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2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO

by Delphine Souquet

2Goodmedia is the media podcast that cover major events in the digital & creative industries : Fashion, Art, Tech. It is a connector between talents and inspiring leaders from creative industries reshaping the world around us and building a conscious economy. Follow my free spirited and meaningful conversations with brand CEOs, artists, entrepreneurs recorded live during trade shows. We talk about serious things but never take ourselves too seriously!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. 2Goodmedia


CECANCE đŸ‡«đŸ‡·: Tout savoir sur le Lin pour lancer sa marque de mode Made in France

47m · Published 17 May 17:52

Quel lin choisir quand on veut lancer sa marque française et créer des piÚces artisanales de qualité au style résolument contemporain?

Which linen to choose when you want to launch your own label and create quality handcrafted pieces with a resolutely contemporary style?

Mon invitĂ©e sur le Fashion Podcast de 2Goodmedia est Anne Liauzun, la fondatrice de CÉCANCE.

CÉCANCE, c'est une jeune marque Ă©mergente et engagĂ©e Made in France ayant choisi une fibre naturelle unique, le Lin, pour se lancer. L’histoire de CÉCANCE commence en rĂ©action avec le constat de l’absurditĂ© des processus de fabrication dans le milieu du prĂȘt-Ă -porter : absence de traçabilitĂ©, destruction de notre environnement, dĂ©valorisation du travail. Styliste freelance et responsable de collection depuis plus de 10 ans, Anne a Ă©tĂ© choquĂ©e et frustrĂ©e par certaines pratiques de sociĂ©tĂ©s du prĂȘt Ă  porter français dans lesquelles elle a travaillĂ© et qui dĂ©localisent tout en Chine, perdant ainsi la maĂźtrise de la chaĂźne de production et la traçabilitĂ© des matiĂšres utilisĂ©es. Anne n’était plus en phase avec les valeurs de son mĂ©tier de styliste dans le prĂȘt a porter. Elle avait le choix entre tout arrĂȘter ou faire a sa façon avec ses valeurs en se lançant comme entrepreneur dans la Mode. Elle a choisi la seconde option et a crĂ©Ă© CÉCANCE. Un Ă©pisode particuliĂšrement interessant pour les jeunes entrepreneurs de la mode sustainable, les marques qui envisagent d'utiliser le Lin, et les jeunes passionnĂ©s de mode qui s'interrogent sur le Metier de Styliste et les dĂ©bouchĂ©s professionnels.

Ce que vous apprendrez dans ce Podcast:

✅ Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le Lin, comme matiùre naturelle pour lancer une marque de mode et la filiùre du Lin

✅ Le mĂ©tier de Styliste dans la mode, quels dĂ©bouchĂ©s, diffĂ©rence entre freelance, salariĂ© et entrepreneur

✅ L'aventure entrepreneuriale, les erreurs à ne pas commettre quand on lance sa marque

Vous pouvez contacter Anne sur le site internet de CĂ©cance ou l'Instagram de @cecance_ N'hĂ©sitez pas Ă  lui Ă©crire pour lui poser des questions sur le lin ou lui donner un feedback sur ses collections 😁

Contacts :

Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to find the transcript and Editorial of the Episode in 3 languages (French, Italian, English), see the portray of my guest and all the pictures.

Language of the episode : French. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia or @Delphinesouquet

Quartier Libre Paris đŸ‡«đŸ‡· - Resilience during lockdown to start a Fashion Brand

36m · Published 23 Apr 13:13

Comment mettre a profit le temps libre lié au confinement pour lancer une marque de mode feminine Made in France, Sustainable et Timeless ?


C'est le pari réussi de Quartier libre, la jeune marque Digital Native Vertical Brand, lancée par deux amies d'adolescence devenues co-fondatrices : Eugénie Faure et Julia Helissey. Leur idée est aussi géniale en cette période de télétravail et confinement : Pouvoir passer 24H en Pyjama et rester belle, car cette épreuve a bel et bien changé nos habitudes et nos modes de vie. La maison et le style de vie casual sont devenus essentiels pour beaucoup d'entre nous. A l'occasion du lancement de son e-commerce c'est l'occasion de revenir sur l'année écoulée et de raconter toutes les étapes nécessaires pour lancer une marque française.

Un episode passionnant dans lequel nous reviendrons sur :

✅Changer de carriùre pour lancer sa marque

✅Comment mettre a profit la pĂ©riode du confinement pour lancer sa marque de mode (1 an de travail prĂ©paratoire : toutes les Ă©tapes et les prioritĂ©s)

✅La plateforme de marque d'une DNVB : Quartier libre

Vous pouvez contacter Julia et Eugenie sur le site internet de Quartier Libre Paris https://www.google.it/?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm ou l'Instagram @Quartierlibre.paris

If you want to know more :

  • Listen to the podcast, you can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud or
  • Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to find the transcript and Editorial of the Episode, see the portray of my guest and all the pictures

Now, let’s start listening to our conversation with Quartier Libre Paris on 2goodmedia.

