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Run Your Business Like A Boss

by Kristy Robinson

Are you a Business Owner in the messy middle? The Run Your Business Like A Boss Podcast is your weekly resource to help you grow a profitable and purposeful business, without all the hustle and burnout. Join Kristy Robinson, Small Business Coach and Consultant for tools, strategies and straight talk (delivered with kindness and empathy). Kristy’s mission is to help you design and scale a sustainable business, that aligns to your vision and lifestyle (tell me you don’t want that too). If you’re looking for an actionable business podcast, without the fluff, add Run Your Business Like A Boss to your weekly playlist!!

Copyright: © 2024 Kristy Robinson


Ending eras and embracing new chapters

16m · Published 22 Jan 17:00

I have some exciting news to share with you today and it’s likely something completely unexpected. I’ve recently made a huge decision in my business which will enable me to really focus on my goals and vision for the future. So today I’m sharing 4 powerful insights from my decision-making process that I know will inspire you on your own entrepreneurial journey.

The first point I want to bring home is the importance of making courageous decisions. It’s not just okay, it’s necessary. When you have a bold vision, you’re taking the road less travelled, which often means facing judgment and criticism from others. But as a business owner, it's vital to trust your intuition and stay true to your unique vision and goals. By embracing and making bold decisions, you pave the way for extraordinary growth and success.

One of the most powerful lessons you can learn is the importance of letting go of what others think about you, your life and your business. Judgment is inevitable but temporary, yet holding onto the fear of judgment can hinder your progress and prevent you from reaching your full potential. By embracing your desires and focusing on your own goals, you will be empowered to make decisions that align with your vision and values.

We’ve all heard the saying, “what got you here won't necessarily get you there”. As entrepreneurs, it's essential to continuously evolve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities. In this episode, I talk about being discerning with your time and focusing on new actions and perspectives so that you can achieve remarkable growth. Don't be afraid to leave behind what no longer serves you and embrace new ways of doing things.

Lastly, stop forcing things that don't align with your vision and values. If a particular strategy or approach feels forced or incongruent in your business, it’s time to reevaluate and make some changes. Life and business are in a constant state of ebb and flow and by listening to your intuition and desires, you create more space for authentic growth and meaningful results. Trust in the process and be open to new possibilities.

Remember, 2024 can be anything you want it to be. I hope this episode inspires you to make it happen.


Previous episodes mentioned:

  • 2024 Clarity: Casting Your Vision & Setting Goals
  • Who you need to be in 2024 to achieve your dream life and business
  • Achieve your goals in 2024 with this plan

Connect With Me:

  • Free Download: Ideal Client Avatar Workbook

Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

Achieve your goals in 2024 with this plan

20m · Published 15 Jan 17:00

Welcome to the final episode of our new year planning series! Over the last few episodes, we have taken a deep dive into helping you reach your full potential for 2024. Whether you have ambitious goals for your business or personal life, this series is designed to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed.

Throughout this series, we’ve explored the Be-Do-Have model: who do you need to be, what do you want to achieve and what do you need to do to obtain your goals? Today, I share practical steps to help you apply all that you’ve discovered so that you can achieve your goals in 2024.

Creating a clear vision for your business and setting annual goals is vital for the growth of your business, and we’ll focus on developing a quarterly plan and breaking it down into strategic priorities. By following this process, you can ensure that your actions are aligned with your long-term vision and goals, leading to tangible progress and growth.

Breaking down the process into manageable steps will help you see it through. Start by revisiting your vision for the business and identifying your annual goal. Then, divide your goals into quarterly targets, acknowledging the time constraints of each quarter. Next, categorise your priorities or strategic themes, such as marketing, program review or revenue targets. By doing so, you'll gain a clearer understanding of the critical areas that require your attention.

Once you’ve identified your strategic priorities, it's time to define specific action steps that will drive you towards your goals. Avoid the trap of simply creating to-do lists that focus on shallow, short-term tasks. Instead, aim for actions that are directly linked to your long-term goals and overall vision.

My aim for this episode is to arm you with a clear plan and actionable steps, so you can confidently set off on your journey to achieve your big goals for 2024. Remember, you are deserving of this vision that you have set for your life. This isn't reserved for other people. You are enough. Doing this work, embodying the person that you need to be, knowing where you're headed, is what is going to get you there.


Previous episodes in this series:

  • 2024 Clarity: Casting Your Vision & Setting Goals
  • Who you need to be in 2024 to achieve your dream life and business

Connect With Me:

  • Free Download: Ideal Client Avatar Workbook

Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

Who you need to be in 2024 to achieve your dream life and business

19m · Published 08 Jan 17:00

In order to have what you want this year, it’s important to first identify the type of person you need to become. Imagine yourself on December 31, 2024 reflecting on all the incredible achievements and growth you've experienced in the past 12 months.

