve optimal gut health, one must address all aspects of the holistic healing plan, including stress levels, and not just focus on diet and supplements.

Solving Digestion Issues is not One-Size-Fits-All

Just like I always say about healing autoimmune issues (like Hashimoto’s), the solution is never one-size-fits-all. There are so many factors at play and the same is true with digestive issues. This is especially true when it is in combination with autoimmunity and thyroid health. We have to look at it from all angles and customize the solution as much as possible. This is what we did with Alison. 

First, we assessed what was going on. Alison was taking lots of vitamins and eating a ton of fermented foods. This can be great but they do not work for everyone. In fact, fermented foods can sometimes make things worse because of other imbalances in the gut. To get started, we removed those highly fermented foods and started her on a low histamine diet. 

We ran a Vibrant Zoomers test, genetic tests and a stool test. The results revealed that gluten was an issue for her – all of the things she was taking to heal her gut were being undone by her gluten consumption. We saw that she had SIBO, and the probiotics she was taking were making it worse because her body wasn’t able to handle them. 

This is a classic case of doing ‘all the healthy things’ that turn out to be the wrong things for the individual.

Next Steps

Alison was also always in a rush and didn’t take much time to eat so we worked on slowing down. She also created more time for her. Stress increases our cortisol levels (that’s why it’s called the stress hormone) which, in turn, impacts our immune system and gut health. We supported Alison’s stress through lifestyle adjustments and the supplement PS 150.

Happy Ending

Just 2 months after making diet and lifestyle changes, Alison felt calmer, lighter, and was able to eliminate better. As things were improving, we then started to support the SIBO by doing 6 weeks of FC Cidal and Dysbiocide followed by SBI Protect to help bind and remove some of the bacterial toxins called LPS that were creating damage in the gut. 

As we were supporting this, I also optimized her thyroid. She was the ‘Low T3 Type’ and so we worked with her doctor to fine-tune her thyroid medication to include more T3 while using Zinc and Selenium to improve conversion.

This made even more of a difference and she has significantly less gas and bloating, and was able to easily go to the bathroom every day which was a huge win!

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Alison we were able to find that missing piece of the health puzzle and help her regain her health. Could this be the missing clue for you or someone in your

136 Unconventional Ways to Help Hashimoto’s and Overall Inflammation

58m · Published 02 Feb 10:00

The Case: 

  • Amanda has Hashimoto’s and does not feel well.
  • She is tired, experiences brain fog, and feels like she is just inflamed all over.
  • She’s tried special diets and various supplements but nothing seems to work. 


When I first met Amanda I saw how much work she’d already put in but I know that many of the approaches were too general. We were going to need to dig a little deeper and look at the mind-body connection to solve her health mystery. 

Inflammation Markers for Hashimoto’s and Autoimmunity

Whenever I see the body is not responding to good, healthy changes, I immediately think of the work that Dr. Mario Martinez is doing. He is a psycho-immunologist who studies the relationship between the mind and the immune system. He is also the bestselling author of "The Mind-Body Code" and "How the Mind Wounds and Heals". He’s a good friend of the show (this is his 4th appearance!) and I know that he was the right person to talk to about this health mystery. Check out the other episodes featuring Dr. Martinez: 007, 051, 114.

Anyone with autoimmunity or Hashimoto’s knows that inflammation plays a big role in optimizing thyroid health and managing autoimmune conditions which greatly impact how we feel. Dr. Martinez explains that there are different markers to look for when assessing acute inflammation such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukins, and C-reactive proteins. He goes on to explain that there is something called glycogen, which is a sugar protein that is present in all cells, especially in the IGG antibody which fights pathogens. The glycan marker helps to track the amount of inflammation in the body and shows the level of glycation.

Glycation is caused by glucose molecules reacting with proteins and fats leading to damage on a cellular level. If left unchecked, it can increase inflammation throughout the body. Understanding glycation on a deeper level is an essential part of understanding autoimmune-related issues and identifying underlying causes before embarking on any type of treatment plan.

Could Shame be Causing Autoimmune and Hashimoto’s Flare-Ups?

Dr. Martinez has done a lot of research into the relationship between autoimmune diseases and shame. He found that states of shame can cause systemic high levels of inflammation making people more prone to autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, guilt does not have the same effect since guilt is about taking the blame for something (which allows them to feel empowered) versus the helplessness that comes with shame. He further explains that this can lead people to look for environments that continually shame (because they are familiar with it) or they turn to shaming others unknowingly which results in inflammation and can lead to or exacerbate autoimmune illnesses like Hashimoto’s disease or arthritis.

