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by Benjamin Nathaniel

Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity.We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.

Copyright: Benjamin Nathaniel


DISCOVERING YOUR STRENGTH_Jennifer_GR 2023 Day 6 7.71 MB | 07:59

7m · Published 20 Jan 19:00


My name is Jennifer Eleojo James

I am a Surveyor by profession and an entrepreneur by hustle.

I got a job at a firm in July, started working, and had worked for over three months as an administrative assistant. I worked with the company by obviously using one of my phones as a communication channel with the company's line. Two weeks into the 11th month of the year, my fifth month with the company, I received a text telling me not to resume work until the first of the next month. I had no idea why, but I assumed I was going to work from home. Even so, I couldn't help but wonder why. I soon received a call from my boss stating the reason why I had to stay back home till the first of the next month: I had not been keeping up with my tasks prior to that time, so I was to go home and stay for the rest of that month, and I was not going to be paid any of my salary to resume on the 1st of the next month. So my boss said he was going to save up—like, use my salary to save up to buy a new phone for the office? OK!

That leads me to the reason why I had not been keeping up with my task. A few months before that particular week, my phone had stopped working, and I informed my boss. He said he was going to buy a new phone for the company. 1, 2 months passed with no phone in the office, affecting the output of my work, and every day I failed to meet my task of making phone calls, sending texts, and responding to clients via WhatsApp messages, #2,000 was deducted from my salary. So, at the end of the month, I will receive less than my actual salary, but I didn't complain. I worked that way until I got a call saying I couldn't start working again until the first of the next month. My response was, "OK!" Interestingly, he stated that I used to have three phones. What happened to all of them? I answered that I never had three phones.

I only had two phones, and I used one for the office, and I informed him when my phone was packed. He said again, "I understand you have a business; let’s see how your business will sustain you till the end of next month." You're not resuming work until the first week of next month, and there's also no salary for you. I said OK! Towards the end of the month, I received a text from my boss stating that he had gotten a phone for the office and that I should take the sim to the office for the phone to be set up and ready for use. I waited until the first of the next month. I took the SIM to the office on the 1st of the month. I was asked to resume, and then I was given a task, which I completed without complaining. I got back home, and I started thinking. "Really, my boss wants me to resume without a stipend or anything to sustain me throughout the month, and then I wasn't paid salary for the previous month?" I wondered. There was no compensation for my phone going bad, no appreciation for using the phone for the office; instead, I was paid by not being paid my salary and being asked to go home. I just realized that if I allowed it, it would happen again, if not in the same month, then at the same time of year. So I decided to tender my resignation. So I didn't want to leave the office out of anger or create a scene before leaving the office; I wanted to just leave the office peacefully like nothing happened...


● I learnt to say no when things don’t go right; I learnt to respect myself especially where my right was being trampled on; I also learnt to believe in myself, my skill and my business because it kept me through till this moment.


● Not all bad situations are bad. You sometimes discover your strength in bad situations.

So whenever you find yourself in a bad situation, sit down and patiently make lemonade out of the lemons thrown at you.

Thank you!

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STRIKING A BALANCE _Calvin K. Antonza_GR 2023 Day 5

6m · Published 19 Jan 18:45

GUEST: Calvin K. Antonza


Hi there, my name is Calvin K. Antonza. I specialize in helping brands and businesses grow their visibility online through professional Website & Graphic Design.

I'm grateful to Mr. Ben and the entire team for granting me the privilege to speak at Golden Rubbish 2023. Today I'll be sharing what I learnt in 2022 and also what I should have done to achieve better results.

My 2022 started with a whole lot of Goals and Plans. Just like a lot of us, I also wrote down some things I wanted to achieve. I was also hopeful that 2022 will be a tremendous year.

So, the year began and I got my first Website Contract for the year, early January of 2022. Things seemed to be going on well, so, I kept on working with clients. But along the way, through the months, things started getting a bit slow. I noticed that I wasn't getting clients and contacts as frequently as before.

I remember during that period, I started registering for quite a lot of courses, trainings, and I also bought a lot of books that time. I felt doing that will help me become better and yield much results. But to an extent, I was wrong.

Today in 2023, looking back at my experience in 2022, I can say that indeed, I missed it somewhere. I was going for a lot of Knowledge but I wasn't Implementing them fully. For instance, I concentrated in buying courses, paying for Master classes, reading books, etc. and I didn't fully implement what I learnt from them.  I didn't strike a balance in my quest for knowledge, so I was WEALTHY in Mind/SPIRIT but broke in RESULTS Physically.

This is what I'll do if I'm given the chance to go back to Last year, 2022.

I will strike a Balance between KNOWLEDGE and IMPLEMENTATION.

Today, I've grown to realize that the RESULTS we seek will in most cases come when we IMPLEMENT the knowledge we HAVE. So in other words, I won't only buy books or pay for trainings to gain knowledge. Rather, I'll also IMPLEMENT the knowledge I gain.

After attending a training on Wealth, I will work towards applying what I learnt there.

After reading a book on RELATIONSHIPS, I'll do my best to implement the things I learnt there.

What I'm saying is, I won't only give my attention to knowledge but I'll apply/implement the knowledge I acquire.

One advice I'll give to you listening to me today is this:

For you to see tangible results in every aspects of your life, you need to seek Knowledge from the right people, materials, resources, etc. After seeking the KNOWLEDGE, IMPLEMENT it.

I'll end with this quote again:

"The results we seek will only come when we implement the knowledge we have".

Thank you all for listening today.

I'm grateful to the entire them at Golden Rubbish 2023 for granting me the opportunity to speak today.

Once again, my name is Calvin Antonza.

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6m · Published 18 Jan 18:30


Guest Kwayine Pwakusari Ezra

Hello everyone, I am so excited to be here this beautiful time of the day. My name is Kwayine Pwakusari Ezra, here in Yola, Adamawa state. I'll be sharing a story with you and at the end, we will draw our gold from the experience.

Now, on this day, I had waited patiently for my friend to call. It had been 3days already since we last spoke and today happened to be day 4. I began to wonder why he had not called and how he didn't think or consider it necessary to call me. So, I picked my phone and dialed his number and it connected immediately. As soon as I heard "Hello", I just went "like seriously, you didn't think to call or even send a text? It's been what, 3days, no, 4days actually and your mind no shake, you even had confidence to pick my call, seriously??" Then the voice on the other end said "sorry, the owner of this phone has been on admission in the hospital for some days now. He was brought unconscious but is much better. He is resting and I'll let him know you called when he wakes up". I just went silent. Ah! As in, what just happened here? How did I just carelessly do this?

Unfortunately, a lot of us belong here. We have relegated communication to be one sided. We have decided that in our relationships, the duty of calling and texting is for one person while the other person just receives the call or text. Many of us have scattered our relationships because of this lack of understanding in communication. Now, by relationship, I mean with friends, family, schoolmates, your social circle or even colleagues at work. We have decided that if they do not call, we will also not reach out to them, we have forgotten that communication is not a one man job. If only we can prioritize our relationships and take the responsibility of reaching out to one another. The truth is that a lot of things will actually get better so long as our communication gets better.

So, in this 2023, I urge us all to be responsible in our communication. Reach out to people, talk freely and be a listener too so that our relationships will be sweeter and stress-free. Remember, the only thing standing between you and your next level is hidden in the relationships you are able to maintain.

Thank you....

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Finding out Before Jumping In_ GR 2023 Day 3 _SEMAJ JAMES

5m · Published 17 Jan 17:48

Guest Mr. Semaj James

Finding Out Before Jumping In

Honestly I never thought I had done awful things until I have to write this. For the year 2022 one of the awful thing or the rubbish I did was

I took on a job without clear job descriptions because I was intoxicated by the wine of desperation.

Due to this mistake, I worked 8:00 AM to approximately 10:00 pm and approximately 7 days a week.

It was sad and silly but I can't blame my employer because I said I DO even before he proposed.

My advice to you all out there is to always discuss the terms and conditions for every job before you attach your signature and do not allow sentiments cloud your judgment.

If you aren't okay with your employer's T&C that’s your terms and condition please say so.

Do not manage your job. Your job is also a part of your life, some people assume that I will just work for a particular year, when I’m done with this job I will start living my life come on don’t do that your job is part of your life while you’re working you’re living because you don’t have extra years for work and separate years for living. Having a job that takes you away from life isn't really worth it.

I know the pay can be blinding but I can assure you that no matter how blinding the pay may be, you will regret it later on.

Lastly, it's a great blessing to love your job.

