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2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO

by Delphine Souquet

2Goodmedia is the media podcast that cover major events in the digital & creative industries : Fashion, Art, Tech. It is a connector between talents and inspiring leaders from creative industries reshaping the world around us and building a conscious economy. Follow my free spirited and meaningful conversations with brand CEOs, artists, entrepreneurs recorded live during trade shows. We talk about serious things but never take ourselves too seriously!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. 2Goodmedia


Virginia Gamna đŸ‡«đŸ‡·, artiste et galeriste - Storytelling et Art, la crĂ©ation d'une narrative sur l'objet et l'artiste

59m · Published 17 Jun 14:58

Mon invitĂ©e sur le Podcast de 2Goodmedia est Virginia Gamna, une jeune artiste et galleriste d’origine italienne qui travaille dans le marchĂ© de l’art pour la Galerie parisienne Mathieu Neouze.

A l'heure du digital et de l'importance du storytelling pour les social mĂ©dia, Virginia nous raconte comment elle aborde un objet ou l'oeuvre d'un artiste avec son regard et la pratique de l'Artiste. Ce qui fait toute la diffĂ©rence pour ce marchĂ© de connaisseurs et de collectionneurs bien spĂ©cifique qu'est l'Art ancien. Un secteur passionnant et mĂ©connu qui interesse beaucoup les musĂ©es pour leurs acquisitions. Virginia est expatriĂ©e Ă  Paris depuis 13 ans et diplĂŽmĂ©e de l’école nationale supĂ©rieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy : l’ENSAPC.

Language of the Episode : FRENCH.

Virginia a rĂ©ussi Ă  mener de front la carriĂšre de galeriste et d’artiste. Son regard d’artiste sur les Ɠuvres d’art qui rentrent dans la galerie est certainement ce qui diffĂ©rencie Virginia dans son approche de l'objet. DĂ©couvrez le tĂ©moignage de Virginia qui nous raconte son mĂ©tier avec passion, la rencontre avec l’objet, la recherche des informations sur les artistes et leurs parcours de vie, la relation avec les musĂ©es parmi les plus grands acheteurs d’art ancien.

Cet Ă©pisode est parfait si vous vous intĂ©ressez Ă  l’art et voulez en savoir plus sur le marchĂ© de l’art ancien. Nous parlons de goĂ»t pour les Ɠuvres de la pĂ©riode 1870-1940, un marchĂ© spĂ©cifique et moins connu que l’art contemporain. Nous rĂ©flĂ©chissons en cette pĂ©riode de distance sociale Ă  cause du Covid-19 et de l’annulation des diffĂ©rentes foires du secteur (Salon du Dessin de Paris, TEFAF de Maastricht) sur l’utilisation du digital pour maintenir le contact avec les collectionneurs. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, nous parlons d’art classique, des musĂ©es Ă  visiter Ă  Paris pour voir les plus belles collections d’art ancien, et de la vie parisienne. Cette conversation avec Virginia Gamna sur 2Goodmedia a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©e en 2 versions : française (Ă©pisode actuel) et italienne (Ă©pisode prĂ©cĂ©dent). C’est la premiĂšre fois sur 2Goodmedia que nous rĂ©alisons un Ă©pisode "Pont" entre la France et l’Italie, en 2 langues, ce qui nous permet d’aborder tous les thĂšmes pour une audience française et italienne sans barriĂšre de la langue et sans filtre, dans une vision europĂ©enne de notre patrimoine culturel. Permettre de faire connaitre le meilleur de la France et de l’Italie auprĂšs d’une audience curieuse de mieux connaitre directement nos cultures respectives. La mission de 2Goodmedia est de crĂ©er un lien entre les gĂ©nĂ©rations, les cultures, les pays, les classes sociales sans filtre et avec une vision inclusive de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Transmettre les valeurs et la passion pour la mode ou l’art. Passions qui nous rassemblent! Vous pouvez poser des questions ou suivre Virginia Gamna sur Instagram @virginiagamna, ainsi que la Galerie Mathieu NĂ©ouze @MathieuNeouzegallery ; Follow me sur Instagram @delphinesouquet ; Tous les podcasts avec les photos de nos invitĂ©s sont sur le site 2Goodmedia.com et Instagram @2goodmedia Les musĂ©es de Paris Ă  visiter absolument pour les oeuvres d’art classique sont : Petit Palais, MusĂ©e d’Orsay, MusĂ©e Gustave Moreau, MusĂ©e de la Piscine, MusĂ©e de la Vie Romantique. 2Goodmedia est disponible en 3 langues sur 2goodmedia.com avec tous les podcasts. Inscrivez-vous sur itunes pour ne pas manquer le prochain Ă©pisode et n’oubliez pas de mettre 5 Ă©toiles pour soutenir le mĂ©dia indĂ©pendant. Merci et Grazieee

