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by Benjamin Nathaniel

Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity.We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.

Copyright: Benjamin Nathaniel


The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Work Place Distractions (Part 2)

6m · Published 11 Jul 03:40

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Work Place Distractions (Part 2)

Continuation from the previous podcast...

Rule #3: Accept Responsibility for Yourself and Block Out Unproductive People

One of the best ways to manage your time at work is to take control of your own productivity. You can't blame someone else for not being productive, or for distracting you from your work.

So how do you block out people who are distracting you? Here are some tips:

1. Accept responsibility for yourself and block out unproductive people.

2. Make sure your workspace is the right size for you.

3. Make sure that everything in your workspace has a purpose.

4. Block out any noise coming from other offices or cubicles that are near yours, especially if it's constant or loud enough to distract you from what you're doing.

Rule #4. Create Separate Workspace When Necessary

The workspace is a vital part of your working environment, and it is important that you have the right tools to help you achieve your goals.

The most common mistake people make when creating a workspace is not separating their workspace from the rest of the office. You should have a separate area where you can work on any project or task that you need to complete without being disturbed by other employees in the office.

Rule #5. Be Aware of Your Inner Impulses and React Wisely

It is important to keep a balance in life. You can't live life just to work and earn money. You need to have a balance between work and other things like family, friends, community etc. Below are two keys to take note of:

1. Workplace awareness: The first step towards workplace awareness is to be aware of yourself. This can help you to know what you are good at and what you are not good at. It will also help you to know if there are any particular aspects that you can work on as well as what it takes for you to achieve success in your job or profession.

2. Workplace wisdom: Workplace wisdom means having a good understanding about the industry or profession that you are working in. It requires knowledge about the industry, its opportunities and its challenges too. You need to have extensive knowledge about all these aspects so that you can make wise decisions based on them.


Workplace distractions are an age-old problem. They're universal and they've been around for decades. The solution is equally universal and equally easy to find. But what you may not know is that there is some technology out there that can help you solve your distractions problems, by blocking certain sites, or allowing only certain sites to be viewed during certain times. I am going to break down the best few solutions for you with no cost implications in my next podcast, and provide a way of tackling distractions without even getting up from your desk.

Distractions are the mortal enemy of any focused worker. They may come from within or without, but understanding how to overcome them is key to a productive day. Do have a blessed day.

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The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Work Place Distractions (Part 1)

7m · Published 04 Jul 01:31

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Work Place Distractions (Part 1)

WORK PLACE DISTRACTIONS can be devastating to your productivity and I'm sure we've all experienced this before. You're working on a project and suddenly you get distracted by the news or an email, or even just a coworker that needs your attention for a moment. When this happens, you stop what you're doing, think about what happened and then slowly start new task without fully completing the previous one...

Are you frustrated at work? Worried about the distractions and other factors that may be getting in the way of your productivity? It can be difficult to combat workplace distractions, but there are methods to help you get more productive. Today will discuss potential solutions to overcome work place distraction.


Distraction is a common problem in the workplace but it’s beyond just a work place distraction, it's a distraction to your work and your personality. It can take your focus away from what you're doing, or it can make you lose interest in what you were doing. It also makes it more difficult for people to work together effectively which means that you have to work harder as a leader just to keep everyone on task.

Identifying the root cause isn't always easy, it requires a lot of self-awareness and introspection.

Listen to yourself. Do you like what you’re doing? Are you happy with the way things are going? If not, stop doing it! Change your mind-set so that you’re only focused on what’s important for your business and not on other things that may not be as useful or important as they initially seem.


The workplace is a place where you spend most of your time.

It should be an environment that motivates you, inspires you and gets you excited to get up in the morning. Your work environment plays a huge role in how productive you are at work.

