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Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom

by The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom podcast is a collection of the best moments from the legendary conservative talk radio host's career. Each episode includes insightful commentary on current events and cultural issues, as well as Limbaugh's signature wit and humor. From his early days as a radio DJ to his rise as the most influential political commentator of his generation, Limbaugh's timeless wisdom resonates today more than ever. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to his work, the Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in conservative politics and American culture.

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What You Need to Know to Understand All This Bannon Business

25m · Published 15 Oct 18:38

RUSH: The Steve Bannon interview… I’ve been getting emails all day from people who want my take on this, so I’m gonna go ahead and get into this now. I got to tell you again up front, I don’t know the guy. I haven’t even…

He’s been in a room twice when I have been with the president, but I’ve never been formally introduced even, and I’ve never spoken directly to him. So none of this is, to me, based on any personal knowledge I have of Bannon or the arrangement that Trump and Bannon have. All I can do is speculate hire, which I’ll be happy to do. Now, the reason that Washington’s in a tizzy today is because Bannon called Robert Kuttner at The American Prospect for an exclusive interview. This would be like Reagan calling Pravda.

Unreal, of all the people Bannon could call, he calls Kuttner at The American Prospect. He calls somebody that hates Trump as much as anybody hates Trump, and it was not off the record. He wanted it known. Whatever was in this interview, Bannon wants out there, and it’s out there. I watched Karl Rove react to it today and he was beside himself. He just could not believe any of this. He couldn’t believe any aspect of it, thought it was the craziest, strangest, oddest, dumbest thing he’s ever seen from any administration.

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Iran Watches Us Deal with North Korea

4m · Published 14 Oct 18:25

RUSH: Snerdley and I were talking about the North Koreans and their test. There is going to be a sanctions vote tomorrow, and once again, ladies and gentlemen, we have been shafted by the Russians and the Chinese. The vote on sanctions is tomorrow, and Fox had a little breaking news story this morning saying that an arms embargo will not be added to UN resolutions. There will be no ban on where the NorComs can fly in the resolution. I mean this is really watered down stuff, to be voted on tomorrow morning.

Now, all of this is supposed to deter North Korea? All of this is supposed to deter Iran? Make no mistake about something on this: The Iranians are watching all this very carefully, just as they were watching the Israeli-Hezbollah war. (They probably started that one just to check everybody’s resolve.) I did an interview with Joel Rosenberg earlier this week for an upcoming issue of the Limbaugh Letter, and Joel, I mean he’s convinced that the ChiComs and the NorComs have an alliance, but he really believes that the North Korea thing is something being sponsored by Iran to test everybody in the world’s reaction to it, just to see if we have the will anymore to stop rogue regimes like this from acquiring nuclear weapons.

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William Shatner’s Favorite Guest

4m · Published 13 Oct 19:19

RUSH: This is Michael in Jackson, Michigan. Welcome, sir. I’m glad you called. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, sir. God bless you and yours. Thanks for being there, and please keep fighting the good versus evil fight, would you?

RUSH: Thank you. Sir, I can’t do anything else. I think I’m genetically disposed to opposing all this stuff, so —

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: — I’m not going anywhere.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Good. Great. I have a fun Open Line Friday story for you.

RUSH: Okay, cool.

CALLER: Yeah. I get to do some interviews at — we have a Motor City Comic-Con in the Detroit area, and I got to interview William Shatner.

RUSH: Oh. Yeah. Cool.

CALLER: It was cool. And, you know, everyone was Star Trekking him to death, so I thought I’d ask him about his talk show, Raw Nerve, and I asked him who his favorite all-time guest was, and then I had a follow-up question of what was the best answer he got to a question from a guest. And he said his favorite guest of all time was you.

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PMSNBC Hosts Come Unhinged

6m · Published 12 Oct 18:55

RUSH: The people at MSNBC are unhinged. It seems like MSNBC both yesterday and today was playing my Today Show interview in toto: 11 minutes yesterday, 12 minutes today, which is an eternity in television. And the people at MSNBC are unhinged and upset that their network is running that interview and eating up their airtime. Chris Matthews, who has been concerned and complaining about the right ‘inciting violence,’ made a prediction this morning.

