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Essentially Quinny

by Maria Arora

Essentially Quinny is a podcast to help you learn more about your body and all the things that affect your health. I have more than 12 years experience in the Natural Health field working with practitioners and doctors and speaking all over the world. With more and more people wanting to take responsibility for their health and well being, I am bringing weekly episodes to you so you can make informed choices towards your good health.

Copyright: All right reserved Maria Arora 2020


26: What is mindset and how does it affect you?

6m · Published 25 May 10:00

This is the third episode of our series on mindset and goal setting.


Today we are talking about mindset and how it affects you. 

Mindset is the way you think and will affect your results. We have a thinking part of the brain which can accept and reject ideas. But we also have a subconscious part of the brain which automatically accepts what comes through to it. It is what is in our subconscious minds which determines our belief systems and paradigms. Our belief systems and paradigms lead us into actions and results. 

When we have an undesirable result that keeps repeating, we know we need to look at our subconscious beliefs and patterns because this is what is driving us to make the decisions/actions which lead to the undesirable result.

How do we change subconscious beliefs and patterns?

By tapping into the emotions which are generated by these subconscious systems we begin to unlock and reshape them.

It sounds like a simple process, and it is, but it also requires steps that require a lot of discipline.

Before we are disciplined however, we need to make some choices.   

Here are some tips:

1 - It may sound obvious but once you know what you want you need to dispose of the things which are not in alignment with your goal and keep (or add in) the things that are in alignment. If you stick to this formula it will help you to make faster choices. 

2 - Connect to your feelings. Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about what we should do and we forget to check in with our feelings about the possible choices. 

Once we have made a choice, we need to look at creating new habits and actions which will take us in the direction of that choice.

Most people can begin taking new steps or actions towards their goals, but this is another spot where many people revert back to their old ways. This is because, when we begin something new, we are ultimately faced with challenges that feel extremely difficult because we have not faced them before. This feels very uncomfortable but it is important to know that this feeling of discomfort is where your growth is. Most people however, retreat back to old habits and behaviours at this point because what is ‘known’ is much easier and feels comfortable. 

As we said, creating new habits and sticking to them takes energy and diligence. We all have the capability, it is just whether or not you choose to use it. 



For mentoring and support around your mindset and goal setting head to 

You are also invited to join our Mindset for Success Facebook group at 


25: Creating fail-proof goals

5m · Published 18 May 01:56

This is the second episode of our series on mindset and goal setting.


Today we are talking about goals that have a high chance of succeeding. 

There are three different types of goals: A goals, B goals and C goals. 

A type Goals are things that you already know how to do. This type of goal does not generally fill you with as much passion as the other types of goals.

B type goals are things that if you practice and take certain action with diligence you will be able to achieve. 

C type goals are more difficult to achieve and might even feel like a fantasy. C goals require a lot of steps and action to be taken to achieve. 

The key to achieving any of these goals is the ‘taking action’ part. Without taking action your goals will remain a dream. 

The trap people fall into when looking at C type goals, is being overwhelmed by all the steps needed to achieve the goal. Usually, with this type of goal, it is not possible to know ALL the steps and so it is not uncommon to be stuck in the phase of trying to plan everything out, instead of just getting started. 

When you continue to dream about your vision you will stay in the energy of that dream and by the universal laws of action and reaction you will attract the same frequency. This means you will naturally create steps (or mini A and/or B goals) towards your big C goal. 

Can you achieve big, amazing C goals? Absolutely! There are very few goals (we want) that are not attainable.

Will you put in the required energy to achieve it and believe in yourself enough to take action? This is the big question and the reason many people fail. Either they simply do not want to do the work required or they do not believe it is possible. 

What is the difference between the person who succeeds at their chosen goal versus a person who does not? It comes down to persistence and diligence to keep moving forward, doing the things that most people think are too difficult or unpleasant. The person who succeeds, keeps working at their dream.



For mentoring and support around your mindset and goal setting head to 

You are also invited to join our Mindset for Success Facebook group at 

24: Creating your vision and goals

4m · Published 11 May 12:20

This is the first episode of our series on mindset and goal setting. 

Do you know what motivates you?

Do you know what you really want?

Today we are talking about creating visions and goals.

We begin with choosing goals that inspire you. How do you do this?

The best way is to sit down for 15 minutes with some nice music playing in the background and just let your mind wander. Allowing your mind to wander is the important step. When we allow our minds to wander we are opening the door to creativity and it is through the creative mind that we will discover who we want to be, or what we want to do or have. 

As different goals begin to evolve in your mind, a vision will begin to evolve. When we have a vision in life, the vision shapes the actions and decisions we make (our goals). And as we work towards our vision it ultimately evolves further, taking us closer to our purpose. 

Working on our vision requires:

  • Planning
  • Understanding
  • Awareness
  • Diligence 
  • And of course what your vision or destination is!

Surprisingly a lot of people do not know what vision they are working towards. If you want to go on holiday but you haven’t chosen where, how do you know what plane to catch? Or even if you need a plane at all to get there? Without knowing your destination, you could end up traveling to the airport and buying a ticket that you don’t need. This is how we waste time, energy and resources and so I cannot stress how important this first step or choosing a destination/vision is. Also, keep in mind that you can always change your vision as you learn more about yourself and what fulfills you. The important thing is to choose something to work towards. 

Once you know what your vision is, write it down and review it often. Speak it out loud and imagine what it will feel like once you have achieved it. There is a power in writing, speaking and repeating your goals which will allow you to start taking action, to believe more strongly in your direction and to begin creating.


For mentoring and support around your mindset and goal setting head to 

You are also invited to join our Mindset for Success Facebook group at

23: How stress affects your sleep

13m · Published 06 May 05:10

This is the third episode in our three part series on stress.

Episode 21 - Glands, hormones and stress

Episode 22 - How sex hormones are affected by stress


Stress causes an excess production of cortisol. This can raise cortisol level very quickly. Cortisol also cycles through the day. It tends to increase in the morning, drop a little bit and then increase again in the afternoon, before dropping again towards the evening, when the body is preparing for sleep.

We also have a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is not produced by the adrenal glands (like cortisol), it is produced in the pineal gland that sits roughly in the middle of the brain. 

Melatonin levels change in response to the shadows/darkness that our eye receptors pick up on. Melatonin levels should be low in the morning and increase towards the evening as it gets dark. 

People that are stressed, tend to have difficulty falling asleep, toss and turn all night and are unable to get into a deep sleep.

When this occurs we first need to consider sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene means thinking about your habits and altering them so they do not affect your ability to go to sleep (or the sleep quality). Factors to consider include:

  • Caffeinated drinks. Particularly in the afternoon and evening. For example, coffee and black or green tea.
  • High intensity exercise in the evening. To push through a workout, our body releases cortisol, which will keep us awake.
  • Blue light exposure. Blue light is the light that emanates from computer, phone and TV screens. This light has the ability to interfere with the pineal gland response to release melatonin as it gets darker at night. 

Sleep hygiene also includes adding in good habits that will encourage you body to sleep. These include:

Magnesium salt and essential oil baths Diffusing of applying essential oils (Lavender and the young Living blends of Stress Away and Peace and Calming are particularly good). Applying essential oils like Peace and Calming and Lemon after exercise (if you cannot avoid evening exercise)

A note on essential oils if you are using them, make sure you use the highest quality. Many essential oils contain nasty chemicals and once they are on your skin it will be in your bloodstream within 20 minutes. 

How Stress affects Sleep

When we are stressed we release cortisol throughout the day, including the evening. The cortisol levels counteract the sleepy effect of the melatonin in the evening, making it difficult to switch off. 

When this occurs, people often get a prescription for melatonin as this will increase the melatonin levels in relation to the cortisol levels. While melatonin can be sourced naturally and is not going to damage your body in the same way medication does, it is still a concern if this is the only action you are taking in response to this problem.

We need to address the problem, which is the high cortisol levels due to stress. If high levels of cortisol remain untreated there will be other consequences in the body like increased inflammation. 

As we spoke about in episode 21 (What it means to be acid), it is while we are sleeping that the body corrects the pH levels of our blood to make it alkaline. 

A low pH (acidic) can occur for many reasons, one of them being high cortisol. Refer back to episode 21 to understand just how detrimental low PH is to your health but let's consider the picture being built here.

You are stressed, so your cortisol rises. This makes your blood pH drop (acid). Your high cortisol means you are not sleeping properly so your body doesn’t have the opportunity to try and rebalance it. You are tired from not sleeping, so you eat sweets and drink coffee and other stimulants to stay awake. These stimulants further make your blood acid and also increase the insomnia at night. In short, you are in a downwards spiral where health issues very quickly arise. 

Stress and your body clock

If we look at the Chinese Meridian System you will see that every 2 hours there is a different organ that the body focuses on. This repeats every 12 hours, so what occurs at 11am to 1pm during the day, also occurs at 11pm to 1am at night.

Utilising this system, we can look at what time of the night we are waking up and are unable to go back to sleep to work out what body organs/systems are struggling.

11 to 1 - gallbladder

1 to 3 - liver

3 to 5 - Emotions

5 to 7 - Colon

For example, if you are eating too many fatty or acid forming foods you may have trouble sleeping between 11pm and 3am. Or if you have unresolved emotions, you may wake at around 4am unable to go back to sleep. 

Other considerations

A malfunctioning thyroid, low progesterone or high estrogen will also influence your ability to sleep. 


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Stress effects on Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone

10m · Published 02 May 04:37

We are continuing our series on Stress. To listen from the beginning head back to episode 21.

Today we are talking about how prolonged stress can affect your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, which bring emotional changes and physical conditions. 



Estrogen is important for healthy skin, to prevent depression, to prevent dryness in general and to feel more ‘sexy.’

We learned last week that prolonged stress makes your adrenal and thyroid glands secrete certain hormones. The metabolisation of these hormones eventually leads to increases in estrogens. 

There are three forms of estrogen - E1, E2 and E3 which we will be focusing on today. E2 (estradiol) is the common estrogen tested in blood tests by doctors. Both males and females have estrogen AND testosterone. I.e. These hormones are not just for one gender. In females, their naturally higher levels of estrogen bring their beautiful, curvy body shape and also increases tissue development. 

Understanding that estrogen increases tissue development is important because tissue development also means multiplication of cells generally and it is this function which enables females to develop and grow a baby. It is also the function of cell multiplicity which can encourage tumour formation if levels are too high. 

We are focusing on stress today, but it is worth noting that certain chemicals (eg synthetic fragrances) have an estrogenic effect (raise estrogen levels). This can lead to fetus malformation, infertility and even cancers. This can happen in any gender. 

As we have already explained, stress can also lead to increased estrogen production and this leads to the same consequences described. 

Estrogen tends to increase fat cells as well. And fat cells tend to produce more estrogen which creates more fat cells. Fat cells attach water molecules and so as fat cells increase we end up with fluid retention. This is how an excess of estrogen results in fluid retention. 

In perimenopause and post menopausal women, we often see an increase in weight and even further development of breasts tissue. This is because of the estrogen increase. 

Women who seek help for menopausal symptoms or to avoid pregnancy, often end up taking medication that release estrogen. The estrogen being absorbed by the body compounds the effects of high estrogen levels like cell multiplication (eg tumour formation) and fat cell production. If you are using any of these products it is recommended that you get your levels checked frequently to try and avoid any undesirable effects. 

When estrogen is high in men, they have a tendency towards baldness, enlargement of breasts and abdomen and a tendency for prostate issues. Excessive passing of urine at night time is often a sign of high estrogen. A broken flow of urine during the day is caused by an enlarged prostate. This symptom can happen as early as 30 years of age if the stress has been at a high level for a period of time. 



Progesterone is often one of the first hormones to become depleted with high levels of stress. Without progesterone females tend to have high levels of anxiety, the mind will deteriorate, the hair will begin to grey, sleep will become shallow, aging comes prematurely, cholesterol tends to increase (independently of a good diet) and the body and mind starts to decline into a state of chaos.  

It is important to understand that intrauterine devices that have some amounts of progesterone may not have adequate quantities to support the losses. 

We also need to be aware that estrogen and progesterone need to be in a particular ratio. And the 3 estrogens also need to have a particular ratio among them. If this ratio is not kept, the person will have dysfunction in the body (eg weight gain).



Low progesterone brings more facial acne. It is not uncommon for clients to present with facial acne who tell me that they have been prescribed the contraceptive pill in an attempt to reduce testosterone in order to help the acne. Unfortunately, in these cases it is not usually testosterone causing the problem. When testosterone causes acne, it is more of a cystic presentation and can be seen on the upper chest, back and sometimes the arms.

With this cystic presentation, high testosterone can also result in the very well known condition of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which can lead to infertility.  

Testosterone can increase dramatically with stress, bringing these undesirable effects. 

Testosterone is responsible for the sex drive and is also involved in the uptake of calcium. An excess of testosterone will make the person more rigid in mind and behaviour. On the flip side, low testosterone can bring a drop in motivation, a lack of muscle strength and in men, a tendency towards depression.  


Emotional and mindset effects

As we said low levels of:

Progesterone causes anxiety

Estrogen causes depression

Testosterone causes lack of motivation


Our emotions are closely linked with our hormone levels. This means that no matter how good you are with changing your mindset, your feelings can still deteriorate due to hormonal levels. Please reach out to us if this is occurring for you. There are ways we can naturally support your body and mind to regain its balance.  


Keeping the balance

Hormonal balance is essential but it is also an aspect of health that can be quite complex so seek help if you are unsure. 