Language of the episode : French. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this format of Podcast – Audio, Editorial and Visual on the Blog let me know in comments on ITunes and don’t forget to give 5 stars review to support the show!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia

Georges Pessey đŸ‡«đŸ‡·: Outdoor, performance et innovation - Etre l'interprĂšte des athlĂštes

1h 0m · Published 16 Apr 20:44

Comment lancer une agence crĂ©ative dans l'Outdoor, Jonathan & Fletcher, rĂ©fĂ©rence mondiale pour les vĂȘtements de performance et l'innovation textile au service des plus grands athlĂštes et champions?

Le rĂȘve amĂ©ricain de Georges Pessey n'est pas seulement un rĂȘve d'entrepreneuriat. C'est la recherche de LibertĂ© absolue et d'indĂ©pendance : "Pouvoir rĂ©aliser ce qu'on dessine". Mon invitĂ© sur le Podcast (lien ci-dessus) est Georges Pessey, le fondateur de Jonathan and Fletcher, nous raconte comment il a transformĂ© son rĂȘve amĂ©ricain de retour en France dans ses Alpes natales, en crĂ©ant la premiĂšre agence indĂ©pendante de design et de production de vĂȘtements techniques innovants dans le secteur de l'Outdoor. Georges Pessey s'est lancĂ© en autodidacte sur un marchĂ© complexe en dĂ©montrant qu'il Ă©tait possible d'imaginer et de produire pour les marques et les athlĂštes des vĂȘtements innovants et performants. Nous verrons comment il a rĂ©ussi Ă  faire de Jonathan & Fletcher, une rĂ©fĂ©rence mondiale dans le secteur de l'Ă©quipement pour les sports Outdoor depuis plus de 30 ans. Un parcours impressionnant et une belle aventure humaine qui l'a amenĂ© Ă  crĂ©er de vĂ©ritables amitiĂ©s avec les plus grands athlĂštes internationaux qu'il accompagnait dans leurs exploits en interpretant leurs besoins et les traduisant en vĂȘtements techniques.

Beaucoup de clients apprĂ©ciaient les croquis de Georges, mais leur complexitĂ© les rendait souvent difficiles Ă  produire. Georges Pessey, ex moniteur de ski, Ă©tait pourtant convaincu de leur utilitĂ© et de la faisabilitĂ©. C’est de cette frustration qu’est nĂ© Ă  Annecy l'agence crĂ©ative et le studio Jonathan & Fletcher en 1984. La premiĂšre agence de style capable de rĂ©aliser des prototypes de vĂȘtements Outdoor avec un veritable atelier indĂ©pendant. Outdoor, performance et innovation : le moto de Jonathan & Fletcher.

Pour Georges, ces collaborations avec les athlĂštes sont avant tout des visions partagĂ©es, une recherche constante d’amĂ©lioration et d’innovation. Il a alors la volontĂ© d’ĂȘtre « l’interprĂšte des athlĂštes » afin de leur proposer des solutions au plus prĂšs de leurs besoins. C’était dĂ©jĂ  une vision avant-gardiste, centrĂ©e sur l’innovation par l’usage. Outdoor, performance et innovation : l'expertise de l'agence annĂ©cienne.

Vous pouvez contacter Georges Pessey de Jonathan & Fletcher sur leur site, ou via Linkedin @jonathanandfletcher ainsi que le collectif de Paris Alpine Studio si vous ĂȘtes une entreprise du secteur Fashion ou Outdoor, et souhaitez parler de votre projet de crĂ©ation, stretching ou Ă©volution de plateforme de marque pour votre entreprise.

Si vous aimez cette episode, ne manquez pas les Ă©pisodes avec les autres membres du collectif Paris Alpine Studio et notre newsletter sur 2goodmedia.com

Je suis Delphine, fondatrice de 2goodmedia, retrouvez-moi sur Instagram @2goodmedia et sur notre site web pour en savoir plus sur mes projets et reportages avec les créatifs entrepreneurs : designers, agences créatives, artistes, galeristes qui nous expliquent leur parcours, partagent leur expérience, leur passion pour la création et leur projet entrepreneurial.


Celine Gendry Morawski - Brand strategist - How to create a Brand Platform?

1h 21m · Published 07 Apr 14:40

đŸ‡«đŸ‡·CĂ©line Gendry Morawski, stratĂ©giste de marque et membre du collectif Paris Alpine Studio – Comment crĂ©er sa plateforme de marque?

Aujourd’hui je vous a prĂ©parĂ© un Ă©pisode Fashion podcast un peu spĂ©cial avec la stratĂ©giste de marque CĂ©line Gendry Morawski pour vous aider Ă  crĂ©er votre plateforme de marque. C’est un outil trĂšs puissant et un levier de croissance dont tous les spĂ©cialistes du Marketing parlent et qui est pourtant peu ou mal utilisĂ© par les petites et moyennes entreprises de la mode. Notamment dans le monde de l’Outdoor ou les entreprises se sont souvent lancĂ©es dans du stretching de marque en lançant de nouveaux produits sans en analyser la pertinence par rapport Ă  leur ancrage et leurs objectifs business et surtout sans respecter l’identitĂ© de la marque, ce qui peut ĂȘtre trĂšs dommageable Ă  l’entreprise. Beaucoup d’entreprises se lancent ou dĂ©veloppent de nouveaux produits sans plateforme de marque pour la bonne et simple raison aussi que ce concept Marketing de plateforme de marque n’est pas enseignĂ©, qu’il existe autant de mĂ©thodologies que d’intervenants, sociĂ©tĂ© de conseil, agences de communication ou consultant freelance. J’ai demandĂ© Ă  la stratĂ©giste de marque CĂ©line Gendry Morawski, membre du collectif d’agences crĂ©atives Paris Alpine Studio, d’aider mes auditeurs Entrepreneurs de l’Art et de la mode Ă  y voir plus clair sur ce qu’est une plateforme de marque.

