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Everyday Property Manager | Customer Service | Communication Skills | Multi-Family Housing | Management | Community Manager

Here at Everyday Property Manager, we are dedicated to helping you grow and thrive in the multi-family Housing industry. You are in a service business and there is great demand for excellent customer service and communication skills in this industry. We want to take your customer service skills to the next level and beyond! Sure, this business is full of challenging moments, but it is how you handle the moments of challenge that make you exceptional.


024_Turn Your Passion into Your Profession

11m · Published 09 Nov 06:30

Do you love what you’re doing? Do you get fired up on a Monday about your profession? Episode 24 talks about turning your passion into your profession.

In life we only have so much time. You need to utilize the time that you are given and use it to create massive amounts of value. Is there anything within the career you’re in that you do like? Dig deep, find the area you like and start creating more value.

Listen, don’t focus your time on making money. You are now saying, “WHAT?” Don’t get me wrong; money is important. The problem is that people focus more on the money instead of the value. Remember, the more value you create the more you will be rewarded for that value.

Think about what area you can contribute value to and become passionate about your profession. Turning your passion into your profession is your keys to the fast lane of getting going in the right direction. Take the skills you have and add to those skills. Add value and your value will go up! Now you’re ready to make it a great day!

023_Creating Success

10m · Published 02 Nov 08:00

Everyone wants success, but how do we get it? Everything you do starts with a vision. Can you see what you want to create or do? This episode of Creating Success talks about how to change that vision into action.

Three main components of success are vision, drive, and commitment. When you have vision you can see what you want to do or create. Drive is what gets you to where you want to go. Commitment keeps you going. The road will not be easy, but it can and will be done with vision, drive and commitment.

Do you love what you are doing? One way to be successful is to love what you are doing. Most people focus on money and that is the last thing you should focus on. Sure we need money, but if you love what you do, the money will follow. So, get focused on something that you’re passionate about.

The truth is that you can control and create your success. You just have to believe you can do it. Today is the day to start. Take that vision/idea, use your drive and commit to the end result and you will create the success that you are after. Good luck! Now go and create your success; you can do it! J


022_Find Growth in Learning

10m · Published 26 Oct 07:00

Growth in learning is great for your future and doing things that help create growth are your keys to success. Episode 22 talks about growth and what you can do to get headed in the right direction.

You need to grow. A great way to grow is to educate yourself and surround yourself with likeminded people in your industry. Having a desire to create a better future is good for you and those that are around you.

Inspiration and motivation is everywhere. Take advantage of the tools that you have around you. Use the internet to connect yourself to learning. Social media is a great place to submerge yourself in your industry. Learn from likeminded people to take you to the next level.

Don’t wait for someone to create your future. Grab onto the steering wheel of life and take charge. Take those classes, find a mentor and start to add to your value today. Your future self will be so happy that you decided to take action. So, what are you waiting for? Take massive action today and get yourself headed in the right direction!

021_Do It, Do It Now!

10m · Published 19 Oct 07:00

So many of us are guilty of procrastination. Procrastinating is and can be very costly to your future. This episode of Do It, Do It Now talks about getting going in life. Step outside the box that so many of us live in. There is a big world out there that is waiting for you to put your idea into action.

You are a talented person and many people can benefit from you deciding to pursue your dream. Did you ever stop and think about how you can make an impact? It’s true, so true. Something you do today can create positive results for not only you, but many people around the world.

From an early age we have been taught the word “no”. As soon as we hear the word no we instantly stop what we are doing, a little voice in our head kicks a limiting belief into action and we give up. Take that word “no” or limiting belief and throw it out the window.

It’s time to take action! Get your mind and your idea into the fast lane of life and get going. Take your idea and run with it. Your future will thank you for your decision to get going. So, now what should you do? Do It, Do It Now!

020_Are You A Go Getter?

10m · Published 12 Oct 07:00

Would you hire you? Your industry is full of people that are average, but there are not so many people striving for excellence. Episode 20 talks about being a go getter.

We all want to make more money, Right? The only way to get more is to create more value. Money is an echo of value.

The more value you create for others the more your personal value and money will grow. Start to focus on the areas that need improvement and get going.

Think about things that you are really good at. How can you improve those things? The secret is to keep learning and to keep creating more value.

Now that you know the secret all you have to do is go out and do something about it. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating more value today and watch your personal value grow!

Now you’re ready to make it a great day!! Enjoy the show :)

019_Finding the Core Issue

11m · Published 05 Oct 07:00

In life and especially in property management you are going to encounter a massive amount of challenges. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. :) This episode talks about digging deep and finding the core issue of the problems that you’re facing. Problems are something that we all face on a daily bases. You will find issues in your work, friends and family. And because we are all human; problems are going to happen and you will not be able to avoid them at all times. Your goal should be to see past the anger and frustration and see if you can find what is actually causing the issue. You will find that most times the real problem has nothing to do with what appears to be the issue. Find the core problem and you will be on your way to creating better communication and solving problems faster.

018_Push Yourself

10m · Published 28 Sep 07:00

Are you pushing yourself to greatness? Episode 18 is all about pushing yourself to do more, be more and be great. Taking you skills to the next level is beneficial to you and the people that are around you. Think about how you can grow and don’t let the negativity in your life hold you back. It’s time to gather as much knowledge as you can and pass it to others. Knowledge is power and that power can be used to move and motivate people to do the same. So, what are you doing to improve? Are you going to seminars, reading and finding a mentor? Push yourself today and you’ll be ready to make it a great day!

017_Better Leadership Skills

10m · Published 21 Sep 07:00


Being nice is a big part of being a great leader. This episode is all about skills that create great leadership. The truth is that most leadership skills are learned at an early age. Your surroundings play a big part in personal development and the person that you become. Remember, you are a product of the 5 people that you hang around the most. Learn how to be nice, inspiring, understanding and positive and you are on your way to great leadership. Don’t worry if you are missing one of these skill because there is still time to learn. The good news is that by changing the way you think you can change how you view certain situation and in return it will make you better leader. Good luck and enjoy the show!


016_Keep The Circle Going and Give Back

10m · Published 14 Sep 07:00


Giving back and helping those that are in need is something that we all can do. Episode 16 talks about the importance of giving back. Giving back and donating does not always need to be about giving money. A positive message, a helping hand or advice can be implemented to create everlasting positive change for many people. A monetary donation is always helpful, but don’t feel left out if all you have is a helping hand or words of advice. Teaching someone something new or a new way to look at things could be what changes the course of their lives and their children’s lives for generation to come. So, think about what you can do and help someone that needs your help today. With your positive impact and help you can create everlasting change.


015_Make Time For Your Time

10m · Published 07 Sep 07:00


We all need more time. Right? Since we cannot create time we need to learn how to manage the time that we already have. This episode talks about the importance of managing time and how to create more time as a result of your managing it. Take advantage of the technology that you already have or simply use a planner or a piece of paper. Once you start planning your time you will see that you will have more of it. Stop spending time on things you should not be doing and increase the time for the things that bring value to your life. Enjoy the show!


Everyday Property Manager | Customer Service | Communication Skills | Multi-Family Housing | Management | Community Manager has 64 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 11:19:41. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on August 26th, 2022 13:48.

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