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The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast

by Caitlin Fisher

The podcast for creatives of all types (and neurotypes) to celebrate passion and creativity, stop hiding your unique brilliance, and embrace what makes your mind and spirit come alive! Previously known as Run Like Hell Toward Happy, this show is hosted by Caitlin Fisher, a writing and creative coach who helps neurodivergent, chronically ill, and/or queer folks connect with their most passionate lives.

Copyright: Caitlin Fisher


It's Okay To Be a Beginner | #99

19m · Published 06 Oct 12:00

In a world driven by achievement and external validation, it's easy to forget the simple joy of being a beginner. Many of us fear failure, judgment, or not measuring up to some arbitrary standard of success. But what if we told you that it's not only okay to be a beginner but also a wonderful and liberating experience?

In this episode, we'll explore the beauty of embracing your inner novice, learning from mistakes, and finding fulfillment in the process itself!

Key Points:

  • Letting go of the need for mastery and external validation

  • The joy and fulfillment in being a beginner

  • Learning extends beyond the act of creation

  • Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process

  • How to alleviate self-induced pressure in your creative endeavors

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • “Repeat after me: IT’S OKAY TO BE A BEGINNER!”

  • "Your whimsy matters. Your joy matters. Your creative expression matters, regardless of where it takes you."

  • "Failure is not the end; it's a stepping stone on your creative path."

  • "Being a beginner is not a sign of weakness; it's a testament to your willingness to learn and grow."

  • “Capitalism wants you to have a dream so that it can crush it… but when the dream is simply the whimsy, then Capitalism can't take that from you. The whimsy is within. Embrace your whimsy!”

Related episodes that you’d love:

  • Episode 98 - Demystifying the Glorification of Being Busy

  • Episode 97 - Audacity: When is it GOOD or bad?

  • Episode 95 - Why You Are Good at Stuff Right Away

  • Episode 94 - Embrace Your Autistic Joy

  • Episode 93 - 5 Reasons Neurodivergent Brains are EXCELLENT for Creative Roles


In a world that often prioritizes achievement and external validation, it's essential to reclaim the joy of being a beginner. Whether you're starting a new hobby, exploring a creative passion, or simply trying something new, remember that your whimsy and joy are valid. Embrace the chaos of being a novice, relish the process, and don't let the fear of failure hold you back.

Being a beginner is not a sign of weakness; it's a testament to your willingness to learn and grow. So, go ahead, take that first step, and let your creative journey begin!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!
Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Demystifying the Glorification of Being Busy | #98

20m · Published 29 Sep 12:00

Hey there, sunshine! Welcome back to the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. I'm your host, Caitlin Fisher, and today we're diving deep into a topic that affects us all: the glorification of being busy.

In our fast-paced world, it often feels like being busy is a badge of honor. We're constantly hustling, striving, and filling our schedules to the brim. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? In this episode, we'll explore the culture of busyness, the dangers of glorifying it, and how you can reclaim your life by finding balance.

Key Points:

  • How to recognize and challenge the glorification of busyness

  • Necessary busyness vs. Unhealthy hustle culture

  • The importance of embracing downtime and self-care

  • How to create sensory experiences that promote relaxation and enjoyment

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • “We don't have to love our jobs to go to them and make money. That's fine. But you don't have to exhaust yourself in order to earn rest or earn time off or earn play. You deserve to do nourishing things.”

  • "That kind of busy is a sacrifice to our capitalist overlords who want us to be tired so that we do not understand that they are oppressing us. I'm not here for it."

  • "We have, ‘I must burn things to keep myself warm.’ And we don't love that. We have dumpster fire, which is, ‘I must be directly contributing to the dumpster fire of society's obsession with productivity and hustle culture.’ We don't like either of these fires. These are not good fires. The fire that I would like to see is the passionate fire in your heart."

Related episodes that you’d love:

  • Episode 97 - Audacity: When is it GOOD or bad?

  • Episode 92 - QUIET QUITTING: Reclaim the BARE MINIMUM

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You

  • Episode 86 - There’s Never Any Time!

  • Episode 82 - Linear Careers Are a Myth


In a world that glorifies busyness, it's essential to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. Remember this: "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE BUSY ALL THE TIME!" Embrace a balanced life, one that includes work, rest, play, and self-care. Finding that equilibrium is the key to living a more fulfilling and joyful life in this crazy, hectic world.