🇹🇰CĂ©line Gendry Morawski - Brand Strategist and member of the collective of Fashion and Outdoor creative agencies Paris Alpine Studio  – How to create a Brand Platform?

Céline is a graduate of the Executive MBA of the Institut Français de la Mode (IFM), the world's first Master's degree in Luxury and Fashion Business. She has made brand platform and sociological trend decoding her core speciality, for which she accompanies brands independently or as a member of the Paris Alpine Studio collective, which dreams of decompartmentalising and revolutionising the world of Fashion and Outdoor by working on the brand and its differentiation and through product use.

An exciting episode in which we will look back at her excellent training at the IFM (where she now teaches the concept of brand platform) and how she discovered her path as a brand strategist. Then concretely how to help you create a brand platform: what should it contain, what methodology to build it by associating different actors of the company, when the company should build or review its brand platform, so many practical advices from a great specialist of the concept, in the Luxury, Fashion and Outdoor industry.

CĂ©line est diplĂŽmĂ©e de l’executive MBA de l’Institut Français de la Mode (IFM), le premier Master au monde en Business Luxe et Fashion, elle a fait de la plateforme de marque et du dĂ©cryptage sociologique des tendancesson cƓur de spĂ©cialitĂ© pour lequel elle accompagne les marques en indĂ©pendante ou en tant que membre du collectif Paris Alpine Studio, qui rĂȘve de dĂ©cloisonner et rĂ©volutionner le monde du Fashion et de l’Outdoor en travaillant sur la marque et sa diffĂ©renciation et par l’usage du produit.

Un episode passionnant dans lequel nous reviendrons sur :

✅sa formation d’excellence a l’IFM (ou elle enseigne aujourd’hui le concept de plateforme de marque) et

✅comment elle a dĂ©couvert sa voie en tant que strategiste de marque.

Puis concrÚtement comment vous aider a créer une plateforme de marque :

✅que doit-elle contenir,

✅quelle mĂ©thodologie pour la construire en associant diffĂ©rents acteurs de l’entreprise,

✅a quel moment l’entreprise doit-elle construire ou revoir sa plateforme de marque,

Autant de conseils pratiques d’une grande specialiste du concept, dans l’industrie du Luxe, de la Mode et de l’Outdoor.

Vous pouvez contacter CĂ©line via son Linkedin @celinegendrymorawski ou sur le site internet de Paris Alpine Studio https://parisphoenixstudio.com/paris-alpine-studio/

If you want to know more :

  • Listen to the podcast, you can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud or
  • Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to find the transcript and Editorial of the Episode, see the portray of my guest and all the pictures

Now, let’s start listening to our conversation with Celine Gendry Morawski on 2goodmedia.

Language of the episode : French. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this format of Podcast – Audio, Editorial and Visual on the Blog let me know in comments on ITunes and don’t forget to give 5 stars review to support the show!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia


COHLE GALLERY đŸ‡«đŸ‡· – Le mĂ©tier de galeriste 3.0 dans l’art Urbain et Contemporain

45m · Published 29 Mar 22:14

Comment passer des graffitis de rue aux toiles exposĂ©es dans une galerie d’art parisienne ? Ce podcast avec la galerie COHLE, c’est l’occasion d’expliquer ce qu’est l’art urbain, mieux connu pour ses graffitis qui envahissent l’espace urbain et moins pour ĂȘtre exposĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des galeries d’art. Avec Camille et Michael les jeunes fondateurs de la galerie nous parlerons de leurs dĂ©buts dans l’art exclusivement urbain avec la galerie en ligne ; de l’évolution dans l’art figuratif, abstrait et contemporain ; de l’étape franchie d’ouverture d’un espace physique en pleine pĂ©riode du Covid ; du mĂ©tier de galeriste 3.0 ; de leurs objectifs de dĂ©passer les frontiĂšres dans un contexte d’internationalisation du marchĂ© de l’Art grĂące aux plateformes digitales et aux rĂ©seaux sociaux.Nous avons rendez-vous dans la galerie parisienne COHLE pour enregistrer ce podcast avec Camille Cohen et Michael Le Goff, les deux fondateurs. Cette jeune galerie d’Art contemporain et Urbain se situe au 17 rue Victor MassĂ© prĂšs de Pigalle, un des quartiers les plus emblĂ©matiques et animĂ©s de Paris, tout proche de Montmartre.

Notre conversation a lieu pendant l’exposition solo de Fenx, intitulĂ©e « Grow up », de l’un des artistes figuratifs reprĂ©sentĂ©s par la galerie qui passe pour la premiĂšre fois en petit format et s’intĂ©resse pour ce projet aux couvertures cĂ©lĂšbres des magazines Playboy, qu’il a souvent reprises pour ses toiles.

La premiĂšre partie du Podcast raconte les dĂ©buts de la galerie COHLE lancĂ©e il y a 3 ans dans l’Art exclusivement urbain et son dĂ©veloppement pour reprĂ©senter aujourd’hui des artistes dans l’Art Contemporain, et les ambitions de ses deux fondateurs pour le futur de la galerie.

La deuxiĂšme partie nous permet de parler de l’exposition de toiles petit format de l’artiste français Fenx en cours Ă  la Galerie COHLE, qui a interprĂ©tĂ© pour ce projet une sĂ©rie de couvertures cĂ©lĂšbres des magazines Playboy.

Parmi les artistes représentés par la galerie : Fenx, Adam Handler, Speedy Graphito, Jef Aerosol, PEZ, The London Police, ou encore Poes

Un Ă©pisode passionnant pour les amateurs d’Art qui souhaitent dĂ©couvrir le travail de Fenx et son interprĂ©tation des couvertures de Playboy.

  • Les origines de ce projet Grow up sur l’interprĂ©tation des couvertures de Playboy par Fenx
  • PrĂ©sentation de l’artiste Fenx et de son travail


L’expĂ©rience des deux fondateurs de la jeune galerie d’Art parisienne Digital native est aussi trĂšs inspirante d’un point de vue entrepreneurial et du point de vue de l’accompagnement des artistes:

  • De collectionneur d’Art Ă  galeriste 3.0 : un changement de carriĂšre, une approche progressive pour lancer la galerie et originale pour l’accompagnement des artistes, une ambition pour dĂ©passer les frontiĂšres
  • Les dĂ©buts avec la galerie d’art en ligne les premiĂšres annĂ©es
  • Les pop-up shows collectifs
  • L’ouverture d’un espace physique et les solos shows
  • L’évolution de la galerie de l’Art exclusivement Urbain a l’art contemporain
  • Le MĂ©tier de Galeriste 3.0 dans un contexte d’internationalisation du marchĂ© de l’art et de dĂ©veloppement des plateformes digitales et des mĂ©dias sociaux
  • Les projets futurs pour la galerie

Si ce podcast vous a plu, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  laisser 5 Ă©toiles sur iTunes pour soutenir 2Goodmedia, le podcast qi donne la parole aux talents crĂ©atifs & entrepreneurs en 3 langues : anglais, français, italien.

Abonnez-vous Ă  2goodmedia sur votre plateforme de podcast prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e pour ne rien rater de nos Ă©pisodes et dĂ©couvrir de nouveaux talents dans l’Art et dans la Mode sans frontiĂšres.

Il est maintenant temps d’écouter le podcast de Camille Cohen et Michael Le Goff, les deux fondateurs de la Cohle Gallery! J’espĂšre que vous trouverez son parcours inspirant, dites-le-nous en commentaire !!


Vous pouvez contacter la Cohle Gallery via son site internet https://www.cohlegallery.com ou directement sur Instagram @Cohlegallery ou via sur Linkedin : @camillecohen et @michaellegoff

Je suis Delphine, créatrice de 2goodmedia, retrouvez-moi sur https://2goodmedia.com et sur Instagram @2goodmedia pour en savoir plus sur mes projets et reportages avec les créatifs entrepreneurs: designers, agences créatives, artistes nous expliquent leur parcours, partagent leur expérience et leur processus créatif et leur projet entrepreneurial.


Cet Ă©pisode est en : FRANÇAIS. L’interview est toujours dans la langue d’origine de l’invitĂ© pour mieux capter l’intention de ceux qui façonnent l’industrie de l’Art et de la Mode. Pour en savoir plus, retrouvez notre article en 3 langues sur le site @2goodmedia.com.

2goodmedia, le click le plus cool du web en audio et en images ! Nous parlons d’Art, de Mode en France et en Italie. La mission de 2goodmedia est de crĂ©er un lien entre les gĂ©nĂ©rations, les cultures et les pays sans filtre et avec une vision inclusive de la sociĂ©tĂ©.

Nous transmettons nos valeurs et notre passion pour l’Art et la Mode, car la passion nous

réunit !

Pour vos commentaires, questions ou idĂ©es d’interview, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  me contacter par mail Ă  l’adresse : [email protected] 

Jonas King đŸ‡ș🇾 , 2FIFTY Clothing - How to Launch a DTC (Direct To Consumer) brand at only 17

1h 1m · Published 18 Mar 16:16

Jonas King, Founder of 2FIFTY Clothing : How to start and grow a business of Custom Fashion Clothing at only 17 and crush it onTikTok


New Episode Out with Jonas King, Founder of 2FIFTY a Custom Fashion business @2fiftyclothing in Brooklyn🎙

Jonas King from Brooklyn, aged 17 from New York is living proof that it is possible to launch a DTC (Direct To Consumer) brand even before graduating from a Fashion school at the age of Internet, Digital and Social Media.