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Taking advantage of peoples Experiences_Day 2

4m · Published 16 Jan 18:40

Benjamin Nathaniel (Host)

Taking advantage of peoples Experiences

There are two kinds of learning: experience, which is gained from your own mistakes, and wisdom, which is learned from the mistakes of others (Others experiences).

John C. Maxwell

Listening to others is an essential part of communication, but it is often overlooked in favor of speaking or giving our own opinions. However, the act of truly listening to someone can have a profound impact on our relationships and our understanding of the world.

One of the main benefits of listening to others is that it allows us to gain new perspectives and understanding. By paying attention to someone else's thoughts and experiences, we can learn about different viewpoints and ways of looking at the world, which will in turn facilitate our speedy growth as an individual. This can help us to be more open-minded and to see things from a different angle.

Of course, being a good listener is not always easy. It requires focus and attention, and it can be tempting to interrupt or to try to solve someone's problems instead of simply listening. However, with practice and intentionality, we can all improve our listening skills and become better at truly hearing others.

Changing your Learning curve

The learning curve is a graphical representation of your ability to learn, which is usually measured against time (experience). The general learning curve rises gradually over time until it reaches a saturation point, after which it falls slightly.

This is because you have learned enough about the subject and do not wish to learn any more. However, if you speed up your learning process which is also known as the accelerated learning curve, you will reach the saturation point faster because you will learn more in less time.

The traditional learning curve works by increasing learning with experience. But that is no longer the case, both in the workplace and in your personal life. To differentiate yourself from the crowd, you must adopt an accelerated learning curve. You learn more in a shorter period of time here, which means that even though your experience is less, your knowledge is greater.

Finally, experiences keep happening, but only those who want to learn and develop will benefit from hearing about other people's experiences. We can't live to learn from all of our mistakes, but we can live to learn from the experiences of others. God bless you and have a blessed day.

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I Am Gold

6m · Published 15 Jan 18:53

Guest Mr Riffz

WeInspire Podcast is proud to present to you golden rubbish 2023…

We in WeInspire Podcast (Golden Rubbish), believe that every piece of trash teaches us a lesson. When the lessons learned are used, this "rubbish" becomes "Golden Rubbish".

Golden Rubbish

Transforming lives crazy experiences into valuable tools

Today is a special day for me because it is my birthday, and what a great way to kick off this year's podcast, and I'd like to thank all of our guests who have contributed.

We have our guest already in the house, Mr. Riffz, and he is coming to give us the theme song for the year. What a wonderful way to start up the podcast show! Today we will be listening to the theme song, and tomorrow we will have an introduction, and then next we will begin to feature our guests one by one by one.

So quickly, I would like to read from the lyrics, and then I will allow our guest to jump into what he has for us. So the lyrics say:

I make mistakes sometimes, and I won't deny

I've got all it takes to fight. I'm a golden child.

Nobody is perfect; we all make mistakes.

So excuse me if I don't care about what you think of me.

Because God said its finish, that's why am bold.

So when they call it Rubbish, I call it Gold.

That’s the part I love the most, so when they call it Rubbish, I call it gold.

When people call what I've been through Rubbish, I call it Gold.

When they say things about my past experience, I call it "gold," because these are currencies I use to acquire the knowledge I have to fight better.


I make mistakes sometimes, I won't deny

I've got all it takes to fight am a golden child

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes

So excuse me if I don't care about what you think of me


Because God said its finish, that's why am bold

So when they call it rubbish, I call it Gold

Because God said its finish, that's why am bold

So when they call it rubbish, I call it Gold

Thank you for always coming back to listen to our listening, and do join us tomorrow for another wonder episode of listening to a life transforming experience.

We at WeInspire Podcast believe that positivity and motivation are contagious, so spend time around people who will help you grow. Surround yourself with inspiring people and inspiring podcast like ours, and watch your life change for the better!

We love you; enjoy your day...

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6m · Published 05 Dec 09:09

What Is Gratitude?

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have.

Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, even computer access. It's taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are when something good happens — whether it's a small thing or a big thing.

We can use lots of words to describe feelings of gratitude: We might say we feel thankful, lucky, fortunate, humbled, or blessed.

Why Gratitude Matters

Creating a propensity for appreciation can likewise be great as far as we're concerned. Like other good feelings, feeling thankful consistently can hugely affect our lives.

Research shows that positive feelings are really great for our bodies, psyches, and cerebrums.

