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Learning From The Experts

Learning From The Experts is all about helping you find ways to improve your business by leveraging the experience of Experts and Cutting Edge tools to grow your business faster than you thought was possible... I believe Entrepreneurs are what drives this economy, I want to help provide the resources needed for Entrepreneurs to not only succeed in their business but do it at the fastest rate possible... I know how frustrating it is to waste countless hours sifting through wanna be experts who never actually help me in the end. Then to learn years later that there was a real expert who could have helped me 100 times faster than learning it on my own. I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from & interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business. My name is Coulton Woods and this is my podcast, Learning From The Experts.


LFTE 20: One Of The Secrets Of Success...

10m · Published 29 Mar 19:00

What's going on everybody, hey this is Colton woods and I want to welcome you to another episode of Learning From The Experts.


And today I want to talk to you about a couple of the secrets of success.


So here's the deal, I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wannabe experts who never actually help me in the end, then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning it on my own.


I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.


My name is Colton woods and you're listening to Learning From The Experts. Awesome!


So, I’ve been reading a lot of books recently and I’ve been going through a lot of different materials and I'm starting to see a few different things that are the same in multiple different books about secrets to success.


Obviously there's a lot of different parts to success, there's a lot of different secrets there but a couple that I’ve been seen recently, I'd love to share those with you.


And one of those is actually - and you're gonna be like "this is really simple, like why is this a secret to success" but think about it.


One of them is literally to learn from your mistakes.


How many of us learn from our mistakes nowadays?


I feel like we're in such a very like failure driven - not failure but like, in our world today, failure is looked so down upon.


Failure is like the end of everything. Failure is - if you fail, you should be embarrassed, don't ever do that again, that obviously didn't work for you so why would you ever want to try it?


Just like I’ve said so many times to so many different people, just a story of when I was in college and I would tell other students that I wanted to be an entrepreneur.


I would tell them that I wanted to be an entrepreneur and they would just kind of look at me like I was stupid or like I was crazy for even wanting to be an entrepreneur in the first place.


And then the thing that they would say was "oh, well don't you know that 90% of businesses fail?" and I'm like "yeah, I get it, 90% of businesses fail, okay, like small businesses fail".


And at first, it used to really affect me but as I thought about it and kind of pondered on it, I'm like "you know what, that's stupid, that's hogwash".


I mean, 90% of businesses fail yeah, the majority of those are literally just people starting something where they never do anything with it and then obviously it fails because they didn't do anything with it, you know.


They just had an idea, they started a business and never actually took any action and so that's part of the number, you know, the 90%.


But as I started thinking about it, my response to those people became - whenever they would say "yeah, don't you know 90% of the businesses fail?", I would just respond and say "yeah, don't you know you'll be working for one of those?".


Like think about it guys, whatever you do, any profession you go into, you either own the business or you work for the business, that's it.


I mean, those are the two different ways you can go.


It doesn't matter what you're going to be doing in life, you will either work for a business or you will own a business or you'll be running the business.


Obviously there's a lot more risk involved in running the business but there's also a lot more reward.


Elon Musk said something about... "you get paid in comparison to the amount of problems or to the size of problems that you solve".


Obviously if you're running a business, you're going to be solving a lot more problems and bigger problems than if you're kind of just an employee doing mundane, everyday work stuff, you're not going to be solving very big problems, not getting paid as much because you're not solving those kind of problems that equal the pay that you're getting, that you're solving.


So, learn from your mistakes.


Like there's so many people that just are so driven now by failures.


As soon as they fail, they think that that's it, like I can't do that again. Instead of thinking, okay what can I learn from that failure? What can I take from it?


I see it so much in the world today and it drives me nuts, like people, if you fail, that's awesome, now you know one way not to do it, now you know something that didn't work, why did it not work? Think about it, look through it, figure out why it didn't work.


Thomas Edison gets quoted so many times on this and I’ve actually seen him in multiple books just even recently where people are talking about him and how he failed a thousand times and one of his associates, you know, after failing a thousand times trying to come up with the light bulb, the incandescent light bulb, after failing a thousand times, his associate asked him like "do you feel kind of like defeated, you know, do you feel sad that you've failed so many times or even disappointed that you failed so many times?".


His response, Thomas Edison's response was like "Are you kidding me, I haven't failed a thousand times, I've just learned how to not create a light bulb a thousand different times.


It's not about the failure; it's about what I learned from those failures.


And because now I know a thousand ways not to do it, I'm not going to redo those same things and try to make them work".


That is the definition of insanity. I mean, the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.


Obviously Thomas Edison understood that part.


But as I was reading, I thought this was really cool actually and I want to kind of make sure I get this right.


As I was reading a part in the book called The Obstacle Is the Wayby Ryan Holiday, he was talking about Thomas Edison and he said...


Let's see here. "Including closer each time to the one that would finally work" - okay, so that probably doesn't make - there's like no context in there, my bad.


But he essentially said like, "eventually, he found a light bulb that worked" and then he said this afterwards, he said "proving that genius often really is just persistence in disguise", that kind of struck me, I was like "oh man, that's so - that is so gold, that's so key".


A lot of us think, "oh that person is a genius, they know so much.


I could never be them because of how genius they are or how good they are at what they do", but in reality, genius is often just persistence in disguise.


Meaning, that person is at that genius level to you because they pursued through the path.


They continued taking steps that got them to where they are now and they learned from their failures as they went along the way.


It is not bad to fail, in fact I say, fail often fail fast.


I mean, that's - you'll read that in so many different books and so many different experts will tell you the same thing; fail often fail fast and learn from it.


A lot of people forget the part to learn from it.


Seriously, like think about the things that you failed in your life and what you can learn from those instead of just like dwelling on the fact that you failed or feeling like the depressed part of it because you failed at that.


A lot of people when they fail in certain things or even in school growing up, like "oh, I failed in football, you know, throwing that pass" whatever it may be.


I was never a quarterbacker so I don't know.


But I failed to like throw that pass correctly, I suck at this, I'm gonna beat myself up like I just need to give up, why try anymore?


When in reality, the best quarterbackers have failed way more times than that and it's because of those failures and learning from them that they are the best now, because they have learned from those failures.


So, I didn't want this one to be like too long of a podcast but I just wanted to get the point across as much they could.


Don't feel bad about failing, it's going to happen, it's inevitable.


There's also another quote that I say all the time, "pain is inevitable, misery is optional".


Like, here you may feel some pain and there have been plenty of people who have gone through some crazy pain in their lives because of something that they failed at or because of a business - a big business that they had that they fail at, that's super painful. But are they going to let it be miserable, like let it dictate their life so they're miserable or are they going to learn from it, adjust in the future, and create something even better.


So yeah, that's kind of like my two cents for today and what I'm reading from a couple different books actually, so one of them that have been reading a lot lately and I just had to do a podcast on it was The Obstacle Is the Way.


Honestly there's so many golden one-liners in that book.


And then another one that I was actually referred to by a friend of mine, John Ferguson, called The Advertising Solutionand it's just got a bunch of just golden nuggets in there laced throughout.


I'm not - I’ve only just started in that one but it's got some great stuff i

LFTE 19: The Obstacle Is The Way.

18m · Published 22 Mar 20:00

What's going on everybody.

Hey, welcome to another episode of learning from the experts.


Today I'm actually going to talk to you about something I'm learning from an expert named Ryan Holiday.

And if you don't know who Ryan Holiday is, he is the freaking man.

If you haven't read his book, trust me, I'm lying and you're in marketing, then you're missing out huge because this book is going to just blow your mind when it comes to different techniques and how people's minds work.

When Writing taglines or headlines, Hooks, different things and how people react to a certain things in the marketing world.

But I want to actually talk to you about a different book that he wrote that I've been reading recently and I've had a lot of thoughts in my head because of this book.

And so I kind of wanted to go through some of those thoughts and talk about what I've learned from him in this book, but also what I'm learning about myself that you can take from and use in your own life.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through, wanna experts who've never actually helped me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me a hundred times faster than learning it on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learned from and interview, real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to Learning From The Experts.

Thanks for joining me today.

I'm actually talking about the book called the obstacle is the way and the tagline on it is, the timeless art of turning trials into triumph.

If you don't know Stephen Larsen, he talks a lot about the obstacle is the way.

He kind of, he has to remind a lot of people that the obstacle is the way, because a lot of people just don't want to go for the obstacle.

They don't want to, they don't want to go overcome the obstacle.

They want to look for a different way around the obstacle.