Jonas King belongs to a large worldwide community of self-made entrepreneurs inspired by the Modern-day American Media & Communications CEO Gary Vee. He explains on the podcast the modern and disruptive vision of DTC business and community management on digital platforms. Very valuable insight highly recommended for traditional brands on how to crush it on digital platforms.


In this episode we will talk about DTC (Direct To Consumer) Business  and how to grow through digital platforms and social media, without spending on advertising.


The tips shared in this episode can be very useful and so inspiring:


✅ For ecommerce and traditional Brands on how to crush it on digital platforms


✅ For Millennial entrepreneurs willing to launch a Fashion Brand and grow a community of customers online


The views of Gary Vee on Social Media management are just as applicable to an established brands as to a young millennial entrepreneur. Internet is a game changer for the Retail and Fashion Industry as a whole. Digital Marketing and Multi-channel distribution are becoming a standard for all Fashion Brands with no exceptions. Understanding the concepts of social media and community management is key to grow a global and international business.


This episode is highly trans-generational


I am very excited to share this episode with Jonas on 2Goodmedia Podcast illustrating how new technologies are a huge opportunity for the young generation for any type of business :

  • To develop a business online and sell direct to customer
  • To self-learn the requested skills online on Free platforms like YouTube or TikTok
  • To grow a community online providing value (tutorials, personalized services, customer gifts) and creating client connections (FaceTime calls for custom design, etc)
  • To publish content (video, photo) on all platforms to a community of followers


The advice given by Jonas to aspiring Millennial entrepreneurs is just to jump in on any single opportunity to make connections with brands, artists, store managers, etc.


The tips discussed in the podcast include:

  • The Future of Education, namely how Fashion schools and Traditional education is becoming less relevant
  • The new vision of DTC Marketing through global community management
  • Selling on Social Media
  • Custom Fashion Business
  • Community Management through Social Media
  • Getting the Hype for developing sales on small quantities
  • Fashion Trends in New York (second hand, vintage, etc)


If you want to know more :

  • Listen to the podcast, you can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud or
  • Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to find the transcript and Editorial of the Episode, see the portray of my guest and the pictures of the Custom Fashion collection


Now, let’s start listening to our conversation with Jonas King on 2goodmedia.


Language of the episode : English. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.


2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this format of Podcast – Audio, Editorial and Visual on the Blog let me know in comments on ITunes and don’t forget to give 5 stars review to support the show!


For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia

Emilie Fontaine đŸ‡«đŸ‡· : The female gaze at Paris Alpine Studio to design hybrid Women's collections

36m · Published 10 Mar 17:59

How to create hybrid Women’s collections to revolutionize the Outdoor and Fashion Markets? Women need clothes that are practical, useful and aesthetic at the same time. Today, women's collections of outdoor brands are variations on men's collections and are sorely lacking in femininity and aestheticism. Conversely, the women's collections of fashion brands are based on a lot of aesthetics and very little function. In this podcast, Emilie Fontaine, Fashion Designer at Paris Alpine Studio brings her female gaze to design women's collections in Outdoor and Fashion. She explains how to create personalized solutions and enable brands to stretch their territories of expression in the fashion and outdoor markets designing inspiring and beautiful products with a focus on performance and utility for women.

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

My guests on the podcast of 2Goodmedia is Emilie Fontaine, Fashion Designer and Member of @parisalpinestudio a collective of creative agencies making the conjunction of 2 inspirational worlds :  Paris Fashion and the French Alps Outdoor creative worlds.


Fashion x outdoor opportunities for women's collections

Today, women's collections of outdoor brands are variations on men's collections and are sorely lacking in femininity and aestheticism. Conversely, the women's collections of fashion brands are based on a lot of aesthetics and very little function.

For Émilie, there is a balance to be found in order to offer "smart" collections to women: smart in their aestheticism, but also in the choice of materials to allow clothes to be modular according to the time of day. This need for hybridity in women's wardrobes is undeniable: women need clothes that are practical, useful and aesthetic at the same time.

Paris Alpine Studio : A collective of creative agencies de-clustering Fashion and OutdoorThis podcast is part of a series recorded to tell the story of the collective, its vision of Fashion and Outdoor Markets, and its expertise in co-creating products for Outdoor and Fashion brands. Don’t miss all of our episodes (link below).

The origin : the Look brand relaunch project

The Look Skiwear project is at the origin of the creation of the Collective Paris Alpine studio in collaboration with Jonathan & Fletcher, the Outdoor creative agency of the French Alps specialized in Performance Apparel.

Look was originally a brand known for its ski bindings and then racing bikes, as well as for its ski clothing line, which was discontinued a few years later.

In 2010, the president of Look Cycle wanted to return to its roots and take advantage of its luxury positioning to relaunch the apparel line. This is when 

Look was then one of the first brands to create this fashion-city-sport link thanks to hybrid clothing, at the intersection between ski resorts and big cities.

The Collective Paris Alpine Studio co-creates and brings their Fashion gaze and exclusivity to create new brand territories for Outdoor apparel and footwear brands.