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Columbus Day Under Assault

3m · Published 11 Oct 16:56

RUSH: Bonnie in Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania, welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you, sir, hello. Ma’am! Sorry.

CALLER: That’s okay, Rush. Today is Columbus Day. And I would like you to talk about Christopher Columbus.

RUSH: Well, I have a stack of Christopher Columbus stuff here.

CALLER: Oh, great. Great.

RUSH: It’s not what you’re gonna want to hear.

CALLER: Maybe. (chuckles) I think he was a great, courageous visionary. I think he’s a great role model for today’s youth. He was an entrepreneur. If he didn’t come here, if he didn’t bump into America, who knows how the world would be different, but it would definitely be different.

RUSH: I know. We wouldn’t have cigars.

CALLER: (laughing) That’s right we wouldn’t have all this great food. We wouldn’t have freedom, because he really laid the foundation for that here. And I’m so frustrated when I hear only the bad things about him and all the garbage that they taught in the schools about him, and so I’d like to ask everybody to put their flag out today and maybe make a good dinner for their family and celebrate Columbus Day.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: You bet. I’m glad you called. From the Rasmussen Reports Web page: ‘Twenty-four percent of Americans believe we should not honor Columbus with a national holiday.’ This is the result of government and multicultural education winning. From, let’s see, where’s this from? The Washington Post. Boyce Rensberger, November 1, 1992. We went back to the archives. This is, what, seventeen…? Man, oh, man that’s seventeen years ago. ‘The chief rival position — called the Columbian theory — argues that there was no syphilis in Europe until Columbus took it there. Advocates of this view agree that ‘leprosy’ was a mixture of true leprosy with other sexually transmitted diseases, but that none of them was syphilis. More likely, they argue, the other disease was gonorrhea,’ which my health teacher in junior high be pronounced gong-gorrhea. ‘Question: Did Syphilis Sail to Europe With Columbus and Crew?’ And they’ve been debating this.

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The Path To October 8th: Timeline

2m · Published 08 Oct 16:00

RUSH: Here is the path, by the way, to October 8th. The Path to October 8th is the sequel to The Path to 9/11. The Path to October 8th — of course that’s when Kim Jong ll tests his little nuke.

1993: North Korea shocks the world by saying it will quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and then layered suspends its withdrawal.

1994: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement in Geneva, North Korea pledging to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for help building two power producing nuclear reactors.

That was the sucker deal made with Madeleine Albright — Jimmy Carter did some advance work — and with the Clinton administration. So it was 1994, Clinton’s second year in office that North Korea ran the sucker deal to perfection against the United States.

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EIB Network Helps Julie Live Her Dream

13m · Published 07 Oct 16:00

RUSH: Julie in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hello. How are you?

RUSH: Fine. Thank you.

CALLER: I just wanted to tell you a funny story. I’ve listened to you since 2000, and in 2004 I decided to go back to college after being out of high school for ten years, much because of what I’ve heard on your show about how you can do anything. You should do anything; you should not be okay with mediocre, et cetera, et cetera. You are the only one that’s ever put that idea in my head.

RUSH: Is that right? Your whole life?

CALLER: Yeah. (laughs) Yeah, it’s been that kind of life. But yes, that’s correct, and it was drilled in my head over and over again from listening to your show, you know, “Go out and do it. Just do it. You know, make something better of yourself. You have opportunity.” So I went back to school in 2004 and I had a professor who had a master’s and was working on his second master’s who was so book smart, you know, thought he knew everything, and he would bring up arguments in class over the economy, amendments, laws, different things — and I’m telling you what, the only thing I’d done since high school was work, and then I started listening to your show. I could go toe to toe with that guy and argue with him about anything, and make him look stupid in front of the class just by listening to your show. (Laughing)

RUSH: Did he know that he looked stupid or did he give you problems? Did he think you were being insolent and disrespectful?

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Are Liberals Truly Offended by Foley?