  • Positive feelings free us up to additional potential outcomes. They support our capacity to learn and use sound judgment.
  • Positive feelings balance out pessimistic feelings. Individuals who frequently feel thankful and grateful are more joyful, less focused, and less discouraged. Appreciation resembles a U-turn on whining or contemplating what we don't have.
  • Positive emotions balance out negative emotions. People who often feel grateful and appreciative are happier, less stressed, and less depressed. Gratitude is like a U-turn on complaining or thinking about what we don't have.
  • One positive emotion often leads to another. When we feel grateful, we might also feel happy, calm, joyful, or loving.
  • Gratitude can lead to positive actions. When we feel grateful for someone's kindness toward us, we may be more likely to do a kindness in return. Your      gratitude also can have a positive effect on someone else's actions. Thanking people can make it more likely they'll do a kindness again.
  • Gratitude assists us with building better connections. When we feel and express heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to people in our lives, it creates loving bonds, builds trust, and helps you feel closer.

When we make it a habit to feel grateful, it makes us more aware of good things as they happen.

Build a Gratitude Habit

Sometimes, feelings of gratitude happen spontaneously. But we also can create feelings of gratitude by deliberately counting our blessings.

You can build a habit of counting blessings just by paying attention each day to things you're glad to have in your life. Slow down and notice what's around you. For example: "Wow, the sky is beautiful today! What an incredible world we live in," or, "There's Chenemi! It was so nice of her to help me yesterday."

Noticing the things you're grateful for is just the first step in building a gratitude habit, but you can try other things too, like taking the time to thank people or pausing to appreciate a star-filled sky. Start now. What's good about today?

Thanks for being part of our 2022 podcasting season. We hope you had a great time and that you'll be back for more in the future.

2023 podcasting season will start with our annual event Tagged Golden Rubbish, looking forward to your full participation in our coming event.

Feel free to refer to our previous podcast, share, comment, and even ask questions.

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How to Finish Strong and Better Than You Started part 2

5m · Published 28 Nov 07:16


5) Continue to get things done.

The more successful you become, the more things come at you from all directions. You'll want to spend less time on tasks that don't matter as much and more time on the ones that do, so be sure to keep an eye on what's going on around you and make adjustments accordingly.

6) Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success.

It's important to remember that, because there are so many people out there who are afraid of failure and feel like they need to succeed right away in order to be successful. But when you look at the real world, what is actually happening? People who fail don't stay down for very long! They get back up and try again until they find something that works for them.

So don't expect failure to stop you from doing great things—it might just help you get there faster.

Failure is a part of life and we must learn to embrace failure as a way to improve ourselves and our lives. Failure is not something to be avoided in our quest for success, but rather something that can help us become better people and better at what we do.

If you fail, don't worry about it… focus on what you did right, learn from your mistakes and move on!

7) Find your power song or soundtrack.

This one can be difficult when life hands you lemons… but there are ways to turn those lemons into lemonade! Find something that motivates you and gets you excited about your life. It can be anything—a song, a quote, an image… something that makes you feel motivated and excited about what you're doing. It's important to have some kind of personal theme when working towards personal goals because it helps keep your mind focused on the task at hand instead of getting distracted by other ideas or concerns (which can happen if we aren't careful).

8) Remember your why (and keep it close).

A successful person has a good reason for wanting something—they know why they want it and why they're going after it. And those same reasons should be guiding you through your process too: the feeling

Your why may change over time… but it should never change completely. Remember why you started this journey in the first place: to make money, find love or just have fun doing what makes you happy! The reason will always stay with


If you want to finish strong, better than you started and with a positive attitude, then it's important that you stop worrying about what others think.

It's easy to let other people's opinions of your work influence what you do, and how much time and effort you put into it. But the truth is that no one can tell you how hard or easy it is for you to complete a task—that's up to YOU.

So why not stop caring about what others think? Instead, focus on encouragement from yourself. Remind yourself every day of your worth as an individual, and remind yourself of all the reasons why you're doing this project in the first place.

Every single day, remind yourself of this fact. You are not a quitter—you are a winner! You have the ability to do anything you set your mind to, so take advantage of that power and make the most of your life by completing tasks with excellence and never giving up on yourself.

You can finish strong if you want—and if you're willing to give it your best effort.

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How to Finish Strong and Better Than You Started

6m · Published 21 Nov 00:30

How to Finish Strong and Better Than You Started

You can finish strong and better than you started if you are willing to give it your best effort.