Paris Alpine Studio takes the form of a collective of creative agencies, each one of them bringing their culture and a specific expertise :

  1. Ludovic Alban and Emilie Fontaine, co-founders from Paris Phoenix Studio, Luxury & Paris Fashion cultures with an expertise on Menstyle
  2. Grégory and Jonathan Pessey from Jonathan & Fletcher, the Outdoor & French Alps Valley culture and Performance apparel expertise
  3. Julien Traverse and Basile Lapray from All Triangles, the performance Footwear expertise

Who is Émilie Fontaine :

A fashion designer for 17 years, Émilie Fontaine made her debut as a stylist at Carven and then at CrĂ©mieux.

She then co-created Paris Phoenix Studio with her associate Ludovic Alban in 2017, followed by Paris Alpine Studio.

The female gaze within Paris Alpine Studio

In addition to her expertise in design and creative direction, Émilie brings her feminine gaze to the Paris Alpine Studio collective. She designs women's collections thought up by a woman, which allows her to create much more pragmatic pieces since she understands the needs of women consumers.

The challenges of fashion and outdoor Markets for women's clothing

Whatever the wardrobe, today's brands mainly need to reconnect with their identity in order to differentiate themselves in the ultra-saturated fashion and outdoor markets. This is where Paris Alpine Studio's expertise comes into play: break away from trends to redefine a brand's identity and translate it into smart and useful products.

For women's outdoor wear, the challenge is above all that of inclusiveness, to adapt to different bodies and different moments in life thanks to hybrid products.

The women's fashion market, on the other hand, is further behind and still lagging behind in terms of innovation and technical materials.

Discover the Full Article on https://2goodmedia.com/podcast/ 

Don't miss the end of this podcast! Émilie invites on a roadmap to brand differentiation and co-creation in order to impact the market and the consumers.

Please leave a 5-Star and a comment on Itunes for supporting this new format of the podcast @2goodmedia designed for agencies working in B2B and willing to share their expertise, knowledge in a specific field, Outdoor performance and Luxury Fashion for the Collective @parisalpinestudio 🙌


Subscribe to 2goodmedia on your favourite podcast platform so you don't miss the next episode CĂ©line Gendry-Morawski, the Strategic lead of the Paris Alpine Studio Collective !


It's now time to listen to the podcast of Emilie Fontaine from the Paris Alpine Studio collective! I hope you'll find her insight interesting, let us know in comments on the podcasting platforms! Reviews help us a lot to grow the podcast.

You can contact  pouvez contacter Émilie Fontaine via son site internet https://parisphoenixstudio.com/paris-alpine-studio/ ou directement via sur Linkedin : @parisalpinestudio ou @Emilie Fontaine.

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmediato know more about all my projects and reportages with Creatives and entrepreneurs : Designers, Agencies, Artists talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language of this Episode : FRENCH. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today. The transcript is translated in 3 languages on our website 2goodmedia.com.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, Fashion and Art events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society. Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]


All Triangles đŸ‡«đŸ‡·, a community hub to stand out in Performance Footwear Design

1h 2m · Published 01 Mar 13:57

My guests on the 2goodmedia podcast this week are Basile Lapray and Julien Traverse, the Founder of All Triangles.  

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

How to use a community hub of athletes to stand out in Performance Footwear Design? The unique experience and knowledge of a creative agency and workshop based in the French Alps, which enable All Triangles to design, test and validate Footwear development projects within 2 weeks for Outdoor and Fashion brands.

All Triangles is a Brand Creative Agency and a Community Hub located in the heart of the Annecy "Outdoor Sports Valley" working in B2B with Brands from the Outdoor and Fashion industries. All Triangles is a multi-expertise team working in B2B and guiding their clients through the entire creation process of a Footwear.

All Triangles is based in Annecy and organized as follows into 3 main activities: 

  • A design department, research, shoe design, prototyping.
  • A concept creation and trend watch department
  • Athletes' Service Footwear Design

All Triangles is therefore able to produce a model that has been tested and validated in a sports community in 2 weeks, whereas the industry takes 6 to 8 weeks before a performance shoe can be produced. The All triangles agency therefore stands out for the innovation and practicality of its solutions, its speed and agility in validating them. 

Designers, marketeers, engineers, pattern-makers, prototypists, human relation experts and data scientists collaborate to find ad-hoc solutions based on clients and customer needs. Basile Lapray is in charge of fashion and lifestyle development at All Triangles. Within a state of the art footwear workshop, they can build to test & validate ideas quickly. Julien Traverse created All Triangles in 2019 with the wish to offer French and international brands creative and easily manufacturable solutions in the field of outdoor performance footwear. 

They recently joined the Paris Alpine Studio Collective of creating agencies to revolutionize and de-cluster the worlds of Fashion and Outdoor.

Paris Alpine Studio is a collective of creative agencies with complementary know-how to offer a relevant and complete solution to Fashion and Outdoor brands. The multi expertise team members complement each other to create personalized solutions and enable brands to stretch their territories of expression in the fashion and outdoor markets designing inspiring products with a focus on performance and utility.

All Triangles is first and foremost a team of outdoor sports enthusiasts, but also Footwear enthusiasts. It is the combination of these passions that enables them to perfectly identify a brand's needs and translate them into high-performance products that are consistent with its identity and values.Its community hub is a strong differentiating feature of the All Triangles agency.