In this episode, we also talk about the connection between the fifth chakra, free self-expression, and shame. Dr. Martinez shares some techniques for identifying patterns of shame in your life that may be contributing to symptoms related to Hashimoto’s or other autoimmune diseases. 

Shame also has a connection to increasing your biological age (beyond your chronologic age) which is also related to the overall amount of inflammation in the body. 


How to Use Centenarian Consciousness to Decrease Inflammation and Early Aging

Dr. Martinez believes that you can address chronic inflammation by using a mind-body approach known as centenarian consciousness. This is a mindset that requires a shift in your perspective of time. So many of us feel the pressures of time. We are always (and even rewarding ourselves for) multitasking, rushing, and micromanaging. However, Dr. Martinez says that this can lead to increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol which can contribute to inflammation.

To counteract this, Dr. Martinez suggests practicing taking more time with tasks by engaging in slow activities such as Zen walking or setting projections for how long something will take even if it could be done faster than expected. This allows the brain’s neuropsychological projection system to adjust accordingly rather than expecting too much out of an inadequate amount of space/time given.  This may feel counterintuitive or, for some of us busy moms, impossible. 

Dr. Mario Martinez suggests that people who feel chronically rushed try delegating tasks and practice various stress reduction techniques. He also recommends having fun with tasks, being aware of how much time is needed for each task, and looking at what resources can be used to make things easier. 


Banning Busy-ness for Your Health

It’s also helpful to look at where our perceptions of busyness come from. Dr. Martinez says cultural components can lead to feeling overwhelmed, such as the belief that idle time is bad or one must work hard in order to succeed - which may have been passed down from generations before us through stories and mannerisms rather than direct comments about laziness or lack of productivity. 

Getting beyond this cultural conditioning or learned beliefs may require you to create your own model by going into a meditative state and affirming yourself while providing evidence of being a good person throughout the week. This practice will shift your neuro map, which, over time, will change your beliefs and allow you to let go of your belief that being busy is good. 


Joy as an Antidote to Inflammation?

There is a counterbalance to the stress that causes inflammation and its joy. This is another mind-body solution that Dr. Martinez champions. He suggests that while we are dealing with issues related to Hashimoto’s or autoimmunity, we do not think of ourselves as fighting them but rather overserve them and try to reduce their intensity. He says the best way to do this is to find joy while repairing yourself. This can be done by creating a semantic differential space. To do this, feel the space where the pain exists. Give it a size, a color, a pain rating - anything that will help you visualize the space. Then, go to a part of the body that is not in pain and do the same. Switch back and forth between these two spaces in your mind. This creates confusion in the brain and neural maps causing the pain to decrease.  


In addition to using this semantic space differential technique, Dr. Martinez offered these tips for allowing joy in while repairing:

  • Learn to experience joy under good conditions so that it is accessible to you in difficult situations.
  • Use the mind-body code to assess and relax.
  • Go into the specific feelings and sensations associated with the problem, such as tiredness or pain. Pay attention to these feelings as if watching a film.
  • Have a positive attitude towards healing and avoid maintaining a sense of victimhood.


Can Curiosity Lower Inflammation? 

He also discusses how curiosity plays an important role in elongating time in our minds; when we are curious about something, it feels like time passes more slowly because our brains pay attention to what excites us. This is part of the centenarian consciousness, which in turn is an approach to decreasing inflammation. Curiosity also plays into how we deal with determining what our body needs to heal. Instead of focusing on the pain, we get curious about it and tap into our intuition. Curiosity keeps us in the present moment which is also a piece of the centenarian consciousness because wise centenarians view the past, including mistakes as part of the information needed to navigate the present with curiosity. All of this results in less stress which can help decrease inflammation. 


Chronic inflammation plays a huge role in Hashimoto’s and our overall health. I knew this was what was going on with Amanda. So, we started out by supporting her thyroid (based on her thyroid type) to get her thyroid hormones into the optim

135 My Most up-to-date Immune Protocol that's Hashimoto’s and Autoimmune Safe

28m · Published 19 Jan 10:00

This time of year, it can feel like everyone around you is getting sick. Whether it’s a cold, the flu, RSV Covid, Strep, or some other virus - it can feel a bit like it’s impossible to stay healthy during this time of year. 