To help you make the most out of your workday, we've created a list of the top 10 work distractions that kill productivity:

  1. The biggest distraction for me is social media. I know this sounds strange because it's something we're all guilty of doing but it has a serious negative impact on our productivity and time management skills. I'm not saying stop using social media altogether just remember that it can take up a lot of space in your head. You need to make sure it doesn't interfere with your work by keeping yourself unplugged from work when possible and disconnecting when it's unavoidable.
  2. The workplace environment is a place where employees can work in peace and quiet. When offices are filled with noise, it can be hard to concentrate on your job and get things done.
  3. If you want to increase your productivity and be more effective at work, you should try to get rid of as many distractions as possible.
  4. Make sure that the background music playing at work is not too loud or annoying.
  5. If someone talks loudly in the office, try not to look at them while they talk or move around.
  6. Try not to answer phone calls during meetings or when people are trying to get their attention.
  7. You are not your environment.
  8. You are a unique and amazing person, with a unique and amazing life, and a unique and amazing story to tell. The way you work is the way you work. You do not want to change who you are in order to be more productive; that's the opposite of being productive.
  9. You might think that your environment is the key to your productivity, but it's not. Your environment is simply the canvas on which you paint your masterpiece. it's like...
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6m · Published 27 Jun 05:23
THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT WORKPLACE DISTRACTIONS These days everybody talks about distractions, but they don't always realize just what a big word it is. Distraction is beyond something preventing you from giving full attention to a particular task but rather is depriving you from making progress in many ways. When it comes to work place distractions it's easy to see how these could be negative and how even seemingly little things could create a huge problem for you in your work environment. The truth is, we can't escape work place distractions, even if nobody else around us is working, the world around us is still very busy, but with self-control, or what psychologists call "operant conditioning", we can take charge of our work environment without allowing any external factor to rob us of our productive time. Below are few ugly truths about the negative effect of work place distractions… Ugly Truth 1: Workplace distractions impact your efficiency Workplace distractions have become a fact of life for many employees. From technology to social media to phones, there are so many ways people can be distracted at work that it can be difficult to stay focused. Distractions are a major reasons employees aren’t performing as they could be. In fact, distractions cost employers more money than any other factor, including health care expenses and absenteeism. Ugly Truth 2: Workplace distractions impact your reputation However, when employees are distracted during the workday, it can lead to errors and poor decisions. These distractions can affect productivity, reduce customer satisfaction and negatively impact the organization and your reputation. Ugly Truth 3: Workplace distractions are addictive Distractions are a fact of life, but most people don't realize that they have a hidden addiction. Workplace distractions are like any other addiction, you can't control them, and you may not even be aware that you have an addiction until it's too late. Workplace distractions are especially dangerous because they're often so easy to get caught up in, especially since technology has made it easier for us to be distracted than ever before. But even though work distractions feel like a natural part of life at work, they're actually very addictive, just like any other addiction or habit. Ugly Truth 4: Workplace distractions can lead to more lost time, productivity, and money. In a study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), it was found that nearly 60 percent of employees reported having some form of distraction at work during the past month. And these distractions were more than just simple interruptions with coworkers or interruptions by coworkers themselves; they also included mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops. In fact, the APA reported that 67 percent of employees said that their smartphones were a distraction while at work (that’s a lot!). And this number jumps up to 80 percent if you add in laptops into the mix (but keep in mind that this only includes people who have access to both). So what does this mean for companies? It means that for every lost time output is affected which will in turn affect the organizations finances. Conclusion As a podcaster and blogger I am often in contact with individuals who have difficulty staying focused on their job all day. I am just as guilty of losing track, and you should never feel bad if you are part of the millions who can't seem to stay focused at work. No matter what your profession is, no matter how much money you make, and no matter the circumstances. This is the reality for many of us, but there are ways we can overcome our distractions and be more productive so that we can serve our employer to the best of our abilities. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/weinspirepodcast/message

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor

5m · Published 20 Jun 03:00

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor

How to ask someone to be your mentor can feel daunting and uncomfortable. But having a guide as to what you are looking for and the right perspective will help you get the right mentor that will not just expand your knowledge but also grow your career.

So, where to start?

1. Make a List of Potential Mentors and How They Can Help

Purpose is everything, before you determine who you want your mentor to be, start by getting clear on a few questions about yourself. “Ask yourself, ‘What is it I’d most like to learn?’”

For example, say you want to learn how to write a book or affiliate marketing. Start by making a short list of people in your orbit who may be able to help you learn by sharing their own experience. Start from within…

2. Make Your Mentorship Ask

Many mentor/mentee relationships come about organically. But that doesn’t mean you should shy away from making a direct request. Many well experienced leaders see helping others develop as the legacy they wish to leave behind. Not everyone will be available, but you can be confident that there are many who would be motivated to support your efforts.

Here, few suggestions on how to go with it;

  • State (and share) your purpose.

