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Moms Into Business

by Jessica

- leading mothers to create a profitable business without sacrificing faith, family, or sanity.

Copyright: Jessica


Ep 44 How to shred write and why YOU NEED TO with Lyndsey V

32m · Published 31 Mar 12:20

Lyndsey Van Sickle, known as Lyndsey V, is a compelling, burn-out speaker. She knows what it is to live under immense pressure and sees how the stresses of our day block productivity and passion. Her keynotes are hands-on and focus on life’s unsaids, the real cause of burnout, to get professionals back to their original passions. Lyndsey is the author of The Black Book. She is a member of the National Speakers Association. She is a passionate wife, and mama to four, with a love for speaking and outdoor adventures with her family. She has a dog named Cubby who is really more of a rug than a dog.

  • how did The Black Book come about?
  • What really causes stress or emotional weight?
  • why is it that pain feels so “bad” to us to feel?
  • Is it really possible to go from pain to power? How?
  • What is shred writing?
  • How do you “shred write”? Why? We can do a mini shred session if you would like.
  • Why not just keep the paper you write on?

Find more about Lyndsey HERE: or Instagram @lyndseyv_

Ep 43 How to Create and Achieve Goals with Ashlee Stratton

28m · Published 24 Mar 13:00

Ashlee Stratton is a highly requested, award-winning motivational speaker who gets results. With a background in performance, she powerfully shares her goal-setting, habit stacking and get-results tools to help women create a life they love. From her training with one of the Top Ten Motivational Speakers in the world, Ashlee engages AND entertains her audience as they learn life-changing skills. 

As a Certified Speaker through Connie Sokol DTL Speakers Academy and through her Global Leadership Training, Ashlee knows how to teach, inspire, and motivate an audience to action. Ashlee is also at home with high profile guests as she hosts her podcast series on “Purpose Filled Life” and is an engaging emcee for women and private networking events. 

Off the stage, Ashlee is a wife to her best friend Rob, and a mother of 4 children. When she isn’t mothering or speaking, you’ll find her playing pickleball, fulfilling her church assignments, baking something yummy, reading, or spending time outdoors with her family.

  • Learn how to properly set goals with the highest achievement rate. Zig Ziglar said, "A goal properly set is a goal halfway achieved."

  • Create habits that actually stick.

  • The secret to keep moving forward.

    Find more about Ashlee here

    Ashlee's Instagram @realashleestratton

Ep 42 Confident in Sales with Krystal Jackson

33m · Published 03 Mar 14:35

In this episode, my guest is former All American Volleyball player for UCLA and professional Athlete, Krystal Jackson.  Krystal built Jackson Strength Academy from the ground up and is now a mindset and performance coach for entrepreneurs and athletes.

We discuss building your confidence in sales.  STOP making sales about you and really turning into service mode.

SALES is serving!! When you really do what you LOVE and step into your gifts the sales will come.

Follow Krystal on Instagram: @krystalsuejackson

My website:

Connect with me on Instagram @jessicabritepeterson

DON'T Forget Money Mindset series is March 6-10th on Instagram everyday with LIVE experts between 12pm and 1pm Central Time.

Ep 41 Money Mindset

5m · Published 24 Feb 16:28

Should we talk about money?

Okay, let's talk about money.

I see people act like money is evil.

Money is a tool..

it can be used to serve God's Kingdom.

How do we build temples?

How do we go on missions?

How do we touch lives?

It all requires money.

Money is a resource.

So why do we feel shame about having nice things?

I remember when my husband got his truck, someone we knew approached him and asked him why he got it.

He felt embarrassed but answered, "Well, I wanted it."

Simple, right?

Haha, well, at least it should be.

When my husband and I finally had the breakthrough in our business, we could not only take care of our family, but it also allowed us the freedom to pour back into others.

We were able to feed families...

Give Clothing...

Give Presents...

Help moms...

That's how prosperity is supposed to work. You're supposed to spread it around like manure, let it fertilize the ground, and watch things grow.

If you garden, you get the analogy, haha.

Having money isn't evil. It's how you use it and how you view it.

Money can be beautiful when it's in the right place.

So what is your mindset around money?

Do you look at money as evil? Or is money a tool you can use to help others and serve The Kingdom of God?

The way we view money says a lot about your view of life.