This is especially daunting for those who have autoimmunity, Hashimoto’s and thyroid issues because the standard advice about boosting your immunity could actually lead to a flare up. This is certainly the case for those with Hashimoto’s. 

Staying up to Date on Immune Protocols

I’ve shared my immune protocols that are safe for Hashimoto’s and other autoimmunity in the past but there are always new ways of looking at things, new research, and new ideas to consider. So, in this episode, I’m sharing my MOST up-to-date Hashimoto’s-safe immune protocols to help you stay healthy this winter. 

It’s important to stay on top of things and I’m thrilled to be sharing these Hashimoto’s-safe immune boosting strategies with you. 

Don’t Follow Generic Immune Advice

Anyone with Hashimoto’s or autoimmunity has an immune system that functions differently than a normal immune system. Many people don’t realize that this means you can’t follow standard immune boosting advice. 

When you have an autoimmune disease the immune system is already overactive. Most immune boosting supplements stimulate your immune system. For anyone with autoimmunity, this extra stimulation could put your issue into overdrive and make you feel even worse. 

It seems logical - if you are fighting an infection, you want to boost your immune system. But, for those with autoimmunity, you don’t just stimulate the part of it that fights infections, you stimulate the whole thing, even the part that also fights your own organs! 

Immune Boosting Herbs and Supplements to Avoid With Hashimoto’s

Some of the most commonly recommended immune-boosting supplements that those with autoimmunity and Hashimoto’s should avoid include:

  • Echinacea
  • Astragalus
  • Reishi (and other immune supporting mushrooms)
  • Elderberry

Be extra cautious because some of these herbs are included in different immune formulations. It’s always best to read the ingredients to double check that they’re not present in a formulation you're considering. 

Green Light for These Immune Supporting Supplements for Hashimoto’s Patients

You might be thinking, if I can’t take these or anything with them in it, how am I supposed to stay healthy this winter? Don’t worry! There are other nutrients that are not only super effective but also very safe when it comes to both autoimmunity and preventing immune dysregulation.

Here is my go to list of immune-boosters safe for Hashimoto’s:  

Vitamin C

Many of us know about the power of vitamin C but I feel it gets overlooked. I’ve been using this for years with great results. My recommendation for general immune support for a typical 150 pound adult  is 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C per day. I personally use the C+BioFizz from Designs for health which makes a yummy fizzy drink. However, capsules like Stellar C are also great. If you have digestive issues, vitamin C can cause loose bowels. If that happens for you, Liposomal Vitamin C is a wonderful solution to this problem (just remember to keep it refrigerated!)

If you are already symptomatic, you will want to increase your vitamin C significantly for 7-10 days. I suggest doing this in divided doses. For example, take 500 to 1000 mg of vitamin C every 30-60 minutes until you get diarrhea (this is your body telling you it's saturated). 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for everyone as we go into the winter. The dosage is going to vary for each person so it’s a good idea to do a lab test to get your levels so you know how much you actually need. I like to have my patients in the range of 50-80. If you don’t know your levels, 5000 IU of vitamin D would typically be recommended. Vitamin D really helps balance the immune system so it’s key for anyone with autoimmune dealing with a virus or infection as it will prevent upregulations.  

Keep in mind that Vitamin D should ideally come with vitamin K to prevent calcification of tissues and organs. I use Emulsi-D3 Liquid (great for anyone who struggles with fat soluble vitamins).  Vitamin D Supreme capsules work really well for those who don’t need a liquid. One more recommendation. If your levels are really low and you can’t seem to get them into optimal range, you may want to try the Hi Po Emulsi D3. It gets levels up quickly but make sure you are getting vitamin K from another source (like a multivitamin). 

Zinc + Quercetin

This is the dynamic duo. Zinc is excellent for a short period of time however, it stays outside the cells unless it gets a bit of help. Doctors will prescribe medication but I recommend taking Zinc with Quercetin. Quercetin is completely natural, no prescription necessary and does not have any controversy around it. Quercetin is great at getting zinc into the cell. I use the DFH Quercetin and Nettles and recommend 250 mg daily for prevention. If you are sick, you can up the dosage to about 1000 mg of quercetin. Zinc and quercetin is definitely a power couple and I see great results with both prevention and also healing from infection. 

There is one big caution with zinc and that is that it will push copper out of the body. You want to keep these minerals in balance and the best way to do that is to either limit extended use of zinc or take a supplement that has a bit of extra copper. Check your multivitamin for this or you can take copper separately.


I love garlic because it works so well, so quickly and I typically don’t see many side effects. Garlic naturally has antiviral and anti-microbial properties so it can work on bacteria, yeasts, and other bugs. Even though I’m a big fan, I don’t recommend taking garlic long term or for general immune support. I use it when I’ve been exposed to someone sick, if I feel something coming on, or when I’m symptomatic. You want to keep it to these times because it’s so powerful it can affect your microbiome negatively if you don’t give your body a break from it. Plus, you could build up a tolerance and decrease efficacy when you really need it. 

My go-to favorite is Allimax. I like it because it’s a patented allicin extract with high potency. And, it’s odor-less. I recommend 4-6 capsules a day for the duration of illness. This is also the dose if you’ve been exposed or feel something coming on. 

Liposomal Glutathione

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and an immune balancer. You can use it everyday (1 tsp per day) but if you are sick, you can double the daily dosage. This will really help support the immune system while it is fighting off the infection or virus. I use the Apex Trizomal Glutathione, or the

134 How to Make 2023 your Healthiest Year Yet (Even with Hashimoto's)

17m · Published 05 Jan 10:00

It’s time to park the usual health and lifestyle resolutions and access something much more powerful. 

When I talk to my thyroid clients about what they want for their health, they will often mention what they don’t want. They say things like:

  • I don’t want to feel tired
  • I want to get rid of my brain fog
  • I need to lose 10 pounds, or 
  • I want to stop losing so much hair!

It may be easier to talk about what’s wrong but focusing on what we don’t want doesn’t always help us. 

Shifting Perspectives for Positive Change

When it comes to solving our thyroid issues, we need to shift our perspective to the health we want instead of what we don’t want. Think about it this way, if you are planning a trip and you go to a travel agent and you tell them, ‘I don’t want to go to California’ they might struggle with figuring out what to book for you!

However, if you walk in and tell them you want to go to Texas, well then they can start figuring out some of the logistics around how to get you there or when you want to go. 

It’s the same with your health. You want to be really clear about what you DO want for your health, not just what you don’t want. That makes it a lot easier to make a plan for. 

I call this your health dream and you want it to be as specific as possible. How you get there may be unique to you, but you need to know where you’re going if you’re going to create a plan.

In this episode, I help you create your health dream for 2023 so you can put it on the map and start planning how you’re going to get there. 

Key Questions for Creating your Health Dream

There are several questions that will help you get clear on what your health dream looks like. Here are a few to consider:


  • What would it mean for you to really thrive? Thrive in health but also in your whole life? 


The answer is one that only you can determine as this is a very individual thing. For some of my clients, thriving means waking up each day with great energy that they can sustain all day. For others, it’s feeling fueled by healthy food that they digest with ease. Or, it may be about parenting from a place of calm and staying present with the family. Whatever thriving means to you, be specific about it. 


  • What would thriving look and feel like? 


Close your eyes and really step into this state of being. Imagine it with all of your senses. In this episode, I walk you through a short and very powerful visualization so that you can bring what you want a lot closer to you. It's something I do for myself every year and incorporate into my client work with profound results. 

The Time for Your Dream Health is Now

It’s very easy to put your ideal health on the backburner. You may have very good excuses and promise yourself that you'll get to it later…maybe when that project is done, the kids are in school, you’ve made more money. 

Yes, you could wait until then but I can almost guarantee that a new set of excuses and time-pressures will crop up. 

If, on the other hand, you take the time now, you will be in a completely different place. And, you may even find that all of those things on your to-do list get a little easier too. That’s the thing about thriving, everything in your life feels the benefits. 

If there is something that you want, the time is now.

Free Training for Taking Charge of your Thyroid and Hashimoto’s

I’m so excited to start the new year with a free training that will show you how to support your Hashimoto’s with a 2-fold approach. The training is coming up on January 19th (but don’t worry if you are reading this after that date - just make sure you’re on my email list so you don’t miss my next free training for Hashimoto’s support). 

This training is so much more than a webinar! When you join, you’ll get access to the live training plus a week-long support group as well as live Q&As. All totally free. 