In other words, you have to be able to articulate the “big why” for wanting someone’s time and attention. When you share that big why with them, they are more likely to see the potential impact and will actually experience a biochemical reinforcement known as the ‘helper’s high’.

  • Why them?

Again, your could-be mentors probably have a lot on their plate and no shortage of opportunities. Be crystal clear about why you are asking them specifically to be your mentor. This extra step will also ensure you are asking the right person for the right reason.

  • Get hyper-specific.

It’s hard for someone to make a commitment when they aren’t clear about what they are committing to. Start small, asking for an amount of time—say, a half hour meeting every month. “You want to make it easy for them to say yes. “Brené Brown says, ‘Clear is kind.’”

  • Have a plan b.

Your hoped-for mentor wants to help, but doesn’t have the bandwidth. That’s OK. Having alternate options at the ready, and making it clear that you don’t need a large time commitment—perhaps all you ask for is a brief chat to learn more about their career journey. And if your second choice says no, remember that you can learn from that, too. (Sometimes success means saying no.)

3. Beware of Common Mentorship Pitfalls

Just remember, there is a difference between mentorship and coaching, mentors help you grow by sharing knowledge or experience they gained on their own path to success. Your mentor may also be someone in a position to advocate for you to take on new opportunities. Coaches help you look inward, tapping into your own strengths and capabilities.

Of course, the roles are complementary. A mentor can serve as an example for success while a coach can help you personalize your own path to achieve it in a way that’s authentic and sustainable for you.

And remember: A mentor doesn’t have to be a person with more experience than you. “Reverse mentorship” is increasingly popular, but it’s really just a reminder that knowledge and perspective sharing can happen at any level.

Finally, looking for a mentor can be so tiring but yet worth it, so go for what you desire. Do have a blessed day.

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Mentor And Mentee Relationship

6m · Published 13 Jun 03:00

Mentor And Mentee Relationship

No mentor and mentee relationship are the same. They come in different shapes and sizes. However, there are key qualities that each mentor-mentee relationship should possess:

  • Willingness to help each other succeed
  • Disseminate information as needed
  • Give and receive feedback both ways
  • Improve interpersonal skills
  • Actively listen and communicate
  • Empathize for one another
  • Respect each person's time

Food For Thought

There’s no such thing as the perfect mentor and mentee relationship. Each relationship is unique to the people involved. Whether you're exchanging career advice or personal stories, a mentor and mentee should have mutual respect for each other. And who knows? This mentor and mentee relationship might transcend to a life-long friendship.

The role of a mentor is simple: Provide guidance and support to a mentee to help them develop professional and personal skills. During a mentor-mentee relationship, a mentor will wear different hats and take on roles that help the mentee achieve their goals.

So, what are the roles mentors take to help a mentee achieve his/her goals?

  • Mentorship: Mentors will provide constant feedback, share advice, and give insights into their specific industry. Often times, mentors will share personal anecdotes like, “I wish I knew this…”
  • Devil’s advocate: Mentors will challenge the mentee when it comes to making major decisions. That means playing the opposite side and providing new angles to a decision.
  • Support System: They celebrate the big and small wins, show support when mentees face setbacks, and consistently provide words of encouragement.
  • Resource: Mentors have countless resources from tools to people to jobs. When mentors and mentees build a strong rapport, the mentor is inclined to provide the necessary tools, introduce their network, and create new professional connections.

As for the role of the mentee, it is simple too: To learn and absorb as much information as they can from the mentor. While the role of the mentee is less varied, they still play an integral role in the relationship. The Mentee can drive the mentorship relationship forward by asking questions and reflecting on their personal values and goals.

Ultimately, the Mentee should engage mentorship when they have a clear sense of the outcomes they wish to achieve.

So, What should the Mentee do?

1. Initiate

Mentees must self-identify as needing mentorship. While everyone could benefit from some form of mentorship, the Mentee must be prepared to reach out for help. Sometimes, there's work that needs to be done before engaging a Mentor.

  • Identify that they would benefit from mentorship.
  • Initiate the mentorship relationship by reaching out for help.
  • Understand that they may need to go through preparatory work to be ready to meet with a Mentor.

2. Engage

Once a Mentee is ready to meet with a Mentor, they must embrace the process by fully engaging. There are many different types of mentorship to engage with, from one-time to long-term, in-person to remote.

  • Give feedback to the Mentor.
  • Listen actively in meetings or on the phone, and respond to emails with care.
  • Demonstrate appreciation for Mentorship and support.
  • Inform Mentors of how you've applied their suggestions, or implemented their advice.

3. Reflect And Act

Without reflection and follow through, the mentorship relationship cannot progress.

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The Mentors You Need For Success

5m · Published 06 Jun 03:00

The Mentors You Need for Success

Picture yourself at 1 AM, searching through hundreds of YouTube videos and related links for the most sensible answers to your life questions. The truth is that you won’t find what you’re looking for. No online tutorial can give you what a real life mentor can offer. Online tutorials may be helpful, but that mentor-mentee relationship sets you up for a lifelong relationship that will keep you learning.

Now, I know you’re thinking, ‘how do I find that one mentor for everything in my life?’ Instead of expecting to learn everything from one person, figure out how to take away a life lesson from everyone. Don’t limit yourself to one mentor.

What Kind of mentors do I need?

The Innovator

When you have an idea, this is the mentor you want to run it by. They are creative, can think quickly on their feet, and will give you a unique perspective. Looking for a collective of people to call mentors can be hard sometimes, but don’t get discouraged. Use the resources you have access to; ask people in your field what they did, and take pride in a simple google search for the kind of mentor you need, who knows the mentor might just be a block away. Find mentors who aren’t just going to tell us what to do, but who have gone through it themselves and can give the best advice for our own situation!

The Networker

Your nerves may get the best of you when it comes to attending networking events or even talking to accomplished people during a regular day. Take a deep breath and find someone who can teach you the ropes of connecting with new people. Your mentors network may end up being your most valuable group of contacts. And just because this may be true, don’t allow your mentor to do all of the work, just see them as an example to follow. Build your own excel sheet and begin to enter the names, contact information and position of every person you interact with on a professional level. Now that’s a great key to networking!

The Challenger

As much as we may not always enjoy it, sometimes we need that extra push to work better and smarter. When you’re working towards a goal, there is always another person who may be working twice as hard as you. You’re never going to be done creating the best you. Having a mentor that will challenge you will teach you how to ask and answer important questions of why you’re doing something, how you are going to effectively complete the job and what tools you need to do so. You may be surprised, but the challenger is usually right in your family as an older sibling or cousin. Don’t underestimate the help they can give you!

The Ally

It’s like having someone sit front row at every major milestone in your life. The path to be successful may not have you waking up with a smile on your face every day. Having a mentor that is your personal cheerleader will show you that quitting in certain circumstances is not an option. My personal ally is my Mum Rev Mrs Bernice Oye. No matter what obstacles I face, she is always there to build me up and cheer me on so that I don’t become stagnant. They know that you’re capable of winning and want you to understand that you were born to lead and succeed. The obstacles you will overcome are really the key to thriving.

And Finally, in all you getting, get a good mentor do have a blessed day.

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The Mentor

5m · Published 30 May 06:10


In today’s world, people often talk about the importance of mentorship in personal development and career contexts, with 'get a mentor' being a key piece of advice from successful business people.

In the search to find a mentor, you may find yourself asking questions like, who is a mentor?

Who is a mentor?

A mentor is a person who can support, advise and guide you. They typically take the time to get to know you and the challenges you're facing and then use their understanding and personal experience to help you improve.

Who a mentor isn't?

  • While a mentor can provide invaluable support and guidance across a range of topics including mental health, they are not a therapist. It is important to establish this to all parties participating in mentoring.
  • A mentor is not the same as a coach. Coaches are paid for and provide time-bound teaching on specific topics.
  • Mentoring is not a magic cure. While mentoring can support a range of development goals and has many benefits for both parties, it isn’t going to fix everything.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is the act or process of helping and guiding another person to support their personal development.

Note that we've said 'personal' development here rather than 'career' development – and that's because ultimately, mentoring is about people. If someone helps you improve your confidence or self-awareness, that's going to translate beyond your day job.

Why do people become mentors?

People choose to mentor others because it's an incredibly valuable experience; seeing somebody grow and succeed as a result of your advice is highly rewarding. There are many benefits of mentoring for the mentor as well as the mentee, such as improving communication and developing leadership skills.

What makes a good mentor?

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” — Bob Proctor

When asking, what is a mentor, it’s important to understand the difference between good mentors and… not so good ones. This quote highlights the essence of a good mentor: somebody that does not tell you what to do, but guides you to figuring it out for yourself.

When looking for a mentor there are certain characteristics to keep in mind. The traits of a good mentor include:

  • Being a good listener
  • Asking good questions
  • Showing empathy
  • Being encouraging and supportive
  • Self-awareness
  • Giving constructive and honest feedback

Misconceptions about mentoring

There are a few common misconceptions about mentoring that affect the way people think about who a mentor is.

Let me set the record straight in this mentoring myth-busting:

  • "Mentors have to be old" - Mentoring has no age requirements, and older people can benefit from being mentored by younger people, such as in reverse mentoring. What's important is relevant experience and chemistry.
  • "Mentoring only benefits mentees" - Mentoring has heaps of benefits for the mentor as well as the mentee, including; improving communication and leadership skills, increased fulfilment, likelihood of promotion and more.
  • "My mentor has to be similar to me" - Familiarity is nice, but the best learning happens when you're exposed to different ways of thinking. it can be better for your development to seek out opinions from outside to your usual spheres of influence.

Finally, to mentor or to be mentored can be a life changing experience, all you need to do is find the right person and take advantage of all he/she can offer.

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Advancing your Career

5m · Published 23 May 05:00

Advancing your Career

Your relationship with your job might in perfect health.

You might be fully engaged and enjoying each working day.

However, don’t get complacent. Demotivation is always lurking in the shadows ready to take a bite out of your morale.

Immunize yourself from the danger of drudgery by planning your next step up the career ladder.

Steps to planning your advancement up the career ladder:

1. Build your network and be visible

‘It’s not what you know – it’s who you know’. Get to know the right people and impress them with your work. Be conscious that people are always observing what you do and take the time (and effort) to build a strong network.

Spend time networking, networking and networking. You will soon find the right networks and those who are not. You will never know unless you go!

Use LinkedIn and social media. Make sure that your profile is up to date, looks professional and has good content.

2. Persistence pays

Don’t give up, if you really want that job or promotion. Fight for it! It all comes down to one simple question: ‘How bad do you want it?’

Be single minded once you know your goal and set yourself targets on a regular basis. You may need to zigzag there but keep focused on what you want. Always focus on your own path and don’t be distracted by what others are doing.

Write down your goals. Seeing them in black and white is a reality check and makes you focus on them.

3. Dare to take the risk

You can climb the corporate career ladder by having confidence in yourself to apply for new jobs and ask for promotions. You will never know unless you go.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It’s what you learn from them that will help you to progress. Have the confidence to try new things, or take a sideways move to get a new perspective.

Put your hand up and volunteer to get involved in things at work (even if they are out of your comfort zone!).

Keep your eye on the job market (internally and externally) and apply for roles.

Think about the job specification, the experience and skills which you have and apply it against what they are looking for. Sell yourself and be passionate about wanting the job!

4. Be someone who people want to work with

Do more than what is expected from you. Those who do that little bit extra, or who put themselves out for others are often recognized.

Be authentic and behave with passion, integrity and kindness. It’s a small world and someone in a junior position could very easily change jobs or progress. One day they may have an opportunity for you, or become a client.

Don’t be bitchy art work. You could be the best person ever at your job but if people don’t trust you, or you’re not likeable, then it’s all for nothing.

Think before you speak! Plus don’t put anything in writing which could come back to haunt you.

Be proactive. Say things like: ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’. If you need a job which needs doing, just get on with it.

5. Be the best and always try to become better

Develop a skill set which is valuable, and always be the best you can be. Quality should be at the forefront of everything you do.

Do something you love! Try to find a passion that is connected to your career and become an expert in it. You will become the ‘go to’ person for that subject.

Learn to accept constructive criticism gracefully as this advice could be the making of you.

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4m · Published 16 May 05:00


Making improvements is the key to being there for others in your life. Not only does self-improvement help you perform your best, but your overall wellbeing will also be enhanced. People who make self-improvement a priority tend to have higher self-esteem and are also more resilient.

How to Self-improve:

1. Set goals for yourself

Setting goals will help you organize the things you want to achieve. You can do this by simply creating a list, or you can have some fun with it and make a vision board using pictures from magazines or the internet.

2. Surround yourself with people who want to see you do well

Someone once said you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. Ask yourself if the people you are spending time with want the best for you and your life. They should align with who you want to be.

3. Evaluate what isn’t working and eliminate those habits

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. Instead, take the time to evaluate what isn’t working and make the necessary improvements.

4. Learn new activity or skill

This is a chance to step outside your comfort zone and do something you have always wanted to do. Progress is better than perfection. People are learning new skills on the internet, for free, all of the time! NO EXCUSES!

5. Eat healthily and hydrate daily

We are made up mostly of water. We also are what we eat, so it is essential to treat your body like a temple. Feed yourself with nourishing items to make sure you have the energy to accomplish all of your goals.

6. Have compassion for yourself and others

Compassion is a huge factor in how you perceive life’s occurrences.

7. Clean your space regularly

Your physical space is a reflection of your mental health. Clearing the clutter in your space helps to clear the clutter in your mind.

8. Get active

Not only is getting active good for your physical wellbeing, but it is also good for relieving stress. So get active by going for a walk or dancing to your favorite songs.

Thanks for listening/reading, please drop you comment, suggestion, share and like

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The Steps behind every Progressive Mindset part 2

6m · Published 09 May 05:36

The Steps behind every Progressive Mindset

3. Create Your Game Plan

It is not enough to know what you want from life; you need to design a roadmap to get to your destination. Here’s what you can do: Break Your SMART Goals into Habits Begin by highlighting the good habits you need to cultivate and the bad habits you need to eliminate. Here’s how to break bad habits that can truncate your progress. Master One Habit at a Time Once you figure out the good habits to have in your life, then ensure you practice them daily.

Scientists revealed that you would need 18 to 254 days to develop new habits, and that a new habit will only become permanent after 66 days of practicing it. Once you have gained mastery over a habit, add more routines that will enable you to make progress in the direction of your goals.

4. Imbibe Positivity

A positive outlook means you are always optimistic about yourself, interactions, and events. It also determines your ability to expect favorable outcomes when working towards your life goals. Positivity is a mental posture that sees accomplishments and opportunities instead of failures and defeat. It will keep you hopeful when you are facing daunting challenges. A study on positive thinking revealed that visualizing positive images can reduce worry and anxiety.

How to maintain a positive outlook on life? 

• Look out for the best in every circumstance to be more progress-minded.

• Use positive affirmations. For instance, when you wake up, say, “I will work hard to complete all my milestones today.” 

• Associate with positive people that will support your progress. You need positive energy to consistently make progress in the direction of your goals. 

• Change your perspectives about failures and setbacks, see them as significant components of making progress.

5. Practice Reflection as You Progress

A lot of things will occur once you are determined to advance. You will learn new lessons and implement changes. You will form new habits and eliminate bad ones. It is reasonable to take time out and evaluate what worked and what did not. Ask yourself how you can improve and surmount new obstacles. You can log your answers in a diary or use a virtual journal to track your thoughts. Self-reflection will enable you to keep your goals in mind constantly, which will ultimately help you make progress.

How to make practicing Reflection happen?

Set up a Weekly Appointment With Yourself During this period, define your goals and reflect on them. It will also help you verify if your goals are still achievable. 

Ask Reflective Questions

Did I achieve all I planned? 

What salient lesson can I pick this week? 

What new thing did I learn, and what actions do I need to make progress?

6. Celebrate Your Achievements

It is highly important to acknowledge every milestone you complete as you make progress in life, no matter how little, it is worth celebrating. Celebrating your achievements will build your confidence and provide you with motivation to continue. One of the best ways to do this is by pampering yourself with rewards when you achieve a goal. These rewards could be things you enjoy, such as a special meal, or even a mini-vacation. These little rewards will continuously remind you of victory anytime you feel like giving up. Merely looking at your mini-vacation pictures will motivate you to keep working towards your next goals. Celebrating your achievements will enable you to build on existing momentum and will allow you to attract more successes. 

In conclusion, goals offer you a sense of purpose and fulfillment when accomplished. When you make progress relentlessly in the direction of your goals, you build up the confidence to overcome obstacles, and every setback becomes a stepping stone to achieve your next target.

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WeInspirePodcast has 105 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 12:19:23. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 23:10.

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