3m · Published 06 Oct 16:00

RUSH: I have to admit, my friends, I’m a little confused about certain aspects of the situation here involving Mark Foley and the page. Now, the school system, the public school system has since the late eighties been teaching us that kids are going to have sex, we can’t stop ’em, it’s not our business to stop ’em. I mean, we’ve gone so far as teaching them to use condoms with bananas, or in some cases peanuts, cucumbers, but peanuts, too. You have to give them all life possibilities out there. And we had parents out on Long Island who are inviting their kids to have their boyfriend or girlfriend spend the night at the house because it would be cleaner and safer than if they were conjugating in the back seat of the family sedan. They went so far as to say we might even put a pack of cigarettes on the nightstand so that you can have a smoke after you have sex. Now I realize that that’s sex among teenagers, but the public education sex ed. program does not say that it’s wrong. You start talking abstinence to them, and they go nuts. Yeah, easy for you to say. We can’t stop these kids, so we gave ’em condoms to encourage the risky behavior.

Now, the liberals also tell us that sex and gender issues are just lifestyles, not choices. Maybe choices in the case of sex changes like the chopadickoffame and the adadictomy, but these are just lifestyle things, gender and so forth, we’re not to condemn. Any two people can love each other, any four people can love each other. You can define your family however you want, including your animal or animals. This we have been taught by the tolerant left among us. Kids can have sex, too. Not with somebody just in their age-group, alternative lifestyles, but not if the person is sexually active but younger, apparently. So we find here that there are limits. There are things that will offend liberals. Or are there? Because I continue to ask, are they really offended by this? How many of them wish they were in on the action?

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Jim Geraghty on “Voting to Kill”

14m · Published 05 Oct 16:30

RUSH: I’d like to welcome to the program Jim Geraghty from National Review Online. He has a blog called The Kerry Spot, TKS. It’s just a brilliant body of work. During the campaign of 2004 it was cited often by me — not stolen by me, but cited often by me — on this program. Jim has a book out called Voting to Kill. It’s been out since September 19th. He went out and interviewed a number of Americans about the issues on their minds as the midterm elections come up in November. Jim, welcome, it’s great to have you with us.GERAGHTY: Rush, some very long-awaited mega dittos. Thanks so much for having me on.

RUSH: You bet. Jim, I’m going to start off by telling you a little story — and let me ask. I don’t want to be wrong in my presumption, but the focal point of the book is that the people you’ve talked to do take seriously the threat posed by terrorists around the world — whatever you want to call them, Islamofascists. The war on terror, it’s a serious thing to them, correct?

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Liberal Stalinists Don’t Believe in Freedom of the Press

5m · Published 04 Oct 17:53

RUSH: Rich in San Marcos, California. You’re next on the program. It’s great to have you with us.

CALLER: Yeah, hi.


CALLER: About this thing about Broder [sic] and Fox, I find it kind of interesting in that, you know, they’re the ones who believe in freedom of the press, and when they have opposition they want to shut ’em down. Typical, but what if Fox went after those guys?

RUSH: They are. Fox is beating them. That’s the thing.

CALLER: Well, they’re beating them with ratings. I mean, beat them with facts, beat them up on stories, start pulling these guys and make them responsible like Broder. He writes a bunch of trash —

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! It wasn’t Broder, David Bauder: B-a-u-d-e-r. He’s a writer for the Associated Press. He’s a Drive-By Media guy, and what you’re talking about, what you’re actually saying is, “What if Republicans went on CNN and every time Wolf Blitzer asked them a question, “A-ha! I see you’re in Nancy Pelosi’s purse, and you’re in Harry Reid’s back pocket. I can tell when these –“

CALLER: Yeah, get a backbone.

RUSH: That’s what you’re saying, right?

CALLER: Yeah. Get a backbone. Fight back.

RUSH: I have done that.

CALLER: Well, you have, sir.

RUSH: I have done that. I did it with Paula Zahn, with Katie Couric once way, way back a long time ago on the Today Show. I do it. I refuse to accept their premise.

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Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom has 1318 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 74:04:29. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on June 16th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 22nd, 2024 07:17.

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