Like I say in this episode and as I said above, the time is now. 

Support to Make This Year Your Healthiest with Hashimoto’s

I’m committed to helping as many people with Hashimoto’s and thyroid issues thrive this year.  That’s why I go the extra mile with my trainings. And, don’t worry if you can’t make it live at that time on the 19th as there’s a recording and lots of opportunities to ask questions for 5 days afterwards so that you feel fully supported in creating your plan to reach your health dream in 2023. 

This is for you if you are frustrated with symptoms (whether you’ve been dealing with them for a while or you’re newly diagnosed). 

This is for you if you don’t have the time (or the patience) to dive down every rabbit hole on the internet in search of reliable information about living with Hashimoto’s. I’ve done all the work for you.  

This is for you if you’ve been feeling alone with your diagnosis. One of the things past participants have loved is the connection to others with Hashi’s in the event Facebook group. So many connections have been made, friendships that have been formed, and so many aha moments and healing that have happened in these groups.

I can’t wait to show you:

👉What it means to support Hashimoto’s with a two-fold approach 

👉How to lower thyroid antibodies

👉How to get to the root of your symptoms (even if your labs are normal)

👉How to audit your thyroid and figure out your type

👉How to best support your type

👉Why you are struggling when doctors don’t have an answer 

and so much more...

This truly ISN’T just another free workshop.

Let’s get the ball rolling on your 2023 health dream. See you in the pre-training group. 



Related Podcast Episodes:

4 Ways to Calm the Immune System and Support Hashimoto’s

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Do This Instead

The Super Simple Mindset Shift to Help Hashimoto’s

What Is Your Thyroid Type? (and How to Manage It)

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133 Super Simple Tips to Protect Your Thyroid Over the Holidays + Contest

9m · Published 19 Dec 21:16

Listen to hear how you can win access to the Thyroid Mysteries Solved Course!

Super simple tips to protect your thyroid health over the holidays. This is a quick happy holiday episode with 2 tips on staying present and helping your thyroid.

I will be back with new and exciting episodes on Jan 5th where we will be revealing all things thyroid, Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity and I can’t wait to connect with you more then!

Happy Holidays!

See you in 2023!

Thyroid Mysteries Solved Course

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132 4 Ways to Calm the Immune System and Support Hashimoto's

22m · Published 01 Dec 10:00

The Investigation

It’s common for people with Hashimoto’s to feel like their thyroid is to blame for their issues. But, it’s not the thyroid - it’s the immune system. The immune system is attacking the thyroid and causing it to function less than optimally. It’s the same with other autoimmune diseases - the immune system is what is malfunctioning. 

So, if you have an autoimmune disease and you want to feel better and healthier then you need to support your immune system in a very specific way so that it will stop or slow attacks on your thyroid or any other organ.  As well as supporting the thyroid or other organ involved.

In this episode of Health Mysteries Solved, I share more details on this two-fold approach for supporting the thyroid and the immune system. It’s definitely for you if you have Hashimoto’s but please note that these tips are useful for anyone dealing with autoimmunity.  

I also offer a more in depth training on this twofold message. Please be sure you are following me on Instagram so you are the first to know about the next upcoming training.

Four Ways to Support the Immune System if you have Autoimmunity

Let’s start by supporting the immune system. There are many things you can do but in this episode, I share four strategies that have the most impact in supporting your immune system when you have autoimmunity or Hashimoto’s. Before we talk about supplements that are generally supportive for Hashimoto’s, it’s important to note that knowing your own biochemical balances can provide further insights and a more customized approach to supporting your immune system and decreasing your Hashimoto’s symptoms.


Immune Calming Supplements

There are a few supplements that tend to work well for most people with Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity because they have a balancing and calming effect on the immune system. A calmer immune system is less likely to attack! Here are the three best immune calming supplements:


  • SPM Supreme by Designs for Health. SPM stands for specialized pro resolving mediator. I typically recommend six per day for the first week to quickly down-regulate inflammation. After that, continue with 2-3 per day for maintenance. My listeners save 10% when using this link and entering code DFH10 at checkout. 
  • Trizomal Glutathione. I recommend one teaspoon of this liquid supplement per day. You will need to create an account and login to order this supplement or you can choose the over the counter option of Therasomal Glutathione by Quicksilver. This is a pump liquid and I recommend four to six pumps as a single daily dosage and I find it works best not taken with food.
  • Vitamin D. I especially like Vitamin D Supreme by Designs for Health because it includes vitamin K which is important to take with vitamin D. Remember to use the listener code DFH at checkout to save 10%. Please note that vitamin D should be monitored to determine your dosage because it can fluctuate depending on how much sunshine you are getting and your diet. The lab range is from 31 to 100 (which is very wide). I like to stay between 50 and 70. If your levels are low, you’ll want to supplement up to 5000 IU per day but if you are in range, your supplementation can be around 2000 IU daily. It’s worth maintaining a good level because I’ve seen Vitamin D in particular make a huge difference in thyroid antibodies.  


These three supplements are the power trio in calming your immune system so it can address the inflammation and viruses it should be attacking instead of your thyroid or other organs. 


Immune Calming Mindset

Your thoughts, beliefs, past traumas, and the way you support your nervous system play a huge role in your immune system’s health. The nervous system is directly tied to your immune system so it makes sense that when our nervous system is challenged, our immune system suffers.  

So, what can you do to support your nervous system (and therefore your immune system)? The good news is that little things make a difference. Here are a few small shifts you can make in your daily life that can add up to big changes in your mindset and the state of your nervous system.

  • Start your day with two minutes of intentional breathing 
  • End your day with two minutes of gratitude before you go to bed
  • Thank your body for holding you up all day
  • Believe in the infinite wisdom that your body has this amazing gift that it can heal and give it a chance. 
  • Shift your thoughts and language to the possible, for example instead of saying ‘I have to’ try saying ‘I want to’, ‘I get to’, ‘I choose to.’ 

The most important thing to remember is that our bodies are not net neutral, they're net positive. Anything you can do to help calm and down-regulate your nervous system will have a huge effect on your immune system. 


Immune Calming Diet

A lot of people living with Hashimoto’s or autoimmunity ask me about what diet to follow because they hear so much about going gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free or following the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet. There are a lot of choices out there and each person is going to have their unique food intolerances and sensitivities.

In my experience, working with thousands of people at this point, I find that gluten and dairy tend to really be the big things that move the needle. Now again, for some people they may need to do grain free or they may need to do low lectin or AIP. And when you start out, sometimes doing a little bit more is helpful and then you can narrow down exactly what can be added back in safely. Some people find that eliminating too much is too much so for them, I do suggest eliminating gluten and dairy to see significant changes. 

Food tests can be very helpful to identify specific individual issues. On the genetic front, you can also test the DQ2 and DQ8 will identify if you struggle to process gluten. My other go-to test is the Vibrant America Zoomer test that will identify sensitivities with dairy as well as foods like soy, eggs, nuts, and even other grains. It’s very comprehensive because they look at different immunoglobulins (IgG and IGA) and they also break out the gluten and the dairy into a lot of metabolites of those foods. This is a test that I use in my practice all the time. If you are interested in doing this test, please contact us.

Getting more information about your body and how it functions will allow you to make the right choices with your diet so that your immune system isn’t triggered by your food. 


Immune Calming Physical Activity

Losing weight is usually one of the big goals with almost all of my clients and the students in my Thyroid Mystery Solved Program. And, I understand that because Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism often leads to unwanted weight gain and can make it harder to lose weight. 

The go to solution is often to exercise more but workouts that are too intense can act

131 The Case of the Missing Sex Drive (with Intimacy Coach Susan Bratton)

41m · Published 10 Nov 08:00

The Case: 

  • Cindy is experiencing hormone imbalances, fatigue and a low sex-drive
  • She has consulted with a gynecologist but was dismissed and told it was common for her age
  • She wasn’t willing to accept that she just had to get used to having a low libido so she came to see me


While it is true that hormonal shifts in peri-menopause and menopause can cause a decrease in a woman’s sex drive, there is more to take into consideration. I knew that we had to look a few different avenues to get to the bottom of her health mystery, and find a solution that would reinvigorate her sex life.

Shifting Views on Intimacy

Susan Bratton is an intimacy expert and an advocate for shifting how we talk about and approach desire, intimacy and passion. She’s a best-selling author and has published 34 books and programs on the subject. She advocates for better experiences not only for those like Cindy, who are experiencing low libido, but for all women. 

She does this through her work teaching passionate lovemaking techniques, reframes what communication sounds like in the bedroom, and covers the physical limitations that a woman may be experiencing that can impact enjoyment or pleasure. 

Getting the Root Cause of Intimacy Issues

Susan says that couples seldom investigate what is causing issues in the bedroom as it relates to the three areas she focuses on (technique, communications, and physical pleasure). Most will find the root cause in our cultural depictions of intimacy derived from our patriarchal society. 

When it comes to getting the root of issues with libido or physical arousal for women, it can have to do with the first two categories but sometimes, the issue stems from menopause or peri-menopause, an immune issue, or a hormone issue like hypothyroidism. 

Many are unaware of the connection between hormone issues and low libido because they are less likely to list it as a symptom to their doctor. Even if they do, the doctor is unlikely to treat it as a concern. 

Switching the Patriarchal Paradigm of Intimacy

One of the issues Susan discusses at length in this episode is the challenge women face becoming aroused (and overcoming low libido) in the patriarchal paradigm of what intimacy looks like. She says that the patriarchy has created the male-focused approach to intimacy which centers around intercourse. And, she says, many women go along with it because it’s all they know. 

To reframe this paradigm, women need to think of their partner as someone who can help with the healing through the creation of a good relationship including making you feel vital again, focusing on your satisfaction, and connection through orgasm. 

The Fatigue and Romance Conundrum

When you are dealing with things like fatigue, insomnia, gut issues, or chronic pain - romance may be the last thing on your mind. Mustering up the energy for a kiss might seem like too much effort. However, Susan says orgasms can be very healing. They reboot your nervous system. They send out feel good neurotransmitters and hormones. They are a vascular event so they are like a little workout for your blood system. They improve sleep. And they create a deeper connection or bond with yourself and your partner. So, even if you don’t feel like it, it might be good medicine. However, you may want to take it slow and be patient as you build up desire - especially if you are dealing with a physical issue (like hypothyroidism or hashimoto’s) that has depleted desire or moved intimacy way down on the needs list.

Solutions for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness can be one of the reasons women avoid intimacy. This can be caused by a drop in estrogen (likely after the age of 50 because this is what happens during menopause). Or, it could be due to diet. Natural lubrication of the vaginal tissue is created through nitric oxide production. This is supported by a diet rich in leafy greens and vegetables - specifically celery, beets, dill, cabbage, arugula, and romaine. It can be impeded by the use of antibacterial mouthwash, acid blockers or proton pump inhibitors. 

There are supplements to boost nitric oxide production but the most commonly recommended is L-Arginine

Here are Susan’s top tips for vaginal dryness:

  • Diet rich in leafy greens and vegetables (which contain nitric oxide)
  • Supplement nitric oxide production
  • Stay well hydrated (drink water)
  • Engage in foreplay to ensure there is enough time for proper arousal
  • Use organic nut oils (refined organic avocado oil, sweet almond oil)
  • Not engaging until you are ready
  • Don’t get discourage - you are not broken

Beyond that, Susan also suggests supplements that might help you get in the mood. These include:

  • Cacao (chocolate without the sugar)
  • Maca 
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Fenugreek


In this episode, Susan really exposes that libido is something that needs to be addressed from all angles. 

In Cindy’s case, we started by doing a  DUTCH test and looking at her hormones. She was pretty low but wasn’t interested in doing bio identical hormones yet. Instead, we supported her DHEA with DHEA drops. To bring her estrogen back into balance, we used Fem Guard by Designs for Health. Additionally, we also worked on blood flow with amino acids and supplements that help to naturally increase nitric oxide from the biochemical side.

With her biochemistry supported, we also looked at what she could do to further support her libido. We talked about making sure she was moving her body regularly, doing breathwork and spending time on her own and with her partner. 

I connected Cindy with a sex therapist who was able to guide her and her partner on the emotional part of their journey. 

The biochemical support, a few shifts in her lifestyle, and the therapy all resulted in a significant increase in Cindy’s sex drive after just 3 months. Needless to say, everyone was happy. 

Eliminating Health Mysteries

For Cindy we were able to find that missing piece of the puzzle and help her regain her healthy sex life. Could this be the missing clue for you or someone in your life? 


Resources mentioned

Thanks to my guest Susan Bratton.  You can connect with her and check out all of her resources on her website:


Suggested Products

DHEA drops

Fem Guard 

Amino Acid Synergy 

Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed has 184 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 116:29:55. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 12th, 2024 21:40.

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