All of us, at some point in our lives, wonder what it would be like if we had more time. We think about how much we want to accomplish, but we just don't have enough hours in the day. As a result, we feel like we're spinning our wheels and never really getting anywhere.

No matter what stage of life you're at, there will always be things that make you feel like a failure, but don't let that stop you from achieving success. If anything, failure is just another step in the process of learning and growing as a person.

But there is another way! You can finish strong and better than you started if you are willing to give it your best effort. Here are some tips that will help:

1) It’s never too late to start over.

When you're starting out, it's easy to get discouraged. You'll have a few successes and then a few failures. You will make mistakes, and those mistakes will hurt your confidence and your motivation. But don't give up! Start now, you never can tell what awaits you ahead.

2) Take a leap of faith.

Don't let fear stop you from doing something that scares you or seems impossible. If you think something is too hard for you because it will take too much time or energy, break it down into smaller task, then attack it task by task!

You've worked hard to get where you are now, so why not go for the big dream? It may be unrealistic at first, but with time and effort, anything is possible.

3) Learn to maximize what you have. 

How many people do we know who aren't making the most of their time? Instead of wasting time on tasks they could get done faster and more efficiently (like cleaning the kitchen), they sit around waiting for inspiration or motivation to strike them down so they can do something else.

You might look like you don’t have all it takes to start, but when you look deeply inward you will realize that you have all it takes to kick start.

This doesn't mean that all your business ideas should be thrown on paper immediately—but it does mean thinking about them in detail before diving into the next project.

4) Everyone starts somewhere.

It doesn't matter where you are in life, or how much success or failure you've had—everyone has a journey.

Everyone starts somewhere.

What does that mean? It means that no matter how much you have accomplished in your life, there will always be more for you to do. You can't rest on your laurels or stop trying because of what you have done.

So why do people give up? Well, sometimes it's because they are afraid of failure. If you fail at something, people might think less of you and stop trusting you. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes! The key is to learn from them and move forward.

So how do we avoid letting failure hold us back? One way is by continuing to get things done! Even when something doesn't work out exactly as planned, there is always another opportunity waiting around the corner with different possibilities and potential outcomes that could lead to success or failure. The key is persistence—never give up on anything until there's nothing left but dust in your hand!

To be Continued in the next episode....

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7m · Published 03 Oct 07:02

The Power of Listening

How well do you listen to the people around you? Listening can be challenging, especially these days, but the power of listening is so important.

When we listen, it allows us to better understand ourselves and other people too.

However, with all of the distractions around us and within our own heads, it’s incredible that we ever hear anything that anyone says at all.

By listening, we can become better leaders and learners.

The Power of Listening and All of its Benefits

Listening is not only the most essential aspect of communication – it can make or break our relationships.

Listening has a significant effect on our ability to appreciate, respond to, and empower others.

Here are some of the benefits of listening:

Listening shows respect

By listening to others, you show them respect. You let them know that you care about what they’re saying and that you value their perspective.

When you show respect to others, they will show it back to you as well.

Listening helps you understand

When you use the power of listening, you can better understand what people are saying, why they are saying it, and where they are coming from.

If listening is a challenge for you, welcome to the club...

Listening helps foster relationships

When someone knows that you are truly listening, it can help improve your relationship with them.

Showing that you care by listening can go a long way in helping foster relationships...

The Three Levels of Listening

By understanding these three levels of listening, it can show us what to do to become more effective in our ability to listen to others.

1. Be Present

2. Form an Emotional Connection

3. Listen in an Empowering Way

The Power of Listening Requires Us to do the Internal Work

When we’re able to do the internal work it takes to become better listeners, we can enhance our relationships in a profound way.

Being someone who can listen to others is such a vital skill, especially these days.

It’s not always easy. It takes some practice and humility and is an ongoing, moment-by-moment phenomenon.

However, listening to others can allow for so many positive things:

1. Improved communication

2. Resolved conflicts

3. Deeper connection

4. Greater appreciation

5. Enhanced understanding

6. Increased learning

7. Profound awareness

Have fun with the above 7 as you practice the power of listening.

See if you can put some attention today and the rest of this week on taking time to put a deeper effort into listening to the people around you.

Share your thoughts, action ideas, insights, and more with us today, do have a blessed day.

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Source https://mike-robbins.com/the-power-of-listening/

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WeInspirePodcast has 105 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 12:19:23. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 23:10.

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