In addition to the offices and workshop, there is also a sports and athlete community hub, changing rooms and a climbing wall to welcome the outdoor sports communities of the Alps! 

The All Triangles team has a strong bond with outdoor athletes, as they have a dedicated service to create tailor-made products for them. Thus, the workshop can adapt them to the needs of the athletes to allow them to practice their sport in the best conditions.

It’s now time on the podcast of 2goodmedia to listen to the voices of Julien Traverse and Basile Lapray from All Triangles, member of the Paris Alpine Studio ! I hope you’ll find their story and knowledge of the Footwear industry inspiring, let me know in comments on the podcasting platforms Apple podcast or Spotify!

If you liked this podcast, don't hesitate to leave 5 stars on iTunes to encourage this new @2goodmedia format, imagined for B2B agencies wishing to share their expertise and knowledge as the members of @parisalpine studio for fashion, footwear and outdoor.

Don't miss our 2 previous episodes with the Paris Alpine Studio collective:

- with Jonathan & Fletcher the Performance Apparel specialist

- with Ludovic Alban, Luxury and Fashion Artistic Designer and Director

You can contact Julien Traverse and Basile Lapray via Julien's email address : [email protected], directly via Linkedin : Julien Traverse or Basile Lapray, but don't hesitate to come and meet them in their agency in Annecy.

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit me on https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmedia to know more about all my projects and reportages with Creatives and entrepreneurs : Designers, Agencies, Artists talking about their creative process and running a successful business.Language of this Episode : FRENCH. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today. The transcript is translated in 3 languages on our website @2goodmedia.com.

2Goodmedia, the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, Fashion and Art events in France and Italy. The mission of 2Goodmedia is to create a link between generations, cultures, countries, social classes without filters and with an inclusive vision of society. Transmit the values and passion for fashion or art. Passions that bring us together!

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail me at : [email protected]


Gabriele Melodia đŸ‡šđŸ‡°đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡źđŸ‡č: why use Fashion illustration to make connections in the Fashion Industry?

55m · Published 23 Feb 09:23

Gabriele Melodia on how to use a talent in Fashion illustration to be creative and make connections in the Fashion industry.

Language of the Episode : English, French, Italian.

Gabriele Melodia, if you don’t know him yet, is a young and talented Italian Fashion designer who was recently selected by Altaroma to illustrate the marketing campaign of the Roman Fashion Week in January 2020, where we met for the first time. It all started when he sent his application as a Fashion illustrator to Altaroma after graduating in Design from the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo, Sicily where he lives. This move led him to connect with Fashion designers in Italy and do collaborations with Fashion brands as Gabriele tells us in the podcast.

This episode is for you if you want to use a skill in Fashion illustration to get noticed in the Fashion industry, grow a community and express your creativity.

In this episode we will talk about Fashion Illustration and how it can be used by a Fashion designer both as a communication tool and as part of his creativity.

The tips shared in this episode can a be very useful example for young designers looking for a simple way, intimate and direct to the consumer (with low creation costs compared to financing a shooting or video campaign) to communicate his personality & style and express his creativity

The illustrations and sketches of Gabriele are easily recognizable through his very personal touch and the use of lines and geometry.

Now, let’s start listening to our conversation with Gabriele Melodia on 2goodmedia’s cast. You can find us on ITunes, Spotify and also on the web at 2Goodmedia.com with the transcript and all the photos of the interview, and so much more !

Language of the episode :  English, and we switch from Italian to French in the middle of the episode. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today. Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to see the pictures with Gabriele Melodia.


2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this Podcast let me know in comments on ITunes and don’t forget to give 5 stars to sustain the show!


For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia



Gregory and Jonathan Pessey đŸ‡«đŸ‡·, Jonathan & Fletcher : Outdoor becomes Fashionable - Paris Alpine Studio

50m · Published 16 Feb 17:40

Grégory and Jonathan Pessey from Jonathan & Fletcher, Co-Founders of Paris Alpine Studio : Outdoor becomes Fashionable through Product Usage and Personalization (Part 2/5)

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

My guests on the podcast of 2Goodmedia are Grégory and Jonathan Pessey from Jonathan & Fletcher, Co-Founders of @parisalpinestudio a collective of creative agencies making the conjunction of 2 inspirational worlds :  Paris Fashion and the French Alps Outdoor Worlds.


The story of Jonathan & Fletcher, a world reference in the outdoor athletic equipment :

The J&F agency was born in 1984 in Annecy, in the French Alps, founded by Georges Pessey on his homeland. Georges Pessey is a French self-made man and entrepreneur in the Outdoor industry, a trend finder who has always been at the forefront of Design, Research and innovation in outdoor equipment leading his company to collaborate on international projects with brands and athletes.

Everything started during the 80’s in France, when Georges Pessey, irritated by the skepticism of brands to produce his innovative and futuristic apparel design, decided to set-up his own workshop in the heart of the French Alps Valley. His intentions were clear : being able to realize the sketches he had designed.

Grégory and Jonathan, Georges' two sons, have now taken over the management of the company, after more than ten years of experience, respectively in the Design and Racing departments.

Jonathan & Fletcher has become over the last 30 years a world reference in the outdoor athletic equipment.