Virginia Gamna 🇼đŸ‡č, vivere come artista e gallerista a Parigi. Episodio in 2 lingue (versione italiana)

1h 12m · Published 09 Jun 17:45

#13 Virginia Gamna, vivere come artista e gallerista a Parigi nel arte classica. Episodio Speciale in 2 lingue (versione italiana)

Il mio ospite sul Podcast di 2Goodmedia Ăš Virginia Gamna, una giovane artista e gallerista di origine italiana che lavora nel mercato del arte classica per la Galleria parigina Mathieu Neouze. Virginia vive a Parigi da 13 anni dopo aver studiato alle Belle Arti nella scuola parigina di Cergy.

Questo episodio ù perfetto per i giovani studenti italiani che sognano di andare a Parigi per studiare nelle scuole d’Arte e cercano consigli per la candidatura e la preparazione del cosi detto “Dossier”.

Parliamo del mestiere di gallerista in arte classica, di gusto per le opere del periodo 1870-1940, un mercato specifico e meno conosciuto del arte contemporaneo. Riflettiamo in questo periodo di distanza sociale per causa del Covid-19 e di cancellazione delle diverse fiere del settore (Salone del Disegno di Parigi, TEFAF di Maastricht) sul uso del digitale per mantenere il contatto con i collezionisti.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

PiĂč generalmente, parliamo d’arte classica, dei musei da visitare a Parigi per vedere le piĂč belle collezioni, e della vita parigina.

Questa conversazione con Virginia Gamna su 2Goodmedia ù stata registrata in 2 versioni : italiana (episodio attuale) e francese (prossimo episodio). E la prima volta su 2Goodmedia che realizziamo un episodio “Ponte” tra la Francia e l’Italia. La missione di 2Goodmedia ù di creare un legame tra generazioni, culture, paesi, classe sociali senza filtri e con una visione inclusiva della società e del nostro futuro. Trasmettere i valori e la passione per la Moda o l’Arte. Passioni che ci riuniscono!!

Potete fare delle domande o seguire Virginia Gamna su Instagram @virginiagamna, Follow me su Instagram @delphinesouquet 👉 Tutti i podcast con le fotos sul sito 2Goodmedia @2goodmedia 😀

I musei di Parigi da visitare assolutamente per le opere d’arte classica sono : Petit Palais, MusĂ©e d’Orsay, MusĂ©e Gustave Moreau, MusĂ©e de la Piscine, MusĂ©e de la Vie Romantique.

2Goodmedia ù disponibile in 3 lingue su 2goodmedia.com con tutti i podcasts. Scrivetevi su Itunes per non mancare un episodio e non dimenticare di mettere 5🌟 Grazieee


2Goodmedia #Episode Special : Comment et pourquoi lancer un podcast natif en 2020?

50m · Published 18 May 15:49

Comment lancer son podcast natif en 2020 ?

Tout ce que vous désirez savoir pour lancer votre podcast. PlutÎt que d'écrire un long article sur un blog ou de tourner une longue vidéo YouTube je vous raconte tout et en détail sur comment et pourquoi lancer un podcast natif.

La premiĂšre question Ă  se poser, c'est pourquoi avez-vous envie de crĂ©er un podcast ? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez apporter Ă  votre audience ? De quoi voulez-vous parler ? Qu'est-ce que le podcast va vous apporter ? Et qu'est-ce que vous vous allez apporter aux auditeurs ? En synthĂšse je vous fais un rĂ©sumĂ© de tout ce que j'ai dĂ©couvert par moi-mĂȘme au fur et Ă  mesure pour vous faire gagner du temps et vous aider Ă  vous poser les bonnes questions. C'est un Ă©pisode oĂč je rĂ©ponds globalement Ă  l'ensemble des questions que se pose le futur podcaster, sur le matĂ©riel mais aussi les diffĂ©rents types de podcasts, permettant de vous aider Ă  crĂ©er votre podcast.

J'ai dĂ©cidĂ© de lancer 2Goodmedia en juillet 2019 et j'ai enregistrĂ© mon premier Ă©pisode en janvier 2020. J'ai une quinzaine d’épisodes Ă  mon actif je suis donc une dĂ©butante dans le podcast natif, mais j'ai pensĂ© que c'Ă©tait intĂ©ressant de ne pas tarder Ă  documenter les questions que je m'Ă©tais posĂ©es et les dĂ©cisions que j'avais prises pour crĂ©er le podcast parce qu’ on oublie vite une fois que le premier Ă©pisode est lancé !

Durant ce podcast je vous raconte toutes les Ă©tapes par lesquelles je suis passĂ©e lorsque j'ai crĂ©Ă© 2Goodmedia, je raconte pourquoi j'ai dĂ©cidĂ© de lancer un podcast, comment j’ai souhaitĂ© l’intĂ©grer Ă  un projet de mĂ©dia plus global. J'explique ce qu'est le podcast natif et Ă  quel mĂ©tier cela correspond. Je pense que mon expĂ©rience peut ĂȘtre intĂ©ressante aussi avec 2Goodmedia parce que j'ai une vision plus large du podcast intĂ©grĂ© dans un mĂ©dia en lien avec le digital et les social Media. Un point de vue plus actuel du Podcast dont le format est nĂ© en 2005 et qui existe depuis de nombreuses annĂ©es. Mais les usages que l'on en fait aujourd'hui avec l'ajout de vidĂ©o ou de visuels graphiques en fait un instrument qui selon moi peut parfaitement ĂȘtre connectĂ© avec d'autres plateformes comme Instagram et YouTube.

La raison aussi pour laquelle j'ai dĂ©cidĂ© d'enregistrer ce podcast c'est parce qu’en cherchant des informations disponibles sur le web j’ai perdu beaucoup de temps en tombant sur des informations qui Ă©taient soit trĂšs techniques soit trĂšs tournĂ©es vers la publicitĂ© pour des matĂ©riels Ă  utiliser mais peu de tĂ©moignages sincĂšres, indĂ©pendants et personnels pour parler de la question de base essentielle : comment et pourquoi lancer un podcast.

J'ai pensĂ© aussi que mon tĂ©moignage pourrait ĂȘtre intĂ©ressant parce que j'ai vraiment mis les "mains dans le cambouis" pour lancer le podcast en faisant tout de A Ă  Z et en prenant toutes les dĂ©cisions du choix de l'hĂ©bergeur jusqu’au dĂ©veloppement d'un site web en passant par les diffĂ©rents types d'enregistrements qui existent et j'ai testĂ© plein d’applications satellites qui sont nĂ©cessaires Ă  produire un bon podcast. 

Je dĂ©taille chacune des Ă©tapes de lancement d'un podcast et notamment le choix du matĂ©riel en fonction du type de podcast que vous souhaitez enregistrer (car cela on ne vous l’explique jamais):

  • Enregistrement d'un podcast interview en mode reportage (ou en studio)
  • Podcast Ă  distance
  • Podcast en solo
  • Studio podcast

Je reviens sur les diffĂ©rents choix Ă  effectuer pour l’enregistrement:

  1. le choix de l'hĂ©bergeur, c’est-Ă -dire le Host du podcast (j’ai optĂ© pour Podbean et je vous explique pourquoi)
  2. le matériel d'enregistrement des podcasts : zoom H2 et zoom H6
  3. le choix de différents micros selon le podcast que l'on veut enregistrer (micro Shure SM 58 et le Blue Snowball)
  4. l'enregistrement d'un Ă©pisode en solo avec Garageband et audacity
  5. les applications Zencaster, FaceTime et Zoom pour l'enregistrement d'un Ă©pisode Ă  distance (ce qui fait la diffĂ©rence c’est l’enregistrement sur des pistes audio distinctes pour Zencaster)

Mais aussi la crĂ©ation d’une sociĂ©tĂ© et le lancement d’un site web (le podcaster peut aussi etre entrepreneur) si vous en faites votre activitĂ© comme moi pour 2goodmedia : un media qui intĂšgre l’audio et le visuel avec l’éditorial d’un magazine.

Voici les comptes de podcasters qui m'ont aidé à choisir le matériel et l'hébergeur pour le lancement du podcast :

Pauline Laigneau et ses vidéos youtube sur son compte : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8riLQvmFFBA&t=472s

Ben Leavitt pour le choix de l'hébergeur Podbean (Ben fait des comparatifs bien construits) :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyHCLIvXUBM

Pat Flynn pour le montage du podcast en utilisant garageband ou audacity : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcUBZHOljzU 

L'objectif de ce podcast c'est de vous faire gagner du temps parce qu'en 2020 il est tout à fait possible de lancer son podcast seul et de façon autonome.L'une des difficultés à laquelle on se trouve confronté ce n'est pas la difficulté technique (il n'y a pas une grande difficulté) mais il y a de multiples étapes pour produire, enregistrer et diffuser un podcast, et aussi de multiples applications à utiliser : il n'existe pas une seule application qui permet de tout faire.

L'objectif de ce podcast c'est donc de vous faire gagner du temps dans les recherches de vous expliquer quels ont été mes raisonnements et les choix que j'ai fait pour lancer mon podcast en espérant que cela vous serve d'inspiration.

Je reviens aussi sur la communautĂ© de podcasters parce que le podcast natif est une activitĂ© bien particuliĂšre qui n'est pas un mĂ©tier de journaliste c'est un mĂ©tier encore Ă  part, on est peu nombreux en Europe, c'est une communautĂ© qui se serre les coudes qui est indĂ©pendante et qui s'entraide. Par ce podcast je souhaite apporter ma pierre Ă  cet Ă©difice et aider de nouveaux potentiels podcasters les personnes qui se posent des questions, leur expliquer et leur donner des clĂ©s pour se lancer par eux-mĂȘmes. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de cette communautĂ© Ă©crivez moi en commentaire et inscrivez-vous Ă  2Goodmedia sur Itunes ou Spotify (ou connectez-vous sur 2Goodmedia ).

je n'ai pas voulu me limiter à parler exclusivement du matériel Podcast parce que je pense que c'est important de réfléchir à la valeur que l'on souhaite apporter en créant un podcast ce qui personnellement m'a donné envie de faire un podcast.

Si cet épisode vous plaßt n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part dans vos commentaires et à m'indiquer si vous souhaitez de nouveaux épisodes sur ce sujet ? Et me dire aussi si cela vous a servi et quelles sont les autres questions que vous vous posez et auquelles je n'ai pas encore répondu ? Je serai ravie de faire de nouveaux épisodes sur ce sujet si cela est utile à l'audience des podcasters !

Gabriele Melodia 🇼đŸ‡č- Use a talent in Fashion illustration to communicate your creativity

1h 5m · Published 25 Apr 20:44

2Goodpodcast #12 : Gabriele Melodia on how to use a talent in Fashion illustration to communicate your creativity ?

Gabriele Melodia, if you don’t know him yet, is a young and talented Italian Fashion designer who has recently been selected by Altaroma to illustrate the marketing campaign of the Roman Fashion Week in January 2020, where we met for the first time.

In this episode we will talk about Fashion Illustration and how it can be used by the Fashion designer both as a communication tool and as part of his creativity.

Language of the episode : ITALIAN.

The tips shared in this episode can a be very useful example for young designers looking for a simple way, intimate and direct to the consumer (with low creation costs compared to financing a shooting campaign) to communicate his personality & style and express his creativity.

I found also very inspiring the genuine reaction of Gabriele Melodia who refuses etiquettes when presenting himself, namely choosing between Fashion Illustrator or Fashion designer. These are the two indivisible parts of his creativity. And allows him to cultivate his passions for History, Louis XIV, Human sciences, Literature, Languages (he speaks French fluently as you can hear at the end of the episode) and of course Fashion.


I am very pleased to take this time out during the lock down period of the Covid-19 to do this remote podcast with Gabriele Melodia from his native Palermo, in Sicily, where many other Italian talents in Fashion design are originated. Gabriele Melodia has recently graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo in the course of Fashion Design.

The illustrations and sketches of Gabriele are easily recognizable through his very personal touch and the use of lines and geometry. 

Now, let’s start listening to our conversation with Gabriele Melodia on 2goodmedia’s cast. You can find us on ITunes, Spotify and also on the web at 2Goodmedia.com with all the photos of the interview, and so much more !

Language of the episode : Introduction in English, the rest is in Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today. Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to see the pictures with Gabriele Melodia.

2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this Podcast let me know in comments on ITunes and don’t forget to give 5 stars to sustain the show!


For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia

Manos Samartzis 🇼đŸ‡č, Influencer and Fashion Editor

9m · Published 01 Apr 14:15

#11 : a chat with Manos Samartzis, one of the most familiar faces of the Italian Fashion scene.

Manos Samartzis, if you are not yet familiar with him, is one of the most photographed Influencer of the Italian Fashion Weeks and a well-known protagonist of the Made in Italy. He is easily recognizable through his very personal and colorful style with XXL glasses. If you follow the Italian Fashion shows, you have probably already seen a picture of Manos in front row and wondered who he could be? Let’s have a quick chat with Manos for 2goodmedia’s Podcast to know a little bit more about his presence in Altaroma, the Roman Fashion Week, and tell us about his multiple activities on the Fashion scene, in Italy and abroad. Manos is Greek and based in Milan, he studied Fashion at the IED Fashion School in Rome. He is the founder and Editor in chief of Nakedbutsafe, a print biannual review of art, fashion, culture and ideas which celebrates its 11th Anniversary.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

Manos has also a great experience of the Made in Italy in the world, and is much appreciated overseas. He travels a lot through the main capital cities of Fashion of Paris, Milan, London and New York. Asked about his inimitable style by friends and curious, he often answers that “his looks are not studied or constructed, but reflect his own tastes and what he finds in his vestiaire in the moment!” 

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today. We are registering this interview podcast during Altaroma, the Roman Fashion week. Visit me on https://2goodmedia.com to see the pictures with Manos Samartzis.

2Goodmedia is available on the web https://2goodmedia.com

We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events. We are driven by Passion. If you like this Podcast let me know in comments on ITunes.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected] and DM on Instagram @2goodmedia

Mario Cristiani 🇼đŸ‡č - Founder Galleria Continua - Opening in Rome

29m · Published 20 Mar 19:15

#12 : Mario Cristiani - Galleria Continua - On the mission for Contemporary Art in Rome

This discussion Podcast with Mario Cristiani unveils the story of how a small cultural association founded back in 1994 in a 30-meter-square ex cinema space from Tuscany has become over 30 years one of the most famous names of international contemporary art galleries listed in the exclusive 100 Power List 2019 of the British ArtReview magazine?

Mario Cristiani, if you don't know him yet, is one of the three founders of the international contemporary art gallery Galleria Continua from San Gimignano in Tuscany (Italy). Galleria Continua celebrates this year its 30-year Anniversary with a major accomplishment for the democratization and transmission of contemporary Art in the world creating bridges between Italy and the rest of the world. I meet Mario Cristiani for the opening in Rome of a permanent gallery in the premises of the St Regis Hotel, the fifth gallery after Beijing in 2004, France in 2007 and Cuba in 2015. The works featured are from the Cuban Artist José Yaque who presents in the second part of our podcast his paintings and installations he prepared appositely for the exhibition of tonight at the Roman Galleria Continua.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN.

If there is a key message to remember from my encounter with Mario Cristiani, it is that an Art gallery has a social mission which can be accomplished thanks to a common vision and a passion shared between all parties and the artists. For Galleria Continua, the vision could be formulated as "offering upcoming generations an even better world through Art" says Mario Cristiani.

The Galleria Continua has always distinguished itself by exploring different art disciplines or discovering new international emerging talents out of the ordinary paths of the Art World. Bringing pieces of Arts in legacy, thanks to artists, in other places, just as the Ancient did in the major Art capital cities like Rome or San Gimignano.

For the three founders of Galleria Continua, Mario Cristiani, Lorenzo Fiaschi and Maurizio Rigillo it all started from the friendship of three very different and complimentary characters sharing a genuine vision placing the Art at the center of the Liberty of the individuals. The success of the Art gallery and its missions (profit and non profit) was not something obvious nor planned, but rather as Mario Cristiani says with humility "the projects happened because we met people sharing the same vision". Just like the opening of the gallery at the St Regis with the Director and Art passionate Giuseppe De Martino : "we launched a series of collaborations and it ended in the opening of a gallery".

The project for Rome goes beyond the opening in such a prestigious and luxury location, the aim is to educate new generations to contemporary art through new art experiences and also to extend to other places of the city. Offering crossed visions of contemporary art allowing to create our own perception.

The Galleria Continua is present in all major international Art fairs like Art Basel in Hong Kong from March 20 to 25 2020, for the first time through viewing rooms, featuring the works of international renowned artists such as Leandro Erlich, Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor, Pascale Martine Tayou.

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

If you like this podcast 👉 Follow us now 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and visit our website https://2goodmedia.com for more podcast and all the images of our interviews.

Annonce spéciale : je lance mon Podcast en français ! Trailer 2Goodmedia

1m · Published 04 Mar 19:05

Vous en avez assez des articles superficiels ? Qui utilisent des phrases toutes prĂȘtes pour aborder un thĂšme donnĂ©? Des questions stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©es posĂ©es Ă  chaque interview et dont le journaliste n’attend mĂȘme pas la rĂ©ponse ? Ou encore les questions « 3 mots à dire» typiques des interviews Fashion ou Red carpet.

C’est pour cela que j’ai crĂ©Ă© 2Goodmedia et ce podcast. Avec 2Goodpodcast, vous pouvez entendre la voix directe des gens qui façonnent l’industrie de la mode aujourd’hui, sans filtre.

Le nom Too Good est inspirĂ© du vocabulaire de l’argot amĂ©ricain utilisĂ© par les jeunes pour parler de leur tenue prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e (p. ex. Too Good jeans, Too Good Shirt, etc.).

2Good! est un mĂ©dia indĂ©pendant et sans publicitĂ©. C’est un mĂ©dia original, audio et visuel, disponible sur toutes les plateformes Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, ITunes, etc. qui s’appuie sur les possibilitĂ©s infinies de notre gĂ©nĂ©ration Internet. Suivez-moi sur https://2goodmedia.com pour dĂ©couvrir les photos et vidĂ©os de mes podcasts ; sur Instagram @2goodmedia et faites-moi part de vos suggestions par mail : [email protected]

Notre mission : La Passion est un sentiment qui rassemble toutes les gĂ©nĂ©rations, Millenials ou pas! La passion pour la Mode, pour l’Art, la culture, etc. Et la curiositĂ© aussi, l’intĂ©rĂȘt rĂ©el de connaĂźtre les personnes qui font l’actualitĂ© et qui en sont les protagonistes. CrĂ©er un vrai dialogue et approfondir les sujets avec nos invitĂ©s sur le Podcast, c’est ce que j’essaye de rĂ©aliser. Dans un objectif de pur divertissement tout en s’enrichissant de ces rencontres. Telle est notre mission Ă  2Goodmedia, le click plus cool du web !

J’espùre que vous aimerez rencontrer ces gens autant que moi, en vivant ma vie de reporter entre Paris et l’Italie!

Federico Cina 🇼đŸ‡č - The Italian Jacquemus winner of Vogue Talent with Altaroma

11m · Published 25 Feb 15:30

#10 : Federico Cina show on the Italian Belleza of the 50's

If you like this podcast and want to show the pictures of the show Federico Cina, visit us here 👉 https://2goodmedia.com

Federico Cina, if you do not know him yet, is one of the names to remember of the new generation of talented Italian designers. A graduate of the famous Italian fashion school Polimoda, he is also the winner of the 2019 "Who’s on Next" Fashion Contest held every year in partnership between the Fashion magazine Vogue Italia and the Rome Fashion Week.

Language of the Episode : ITALIAN. Federico Cina is often compared to our French Simon Porte Jacquemus from Salon de Provence who celebrated in June 2019 the 10 years of his brand by taking the Parisian fashion world to attend his show "Coup de soleil" in a field of lavender in the South of France.

The visibility offered by Altaroma is also an opportunity for the Italian designer to give an important social meaning to his work, as he always does during his shows. This show is a true tribute to the Italy of the 1950s, a period after the war very hard but during which human relations were stronger and essential with the hope for the people to rebuild a better world.

A more natural and more human fashion is one of the components of the Federico Cina's identity and style. The looks in this collection are inspired by the work of the Italian master Vittorio Tonelli, native of Sarsinia, as the designer, and passionate about the culture and history of Romagna. Tonelli has made an important anthropological and photographic reconstruction of post-war Italy, which inspired the Italian designer for his show at the Roman Fashion Week.

In this podcast, Federico Cina tells us about his collections and inspirations, the story of his namesake label and his Romagna homeland, the ups and down after winning The Who's on next prize in 2019, and more!


DassĂčYAmoroso 🇼đŸ‡č, the Duo of Italian designers on the creation of a genderless label

49m · Published 18 Feb 18:55

#9 : DassĂčYAmoroso, the Duo of Italian designers on the creation of genderless label

I meet Pasquale Amoroso and Stefano DassĂč in a small Milanese CaffĂš in the heart of the Fashion and Design District in Milan : Bar Davinia via Tortona, just before the presentation of their collection "BACK TO MOON" during the Milan Fashion Week (Follow them on Instagram @DassuYAmoroso and see their collection A/W 20/21 Via Tortona, 33 Milan, Ares Tower 5th floor, from 19th to 22nd February in collaboration with the Fashion Hub "Here for designers"). For pictures visit 2goodmedia.com 😀

The Duo of Italian designers created the label DassĂčYAmoroso back in 2015 as an act of Freedom. In this podcast, we talk about the fierce identity of their label and their unconditional search for self expression through Fashion : always daring and fearless. 

I first met the two designers in Rome during the Fashion Week presenting their latest collection on the Catwalk of Altaroma. What a shock for the Roman public more educated to classic style and couture! But how good it sounded to renew the proposal of emerging designers in Fashion!! Doing also echo to the evolution of our Society : more inclusion, self-expression, sustainable development...

Pasquale and Stefano are the sweetest persons and the most rational minds in the world. In Fashion, it's always surprising to discover the face behind a label, all the most surprising when this label is a Punk label inspired by Trap music and creating Genderfluid clothes.

And developing a Punk label in Italy is obviously not as easy as doing it in Downtown New York 😚 

We will talk about the typical hot topics for an emerging Fashion label :

- Brand identity and Brand awareness, a work still in progress for a young emerging label

- Fashion shows and presentations

- Collaborations and partnerships, indispensable to grow, like the collaboration with the Fashion Hub Here for designers in Milan

- Collections and research on new materials, sustainability, vintage and recycling...

I enjoyed a lot discussing with Stefano and Pasquale about their vision of the Fashion industry, about the identity of their brand, about their personal story and projects. I hope you will enjoy  listening our conversation and hear the direct voice of the People that shape the Italian Fashion industry today. 👍Don't forget to give "5 stars" on iTunes to sustain this Podcast, it helps me a lot!!

Language : Italian. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

If you want to see the Photos of DassĂčYamoroso, visit me on the web at 2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events. We are driven by Passion regardless of time, age, ethnicity, geography, etc.

For comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail: [email protected]


RaĂčl Vidal, a Spanish influencer at Pitti Uomo in Florence

5m · Published 13 Feb 18:08

#7 : RaĂčl Vidal, a Spanish influencer at Pitti Uomo, looking for Menstyle inspirations on real Fashion

We are registering this interview podcast during Pitti Immagine Uomo 97, the most important International event for menswear and men accessories collections. Raul Vidal is a Spanish influencer who created his own Sartorial Brand named Maison Drapers in Spain 3 years ago (Follow him on Instagram @raul_vidal).

RaĂčl Vidal tells us the reasons for his presence in Pitti, what he is looking for that cannot be found in any another Fashion fair. RaĂčl is present in Florence during Pitti for two objectives.

Language of the episode : SPANISH.

First objective : meeting with other social media influencers from all over the world to share interests about Menstyle trends and real Street Fashion. 

Second objective of RaĂčl : presenting his own label Maison Drapers, benchmarking with pairs' collections, trends, competitors from all over the world, etc  

I wanted to understand what does Pitti represent for a Spanish Sartorial Label, which Menstyle trends are presented for this winter edition 2020, what is the difference between Pitti Uomo and the Spanish Fashion Week for emerging labels, etc.

Listening to this discussion will help you understand the atmosphere of Pitti Uomo and the interest of being present. If you want to see the images of RaĂčl and other Pitti influencers go to visit me at 2goodmedia.com

Language : Spanish. The interview is always in the original language of the interviewee to hear the direct voice of people that shape the Art and Fashion industry today.

2Goodmedia, https://2goodmedia.com the coolest click on the web. We produce cool contents (photos, videos and podcasts) for a pure entertainment experience. We talk about Fashion, Art, People, cool events. We are driven by Passion regardless of time, age, ethnicity, geography, which can be shared across generations.

2Goodmedia - The biggest trade shows on the agenda of a conscious CEO has 87 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 51:44:35. The language of the podcast is French. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 09:11.

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