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Fit Pro Association

by Josh Vago

The Fit Pro Association is for your health and fitness business owners that want to live with more freedom, earn more money and impact more people with work you love. Giving you the world's best leaders in marketing, advertising, social media, business building and personal development for you to have the simple steps to create the business and life you dream of.

Copyright: 2017 Coaches Cartel


400. Do You Want To Be In The 424 Billion Dollar Fitness Industry

0s · Published 16 Mar 13:57

👉Book your FREE strategy call with us today,

âžś If you want to see the follow-up videos make sure to SUBSCRIBE:

If you want direct message me and the team, to ask questions, get free resources, or just say Hi đź‘‹, just click this link:

The fitness industry is estimated to SOON being worth $424 BILLION DOLLARS. A very small piece of the pie could be millions, do you want your cut? If so, what are you needing to improve on to fulfill that responsibility?

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

399. How To Get More Sales Calls Booked For Your Coaching Business

10m · Published 16 Mar 13:52

One of the easiest ways to retain clients and even get first time clients, is to send out a personal message to them. In this video, I talked about dedicating up to an hour a day sending out a personal message to your potential/current clients. Incredibly easy to gain someone's trust that you actually are looking out for the better of their life, health, and pursuit of happiness.

Quality of content is big. Do not just be "another fitness video", have a story. Have content that intrigues someone, not just a basic video of you doing lateral raises.

399. How To Get More Sales Calls Booked For Your Coaching Business

10m · Published 16 Mar 13:52

One of the easiest ways to retain clients and even get first time clients, is to send out a personal message to them. In this video, I talked about dedicating up to an hour a day sending out a personal message to your potential/current clients. Incredibly easy to gain someone's trust that you actually are looking out for the better of their life, health, and pursuit of happiness.

Quality of content is big. Do not just be "another fitness video", have a story. Have content that intrigues someone, not just a basic video of you doing lateral raises.

398. The Business Blueprint To Creating a 7 Figure Fitness Business ~ Featuring Tony Robbins VP

1h 12m · Published 16 Mar 13:41

👉Book your FREE strategy call with us today,

 ➜ If you want to see the follow-up videos make sure to SUBSCRIBE:

If you want direct message me and the team, to ask questions, get free resources, or just say Hi đź‘‹, just click this link:

397. The Guide to EVOLVING into a 6 figure ONLINE Fitness Coach w/ Callum Robinson ~ Founder of Yung Gunz

15m · Published 16 Mar 13:37

In this episode, I will be introducing to you one of my good friends Callum Robinson. Callum is the Founder of Yung Gunz Coaching (check them out on Facebook) and has gone from comfortably making $60K from online coaching to a stage where he is able to make 6 figures yearly and have nearly 1,000 employees under him.

Callum is the type of business owner that wants to see his employees succeed as much as himself. He focuses on being able to create a legacy that represents creating a high quality of living that he, his employees, and his clients can all enjoy.

The main topic we will be discussing in this episode is REVERSE ENGINEERING. First off, think about what is important to you as a human being. Determine what your values are.

For example, Callum’s story allowed us to understand that he values TIME more than he values MONEY. He ends up creating more time not only for himself but also creates more money from a business standpoint by doing so. He could be taking more money out of the business monthly for personal wants, but he would rather spend that on paying someone to spend more time on a project.

As a business owner and an entrepreneur, you have to figure out what YOU VALUE. Be stubborn, and know exactly what you WANT IN and FROM your business.

396. EASY 3 Step Strategy to Attract More Leads on Social Media

0s · Published 16 Mar 13:34

This is insanely important because you NEED a system in place that gets you results for the time and effort you put into social media. Making posts that attract no leads isn’t only hurting your business, but will affect your mindset when it comes to how motivated you are.


Tip 1: Get people to TRUST you


The whole point of putting content out is so that people can make the judgment that you are indeed knowledgeable and can get them the result they want. No one will watch your content, buy your program, join your programs, or interact within your community if you cannot sell why you are a FANTASTIC trainer.  


Tip 2:  Build a CONNECTION (KLT Factor)


You need to build a relationship with the lead. It is extremely more likely for someone to buy someone’s program, service, product, or whatever it may be if there is a KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor. Rapport building is key. 


Tip 3: Make sure you’re VISIBLE online


You need to make sure your posts are getting outreach, if they are only getting three views there is something wrong and you are wasting your time. 

According to what platform you are on, you need to understand their algorithm to best successfully grow your outreach which will lead to attracting a higher percentage of leads. 

Algorithms were set up to get the right content in front of the person who wants to see it, no one benefits from this as much as someone like you who is trying to market something. 


Tip 4: Get the viewer to take the next step


Do NOT allow the viewer to friend zone you, or think of you as someone who is not an investment or business partner. You need to be the person who has the answers to their problems, not a mate to go to the local bar. Value your knowledge.


Post 1: Teaching post


Know their pain, know the issues they are having and be the solution. Make posts talking about a specific issue and how you would go about solving it. Take a step into their shoes and be relatable.


Remember to interact with them on the level that they are at. They are not fitness professionals so do not throw a bunch of fitness slang at them


Post 2: Connection Style Post 


Show who you are so they can connect with the type of person you actually are, not just the fake salesperson trying to sell a coaching program. 


BY ALL MEANS, I am NOT saying to air out everything going on in your life. But be yourself, be relatable. 


Be the version of yourself that people can vibe with. 


Post 3: Engagement  Post


Make sure the content you are posting will be liked, shared, and commented on by the viewers. This helps the algorithm extraordinarily as I talked about before. 


You can make what I like to call a “hand razor” post which basically is a post that is engaging saying you are looking for a certain type of person who is ready to level up in an aspect of their life (such as their fitness journey)


We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

395. How To Get Online Personal Training Leads ~ 3 EASY STEPS

12m · Published 23 Jan 15:08

In this video, we will be educating you on our 3-step campaign that will help you to bring in more leads as an online personal trainer. 


Step #1: Building an audience-building campaign.

The issue you are most likely running into right now is trying to get people who DO NOT know you, to KNOW you. 

You need to be attracting the RIGHT people who will actually buy your service. You need to be catering to people that you are wanting to and can help. 

You need to implement two different tactics to successfully carry out step 1. 

Tactic #1: You need to build the way you “message”. In other words, you need to master your sales pitch on why you have the solution to their problem. There are hundreds of thousands of personal trainers, why are you special?


Tactic #2: Now that you have your message built, where are you promoting that message? You need both of these tactics to coincide with each other to be successful. Have the RIGHT message in the RIGHT place.

Here is a fantastic example, what would happen if you put a fitness billboard in a rice paddy? Absolutely nothing, you need to be promoting yourself in the correct area for success.


Step #2: Having a relationship-building campaign. 


Many people take the wrong approach of trying to go for the kill right away or looking for a sale immediately. Shoving their service packages down the lead’s throat, losing the sale in the end. 

Find a way to build relationships while not being friend-zoned, at the end of the day likes or comments will not pay the bills. We need to dedicate time to building a relationship that may be beneficial. 


Step #3: Set Up an application-building campaign


We have to start transitioning the marketing into sales and leads into clients. 



Is what you are giving to them ACTUALLY VALUABLE to them? AND do they know that?


You need to have a HIGH CONVERTING OFFER, is your message communicating across as an absolute no-brainer that people are wanting to come on board and use you as their coach?


394. EASY 3 Step Strategy to Attract More Leads on Social Media

16m · Published 23 Jan 15:00

 Hey guys, in this video I’d like to talk about the ways you can attract and sell to more leads on social media. 


This is insanely important because you NEED a system in place that gets you results for the time and effort you put into social media. Making posts that attract no leads isn’t only hurting your business, but will affect your mindset when it comes to how motivated you are.


Tip 1: Get people to TRUST you


The whole point of putting content out is so that people can make the judgment that you are indeed knowledgeable and can get them the result they want. No one will watch your content, buy your program, join your programs, or interact within your community if you cannot sell why you are a FANTASTIC trainer.  


Tip 2:  Build a CONNECTION (KLT Factor)


You need to build a relationship with the lead. It is extremely more likely for someone to buy someone’s program, service, product, or whatever it may be if there is a KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor. Rapport building is key. 


Tip 3: Make sure you’re VISIBLE online


You need to make sure your posts are getting outreach, if they are only getting three views there is something wrong and you are wasting your time. 

According to what platform you are on, you need to understand their algorithm to best successfully grow your outreach which will lead to attracting a higher percentage of leads. 

Algorithms were set up to get the right content in front of the person who wants to see it, no one benefits from this as much as someone like you who is trying to market something. 


Tip 4: Get the viewer to take the next step


Do NOT allow the viewer to friend zone you, or think of you as someone who is not an investment or business partner. You need to be the person who has the answers to their problems, not a mate to go to the local bar. Value your knowledge.


