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She Needs Profit

by Samantha Varner

The She Needs Profit podcast is the perfect place for entrepreneurs to explore, learn about, and implement actionable takeaways in each of the four pillars of business success. Grit, confidence, strategy, and simplicity each deserve your focus weekly. One-off sales and inconsistent cash flow won't create the lifestyle or freedom you're looking for. You need clients and cash to bring your business to life. You need to know your numbers, make choices about them, and track them over time so that you can see what's working (and what's not) with clarity! With solo episodes focused on sharing business profit coaching gold nuggets and interviews featuring gritty entrepreneurs, this show will give you strategies around building an offer that gets results without wasting time or energy! We’ll also talk about why it’s important (and necessary) when scaling a biz from one person operation into something bigger than yourself! And, of course, there will be plenty of real-life examples along the way too because I want you walking away feeling like "I CAN do this!" Not just listening but actually doing it! I’m your host, Samantha Varner, profit coach and founder of She Collective. My 14+ years of experience in financial services, public relations, and profit coaching are being poured into this show so you can avoid indecision, frustration, and confusion when it comes to building and scaling your own business. Find me at Email me at [email protected] and Connect with me on Instagram at: So let's go. Roll up your sleeves...get gritty & let’s create wildly profitable businesses together!

Copyright: SheCollective2024


Unleashing the X Factor: What Sets Women Business Owners Apart

6m · Published 16 Jan 16:00

Sam, the Profit Coach here delivering for you my latest episode on the She Needs Grit Podcast. In this episode, I dive deep into the X factor that sets apart women business owners from everybody else. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!

Key Takeaways:

  • Women business owners prioritize a thriving life over just business success.
  • Many women struggle to pay themselves in a meaningful way and feel like they're treading water.
  • Fear and lack of investment hold women back from achieving their full potential.
  • Investing in coaching and business training can lead to significant growth.
  • She Profits School is a potential solution for women looking to achieve financial success in their businesses.

If any of these takeaways resonate with you, it's time to take action! Don't wait any longer to create the thriving life and business you deserve. I invite you to join She Profits School, a program specifically designed to help women entrepreneurs achieve five-figure paychecks in their businesses. To learn more and book a call with me, visit

Chatting with Heather Moyse about Overcoming Challenges and Thriving in Life and Business

31m · Published 10 Jan 20:00

In this episode of the She Needs Grit podcast, hosted by Sam Varner, we had the privilege of sitting down with Heather, a remarkable individual who boasts a four-time Olympian and two-time Olympic gold medalist in bobsledding, is a World Rugby Hall of Famer, and an international track cyclist. Heather's unconventional journey into professional sports began at the age of 27, growing up in Prince Edward Island with an academic background that considered sports extracurricular.

Despite starting her serious athletic training later than many, Heather's drive and determination propelled her to represent Canada in three different sports. During the conversation, Heather shared her philosophy on life and sports, emphasizing being fueled by challenges rather than the desire to win. This approach extends to her work with clients, where she helps them set goals based on values rather than external pressures.

Heather highlighted the importance of making value-based decisions and expressed gratitude for having parents who supported her interests without pressure. Her story underscores the power of self-belief and pursuing personal challenges, urging us to question self-limiting beliefs with a powerful query: "Are you sure?" This perspective encourages doubt in our doubts and opens up unexplored possibilities.

Apart from her athletic accomplishments, Heather holds a master's degree in occupational therapy, shaping her understanding of perspective and mindset in overcoming challenges. She discussed the need for rest and recovery in all aspects of life, emphasizing the benefits of taking a step back for a better perspective and more significant progress.

Heather also unveiled her exciting venture into hosting retreats, providing a space for individuals to disconnect from daily life noise and reconnect with personal desires and goals. These destination retreats promise unique cultural experiences, personal growth, and reflection opportunities.

As the conversation concluded, Heather shared her belief in living a fulfilling life over material success, emphasizing the importance of thriving in all facets of life. Listeners were directed to Heather's book, "Redefining Realistic," for insights into overcoming challenges and developing personal philosophies.

To connect with Heather, listeners can visit her website for speaking engagements, coaching, and details on her retreats. She is also active on social media, particularly Instagram and Facebook. As a special gift, Heather is offering a mini video series filled with bursts of inspiration and motivation.

This episode is a true treat, filled with valuable life lessons and strategies for personal and professional growth. Heather's story serves as a powerful reminder that it's never too late to pursue passions, and the journey itself can be as rewarding as the destination. Don't forget to go to Heather's website at to get her book and learn more. Check out her free mini video series at Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, keep embracing the grit that drives you forward.

Ready, Set...Profit!

8m · Published 02 Jan 19:00

In the first episode of the year, Sam Varner welcomes listeners to 2024 with a promise of a new and improved podcast experience. The no-nonsense host emphasizes a straight talk approach, urging everyone to buckle up, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready for a transformative year ahead. Sam reflects on her past episodes, particularly the Review to Grow podcast from November, a valuable resource for evaluating the previous year. She acknowledges that while some diligently followed through, others may have gotten caught up in the chaos of November and December.

To address the mixed responses, Sam proposes a quick and effective four-point plan to kickstart the new year. First, she encourages listeners to reflect on 2023 by jotting down five wins and five challenges. This simple exercise aims to provide clarity on past accomplishments and obstacles. Next, she prompts everyone to review their 2023 goals, assessing whether they were met, missed, or forgotten.

Moving swiftly into the heart of the episode, Sam instructs listeners to set their goals for 2024 with intentionality and effort. She advises against setting unrealistic goals, emphasizing the importance of challenging yet attainable targets. The key, she says, is to evoke a sense of discomfort that propels individuals forward without overwhelming them.

The most critical point in Sam's quick and dirty plan is the commitment to wholeheartedly pursue one's goals. Contrary to working excessively long hours, Sam advocates for intentional, focused effort when working, directing energy towards moving the business in the desired direction. She emphasizes that the commitment lies in the effort, not just the goal itself.

The final piece of advice is perhaps the most crucial – seeking support. Sam stresses the importance of surrounding oneself with people who will contribute to the journey from the current state to the desired destination. She invites listeners to connect with her, offering assistance in identifying the support they need, whether it's through her coaching services or her extensive network of professionals.

In closing, Sam expresses her love for the listeners, declaring the podcast as one of the best parts of her week. She encourages everyone to keep tuning in, promising to be there next week as they collectively work towards a profitable 2024. The episode concludes with a call to action, urging those who feel the need to thrive and make more money in their businesses to reach out and book a call with Sam.

Read With Sam the Profit Coach

10m · Published 26 Dec 18:00

In this episode, host Sam Varner shares her love for reading and provides book recommendations for inspiration in the new year. She discusses her reading habits and how she finds time to read. The recommended books include 'We Should All Be Millionaires' by Rachel Rogers, 'What It Takes' by Reagan Moyer Jones, and 'Believe It' by Jamie Kern Lima. Sam also mentions three books she plans to read in the near future. She encourages listeners to share their own book recommendations and wishes them a wonderful break filled with inspirational reading.


  • Make time for reading by listening to audiobooks during daily activities.
  • Recommended books for inspiration in business include 'We Should All Be Millionaires', 'What It Takes', and 'Believe It'.
  • Reading about the journeys and experiences of successful entrepreneurs can provide motivation and insights.
  • Share book recommendations and engage in discussions about personal development.

Coaching Curious? Get The Inside Scoop.

26m · Published 19 Dec 14:00


In this episode, host Sam Varner interviews three coaching clients to discuss their experiences with coaching and the value it brings to their businesses. The clients, Jennifer, Kristial, and Bridget, share their reasons for hiring a coach, their initial concerns and fears, and the achievements they have seen since starting coaching. They emphasize the importance of investing in oneself, the accountability and perspective a coach provides, and the positive impact on revenue and mindset. The episode concludes with a message to those considering coaching, encouraging them to take the leap and seek the support they need to reach their goals.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose of Coaching

02:55 Reasons for Hiring a Coach

11:16 Initial Concerns and Fears

20:48 Achievements Since Starting Coaching

28:55 Message to Those Considering Coaching

Do this 1 thing to thrive in your business

9m · Published 12 Dec 17:37


In this episode, Sam Varner discusses the importance of prioritizing a thriving life and creating space for rest. She emphasizes the need to move away from constantly working and instead focus on living a well-rounded life. Sam shares strategies for planning and scheduling personal appointments and errands, as well as the importance of balancing work and leisure activities. She also highlights the benefits of having no work weekends and building in white space in the calendar. Ultimately, Sam encourages listeners to give themselves space to grow and thrive.


  • Prioritize a thriving life that goes beyond work and includes personal priorities.
  • Create space for rest and recharge to avoid burnout and improve work productivity.
  • Plan and schedule personal appointments and errands in advance to reduce stress and mental load.
  • Balance work-related activities with leisure activities to prevent work burnout.
  • Implement no work weekends to prioritize relaxation and family time.
  • Build in white space in the calendar to maintain focus and be more productive.
  • Rest and personal growth are essential for overall well-being and success.

Plan for Profit 2024

9m · Published 05 Dec 20:00

Hey there, boss! Sam Varner here, revving up for the ultimate guide to making 2024 your powerhouse year! Grab your favorite pen, some caffeine, and buckle up your boss pants because we're diving into the No Fluff Plan for an epic 12 months ahead.

2024 can be anything you want, but it's go-time to plan and set intentions! This is a working episode, so if you missed the last one, pause, backtrack, and find the Evaluate to Grow episode. Trust me, it's a game-changer!

Key Highlights from the Episode:

  1. Dream Big, Plan Smart
  2. Paint me a picture of where you want your biz in three years. Think: revenue goals and the dream life it'll bring!
  3. Feel the vibes of working three days a week or biking mid-week. It's all about visualizing your ideal life!
  4. Embody Your Future Self
  5. Imagine that badass three-years-from-now you and start living like her now! Act, think, and hustle like she's already here. It's a choice, not just a milestone!
  6. Set Realistic Goals
  7. Let's talk numbers! What's your revenue goal for next year? It's gotta feel stretchy but not 'I-want-to-hurl' uncomfortable.
  8. Think motivation: What drives you? And, c'mon, what happens if you slack off? Let's hustle with a full-ass approach!
  9. Overcome Obstacles & Build Habits
  10. Obstacles ahead? Let's tackle 'em head-on! What's your game plan? And how 'bout those habits to keep you on track when things get bumpy?
  11. She Profit School - The Secret Sauce
  12. "Okay, friends, here's the deal. She Profit School is where it's at! It's six months of epic community support and coaching to make those dreams a reality!"
  13. "I've got your back! Join us, and if you don't hit your goal, I'm in it with you until you do. Let's crush it together!"

Wrapping Up with a Bang:

2024 is your year, my friend! Don't think twice—dive in, plan your epic year, and join me at She Profit School for a game-changing experience!

Closing Remarks:

Head over to

Let's make 2024 your year to shine! Can't wait to see you there, ready to kick some serious business butt!

Remember, it's all about owning it, bossing up, and making those dreams a reality. Let's do this together! 🚀✨

Agility through SCRUM creates profit - learn how for your business!

48m · Published 28 Nov 17:00

Key Points Covered:

  • Scrum's Origin: Angela Johnson sheds light on Scrum's genesis from a Harvard Business Review article in 1986, emphasizing collaborative behaviors within companies that drove success.
  • Essentials of Scrum: Angela explains the fundamental components of Scrum, highlighting the roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the team, emphasizing collaborative empowerment and direction.
  • Scalability: She explores Scrum's adaptability across business sizes, emphasizing its seamless integration for small businesses and potential scalability for larger corporations.
  • Time Boxing & Adaptability: Angela delves into 'time boxing' in Scrum, emphasizing the importance of setting specific time frames (sprints) for pivoting swiftly based on changing circumstances, promoting frequent evaluation and adaptation.
  • Integration into Work Processes: Angela emphasizes that Scrum isn't an added task but a structured framework for work. It replaces unproductive meetings with productive, collaborative sessions using tools like Miro or Trello.


Angela Johnson underscores the integration of Scrum as a vital part of a business's work structure, encouraging adaptability, frequent evaluation, and collaborative practices for sustained growth. Find more insights from Angela Johnson on LinkedIn.

Disclaimer: Show notes offer a condensed overview of the podcast and may not cover all discussed content.


Review to Grow - Ask yourself these critical questions!

20m · Published 21 Nov 17:00

Make more money as a boss - Take my FREE Quiz to determine how much you can pay yourself right now!


Episode Summary:

In this episode called "Review to Grow," I'm reminding you to take a good, hard look at how your business rolled in the last year. No judgment here, just a helpful guide to set you up for a rocking year ahead.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Be Real with Yourself:

  • Let's look at your biz objectively. It's not about pointing fingers; it's about taking charge like a boss and learning from the past.

  1. Passion for Your Hustle:

  • Ever wondered if you really love what you're doing in your business? We're going to figure that out by diving into what you enjoy and what's dragging you down.

  1. Full-on Business Analysis:

  • Get ready to jot down what lights you up about your business and what you'd rather avoid. We're aiming to spot the areas needing a boost or maybe even some extra help.

  1. Wins vs. Losses:

  • Time to check your past goals and see what you nailed and what slipped through the cracks. It's about being honest with yourself about the effort you put in and the hurdles you faced.

  1. Recognizing the Wins:

  • Celebrate those wins! Let's talk about the times you smashed it, whether it's gaining followers, nailing client interactions, or even personal victories.

  1. Game Plan for the Future:

  • This review is just the beginning. Next time, I'll help you plan for a killer 2024, so stay tuned!

Closing Notes:

As we wrap up, remember, you're the boss of your biz! Use this evaluation as a launchpad to tweak things and rock it even more next time. And hey, hit me up with your thoughts—I'm here to cheer you on and guide you through this journey.

My Favorite Part of the CRUSH Formula

12m · Published 14 Nov 14:00

In this episode, I reflected on a question I stumbled upon while a guest was on one show. Listen to my revelation about my favorite part of the CRUSH formula.

So, I created the CRUSH formula because I love a circumstance where you have a framework with it, with when to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. As a business owner, having a structure and a simple formula in place helped me keep my coaching on track and helped me ensure that my clients were getting the best results they could get when they had an opportunity to work with me.

To tie it with that purpose, I created a group that works as a tool to help other entrepreneurs have a structure to help them achieve their business goals. I have started a profit school, and this formula is part of its curriculum.

Learn more about Profit School.

She Collective Profit School is the ONLY program designed specifically for entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their business and to do it with purpose and drive over 6 months.

I created this container after spending more than 5 years hearing from business owners that were working harder now than ever and making less money.

If you feel like your business is running your life - I hear you and I have the solution, It’s NOT working more hours.

It’s NOT burning the business down and starting again.

It Is learning how to scale your business and build sustainable profits.

It Is building a vision for your LIFE and having your business support you in achieving that vision.

Learn more about She Collective Profit School, email me at [email protected]

Free Stuff:

You’re invited to book a FREE call with me:

She Needs Profit has 147 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 46:36:04. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 8th, 2024 01:10.

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