Do you believe Heavenly Father wants to bless you with resources to do His work, or do we believe He wants you to struggle?

Of course, He wants to bless you.

I know I struggled with my mindset around money for a long time, if you would like support with this, join me March 6th- March 10th on Instagram where I will be going LIVE with various mom experts sharing and debunking money myths!

Join me at @jessicabritepeterson on IG March 6-10th!! Money Mindset Series

Ep. 40 Your Perfectionism is actually THIS in disguise

4m · Published 20 Feb 20:10

When I first started my business, I let all the "rules of success" cripple me into perfectionism...

I have to have a perfect aesthetic on Instagram

I have to have the best possible website

My photos need to be flawless and professional

And then the worst of it... I would scroll and compare myself to all the other women in a similar field. I would see beautiful pictures, them hitting every launch, crushing it in sales, and I was left feeling like a nobody, failing at this business thing.

Let me tell you none of those things made me money...

In fact, it actually stopped me from making money.

I was so hyper focused on it being perfect that I was constantly waiting...

-Waiting for my website to be just right

-Waiting for my photos to get back

-Waiting to feel ready.

That's when I realized that my perfectionism was actually procrastination.

Most coaches are telling you how to have the perfect Social Media or the perfect branding, but what I've realized is people don't care about that!

In fact, they want to see imperfect.

They want to know YOU!

They want to know the raw, authentic, and messy side of life.

They want to know they are not alone.

I have four kids, and as much as I love to organize and schedule and have all the things in place, life is messy, and it's important that we show that side of ourselves.

It's also important to know what moves your needle, and having the perfect curated page is not what will uplevel your business.

Connection will.

Being there for someone will.

Putting yourself out there will.

So If you feel like you have to wait to make everything perfect before you get started, I want you to stop yourself and ask what is this really about.

Perfection won't sell anything – but being you will!

If you’re thinking, "Wow, Jessica, this sounds just like me. But how do I step out of perfectionism?"

Or maybe you’re scared and need to be coached through it...

I would love to support you. I’ve got a few different ways we can work together and we can choose the best fit for you right now! Click the link below and we’ll jump on a quick chat to hash it out!.

Challenge yourself to take action on this NOW, and not let this be another procrastination parading as perfectionism situation. Dare you!

What's your zone of genius?

6m · Published 03 Feb 04:10

After becoming a mom I felt a little lost. I yearned to share my gifts, build up women, and inspire others. And I was so narrow minded I didn’t think I could at the time.

HOW?  I was a young mom of small children!!

Well, Heavenly Father knows me so well! He called me as a full time early morning seminary teacher and office manager for my husband.  A complete 360 from the previous 8 years.

He knew all the years of teaching and building my husband's business would get me back to my zone of genius.

Do you know what it takes to get into your zone of genius?

And you're like, what?

Zone of genius?

Let’s break down this random business term and relate it to your life

1. your zone of genius, what you absolutely love to do

2. your zone of confidence, what you are AMAZING at doing and comes naturally to you

3. the things that you do that are necessary for your business but you don't necessarily like them,

4. and then the things that you flat out hate, but that they're part of the job.(spoiler alert- these will be the first to get outsourced!)

Understanding these pieces so you can create time and space for them. As well as giving yourself grace that you don’t have to love every piece of your business.

. My zone of genius is helping moms know their potential, purpose and then helping them bridge the gap between vision and reality.  Knowing it’s possible to create a business and be an incredible momma at the same time.

Now my zone of confidence. IS ORGANIZATION!!! I am a wiz at creating 90 day plans, time organization, and getting stuff done. I GET the math of business and how structuring works.

My mid level is – social media – I will do it but I don’t love it. I know it’s good for business.

Lastly, what do I hate- let’s be honest----it’s the tech stuff, ugh.  Coding, website, landing pages not my favorite at all. BUT, it’s yet again important.

WHY is this so important? Well, because then you get to access your needle movers in business.

What actually makes you money $$$!

That is what you get to market and sell.

Alright, now it’s your turn to share!! What are your zones? Write them down and send me a screenshot!

I highly recommend you use your zones as you create your business plan and goals.

Moms Into Business

Episode- 38 "BAD Advice" for mompreneurs

11m · Published 27 Jan 19:39

There is so much "advice" out there...