Post 1: Teaching post


Know their pain, know the issues they are having and be the solution. Make posts talking about a specific issue and how you would go about solving it. Take a step into their shoes and be relatable.


Remember to interact with them on the level that they are at. They are not fitness professionals so do not throw a bunch of fitness slang at them


Post 2: Connection Style Post 


Show who you are so they can connect with the type of person you actually are, not just the fake salesperson trying to sell a coaching program. 


BY ALL MEANS, I am NOT saying to air out everything going on in your life. But be yourself, be relatable. 


Be the version of yourself that people can vibe with. 


Post 3: Engagement  Post


Make sure the content you are posting will be liked, shared, and commented on by the viewers. This helps the algorithm extraordinarily as I talked about before. 


You can make what I like to call a “hand razor” post which basically is a post that is engaging saying you are looking for a certain type of person who is ready to level up in an aspect of their life (such as their fitness journey)

394. EASY 3 Step Strategy to Attract More Leads on Social Media

16m · Published 23 Jan 15:00

 Hey guys, in this video I’d like to talk about the ways you can attract and sell to more leads on social media. 


This is insanely important because you NEED a system in place that gets you results for the time and effort you put into social media. Making posts that attract no leads isn’t only hurting your business, but will affect your mindset when it comes to how motivated you are.


Tip 1: Get people to TRUST you


The whole point of putting content out is so that people can make the judgment that you are indeed knowledgeable and can get them the result they want. No one will watch your content, buy your program, join your programs, or interact within your community if you cannot sell why you are a FANTASTIC trainer.  


Tip 2:  Build a CONNECTION (KLT Factor)


You need to build a relationship with the lead. It is extremely more likely for someone to buy someone’s program, service, product, or whatever it may be if there is a KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor. Rapport building is key. 


Tip 3: Make sure you’re VISIBLE online


You need to make sure your posts are getting outreach, if they are only getting three views there is something wrong and you are wasting your time. 

According to what platform you are on, you need to understand their algorithm to best successfully grow your outreach which will lead to attracting a higher percentage of leads. 

Algorithms were set up to get the right content in front of the person who wants to see it, no one benefits from this as much as someone like you who is trying to market something. 


Tip 4: Get the viewer to take the next step


Do NOT allow the viewer to friend zone you, or think of you as someone who is not an investment or business partner. You need to be the person who has the answers to their problems, not a mate to go to the local bar. Value your knowledge.


Post 1: Teaching post


Know their pain, know the issues they are having and be the solution. Make posts talking about a specific issue and how you would go about solving it. Take a step into their shoes and be relatable.


Remember to interact with them on the level that they are at. They are not fitness professionals so do not throw a bunch of fitness slang at them


Post 2: Connection Style Post 


Show who you are so they can connect with the type of person you actually are, not just the fake salesperson trying to sell a coaching program. 


BY ALL MEANS, I am NOT saying to air out everything going on in your life. But be yourself, be relatable. 


Be the version of yourself that people can vibe with. 


Post 3: Engagement  Post


Make sure the content you are posting will be liked, shared, and commented on by the viewers. This helps the algorithm extraordinarily as I talked about before. 


You can make what I like to call a “hand razor” post which basically is a post that is engaging saying you are looking for a certain type of person who is ready to level up in an aspect of their life (such as their fitness journey)

393. Have You Been Burnt by Business Coaches?

15m · Published 04 Jan 14:45

Have you been burnt by business coaches in the past? The main reason why all of the guru’s are able to steal your money is that they are NOT building your business but rather just trying to yell advice at you. 

Advice will not be able to implement new technology, sales techniques, marketing strategies, or any aspect of the business side of running your own fitness business. This is the biggest problem with most of those business coaches, it grinds my gears seeing them steal hard-earned money from fitness coaches.

If you are downing on questions on how to start and run your own business, let us help you. 

Josh is a prime example of someone who was just like you, an in-person coach who was working at the local gym making minimum wage. He had no business background, no business education, and was completely lost on where to start with his own business. 

He invested his time and money into Coaches Cartel (now Fit Pro Association) and was able to learn how to start, grow, and thrive as a fitness entrepreneur. 

There is hope for anyone, no matter their education level or how “book smart” they are. Both of us, Josh and Chris, are examples of meatheads who are not the brightest of bulbs. But being book smart does not give you the tools to run your own successful business, multiple times over in fact. 

As a career, we help people like yourself build the business you want. We know what we are doing, or else we wouldn’t have jobs. 


Fit Pro Association has 154 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 40:51:24. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 2nd, 2024 13:42.

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