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by Benjamin Nathaniel

Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity.We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.

Copyright: Benjamin Nathaniel



9m · Published 26 Sep 07:45


There are lots of things in life that make us happy, but sometimes, we just need to say goodbye to them. Whether it's a job (no matter how satisfying), an old friend, or even an old pet, when we've come to terms with the reality that they won't be around forever, we can move on and let go. Learning how to say goodbye helps us do that.

Saying goodbye is hard. In fact, it's one of the hardest things we can do in life. It takes practice and time to be able to say goodbye, but eventually you will get pretty good at it…if not for yourself then for others. Once you've learned how to say goodbye properly, you might want to give your friends and loved ones some advice on how they should say goodbye as well so they can avoid making the same mistakes we all make when saying goodbye.

6 tips to learning how to say Goodbye

Tip 1: Stop trying to figure it out

The first step to learning how to say goodbye is to stop trying. Stop trying to figure it out or make sense of it. The harder you try, the more confusing it becomes.

This is especially true in relationships. We want to see if our partner likes us or not, if they are interested in us or not, and if they are worth our time. We want to know whether we should continue with them or not...

Tip 2: Accept it

You may have heard the saying, “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.” Well, this is true in all aspects of life. When we say goodbye to someone, how we say goodbye shows a lot about how we feel about them and our feelings for them.

We all know how difficult it is to say goodbye, but being able to find the words and make that phone call can be just as difficult as saying goodbye in person. Here are some tips that will help take responsibility (accept it) when saying goodbye...

It may seem impossible now, but someday you will look back at this moment and be glad you said goodbye when you did.

Tip 3: You will never be the same

When you say goodbye to a person, it's easy to imagine that they'll be sorry to see you go. You can imagine that they'll miss you and want to see you again.

But that's not what happens...

Tip 4: Feel the feelings, however hard they are.

The hardest part about saying goodbye is actually feeling it. You can't just tell someone you love them, you have to feel the feelings, however hard they are. If you mean it and you want to go through with it, then go for it. If not, don't do it...

Tip 5: Don't rush yourself.

Don't rush yourself, it's not a race. Don't rush yourself, and you'll be OK.

The sooner you can get through this part of your life, the better off you'll be...

Tip 6: Turn toward the future.

The hardest part of saying goodbye is letting go of the past. It’s hard to let go, because the past was the best time of your life. You were happy, and you had a lot to be happy about. But you can’t stay in the past forever...

Takeaway for this week:

Be honest with yourself about why you are making this decision, and don't allow yourself to feel guilty about leaving. If you do feel guilty, let go of those feelings by reminding yourself of the possibilities that lies ahead.

Saying goodbye can be hard, but you're not alone in the work of healing. The key is to have no regrets in the end.

You can also use this link below to read our blog post


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How to deal with being tired at work

5m · Published 19 Sep 06:07

How to deal with being tired at work

You can be tired at work, and under a lot of pressure. Your boss has been looking to you for some time to solve a critical problem on the deadline for the next coming project. You feel that you are about to fall apart and start crying. It's all because of being tired at work. So, what do you do? Well, I will tell you about dealing with being tired at work:

Tiredness at work is a major issue that affects people of all ages and nationalities. There are many reasons behind people feeling tired at work and some of them are, age, health and family issues. Tiredness at work can affect your work performance and cause job losses. However, there are ways that alleviates the feeling of exhaustion though we might find it difficult to follow them due to various factors but Here are some tips for managing your fatigue:

1. Look for ways to increase your energy level. A 20-minute walk after dinner can help combat fatigue. Exercise also helps you feel alert in the morning and keeps your body from going into “sleep mode” later in the day, when you might otherwise give in to temptation for a nap or afternoon nap.

2. Eat a healthy diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals — which will help maintain your energy levels throughout the day. To be better mentally and physically we have to be intentional about our diet, what goes into our body has a way of affecting our productivity. Eating wisely might look like a punishment today but you will be glad you did.

3. Try not to take on too many tasks at once if possible — this will make it harder for you to stay focused on what needs to get done. Instead, break up large projects into smaller ones that can be completed throughout the day so they don’t take over your schedule completely. Trying to complete a project in its entirety, will weigh you down but breaking them down into daily task will save you from that stress.

4. Create a list of things that need to get done each day and then prioritize them according to importance (i.e., which task is most important). This way, you won’t forget anything that needs completing. When you fail to schedule task based on their importance it also has a way of causing you stress, that is trying to complete a larger task in a short while because of your failure to scheduling them on a scale of preference.

Finally, stop the excuses and start to take your health seriously. It's easy to ignore your body's signals, but being tired at work is often a sign of something more serious, such as high blood pressure, heart disease or anemia.  Are you getting enough rest at night? How many hours’ sleep did you get last night? What kind of foods are you eating? Did you exercise today?

If you want to be productive, then it's important to take care of yourself. Ensuring your health is at its best will ensure that you have the energy needed to work at your best.

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5m · Published 05 Sep 01:23



Conformity is something that most of us have experienced at some point in our life. When we are young we are told how to act, dress, and eat. We are taught that if you are different from the crowd then it is wrong. We are told that if you don't fit in then you will be teased, bullied and possibly even beaten up.

While this advice may seem obvious now, many of us still struggle with conformity even as adults. We have been conditioned by society to believe that being different isn't good enough. Conformity is not the opposite of personal expression. It's an act of submission to the opinions of others.

Understanding what conformity is, why it exists and why it's harmful is critical to braking free from wrong societal norms. Conformity has always been with us, and it's always been a bad thing.

Break Free

We live in a world where everyone wants to be like someone famous or have their name on something popular. The desire for popularity is so strong that people will do anything to become famous and gain recognition from others around them. Some people even get so caught up in trying to fit in with everyone else around them that they will destroy themselves just to make sure they don't stand out as an individual.

Conformity is not only bad for society but also for our personal lives too! Conformity can cause stress and anxiety when we feel like we don't fit in with others around us which causes us to believe that we aren't good enough or worthy of happiness or success in life.

Conformity is a form of social influence that occurs when people accept the behaviour and beliefs of others in the presence of social pressure.

Conformity can often be subconscious or unintentional, but it is also induced by explicit communication from others. Conformity is particularly strong among groups, where individuals are more likely to conform to what they feel are the norms of their group.


The true cost of conforming to the norm is not just having to abide by societal rules and standards, but also missing out on pursuing the life you want to live. It's easier to fit in with everyone else, to be what others expect you to be – but in doing so, you miss out on becoming the person you were meant to be. The saying 'be yourself' really rings true in this regard as well. You were not put on this earth just to fit in with everything else that's already here. You have your own ideas, your own dreams and aspirations for your life. Allowing outsiders to shape and control the core of who you are takes away the opportunity for personal growth. Instead of conforming to those things that are expected from you, choose instead to create a positive future for yourself. So go ahead – break the mold and be who you want to be!

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Questions that Matters

10m · Published 29 Aug 00:43

Questions that Matters

In this world, we see so much animosity, hate and division. We're unable to stand together as one when we should be able to. I've found through my journey towards self-discovery that being an authentic person is a lot more important than living someone else's agenda. With this being said, it is important for me to share my attitude and mindset with you, the reader.

When I look back at where I was six years ago, it's an incredibly different journey than it is to walk alongside you now. It has been both the best and the worst thing to happen in my life. From being the type of person who was afraid of failure and had no idea how to deal with things that didn't go "according" to plan, to realizing how much bigger your role in life can be than you might assume.

You are always changing, growing, learning and discovering. You are on a path of self-discovery and you should never stop, for this is what life is all about...

Question 1: Who am I?

  • Who am I?
  • What makes me tick?
  • How do I see the world and my place in it? 
  • Do I live my life for myself, for others or for both?
  • Am I happy with who I am and what I do?

I have been asked this question so many times and sometimes these questions we often find ourselves asking as we get older. They can feel so elusive, but they have a way of creeping up on you when you least expect it.

When I was young I used to say that I am an optimist who believes in the future. This is not entirely true, because even though I do believe in the future I also have a strong desire to live in the present moment, not just exist but to actually be alive...

Question 2: Where do I want to go in life?

Because there seem to be so many options, it's normal to have no idea where you will end up in life. Now that you're on the path to one of those options, it's natural to still have doubts and feel uncertain about your decision. But I want you to remember something: if you made this choice, it means that this is what you wanted for yourself—not what someone else wanted for you, not what you thought would impress people, or not what would make others happy...

Question 3: What to expect from life?

To live means to constantly expect. You're expected to behave in a certain way and you're expected to achieve in a certain field. With all expectations, you will feel pressure and stress that can lead to friction with those around you and even with yourself. Don't expect yourself to be perfect, the world would not get along without mistakes! Learn from them instead of putting yourself down when they happen.

Question 4: Where does this attitude come from?

We live in a culture that not only values but demands instant gratification—and it is a problem. We look less and less to embody the virtues of patience, hard work, and persistence. In our age of swift and easy victories, we don't realize that nothing amazing was ever accomplished in the short term. At times it can be difficult to see how our snarky comments affect others, or how much we rely on people's efforts to make ourselves look good...

Finally, while change can be difficult and uncomfortable, it can also be beneficial. You never know what you're going to get out of it, but the only way to find out is to try. Change is inevitable, and it can come from anywhere at any time. So don't allow fear to stop you from doing and experiencing everything that life has to offer. Just be sure you can handle what comes your way and don't let any fears hold you back from taking a chance—you might end up glad that you did...

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The Skills To Learn Before Tomorrow Comes

10m · Published 15 Aug 01:29

The Skills To Learn Before Tomorrow Comes

My name is Calvin Antonza. I am a web/graphic designer. I specialize in helping brands and businesses grow their visibility online.

Firstly, I want to thank my big brother, the person of Mr. Benjamin Nathaniel for the platform to speak today.

Today I'll be speaking about The Skills to Learn before Tomorrow comes. But before we get started, what do I mean by skills?

The term skill means the ability to perform an action with a determined result in a given amount of time. It is the ability to do something proficiently in any given amount of time.

For example, a carpenter is skilled in carpentry, medical students spend many years in school to become skilled in their fields, athletes practice consistently in other to master their craft.

There are many skills a person can learn today but I'll categories them into Hard skills and Soft Skills.

Today, when we talk about "Learning a skill", some people turn off their minds. They fail to understand that having a skill is to their own advantage.

So what are Hard skills?

Hard skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are required for a particular occupation.

  • For instance, a Graphic Designer needs to having a working knowledge of Photoshop and CorelDRAW.
  • a website designer need to have knowledge in HTML, CSS, WORDPRESS, and SHOPIFY.
  • an account will need hard skills relating to bookkeeping.

Today, there are a lot of Hardskills one can learn. We have Coding, UI/UX, Graphic Design, Facebook Ads, Baking, Fashion Design, Shoe making, Accounting, etc. 

Hardskills are typically acquired through formal education, training, online education, certification programs and so on.

Top Hard skills to learn are:

  • Writing Skills 
  • Technical skills: it includes specialize knowledge and expertise in fields as IT, ENGINEERING or Science.
  • Computer skills: this includes knowledge in MSword, Excel, Google, and typing.
  • Analytics skills: this are skills required for gathering data, analyzing it and also presenting it.

Coming to Soft skill:

Softskills are interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationship with other people.

Softskills are the good manners required to socialize well with others and build positive relationships.

Unlike hard skills that are job specific, softskills are broadly applicable across Job titles and industries.

Top 5 softskills you need today are:

  • leadership skills
  • interpersonal skills
  • communication skills
  • Team work problem solving skills.

Both Hardskills and Soft Skills are important. Infact, Hardskills most times will get you the interview but softskills will get and keep you the job.

Having said these, what are the skills you can learn before tomorrow comes?

I'll call them High Income Skills.

So what are High Income Skills: These are skills that could want you over 6 figures every year even if you don't have a college degree. These are skills in high demand.

Whether you want to be financially free, earn as a student or spend more time with your family, having high income skills  could help you achieve that. So, How can you develop High Income skills?

One way to do so is by learn from platforms online like:

  • Udemy.com
  • YouTube.com
  • LinkedIn Learn
  • Skillshare.com
  • coursera.org

You can watch hours of free content from people who are giving in their best on YouTube...


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Progress Not Perfection

12m · Published 08 Aug 06:50

This is the story of how I killed my comfort zones, moved out of home and lived with complete strangers. It's about finding balance. People always ask me how I do so much with so little and keep it all together. This podcast/blog was my way of saying: "I don't know". I'm sure people will find this interesting and may even learn something from it. What makes this podcast different from others on the subject?

I don't claim to be a professional writer or speaker but I tried very hard to make you feel like you are right there with me as I travel, write and build my life. How do we learn to bend ourselves toward progress? -- not perfection. We have to keep changing, keep growing and improving on what we have accomplished. The most comfortable part of me is my past, but it's no longer my past. It's my bedrock that I use to build future initiatives. It gives me courage, strength and power. One of the biggest challenges in our everyday lives is trying to live a better life. We all want to be as successful and happy as possible, but we're just not sure how to do it. This podcast/blog will show you how these principles can change your life for the better by surrounding yourself with people who truly care about helping you reach your goals.

Section 1: Perfection is the enemy of progress. The idea that perfection is the enemy of progress is one of the most common objections to the use of scientific methods. The idea is that if we can't be perfect, then we can't make any progress at all.This objection seems to me quite wrong. The problem with perfectionism is not that it produces no results but rather that it produces the wrong results. Perfectionism means working too hard and trying too hard, which is a waste of time and energy in itself. But more important than this, it leads to an attitude in which you're afraid of making mistakes or doing anything new because you don't want to look bad or embarrass yourself. In other words, you end up being stubborn, and stubborn people don't get very far in life. They may think they're successful because their work looks good on paper or because they got their work published somewhere or won some award or prize at some point in their lives, but this doesn't mean they're actually successful.

Section 2:Progress not perfection is simply a part of success. There is a common misconception that perfectionism is associated with high levels of performance. This is not the case. Being overly concerned with the details and making sure everything is perfect can be detrimental in terms of productivity and efficiency. When we think of success, we often think about achieving a goal and hitting it dead center. The problem with this mindset is that it's too close to perfectionism and can lead to burnout. When you're striving for perfection, you think about every detail and every step. You become obsessed with the details and lose sight of the overall picture. You get stressed out because you don't feel like you're making progress towards your goal. And then things start to go off track because you've stopped paying attention to the big picture you've lost sight of what really matters, which is getting closer to that goal line instead of obsessing over every little thing along the way. When you get obsessed with perfectionism, you can never relax enough to make progress towards your goals. You'll always be thinking about how far away from perfection you are (or how close), making sure that no mistakes were made along the way, and worrying about whether or not this next step will get us any closer than before. This kind of thinking feels like a constant grind one that never ends and it's exhausting!

Section 3: We have so much to gain by replacing our perfection with progress. Progress is the only thing that matters. The world is moving forward, and we need to move with it. Progress is what you want in your life. It's what makes you happy, and it's what allows you to feel fulfilled...

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5m · Published 01 Aug 09:29


Kindness is one of the greatest gifts we can ever give to others, and it's one of my favorite things. It's so easy to be unkind, but it's hard to be kind. So, sometimes I like to top off conversations with someone who has made me feel bad or had hurtful words said towards me by actually showing them some kindness by thanking them and then following it up with something nice they said or did that day.The act of kindness is a truly selfless act. It's an action that benefits another person, and more often than not, the person being "kind" isn't even aware of it. With so many people living in the moment, sharing pictures of what they ate for dinner the other night, and checking their Facebook status updates, it can be easy to forget that there are others who are less fortunate than you.

Two Important facts about kindness

2. Every act of kindness starts a chain reaction.

How can we possibly not be moved by the story of a little boy who bought his mother flowers and told her he loves her?

How can we not be moved by a person who has lost everything but still manages to find it in themselves to help others?

It's because we know that acts of kindness are not just about the person receiving the kindness. It's about the person giving the kindness. It's about the ripple effect that can happen when one act of kindness is given to another.

A friend recently shared a story of when she was in high school and had been struggling with depression for years. She felt like her life was over, but then someone gave her a hug and told her they loved her. The next day, she received a huge bouquet of flowers from her best friend with a note attached saying how much she meant to them and how happy they were that she was alive. That one act of kindness gave her hope and renewed faith in humanity while simultaneously helping her cope with her own struggles with mental illness.

It's easy for us humans to take things for granted; especially when it comes down to people just doing what they think is expected of them or what they think will make them look good in front of others.

2. Kindness means understanding and accepting others.

Kindness, understanding, and accepting others are the three pillars of the Golden Rule. When we treat others with kindness, they will reciprocate by treating us with kindness in return. This is how our society is built on.

But what happens when you have a hard time accepting people's differences?

What if someone makes a mistake or does something wrong?

It can be really hard to accept this person as part of your life.


Whether we like it or not, the little random acts of kindness we do or observe have a way of adding up over time. The award for the world's kindest person may forever go unclaimed, but I'm fairly certain that kindness isn't the domain only of those with overflowing reserves of goodwill. In today's busy world, we can all use a little kindness. So go out into the world, do your best to be kind and make every day count.

Least I forget, I am so glad you made it to this New Month. Do have a blessed Month and week

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5m · Published 01 Aug 09:29


Kindness is one of the greatest gifts we can ever give to others, and it's one of my favorite things. It's so easy to be unkind, but it's hard to be kind. So, sometimes I like to top off conversations with someone who has made me feel bad or had hurtful words said towards me by actually showing them some kindness by thanking them and then following it up with something nice they said or did that day.The act of kindness is a truly selfless act. It's an action that benefits another person, and more often than not, the person being "kind" isn't even aware of it. With so many people living in the moment, sharing pictures of what they ate for dinner the other night, and checking their Facebook status updates, it can be easy to forget that there are others who are less fortunate than you.

Two Important facts about kindness

2. Every act of kindness starts a chain reaction.

How can we possibly not be moved by the story of a little boy who bought his mother flowers and told her he loves her?

How can we not be moved by a person who has lost everything but still manages to find it in themselves to help others?

It's because we know that acts of kindness are not just about the person receiving the kindness. It's about the person giving the kindness. It's about the ripple effect that can happen when one act of kindness is given to another.

A friend recently shared a story of when she was in high school and had been struggling with depression for years. She felt like her life was over, but then someone gave her a hug and told her they loved her. The next day, she received a huge bouquet of flowers from her best friend with a note attached saying how much she meant to them and how happy they were that she was alive. That one act of kindness gave her hope and renewed faith in humanity while simultaneously helping her cope with her own struggles with mental illness.

It's easy for us humans to take things for granted; especially when it comes down to people just doing what they think is expected of them or what they think will make them look good in front of others.

2. Kindness means understanding and accepting others.

Kindness, understanding, and accepting others are the three pillars of the Golden Rule. When we treat others with kindness, they will reciprocate by treating us with kindness in return. This is how our society is built on.

But what happens when you have a hard time accepting people's differences?

What if someone makes a mistake or does something wrong?

It can be really hard to accept this person as part of your life.


Whether we like it or not, the little random acts of kindness we do or observe have a way of adding up over time. The award for the world's kindest person may forever go unclaimed, but I'm fairly certain that kindness isn't the domain only of those with overflowing reserves of goodwill. In today's busy world, we can all use a little kindness. So go out into the world, do your best to be kind and make every day count.

Least I forget, I am so glad you made it to this New Month. Do have a blessed Month and week

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Understanding your Competitors

10m · Published 25 Jul 04:31

Understanding your Competitors

Competition is everywhere. And while there are many ways to look at competition, perhaps the most well-known is by market share and revenue growth. But that's only part of the picture; there are other factors to consider too, such as customer loyalty, buyer personas, and how your product's success or failure is dictated by societal factors (e.g., climate change). Furthermore, it's important to understand the competition within your industry.

Understanding the competition in your industry is the key factor that will determine your success or failure. Knowing your competition can not only help you to survive, but also give you an edge over them to make a profit. However, in order to do this, you need information about how good or bad others are at what they do. Today, our guest will give us tips and strategies on how to use competition as a tool for creating value for your company.

Hello, everybody. My name is Stanley Xerzes Innocent. I am a workplace productivity trainer, speaker, and author. I am excited to be joining my friend and brother Benthaniel (Benjamin Nathaniel) today on his podcast, and in the next few minutes I would be discussing something I consider very important for everyone and anyone who is into business, whether you are in the formal sector or informal sector. By that, I mean whether you are in the cooperate worker or you run a business.