The story of Jonathan & Fletcher : collaborations with the athletes

Jonathan & Fletcher is an independent and B2B Outdoor creative agency located in the Outdoor Sports Valley of the French Alps. Jonathan & Fletcher record dozens of collaborations with the most famous international athletes and record champions, national Olympic and World cup teams across several sports disciplines.

For Gregory and Jonathan, it is above all a story of encounters and alchemy between people that sometimes give rise to friendships with their father. Among their most striking collaborations, we note (among others!) :

- The French parachutist Patrick de Gayardon,

- The Italian Alpine skier Alberto Tomba

- The French aeroplane pilot, yves Rossi, also known as "Jetman"

- Bert Lamar for Snowboarding


The Outdoor Community and Culture

All these collaborations of J&F with athletes and suppliers have contributed to the creation of a true community with an international reputation, based on strong values such as support, knowledge sharing and a passion for performance and the outdoors.


The major developments of J&F in Outdoor and Sportswear

Hence, one of the major strength of J&F is their technological research and development skills on performance suits and apparel based on their exceptional collaborations with athletes and trusted by the most renowned best-in-breed and multinational Outdoor and Sportswear Brands over the last 30 years : Millet, Fila, Fusalp, Patagonia, Rossignol, Adidas, to name only a few companies.   

The Collective Paris Alpine Studio co-creates and brings their Fashion gaze and exclusivity to create new brand territories for Outdoor apparel and footwear brands.

Paris Alpine Studio takes the form of a collective of creative agencies, each one of them bringing their culture and a specific expertise :

  1. Ludovic Alban and Emilie Fontaine, co-founders from Paris Phoenix Studio, Luxury & Paris Fashion cultures with an expertise on Menstyle
  2. Grégory and Jonathan Pessey from Jonathan & Fletcher, the Outdoor & French Alps Valley culture and Performance apparel expertise
  3. Julien Traverse and Basile Lapray from All Triangles, the performance Footwear expertise

Thanks to its agility, the Paris Alpine Studio collective can accompany brands on the technical parts from A to Z (choice of materials, prototypes and tests, production) while collaborating with them on the Design and Brand identity. This allows for a quicker time to market.

The Fashion and Outdoor Market Difficulties

Outdoor and Fashion Brands find it difficult to differentiate and innovate on their markets :

It’s really difficult nowadays for a Brand to differentiate in saturated Fashion or Sportswear markets : between first rank worldwide labels, historic or new born e-commerce brands, the market is getting noisy with a profusion of products and content on all the marketing and digital platforms and Social Media.


How to differentiate for a Brand? What is the product which will change what people think or believe? This is what Paris Alpine Studio is co- creating with their clients : a Revolution based on product identity, usage and innovation for Fashion and Outdoor Brands.


The consumer is open to new aspirational and inspirational products. Customers are looking to new Green, Healthy, Timeless, Ethical, Useful and inspirational products. After the age of Digital Marketing, the focus is now on the Product. Brands need to be thoughtful but move fast to seize the opportunity of the Outdoor Market.

You will get in this podcast a great value for developing new brand territories and products for a targeted audience :


✅ The story of Jonathan & Fletcher, a world reference in the outdoor athletic equipment

✅The origin of the Collective Paris Alpine Studio

✅ What is the Outdoor Community of the French Alps

✅ Examples of technical product developments by J&F in Outdoor markets

✅ Difference between Sportswear, Activewear, Outdoor

✅ What can Outdoor bring to Fashion

✅How to innovate for Sportswear label through product Eco function, usage, versatility, performance

✅ Outdoor and Fashion Markets opportunities


And Don’t miss the end of the recording to get to know how to receive the 30th Anniversary book edited by Jonathan and Fletcher with Archive photographies  💯🌍

Contacts :

Please leave a 5-Star and a comment on Itunes for supporting this new format of the podcast @2goodmedia designed for agencies working in B2B and willing to share their expertise, knowledge in a specific field, Outdoor performance and Luxury Fashion for the Collective @parisalpinestudio 🙌

Subscribe to 2goodmedia on your favourite podcast platform so you don't miss the next episode with Basile & Julien, the footwear experts at All Triangles!

It's now time to listen to the podcast of Jonathan and Grégory Pessey from the Paris Alpine Studio collective! I hope you'll find the story of J&F member of Paris Alpine Studio inspiring, let me no in comments on the podcasting platforms!

You can contact Jonathan and Grégory Pessey on their Instagram accounts @jonathan.and.fletcher ; on Linkedin : Jonathan & Fletcher page or Paris Alpine Studio page or  directly on Jonathan Pessey or Grégory Pessey accounts.

Website J&F : http://www.jonathan-fletcher.com/index.php

I am Delphine Souquet, the Founder of 2Goodmedia, visit meon https://2goodmedia.com and Instagram @2goodmedia to know more about all my projects and reportages with Creatives and entrepreneurs : Designers, Agencies, Artists talking about their creative process and running a successful business.

Language of this Episode : FRENCH. The transcript is translated in 3 languages on our website @2goodmedia.com.


2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO has 86 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 51:20:31. The language of the podcast is French. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 4th, 2024 23:41.

Every Podcast » Podcasts » 2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO