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2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO

by Delphine Souquet

2Goodmedia is the media podcast that cover major events in the digital & creative industries : Fashion, Art, Tech. It is a connector between talents and inspiring leaders from creative industries reshaping the world around us and building a conscious economy. Follow my free spirited and meaningful conversations with brand CEOs, artists, entrepreneurs recorded live during trade shows. We talk about serious things but never take ourselves too seriously!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. 2Goodmedia


FILI PARI 🇮🇹- Pievani & Zantedeschi - Come una Start up di successo può nascere dalla tesi universitaria sul Recycling del Marmo

40m · Published 20 Oct 18:03

Francesca Pievani & Alice Zantedeschi – Co-Founders of FILI PARI - Come una Start up di successo può nascere dalla tesi universitaria al Politecnico di Milano sul Recycling del Marmo

#27 : FILI PARI - How a Master Research on Recycling Marble stone can lead to the creation of a successful Italian Fashion Start up

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

ENGLISH - After their Master on recycling Marble powders, Francesca Pievani and Alice Zantedeschi could not imagine to launch a profitable and innovative Start up. Indeed they both looked for a job experience and followed different career path. Until they realized that their research on Marble was gaining a great attention and enthusiasm from the Press and the Fashion business sector. They decided to quit their jobs three years later and FILIPARI was founded by the two young women. Today FILIPARI has joined the famous Start up accelerator of Politecnico di Milano, Poli Hub, and combines Craftsmanship and innovation to revolutionize the Fashion and Textile Business with the introduction of Italian marble recycling : from the selection of the marbles to their processing, up to the production of the material. Now let's tell the success story of the Italian Start up FILI PARI and its ambitions for the future, giving the voices to the Feminine Duo of Co-Founders.

The philosophy of Fili Pari embraces the values ​​of a circular economy, combining research and innovation to improve the well-being of the earth and its people throughout the entire life cycle of the product. The love for the territory translates into the desire to enhance raw materials, using the products and by-products of the Italian stone industries, transforming waste into opportunities in full compliance with the circular economy.

Giving lightness and dynamism to marble is their mission, an apparently rigid, not very ductile and austere material is interpreted through a new usage. The company has specialized in cutting-edge technologies for the enhancement of marble powders, with the aim of designing new materials capable of combining style, innovation and technical performance.


This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. FILI PARI is participating to the Showcase Project for the second consecutive year and has also been invited as a Speaker to the Special Talks organized by Altaroma on Sustainability in Italia, beside the President Italy of the Fashion Revolution organization. The Showcase, a presentation organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers.

ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, associated to the MADE IN ITALY. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present the Emerging Designers latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA.

TIMELINE : In this podcast, you will learn from FILI PARI about their accomplishments in terms of innovation and their Design for Sustainable Fashion :

  • From the university bench to the Business accelerator
  • The innovation on raw material sourcing, processing and production
  • The Sustainable Fashion collection and the social community
  • The Talks on Sustainability at Altaroma and the acceptance of the enthusiasm of the younger generation for the Fight
  • The importance of Understanding the product, Communication and Storytelling

ITALIAN 🇮🇹- Dopo aver terminato il loro Master di ricerca e innovazione sul riciclaggio del marmo, Francesca Pievani e Alice Zantedeschi non avrebbero mai immaginato che potesse finire in una Start up di successo. Anzi, entrambe hanno cercato un'esperienza lavorativa e hanno seguito un percorso professionale diverso. Finché si sono rese conto che la loro ricerca sul Marmo stava guadagnando una grande attenzione ed entusiasmo da parte della Stampa e del settore Moda. Tre anni dopo hanno deciso di lasciare il lavoro e FILIPARI è stata fondata dalle due giovani donne. Oggi FILIPARI è entrato nel Start up incubator del Politecnico di Milano, Poli Hub, e coniuga Craftsmanship e innovazione per rivoluzionare il Fashion and Textile Business con l’introduzione del recycling dei marmi italiani : dalla selezione dei marmi alla loro lavorazione, fino alla produzione del materiale. Vi racconteremo la storia di successo della Start up italiana FILI PARI e le sue ambizioni per il futuro dando voce al Duo Femminile di Co-fondatrici.

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Francesca Pievani & Alice Zantedeschi in the Podcast. I hope you will be inspired and find it useful for your sustainable business. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact FILI PARI on their website https://filipari.com/it/ or on their social accounts:

Instagram : @Fili_pari, Facebook, LinkedIn

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language of the podcast: ITALIAN. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society.  Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Italo Marseglia 🇮🇹– The importance of Storytelling for the Recycling and Upcycling in the Luxury Fashion Industry

38m · Published 14 Oct 13:41

#26 Italo Marseglia– ITALO MARSEGLIA – Recycling and Upcycling through Storytelling to understand all the work behind a Sustainable Luxury Fashion Brand

I learnt from my conversation with Italo Marseglia on Recycling and Upcycling that there is nothing such as a Sustainable Fashion but rather there are sustainable ways of doing Fashion.

Language of the Episode : Italian.

There are many obstacles and difficulties for innovative Fashion and Sustainable labels willing to reduce the impact on the environment. Above all for those labels working with an approach on the wastes of natural raw materials. Indeed as pioneers, there are due to experiment all steps from sourcing to production, with unprecedented legal and supply chain issues for the transportation of wastes for instance. That is why it is of major importance to explain through Recycling or Upcycling storytelling all the work behind the scenes for producing a Sustainable Fashion Product from the wastes of natural raw materials.

Especially when we are talking about creating Luxury and Sustainable Product for which the consumer has a high expectation on style, quality and durability. This podcast is very interesting because we are talking about an expertise on Luxury Fashion and Sustainable products, like the collections of Italo Marseglia.

Through our conversation podcast with Italo Marseglia, Designer and Sustainable Fashion Consultant, you will learn a lot about Recycling and Upcycling in the Luxury Fashion Industry : from the product cycle approach to the research on materials, the relations with suppliers and fabrics manufactures, and the importance of storytelling to understand the quality and timeless values behind a sustainable Luxury product.

Italo Marseglia is a notorious protagonist of Sustainable Fashion in Rome. Ex-student from the IED Fashion School in Rome, he has launched his own label of Luxury Fashion producing exclusively capsules collections based on Recycling and Upcycling approaches.

His approach of Recycling is very interesting as you will hear in our conversation because it is based on an experimental approach and research on raw materials used for the production of Luxury Fashion products.

His expertise on materials has led him to develop a consulting activity with the Special Projects Department of the IED Fashion School, working with GREENPEACE ITALY on sustainable projects.

I realized speaking with Italo Marseglia, that Sustainable Emerging Brands producing small quantities have a unique expertise on sustainability along the whole product lifecycle. They are the Artisans of Sustainability with an expert approach, which is almost impossible to reach for a Big name of Fashion Luxury. Small Brands are also experimenting new processes to source natural raw materials and become the producer of their own Natural and sustainable Fabrics obtained from salmon skins, banana wastes, or Crocodile skins wastes.

We have discussed also about all the difficulties of being a challenger on those sustainable Fashion issues for a small and young label like ITALO MARSEGLIA. Team work is essential to work on sourcing and production as Italo will explain in the audio.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. ITALO MARSEGLIA is showing for the fifth consecutive year here and is a well-known brand at the Rome is my Runway. The Showcase, a presentation organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers.

ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, associated to the MADE IN ITALY. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present the Emerging Designers latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA.

TIMELINE : In this podcast, you will learn from ITALO MARSEGLIA about his accomplishments in Sustainable Fashion for high luxury garments:

  • The know-how and approach of upcycling through innovative techniques using natural raw materials wastes
  • Eco Green Prints
  • The issues on raw material sourcing, supply chain management, Fabrics and Product manufacturing, and also legal aspects on wastes usage.
  • The importance of Team work in the Recycling business
  • The importance of Storytelling

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Italo Marseglia in the Podcast. I hope you will be inspired and find it useful for your sustainable business. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact Italo Marseglia on his website http://italomarseglia.it or on his social accounts :

Instagram : @italomarseglia, Facebook, LinkedIn

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language of the podcast: ITALIAN. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society.  Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Marion Vallerin 🇫🇷– Artiste plasticienne et peinture sur soie– Méditer pour libérer sa créativité et son intuition

1h 36m · Published 06 Oct 13:19

#25 Marion Vallerin – Artiste plasticienne et peinture sur soie– Méditer pour libérer sa créativité et son intuition

Cet épisode est parfait si vous vous intéressez à l’art et voulez en savoir plus sur la peinture sur soie ou la carrière d’artiste de façon plus générale. C’est un épisode 100% Art ou l’on va parler du parcours de Marion Vallerin, de son processus créatif, la peinture sur soie, mais aussi de sa technique de Méditation !

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

Aujourd’hui mon invitée sur le Podcast de 2Goodmedia est Marion Vallerin, une jeune Artiste plasticienne de Paris en visite à Rome pour sa toute première exposition italienne. Nous nous trouvons confortablement installées au café du cloitre du Bramante (comme vous pourrez l’entendre), un lieu très connu d’exposition de l’art contemporain à Rome, et qui se trouve juste à côté du Palais de la Renaissance Milesi, où Marion réalise sa toute première exposition personnelle en Italie avec Laetitia de Galzain Art & Patrimoine. Vous pouvez visiter sur rendez-vous l’exposition en contactant LGD Art Patrimoine jusqu’au Vendredi 9 octobre inclus.

Cet épisode avec Marion Vallerin est particulièrement libérateur pour tous ceux d’entre nous, passionnés d’Art qui hésitons encore à nous engager dans une voie de passions dans un but professionnel. Nous verrons comment dépasser ses blocages et libérer sa créativité en utilisant notamment la méditation. Une démarche spirituelle que Marion prolonge dans son geste d’artiste pour réaliser notamment ses créations de peinture sur soie, entre autres supports.

Ce support de la soie est un medium bien particulier qui ne s’apprend qu’en autodidacte et qui a joué un rôle décisif pour aider Marion a se libérer de ses freins et blocages intérieurs. Elle nous explique dans le podcast comment elle peaufine et personnalise sa technique de peinture sur soie et comment elle visualise les couleurs ou les formes avant de réaliser un croquis préparatoire. Un processus créatif qui se confronte ensuite aux lois de la matière de la soie, et qui aboutit au bout d’un geste ininterrompu a la création de l’œuvre.  

L’histoire de Marion Vallerin est celle d’une jeune artiste, formée en tant qu’architecte, qui a réussi a se professionnaliser comme artiste plasticienne après 8 ans d’hésitations et une expérience de création de start up pourtant réussie, dans un tout autre domaine, le recycling de matériaux. Un parcours passionnant qui peut inspirer beaucoup de jeunes créatifs sur comment mener cette lutte avec soi-même et les schémas sociaux sur le parcours d’artiste aussi, pour finalement trouver son propre chemin.

C’est chose faite en Janvier 2019 quand Marion s’inscrit à la Maison de Artistes. Et depuis cette date, les succès de ses collaborations et expositions collectives ou en solo lui donnent déjà raison :

  • Au Maroc avec un collectif
  • A New York a Soho pour Agnès B dans la Mode
  • A Paris Durant la FIAC avec un collectif New Yorkais
  • A Toulouse

La vie d’Artiste, c’est aussi des missions ponctuelles qui permettent de faire des rencontres professionnelles inspirantes et apportent d’autres opportunités : comme la contribution aux vitrines de Hermès à Paris après le confinement avec les équipes de Antoine Plateau. Ou encore les évènements culinaires organisés pendant la Fashion Week avec la Chef Alix Lacloche.

Nous parlons de beaucoup de problématiques propres à la vie d’artiste : ci dessous la Timeline du podcast

  • 13';29' : Inspirations (Civilisation Minoenne, FĂ©minin dans l’Art, etc)
  • 18'; 28' : La technique personnelle de la peinture sur soie
  • 23'50 : RĂ©sidence d'artiste organisĂ©e par Margaux Derhy: Massa Residency au Maroc avec un collectif d'artistes français dont Marion Vallerin, Emile Kirsch, Mikael Monchicourt and Solène Kerlo et Margaux Derhy. Instagram @massastories
  • 25,3' : Lafayette Anticipations, la Fondation d'Art et le concept store A Rebours
  • 25' : Exposition Room 212 Ă  New York avec le collectif Auto Body
  • 27' : LE DECLIC ayant permis Ă  Marion Vallerin de se lancer en tant qu'artiste
  • 37' : Preparation de l'exposition de Rome avec LGD Art Patrimoine
  • 1:12' : La technique de la MĂ©ditation et comment cela peut aider Ă  visualiser ou inspirer
  • 1:22' :L’eveil de la conscience
  • 56' : Le statut d’artiste et l’association de la Maison des Artistes (des dĂ©tails très pratiques)
  • La contamination de toutes les disciplines crĂ©atives, les passerelles entre l’architectures, le design, la peinture, etc
  • Les parcours inspirant d’autres Femmes Artistes comme Hilma Af Klint

Je remercie particulièrement Marion pour son partage généreux d’informations et de précieux conseils pour de jeunes artistes et sa vision collaborative, tout à fait dans l’esprit de ce podcast.

Cette conversation avec Marion Vallerin sur 2Goodmedia a été enregistrée en français et retranscrite en italien et anglais sur 2goodmedia.com. C’est la première fois sur 2Goodmedia que nous réalisons un podcast a l’occasion d’une exposition d’artiste français en Italie, grâce a Laetitia de Galzain Art & Patrimoine qui nous a mis en contact. Et j’espère qu’il y en aura beaucoup d’autres ! Ce "Pont" entre la France et l’Italie, en 3 langues, nous permet d’aborder tous les thèmes pour une audience française et italienne sans barrière de la langue et sans filtre, dans une vision européenne de notre patrimoine culturel.

Notre mission sur 2Goodmedia : Permettre de faire connaitre le meilleur de la France et de l’Italie auprès d’une audience curieuse de mieux connaitre directement nos cultures respectives. La mission de 2Goodmedia est de créer un lien entre les générations, les cultures, les pays, les classes sociales sans filtre et avec une vision inclusive de la société. Transmettre les valeurs et la passion pour la mode ou l’art. Passions qui nous rassemblent!

Pour contacter Marion Vallerin :

Mail : [email protected] ; Web : www.marionvallerin.com ; Instagram : @marion_vallerin

Pour Contacter Laetitia de Galzain Art & Patrimoine :

Mail : [email protected]

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmedia to know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

DassùYAmoroso 🇮🇹 - What No Gender means in Fashion ?

33m · Published 01 Oct 16:34

#24 DassùYAmoroso – Designers of a No gender Fashion Brand

Do you want to understand what no gender means in Fashion? I asked the Italian Duo DassĂąYAmoroso, an emerging No Gender Cyber Punk label to explain us everything on the podcast of 2Goodmedia. The large public, but also sometimes even the mainstream Media and the Fashion Industry misunderstand the concept of No Gender. It is often interpreted as an alternative for Unisex or Genderless. No gender is also perceived as appealing to a restricted audience, maybe defined by the LGBT community. My guests on the Podcast of 2Goodmedia, the Italian Duo of Designers DassĂąYAmoroso, Stefano DassĂą e Pasquale Amoroso. They believe on the contrary that no gender is potentially for Everyone. And we'll tell you why on the Podcast ?

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week 2020. ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, who chose the MADE IN ITALY as a common denominator. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present their latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA. The Designers selected to participate to the context Altaroma are clearly identified as the Talents of the Made in Italy.

After showing at Altaroma in 2019, DassuYamoroso are now doing the collective Rome is my Runway Fashion show with a capsule of ten looks.

DASSUYAMORO also participate at the FASHION HUB 2020 project organized each year by the Camera della Moda to support the Talents of Italian Fashion.

You will learn in this Podcast what is No gender in Fashion through the experience of a No gender Italian Brand. We will talk about the vision of DassuYamoroso about Diversity and Sustainability, and how it transforms every aspect in the way they manage the brand:

  • Capsules See Now Buy Now rather than seasonal collections
  • Client experience in No gender Boutique
  • Wearing models, men or women

We will also talk about defining a brand platform for a Brand :

  • Define the Persona of the collections
  • Create a Brand community
  • Create an authentic communication

We also talked about entrepreneurship, digital and e commerce. A necessary investment as we explain in the podcast.

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of DassuYAmoroso in the Podcast. I hope you will be inspired and find it also entertaining. Let us know in comments on Apple Podcasts!!

You can contact DassuYamoroso on their ecommerce https://fr.dassuyamoroso.com/   or directly on : Instagram : @dassuyamoroso or Linked In

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society.  Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Alessandra Cappiello 🇮🇹– Designer and Founder MORFOSIS - The Timeless Classic of MORFOSIS

21m · Published 29 Sep 12:10

#23 Alessandra Cappiello – Designer and Founder MORFOSIS - The Timeless Classic of MORFOSIS

My guest on the Podcast today is Alessandra Cappiello, Stilista e Founder del Brand Morfosis. This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. For Alessandra Cappiello, this is the second time she is my guest on 2Goodmedia’s Podcast (link to our previous podcast below) and it’s an emotion to meet us again physically (and not digitally) at Altaroma after the period of the Covid-19 lock down period. When nobody could ascertain two weeks ago that the Fashion Week could be held as a physical event. Being present today, is a symbol of true resilience for the brand showing a capsule collection in those difficult conditions. This is also a commitment to all the women, who inspire so much Alessandra Cappiello in her creations, giving them a message of brightness and lightness through her colorful and joyful capsule enriched with meaningful attentions and details.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

We registered the podcast with Alessandra at the Showcase of Altaroma where Alessandra Cappiello is showing her capsule for the first time, just two days before the Fashion show at the Rome Fashion Week. The wonderful Classic and Luxurious Palazzo Brancaccio chosen for the presentation was just perfect to talk about the style of MORFOSIS matured over the last “metamorphoses” collections around the concept: Timeless Classic.  

“Classic is Timeless because it brings an intrinsic value from the attention to the style and to the quality” As explains Alessandra Cappiello.

I asked Alessandra Cappiello in the podcast to show me the pieces of the collection presented today all the particularities and all the details which make the difference, are characteristics of Timeless Classic and the story behind it  as :

  • The Embellishment with feathers
  • The quality Prints
  • The use of exclusive materials
  • The touches of lights inserted in the fabrics
  • The elaborate seams

We also talked about entrepreneurship, digital and e commerce skills and costs. A necessary investment for MORFOSIS and an opportunity to reach a larger audience as Alessandra Cappiello explains it in the podcast.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. The Showcase, a presentation organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers. ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, associated to the MADE IN ITALY. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present the Emerging Designers latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA. MORFOSIS is also present every year at the WHITESHOW B2B fair organized in Milan.

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Alessandra Cappiello in the Podcast. I hope you will be inspired. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact Allessandra Cappiello on her website https://morfosis.it/  or directly on : Instagram : @Morfosis_it

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmedia to know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society.  Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

BAV TAILOR 🇨🇰 – Conscious Luxury and Sustainability in Fashion

1h 0m · Published 25 Sep 16:05

#22 Bav Tailor– BAV TAILOR – All you need to know about Conscious Luxury and the importance of Sustainability in Fashion

You will learn a lot about Sustainability in the Luxury Fashion Industry with this Podcast conversation with Bav Tailor. Bav is based between London and Milan, all collections being Made in Italy. We will talk about UK and Italian Fashion industries.

Language of the Episode : English.

My guest on the Podcast today is someone very Special, Bav Tailor, one of the most inspiring personality I have ever met during my Fashion Weeks reportages for the podcast in Italy. We are sharing on 2Goodmedia the same vision about the Future of Society and the importance of Sustainability in Fashion. This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week.

Language of the Podcast : ENGLISH.

Bav is a Young English female Designer who has defined a new important concept of sustainable Fashion : ConsciousLuxury. A concept reflected in her personality as you will hear in the Podcast and transposed in her young promising sustainable Label BAV TAILOR. The Brand was founded in London back in 2015, and the production is Made in Italy, with the sourcing of sustainable fabrics from around the globe, for this Nomad spirit as Bav likes defining herself.

Bav Tailor is a Young English Designer born in London, Indian by origin with a long family tradition of Luxury Craftsmanship inherited from her Grandfathers in India. A story so inspiring but it would be a limitation to stop there to explain who Bav Tailor is and where her inspiration comes from. Indeed, my feeling is that her origins is only the beginning of the story of Who Bav Tailor is, a starting point, as she has committed to work in Fashion after her Grandfathers to rise the challenges of Sustainability. Her commitment to sustainability and the highest respect for the environment or the people is an unconditional commitment guiding the strategy for her brand and which is translated in the way she runs her business.

I particularly enjoyed listening to Bav Tailor tell me about her vision and accomplishments for her sustainable label. I also learnt a lot about Sustainability, the sourcing of fabrics, and the initiatives and platforms available in the UK, in advance on those topics. This is not surprisingly that Bav Tailor was chosen the same morning to talk Live at Altaroma and testify about Sustainability in the Fashion Industry.

In this podcast, you will learn from BAV TAILOR about her accomplishments in Sustainable Fashion and about her entrepreneurial experience :

  • The story of her label and inspirations, her philosophy of Conscious Fashion
  • The large variety of sustainable, recycled Fabrics she is sourcing for her collections
  • Her relations to the Suppliers and how she built it
  • The UK platforms for supporting Sustainable Fashion
  • The state of the Fashion industry regarding sustainability : Fast Fashion, Emerging brands, Established Fashion Brands
  • Her new Yoga collection Shanti
  • Her collaboration with an agency with a platform on Storytelling

BAV TAILOR is an emerging Sustainable Label already successful with a number of recognitions, last week Bav Tailor was awarded the special prize of Eco-Luxury from TAOMODA 2020 for the project #Togetherfortomorrow with Camera Moda Fashion Trust. A Young Luxury Label noticed by the Media and Trends Agencies like WGSN during the Covid period for her conscious Fashion.

Bav Tailor is a conscious and shining person, a spiritual soul involved in Sustainable Fashion to create Poetry through her timeless collections : “I decided to remain in the Fashion Industry but to change it. It is not a time for criticizing. The importance in Sustainability is that everyone starts” as she explains in our Podcast conversation.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. The Showcase, a presentation organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers. ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, associated to the MADE IN ITALY. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present the Emerging Designers latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA. BAV TAILOR was finalist last year of the context Who’s on Next 2019.

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Bav Tailor in the Podcast. I hope you will be inspired and find it useful for your sustainable business. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact Bav Tailor on her website https://www.bavtailor.com/about-bav-tailor/  and subscribe to her Special Newsletter or directly on :

Instagram : @bavtailor , Facebook, LinkedIn

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language : ENGLISH. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society.  Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Matteo MAIORANO 🇮🇹– What happens 1 year after winning Who’s on Next? with ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA

27m · Published 21 Sep 15:09

MAIORANO is an Italian emerging Luxury hand-made Shoes Label based in Rome, founded and designed by the Young Italian Talent Matteo MAIORANO.  

MAIORANO, one of the few Roman contestants here at Altaroma, is a well-known Label at the Rome Fashion Week as he won last year the context “Who’s on Next?” organized with VOGUE ITALIA, for the Accessories category.

After winning, it’s been a busy year for MAIORANO, with the 10-Year’s Anniversary of VOGUE Talents project. The opportunity to be mediatized nationwide on VOGUE ITALIA and showcase its creations with other renowned creatives like JW Anderson.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

The experience of the last 4 years has been determining for the young Roman Label, including a noted 2-year collaboration with the Young Canadian Talent VEJAS based in Paris, yet Matteo Maiorano remains calm and concentrated.

Indeed, Matteo Maiorano tells us he has used the “frozen period” of the Covid-19 to find himself and get back to his first inspirations, giving the birth to a renewed collection he feels very satisfied with : an accomplishment in the right direction for his celebrated Label. This new collection is composed of a new Men’s category, he qualifies as “no gender”, but thought for Men.

The style of MAIORANO is inspired by Art, shoes are all hand painted by him. We discuss in the podcast his personal creation and production process. A strong differentiation for this Luxury hand-made shoes label.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during ALTAROMA, the Rome Fashion Week. The Showcase, a presentation organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers. ALTAROMA is the largest event in Italy dedicated to emerging Fashion designers, Italian or international, associated to the MADE IN ITALY. The 2 main projects of ALTAROMA are Showcase, to present the Emerging Designers latest collections to the Media and Buyers, and Who’s on Next? co-organized between ALTAROMA and VOGUE ITALIA.

In this podcast, you will learn from Matteo Maiorano about his accomplishments and the projects he’s running towards as a creative and a single entrepreneur :

  • The creative process
  • The collections and collaborations
  • E commerce project
  • Altaroma and MICAM Milano, the leading footwear fair


Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Matteo Maiorano in the Podcast. We will share lots of feedbacks of entrepreneurial experience and tips. I hope you will be inspired and find it useful. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact Matteo Maiorano on his website https://www.maioranoroma.com/ or directly on :

Instagram : @maiorano_official, Facebook, LinkedIn


This is a Special Podcast registered Live during Altaroma, the Fashion Week of Rome. The Showcase, organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers.


I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. We are driven by Passion and Culture regardless of time, age, ethnicity, geography, which can be shared across generations.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Gretel Zanotti 🇮🇹– GRETEL Z. – Launching a brand of Couture Made in Italy at only 2o years old

39m · Published 19 Sep 10:30

Gretel Zanotti – GRETEL Z. – How to succeed in launching a brand of Couture Made in Italy at only 2o years old

GRETEL Z. is an Italian emerging independent Couture label from Milan, founded and designed by Gretel Zanotti.

The experience of Gretel Zanotti is impressive and remarkable as she has launched her own Label of Haute Couture at only 20 years old when she decided to quit a notorious Fashion school from Milan to start her personal project in the Real life. Gretel has a strong Artistic academic background but no family in Fashion business. Yet she took her mother in the adventure as they are running the business together. All projects of GretelZ and details are curated personally by Gretel Zanotti. We start the conversation with the example of her first Fragrance launch, VEVA Parfums, to illustrate her determination and approach to excellence.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

This is a Special Podcast registered Live during Altaroma, the Fashion Week of Rome. The Showcase, organized after the runway, is the best moment to have a conversation with emerging designers. They show their collections Made in Italy to the Media and buyers.

Altaroma, which happens twice a year in Rome, is the most important Fashion event in Italy for launching emerging and independent Labels Made in Italy. Showcase and Who's on Next?, a major project organized with Vogue Italia, are the 2 key initiatives.

In this podcast, you will learn from Gretel Zanotti about how to sequently launch all the projects to establish a Brand both as a creative and an entrepreneur :

  • Design all her collections and draw sketches in a row after 24H of work
  • Run the project of creating her own Fragrance, from the essences to curating every aspects of the packaging and marketing
  • Open her first Retail boutique in the world renowned “Quadrilatero della Moda” of Milan with a continuous attention to details and client experience
  • Present her collections in 2 selected showrooms, Via Montenapoleone in Milan and in America
  • Select some of the best suppliers of the Made in Italy for her collections, Fragrances laboratories in the South of France, etc
  • Build an E-commerce based on a community management spirit, sharing success stories, personal vision of the Fashion industry, namely her testimonial on Black Lives Matter experienced in the castings of the models
  • And last but not least, her attraction and use of Social Media (Facebook for her Community Blog, Instagram and Youtube) a great opportunity for the Digital growth of the E commerce of GRETEL Z. https://www.gretelz.com/

One of her strengths is being multi-tasking and rapid in execution, a true inspired and creative mind from sketches to design but also willing to learn every entrepreneurial aspect of the business in order to keep the control.

As you will hear it in our talk, Gretel Zanotti has demonstrated over the last six years a true entrepreneurial spirit, after experiencing first mistakes on the running of the business.

Now it’s time to listen the direct Voice of Gretel Zanotti in the Podcast. We will share lots of feedbacks of entreprenarial experience and tips. I hope you will be inspired and find it useful. Let us know in comments!!

You can contact Gretel Zanotti on her Blog and E commerce : https://www.gretelz.com/community


I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmedia to know more about all my projects and reportages with Creative entrepreneurs : Designers, Artists and Architects talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events in France and Italy. We are driven by Passion and Culture regardless of time, age, ethnicity, geography, which can be shared across generations.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]

Celia Maury 🇫🇷, lancer Doctolib en Allemagne et developper la méthode FESTEN

1h 16m · Published 02 Jul 14:20

Celia Maury : Créer une Start-up en Allemagne dans le secteur de la Santé avant de se lancer dans la Mental health et d'y developper la méthode Festen 

Celia Maury, si vous ne la connaissez pas encore, a cofondé en Allemagne la startup française à succès dans le domaine de la Santé, Doctolib. Pour rappel, Doctolib fondée en France par l'entrepreneur Stanislas Niox-Château est devenue la plateforme digitale n°1 de la Santé en Europe. Celia Maury nous parle ici de création de startup en Allemagne et de Mental Health. 

Forte de cette expérience, Celia accompagne aujourd'hui d'autres jeunes pousses françaises tentées par l'implantation en Allemagne. Expatriée à Berlin depuis 7 ans et bilingue en allemand, Celia a su aussi prendre en compte le facteur culturel et social pour adapter l'approche commerciale française au contexte allemand, dans le secteur bien particulier de la Santé.

Celia s'est lancée aujourd'hui dans la création d'une nouvelle aventure de startup, dans le domaine de la Santé mentale à présent, pour apporter en Allemagne la méthode Festen. Une méthode d'accompagnement individuel basée sur la libération de ses peurs, angoisses et blocages.

Ce que vous apprendrez avec ce podcast :

1ere Partie : Conseils pour créer une Startup en Allemagne

Les formations bilingues Français – Allemand qui permettent de préparer une expatriation telle celle de Science-Politiques à Bordeaux

Quel est l’intérêt de monter une startup en Allemagne

Importance de la phase de préparation pour importer une idée de start-up dans un autre pays Européen

Comment adapter sa démarche de startup au contexte culturel et social

2eme Partie : Comment prendre soin de soi et de sa Santé mentale?

Les particularités du système de Santé allemand 

Comment l’Allemagne a anticipé dans sa gestion de la crise du Covid-19

Le secteur de la Santé Mentale en Allemagne aujourd’hui et les initiatives de startup telles les plateformes Deep Talk with et Selfapy

La médecine intégrative en Allemagne qui s’intéresse aux symptômes psycho somatiques

Le retard en Europe sur la prise de conscience de l’importance de la Santé Mentale

Différence entre Santé mentale (ce qui se passe dans la tête) et Développement personnel (ne part pas forcement de l’existence d’un problème)

Qu’est-ce que la méthode Festen (fondée par André Charbonnier) de déblocage de ses propres peurs et mensonges? Comment Célia après une psychothérapie personnelle a eu besoin de passer a une étape supérieure pour trouver des clés d’amélioration dans la vraie vie. Après une phase de déconstruction, théorique qui allie des element de psychothérapie et de Trans générationnel, succède la phase de reprogrammation neuronale et de reconstruction avec des exercices très pratiques au quotidien pour anticiper les situations difficiles et reprendre la situation en main. Comment utiliser le réservoir d’énergie libérée pour se développer.

Qui peut être intéressé par ce type de méthode ?

Les plus de 50 ans en fin de carrière, mais aussi, et cela est nouveau, la génération Y, des 25-35 ans, une génération ouverte au questionnement et au sens de la vie se trouve en première ligne. Et aujourd'hui la génération Z hyperconnectée des 15-25 ans.

Le manque d’éducation du grand public sur les questions des émotions et de la santé mentale.

Forum économique mondial : depuis 2020, la Santé mentale devient le premier facteur des jours non travaillés. C’est une thématique qui devient internationale.

Si le Podcast vous plaît, le meilleur moyen de me le dire et de m’aider à le faire connaître c’est simplement de s’inscrire sur Itunes et de laisser un avis 5 étoiles 🌟 Contact Instagram @DelphineSouquet et @2goodmedia- Tous les podcasts et les reportages photos sont disponibles en 3 langues sur 2goodmedia.com

Pour contacter Celia Maury:

  • Site web : Celia-Maury.com
  • LinkedIn : @CeliaMaury et Article Ă©crit par Celia Maury sur les diffĂ©rences France-Allemagne
  • Instagram : @CeliamauryFesten

Caroline Gervais 🇫🇷 MySensei coach : Sciences, Sustainability et Fashion Industry

1h 22m · Published 24 Jun 18:40

Cette semaine je reçois comme invitée Caroline Gervais de My Sensei coach, une scientifique experte dans l’accompagnement de la transformation des entreprises, pour non seulement réduire leur empreinte carbone, mais aussi intégrer le développement durable au cœur de la performance métier.

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

Sa vocation pour le développement durable est née au cours de ses études de Doctorat en Angleterre, où Caroline Gervais a eu la chance de rencontrer 2 figures emblématiques de la lutte pour le développement durable : le scientifique Suédois Karl-Enrik Robert, inventeur du modèle FSSD (le Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, que Caroline met en œuvre aux côtés des entreprises depuis près de 20 ans) et Tim Jackson, économiste connu pour être l’auteur d’un ouvrable majeur : Prospérité sans croissance : La transition vers une économie durable.

Les UK étaient clairement en avance dans les années 2000 avec l’action sur le terrain des ONG The Natural Step UK et Forum for the Future. Caroline a été sélectionnée à cette époque parmi de nombreux candidats pour collaborer avec ces ONG sur le terrain avant de revenir en France pour développer le modèle du FSSD auprès des PME et TPE pour qui les résultats sont très rapidement visibles.


Dans ce podcast, nous nous attacherons à voir les bénéfices du modèle FSSD dans une industrie comme la Mode, en proie à une crise de Business Model, de marché et surtout de valeur, avec une remise en cause parfois violente de la part des consommateurs prêts à boycotter les marques qui ne seraient pas perçues Sustainable. Au-delà d’un enjeu de communication, nous aborderons plus en détail dans ce podcast avec Caroline Gervais :

  • Les fondements du modèle FSSD
  • Comment aborder la complexitĂ© avec une approche qui vise la source des impacts
  • Comment organiser la concertation entre les parties pour Ă©laborer un cahier des charges Sustainable vis-Ă -vis de ses fournisseurs (cas de Zalando)
  • Les enjeux sociaux des travailleurs de l’industrie textile
  • L’implication du dirigeant et de ses N-1 pour intĂ©grer le modèle au cĹ“ur de la performance des entreprise
  • La question du sourcing des matières (parallèles entre le cas du PVC et du cuir)
  • La question du système de valeurs (par exemple l’utilisation ou non des peaux d’origine animale) et l’identification de plusieurs Futurs souhaitĂ©s
  • La transparence sur les matières premières utilisĂ©es et le #WhoMadeMyClothes
  • L’économie circulaire et la crĂ©ation de nouvelles plateformes de recycling et de nouveaux mĂ©tiers dans l’upcycling
  • L’approche systĂ©mique sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur
  • … Et tant d’autres Ă©lĂ©ments de discussions passionnants pour y voir plus clair dans les enjeux de la Sustainability environnementale et sociale.



L’originalité de l’approche du FSSD que Caroline Gervais met en œuvre, que je trouve particulièrement intéressante pour les auditeurs du podcast, est son efficacité scientifiquement prouvée et la simplicité de son langage commun à tous types d’industries.

C’est justement cette transversalité et ce langage commun simple qui constituent un cadre de référence pour tous types d’entreprises quelle que soit l’industrie ou la forme d’organisation. Car le modèle a été développé et largement testé de façon transversale par Karl-Enrik Robert après des années de conseil en Suède auprès d’entreprises, de municipalités, de ministères, dans l’Agriculture, la gestion des forêts et de l’Eau, etc.


Le besoin d’un langage commun pour gérer la complexité de la question environnementale entre différents acteurs s’est vite imposée comme une priorité à ce chercheur cancérologue qui a tant apporté à l’essor mondial de la cause environnementale. Il a démontré qu’une approche systémique des enjeux de développement durable devait s’attacher à traiter la source des impacts et non les impacts qui ne sont que des symptômes. Ses méthodes et résultats de recherche constituent une base de benchmark précieuse aujourd’hui et l’approche a démontré largement sa validité.


Pour contacter, Caroline Gervais : sur LinkedIn et le compte instagram de @Mysenseicoach, ou sa video TEDx "Et si on décidait de rester sur Terre?" sur YouTube 

Si le Podcast vous plaît, le meilleur moyen de me le dire et de m’aider à le faire connaître c’est simplement de s’inscrire sur Ituneset de laisser un avis 5 etoiles .

Pour me contacter ou suivre les tribulations de 2Goodmédia c’est par ici :

Sur Instagram : @Delphinesouquet et @2goodmedia

Sur LinkedIn : Delphine Souquet

2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO has 87 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 51:44:35. The language of the podcast is French. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 09:11.

Every Podcast » Podcasts » 2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO