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Living Limitless

by Clint Riggin

Welcome to Living Limitless where we explore our true self throughout motivating, uplifting and inspiring! This is where we become vulnerable and authentic letting the world know the true person we are. You are going to get to know me very well and lots of others! Welcome to the #1 Motivational Podcast!

Copyright: Clint Riggin


Study Your Competition

1m · Published 07 Apr 09:00

Happy Thursday Limitless Family! We're going to talk about becoming the authority in your industry.

Now, you may ask, “How in the world do I do that when it's so saturated?” Now, do you think Walmart saw Kmart as a threat when they started? No. They studied and watched their competitors become the best in their industry. Think about your competition, what they're doing that you aren't. Are they consistent in their content? Are they continuing to educate, improvise and invest in their growth? Are they offering more resources, more accountability, faster delivery?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself and following their lead. Look at the top 10 companies in your industry and study their every move. Look at their ad copy the VSLs, their automations, their client wins, their social media and enroll in their weekly emails. Success leaves clues and the reason they're winning and you aren't because you don't take action.

Plain and simple. It comes down to putting in the work, being 10 steps ahead of your competition at all times knowing their next move before they even made it. Study your competition, implement, test and simplify. And if it doesn't work, at least you tried and you learned along the way.

We Are Human

1m · Published 06 Apr 09:00

Happy Wednesday Limitless Family! We're gonna talk about living a healthy balanced life.

For a long time. I truly believe that I couldn't have my cake and eat it too. Boy, was I wrong because I eat a lot of cake. Life is about balance and finding something sustainable, while also being overall health-conscious.

The 80/20 Rule: 80% of the time you're going to be on point with your nutrition and workouts. 20% of that time you may indulge in life and don't let it hold you back. It is in this 20% where the mind in our thoughts of defeat overtake us. And this is where you can take all your hard work and throw it away just in a couple hours.

The simple strategy if you mess up, tomorrow is a new day. If you miss a workout, make it up the next day. We are human and we make mistakes a lot of the time. The faster you admit your wrongs, the faster you'll reach your goals.


1m · Published 05 Apr 09:00

Happy Tuesday, Limitless Family, We're going to talk about diversity.

Now adversity will happen. And when it does, the way you respond, is what determines who you are, how strong you are mentally and sometimes physically. I'm not saying you need to become a bodybuilder to face adversity. But there's one thing for certain. If you are prepared for the struggle, you're guaranteed to come out of it stronger.

It is all in preparation, consistency and discipline, working the mind and body to trust in yourself, and learning from mentors. You cannot go wrong by being a student. My name is Clint Riggin, the founder and CEO of Limitless Coaching. And I can say I was at my lowest, and I worked my ass off every day, being consistent, being disciplined to get to where I am. And people will not understand you. People will not support you until you start to win. So, I'll tell you this now. Keep winning


2m · Published 04 Apr 09:00

Happy Monday, Limitless family! We are back after a week that we had to take off, based upon the things that were happening from getting sick, to just refocusing, and truly understanding that everything happens for you, not to you. There's something I want to talk about this morning that happened to me over the weekend, in the last couple of days, where the force of average was, was quite hard, and how I overcame it.

So, Friday encountered some losses in the business multiple charges on the company card, and recognize to now the other night, my keys just disappeared. And when it initially happened, I was in a bad headspace thinking, “What else can happen now?” And soon I started to realize, a good friend told me with every breakdown is the next breakthrough. And hearing that is quite hard to understand why you feel like the world is coming down on you. But now the car has two program keys so this one never happened again. We move forward going to a new day and the problem is solved.

And I always come back to this acronym that can help you. And it's called CATAPULT. Commit to working through it. Admit responsibility. Tell yourself it's temporary. Act as if you're not going through a slump. Position yourself to win, utilize every ace that you have, let the tension build, and then trigger the momentum.

There are so many good things happening in life that you can't let these minor setbacks affect you. And while having a conversation with a gentleman who was from Israel, who was reprogramming my car that day, he recently had a child who passed away after being conceived. After telling me this about the setbacks, I told him, he told me, “This is money, my friend. And I would do whatever it takes any amount of money to have my daughter back.”

I've never had words hit me so hard in my life to remind me that this is so minor, and the perception of how we truly take things that happened to us in our life. So, I want to leave this with you and wish you an amazing day, an amazing week moving forward. And if you're feeling as though you're going through a slump or feeling that the life in the world is coming down on you understand that you have a new opportunity today to push forward

Reprogramming the mind

1m · Published 25 Mar 09:00

Happy Friday, Limitless Family. We’re going to talk about the body and the mind.

It’s two of the most powerful things at your fingertips that you have control over. When you wake up in

the morning, you have the decision whether or not you’re going to choose to eat healthy or eat garbage.

When you wake up in the morning you have the ability to create movement in the gym, going for a run,

yoga, whatever it is that you enjoy.

When you wake up in the morning, the mind can dictate your thoughts of how your day will play out,

whether that’s positive or negative. And decisions are based upon thoughts. If you think you can never

do something, then you will never do that said thing.

I’ll give you an example of when I first started in business and the thoughts that went through my mind.

“Clint, why would anyone ever listen to you? There’s people that have been doing this for years.” “Clint,

you can get a government job and make six figures.” “Clint, you aren’t qualified for this.” Those thoughts

were well in my control but still hovered around me day in and day out until I learned how to reprogram

the mind.

I asked myself these questions. Are you worthy? Yes! Are you knowledgeable? Yes! Are you passionate?

Hell Yes! Soon I realized that when I believed in myself, doors started to open. This is why Limitless

stands for Infinite Possibilities Come to Those Who Believe.

Your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions will dictate your success in all areas of your life.

Rep By Rep

1m · Published 24 Mar 09:00

Happy Thursday, Limitless Family. We’re going to talk about rep by rep.

For a lot of people, they think I was born with a six pack when I came out of the womb. In all reality, I

was a person you would never see in the gym. Growing up, I played video games all day, every day,

becoming the top-ranked Skate 2 player, if anyone even knows what that game is.

My friends would call me to hang out and my stepdad would say, “Clint’s currently on a top secret

mission,” when I was playing Call of Duty. Soon, that drifted away when I joined the military and I met

my first roommate, Jimmy Brickhouse. He was built like a brick house.

Now, I was sitting there, maybe 185 pounds soaking wet. I started to do research on Greg Plitt and

became obsessed with his work ethic. His workouts were unlike anyone I’d ever seen and it intrigued

me. I followed them every day and learned what meal prepping was using our barrack’s kitchen while

others went to the chow hall.

Rep by rep, I would be in the gym failing for the most part but learning every time. This is with anything

you do in life. The more reps you put in, the more you fail, the more you learn. When you think about

where you are and where you want to be, it takes time.

Keep going, because one day, you’re going to look back, and you’re going to thank that person for never


5 Fitness Fundamentals

3m · Published 23 Mar 09:00

Happy Wednesday, Limitless Family. We’re going to talk about the five fitness fundamentals you should

live by.

Number 1. Start now. You either engage in fitness because you want to, or you have to. And waiting

until you have because of immobility, disease, or health risk, is never the best choice, but it’s never too

late to start. It just might mean you have to start small and work your way up to a better and fitter you,

while a healthy diet and lifestyle may not guarantee a longer life, it can often make the difference in

living pain free, medicine free, vs regulated by a pill.

Determine what motivates you. Whether that’s winning a race, losing weight, gaining flexibility, looking

good in a bathing suit or living a long life, knowing and owning your motivation is key and discipline is

the magic bullet that’ll help you stick to your fitness regimen, and knowing what makes you tick is

crucial to your success.

If your motivated by others, doing solo workouts in your basement might be less successful than

attending a group class at a gym, working out together with a buddy, or joining a group run.

Be aware of your physical limitations. Always be mindful of your health and well being and understand

your fitness limitations and weaknesses. You have an arthritic joint, a bad back, piling fitness efforts on

top of some form of disfunction, or doing a movement pattern incorrectly can actually make your

condition worse. Doing exercise without some form of assessment is a bit like a doctor prescribing

medication without first giving the patient an examination.

Now set realistic goals. Being ambitious over about your goals can set you up for failure and derail your

best intentions. Start by asking yourself. “How much time do I really have?” And be honest when you

answer, then set goals on your realistic assessment and work within your available time windows.

Whatever your goals are. If you want to lose weight, be more active, eat healthier, you should start with

small, achievable steps and as you progress, you can increase your workout time, your distance or

intensity, or gradually decrease or change your caloric intake and diet.

Rather than just one big goal, it’s important to have short, mid-term goals on the way. Even if your

ultimate goal is to run a marathon, but you’re new to running, your first goal should be able to run

around the block, followed by making it to two, three, four miles and starting to compound.

Be held accountable. Being accountable to someone or something can make a difference between your

success or failure. We have the ability to become complacent. Being able to be comfortable when we

truly need to push ourselves to reach that next level.

Now, if you’re lacking in any one of these five, Limitless Coaching now has three spots available for our

summer special, being able to give you the proper plan, accountability, and a community of people to

reach your goal.


2m · Published 22 Mar 09:00

Happy Tuesday, Limitless Family. We’re going to talk about the 5 leverages to your business and how do

we keep them turned on? So, lead generation, show up rate, closing rate, client delivery, and client


Something that I did at the start was make my decisions based on emotion, when it should have been

based on data. Day to day can feel like you have a problem in one of these areas. As an example, let’s

say you have a bad booking day. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have a bad booking problem. What you

don’t want to have to happen, is you have a bad day in one of these areas and turn around think you

need to change everything. That is reacting emotionally.

As long you are moving the needle forward in some way, then you know you are doing the right thing.

Not doing the actions of lead generation that you aren’t physically putting in the work, this is a mindset

roadblock, that you have to likely get over. Maybe a fear or insecurity around generating leads. Your

turnaround time.

The time between you booking a call and the call occurring is exceeding 48 hours. Ideally you’ll want to

book the next available time you have, or have it fall under 24-48 hours. The leads you are booking on

the calls, they might not be qualified and shouldn’t have even been booked in the first place and you are

letting people in your program that should have never become clients.

Often we do this in the beginning when we want to make money and get clients. Remember. Your sales

process is an application process and you need to feel they are a good fit. And you aren’t using client

surveys to gather feedback on how you can solve a specific client challenge creating a raving fan or how

to solve overall challenges that will enhance client experience and return increased retention.

So here’s a couple common errors I see in coaches that come to me and can help you identify the

constraints within your business.

Swimming With Sharks

1m · Published 21 Mar 09:00

Happy Monday, Limitless Family! I hope you guys are ready for another powerful week ahead. You have

a new opportunity. You are blessed to wake up this morning and let’s get into our first episode of the

week. Understanding you are swimming with sharks.

See, when I took a step back and put my ego at the door, I started to watch from behind the scenes. I

research a lot to see what others are doing, be able to study their every move. But, this wasn’t always

the case, as I thought I knew everything.

See, that was the problem. When I first got into the business, I got put in my place very fast. I started to ask

questions to be able to learn, advance, and plan ahead. I learned how to import, how important systems

and processes truly were. I studied and read multiple books on leadership, business, and mindset. I

created relationships with others that opened doors to new opportunities to help more people.

My advice to you when starting out is take a step back. Learn from those around you. Ask questions.

And who cares if you get a no. At least you tried and you can say, “I didn’t quit,” and pretty soon, you’ll

be swimming side by side with some of the biggest dogs in the industry, as long as you continue to keep


Welcome To Limitless Coaching

1m · Published 18 Mar 09:00

Happy Friday, Limitless Family. The fitness and nutrition space is filled with misinformation.

After having a conversation with a client we just onboarded, I truly understand the frustration when it

comes to knowing what to do. See, we live in a world where we’re told that a new pill, skinny tea, or

that shot will eliminate all of your problems. The truth is, all of those things may work for a short

amount of time, but you’ll be back to where you started within no time.

It’s not about, “What can I try next?” It’s about being consistent and disciplined. This isn’t only in your

fitness and nutrition, but also in your recovery. Do take time to give your body rest so you can repair the

muscle you have just broken down? The optimal sleep before burning the candle at both ends? Do you

stretch? Making sure that you have flexibility increases your range of motion to overall increase your


Are you drinking enough water? As it’s one of the most simplest things you can do to aid in your health

and body.

These are the questions you need to ask yourself if you are looking to operate as a high performer. High

performers are consistent, disciplined and they know that to be the most elite version of themselves,

they will need accountability and more importantly, structure.

Welcome to Limitless Coaching.

Living Limitless has 233 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 18:35:03. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 16th, 2023 21:46.

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