To kind of illustrate this a little bit more, I want to talk to you or tell you about a story of my own and how I see this in my own life and how you guys can learn from it as well.

It's a little bit more of a personal story.

It's a little bit more of something that you're probably not used to for me.

And I don't share it a ton.

My wife shares it with people who are asking, but we don't share it a ton just because it is a little bit more sensitive.

But I think it has such a huge point to it that I decided that I just need to share it.

About eight years ago me and my wife got married.

When we got married and I remember telling my wife, I do not want to have kids for like at least a couple of years cause I want to be able to get things rolling and started before we start adding kids to the mix and not being able to afford to take care of them.

So I remember telling her that and she's like, oh yeah, totally get it.

And then about six months into being married, she says, you know what?

I feel like we just need to start trying actually.

And I'm like, Oh man, I don't know if I can start trying six months into being married.

Like, I don't want to be that person, you know, I'm not saying that's bad, but that was just my thoughts back then.

So I remember talking to her and kind of thinking about it and pondering on a bit and I decided that, yeah, let's go for it.

Let's start trying to have kids.

So we started trying. Months go by, nothing. More months go by, nothing.

So I'm like, okay, well maybe that's why we were supposed to start trying now because who knows when this is going to happen now.

So we go to a doctor and they're like, oh, well let's, let's put you on some of this medicine.

It helps people get pregnant.

It'll help with like different hormones and things like, and trust me, it definitely helped with the hormones, so I won't lie about that one.

We took this medicine for months and still just nothing, nothing, like nothing different, nothing new was happening.

So we're like, okay, this isn't working.

We would go back to the doctor and take a look at some things, see what we can figure out.

And by this time, over a year at least has passed, year and a half, maybe two, I don't even know, it's been a little while.

So we go back to the doctor and he's like, okay, let's take a look at some different things that may be causing this.

So they look at some stuff, they try to figure it out and they're like, okay, yeah, you have some issues.

We need to have surgery on you in order to possibly fix this.

Well if that's what we gotta do, let's do it.

So we schedule it and it's like forever out there cause yeah, you know how it works.

We have surgery, well apparently it didn't quite fix it all the way, which we didn't learn for another year or so later.

But in between then we tried different other procedures in different things and then learn that it didn't quite fix it all the way.

So we had to do it again.

So she had surgery again.

Other issues popped up, it's crazy.

I can't even begin to tell you all of it, and I don't want to take all day.

I just want to let you understand a bit of what we went through for this.

So you have a little bit of an idea, but I could spend all day on all these different stories in between every one of these surgeries and different things.

It was just an astronomical amount of things that happened in between everything.

So multiple surgeries, multiple procedures and I'm talking not one of these is covered by insurance and we're like poor college students.

I had to figure out a way to provide and cover some of this stuff.

Which was probably a good thing that actually to push me a little bit more.

But nothing was working, nothing was happening.

We've tried several doctors, we've tried several procedures, we've had several surgeries and nothing is happening.

Fast forward five years later, still nothing after all of this that we've spent on so many surgeries and so many procedures and not to mention it is killing my wife.

Not just the fact that she's having to go through all of these surgeries, but the fact that she's always wanted to be a mom her entire life and she can't not be a mom and nothing's working for her.

So what's going on?

What do we need to do to make it happen?

And you know, one lesson we actually learned in between, there was so many people told us just to quit and give up.

So many people told us, you know what, you should just adopt, adopt a kid.

It's probably not going to work out.

Or Hey, I've heard about these people where they adopted a kid and then they got pregnant right after.

So you guys should do that too.

There's your solution.

That doesn't really quite work that way for us.

So the lesson from that though is in this entrepreneur game, in this online business, marketing, all that stuff, is there are going to be so many people that tell you to just give up and quit and take a different route that other people have seen to be a successful as well?

I just want to implore you to continue to go.

I want to encourage you to just not listen to all of the naysayers along the way.

I remember plenty of times in college just as I would tell people that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, they were like, why would you ever want to do that?

You know you're going to start a business that has a 90% chance of failing.

Like all LLCs, all businesses, 90% of them fail.

And at first they got to me, but then I realized that you're going to be working for a business, no matter what you do, no matter what work you're in, no matter what area of business you're gonna be working for.

So I would get that response and then I would, ah, man, it drove me nuts so much.

I would literally respond and say, oh well don't you know, you'll be working for one of those businesses.

Would you rather own it or would you rather work for it?

Like it bothered me so bad, I would just be straight up with people.

And it was like the first time they'd ever thought about it, they're like, oh, you're right, I will be working for a Business.

I will be working for somebody in a business.

And I'm like, yeah.

And if it fails, you're gonna lose your job and have to find new job, I'd rather be at the top and know when it's going to fail or have the option to help it not fail and to do what I need to do to keep it going instead of being on the bottom and not knowing when it's going to fail, not making that much money.

And then having to just switch jobs in between like, anyway, so that little rant is over.

But all of these procedures, everything just all out of pocket, all just horrible things to do.

All of these horrible surgeries, none of them are fun, lots of pain that she went through.

Hopefully that kind of helps you just understand a little bit of what it was like going through all of that.

But finally we found, I mean the biggest procedure you can do is called IVF, for trying to have kids and if you cannot naturally get pregnant.

So IVF is literally like, they just kind of help your body do it.

In the certain way that your body should do, cause a lot of times your body just doesn't do it correctly.

And so they just help guide your body to do it the right way and then they do a couple of different procedures that are going to help you.

Your chance

LFTE 18: The Challenge that is helping thousands of people make money online for the first time...

11m · Published 19 Mar 20:28

What's going on everybody.

This is Coulton Woods and welcome to another episode of Learning From The Experts.

And today I actually want to talk to you about a challenge that has been changing a lot of people's lives.

I've been watching this very closely and I'm like, I have to publish about that.

More people need to know about this challenge that is happening right now.

It is changing so many people's lives on making money for the first time on the internet or even making more money with what they already have.

Their websites or their sales funnels that they're using online to make even more money with it.

So I want to tell you about this challenge today.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through, wanna-be experts who've never actually helped me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me a hundred times faster than learning it on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview, real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to learning from the experts.


So before I tell you about the challenge, I want to ask you a question.

Have you ever seen the movie, the karate kid?

It's like a 1980s movie old school movie.

I saw it when I was a kid.

A lot.

It was awesome.

I wonder if you've ever seen it or even heard about it.

That's ok if you haven't seen it.

You've probably heard about it though.

Most people have heard about Mr Miyagi, the wax on wax off guy.

But the reason I ask you that is I want to ask you, how much do you think it would cost to get a Mr Miyagi, that would train you on how to make money online for the first time?

Like a Mr Miyagi that knows exactly the system, the frameworks, the different things that you need to do, like wax on, wax off, follow me here, follow me there, um, and do this and do that.

And you will have the frameworks and the systems that will help you make money online for the first time.

Or if you are already making money online, how to better that system, better those things so you can make even more money online.

That'd be pretty awesome to have a Mr Miyagi guiding you through the whole process.

Um, and the reason I ask that that is because there's this challenge that has been happening like I mentioned earlier where it's practically a Mr Miyagi guiding you through the entire thing.

In fact, it's like three Mr Miyagi's guiding you through the entire thing.

Now, I don't know about you, but that sounds kind of expensive.

Especially getting that kind of attention from an expert, probably pretty expensive.

That was my same thought, but listen to this, I'm going to actually, okay, so it's called the one funnel away challenge and it's from clickfunnels.

You can go to onefunnelawayoffer.com and check it out.

But I want to tell you about the whole offer, the whole thing that you get with this challenge before you come up with a price and everything in your head.

So what you get on this challenge.

They send you a box and in the box you get a physical copy of the challenge workbook.

So it's a 30 day challenge.

So you get a workbook that walks you through the 30 days, you get an MP3 player with all of the recordings from the first one that they did, which is like over a hundred hours of recordings.

I don't know.

It's crazy.

And then you get the 30 days hardcover book.

Now let me tell you about that book.

So Steven Larsen actually wrote a chapter of that book, so did 30 other amazing people, they wrote a chapter in this book.

So it's a huge book of 30 different people and they wrote about how they would get started online again or how they would get their money back if they lost everything.

They're following, their name, like everything out there and they just had to start over from scratch with the knowledge that they have and a click funnels account and what would you do in 30 days to start making money online again, just having a click funnels account and the knowledge that you have, no following, none of that, no email list, nothing.

It's incredible.

It's like gold in there.

Just if you're looking at finding some tips and tricks of how to really kill it online.

This book has got 30 different people's versions of that, like of those tips and tricks that you can check out.

And I'm talking some big people too.

I mean, even like John Lee Dumas is in there, Peng Joon Peng Joon, Myron Golden, Liz Benny, Dan Henry, Dana Derricks, Akbar Sheikh, there's so many people in there.

I think Brandon and Kaelin Poulin are in there too.

I'm not 100% sure on that one but yeah, it's huge.

It's just crazy.

So you get that and then you also get unlimited access to the 30 days interviews.

So they interviewed each person that wrote a chapter in this book and you get access to those interviews.

Then you also get behind the scenes two comma club interviews, which is crazy value.

And then not only that, you get 30 days of video missions from Russell Brunson.

So it's a 30 day coaching or 30 day challenge.

You get a video each day from Russell walking you through what you need to do that day, like wax on, wax off, what you'd need to do that day.

And then you get 30 days of coaching from Steven Larsen and Julie's Stoian in which I think most of those days, they go live, so you can hop on live with them.

And then you also get the one funnel away challenge customized kit.

So that's like the 30 day plan.

It's crazy.

If you think through everything that they've given you, everything that they're doing for you, not only what they're giving you, but what they're going to do for you.

It's just crazy Insane value.

When I first saw that, I was like, okay, this has gotta be thousands of dollars because it's going to help you make thousands of dollars.

So that would make sense if it's going to cost thousands of dollars.


Well, they added up the value of about $3,126.

That sounds about right, but not only that, they took it from the $3,126 down to just $100 bucks.

So you can actually join the whole freaking challenge for just a hundred bucks.

It's crazy stuff.

When I heard $100, I was like, you gotta be kidding me.

There's no way.

There's no way that they're actually going to give you all of that for 100 bucks.

And sure enough, they do.

It's freaking crazy.

Stephen Larsen goes live like every day and trains you through everything.

It's just the amount of gold that you get from this is well worth like thousands and thousands of dollars, but they give it to you for a hundred bucks.

I don't even know how they're making any money on it.

Anyway, so I just wanted to like, if you guys are struggling to make any kind of money online, if you guys are making some money online or looking to make just even you're first dollar or if you're making, you know, thousands, but you want to up it and see the frameworks that people are using to make even more money than that.

You've got to take this challenge.

You've got to go through it.

It's changed so many people's lives.

Just the amount of stories that I see from people where they're like, hey, I made my first thousand dollars this week and it's like week two of the challenge, you know?

And then, hey I used this one system and I blew up this part of my business.

It's amazing to me to see how many people's lives have changed.

And because of that I thought, I have to share that with people.

I mean if you go to onefunnelawayoffer.com and check it out, you'll also be able to see all the testimonials and kind of get an idea of what people are saying about it.

This guy says "this is the stuff that no one ever taught me."

Cause it was like the beginning stuff that no one ever taught, like teaches anyone.

Somebody else was like all this "stuff is magic".

This person said, "thank you so much guys for providing so much value", which is true.

I can't even believe how much value Steven alone gives you and Russell...

Like the 30 days of Russell's training that people paid thousands of dollars for the information that he's giving, just on this $100 challenge.

And so the guy says "it's a smile of a conqueror and the coaching throughout the Ofa challenge has been the icing on the cake".

That's pretty cool actually.

And then there's like a hundred testimonials down below, it's crazy how much it is changing people's lives.

I went through it guys.

It is well worth thousands of dollars.

If you're looking at changing your business online or making money for the first time online and you need a Mr Miyagi to help you, like wax on, wax off, do this, do that and follow some frameworks that are proven frameworks to make money online.

This is the challenge that you've got to go to and you can check it out at onefunnelawayoffer.com and go from there.

And if you guys have any questions about it or anything, feel free to reach out to me.

I'm not afraid to give you any more details on it.

It's pretty sweet.

But if you just, yeah, if you just go to onefunnelawayoffer.com you can see the whole thing right there.

And that's all spelled out.

So that's just one funnel away offer spelled out .com.

So yeah,

LFTE 17: Are you a follower or do you pave your own way...

17m · Published 22 Feb 20:00

What is going on!

I am actually coming to you from my car right now.

I had this crazy idea which was to - yeah, essentially just publish or make a podcast...

not necessarily make a podcast but to just teach the things that I've learned for the day and so you guys can learn from what I'm learning from sitting next to Steven Larsen like every day. So yeah, it may not be a very long podcast, it may not be super huge or anything and yes, I probably won't do it every day.

There will be some days where I may just be doing some very mundane work but they're definitely gonna be plenty of days where I'm gonna learn some freakin' awesome crap and publish it and teach it because you can't learn something...

you actually don't know something until you know how to teach it.

If you can't teach it, you don't know it.

So here's the deal, I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wannabe experts who never actually help me in the end, then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to, "Learning From the Experts".

I'm gonna try to teach everyday what I'm learning so I can internalize it, better understand it and progress even that much farther.

I hope this sounds good, I have no idea if this is gonna be super loud or if it's gonna be really bad or not.

So, mainly because I'm in my car literally driving, stopping, starting and lots of noises going on around me, so if you can hear those, I'm sorry I will try to be a little bit better at them.

I do have this little mic that I've plugged into my phone and I'm using that to essentially just talk through that but it's got this like little foam thing around it on the outside so, hopefully that helps with the sound.

Man! I just got stuck behind some chick that was like staring at her phone, totally not paying attention.

Come on guys, I know I'm using my phone right now but I'm not looking at my phone, there's a big difference.

So today, craziness like, it was interesting I was talking to Steven right before I left, I was like, dude! I was thinking about it, we get to do some pretty crazy stuff, some awesome stuff, some fast-paced stuff, some highly stressful stuff and some just cool stuff.

You know, we get to do a lot of stuff but most people would actually run from this.

Like a lot of people would just want to get away.

It's too much outside of their norm, it causes them to think outside of their natural thinking too much or it's too much stress at times or just so many different things.

A lot of people - it's interesting, people just like to follow just somebody else, just kind of just - just leave me and I'll just go there and not have to think about it.

Like the less I have to think about, the less I have to do, the better.

I've been thinking about that a lot lately, I don’t know why but I look at some people, what makes me really sad is when I see - I want to say this in the nicest way I can; when I see an older person doing a manual labor, not even manual labor job but just a job that obviously doesn't take a whole lot of skill or technical knowledge or anything to do, like a high-school job.

I don't know exactly where I'm going with all this but [laughs], like a high school job, like it's sad to me that they're in that position and they're that old or you know, they never made it any farther.

Maybe they did, I don't know, maybe there's something else going on.

There's so many different things that I don't know, I can't judge just by looking at them.

So obviously there could be a whole lot of other things that have happened but it's surprising me how much people don't try to push them to go farther.

They don't push themselves to do more, they don't push themselves to learn.

The pain is too much for them, the pain is too hard.

Obviously if you're listening to a podcast, you enjoy learning, you enjoy pushing yourself farther than most people do.

Like the majority of people do but then again like, some podcasts are not painful.

This is more of like, I mean, business podcasts where you're trying to learn business strategies, things that are going to help you mentally, even physically and like professionally.

That's gonna have some pain to go with it, it's gonna push you somewhere.

Obviously there are podcasts that are purely entertainment based and have no really growing potential there.

So, I think the fact that you're listening to this podcast and you're trying to get insights from experts or different people as I am trying to gain these insights from the experts that I have around me or the people that I'm seeing or being in contact with so often, that's huge, that means a lot, it means you're actually trying to go somewhere and build yourself to become better which obviously is gonna help you go places.

I actually published a quote on my Facebook page, not even the page, it's my profile, a couple days ago that says; I'm gonna try not to butcher it but essentially says "formal education will get you a job that's gonna get you by, self-education will make you a fortune."

and obviously there's a lot of - there's some contingence there.

Self-education just for the sake of Education not to take it anywhere most likely won't be making you a fortune unless you use it to publish or do different things or become better in your profession.

So, self-education; I would say self-education that is focused to a point of making you better, to become better in your profession or to grow yourself, that's gonna help you know, grow those bounds that you have, that's what's gonna make you the fortune.

Not just general education, not just general self-education, sorry about that.

So, yeah, just - this is good stuff.

I was actually listening to an interview from Tom Bilyeu and I could probably - I'm probably totally butchering his name right there.

So I'm listening to this interview of Tom Bilyeu from doctor - oh man, I'm totally gonna miss his name.

Damn, I can't remember it.

Anyway, so, it's this neurologist guy and he's talking about how all of these different issues like Alzheimer's, dementia, just all these bad chronic illnesses that you can get especially in later years, even autism stem from the food you eat, your gut.

Your gut drives everything in your body.

You eat like crap, you're gonna get really bad results essentially in the rest of your body, you're gonna have these issues.

If you eat more healthy, if you eat stuff that's actually good for you and there's a big difference on a lot of things there, your gut is gonna be healthier which is actually gonna help with everything else in your body.

Super interesting, it was like an hour long, super interesting interview.

The guy had some crazy stories about some different things that we're - it blew my mind.

They actually use fecal matter to cure autism.

Yeah, think on that for a second, like if that doesn't sound crazy, I don't - yeah, that's...

like what!

You did what!

Like how do you even think about that?

But essentially, it's because if you find the right fecal matter that has the right bacteria, it'll cure the problems in the gut and bring those right bacteria into your gut which then helps everything else in your body.

That's pretty insane if you ask me.

That's a very short version of it but...

knowledge like guys, be pushing yourself to gain more, to become more.

Teach the things that you're learning so you can internalize them.

Be listening to content that is actually there to help you become better who you are.

It's so interesting to me, if you take care of yourself, other things happen, you can do so much more.

I drink Keto drinks every day because of the power it gives me to be cognitively there and to be able to think more straight and clearly and to keep my mind going.

That's so sad to be - I think so many people - a lot of people that - and I'm not a doctor, I don't know but based on what this guy was saying, a lot of your gut stuff has to do with Alzheimer's but honestly like, if you think about it, a lot of people that don't push themselves.

They just come home after they work and they honestly don't try to do much at work.

They just kind of go through it as easily as possible and then they come home, sit down on the couch, watch TV, eat some junk food and then go to bed and repeat.

And then on the weekend you're doing drinks whatever, all this stuff. Honestly, I think a lot of your mental health comes from that style of living, that life - that lifestyle and because you're not pushing your brain to develop more, you're not actually like helping it be more cognitively there.

It's interesting, every thought you have creates a new neural pathway and the more thoughts you have on the same idea, the same subject, the bigger that neural pathway becomes and the stronger it is and then it helps you actually be able to create new like answers to questions that you didn't have before.

It helps your brain naturally be able to go back to it and if you don't use that neural - if you stop thinking on that subject, that specific subject, that neuro pathway will kind of decrease over time.

So, do you want to be good at something, I think it was something like 10,000 hours to become an expert in a certain field.

We can't j

LFTE 16: The three easiest ways to make 10k a month according to Tai Lopez...

10m · Published 19 Feb 19:00

What's going on everybody, this is Coulton Woods.

You are listening to "Learning From the Experts" and I'm actually gonna do another - sorry, this is another episode that I'm bringing to you from Miami.

Just got done with the Growth Con - 10X Growth Con in Miami and I'm actually gonna go over the three easiest ways to make $10,000 a month according to Tai Lopez and what he taught us here at the event.

So here's the deal, I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wannabe experts who never actually help me in the end, then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to, "Learning From The Experts".

So, if you don't know who Tai Lopez is then maybe you've been living under a rock...

no, I'm just kidding.

He's pretty freaking huge in the social media world, he has some - yeah, he has a few different things that he sells but Tai Lopez, I totally get it, a lot of people hate him, a lot of people love him, I totally get it, he throws a lot of rocks and he's a little arrogant and can definitely come across as a little...

yeah, self-centered or he's always standing by a Lamborghini or something.

So, I totally get it but he - I'm actually gonna go through the three different ways to make $10,000 a month that he says are the easiest ways to make that much money a month.

So, he got up... spoke at 10X Growth Con and honestly it was actually really interesting to see.

He totally crushed a bunch of people's websites, talked about funnels on there and yeah, how Russell Brunson is like the funnel man, which I'm actually going to talk about Russell Brunson on the next one or maybe I'll do it for this one [laughs]. Anyway, so he got up...

and I'm actually...

really honestly I'm gonna make this one a little bit shorter, I'm just gonna give you guys the three easiest ways to make $10,000 a month according to Tai Lopez.

He says the number one easiest way to start making $10,000 a month as an entrepreneur just honest - yeah, working your own thing is through a social media agency, honestly. And I see these things coming up everywhere.

Everybody needs social media; advertising, positioning, how to grow your following, what you need to be posting, like all these different things.

There are so many businesses asking for that right now and there are so many people taking them up and charging like literally $2,500 just to do their services and then that's not counting you know, the ad spend or anything.

So, if you get four people or four businesses running for you, that's $10,000 a month, you've got your own agency running and you're just helping them with you know, ads and grow on their following, not bad at all.

So, that is a very easy way to do it, I've seen lots of people be successful in it and if you know how to grow it right or manage people or get virtual assistants that actually know what they're doing, you can even scale that pretty far actually.

So, that is the number one way according to Tai Lopez of how to make $10,000 a month, easy.

The second one is actually through Airbnb which I thought was really surprising.

I did not expect that to happen but he...

I was not expecting him to say that.

When he said people are making a ton of money right now by literally going to rich areas or rich people and that have bigger houses and saying "hey, I can put your house on Airbnb and I'll charge you a flat rate of you know, fifteen hundred bucks a month to rent it out or fifty percent of whatever we make on it", because a lot of times there're...

other people have houses and they're not staying in them all the time right?

They have multiple houses, so they rent out the house on Airbnb and he'll come in there, he'll say "hey, I want to help you get your house on Airbnb and I take this fee" or whatever maybe and you don't have to own any real estate, you don't have to put any capital into it, you don't have to do - like you don't have to put anything into it yourself other than time.

That's actually a really interesting idea and a pretty easy one at that like you could start doing that pretty quickly and if you know how to do any kind of ads, even you can find people, you could do ads to be getting people coming to you, getting leads about putting their house on Airbnb and you just take a cut and you list it and get it all done for them.

Honestly that's pretty cool idea.

So, that's - I mean, that's the number two way of how to easily make $10,000 a month doing your own thing.

So, interesting stuff, I thought that was pretty cool.

I never would have guessed that's one that he would have said.

And then the third thing which these - honestly, a lot of the social media marketing or a social media agency, that's been around for a while but it's really starting to grow, it's very - it's a very growing industry right now.

The Airbnb thing, that's like a totally - that's a very small part - not a very small part, that's a very small portion of people doing that right now.

That's a very very open thing to be able to get into you right - you know, at this time.

So, this third one is actually - I don't feel like there's a whole lot of people in this space either and it wouldn't be that hard to get into, but the third one especially with ClickFunnels, you could rock this thing so easy, just...

you can make it happen pretty quick. But the third easiest way to make $10,000 a month is through an E-com Agency.

So literally, you are helping people who have an E-com business, an e-commerce business, you are helping them...

and I would say with funnels is the easiest way, to be able to increase their revenue.

You can even have a social media company helping them grow through social media or a social media advertising company, Facebook advertising company, excuse me, and then...

you can even have a funnel building company or honestly just helping them build a funnel for their E - like whatever they're selling in their e-commerce.

It's interesting, E-com is so slim on their margins because they don't know how to upsell, they don't know how to offer other things on their E-com page.

Shopify is actually really bad at this, like Shopify is great, like you can do this but if you add a funnel instead of doing just a Shopify page, you can literally 540% increase your revenue on an E-com business through a funnel and it's actually been proven.

I know it has, you can watch - I don't know if that webinar is actually up anymore from ClickFunnels.

They went through...

and they actually like went through tons of funnels, tons of funnels and found out that, just by simply having an order bump, which is like on the Order Page, you say

"hey, click this button right here and you'll also get this for this price",

okay, so a simple order bump and then after that when they order, the first - whatever they're buying you know, if you got a shirt, they're buying a shirt and then, hey, order bump is like;

"you know, buy this hat or something with it, whatever it maybe that is related to it"

and then if you simply have one upsell which is just like,

"hey you bought this, you can buy this now"

and then another upsell which is

"hey, you might also like this if you bought these",

 which is not - honestly that's not pushy, that's not that - people freak out over this and they're like

"oh, I don't want to sell them too much, I don't want to be pushy".

Honestly you're just offering them more or something that's gonna accommodate or work with what they just bought.

You're not pushing it on them; they can say no, you're just giving them the option and you - if they say no to that, you have one down-sell.

So, literally it's like "oh, you didn't want that, maybe you would like this instead.",

that's it, that's all you got to do, that's it and 540% increase your revenue.

540% increase in revenue! Like that's the number, that's what they've gone through and checked it out.

So, instead of simply having an E-com page where they click "Yes, I want to buy this" and they're like, "okay, cool, I'm done", checkout, whatever.

If you just added a funnel to that instead where they say click on,

I wanna buy and then it puts them into the funnel where they are gonna buy that and they look at the Order Form and they're like "oh, maybe I'll get this too with it" then they upsell upsell down-sell.

Guys, it's like... nah... anyway, I'm just trying to [laugh], just trying to get that out there.

So, ClickFunnels, if you have a business, you've been selling a product, I mean you can - you can do so much with a funnel but if you have an agency helping E-com people sell, you could literally - literally like five times their business revenue with just a funnel and people would go nuts over that.

So, just saying, that's the third easiest way to make $10,000 month doing your own thing and really honestly, you don't need any employees for that unless you get bigger.

Like it's not that big of a thing.

So, those are the three easiest ways according to Tai Lopez.

Hopefully that was little bit more shortened to the point and yeah, hopefully you guys like that.

Don't forget to rate and subscribe and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

I'd love to hear from you guys, so we'll talk to y'all

LFTE 15: What I learned from Bethenny Frankel at the 10X Growth Con Event...

10m · Published 15 Feb 21:00

Hey what's going on everybody?

This is Coulton Woods and today I'm bringing to you a special episode of Learning from the Experts.

I'm actually in my hotel room right now in Miami, just got done with 10x Growth Con, the event from Grant Cardone.

And I want to split it up into a few different episodes here, but I'm going to talk to you about something that I learned from Bethenny Frankel.

She is one of the sharks on Shark Tank.

It's interesting.

I've always had a hard time listening to her and kind of relating to her on Shark Tank.

So when I found out she was a speaker I was kind of like okay, I don't know if I really want to hear that one or not, but I did.

And I actually learned something really cool from it.

So here's the deal, I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sitting through wannabe experts who never actually help me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me a hundred times faster than learning on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to Learning from the Experts.

So I'm going to be 100% honest with you, whenever I see Bethenny Frankel on Shark Tank I always kind of like wonder if I want to actually watch that episode.

And I mean it's nothing against her but I feel like she kind of always has to like prove something or prove that she's the smartest person in the room for some reason.

She's always got an opinion.

She's always pushing her idea on it or she's trying to give advice. And then she's like fighting with the other sharks and I'm kind of just like, I don't know to me I'm like just chill.

Like it's okay.

So when I found out that she was speaking I was like oh that's cool.

She's from Shark Tank.

She's going to be on there.

That's cool, but I don't know if I really care to even watch it because I've seen her on Shark Tank and I have a hard time watching her there.

So what's going to be any different.

Well I'm there anyways so I'm like okay well I'll just pay attention.

And I had this thought.

I like to ask myself questions.

I like to kind of just ask questions in general, but ask questions that most people don't think about asking.

So I try to do that.

I'm not the best.

I mean I'm sure none of us are the best or perfect at that, but I had this question or this thought, what if I just ask the question while listening to her, what can I learn from her.

I mean that's going to be hard.

If I'm in there, not that it's going to be hard, but if I'm looking at her and I'm saying I can't.

There's no way I'll ever learn anything from her.

I don't think she has anything to give me that I can learn from her.

Well, she's a billionaire so I mean I should probably pay attention to her.

But in my first thought was I'm not going to learn anything from this woman because I've seen the way she is.

But then the thought crossed my mind.

I asked myself the question.

What can I learn from her?

So I paid attention.

I didn't pay 100% attention, but I paid more attention than I was going to.

And as she started talking I kind of think man I don't know how this woman ever accomplished what she accomplished.

I don't know how she figured it out.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be super bad about all this or be harsh or anything, but I honestly don't know if she knows how she became successful.

I don't know if she knows what she did in order to become successful.

I don't know if she actually understands that.

I mean that's kind of maybe rude, that's kind of a little blunt there, but honesty that's my thought.

Is like I don't know if she understands this.

So what did she do to become successful.

What was it that helped her become successful?

If she didn't quite understand it.

And maybe she does totally.

I don't know.

That's just kind of the thought that I had.

So I'm watching this and I'm thinking about this question that I have.

And as she's talking I start realizing that she pretty much just runs like she just runs with something.

She had the idea for Skinny Girl.

I don't know if you know Skinny Girl, if you see the dressings in the grocery stores or not.

Or I think she started with the margarita, right?

Some calorie, low calorie margarita and that's how she got started.

She introduced this great tasting margarita that's low calorie for Skinny Girl and that was her brand was Skinny Girl.

So I'm like man, I don't know if she really knows how she did this.

Well, she's telling her story and as I have this question in my head and I'm listening to her story, I realize that she literally just ran.

She just got stuff done.

She would just do things.

It's really interesting.

She didn't waste time.

She had the idea.

She wanted it to happen.

She pitched it to people.

They said no like that's a stupid idea.

You're never going to go anywhere with it.

She didn't agree with them.

So she said, okay well I'm going to do it myself.

I'm just going to run with this.

I'm going to make it happen.

And pretty soon she's got people investing that probably wouldn't have invested in the first place.

And now those people that she first contacted see that she's putting skin in the game.

She's investing her own money, her own time.

She's getting people to come in with her.

They see that she's doing this and they're like okay, I guess we'll invest.

You're running.

You're making this happen.

We will invest because we see what you can do.

And that teaches me before I get to that, she told a story about a relief effort that she put together for I think it was Puerto Rico somewhere.

So I don't even remember exactly if it was a tsunami or hurricane anymore.

I'm sorry.

That's probably really bad.

But I don't watch the news so I don't really keep up with anything that's going on outside of where I'm at really.

Honestly, I know how marketing works and I know how the news is and they are businesses and that's what they want to do is make money off you so they are really good at making things seem more dramatic than they actually are.

So side note, total side note but she wanted to help Puerto Rico in the relief effort.

So she literally found people with a jet that she's like you know what I need to find a jet or a plane or something.

I need to figure this out and get anybody I know that has a jet on board.

And she's like calling all these people and they're like you're crazy.

We're not going to give you a jet to fly down to Puerto Rico for whatever and pretty soon as she's putting all of this out on social media, on Twitter, and different places.

People are reaching back out to her saying hey I own a small clinic or I own this place.

I can give you these kind of things that would help everybody there.

I'll just give it to you.

You can fly it there and she's like, "I had no idea how to put on a relief effort”.

I had no idea how to do any of this.

I just started doing it.

I just started asking people and getting people's feedback.

And pretty soon we've got like five six jets flying down to Puerto Rico with all of these materials and all of this stuff to help with the relief effort down there.

And we were helping out a ton of people.

And people were literally coming up to her saying we were praying that somebody would have a jet so we could get this stuff over to them.

And when she got there they needed like planes to fly stuff and people out of there.

So that honestly guys that teaches me a huge lesson.

So many people over complicate things.

So many people think they have to accomplish so many things before they do anything.

Guys, just start.

Just go, just do something.

If you've got an idea, start doing stuff with it.

Start figuring out people that maybe want to help you out with it.

Do some stuff.

If you need to be growing a following or want to be putting your name out there, you just start podcasting, start publishing, start doing videos.

Honestly, putting videos on YouTube is such a huge thing now.

You can get so much content out there and it's like a searchable video place where people search things and your videos can pop up and people watch you.

Then they like what they see and they follow you.

It's so, just start doing stuff, guys.

She has made millions.

I think she's a billionaire.

Like billions just by doing something.

Just go out and do it.

She doesn't let anything hold her back.

She just starts.

So just start.

That's really like all I have for you today from that one talk.

I was not expecting to get anything from her.

And then I asked the question what can I learn from Bethenny Frankel.

So I decided to actually listen and figure out what I can learn and that was a huge lesson.

I'm glad I listened to it.

I'm glad I was there.

I'm glad I asked that question instead of just shrugging it off and not paying attention.

So guys, just start.

Do something.

Like just get going.

I played around with the idea of doing a podcast for a while.

And I'm not

LFTE 14: 3 things I learned from the best voice coach in the world...

14m · Published 12 Feb 21:00

What's going on everybody?

Hey, this is Coutlon Woods and I want to welcome you to another episode of learning from the experts.

On this episode I actually want to go over a few of the things that I learned from the best voice coach in the world, like in the entire world.

The number one voice coach...

I got to spend last weekend with him and his team.

Me and Stephen got to fly out there and help them through our program called offer lab.

And I just want to go over some of the crazy things that I learned from them while I was there.

There's definitely a reason why he's the number one voice coach in the world.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wanna be experts who never actually help me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning it on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learned from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to Learning From The Experts.

All right, so last weekend, I had the most awesome opportunity to fly to Hollywood with Steve Larsen, who's the man.

If you don't follow his podcast, you need to be listening to that one as well.

But I got to fly out there with him, which was a super awesome opportunity and meet with the number one voice coach in the entire world.

I got to see him give Steve Larsen voice lessons right there.

Which is pretty awesome to see how much he was actually able to help him in just like 10 minutes.

But before I get to any of that, let me just go over a couple of things here.

Well, a few people that he has coached.

Now when I heard this, it blew my mind and I'm pretty sure it's gonna blow yours too, so here are some people that he has coached himself, literally himself.

I mean he's been doing this for a very long time.

He originally started way back in the day with a coach, I'm not going to tell this whole story here, but he was working with a coach and he ended up having to leave for weeks so he took over couching his students, which was like the Jacksons and Madonna and lots of other people like that and was coaching them as like a 16 year old, he was super young and these people actually were learning from him at 16.

He was able to help them, his crazy ability to listen to your voice and know what you can do to improve it.

Crazy stuff.

It was pretty awesome to see.

So not only like Madonna, the Jackson's, he works with crazy professional actors.

He just helped Bradley Cooper in the Star.

He was helping him with his singing for that movie, but he's worked with Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Jay Abraham, Jeff Bridges, Reese Witherspoon, Will ferrell.

It just goes on. And then singers like Selena Gomez, John Mayer, Maroon five, Gwen Steffani and a ton of others.

Matchbox 20, which is pretty cool.

I like them.

The beach boys, Def Leppard, The killers.

So he's definitely worked with some high end people.

He lives right in Hollywood.

They come to him, he teaches them how to speak better, how to sing better and how to just be an overall better voice in everything they do.

So now I'm like super conscious of my voice ever since then and I'm trying to not be so monotone, which I definitely need some lessons on that.

So I'm excited about his course that is coming out.

Hopefully you guys will be able to check that out, but if you want to go see some stuff that he's got, just go to RogerLove.Com

And you can kind of see a little bit of that stuff there, but this is what blew my mind when I heard this.

I couldn't believe it.

He said, okay, it's actually on his Roger Love Dot Com website.

If you hit speaking at the top and then just the speaking home part a little bit down there.

I think it's kind of towards the bottom.

It talks about communication and he says by communication, we're not just talking about the words we use.

According to his scientific study at Stanford, your words only account for about seven percent of whether or not anyone believes you.

I was like, seriously?

Seven percent.

It's whether or not anyone believes you, likes you or thinks you're smart, funny, stronger, successful.

Any of that.

Seven percent of it is only based on the words you actually say, I don't know about you, but that was really shocking to me to see that it was that low.

He says, by contrast, tonality, the sounds your voice makes aside from the words counts for more than 38 percent.

When you understand how your physiology and tonality can unite, almost 93 percent of the incredible powers of communication and influence will be in your hand.

I don't know about you guys, but that's pretty crazy.

Ninety three percent.

If you want to be a speaker, presenter, a communicator and an influencer...

Honestly, he when we were talking, he's said people in their jobs, if they learn how to speak better and communicate better, literally I've seen so many people get raises and become better and climb the ladder so much faster or grow their audience so much quicker.

All these different things, just by changing their voice and adding some tonality to their voice, which to me blew my mind and a lot of people just think they're born with their voice.

That's it.

100 percent.

That's the way they're going to be the rest of their life.

And then I saw him give Steve Voice lessons right there and how quickly he helped him.

Steve just changed a few things.

It was pretty amazing.

He went over all these breathing techniques, crazy stuff, and I'm like, holy cow, we're really doing pretty bad at speaking.

So if that doesn't blow your mind on who he's worked with and the fact that seven percent of what you say is all that matters.

If someone wants to believe you, that's huge.

That's huge to me.

If you're any kind of entrepreneur, if you're any kind of influencer or any of that stuff, your voice is very important.

Your voice is super important and if you don't have a voice that is not monotone, has some tonality and you can actually keep people engaged.

You're going to be able to go so much farther.

That's with anything. If you do Facebook lives, if you're podcasting, any of that stuff, if you're doing videos on YouTube, your tonality, everything matters so much.

I'm excited to see what I can do to learn from him to help myself.

My own voice.

It was pretty interesting.

You can definitely be so much more confident with just a different tone in your voice or just a different tonality.

Just a different way of breathing.

Even I saw it.

It was crazy.

We got to go there and Thursday he gave Steve some voice coaching and got to meet with them, talk with them a little bit.

We had dinner afterward.

It was pretty cool to go to Hollywood and have dinner there.

And then Friday we met with him and his team went over his funnel, stuff that they're going to put together.

Super Awesome stuff.

I'm excited to see what they're going to come up with and and have out there soon.

That was part of the offer lab program that Steve just announced at offer mind.

I'm excited to see how that's going to go.

It's about to launch.

I think you could go to offerlab.com.

Hopefully here real soon you'll be able to actually apply and be able to learn a little bit more about it.

But I want to go into this a little bit more.

So I went over some of those stats.

That made me think of a time when I was younger and I remember this- I was sitting in the front room, had family and friends around me and I remember my uncle started to tell us a story and as he's telling this story, he gets really animated, getting loud and just really into the story.

And I remember thinking, holy cow, this is an awesome story, it was entertaining.

I want to hear some more stories from him because that was really entertaining.

And so I thought, you know what?

That was a really cool story.

I want to tell that to somebody else.

Well, not necessarily that I thought that, but there was a time that came and I was like, oh, I got to tell this guy this story that my uncle told me because it was awesome and it totally relates to this.

So I tell this story to a few people.

I remember telling the story and it was like crickets.

Nothing afterwards.

Like they were like, wow, that's cool.

And I'm like, what the heck?

How is that?

How is it that when my uncle told us the story, it was awesome. It was intriguing.

I was very into it the entire time.

I wanted to hear more, but then when I tell it, there's silence.

What's the difference?

Now I'm looking back at it and looking at these stats that Roger Love just gave- only seven percent of what you say is actually going to matter to whether or not they are engaged in your story or if they think you're funny or not.

The story could be completely not even that cool but your tonality and your physiology can make up for 93 percent of it, making it an amazing story when in reality you could just be telling the most boring thing ever to some people you know, or other people will say it and not have the tonality or the physiology and it'll be a completely boring story.

So interesting, interesting thought.


LFTE 13: One simple thing that successful people do, but 99% of people don't see it...

19m · Published 22 Jan 21:00

What's going on everybody?

Hey, this is Coulton Woods and you are listening to another episode of learning from the experts, and today I'm going to tell you one simple thing or one simple hack that successful people do, but most people don't realize this and they actually don't see it.

You've actually most likely lived your life not doing this which you should have been because you would have learned the things so much faster and you would have understood things so much more if you would have just done this one thing.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through want to be experts who never actually helped me in the end, then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learned from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to learning from the experts.

So what is that one thing that successful people do that most people don't realize they're actually doing and how can that help you and how can you actually implement that same thing in your life so that you can be a little more successful in what you're doing?

I'm going to tell you that one thing, but before I tell you, I'm going to tell you a little story.

So growing up I always had a very curious mind. I'm always wondered how things worked.

I was very intrigued by things like the mechanical things, the way people thought, the way people did things, the way everything was done.

I remember when I was 12, I literally was thinking through how it was possible that a hover car could even exist.

I don't know why, where this even came from, but I remember drawing up plans on a sheet of paper, just like kid plans, like drawings of like, oh, this could do this and that, of how a hover car could work.

And like, Oh, if it was air induction then maybe it would flow from all the air, but then I was like, that's really annoying, well, what if it was a magnetic pole that would magnetize against the earth?

So anyways, that's me being totally just kind of a nerd growing up.

I don't know why that was fun to me, but I thought it'd be super cool.

Anyway, I had a really curious mind and always wondered how things would work. So I loved to play paintball growing up.

It's been forever since I've even published on here. I've been wanting to publish the last couple of weeks actually.

I got all this stuff in my mind.

I need to be publishing more. I actually lost my voice got sick.

So I wanted to get this episode out to you guys because it's been on my mind a lot lately and I'm like, why?

Why do people do this?

I remember when I was younger, I think I was like 13. I was really into paint ball.

I used to play paint ball all the way up until I, well I still play it every now and then.

Not as much as I used to, but I remember I got a brand new paintball gun when I was like 12 or 13 and it was a Tippman A5 and that was like the gun back then, you know.

Anyway, so I got it.

