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Essentially Quinny

by Maria Arora

Essentially Quinny is a podcast to help you learn more about your body and all the things that affect your health. I have more than 12 years experience in the Natural Health field working with practitioners and doctors and speaking all over the world. With more and more people wanting to take responsibility for their health and well being, I am bringing weekly episodes to you so you can make informed choices towards your good health.

Copyright: All right reserved Maria Arora 2020


Sodium Phosphate: Nat Phos Tissue Salt #9

13m · Published 10 Mar 11:00

Today we are talking about Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos), which is tissue salt # 9. To learn about the first 8 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 

Nat Phos is one of three Sodium (Natrium) tissue salts and last week we spoke about Nat Mur which is like our watergate (episode #15). Nat Phos is known as the ‘pH Balancer.’

When we look at our blood there are many many components we look at in order to gauge how ‘healthy’ it is. One of these components is our blood acidity (pH level). 

pH stands for potential hydrogen. The more hydrogen your body has, the lower your pH (I.e. the more acidic). And the opposite is true as well. The higher your pH value, the less acidic (or more alkaline) your body is. 

We want our bodies to be alkaline and not acidic because an alkaline body is a healthy body. When your body is in an ACIDIC state:

  • Abnormal (E.g. cancerous) cells will thrive
  • Your body’s detoxification systems will malfunction
  • Your tissues will be depleted of minerals 
  • Your body’s natural balance will be disrupted

Note here that we don’t ever want to be extreme because if you are too alkaline, this too can cause you to be sick. Your perfect blood pH, for what you need to be healthy, is about 7.24.

It is also important to note that above we are talking about blood pH and that we have different ‘ideal’ pH levels for different areas of our bodies. One notable difference is our stomach where we want the pH to be acidic so that our food can digest effectively. 

Tissue salt #9 allows us to target different areas of the body where pH balance is needed.

Stomach Pain

Have you noticed (or perhaps experienced yourself) excruciating pain before eating? This happens when we have not eaten for a period of time and the hydrochloric Acid has built up in the stomach and begins to cause pain (Hydrochloric Acid is produced to aid digestion). 

To help with this type of pain put 3-5 tissue salt #9 tablets under your tongue and repeat every 15 minutes until the pain has dissipated. Or you can dissolve 10 tablets in a bottle of water and sip it over 20 minutes. 

This happened to me a few days ago where I was very busy in the clinic and found myself arriving home at 7pm very hungry. As I was preparing my evening meal I began to feel a severe sharp pain developing in my stomach. I took about 15 tablets within the space of 30 minutes and it calmed the pain straight away. 

Acid Reflux in infants and children

You may have made the connection here that Nat Phos is also wonderful for supporting infants who are suffering from acid reflux. It is very common to have babies with this problem coming to see us in the clinic. When I see these babies it concerns me when I hear about the quantity of medication the baby has been put on as often these medications can cause problems with the immune system for a very long time after taking them.  

With babies or young children suffering from acid reflux, we just need to support the body in balancing the Hydrochloric Acid which is done with Nat Phos. 

Tissue salt #9 (Nat Phos) can be administered in many different ways for babies and children including:

  • Crushing the tablet and sprinkling over the nipple area (if the baby is breastfed)
  • Dissolving the tablet in boiled water (allowing it to cool to room temperature before giving to the baby) or your milk in a bottle

The quantity depends on the age of the child but generally you can start with 1 tablet given over the course of a day and increasing to 3 or 4 tablets over a day for a toddler.

If you are wondering why acid reflux in babies is such a common problem the main reason is the sphincter at the top of the stomach is not yet developed properly and thus the acid and food comes back up into the eosophagus and causes pain. In most cases this resolves itself around the age of 18 to 24 months but in some cases the sphincter is not working properly because the breastfeeding mother is calcium deficient and thus not enough calcium is coming through to the baby. If you go back to the episode where we talk about tissue salt #2 (calcium Phosphate), you will begin to connect dots and see that in some cases it is also a good idea to give this tissue salt as well to help the muscles contract properly. 

Other Uses:

Depressive feelings with exhaustion: When a person feels depressed or down from being exhausted Nat Phos is going to be a very good support. 

Sleep: If you struggle to sleep well, Nat Phos can be very helpful.

Self Esteem: There is an association between sodium and low self esteem. (In last week’s episode we spoke about Nat Mur which is helpful for grief.)

Lactic Acid: Pop 10 to 20 tablets of Nat Phos in your bath after exercise to help neutralize lactic acid build up. 

Post Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are very acid

Signs you may be needing Nat Phos:

  • Sweet food and dairy cravings
  • If you notice sweat/grease build up on the armpit area of your T-shirts or on your pillow. You will most likely be able to smell this ‘sweat acid.’
  • Acne
  • Greasy and brittle hair
  • Acidic conditions like Gout
  • Creamy on the back of the tongue
  • Blisters or stinging sensation on tip of tongue
  • A feeling of having a hair or something in your mouth (but nothing is there).

Sodium Chloride:  Nat Mur Tissue salt # 8

16m · Published 03 Mar 10:00

Today we are talking about Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur), which is tissue salt # 8. To learn about the first 7 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 


I particularly enjoy talking about the Naturium (latin for ‘sodium’) series of tissue salts because most people are not aware that we have three forms of sodium.

Sodium regulates the fluid in the body. We are around 80% fluid and this fluid needs to be in perfect balance in both the intracellular and extracellular spaces. Too much outside of the cell and you will get a lot of fluid retention/swelling and too little, you will start to dry up. So tissue salt # 8 is like the water gate to the body. When this mineral is deficient you will find that you want to fall asleep very easily. Are you one of those people who come home from work, sit down on the couch and then instantly fall asleep? This is a typical #8 deficiency. 

Another helpful use for tissue salt # 8 is when you have an illness that is causing lots of vomiting and/or diarrhea leading to dehydration. A simple administration of tissue salt #8 can work wonders.

With sodium chloride (tissue salt #8) if you have too much you will be too moist and if you don’t have enough you will be too dry.


What does it mean to be too moist?

When we say ‘too moist’ what we really mean is that there is extra fluid in the extracellular space (the space outside of our cells). This causes swelling and fluid retention but also causes loose bowels and general dripping (e.g. tears, nose etc).  As a consequence, when you have the first stages of a cold and your nose is dripping like a tap this is a great tissue salt to have on hand! Take 1 tablet every 15 minutes (under the tongue) for one hour and you will find amazing results. 

The same rule applies if you have extra lacrimation (tears) where taking tissue salt # 8 will help it settle. 


What does it mean to be too dry?

On the other end of the scale, if you are too dry inside of your cells you are going to experience constipation, dry skin, tight joints, cracking lips, dry mouth and dry eyes.

As with being too moist, being too dry also requires Nat Mur (tissue salt #8) as both of these outcomes are caused by a deficiency (not enough) of Nat Mur (Sodium Chloride). 

The difference comes in when looking at the dosage. If you are more dry then it is likely the deficiency is chronic and thus you will need a smaller dose over a longer period of time than if you are too moist where you will require a larger dose over a short period of time. 


Chronic: 1 tablet, 2-3 times per day over a period of time.

If you are experiencing  symptoms, the question to ask yourself is why do you have a deficiency in this mineral? 

Nat Mur is the typical table salt and so it is not common that this deficiency is due to not enough being consumed through diet. In fact, the opposite is usually true where the person is consuming too much salt in their diet. (This includes hymilayan salt which is often perceived as a healthier option.)

When we consume salt it is absorbed into our extracellular space and if there is too much then the cell cannot absorb it and thus it is starved of this mineral. The tissue salts work because they have a good uptake into the cells, correcting this problem. 

People forget that salt is added to almost every food we consume (especially high fat, processed foods). This is not just because it enhances flavour but also because when we consume salt it helps our bodies to produce more hydrochloric acid, which improves digestion and thus means we can eat more of the fatty, processed food in question. 

Many babies are born with this imbalance (or gain it soon after birth due to their mother’s diet) and thus suffer terrible reflux. Quite often, when treated with tissue salt # 8 in conjunction with # 9, it brings the sodium levels back into balance.

Another observation due to low levels of sodium chloride are wounds or lesions that weep. In this case tissue salt #8 along with #10 will be helpful as a powder sprinkled onto the area.  


Acute Swelling

If you suffer from large swelling after mosquito bites, this is another instance where you can take tissue salt # 8 to help reduce (or avoid) the swelling. 

Many years ago I was on a flight to South Africa and after take off there was an announcement asking if there was a doctor on board. I didn’t put up my hand as when people find out I am a Naturopath I am often met with skepticism. I did however, pop up my head and take a look around to see if any had put up their hand. The air hostess saw me looking and immediately came over to ask if I could help. I told her that yes I could help and so followed her to see a Mum holding a baby (5 or 6 months old), who was clearly in anaphylactic shock and at real risk of her airways becoming fully obstructed. 

I thought to myself, what can I do here? And I recalled that anaphylaxis was a problem with excess swelling and that tissue salt #8 helps to reduce the swelling. With the mother’s permission, I mixed some into water and we gave the baby 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes. Within 30 minutes she had returned to normal.

I do not tell you this story so you can treat serious conditions yourself without seeking medical help. This was an extreme situation and we did not have any other choices. I tell this story, so you can see just how effective these tissue salts can be.  

I also assisted the mother once we knew the baby was safe with some minerals and essential oils to help her relax and as a thank you from the airline I was upgraded to business class, so that was a lovely outcome too!


How else can Tissue Salt #8 help?

As you can see, tissue salt #8 is a wonderful mineral to have in your first aid kit as a support for many different scenarios but it is also helpful for health and body support in other ways:

  • Growth and elimination
  • Fluctuation of blood pressure
  • Mental rigidity - i.e. anyone who believes they are always right! Or those types of people who believe everything is miserable. Salt is the mineral of grief. When we grieve we lose a lot of sodium and this is one reason why many people crave to go to the ocean when grieving. 
  • Fluid balance
  • Mucous membrane integrity
  • Emotionally: Grief support, forgiveness issues
  • Head colds and congestion
  • Cold sores
  • Bloating after eating
  • Increasing or decreasing saliva
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Tightness around the belly


Common signs of Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur) deficiency

  • Puffy swollen face with large pores. It looks almost as if the skin is trying to grab the moisture from outside of the body to bring it in. 
  • A little fold on the nose between the eyes
  • Greasy hair
  • Moist eyelids
  • Double chin


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 

Magnesium Phosphate Tissue Salt # 7

11m · Published 22 Feb 04:20

Today we are talking about Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos), which is tissue salt # 7. To learn about the first 6 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 


Every time we talk about magnesium, we tend to focus on it’s relaxation properties. This property is beneficial, especially when it comes to our muscles and the ability to sleep but let’s go a little more in-depth than this today because magnesium is a vital mineral that is required in almost every function of the body. In fact it is used to regulate more than 600 enzymes in the body.


What are enzymes?

When we talk about enzymes we are talking about catalysts that allow our cells to function better and allow life to continue. 

Usually when we speak about enzymes, we think about digestive enzymes which help to break down and metabolise food. However there are many other types of enzymes throughout the body. For example, liver enzymes that help break down toxins and enzymes that help with the production of energy in the mitochondria. 


The magnesium calcium balance

Micro and macro dosages are often a point of confusion for people. Most people take macro dosages which means they take in a great amount and forget that magnesium needs to be in a balance with calcium. Too much magnesium depletes calcium and too much calcium depletes magnesium. The balance between these two is essential. Normally there is a 2:1 ratio with 2 parts of magnesium required for every 1 part of calcium.  


Are you magnesium deficient?

Magnesium is a very common mineral for people to be deficient in. This is for a variety of factors but one of the big reasons is due to the consistent stress most adults experience in daily life. When we are stressed we use a lot of magnesium and thus it is easy to become depleted. 

It is also true that if you are a very busy person in day to day life that this constant action and movement of the body will deplete magnesium. 

Chocolate cravings: Not many people know this, but most chocolate cravings can be due to a deficiency in magnesium! So next time you are craving chocolate, instead of reaching for a block or two of your favourite chocolate, try taking tissue salt #7 to see if it helps to curb your craving.

Blushing: If you easily show patches of red on the cheeks (blushing) this too can be a sign of magnesium deficiency. This is not to be confused with the red and hot face described in a  previous episode for iron deficiency (tissue salt #3). Blushing is red but not hot. 

Quivering and swollen tongue: The tongue is a muscle and if you are magnesium deficient and then poke it out, you will notice a slight quiver or shake. This quiver may or may not be accompanied by some swelling of the tongue. 

Cramping pain: Again we are looking at the need for magnesium for good muscle functioning. Without enough magnesium your muscles will cramp.

Emotional Sensitivity: Magnesium has a strong emotional influence and if you are low in magnesium you will tend to be more sensitive and quite impulsive in your actions. 

Other signs: Dizziness, fatigue, sleep issues, sensory sensitivity, eyelid flickering


Organs and body system affected by magnesium

Involuntary Muscles: For example, the gut, heart and diaphragm. 

Nervous System: Calms the nervous system and thus is helpful for sleep, relaxing, hypersensitivity, attention problems, fatigue and so much more, including brain and memory function.

Enzymes: Magnesium is responsible for assisting in the production of over 600 enzymes in the body. One of which is the production of ATP which assists in energy production in the mitochondria.

Musculoskeletal System: Required for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. This means it is both essential for muscles to stretch effectively (and without injury) as well as for bone rigidity and strength. Lack of magnesium can lead to temporary muscle paralysis. 

Cardiovascular System: It is often forgotten that the heart is a muscle and without adequate magnesium, it will not function properly and thus oxygen will not be pumped around the body effectively, for distribution to the tissues. In fact, magnesium is seen to be so important for the heart that it is said that if a person suffers a heart attack and is also deficient in magnesium that they will not survive. 

Teeth: Technically teeth are part of the musculoskeletal system, but this is often forgotten and so worth mentioning separately. (Bones and teeth require the same minerals for the composition of their structure)

Endocrine System: Endocrine glands rely on magnesium for functioning and thus all systems and organs of the body are affected. One to take note of is thyroid regulation considering approximately 14% of Australians suffer from thyroid dysfunction. Another is sugar regulation for those suffering from diabetes or who have concerns relating to the pancreas.  


How to take magnesium

Magnesium is one  of the tissue salts that, as discussed in earlier episodes, you can take a fair few of the tissue salts and often. For example, 10 tissue salts dissolved in a cup of warm water and drank over 20 to 30 minutes. You can repeat this as often as required. 

The time of day you take magnesium will depend on what you are using it for:

Exercise: If you are exercising you can put Ferrum Phos (tissue salt #3)  with 10 x Mag Phos in your water bottle and sip it throughout your workout. However you can also use it post workout by putting about 10 tablets in the bathtub if you don't have epsom salts. 

If you roll an ankle (or pull a muscle) you can mix Mag Phos with Ferrum Phos (tissue salt # 3) to aid the healing process. 

Prolonged Stress: For example when on night duty.

Combine 10 tablets of mag phos with 10 tablets of kali phos (tissue salt # 5) and drink throughout the night. 

Delivery/Birth: Tissue salt # 7 (Mag Phos) can be taken (1 tablet every 15 minutes) to aid in the contractions of the uterus, expansion of the cervix and to also aid in pain relief. 

Note: Don’t forget that if you are putting the tablets into water that you will need to stir (or shake) the glass/bottle prior to sipping to ensure the mineral is evenly dispersed. You also want to swish the water around your mouth before swallowing. This helps it to absorb into your bloodstream from the mouth (vs going through your digestive system which is not as efficient). 


What type of magnesium should you take?

There are many different forms of magnesium. For example, phosphate, sulphate, orotate, citrate, aspartate (to name just a few). 

Be aware that magnesium oxide is not a form of magnesium you want to take in large quantities as you will find yourself sitting on the toilet quite a lot (it increases bowel movements). 

Magnesium phosphate is the type of magnesium that the b

Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph) Tissue Salt #6

8m · Published 16 Feb 05:09

Today we are talking about Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph), which is tissue salt # 6. To learn about the first 5 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 

Potassium Sulphate is responsible for the third stage of inflammation. If the body has lost its capacity to bounce back from stages 1 or 2 of inflammation it progresses into the 3rd stage. For example in the case of a cough, the cough quickly becomes purulent (i.e. yellow and thick with a putrid smell), expectoration (coughing it up) becomes a little difficult and the airways become infected. This is when we need potassium sulphate. 

Dissolve 6 to 10 tablets of the tissue salt into a bottle or glass of water and consume over 30 minutes (swishing around the mouth before swallowing). Repeat this 2 or 3 times a day. This is a wonderful way to create a quick shift. 

Potassium Sulphate is also a great tissue salt to have in the case of chronic sinus conditions. When we look at chronic sinus issues we are looking at a condition which has gone beyond creating an infection. In these cases we quite often see the secretions from the nose getting infected as well. They become green, thick and smelly. You may also see at this stage, stripes of bright red in the secretions which shows that there is some irritation of the membranes and they are slightly bleeding on the mucosa. If this is the case, ferrum phosphate (tissue salt #3) will be helpful as discussed in a previous episode. 

Is potassium sulphate enough at this stage of inflammation? No. Hopefully you are already using tissue salts 3 and 4 (helpful for stages 1 and 2 of inflammation) and then you can add # 6. 

If you put these in place quickly when symptoms first appear you will find that you can take great control of your body. The key is that as you are getting better you reduce the quantity and frequency of what you are doing. 

Sometimes we leave these simple support measures too long to implement and in these cases you may need further support and intervention from a professional if symptoms are persisting or serious. In the clinic we will prescribe isopathy, homeopathic or essential oils for additional support.

Do we require antibiotics for these conditions?

No. Antibiotics are what we require when we have a serious bacterial condition and we do not know what else to do. Of course, having medical advice in these cases is very important as some bacterial infections can move very quickly from almost nothing into a situation where your life is at risk (although these are rare). 

You will find that you do not require antibiotics for everyday flus and colds if you have a healthy diet, exercise regularly and support your immune system throughout the year. 

Recognising a deficiency of Potassium Sulphate

When you are deficient in potassium sulphate you will get a slight yellowish tinge over your face. This appears in a triangular shape going from the corners of the eyes to the mouth. 

Potassium sulphate plays a huge role in cleansing skin conditions as well as supporting the liver and pancreas. For this reason, tissue salt #6 is phenomenal for supporting conditions where the liver and/or pancreas is not in good shape (e.g. blood sugar problems).

In fact there is a cleanse we sometimes prescribe using all the sulphates, Nat Sulph ( # 10), Kali Sulph (#6) and Calc Sulph (#12), alternating 2 off each throughout the day for 6 weeks. This is a cleansing ritual that can begin supporting your skin in general. 

In simple terms, anything with an infective type of character (including things like inflamed gums and abscess), you will find potassium sulphate to be helpful. 


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Potassium Phosphate: Tissue Salt #5

8m · Published 09 Feb 06:41

Today we are talking about Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos), which is tissue salt # 5. To learn about the first 3 tissue salts and why tissue salts are an incredible support to our bodies, head back to episode number 8 where we began this fascinating series. 

Potassium Phosphate is responsible for everything to do with the Central Nervous System. When we are talking about the Central Nervous System, we are referring to the brain and spinal cord, including, thinking, focus, concentration, memory, cognition and nerve function.


Some ways Potassium Phosphate works in our bodies:

Brain function

How many people do you know complaining of brain fog?

How many children are there that are having difficulty focusing in the classroom?

And how many times do you have a thought or idea that slips from your mind, escaping your grasp?

Potassium Phosphate is a mineral you will need if your mind is fatigued from overuse (teacher, student, writer, long hours on the computer etc). 


Skin and appearance

When Potassium Phosphate is low, you will have a grey tinge to your skin and your eyelids will be lowered. 

We typically see this in people who have not slept well and we see dark rings under the eye. This change in skin colour is due to the body losing potassium because the body is not sleeping properly. 



When the body is under a lot of stress there are two minerals that the body overuses (leading to low levels). These are Potassium Phosphate and Magnesium Phosphate. 


Heart Health & Chest Pain

Our heart also requires Potassium Phosphate to send out electrical impulses, without it (and Magnesium Phosphate) your heart rhythm will not be regular or the correct tempo. 

We have had a few cases in our clinic where patients have been suffering from chest pain that when reviewed medically showed no cause. When we gave them Potassium Phosphate the problem was resolved. 

Note: If you are experiencing chest pain, please see a medical professional ASAP in case you need emergency care.


Nightmares & Fear

If you have a child who experiences nightmares or generally has a lot of fear, Potassium Phosphate can be very effective. (Also effective for adults)


Depression & Anxiety

Potassium Phosphate helps you to relax and can be your best friend if you suffer from any mental health conditions, in conjunction with other interventions (EG Treatment for hormone imbalance). 



If something happens that puts you under high acute stress, take Potassium Phosphate before you are showing any signs of lack. This is a good way to support your body as it goes through the processes that shock induces. 



Sometimes, patients with low Potassium Phosphate have a tongue that is slightly tilted to the left or right. This happens because the nerves (and thus muscles) are not functioning correctly. 



A throbbing nerve pain can be helped with Iron Phosphate (tissue salt #3) but if the pain is a shooting/stabbing pain then it may be helped and resolved with tissue salt #5 (Potassium Phosphate).

In the case of severe nerve pain you will need to take the tissue salts every 10 minutes until the pain subsides. Also keep in mind that you may need other minerals, depending on what is occurring within your body. 


How much should you take?

3 tablets once or twice a day is usually effective. These can be taken dissolved in a glass of warm water. Remember, when you put minerals in water, you must shake it and drink it slowly, swishing it around the mouth a little before swallowing.


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 

Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



Potassium Chloride: Tissue Salt #4

5m · Published 03 Feb 11:00

This week we are talking about tissue salt #4, Kali Mur, also known as Potassium Chloride. If you haven’t listened to our other episodes in this series then we highly recommend going back to the episode called ‘Mineral Therapy’ and beginning there.

Potassium Chloride is responsible for the second stage of inflammation. This stage occurs if the body cannot calm down the original presentation of inflammation. As we discussed last week this shows up in our bodies as redness, swelling and heat.

In the second stage of inflammation the body also begins to produce mucous. For example, we see this in the case of a virus where a sore throat first devops (stage 1), which is followed by a runny nose and cough from the excess of mucous that the body is struggling to get rid of (stage 2). As the immune system kicks in you will also notice the lymph nodes around the neck getting larger. 

Potassium Chloride is known as a mucolytic and it enhances expectoration of mucous. (Expectoration is the ability to cough up and remove mucous from the lungs and bronchi). 

Kali Mur and tissue salt #3, Ferrum Phos are beneficial to take together in Winter (listen to last week’s episode for details on how to take there).

Have you got Leaky Gut? When you have leaky gut, or gut permeability, the mucosa of the intestinal tract has been slightly damaged which leads to proteins moving through the epithelial junctions causing an immune response. Kali Mur can help to heal and then keep intact this vital mucosal lining which runs from our nose all the way down to our rectum. 

It is worth noting here, that many people take probiotic supplements (good bacteria) as they are essential for a healthy gut, however if your mucous tract is not in good condition then the probiotic bacteria will not be able adhere to it and will just pass through and be ineffective. 

Potassium Chloride also has a wonderful quality in that it allows the regulation of the thickening and thinning of your blood. For this reason it is a very good mineral to take when on long flights (to help prevent clots).

When Potassium Chloride is deficient we are going to notice a little pinkish, purplish tinge under the lower lid of the eyes. This presentation is very noticeable in small children. You will also be able to see fine veins over the face and back of the neck. 

Another sign of Potassium Chloride deficiency are persistent colds and coughs that feel like they ‘hang around.’

Next week we will be talking about Potassium Sulphate, which is responsible for the 3rd stage of inflammation. 


If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 

Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod




Ferrum Phos: Tissue Salt #3

7m · Published 27 Jan 11:00

Today we are continuing to develop the topic of Mineral Therapy and we are talking about Scheussler’s Tissue Salt #3 - Iron Phosphate. 

Before we delve into Iron Phosphate (Ferrum Phos) however, it is good to have an understanding of the first stage of inflammation.

If something in the body is inflamed it is generally red, hot and swollen. Sensations like burning, pain and throbbing are also common. These sensations and observations are usually the first stage of inflammation. 

We most often think of inflammation on the external surfaces of the body but your internal body also gets inflamed. We cannot see this, but we can feel it. For example, an inflamed intestine (gut) will give you aches, pains and a loose bowel. Other common internal inflammation experiences include a sore throat and headache. 

Iron Phosphate is an important mineral that will assist you with a quick ‘cooling down,’ and will support the process of coming back into an homeostatic balance.   


How to take Ferrum Phos

When taking Iron Phosphate as Ferrum Phos Tissue Salt, it is not the same as taking an Iron tablet, liquid or capsule. By using Iron Phosphate in the tissue salt form, you are ensuring that this vital mineral is reaching the cell faster. This gives the body a tool to compensate for any deficiency (head back to the “Mineral Therapy” episode to learn more about this).

Ferrum Phos is a typical mineral that you use in small amounts and often. It is dosed this way because if something is inflamed we need to shift it quickly to prevent further damage. 

For example, if you are bitten by an insect and do not want to experience the usual inflammation symptoms then you can take 2 tablets under the tongue every 10 minutes for one hour and then decrease as the symptoms improve. 

Or if you are experiencing inflammation of a different nature you could drink 10 tablets dissolved in a water bottle twice per day. Post exercise is a good example of when to use this method as muscle recovery depends on Ferrum Phos as well as the clearance of lactic acid. For this reason, combining tissue salt #9, Nat Phos, together with #3 Ferrum Phos will effectively aid muscle recovery.

Another important usage of tissue salt #3 is when we have skin conditions resulting in a lot of redness and swelling. For this, we can crush the tablet with the back of a wooden spoon and sprinkle it onto the area.  For a calming and cooling effect of the inflamed area, combine tissue salt #2 (Calcium Phosphate) with #3 (Ferrum Phos) for skin symptoms. 

For small cuts, you can crush a tablet and sprinkle a good quantity onto the cut to stop the bleeding. Of course, if it is a large cut, use common sense and seek medical attention. 

For boosting the immune system we can combine tissue salt #4, Kali Mur (which we will talk about next week) with Ferrum Phos. For this combination, you take two of each every morning, to help prevent getting sick during Winter. Or if you are ever feeling a little unwell and think you might be ‘coming down with something,’ then you can take these two or three times a day for a short period of time and then decrease back down to two tablets of each per day. There is no danger in taking these for a prolonged period of time. As we have said before, the quantity for children and babies will depend on the age, condition and improvement seen. 

If your ferritin storage is very low then you may need to take tissue salt #3 along with the macro dose (Iron Supplement). 


How do we know we need Ferrum Phosphate, Tissue #3?

When we look at someone and see a red face, cheeks and ears it is a good sign that Iron Phosphate is out of balance in the body. 

If you poke out your tongue and see a little red triangle tip, this is another sign of inflammatory processes occurring in the body. 



If you require more support in your health journey or have any questions, head to our website at 

Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod




Calcium Phosphate: Tissue Salt #2

13m · Published 21 Jan 01:55

Today we are covering Scheussler's tissue salt #2, which is calcium phosphate. We talk about why calcium phosphate is vital to your body's structure and functioning as well as how to tell if you are deficient.

What is Calcium Phosphate?

Calcium Phosphate is one of 3 forms of calcium and is the most abundant found in the body. 

Calcium phosphate gives your teeth and bones structure and also helps in forming tissues.

Without Calcium Phosphate your body would lack structure and you would be ‘jelly-like.’

You have most likely heard of the condition Osteoporosis. This condition is caused by a deficiency of Calcium Phosphate, together with other critical minerals for forming bone.

As we have spoken about previously, if your body is acid, then minerals will be leached from your bones to counteract the acidity. Calcium Phosphate is the most abundant mineral, and as such, it is the one that our body leaches the most when acidic and thus is also the mineral that is most likely to be depleted. 


How do we replace Calcium Phosphate?

We need to be careful when choosing a replacement because some forms are not absorbed correctly or at the right quantities. The second consideration is that if your body’s pH is not rectified then you will be continually losing calcium phosphate as it attempts to bring the pH back into balance.


What causes acidity?

One of the biggest causes is bubbles! By ‘bubbles’ we mean, soft drink, sparkling or soda water, cider/beer, sparkling wine or any other carbonated drink. 

CO2 plus H2O creates carbonated acid, which is a weak acid but if you drink these ‘fizzy’ drinks regularly (even in moderation), eventually their effect adds up and causes body acidity. 

Other highly acidic foods and drinks are coffee, fruit juice and anything with sugar. 

If you are consuming any of these fizzy drinks on a regular basis you may want to consider an alkalising powder to help neutralise the effects. 


How do we know if we are low in Calcium Phosphate?

When we look through the microscope at the clinic, we can identify those people who are too acidic and are losing calcium, because we can see crystals that have formed as well as calcium deposits in both live and coagulated blood. 


When we look at our skin, if we are low in Calcium Phosphate we will notice it is wrinkly. This is not just the chicken skin wrinkles we see from Calcium Fluoratum deficiency that we spoke about last week. Wrinkles caused by Calcium Phosphate deficiency look more like a diamond shape or a criss crossing of lines across the skin. We usually notice this first around the eyes.

Why do we care about wrinkles? Because if you are finding more and more wrinkles, it is most likely a sign that your body is leaching Calcium, putting your bones at risk. 

Another sign of Calcium Phosphate deficiency is a white stain on the teeth or finger nails. This is often seen in children but adults can also present with it.

When babies and toddlers teeth they end up with jagged teeth. If there is not enough Calcium Phosphate, the teeth will not go back to their smooth state but instead will remain jagged. 

The skin also tends to become very thin and you can see the veins underneath (especially around the temple).

People with low Calcium Phosphate also tend to have a lot of digestive issues. This is because Calcium Phosphate helps with the production of digestive enzymes. If the body doesn’t have enough Calcium Phosphate then the digestive enzymes will not be produced and the body will have difficulty breaking down food. When our food is not broken down properly, then it tends to ferment in the bowel from the bacteria present there, producing further acidity. This acidity, inflames the gut lining. 

Other signs include:

  • Growing pains, which for some children are excruciating. 
  • Chronic skin conditions. 
  • Muscles spasms, cramps etc. Calcium and magnesium work together to contract and expand. Don’t forget that the heart is also a muscle! This is why supplementing with calcium and magnesium is a good idea when exercising. 

These are just some of the ways in which the body utilises Calcium. Other vital functions include, energy production and cell formation.


How much do you need?

Your dose needs to be proportionate to what is occurring in your body. Small patches of eczema will require less than large areas of psoriasis. 


Where to get help with what to take and how much?

Book an appointment at the clinic by visiting 


Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod

Calcium Fluoratum: Tissue Salt #1

9m · Published 12 Jan 12:57

Today we are talking about Calcium Fluoratum, which is tissue salt #1. Calcium fluoratum is one that many people are not aware that it even exists within the body, unlike it’s famous cousin, Calcium Phosphate. 

If you haven’t listened to episode 7 yet, we highly recommend listening to it first to gain an understanding of what mineral therapy is and how it works, before listening to today’s episode.

Calcium Fluoratum is responsible for the elasticity of the tissues within our bodies. This is important for many functions, including ligaments, tendons and our skin. 

When Calcium Fluoratum decreases there is a hardening of structures and skin that occurs.

For example, have you suffered from corns on your toes? This is due to decreased Calcium Fluoratum. You can also experience little ‘hardenings on the eyes’ as well as tendons and ligaments that snap easily. 

On the flip side of things hardening, you will also find that things can get ‘saggy’ or ‘overstretched.’ When we think about ‘saggy,’ most of us think about sagging skin as we age which, while we may want to look youthful, isn’t a major issue. However, stretched skin and tissue is an issue when it affects other areas of our bodies. For example, with a prolapse of the bowel, where the bowel protrudes from the anus because the supporting network of tissue is no longer ‘tight’ enough. Prolapses can also occur with other organs like the uterus or the bladder. As you can imagine this can be very painful and requires immediate medical attention.


How do we correct a Calcium Fluoratum deficiency?

As with everything in life, if you have a slight deficiency of Calcium Fluoratum, you will be able to correct it quickly. However if the problem has been chronic (long term) it will take a while for it to correct. 

Also, keep in mind that with certain conditions, once the problem is there, it is not as simple as just correcting the initial problem/deficiency. This is because once something is out of balance in the body, it has a cascading effect on the rest of the body. Unfortunately, in some cases a full correction is not possible.

Hernias are another presentation of low Calcium Fluoratum levels due to weakening of the muscles and thus the internal organs protrude from the resulting opening. 

This mineral has a peculiarity in that it does not like to be mixed with any other mineral, including other forms of calcium.  Calcium Fluoratum also takes the longest of all the 12 minerals to be absorbed and to get to an optimal level and you also only take a maximum of a couple tablets a day (1 to 2). This is important to note, because people often think that such a small amount won’t work. 


How do you know if you have a Calcium Fluoratum deficiency?

As a tip, if you find that you poke out your tongue and there is a thick straight ridge running through the middle of the tongue, this is a sign of Calcium Fluoratum deficiency. 

And as mentioned earlier, you will have a tendency for prolapses, hernias, hardening of skin, sagging skin and injuries (sprains etc).


Why would I be deficient in Calcium Fluoratum?

Most people end up with a deficiency due to body acidity. This occurs when the body pH has dropped too much. Because it is dangerous for your pH to drop, when this occurs (usually due to poor diet choices) and your body becomes acidic, your body will use minerals to neutralise the acidity. 

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body and so it is the most leached from your body (teeth, bones, tissues, organs, cells, teeth). The calcium is drawn from these structures into the bloodstream to correct the pH, leaving the structures deficient and thus unable to perform their functions properly (E.g. bones get weak and break easily, teeth crack and decay, muscles do not contract and relax properly etc).

If this isn’t bad enough, what usually tends to happen is that after the pH has been corrected there is an excess of calcium left in the blood and this can cause bone spurs and arterial plaque (if there is also cholesterol present). Arterial plaque obviously brings its own set of problems to the body. 

To learn more about low pH, go back to episode 1, where we covered it as part of our “Let’s talk Diets” episode.


One last tip!

If your skin is getting wrinkly too quickly, you know it is calcium fluoratum if it is very fine lines like that of chicken legs or feet! 

If this is occurring, you really need to think about the state of your bones. Our skin and bones are closely tied and have a very similar content of minerals. We will be talking more about this next week when we delve into tissue salt #2, Calcium Phosphate.  


Where can you learn more?

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, head to

Mineral Therapy

19m · Published 06 Jan 06:58

Mineral therapy is looking at the equilibrium of minerals in the body to obtain bioregulation. We look at what is missing in the body so we can supplement it and bring the body back into balance. In many ways, minerals can be seen as the missing link when healing from chronic conditions.


What does mineral therapy mean? 

Let’s start with what Mineral Therapy is not. It is not going to the chemist to get a multi-mineral in a capsule. It is more complex than this and is based on the twelve basic salts of Schuessler. 

Dr Scheussler was a German medical Doctor in the late 1800’s who studied the biochemistry of cells. Dr Scheussler had the idea to incinerate corpses and analyse the ashes that remain. When he did this he identified 12 minerals (11 immediately, and 1 later on in life), which formed the new form of treatment called mineral therapy which is based on micro-mineral dosages. 

The dosages obtained from the minerals are via a homeopathic titration method, which means they are very fine particles that still exist as a substance, but are absorbed in the oral cavity (mouth). Because they are absorbed in the mouth, and thus bypassing the digestive system, we get faster and better uptake of the minerals (leading to a quicker response by the body). 

This therapy enables us to create profound changes in the body, bringing this fine balance of minerals at the cellular level.

For the next 12 weeks, we are going to look at 12 different minerals that are vitally important to your body and its ability to function well. Many of the minerals we will be talking about are not well known and you may be surprised at some of the functions of the body that rely on these minerals to be performed.

For example, some of our emotional reactions are affected by particular minerals. Sodium (salt) has the effect that if there is excess ingested (and thus a deficiency in the cell) it can cause not only rigidity and dryness of the body but also of the mind. 

Today, we are covering how to administer and combine tissue salts as well as the different ways they can be prescribed. 


What are the 12 minerals?

  1. Calc Flour 
  2. Calc Phos 
  3. Ferrum Phos 
  4. Kali Mur 
  5. Kali Phos 
  6. Kali Sulph 
  7. Mag Phos 
  8. Nat Mur 
  9. Nat Phos 
  10. Nat Sulph 
  11. Silicea 
  12. Calc Sulph


Topical Application

Mineral tissue salts are most often taken under the tongue but they are also highly effective applied topically.

If your minerals are not in balance within your body (for example, from too much holiday celebrating), your skin (to name just one body part) will suffer. In the clinic we often see patients with painful, inflamed, broken skin and when we apply certain minerals to their skin a soothing effect is felt almost immediately. In many cases these skin symptoms fully resolve within weeks. 

To apply topically, crush the required mineral with the back of a spoon and sprinkle onto a weeping lesion, applying as often as needed until the lesion is no longer weeping.

If you have a cut that is bleeding. You can apply tissue salt #3 (Iron Phosphate) every few minutes until it stops bleeding. 

Other topical application methods include compresses, washing with warm water (with the mineral dissolved in it) and adding minerals to your bath.

Post exercise, you may find a bath with tissue salts # 9 and # 3 (10 tablets of each) will help with lactic acid formation and inflammation respectively. Magnesium is another good option for adding to bath water for relaxing your muscles.


Can you mix these minerals?

No, not really. 

For certain conditions you are going to need more of one mineral and less than another and thus they should be prescribed based on your personal situation or else you may not be bringing the body back into its delicate state of balance. 

Unfortunately, many companies sell over the counter tissue salts that are in certain combinations, ignoring the basic principle of each of our unique needs. 


Let’s look at some examples... 

Calcium and Magnesium are often prescribed together because they work together naturally in the body. However, if you are going to put Potassium and Calcium together, there is going to be a problem with absorption, so these two should never be mixed together. 

Potassium can, however be mixed with Iron with no problem, but ideally you will not take calcium and iron together. 

If you read these rules and feel confused or even scared just know that while these are rules to be followed they can be easily followed if your doses are prescribed for you and if you remember to take each tissue salt individually (one at a time). 


Drinking Tissue Salts

Adding your prescribed number of tissue salts into a bottle of water to dissolve and drink over the day is a wonderful way for small children to get their dosage. 

In order to absorb the minerals in the mouth (versus the GI tract), just swish the water in your mouth before swallowing. 


Quality Matters

As with everything, the quality of the tissue salt will impact your ability to absorb it and reap the benefits. It is also worth noting that some companies add a little bit of gluten to their tablets, which is disruptive to many people. 

Other companies add too much lactose, creating other problems within the body. 

And this may be surprising, but some companies do not even add enough of the required mineral!


How long do I take these minerals for?

Some people may require mineral therapy for a long period of time. For example, when a child is born with calcium deficiency and is suffering from acid reflux. On the other hand, if your child is teething, he or she may only require them for a short space of time. 

The quantity, frequency and duration will all depend on how acute (short term) or chronic (long term) and the severity of the situation. 


Can I take tissue salts if I am lactose intolerant?

Most people who react to dairy, react because of the protein. Lactose is different from this. Lactose is the sugar present in milk. It is also worth noting the miniscule amount of lactose present in tissue salts and thus the likelihood of reacting is reduced even further. 

On the very rare occasion we have a patient who reacts to the small amounts of lactose present, we can then look at sugar cane pills from some homeopathic clinics. 

The type of lactose in tissue salts also works as a prebiotic, meaning it helps with our gut flora and thus is beneficial. 


I have a balanced diet and avoid vegetable oils, dairy, grains etc - Why would I need tissue salts?

We have many patients who come into the clinic with various symptoms, saying they do not understand why their body is not functioning properly, despite their healthy lifestyle. 

Unfortunately our fruit and vegetables do not contain the same minerals they did 20 years ago. In fact the nutrient content is severely depleted and it is nearly impossible to ‘eat’ the required amount of minerals. Add on top of the mineral depletion, the toxic pesticides sprayed onto our crops and it is no wonder that even the healthiest eaters are struggling. 


Why we often choose tissue salts over multimineral supplements

Multiminerals are a combination of a lot of things in macro dosages. Meaning larger molecules and larger dosages, that will need to to be digested through your digestive system to b

Essentially Quinny has 36 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 8:40:09. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 30th, 2024 17:13.

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