If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Stress and your hormones

12m · Published 21 Apr 03:37

“Sometimes what we know, is not what we do.” Maria Arora

For the next 3 episodes we are talking about stress. Stress affects EVERYONE. Not just adults working hard. It affects children, the elderly, the sick and the healthy. No-one is immune. 

What is stress?

Stress is when there is something that your body has to use energy and effort to cope with. This can include temperature changes, exercise, overthinking, overworking and any emotional stimulant. It can also be seemingly trivial things which you think will not affect you.

We measure cortisol levels to gauge the physical stress your body is under and it isn’t unusual to see levels double what they should be. These patients often remark they do not understand because they do not feel stressed. This is important to note, because we all have different perceptions of what stress is and thus depending on your mindset and what you experience on a daily basis, what you consider high stress will vary from another person.

By measuring hormones, we can see how stress affects the body and the effect of stress on the body still manifests even when the mind is ignoring the feeling of stress.

In this 3 week series we are going to be talking about:

  • How pH is affected by stress
  • The hormonal responses of stress
  • Stress and sleep
  • The stress response

The hormonal responses of stress

We have a glandular system and glands are like little factories that produce hormones. Hormones act like messengers in that they carry a message to instigate an action elsewhere in the body. For example we have hormones which tell our heart to pump faster or slower and hormones that create happy or sleepy feelings. Our hormones are the catalyst for every change in our body and so without hormones, the body will not function.

Understanding hormones is important when looking at stress, because your body will produce hormones in response to stress in an attempt to mediate its effects. Some of the hormones produced in response to stress are adrenaline, DHEA and cortisol. 

To have enough hormones for all the actions we want to take place in the body, we require a few things to occur.

First we have dietary requirements with a major component being the need for adequate protein (2 serves of 20g per day for the average person) as amino acids (from protein) are the building blocks for hormones. But we also need certain minerals (eg iodine for Thyroid), vitamins (eg Vit B) and cholesterol for the production of hormones to occur.

Cholesterol often gets given a bad rap because we all know that if we have too much of it then it can clog the blood vessels and cause fatty liver. However, we do need a certain amount of it and one of its functions is to help in the production of hormones (known as a precursor). 

The trick with getting the right amount of cholesterol without ingesting too many fats (and thus affecting your liver and other organs) is to choose good sources. Eggs are a wonderful choice as they are a good source of protein, Vitamin B and cholesterol without containing too much fat. On the flip side, we want to avoid cholesterol containing foods that also have a high fat content like dairy (cheese, chocolate, milk, cream etc), animal fat and deep fried foods. 

Glands and Stress

The adrenal and thyroid glands are the two glands that produce hormones due to the stress response. 

When stress occurs the adrenals produce adrenaline which helps the body to move and act. To balance the adrenalin, the adrenal glands then produce cortisol. 

If the stress stimulus does not go away, we continually produce adrenaline and thus cortisol to manage the adrenaline and a process of what is known as upregulation occurs where there is more and more cortisol produced to the point of where the receptor in your brain saying to produce cortisol, will not turn off. 

We then start to bioaccumulate cortisol and the body needs to find a way to metabolise (break down) the cortisol in order to keep the body in balance. This is where problems begin to occur as when the cortisol is metabolised it creates an increase in estrogen (E1 and E3 - the bad type). The high estrogen levels create an increase in inflammatory responses and we then trigger genetic conditions we are predisposed to (e.g. high cholesterol, breast cancer, crohn's disease, psoriasis etc). 

DHEA is the precursor (the required trigger) to cortisol. DHEA levels are associated with aging and begin to drop when cortisol is being continually produced. This speeds up the process of aging. As an example, have you ever noticed how when a politician is sworn in as prime minister or president that after a couple of years they look like they have aged dramatically in that short time span? This is the effect of stress on the body and our skin is just a reflection of what is occurring internally.

The thyroid tends to go at the same speed as the adrenal glands. So if you are pushing hard and utilising cortisol to get through your day, day after day, then your thyroid will also be overworked. Eventually your thyroid will struggle to produce the required amount of hormones and this is why Hypothyroidism is such a common problem. 

Vitamin B, magnesium and iodine are critical for supporting your adrenal glands and thyroid. 

In conjunction with nutrition, we need to look at nervous system input. That is, anything that pushes the nervous system into overdrive. For example, long hours at work, too much noise, lack of sleep, extreme emotions (positive or negative). When the nervous system is activated in this way, adrenaline is produced and as discussed already, this puts an increased load on the adrenal and thyroid glands. 

Calming down the nervous system is the best place to start. By calming the nervous system, the body can balance itself. If however, you are the exhaustion stage, you will need to support your adrenals and thyroid. But you need to note that depending on your hormone levels, you will need different types of support. So if you are feeling exhausted, this is when you need to reach out for support from a qualified therapist.  Good therapist will also take your unique genetic factors into consideration when prescribing your treatment. 


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



What it means to be acid

13m · Published 14 Apr 02:26

You will often hear me talking about pH and if you have been wondering why, then keep reading/listening!

If your body’s pH is out then your body cannot take the steps it needs to keep it in balance. Too acid means you have a low pH and too alkaline means you have a high pH. 

Our cells are braided into an extracellular space called the matrix. This matrix has a semifluid consistency. And this semi-fluid consistency is only kept at the right consistency if your blood pH is in balance between 6.8 to 7.2. 

The extracellular space has a very important function in keeping you alive. The nutrients we put into our body and the oxygen we breath, travels through the matrix on the way to the cells that need them to function. If the fluid in the matrix is too acid it will thicken and the nutrients and oxygen will not be able to get to their destination, causing them to malfunction.

The thickening of the extracellular fluid also means the toxins being released from cells (or toxins we have put into our body) get stuck in the fluid and also in the intracellular space (inside of the cell), instead of passing through and being processed for elimination out of the body.

In short, if you do not have nutrients then your body cannot function. And if you cannot detox toxins out of your system then they will make you sick. 

The matrix not only has the ability to bring nutrients to the cell and also wash away the toxins/debris but it also holds most of our bodies fluid. We are made up of about 85% fluid, so this is extremely important. And guess what? When the body is too acid, it cannot hold the fluid and this is when problems start happening. 


What else happens when your pH is low (too acid)?


Your immune system produces ‘killer’ cells that it sends out when there is a virus or bacteria that needs controlling or when you have sick cells that need destroying. If the body is too acid then the affected cells get a halo around them which prevents the killer cells from reaching their target. 

Body structure becomes rigid

Muscles and joints begin to ache and your body becomes generally stiff and rigid.


It is during the first stage of sleep that the body alkalises itself before going into the deeper second and third stages of sleep where regeneration and clearing of emotions occurs. 

If you are waking up around 3am in the morning needing to pass urine then this is a sign your body pH needs balancing because it has been working during the night to correct it (and thus preventing you from going into the 2nd and 3rd stages of sleep). 


A low pH will lead to dry and flaky skin.


The lower your pH, the faster you will age because the body is dumping all the minerals you need to function properly.

Difficulty losing weight

When the toxins can not move through the matrix to be detoxified from the body, they are instead stored in fat cells, which is much safer than having them in the bloodstream where they will cause a lot of damage very quickly. In order to lose weight, we must first alkalise so the body can eliminate the toxins.

Weight loss becomes further hampered by a low pH when the matrix is clogged and hormonal and immune receptors are not functioning/receiving messages.


How does the body correct low pH?

If your blood pH is too acid the body will try to correct this by dumping minerals (beginning with calcium) from the tissues and bones into the bloodstream to buffer the pH. This works to a certain extent but it quickly deprives the tissues and organs of minerals they need to function. 

On top of the mineral deprivation, when there are too many minerals in the bloodstream they can become sedimented and create deposits. For example, calcium spurs can form which can become quite painful. 


What affects our pH?

The biggest culprit when it comes to pH is what we drink but foods also affect our acid levels. Below are some common low pH foods and drinks to look out for:

  • Spirits 
  • Carbonated water
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Fruit juices (even freshly squeezed)
  • Sugar
  • High GI Carbohydrates (white bread, pasta etc)
  • High protein foods like meat


What else causes our pH to drop?

  • Stress
  • Parasites
  • Infections (bacteria produces lactic acid)
  • Medications
  • Excess of salt
  • Dairy products
  • Extreme exercise (We produce lactic acid when we exercise)

As you can see by this list it is very important to keep a balance. Our body is built to keep this balance but if you do or consume too many acid promoting things then your body will not be able to keep it in balance long term, leading to very serious problems. 


What should you do if you are worried about your body pH?

It is very common for people to reach for bicarb soda and to drink this with water. I do NOT recommend this as your body requires a balance of minerals. There are a few products I recommend that have a good balance for your body but I recommend reaching out to me to know what to use and when as there are other things we need to take into consideration like pregnancy and blood pressure medications. 

Apple cider vinegar is another ‘go-to’ for many people. This is helpful for releasing digestive enzymes but will not be enough on it’s own to correct your pH. 

Lemon juice is also not recommended as it is acidic initially and only becomes alkalising to the body once it has been metabolised. This means that it can create a problem with your teeth enamel due to the high acidity. 

It is worth noting that many common ‘fixes’ are not enough on their own to correct the pH when it has been acid for a long time. This includes lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and green juicing. Green juicing will only be effective if the person goes on a complete green juicing diet for a period of time. It is not recommended you go on an extreme diet like this without professional guidance and support as there are many factors that need to be considered and there is likely a better way for you to reach your goal of alkalising the blood.  

When we look at low pH we are not just considering how to alkalise/correct the pH but we are also looking at replacing the minerals already lost (due to dumping) as a high priority. For this reason, any supplement you take which helps to alkalise needs to have enough minerals to both buffer the pH and replace the ones which have been dumped/lost due to acid. 



If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Calc Sulph for lymphatic drainage Tissue Salt 12

12m · Published 31 Mar 02:36

This is the last episode of our Mineral Therapy Series. Hopefully you have learned many possible ways to use tissue salts in your everyday life. It is also important to note that we need to reach out for professional support if our problems are a bit deeper. To learn about the first 10 issue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 


The keyword for this tissue salt is permeability. If something is permeable, it means that a gas or liquid is able to move through it. For example, a piece of cloth is permeable, whereas plastic is not. Our skin is made up of a network of cells and our body can send signals to either increase or decrease the distance between the cells in order to increase or decrease the permeability. 

Calc Sulph is an important tissue salt for clearing chronic infections. It does this by increasing the permeability of parts of your body that allow for the drainage of pus, infections and generally anything that shouldn’t be there. This action means it directly aids your lymphatic system. 

Infections are generally dealt with by our bodies by moving the infectious particles through our lymphatic system to be processed and drained through our lymph nodes. Capillaries (tiny tubes) are found throughout our body and these vessels drain the fluid (which contains the infection) from the problematic area and carry it to the lymphatic organs so it can be cleared from the body. The lymphatic organs are located in the torso (ie, not the extremities or head) and include bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils and mucous membranes.  This drainage happens mainly due to gravity so if we are standing for a long time it becomes stagnant in the feet.

If the lymphatic system is clogged for any reason (I.e. acid matrix), the body will have difficulty draining and getting rid of infection. In these cases the skin becomes the site where the infection is pushed out of the body.


Symptoms of Calc Sulph deficiency:

Chronic infections: If you have difficulty clearing infections then it is likely you are suffering deficiencies of all the calcium tissue salts as well as having a low pH (acid). 

Infected toe nails: If you think about the time we spend standing (or even sitting) with our feet being at the lowest point of our body, the lymphatic system needs to work against gravity to clear the infection. Tissue salt 11 is very helpful along with tissue salt #12 for infected toenails. These tissue salts can be crushed and sprinkled over the infection.

Boils: This is an infection of accumulated fluid on the mucous membranes, due to toxicity. Boils can also occur due to external burns, viruses or bacteria.  

Tongue: Inflamed with infected sores, flabby and yellow coating at the back. 

Face: The face gets a certain look about it where it is chalk-like or porcelain beyond a normal ‘pale’ complexion. If the face is presenting like this we also want to replace tissue salts #1 and #2. 

Convex wrinkles on the face: Scroll to the end of this blog post for more information on what our wrinkles tell us. 

Detox headaches and sluggishness: If your body is trying to detox and you are suffering from headaches and or sluggishness Calc Sulph can help your lymphatic system to drain the toxins and thus release the pressure you are experiencing. 

Acidity: Calc Sulph helps to break down acid.

Gout: Due to its ability to break down acid, Calc Suph is especially helpful for gout 

Emotional: Lazy, fatigued or inactive. Worrying about things that will not likely happen. When the lymphatic system is not draining properly, the body ends up being full of toxins and body processes become sluggish. This sluggish feeling is translated not just to our physical energy but also to our emotional state. 

Further looking at this emotional state, we can see that tissue salt #12 helps with any ‘stagnation,’ and thus it is helpful in cases of shock where the nervous system has gone into shut down.  

An example of using it for mild  shock is to use it for babies after their first bath. Often the first bath for newborns is a difficult experience and it's a good mineral to consider adding to the bath water (4 or 5 tablets) to help counter any effects of shock. 



In an adult this tissue salt is a little different in that we can take quite a lot in one dose (up to 10 tablets, three times a day). This higher than norm dose is because when we take it we are wanting to jump start the body into its processes of draining and moving. To take, pop 10 tablets into a bottle of warm water and sip it over half an hour. 

For most cases when we are looking at improving draining and excretion of toxins we combine Calc Sulph (#12)  with tissue salt # 9 and # 10. This is because # 9 helps to balance our pH (reduce acid) and #10 supports our liver. 

It is also good to remind ourselves (again) that if we are supporting our body in flushing toxins/infection then diet is very important. If we are taking tissue salt #9 to help balance pH but we are drinking fizzy drinks and eating food that makes us acid, then we are counteracting the effect of the tissue salt. 


It’s our last episode of this series so here are some reminders:

Wrinkles that appear when tissue salts are low:

#1 - Crows feet, parallel lines, lower eyelid

#2 - Diamond wrinkles

#9 - Parallel, perpendicular lines on top lip (often known as smoker lip)

#11 - Lines parallel to ear

#12 - Convex wrinkles on the cheek area

If you get to the point of having convex wrinkles on the cheek area and are needing Calc Sulph (#12), your calcium and silica have been chronically low and you have also been acid for a long time. Again, it is vitally important to look at your diet and ensure you are not eating foods and drinking liquids that are making you acid (dairy, fizzy drinks, sugar, refined carbohydrates etc). 


Combining tissue salts

In the first two episodes we spoke about combining tissue salts effectively. Some work well together and other don’t so if you haven’t listened to those episode yet head back there, or read the associated blog posts at 



How much to take will depend on the problem you are trying to solve. Each tissue salt works differently and age and health also need to be considered.

 As a rough guide:

Acute: Use more (For example, 10 tablets dissolved in water and drank over 30 minutes)

Chronic Use less (For example, 1 tablet 3 times per day)

You will notice that each bottle says 1 tablet, 3 times a day. This is a direction for safety. In this series you will notice we have given different quantities for different indications. As always, it is up to you to do your research and if you are not sure, reach out to a professional. 


Quality matters

Some brands are quite hard and do not dissolve very well. The ability to dissolve quickly in your mouth is important for the uptake of the mineral into your blood stream. For this reason, make sure you are purchasing quality mineral salts. 


Where to purchase

We have high quality tissue salts available at the clinic at a very reasonable price. 

Head to to contact the clinic.


Coming soon

A quick reference guide for mineral therapy at home. This is a book Maria has been working on and will be available soon to help you!



Silica Tissue Salt #11

12m · Published 24 Mar 10:00

Today we are talking about silica, which is tissue salt # 11. To learn about the first 10 issue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 


What is silica used for in the body?

Known as the beauty mineral, silica is most used by our body for skin health for strengthening the body’s organs.

As we know from previous episodes, our skin and bones have a similar composition of minerals and so silica is also good for our bones. 

The emotional aspects of Silica

Silica also has an emotional component where if it is depleted the person will be a little bit shy, hypersensitive to light noise and cold and will be lacking in ‘grit.’ 

The reason for hypersensitivity is because silica is required for messages to be passed through our nerves and without it, the nervous system gets a little bit ‘glitchy.’

In a person suffering emotionally due to low silica, they will generally live in a dreamy world, procrastinate, show signs of insecurity and lack in life direction. 

I am aware this sounds strange but there is a large proportion of the population suffering from silica deficiency because of the lack of minerals in the soil our vegetables grow in! 

To give you an example, if you purchase some green vegetables and put them in your fridge and within two days they become limp, you will know that the silica content of those greens is very low. 

We can look at this wilting vegetable example and apply the same principle to ourselves. If we do not have enough silica then we will ‘wilt’ both emotionally and physically (in our structure). (i.e. We need silica to be ‘strong.’)


How often should we take silica?

Quite often with tissue salts, when we take them we can see an immediate effect. But with silica, we need to take it for quite a long time before we see changes in our levels and symptoms begin to improve. For this reason we take 1 tablet, 3 times a day.

Taking silica is going to help with our calcium absorption as well, further improving the structure of our bones, teeth and hair. 

Tissue salt #9 (which helps to balance our pH) is a good tissue salt to take alongside silica as if our pH is acid we are going to lose a lot of calcium and silica. 


What else can we use silica for?

Silica can also help with the prevention of stretch marks and is great for females going through puberty where their body is changing rapidly. It can also be used safely during pregnancy for the same reason. 

Silica is also known as a ‘flusher,’ as it flushes out deposits of waste including blood clots, calcium and fat deposits. 


Signs you are low in silica:

Fragile skin



Hip pain

Hypersensitivity to light and noise

Sweaty hands and feet

Nails - cracks, deep fissures

Tongue - one side swelling (rare), hardening and ulcerated (if there is also infection), long tip, brownish colouring and ‘hair stuck on the tongue’ sensation

Face - Glass like sheen on the skin with the tip of the nose being shiny, parallel lines to ears (also due to low calcium), sunken eyes

Baldness - Can be due to silica but can also be other deficiencies and/or dysfunction

‘Shy stools’ - This is when the stool comes out a little and then pops backwards into the bowel. This is due to the muscles not contracting properly from calcium and silica deficiency. 

Skin - Abscess, ulceration, fissures and anything to do with elasticity

Cleansing (removal of waste) - Due to silica’s flushing ability of fats, bowel, lymphatic, pus, blood (to name just a few). For example In-grown toenails can be treated very effectively with tissue salts 11 and 12.  Silica doesn’t work by itself for this flushing ability but it is an essential building block for the function. 



If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Sodium Sulphate: Nat Sulph Tissue Salt #10

12m · Published 17 Mar 10:00

Today we are talking about Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulph), which is tissue salt # 10. To learn about the first 9 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 

Nat Sulph is the 3rd Natrium (Sodium) Tissue Salt that we are talking about and is responsible for excretion. The other two tissue salts we have spoken about are:

Nat Mur which helps us if we are too dry or too moistNat Phos which helps us if we are too greasy and with pain


How Nat Sulph can help us:

Excreting extra fluid

Sodium Sulphate helps us to get rid of (excrete) extra fluid. 


It also helps with decreasing toxicity in the body by shifting things around the body. Sodium Sulphate is connected to the liver and if you think about how detoxification is the major function of the liver you can connect the dots that Nat Sulph is going to help you with detoxification. 

Nat Sulph is an extremely important tissue salt because of its detoxification properties. As we keep on saying, our skin is like a big mouth that continually gobbles up the toxins in our environment and we are constantly breathing in pollutants. We are of course, also consuming many toxins in the food, drinks and medication as well. 

There are a range of supplements to support the detoxification process (as it is complicated) including Glutathione and liver enzymes but Nat Sulph is an important one. 


Nat Sulph can be used both in acute (short term) and chronic (long term) situations. For example, if you overindulge in chocolate or cheesecake and you are feeling a deep pain or heaviness under your ribs on the right hand side (where your liver is located). In this situation you can take two tablets every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes, until the feeling subsides. Or you can take two tablets every 15 minutes for one hour. 

If you are finding that you are getting a lot of indigestion and heaviness but you are not getting vomiting or diarrhoea as we discussed when we talked about tissue salt #8, you will find tissue salt #10 helpful. 

Coffee, Alcohol and Medication consumption

If you drink coffee regularly or take medication, your liver is working hard for you on a continuous basis to detox these things out. Nat Sulph will support your liver to perform better.



I often prescribe a tonic called Ningxia to patients along with Nat Sulph as they work together beautifully to detoxify the system. 


Who can use Nat Sulph?

Tissue salt #10 can be used for babies through to the elderly and sick people and it has a very gentle action. 


How do you know you need Nat Sulph?

Taste and tongue

You will know because you will have a bitter taste in your mouth and a result of the excess toxins being excreted via your breath.

A greenish brown/yellow swelling or coating of the tongue indicates toxicity and liver problems. 



A yellow-greenish tinge on your face, especially around the eyes is a common side effect of liver dysfunction. You may also notice ‘bags’ under the eye from fluid retention, an inflamed nose look (like someone has pinched the end of the nose!) and greyish chin.

Fluid retention can also lead to a ‘double chin’ look.


Digestion and bowel movements

You will also find that when you eat you will not only get a little bit of niggly pain but you will also notice that your bowel movements change and you can experience foul smelling gas (caused by the putrification of the contents of your bowel). 


Skin Changes

The skin is an organ of elimination and if you have too many toxins in your body and/or your liver is not functioning properly the toxins will be pushed out through the skin for elimination. As they pass through your membranes, they agitate the skin causing many problems like blisters or eczema (with a papilia presentation) as well as fluid oozing through the skin.

When treating skin conditions we crush the tablets and combine them with other appropriate tissue salts depending on how the skin looks and feels (see previous episodes for detailed descriptions) and sprinkle onto the affected area. 



Your urine can get a bit stingy when you have too many toxins in the body.


Hand and feet swelling

Nat Sulph is all about the excretion of fluid and as such if there is swelling it works to excrete excess. 


Head Injuries

If there is excess swelling and it is not reducing, Nat Sulph can be helpful.



A great support, particularly when alternating with tissue salt #3 and in conjunction with the appropriate supportive diet. 



There is a tendency towards depression (or feeling low generally) when Nat Sulph is needed in particular when the weather is cold or wet or if you have had a head injury. 



If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Essentially Quinny has 36 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 8:40:09. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 30th, 2024 17:13.

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