It was brand new, came in the box, so excited.

I was like, this is legit, like this gun is so awesome.

And the first thing I did was I tore it apart, literally tore it apart, like down to everything that I could just, pieces all over.

I just had it spread out and lay it all out.

So I have this paint ball gun spread across my bed and I remember my dad walked in and I got a little nervous because it was like crap is he going to be mad that I tore it apart?

But he looked at me and he's like, what are you doing?

And I'm like, I'm tearing my paintball gun apart.

He's like, why?

I'm like, because I want to know how it works and then I want to know why things do what they do.

I just want to know why.

And then also if I have a problem while I'm playing paint ball, I'll probably know how to fix it because I've torn it apart and I know how it works.

I understand it.

And he's like, that's crazy.

Well I hope you can get it back together.

I got it back together and I had torn apart multiple times since then.

I don't know why I have such a curiosity for how things work.

I feel like the knowledge of how things work can help you understand so many other things.

There's a new podcast from Josh Forti.

I had him on.

I had him on an interview, an episode just a few episodes back.

If you haven't listened to that one, I would definitely highly recommend that even if you aren't in social media, I would highly recommend you go listen to that.

So I'm on this podcast with Josh Forti, talking to him.

Well, he's come out with his own podcast since then.

It's called the think different theory with Josh Forti and it's not actually like a social media based podcast.

It's more of like a mindset podcast.

It's more of how you can actually build your mind to be able to handle the things that entrepreneurs, business owners, everybody needs to handle so they can grow and become better at what they're doing.

If you've listened to any podcasts before, I'm totally about beliefs and how beliefs are made, how you change them, how they're understood.

I love the psychology behind beliefs and how people come up with beliefs.

It's crazy.

So he had this episode about asking the question why.

Why are you doing that?

Why is this the way it is?

Why, why does it happen that way?

He goes really into depth on that.

You'll have to check it out. It's a new podcast.

So there's not a whole lot of episodes.

You could catch up on it pretty quick.

So if you, if you're looking for something like that, totally go over there.

But what I've realized is successful people ask questions, not only questions, but they want to understand why things work.

And they asked the question why a lot.

You may think, oh yeah, well that's dumb.

But not just in business do you ask the question why?

I've asked the question why thousands of times growing up and it has actually helped me understand more things and had more knowledge because I've asked why.

I want to know why that person did what they did.

I want to know why that belief is the belief that it is for most people.

I want to know why you act a certain way.

I want to know why that works in this way or the best way for marketing.

So they ask why, and then they understand it.

They internalize it, they think about it, they ponder on it.

They actually like to think about it enough to understand it.

It drives me nuts.

Most people go through life being told what to do and they just accept it.

They never questioned it.

There are so many false beliefs out there, there're so many beliefs that just aren't even close to being correct, but people believe it and they don't even ask the question.

It'sinteresting to me that somebody with so much of a following that has such a big voice can say something and people just believe it. Like it's truth.

Like they believe that person, they trust them, so whatever they say is truth.

Nobody knows everything. Nobody understands everything.

So it just kills me when people don't ever question things, they don't ever question it to understand it or to actually think about it.

Funny enough, I was actually watching this youtube video of people getting roasted or owned, which is kind of interesting.

Anyway, there's this one guy that was petitioning something and this guy was asking him questions and he literally couldn't even answer any of the questions that he was petitioning about.

He just took whatever people were saying and just believed that to be true.

He had really no idea if it was actually true.

He just believed it to be true. How many of us are doing that in our lives right now? We just believed that to be true.

Like that is the one and only way that we can do this or because my mom told me that that's correct.

I love the story of the Ham in the oven and I tell it to people all the time because I think it illustrates a really great point.

If you haven't heard the story of the ham in the oven, essentially there's a newly married couple and he comes home one day from work and his wife had cooked him a ham or baked it in the oven and she pulls it out and gets it ready and he looks at it and he realizes that the end of the ham had been cut off.

Which you don't need to be cutting off the end of the ham.

I'm assuming she just cut off the point there and he's like, why did you cut the end of the Ham off?

Like, that's weird.

And she's like, oh, it tastes better that way.

And he's like, bull crap, there's no way that's true.

So he's kind of a little annoyed at this.

And he's like, I'm going to call your mom.

So he calls her mom and says, Hey, do you cut the ends off your hand?

She says, yes.

And he's like, why?

Oh, because it tastes better that way.

And he's like, bull crap, I don't believe it.

So then the grandma is still alive at this point and he's kind of a little upset about this.

There's no way that's true.

So he calls the grandma and he's like, do you cut the ends off your ham?

And she's like, yes I do.

And he's like, why?

And she says, because it won't fit in my oven if I don't.

And he's like, thank you.

That's it.

Yes, it won't fit in your o

LFTE 12: A Valuable Belief I Learned From One Of Dan Lok's Facebook Ads And Why Most People Throw Money Away Before Investing In Their Most Important Asset...

10m · Published 20 Nov 20:00

What's going on everybody?

This is Coulton Woods and I want to welcome you to another episode of learning from the experts.

And today I actually want to talk to you about something that has been nagging at me in the back of my mind for quite some time about something I saw on Dan Locks ad.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wannabe experts who never actually helped me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning it on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton woods and you're listening to learning from the experts.

All right now if you don't know who Dan Lock is, he's actually a YouTube sensation.

But he has a program what they call high ticket closers.

So he essentially teaches people how to close high ticket programs or just sales in general, very sales oriented.

But he's huge on YouTube, very big following.

And he's been growing like crazy actually just over the past year, he's been just exponentially growing.

I was actually looking into a bit of what he was doing in the past few years and honestly hasn't really been too long since he started even doing YouTube videos and talking about high ticket closing.

So he's grown and gotten big pretty quickly over the past few years.

Since I was looking around at him I must've gotten an ad or something that I had seen on Facebook, he was targeting me on an ad because I was looking at his stuff probably but I was looking at this ad and I love seeing the haters comments on ads or just different programs.

I love seeing them because it helps me kind of understand their mentality and also what's going on in their head.

And I remember looking at this and there was a couple of them that said oh he's a scam, this dumb and I'm like Man I've met Dan Lock in person and he's actually pretty cool guy.

So I thought it was weird and he's in the click funnels area, he's in Russell Brunson's inner circle.

And so I'm looking at this and I'm like OK well I know he's not a scam, I've seen his stuff.

It's so funny to me how people can just perceive something as a scam.

And a lot of times they haven't even done anything with it or even looked at it.

There's a lot of hater comments on there and I even commented on it.

I was like that's weird that he's making a lot of money and you aren't, like come on guys seriously.

I think it's interesting that a lot of them are probably struggling in life that comment all this negative stuff and I'm like well if you're just going to keep commenting all of these negative things on people that are being successful I don't see you getting too far by doing that.

Maybe you should look into what they're actually doing and figure something out.

I just think it's funny because I like to see what people's thoughts are.

And what's going through their head when they post on there.

I'm sorry but I like getting a little bit of a rise and commenting some controversial stuff on there just to see what people say because it's funny to me.

And so I mentioned like man it's interesting that he's doing well and you're not.

Or you know he's making money and what about you.

And then somebody posted on there and I was like What the heck, I've thought of this but like he was so night and day on that post.

I wish I had it.

I wish I could pull it up.

I should have screenshot it.

Anyway, so this guy's comment on the Dan Lok's ad, he said you know it's interesting to me because people are willing to spend thirty thousand dollars on a vehicle but yet complain and cry and moan about spending 300 dollars on their mind like spending three hundred dollars on something that's going to increase them as a person, not something physical.

You'll spend thirty thousand dollars on a car but you won't take three hundred dollars and spend that on something that's going to help you become better in the things that you're doing.

You won't spend three hundred dollars on learning something.

I see it all the time.

They're like oh that's too much money or I don't need that course, I already know it but then they're OK with going and spending 60 70 thousand dollars on a vehicle that that gives them no intellectual property.

So it surprises me that so many people are willing to spend that much money on a car but they won't spend that much on something that's going to increase their knowledge to help them make more money to help them be more successful in whatever they do.

That was just eating at me.

I need to podcast about that because it's so true.

I've seen so many business people want to increase their business or become better or do more but then they're not willing to spend a few hundred dollars for it.

They look at a thousand dollars like oh that's way too much, what's it going to give me.

But in reality, they don't try to figure out the ROI on it.

If you're struggling in your business, it's worth money paying an expert to figure out how you can increase your business in areas that you're lacking or failing at.

