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Cybersecurity Sales Made Easy Podcast

by Jennifer Bleam

This podcast is dedicated to helping you sell cybersecurity services to your SMB clients, quickly and easily, while maximizing your profitability. Tune in to learn sales tips, mindset hacks, and growth strategies.

Copyright: Jennifer Bleam


Ep 19: Implementation (Part 4 of 5)

5m · Published 24 Nov 16:29

Knowledge isn’t power. ACTING on knowledge is.

But what if you’re truly in overwhelm, paralyzed by decision? What then? Ah, here’s the “well that’s kinda crazy easy” answer. Are you ready?


That’s right! When you’re stuck and not doing anything (or spinning in circles wasting time) Do. Something.

- Could it be the wrong “something”?

- Could it pull you FURTHER from your goal?

YEP! No guarantees here (sorry/not sorry.)

But here is something I CAN guarantee. Sitting there, paralyzed and uncertain isn’t going to get you where you want to go.


If you’re spinning your wheels because you don’t know what software to put in your security stack…

If you’re really uneasy about selling cybersecurity to your clients…

Do something!

Want something crazy easy to do? Book a strategy call with me. You’ll learn my 6-step framework for turning any IT company into a Cybersecurity Hero.

Let’s launch this rocket ship!!!

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Ep 18: Implementation (Part 3 of 5)

5m · Published 24 Nov 16:27

Let’s talk about FEAR. We don’t like to talk about it. We feel like it ONLY happens to us.

But if you feel fear, that’s normal! And it’s really hard to act (or implement) in the face of fear.

Yes, you can try to get over your fear and negotiate with it. But what if you just act in spite of your fear.

Step 1: Realize that fear is a normal part of life. EVERYONE feels it to one degree or another.

Step 2: Act anyway. Don’t wait for fear to go away. Fear goes away WHEN you act.

Feel fear…and act anyway.

Starve fear with time.

5-4-3-2-1 ACTION.

Let’s get it done!!

#computersecurity #cyber #cybersecurityexpert #informationsecurity #ITChannel #ITSecurity #managedit #manageditservices #managedservicesprovider #msp #msps #mssp #mssps #techchannel #5SecondRule #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 17: Implementation (Part 2 of 5)

4m · Published 24 Nov 16:24

Knowledge is NOT power.

Knowledge that is APPLIED is power.

So APPLIED knowledge is the secret…also known as

- Implementation

- Taking Action

- NOT learning “for the sake of learning”

- NOT sitting on your butt

So…how much action is “enough”? Until you make mistakes you’ve never made before.

#computersecurity #cyber #cybersecurityexpert #informationsecurity #ITChannel #ITSecurity #managedit #manageditservices #managedservicesprovider #msp #msps #mssp #mssps #techchannel #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 16: Implementation (Part 1 of 5)

6m · Published 24 Nov 16:23

Knowledge is NOT power.

Knowledge that is APPLIED is power.

What are you trying to learn? Identify that before you:

- Attend your next trade show

- Call a vendor

- Buy yet another book

- Register for a webinar

Then, schedule time to implement what you learned.

If you don't know how to apply your cybersecurity knowledge and actually IMPLEMENT a cybersecurity program for your clients, let's talk!

I bet my 6-step Cybersecurity Hero framework is exactly what you need to become a cybersecurity-focused MSP.

Let's talk!

#computersecurity #cyber #cybersecurityexpert #informationsecurity #ITChannel #ITSecurity #managedit #manageditservices #managedservicesprovider #msp #msps #mssp #mssps #techchannel #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 15: Cybersecurity Sales- Foundations For Success (Part 5)

7m · Published 24 Nov 16:20

Objections. See them as a gift, a chance to answer your prospect's biggest concerns or areas where they don't trust you.

But what if you could help diffuse these objections BEFORE your sales call? To do that, take your top 3-5 objections, turn them into a question, and then answer that question.

Voila! A Security FAQ document. Use this as a:

- pre-sales guide

- lead magnet

- FB live

- Newsletter/blog content

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Ep 14: Cybersecurity Sales- Foundations For Success (Part 4)

7m · Published 24 Nov 16:19

Objections. You know you're going to hear them, right. So why pretend that it's not going to happen?!?

Instead, prepare for the most common objections. Today, I break down a great way to respond to the most common:

- But I already have --this technology-- I don't think I need cybersecurity solutions.

- Money (too expensive; I've never paid for this before; etc.)

Comment below. What objections have YOU heard when you presented cybersecurity?

#msp, #msps, #mssp, #mssps, #itsupport, #itsecurity, #infosec, #infosec101, #cyber, #cybersecurity, #cybersecuritysales, #education, #technology, #informationsecurity, #cybersecurityexpert, #smallbusiness, #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 13: Cybersecurity Sales- Foundations For Success (Part 3)

6m · Published 24 Nov 16:12

Prospecting Stinks. You probably hate it! Fine. It's a necessary evil. It still needs to get done, and it's up to you. So how do you force prospecting into your busy schedule?

Start small! (I don't say that often, so enjoy it!)

100 dials. That's your goal. Because we know that at least half of those companies NEED your cybersecurity solution.

Can you hit 100 dials every month consistently? Yes! That's only 5 dials per day. And if you skip today, you can easily do 10 dials tomorrow.

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Ep 12: Cybersecurity Sales- Foundations for Success (part 2)

9m · Published 24 Nov 16:11

I've answered questions from literally HUNDREDS of IT pros and vendors. Today I'm going way out of the box and answer a question I've never gotten.

Let's talk prospecting - everyone's favorite thing to HATE.

If you were going to prospect for gold, you'd never build a cabin in the perfect location and sit back and wait for the gold to walk in your front door. So why do we do that with prospecting for new clients???

With prospecting, past performance DOES indicate future performance, if nothing changes...

Is it time for you to change your prospecting behavior?

#msp, #msps, #mssp, #mssps, #itsupport, #itsecurity, #infosec, #cybersecurity, #sales, #education, #cybersecuritysales, #cyber, #technology, #cybersecurityexpert, #msptips, #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 11: Cybersecurity Sales- Foundations for Success (part 1)

8m · Published 24 Nov 16:09

Being a salesperson is hard! You have multiple tasks, competing priorities, and EVERYTHING seems important.

Here's a straightforward approach to determine what to do (and when). (Shout out to 2 awesome Sandler trainers, Mark McGraw and Josh Pitchford for teaching me this concept.)

1. Decide which tasks MAKE you money and which are just a "necessary evil."

2. Decide how many hours per week you commit to spend on tasks that make you money.

3. Systemize, delete, or delegate "no pay" tasks.

#msp, #msps, #mssp, #mssps, #cybersecurity, #itsupport, #cybersecurityexpert, #mspchannel, #itchannel, #itsecurity, #cyber, #cybersecurity, #cybersecuritysales, #sales, #education, #technology, #informationsecurity, #sandlertraining #cybersecuritysherpa

Ep 10: Cybersecurity Foundations - 5 of 5

5m · Published 24 Nov 16:04

I know why you’re not making any progress with selling cybersecurity. It’s because you’re not taking any action. I know that sounds redundant but it is true.

Over the past several days I have given you several specific action steps to take.

If you are stuck in a different spot, let’s talk.

I am opening up my calendar for a handful of coaching calls. Let me help you! Comment below if you want a spot and I’ll reach out.

#msp #msps #mssp #mssps #cybersecurity #itsupport #cybersecurityexpert #cybersecuritysherpa

Cybersecurity Sales Made Easy Podcast has 19 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 2:03:10. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on February 15th, 2024 08:45.

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