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The Girlfriend Doctor w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

by Dr. Anna Cabeca OB/GYN

Dr. Anna Cabeca is The Girlfriend Doctor. She's the first call for the woman who has questions she would only ask her best girlfriend if her girlfriend were a triple-board-certified OB-GYN. This top health podcast is all about helping women live better lives — before, during, and after menopause.

Copyright: Copyright © 2021 Cabeca Health. All rights reserved. 195604


Talking on Eggshells with Sam Horn

44m · Published 29 Aug 10:00

Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, embark on a transformative journey of communication mastery with renowned expert Sam Horn. With a spotlight on her book "Talking on Eggshells," Sam reveals the strategies that can revolutionize the way you connect with others – whether it's dealing with difficult people, navigating tricky situations at work, or enhancing your personal relationships. Sam's techniques are designed to elevate conversations to new heights with wisdom, insights, and techniques that will transform the way you communicate!

In this episode, she guides us through her book's strategies, emphasizing the power of pattern interrupts to diffuse conflicts and deepen connections. Sam is more than just a communicator – she's an enabler of change, success, and fulfillment.

Tune in to discover the secrets of effective communication. Sam's expertise transcends ordinary conversations, offering tools that empower you to steer interactions with grace and empathy. Master the art of 'What do you mean?' and 'I wish,' and unlock the door to richer, more meaningful connections. Elevate your communication game and become the maestro of conversations that inspire change.


[01:30] Power of Effective Communication

[05:45] The Maui Writers Conference Legacy

[13:10] Transformative emails and thought-provoking content.

[17:30] Strategies for handling workplace dialogues and avoiding conflicts.

[22:05] Shifting Conversations with Empathy

[26:40] Connecting deeply through intentional language reframing.

[30:10] Impact of Words in Healthcare

[34:20] Gems of "Talking on Eggshells"



Talking on Eggshells

Tongue Fu


"And the key is, if we can teach people that there's two ways to say everything, we don't have to be at the mercy of other people's tone or words." [2:44] -Sam Horn

"How we communicate either moves us forward or anchors us in a conflict."[12:06] -Sam Horn

"The first step of this is to realize that we're not being victimized by people who push our buttons, they're pointing out we have buttons to push." [21:15] Sam Horn


Mighty Maca Plus

To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor

Reverse Alzheimer's and Memory Loss with Dr. Heather Sandison

44m · Published 22 Aug 10:00

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are debilitating conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. The loss of memory and cognitive function can be devastating, not only for the individuals themselves but also for their loved ones. However, there is hope for reversing dementia.

In this episode, I had the privilege of interviewing the incredible Dr. Heather Sandison. She is a Naturopathic Doctor who has dedicated her career to supporting those suffering with dementia, and let me tell you, the insights she shared are mind-blowing! Here are some key takeaways that I believe will have a profound impact on your life:

Prioritize Your Brain Health: Dr. Heather emphasizes the importance of investing in ourselves and recognizing our own worth. Remember, you are absolutely deserving of a healthy and thriving brain!

Find Your Balance: We all know that stress can take a toll on our memory and cognitive abilities. Dr. Heather highlights the significance of maintaining a balance between engagement and overwhelm.

Take Action: The most crucial step is to take action! Dr. Heather encourages us to identify our one next right step towards improving our brain health. It could be as simple as adding a new habit to our daily routine or committing to a healthier diet. Remember, every small step counts, and together, they lead to remarkable transformations!

I cannot stress enough how valuable this episode is, and I highly recommend giving it a listen. Dr. Heather is a true inspiration, and her expertise will leave you feeling empowered and hopeful.

Key Takeaways:

[00:01:15] Alzheimer's and dementia struggle.

[00:05:14] Improving cognitive function in Alzheimer’s.

[00:08:30] Immersive experience for dementia.

[00:12:38] Medications vs. natural approaches.

[00:15:48] Dual task exercises.

[00:19:22] Using oxygen to optimize exercise.

[00:21:44] Chronic diseases and imbalance.

[00:26:30] Glucotoxicity and Alzheimer’s disease.

[00:29:00] Oral estrogen and inflammation.

[00:34:26] Genetic risk of Alzheimer's.

[00:36:25] Positive attitude and longevity.

[00:40:14] Red light therapy benefits.

[00:44:00] Brain health improvement strategies.

Where To Find Our Guest


Solcere Health Clinic:

Marama Experience:

Reverse Alzheimer's Summit:

Memorable Quotes

"I wish more than anything every day. I wish there was a pill or an IV that I could give my patients to just stop the suffering. But we don't have that yet. But what we do have are these other really exciting things that we can do where the side effects are just better health and more graceful aging generally." [00:12:29] – Dr. Heather Sandison

"My life's work is to change the narrative around Alzheimer's. There is hope. There's lots we can do. And the sooner we get started, the sooner we get these foundations in place, the sooner we get the toxins out and the nutrients balanced, the better our outcomes.” [00:42:51] – Dr. Heather Sandison


Mighty Maca Plus

To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor

Back to School, Reset your Circadian Rhythm and Leptin Sensitivity with Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE

37m · Published 15 Aug 10:00

I am honestly so glad that the school year has started already! It does bring some melancholy feelings such as this is maybe the last time I drop my youngest one off to school because next year she'll be driving.

I love these first day of school drop offs! I get to be ridiculous and embarrass her and bring a smile to her face. It is a really special time. 

Some of you may be experiencing an empty nest cycle or just the nostalgia of the school season starting, and you feel like something's missing. Well, I'm here for you and I have often said to a patient that, ‘Wow! Now you finally have the time to have that mental breakdown your body has been wanting to have for a decade!’

Back to school also brings with it the focus on the immune system because colds and flus often come with the beginning of a new school year so, keeping yourself as healthy as possible is important for you and your family. I am not a proponent of routine flu immunizations - I am a proponent of resetting your circadian rhythm, boosting your vitamin D naturally and/or supplement, and empower your immune system versus having it suppressed.

In this interview with Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE, we talk about really strategic ways to optimize your health and that of your family for a better mind and body and experience.

Let me know any questions and please comment below. 

Big Ask: Anywhere you listen to my podcast, please leave your reviews. Your feedback makes all the difference in the world. Those five-star reviews really help boost our rankings in the charts and I thank you for them!


Key Takeaways:

[00:00:55] Importance of quality time together.

[00:04:13] Back to school season.

[00:05:53] Find sustainable ways to fill the void.

[00:09:50] Aromatherapy and self-care.

[00:11:30] Bringing back essential oils.

[00:14:55] Low vitamin D and mental health.

[00:16:22] Importance of natural light exposure.

[00:19:15] Darkness deficiency and melatonin.

[00:23:01] Timing of eating for weight loss.

[00:26:33] Making nourishing protein shakes.

[00:29:05] Balance hormones for optimal health.

[00:32:45] Hormesis and body challenges.

[00:33:05] Listen to your body's signals.

Where To Find Our Guest




Memorable Quotes

"This is your body telling you that what you're doing currently isn't working. That might mean you switch the timing. That might mean you switch up the macros. That might mean you switch up the food selection or types. But there's definitely something that you have to shake up when your body is telling you that it's not working.” [00:33:14] – Ali Miller



Mighty Maca Plus


To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Radiating Happiness and Attracting Miracles: Discover The Joy of Being Present and Enjoying Life with Marci Shimoff

31m · Published 08 Aug 10:00

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to get caught up in the constant pursuit of success and accomplishment. However, it's not always about doing more, but rather about being present and enjoying the fruits of our labor. It's essential to recognize the importance of taking a step back and giving ourselves the time and space to recharge. We need to prioritize our well-being and make self-care a non-negotiable part of our lives.

In today’s episode, I had the incredible opportunity to sit down and have an enlightening conversation with the one and only Marci Shimoff.

Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and a world-renowned Transformational Teacher, known for her best-selling books such as "Happy for No Reason" and "Love for No Reason." She has a unique gift for radiating happiness and bringing miracles into people's lives. If you've seen "The Secret" or are familiar with the law of attraction, you'll absolutely love Marci's insights.

During our conversation, Marci shared powerful strategies for raising your happiness set point and living a more miraculous life. We dove deep into topics like connecting with the universe, listening to our souls, and leading from the heart, and explore the importance of taking care of ourselves and finding happiness for no reason. Marci's wisdom and energy are truly inspiring, and I guarantee you'll walk away from this episode feeling uplifted and motivated.

Let's remember that our responsibility to take care of ourselves comes first, and by doing so, we can create a positive ripple effect in all aspects of our lives. It's time to fill our own cups and shine our brightest! Tune in to discover how to live a more miraculous life and raise your happiness set point. Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation that will feed your soul and leave you with pearls of wisdom.

Key Takeaways:

[00:03:10] No pain, no gain.

[00:06:58] Being present without fear.

[00:09:16] Living in the miracle zone.

[00:13:04] Two energies in the universe.

[00:16:27] Trusting the universe.

[00:19:05] Live from inspiration, not obligation.

[00:22:19] Leading with an open heart.

[00:26:00] Finding purpose in life.

[00:28:31] Silent meditation retreats.

[00:31:30] Connection with nature and soul.


Where To Find Our Guest



Memorable Quotes

"When people ask me, are there any fast tracks to happiness? I say there are two. There is the angel of forgiveness on one shoulder and the angel of gratitude on the other shoulder. Oh, so if you want to live more with an open heart, look at where you need forgiveness and, every day, all through the day, gratitude, let gratitude be your guide." [00:21:05] – Marci Shimoff

"So, I would just say honor yourself. The biggest thing people can walk away with is honor your soul, honor whatever is calling of you, honor your energy, honor your heart.” [00:29:26] – Marci Shimoff




Mighty Maca Plus

To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Uncovering the Effects of Hormonal Disruptions on Women's Health with Dr. Margaret Christensen

50m · Published 01 Aug 10:00

Hormone disruption is a topic that is often overlooked but is crucial for understanding our overall health and well-being. It is not a sexy topic to talk about, but it is eye-opening and empowering, and it is essential to understand their effects on our health. In this episode, we aim to provide you with information to help you recognize any interference in your body's natural hormonal production.

Our guest, a fellow OBGYN, Dr. Margaret Christensen, has made significant contributions to the fields of Longevity Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine. Her expertise, combined with her unique clinical journey, has led her on an enlightening path of discovery.

Dr. Margaret’s personal and clinical journey has led her to explore the impact of environmental toxins on our health. She uncovers the effects of psychoneurotropics and provides insights into how these toxins can affect us. This eye-opening discussion will make you think twice about the substances we encounter in our daily lives. 

She is also an Owner and Founder of Carpathia Collaborative, a renowned multidisciplinary practice in Dallas. This unique practice brings together a diverse team of healthcare providers, including chiropractors, nurse practitioners, coaches, nutritionists, and mental health professionals. The collaborative approach allows for a comprehensive and holistic approach to patient care, ensuring that all aspects of health and well-being are addressed.

We dive deep into the hormonal changes that are happening in our bodies and provide valuable insights that you won't hear anywhere else. Dr. Margaret also discusses the importance of understanding these changes and how they can affect our overall health and well-being. This information is truly invaluable for anyone seeking to optimize their hormonal balance. Her expertise in functional medicine, combined with her unique perspective, makes her a true inspiration in the field.

Key Takeaways:

[00:00:12] Hormone disruption.

[00:04:26] Personal journey in medicine.

[00:09:51] Integrative and interdisciplinary practices.

[00:12:00] Gut microbiome and hormones.

[00:15:10] Hormone-disrupting toxins in everyday life.

[00:19:27] Spiritual energy centers.

[00:23:54] Hormonal disruptions and buried emotions.

[00:28:09] Abnormal bleeding and infertility.

[00:31:27] Gut issues and hormone influence.

[00:35:24] Vascular issues and COVID.

[00:36:59] Resuscitating Mitochondria.

[00:42:07] Boundaries and self-care.

[00:46:26] Thyroid and mitochondrial health.

[00:47:47] Pap smears and cervical cancer.

[00:52:33] Environmental toxicity and dietary plan.


Where To Find Our Guest





Memorable Quotes

"One of the most important questions I ask is, how many antibiotics have you been on in a lifetime? And that is a revealing question. And again, antibiotics are major hormonal disruptors. People have no idea. You increase your risk for breast cancer with that, if you've been, you know, in years of antibiotics. How much alcohol do you drink? That's another big thing. That's a huge area in women.” [00:44:51] – Dr. Margaret Christensen




Mighty Maca Plus

To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Uncovering the Effects of Hormonal Disruptions on Women's Health with Dr. Margaret Christensen

50m · Published 01 Aug 10:00

Hormone disruption is a topic that is often overlooked but is crucial for understanding our overall health and well-being. It is not a sexy topic to talk about, but it is eye-opening and empowering, and it is essential to understand their effects on our health. In this episode, we aim to provide you with information to help you recognize any interference in your body's natural hormonal production.

Our guest, a fellow OBGYN, Dr. Margaret Christensen, has made significant contributions to the fields of Longevity Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine. Her expertise, combined with her unique clinical journey, has led her on an enlightening path of discovery.

Dr. Margaret’s personal and clinical journey has led her to explore the impact of environmental toxins on our health. She uncovers the effects of psychoneurotropics and provides insights into how these toxins can affect us. This eye-opening discussion will make you think twice about the substances we encounter in our daily lives. 

She is also an Owner and Founder of Carpathia Collaborative, a renowned multidisciplinary practice in Dallas. This unique practice brings together a diverse team of healthcare providers, including chiropractors, nurse practitioners, coaches, nutritionists, and mental health professionals. The collaborative approach allows for a comprehensive and holistic approach to patient care, ensuring that all aspects of health and well-being are addressed.

We dive deep into the hormonal changes that are happening in our bodies and provide valuable insights that you won't hear anywhere else. Dr. Margaret also discusses the importance of understanding these changes and how they can affect our overall health and well-being. This information is truly invaluable for anyone seeking to optimize their hormonal balance. Her expertise in functional medicine, combined with her unique perspective, makes her a true inspiration in the field.

Key Takeaways:

[00:00:12] Hormone disruption.

[00:04:26] Personal journey in medicine.

[00:09:51] Integrative and interdisciplinary practices.

[00:12:00] Gut microbiome and hormones.

[00:15:10] Hormone-disrupting toxins in everyday life.

[00:19:27] Spiritual energy centers.

[00:23:54] Hormonal disruptions and buried emotions.

[00:28:09] Abnormal bleeding and infertility.

[00:31:27] Gut issues and hormone influence.

[00:35:24] Vascular issues and COVID.

[00:36:59] Resuscitating Mitochondria.

[00:42:07] Boundaries and self-care.

[00:46:26] Thyroid and mitochondrial health.

[00:47:47] Pap smears and cervical cancer.

[00:52:33] Environmental toxicity and dietary plan.


Where To Find Our Guest





Memorable Quotes

"One of the most important questions I ask is, how many antibiotics have you been on in a lifetime? And that is a revealing question. And again, antibiotics are major hormonal disruptors. People have no idea. You increase your risk for breast cancer with that, if you've been, you know, in years of antibiotics. How much alcohol do you drink? That's another big thing. That's a huge area in women.” [00:44:51] – Dr. Margaret Christensen




Mighty Maca Plus

To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Breaking the Taboo: Talking About Menopause, Vaginas, Sex, and Women's Health with Esther Blum

46m · Published 25 Jul 10:00

Menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life that occurs when she stops menstruating and can no longer bear children. It is a significant milestone that marks the end of reproductive years and the beginning of a new phase of life. However, despite its importance, menopause is often misunderstood and overlooked in our society. This lack of education and awareness about menopause has serious implications for women's health and well-being.

Normalizing conversations about women's health is a crucial step towards empowering women and providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies. This episode highlights the importance of open and transparent discussions about topics that have traditionally been considered taboo or uncomfortable.

We are joined by the incredible Esther Blum, an Integrative Dietitian, Menopause Expert, and Bestselling Author, who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Our conversation is not only research-based, but also backed by scientific proof and clinical experience. We believe that by sharing our differing perspectives and personal stories, we can help you navigate through the complexities of societal myths and industrial norms.

During this episode, we explore the importance of having conversations with the people you care about, and how these conversations can lead to personal growth and transformation. We also discuss the books that have inspired us on our spiritual and business journeys, providing you with valuable resources to expand your horizons.

If you're looking to challenge your own beliefs, gain new insights, and be part of a community that supports your personal and professional growth, then this episode is a must-listen. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your thoughts, commenting, and engaging with our community.


Key Takeaways:

[00:01:36] Natural ways to restore hormones.

[00:04:11] Empowering women through menopause.

[00:07:39] Shortages of hormones.

[00:11:05] High stress and perimenopause.

[00:17:52] Masturbation and sexual wellness.

[00:19:30] Self-advocacy at the doctor's office.

[00:23:25] Bio-identical hormones are safe.

[00:26:02] Vaginal estrogen and breast cancer.

[00:31:01] Importance of progesterone.

[00:33:01] Progesterone vs. Progestin

[00:36:30] Progesterone hypersensitivity.

[00:40:07] Keeping intimacy and connection.

[00:43:31] Hormones and menopause resources.

Where To Find Our Guest



Happy Hormone Cocktail:


Memorable Quotes

"And just normalize these conversations, I mean even in my group coaching program I did all full class on like masturbation and vibrators, and I think everyone was just so excited to have like a safe open normal conversation about it because some women, you know I told my friends like do you talk about this with other people like oh God I talk about you but I don't, like why are we not talking about it, where's my 16 year-old son it's like masturbation is just completely normalized for dudes, why is it not normalized for girls." [00:17:35] – Esther Blum

"I've really worked on developing a spiritual practice in my life and really partnering with the divine for abundance. And there's, if you're really clear on your goals, right, the problem is it's never that we're not dreaming. It's that we're not dreaming big enough.” [00:41:26] – Esther Blum




Mighty Maca Plus


To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Wake Up And Read The Labels With Jen Smiley

52m · Published 18 Jul 10:00

Reading food labels is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In today's society, where there is an abundance of processed and packaged foods, it is crucial to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies. It can be easy to overlook the importance of reading food labels. Many of us are guilty of grabbing items off the grocery store shelves without giving much thought to it and what many individuals fail to realize is that even foods labeled as "healthy" can contain hidden ingredients that are detrimental to our health.

In this episode, we are joined by Nutrition Expert, Jen Smiley, Founder of "Wake Up and Read the Labels," a company dedicated to helping consumers understand what's actually inside of their food and

revolutionize their grocery shopping. Jen's personal experience with asthma, stubborn weight, and inflammation taught her the importance of reading the back of food products. Her journey began when she realized that the seemingly healthy food products she was consuming were actually filled with ingredients she couldn't even pronounce. This wake-up call led her on a mission to find foods with real, recognizable ingredients.

As Jen emphasizes, knowledge truly is power when it comes to making healthier choices. By educating ourselves about food labels and understanding the ingredients we're consuming, we can make more informed decisions. Over time, these choices become easier, and we can navigate the marketing tactics that often mislead us.

Sometimes, we find ourselves on this journey towards better health and wellness in isolation, without the support of our loved ones or community. However, by sharing our knowledge and encouraging others to listen to podcasts like ours, we can ignite support and change for our loved ones. Together, we can hold each other accountable and create a community that prioritizes health and wellness!

Key Takeaways:

[00:01:32] Toxic ingredients in salad dressing.

[00:06:47] Real food ingredients discovery.

[00:08:14] Gluten-free and dairy-free diets.

[00:12:26] Nut milk alternatives

[00:17:03] Clean coffee options.

[00:19:54] Ingredients to avoid.

[00:23:11] Controversial ingredients in food.

[00:28:30] Teflon and its health impacts.

[00:30:41] Cooking oils and inflammation.

[00:34:42] Diabetes and diet sodas.

[00:40:47] Overcoming the food industry.

[00:42:30] Avocado and skincare products.

[00:46:30] Relationship and friendship dynamics.

[00:50:19] Fresh food and healthy choices.

Where To Find Our Guest





Memorable Quotes

"The fact that we're going to the grocery, and we are confused, and our health is declining is it correlates with the amount of choices in this consumer confusion that the food marketing is essentially created.” [00:14:49] – Jen Smiley

"The beautiful thing is that you can eat the foods you love, you have to be educated on which the labels are made with real ingredients and that is how you can enjoy these foods still not feel restricted, you're not on a diet, you're actually overcoming the food industry and that's when you start to see relief in your symptoms and how you feel." [00:39:25] – Jen Smiley




Mighty Maca Plus


To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Living Young for a Lifetime: Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

51m · Published 11 Jul 11:37

Longevity requires prioritizing health. At the end of our days, what truly matters is having loved, laughed, shared, given, and received joy in our relationships. However, to fully enjoy these aspects of life, good health is essential. Our health affects our overall well-being and happiness.

In this episode, the importance of living a long and healthy life is emphasized. Our special guest, Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, Founder, Medical Director, and CEO of Gladden Longevity; a Clinic and Research Center for Life Energy, Health, Longevity, and Performance Optimization, shares his amazing insights and clinical experience in the field of longevity. He discusses the impact of COVID on trends and how he has helped his patients overcome setbacks. 

Dr. Gladden highlights the significance of taking care of our bodies and the importance of pain-free living. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of our bodies, addressing inflammation and hormone imbalances, and optimizing our overall well-being. He believes that by doing so, we can enhance our physiology and improve our chances of living a long and healthy life. Ultimately, the key to longevity lies in valuing and prioritizing our health above all else.

Join us as we dive into the cutting-edge wisdom of Dr. Gladden and learn how to optimize our quality time and presence in our daily lives. 


Key Takeaways:

[00:02:05] The importance of health.

[00:08:45] The consequences of COVID.

[00:10:30] Ovaries aging and life expectancy.

[00:13:15] Hormones and aging.

[00:17:40] Longevity and staying youthful.

[00:20:15] Women and aging differently.

[00:24:20] Exponential impact and youthfulness.

[00:27:10] Longevity medicine.

[00:31:15] Long haul COVID treatment.

[00:35:20] Peptides and semaglutide.

[00:39:25] Lengthening telomeres and rejuvenation.

[00:41:00] Optimizing cognitive ability.

[00:45:10] A day in the life.

[00:50:20] Gratitude and blessings in life.


Links Mentioned In This Episode

Dr. Jeffrey Gladden’s Website:

Dr. Jeffrey Gladden’s Podcast:


Memorable Quotes

"Longevity is really about staying young for a long time. And so, it's really about being youthful.” [00:17:35] - Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

"It's like the best investment you could ever make, ever, because your ability to impact the world, whether that's make more money, give away more money, share your wisdom, share your insights, all of that will go up dramatically." [00:23:54] - Dr. Jeffrey Gladden


To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


Living Young for a Lifetime: Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

51m · Published 11 Jul 11:37

Longevity requires prioritizing health. At the end of our days, what truly matters is having loved, laughed, shared, given, and received joy in our relationships. However, to fully enjoy these aspects of life, good health is essential. Our health affects our overall well-being and happiness.

In this episode, the importance of living a long and healthy life is emphasized. Our special guest, Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, Founder, Medical Director, and CEO of Gladden Longevity; a Clinic and Research Center for Life Energy, Health, Longevity, and Performance Optimization, shares his amazing insights and clinical experience in the field of longevity. He discusses the impact of COVID on trends and how he has helped his patients overcome setbacks. 

Dr. Gladden highlights the significance of taking care of our bodies and the importance of pain-free living. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of our bodies, addressing inflammation and hormone imbalances, and optimizing our overall well-being. He believes that by doing so, we can enhance our physiology and improve our chances of living a long and healthy life. Ultimately, the key to longevity lies in valuing and prioritizing our health above all else.

Join us as we dive into the cutting-edge wisdom of Dr. Gladden and learn how to optimize our quality time and presence in our daily lives. 


Key Takeaways:

[00:02:05] The importance of health.

[00:08:45] The consequences of COVID.

[00:10:30] Ovaries aging and life expectancy.

[00:13:15] Hormones and aging.

[00:17:40] Longevity and staying youthful.

[00:20:15] Women and aging differently.

[00:24:20] Exponential impact and youthfulness.

[00:27:10] Longevity medicine.

[00:31:15] Long haul COVID treatment.

[00:35:20] Peptides and semaglutide.

[00:39:25] Lengthening telomeres and rejuvenation.

[00:41:00] Optimizing cognitive ability.

[00:45:10] A day in the life.

[00:50:20] Gratitude and blessings in life.


Links Mentioned In This Episode

Dr. Jeffrey Gladden’s Website:

Dr. Jeffrey Gladden’s Podcast:


Memorable Quotes

"Longevity is really about staying young for a long time. And so, it's really about being youthful.” [00:17:35] - Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

"It's like the best investment you could ever make, ever, because your ability to impact the world, whether that's make more money, give away more money, share your wisdom, share your insights, all of that will go up dramatically." [00:23:54] - Dr. Jeffrey Gladden



To learn more about me, and to stay connected, visit the links below:

  • Website: The Girlfriend Doctor

  • Instagram: The Girlfriend Doctor


The Girlfriend Doctor w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca has 425 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 274:49:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on April 16th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 06:55.

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