Who is that person?

What mindset do they have?

What actions do they take?

You'll find that by embodying the mindset and beliefs of this future you, you can pave the way to success.

Today on the podcast, I build on the the previous episode where I discussed setting a clear vision and goals for what you wanted to achieve this year in your business. It’s great to have goals, but if you don’t look at what you need to change, or who you need to step into in order to achieve them, you won’t get very far.

In addition to understanding who you need to be, incorporating an action and completion bias is crucial. It’s normal to face obstacles and setbacks along the way, but it's how we respond to them that matters. By focusing on taking consistent action and completing tasks, you build trust in yourself and progress follows.

Creating a balance between your lifestyle and business is essential. Although it's important to dedicate effort and energy to your business, remember to prioritise other aspects of your life as well. Reflect on the kind of life you want to lead and find a balance that supports your overall well-being. I know for me, it all seems to be moving very fast and I don’t want to look back on my life many years from now unhappy that I spent too much of my life working, instead of enjoying family time.

I want you to take away from this episode an understanding that you can claim control over your business and life. Take the lead and make decisions that align with your goals and vision. Don't be a passive player; instead, actively shape your future. Ask critical questions, challenge the status quo, and don't be afraid to make changes or pivot if necessary. You have the power to create meaningful change.


An Explanation of the Be Do Have Framework

Steven Covey - 7 Habits of HIghly Effective People

Episodes Mentioned:

  • Add power to your purpose, a ‘why’ process you've never heard before

Connect With Me:

  • Free Download: Ideal Client Avatar Workbook

Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

2024 Clarity: Casting Your Vision & Setting Goals

19m · Published 01 Jan 16:00

Who doesn't love a fresh start? The beginning of the new year is such an exciting time because you've just had a holiday, and you have the entire year ahead of you to achieve the goals that you are going to set for yourself.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be running a planning series here on the podcast to help you get focused on the year ahead. In this episode, we'll start by casting your vision and getting clear on your long-term goals, to help establish what you need to do in the shorter term to achieve them.

Your vision is where your business is heading, 10 to 15 years from now. It's a big stretch goal that should feel exciting and challenging. Take a moment to sit with your vision and visualise where you want your business to be. You can even jot down some ideas or create a vision board to make it more tangible.

Next, let's consider your life goals and priorities for the next one to three years. This is crucial because it helps you understand what's feasible and aligns your personal life with your business goals. For example, if you're planning to have a baby or take an extended break, you need to factor that into your goals and timeline.

Now, it's time to turn your vision and aspirations into actionable goals. Start by writing a list of all the achievements you want to accomplish by the end of this year. Think beyond just revenue targets and consider the specific actions and milestones that will contribute to your success. Break down your goals into manageable tasks, such as the number of discovery calls you need to make or the marketing initiatives you'll implement.

Setting meaningful goals is essential because it helps you stay connected and motivated. Don't fall into the trap of setting goals based on what others are doing or what you think you should be doing. Take a step back and challenge your thinking. Ask yourself if the goals you're setting align with your vision and truly resonate with you.

Remember, goal-setting shouldn't feel burdensome or overwhelming. Take the time to get into a positive headspace and feel energised before embarking on this process. Trust yourself and your abilities to achieve your goals. And most importantly, enjoy the journey of growth and progress.


Episodes Mentioned:

  • Vision Boarding - use this process to achieve your goals in 2023
  • Add power to your purpose, a ‘why’ process you've never heard before

Connect With Me:

Worksheet mentioned

  • Free Download: Ideal Client Avatar Workbook

Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

Bonus Replay: Vision Boarding - use this process to achieve your big 2024 goals

19m · Published 27 Dec 04:00

I've added one extra cracker of an episode to the summer replay series!

I will be back with all new content from next week.

In the meantime, this episode is SOOOOOO good, it'll give you a big inspirational boost to manifest all you desire this year.


Resources mentioned:

Co-Create with the Universe & Manifest Your Dreams

The Secret

Mind Power into the 21st Century

The Universe Has Your Back

N.B. there's plenty more modern resources to dive into if this is of interest to you.

Previous episodes mentioned:

Ep 80 - Add power to your purpose, a ‘why’ process you've never heard before

The number one mindset tool to change your business (and your life)

17m · Published 18 Dec 17:00

This is the final episode in the summer replay series. I will be back with new episodes from January 02 with some business planning episodes to get you started!

P.S The episode I reference in this conversation is on Take Control with Nicole (if you haven’t listened to it yet I think you’ll get so much benefit from our conversation).

Why you shouldn't be sharing YOUR 'why'

12m · Published 11 Dec 17:00

Summer Replay Series Episode.

I see this play out ALL THE TIME in the online business space.

Don't make this mistake by making your business about YOU. Remember, your client is the hero of your business.

Navigating the Messy Middle with digital marketing expert Kate Toon

36m · Published 04 Dec 17:00

This is the first episode of the summer replay series!

I loved this conversation with Kate Toon and I think you will too.

Enjoy ☀️

Reflections from the year that was

18m · Published 27 Nov 17:00

Can you believe that another year is drawing to a close? Despite how quickly Christmas has come around, I believe reflection is such an important part of our end-of-year cadence. So for this final episode of 2023, I’m taking a moment to reflect on the year that was, sharing the challenges I’ve faced, the growth I’ve experienced, and how I've navigated the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship.

I always appreciate it when other business owners share behind the scenes because, particularly in the online space, it’s easy to assume that everyone else has it all figured out. But I can assure you, it’s not all smooth sailing for anyone. For me, the first half of this year was really challenging with some pretty big things happening on the personal front. But I can honestly say that I am grateful for the journey and the lessons I’ve learned through it all.

Having been thrown a few curveballs this year, I was reminded of the importance of recognising our limits and preserving our energy. This led me to make a tough but necessary decision to take a hiatus from the podcast and review the goals I had set for myself earlier in the year. Stepping back like this really goes against my nature, but I’ve learned that it’s okay to rest when life demands it. In this episode, I share a little deeper about the importance of taking care of yourself during challenging seasons and why it’s not worth jeopardising your health or relationships to push harder.

I began 2023 with ambitious business goals, including the creation of new digital offerings. However, as life unfolded, I had to reassess my plans. Client work and personal life required my attention, leaving me with little bandwidth for new projects. So, I had to adapt. I shifted my focus towards simplicity and embraced the path of least resistance. I share how this challenged me to leave my ego at the door and not attach my self-worth to what I delivered.

Looking ahead to 2024, I'm making some changes to my offerings, focusing on one-to-one coaching, which I absolutely love. I also share some upcoming plans for deep-dive masterclasses and some brand new content I’ll be sharing on the podcast in the new year.

My journey through 2023 has shown me that business success isn't just about constant growth; it's about honouring your capacity, adapting to life's challenges and aligning your business with the life you want. I wish you all a fantastic holiday season and encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your year so that you can start 2024 with a fresh perspective.


Connect With Me:

  • Free Download: Annual Review Self Coaching Prompts
  • Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

Plan for your best (and most needed) holiday yet

20m · Published 20 Nov 17:00

Have you ever returned from a holiday feeling like you need another vacation just to recover? Taking a meaningful break is crucial for your well-being and your business's success. In this episode, I'm sharing some practical steps to help you plan your holiday break effectively, so you can return in 2024 with a renewed sense of energy and purpose.

The first step is setting an intention for how you want to feel when you come back from your holiday. Do you want to be full of energy, clear-headed, and ready to hit the ground running? By visualising how you want to start your work year, you’re laying the foundation for a successful break and a clear path into the new year.

One thing I've noticed is that many business owners underestimate the time they need for a proper break. As business owners, it’s not just physical fatigue but also the mental load we carry throughout the year. I talk about the importance of taking a significant length of time away from work so you can truly unwind and come back refreshed.

Once you’ve decided on your holiday closedown, think about what tasks must be completed in your business before you leave and if there are any tasks you can frontload for the new year. If your business allows, getting things out of the way early could allow you to extend your break without feeling overwhelmed with extra work upon your return.

A key part of my holiday planning is my ‘no-go-slow’ time framework, which I’ve discussed on the podcast before. I talk deeper into this today sharing how to divide your time into three categories: complete shutdown, client work and business-related tasks. Allocating your time this way is so effective in maximising the benefits of your break and having clarity on where you should be focusing your time.

It’s been a big year and I believe we all need to take a well-deserved break. I hope this framework helps you in planning out these next couple of months and make the most of this special time. Here's to a restful and rejuvenating holiday season!


Connect With Me:

  • Free Download: Ideal Client Avatar Workbook
  • Work with me: 90 minute Business Strategy Intensive | 6 Month Accelerator Coaching Program

Run Your Business Like A Boss has 265 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 90:19:23. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 21st 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 2nd, 2024 16:41.

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