You can find experts that are so well versed in that area of what you're looking for in your business that it would take you years to become that good at it.

So why are you trying to become that good at it in years when you can hire somebody that is that good at it already and help you blow up in that area and overcome that part of your business.

There are so many experts out who can help through every stage of business you go through.

Alex Charfen is the man when it comes to what you need to do system wise and company wise and entrepreneurial wise every step of the business and every step is different like 0 to 30,000, 30,000 300,000, 300,000 to a million, million to 3 million, 3 million to 10 million.

Those are all very big transitions in your business and you need to start doing things differently in your business in order for it to work.

Your business will fail if you don't do it correctly or if you don't do it at all.

If you keep trying to run your business like it was when you started and now you're on a million dollars a year, that's not going to work.

You have to figure out different systems.

James P. Friel is another man when it comes to systems and different things on how you can create those systems for your business that will free up a lot of time and also help your employees do better.

Think about what you are spending money on, what you value more than other things and how much are you spending on your intellectual.

How much are you actually learning?

I've gone through this before, I've done phases where I'm focused more on buying something that doesn't really do anything for me, like buying a car.

But when I focus on things that helped me become better myself intellectually, I can be better in my business and understand things more and make more money, it's so much better that way.

But I've gone through spurts, I've gone through the different times as well.

I used to hate learning growing up.

School is not my thing.

I did not like school at all which is sad.

But now sometimes I go through a book a week trying to cram it in. Always be learning the things that you're needing at the time.

Don't go try to learn something that doesn't apply to what you're doing right now or doesn't apply to the thing that you're focusing on your business that's going to help you get to the next point.

So I'm going to leave you with that.

Thank you very much for listening and you have gone through another episode of learning from the experts.

And thank you so much for following guys.

Are you looking to jump start your business by learning or getting help from the real experts.

Go to learning from the experts.com to find pre-approved experts that I've hand picked for you.

Don't forget to let me know how I'm doing by subscribing, rating and leaving feedback.


LFTE 11: Your Most Valuable Assett According To Robert Herjavec...

11m · Published 07 Nov 02:52

Hey, what's going on everybody?

Hey, this is Coulton woods and you're listening to learning from the experts and today I want to talk to you about experience and how it is actually your most valuable asset.

So here's the deal.

I know how frustrating it is as an entrepreneur to waste countless hours sifting through wanna-be experts who never actually helped me in the end.

Then to learn years later that there was an expert who really could help me 100 times faster than learning it on my own.

I have created this podcast to save you time and money while taking you on a journey with me as I learn from and interview real experts who can actually help you grow your business.

My name is Coulton Woods and you're listening to learning from the experts.

Sweet stuff.

What I want to talk to you about today is something called experience.

It's interesting to me that people think that you can just go through and learn things and then not actually learn them without having any experience tied to it.

Robert Herjavec, you know one of the sharks on shark tank?

One of the sharks on shark tank said that experience is your most valuable asset.

Now why do you think that is?

I actually want to tell you a story.

So when I was in college, if you've listened to my podcasts before this, you'll know that when I was in college, I started my own repair store.

I remember going to a class and we were learning about breaking even costs, fixed costs, variable costs, Roi, basic different things.

And I remember in this basic entrepreneurial class, the teachers teaching us some things and literally would ask us a question like if your costs are this much and you have to pay for it every month, no matter what, what is that a fixed cost or variable costs.

Then professor asks if you sell your products and you make this much profit on your product, how much do you have to sell to cover your fixed costs?

And I thought, it's easy.

I can tell you that right away because I've done it in my own business and I know what my costs are, and I know what I have to sell in order to cover those costs and how much I make by selling whatever product or service that I was doing.

And so I remember I'm sitting in this class and I'm like, the teacher's asking us a question, okay, well if you sell this much, how much do you have to sell in order for you to cover your fixed costs?

Just this divided by that.

And I'm like, it's this much.

And he's like, yeah, it's correct.

And then I remember so many people in there, so many of these kids in college, they couldn't wrap their head around it for some reason.

They're like, I don't really understand why or how this all actually works.

And I mean going through that semester, I was the teachers favorite student, me and this one other guy.

I remember this other guy had some business experience as well and it was a super easy class for us and we just flew through that.

And it wasn't hard for us because we had some experience already in the field and we had already done different things and if I wouldn't have had the experience that I had doing business, it would have been just as hard for me but once I had the experience, it's so easy.

How come you don't understand that?

How come you don't get it?

Like, it makes so much sense.

That's easy.

I've been through that.

We forget as people that if you haven't gone through the experience,it's not as easy to understand.

I wasn't even planning on talking about this, this is not totally business related, but it helps 100 percent with experience.

So me and my wife went through over six years of infertility battle.

We literally tried to have children for over six years.

It wasn't until like seven years of being married that we actually were able to have a kid.

He's four and a half months now, we just had our first baby boy, and I'm super excited to him, he's the cutest little thing I've ever seen and he's already smiling, laughing and he's a huge blessing our lives.

But what's interesting is if we didn't have that experience of what it's like to work so hard or try so much and go through it.

A lot of people don't even know the terms.

We went through things called IUIs that we had to do, and doctor's appointments and shots and different medicine like Femara.

And Clomid, like there's all these different terms and stuff.

We ended up having to do ivf and if you don't know what ivf is in vitro, where they actually literally have to fertilize the egg outside of the body and then implant back into the body and it's not cheap.

So it took us over six years to essentially get to that point.

Whereas, like every doctor is telling us we don't know why.

She had multiple surgeries on different things that may have been causing the infertility and those ended up not working and so many other issues and different things.

And finally it came to the point where we knew we had to do IVF.

So we did IVF and it was successful in the first round thank goodness.

And I'm sorry for anybody that ever has to go through that.

It is not fun.

It is not a good road or battle to be going on and is very emotional.

It's such a huge blessing to have that little one around now.

But with that being said, for other people that are going through infertility, it's really interesting because if you haven't experienced it, you don't understand it.

You just don't understand it.

Don't try to understand it.

You just don't.

I don't know how many times my wife has had people come up to her and say, oh, I had somebody go through that.

You'll be fine.

They were fine, you'll be fine.

That's I'm sorry, but that is not the best thing to say when you're in the middle of it.

Oh, you just got shot.

Hey, I know somebody that got shot and they turned out fine.

You'll be okay.

Don't worry about it.

You got shot.

Everybody gets shot.

Don't worry about it.

It's not something that you just kind of brush off.

But having been through that experience and having had the experiences that we've had through that, we can essentially cope.

Where we understand it now.

Our experience has brought understanding to us that you can't get any other way essentially.

I wasn't even planning on talking about our infertility battle.

That's interesting.

But it's the same with businesses, is same with everything that you go through in life.

If you don't experience something, you're not going to learn it.

I don't know how many times people buy a course or they buy a program and they're like, yeah, I bought it.

It's going to make me like wealthy and rich and I'm going to be able to do this or do that, or I'm going to be the best social media person ever.

The facebook ads person ever.

They'll go through the material and they're like, oh, it didn't really work for me.

Well, they didn't actually implement or try it or experience how it works.

If you don't do that, you won't actually learn it.

You have to be able to teach something in order to know it.

The teacher always learns more than the student because they have to understand it at a level that's different than just being taught that material.

So if you can turn around and teach the same materials that you're going through in your course to somebody else and have it be clear enough and understandable enough that they can understand it and use it and have results based on what you've taught them.

Then you're at a whole nother level of understanding.

You've gone through and begun to experience it.

Now if you've actually implemented it and experienced it and seen it and done it and had feedback from what you're doing, then you learn so many more things when you experience it.

I can think of even bad experiences when I've done business deals with people and they have completely not been ethical in their dealings essentially with me and I learned a ton from that.

I experienced that a couple times and I'm like, never again will I experience this because that was horrible.

Not that I won't ever experience it, but now I know what to look out for to not go through that experience again.

You learn stuff very quickly when you experience it.

I just wanted to go over how experience is so much more valuable than just learning something or going through a course and listening to it.

You need to experience it.

You have to go through it.

Hopefully my very short version of our IVF story helps you understand a little bit more about experiences, not just in your business world, but also in your personal life and then those that you interact with around you.

Thank you very much for being on here guys.

I look forward to talking to you again.

Are you looking to jumpstart your business by learning or getting help from the real experts?

Go to learning from the experts.com to find preapproved experts that I've handpicked for you.

Please don't forget to let me know how I'm doing by subscribing, rating, and leaving feedback.


Learning From The Experts has 30 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 9:12:46. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on November 26th, 2022 09:27.

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