If I had listened to all the naysayers, I would never have the coaching business I do today. I would never be helping the women I do. That's why I wanted to highlight some of the "advice" I know we all hear so we can crush them together.

People will always try to discourage you from pursuing your dreams.

Bad advice is simply a way to sabotage your success.

These are some of the things I heard when I started my first business. I'm sure you have heard some of them too.

1. "Being a mom and starting a business is selfish. You will be taking time away from your kids. Why not wait till they are in school or, better yet, when they go to college? It's just not the right time." Life is NOW!! This is where I see moms lose their identity. In reality, being a mom in business is selfless, not selfish. Your kids watching you chase your dreams is one of the most amazing things you can do for them.

2. " Be careful about investing. Most Businesses Fail." I see this so often with women. They want to know they will be profitable before investing in their business. When you do this, you say you don't believe in yourself. But that's not how business works. You have to jump before you see the results.

3. "Can you really help people?" or "Why would you charge for helping people?" You usually hear this when you speak your dreams to small-minded people. Of course, you can help people, and of course, you get to charge for those services.

4.  "If you need childcare for your kids, you don't know how to handle it all." This is the biggest lie. We are meant to be in community. Hiring a nanny or sending your kid to preschool is not selfish. As much as we would like to... we can't do it all. That only leads to burnout.

5.  "Don't share your success with everyone because they will be jealous, and nobody likes a show-off."If you have people in your life who are not celebrating your success, it's because, deep down, they would love to be doing what you are doing. So share your success with others because the more you share your success, the more you invite others to rise up.

Which one made you flinch?? Number 4 for me!

Interested in joining Moms Into Business???? Join HERE

Being YOU in business...

7m · Published 20 Jan 11:00

I did trainings and certifications with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Shanda Sumpter, Tara Oldridge, and many others

I did everything to a T as they recommended!! AND I wasn’t seeing the results.


Was something wrong with me?  Am I not made for this?

I was crying to my husband again!! He was getting tired of my roller coaster of emotions with my business.  And frankly so was I!!!

Nothing was wrong with me…it was the way I was doing it.

I wasn’t doing it my way – I was doing it everyone else’s way!

I was afraid my way wouldn’t work, people wouldn’t like me, they must know better than me because they have more experience!

Yes, those are all valid concerns and not true.

My business grows when I am TRULY being me!!

Applying the coaching and training I have received and putting my spin on it!

That’s what’s so genius about business – we all have our unique way of doing similar things.

Finding your so to speak “JAM” is so important for growth!!

90 Day Business Plan

Struggling with an action plan or you don’t even know what to take action on?

How would you feel if you had a 90 day plan by the end of this week? A plan that maps out how to achieve that $$ goal in your business.

Let’s do this together!!

GET YOUR FREE 90 Day Business Plan and Template Training for Free HERE

Set yourself up for success! Create a plan for marketing so you know HOW to actually achieve your goals.

Can't wait to hear what you are creating this year! Reply to [email protected] 

or find me on IG @ jessicabritepeterson


Episode 36- Permission in business

10m · Published 05 Dec 18:44

Clarity + Commitment + Courageous Action = Confidence

Ask yourself

1. Who am I really?

2. What do I want to do in this stage of life?

3. What moves me?

What’s most important?

Progress vs. activity

Give Myself Permission:

Permission letter

Dear ,

I give you permission to…..

From your greatest support,


4 Areas of Permission:

1. New Story

2. Success without apologizing

3. Struggle to be bad until good

4. Significant – new legacy

1. Clarity

2. Permission Letter

3. Take courageous action to be congruent with it


Schedule a discover call with Jessica here 

Episode 36- Permission in business

10m · Published 05 Dec 18:44

Clarity + Commitment + Courageous Action = Confidence

Ask yourself

1. Who am I really?

2. What do I want to do in this stage of life?

3. What moves me?

What’s most important?

Progress vs. activity

Give Myself Permission:

Permission letter

Dear ,

I give you permission to…..

From your greatest support,


4 Areas of Permission:

1. New Story

2. Success without apologizing

3. Struggle to be bad until good

4. Significant – new legacy

1. Clarity

2. Permission Letter

3. Take courageous action to be congruent with it


Schedule a discover call with Jessica here 

Moms Into Business has 56 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 22:43:40. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 04:11.

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