Now, we are going to be talking about understanding the competition in your industry (understanding the competition in your industry) and we will be saying things in the simplest of forms because I want you to learn and apply it in your everyday dealings. So, the other day I was speaking to someone and I asked him, who are your competitions or who are your competitors? And he looked at me and responded, "I have no competitors." Well, competitions, well I could understand where he was coming from because I know he must have listened to lots of speakers telling you that the only competitor you should have is yourself and I think it is a good teaching were they ask you not to compare yourself with any other person. You just compare yourself with your past or with your present and see how you can be better, but his response was not ideal for what we were talking about because we were talking about his business and how he could advance and make progress.

I want you to understand that no matter what industry you are in or what business you are running, there will always be competition. There will be people running and doing the same kind of business as you, offering the same kind of product or offering the same kind of services. The question is;

Do you want to stay ahead of your competitors? 

Do you want to stay ahead of the competition that exists in your market?

Now, making advancement in your business, or making advancement in whatever company you are running, doesn’t just happen like that. It is beyond saying I have a beautiful office or I rented a shop down the street now. I have been praying to God to grant me success, grant me business increase no. You must understand how the business works, and one way of understanding this is by taking a good look at how your competitors operate.

So these are the things I want you to do. I’m beginning to round up now. I want you to ask yourself these questions and has you ask yourself these questions, it will be very good for you to write down the answers and it is important for you to write down your answers because answering these questions mentally wouldn’t really position you for action, but study has shown and proven that there is a deep connection between your mind and the things that you write down...

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How to Focus On Work Amidst Phone and Laptop Distraction

6m · Published 18 Jul 05:01

How to Focus On Work Amidst Phone and Laptop Distraction

When you have a phone/laptop during working hours, it is easy to get distracted. You don't even realize how much time you spend searching, scrolling or browsing the Internet on your phone/laptop. The good news is that you can use these devices to your advantage when working and focus better on work. To help you control your attention and productivity, below are some tips that will help you improve your focus!

Put down your phone.

It is easy to get sidetracked by your phone. I know that I do it all the time, and I don't even realize how much time is wasted on my phone. When you use your phone as a distraction, you are not working. You are not focused on the task at hand, and that leads to poor quality of work. The same goes for the laptop. A laptop can be just as distracting, especially when you are trying to work and notifications begins to pop-up.

The best way to avoid being distracted by your phone/laptop is to shut them off when you cannot focus on the task at hand. If you find yourself checking Facebook while you are supposed to be working on something important, then take a break! Don't get caught up in the dopamine rush of checking your social media accounts every few minutes or so throughout the day; instead, take a break put your phone down.

Turn off notifications.

The most common distractions are notifications from text messages, social media and email.

Turn off alerts for all but the most important calls and texts. Turn off push notifications for all apps except those you use every day. If you're using a computer, use an extension that lets you silence specific programs (like Chrome or Outlook) or turn off the sound altogether with a keyboard shortcut.

Take advantage of airplane mode/phone off button/ silent mode

When it comes to work, there are many distractions that can take you off your game. Whether it's on the phone or the computer, we've all been there. But that doesn't mean you should give up.

The best way to combat distractions is to make sure you're focused on what's important. Being on your phone as much as possible is a bad idea. It's a great way to get distracted, and it's also a great way to waste time. If you want to be productive, keep your phone in the car or on silent or on airplane mode or put it off, it is better to have something doing than be laid off because of distractions caused by phone/laptop bringing about low productivity.

Remind yourself why you are there.

The first step to getting rid of distractions is to understand the why behind every task/project that is assign to you. You will be able to stay focused when your why is known.

What is it that you want?

What is it that you need?

What is it that will help you achieve success and happiness?

These are important questions that will make you stay focus amidst plenty of distractions.


It's easy to get distracted by the stuff you don't need; here is a simple step you can take to get your distractions under control.

Focus on work: The first step to getting organized is to make sure you're working on your work instead of other things on your mind. That means putting away anything that will serve as distraction, so you can focus solely on what needs to be done at that moment in time.

Your phone/Laptop can wait but you Job/business can’t wait. Let it not be said of you that things you supposed to have control over have in turn begin to control you.

Do have a blessed day.

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WeInspirePodcast has 105 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 12:19:23. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 23:10.

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