So, next time someone asks you how you're doing, let go of the need to say, "I'm good, but really busy." Instead, proudly declare that you're taking steps to nourish your body and soul, finding contentment in the spaces between the chaos. Love yourself, mean it, and prioritize what truly matters.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Audacity: When is it GOOD or bad? | #97

19m · Published 22 Sep 12:00

Welcome to another empowering episode of the NeuroDivergent Creative Podcast. In this episode, we're diving deep into the concept of audacity – what it means, why it's essential, and how it can empower you to advocate for yourself. Join Caitlin Liz Fisher as she expands on her thoughts about the duality of audacity, celebrating its positive impact, and discovering how to make audacious asks while respecting boundaries!

Key Points:

  • The true meaning of audacity and how it can empower you

  • The importance of practicing audacity in safe contexts

  • How to celebrate audacity, even when the outcome isn't what you expected

  • The significance of reclaiming your space and asserting your rights

  • Why it's essential to normalize asking for help and support

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • "Having the audacity to ask for support and help is audacious, and that's great because you are learning how to take up that space, how to advocate for yourself."

  • "Normalize the act of asking, even if the answer is no. Audacity is about the courage to ask, not just the outcome."

  • Audacity involves reclaiming space and asserting your rights. It's about saying, "This is mine, and I have the audacity to take it back."

Related episodes that you’d love:

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You

  • Episode 94 - Embrace Your Autistic Joy

  • Episode 96 - BLOCKED! Curating Your Online Space


In this episode, we've explored the transformative power of audacity. It's not just about boldness; it's about reclaiming your space, advocating for yourself, and asking for help when needed. Audacity empowers you to break free from societal norms and assert your rights, all while respecting the boundaries of others.

I hope you remember that at its core, audacity isn't about always getting a yes; it's about having the courage to ask. So, embrace audacity, celebrate your ability to take up space, and let it empower you on your journey of self-advocacy.

Stay tuned for more episodes that inspire and empower the NeuroDivergent Creative in you. And remember, audacity is your superpower!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

BLOCKED! Curating Your Online Space | #96

23m · Published 15 Sep 12:00

In this episode, host Caitlin Liz Fisher explores the misconceptions surrounding blocking and delves into the importance of curating our online spaces. They expand on why liberally using the block button is a necessary act of self-preservation rather than rudeness. By curating our online spaces, we can shield ourselves from negativity and toxic behavior that can negatively impact our mental well-being.

So, tune in to explore and reclaim the power of blocking trolls and other hateful input, as well as how it allows us to effectively curate our online spaces for a healthier and more positive online experience.

Key Points:

  • Misconceptions around blocking

  • Overcoming guilt or hesitation

  • Curating your online space and liberally using the block button

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • “What matters today is that blocking is literally a requirement for being able to call your app a social media app. You have to be able to set that boundary to say, I do not want this person in my space.”

  • “It doesn't matter what I block you for, the key is that I blocked you because I don't want to absorb your take. Your hot take is not on my menu. Thank you. Goodbye.”

  • "Prioritize your well-being over the fear of seeming mean or rude online.”

  • “When you want somebody in your life, that means that you are willing to bring up a conflict with them. We're not auto-blocking people that we want in our life. We will talk to them before we end up blocking.”

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • 5 Reasons neurodivergent brains are excellent for creative roles

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You

  • Embrace Your Autistic Joy


Blocking individuals who bring negativity or toxicity online, can help you create a safer and healthier internet experience for yourself. Blocking is an internet boundary and is crucial for maintaining your mental well-being and avoiding unnecessary confrontations. Don't hesitate to prioritize your own peace over the fear of seeming mean or rude.

Remember, blocking is not about being unable to handle someone's truth; it is about creating boundaries and preserving your own energy. So, embrace the power of blocking and confidently curate your online space for a more positive and fulfilling online experience.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Why You Are Good At Stuff Right Away| #95

17m · Published 08 Sep 12:00

Have you ever marveled at those individuals who seem to effortlessly excel at new skills or concepts right from the start? Perhaps you've wondered if they possess some kind of secret superpower when it comes to learning. Well, wonder no more!

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, host Caitlin Liz Fisher explores a fascinating topic that often leaves people scratching their heads -- why some individuals seem to excel at new things right from the start! Drawing on insights from experts and personal experiences, Caitlin expands on the mysteries of quick learning and how neurodivergent minds play a unique role in this process.

Key Points:

  • How neurodiversity intersects with rapid skill acquisition

  • The beauty of self-compassion and forgiveness

  • How embracing imperfections can lead to growth and personal development

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • "If you are good at something right out of the gate, it is probably because you have been learning it vicariously through the media you are consuming."

  • “My theory is that when I am watching reels of people making art in a way that I have not done with my own hands, I can see how it's going to work. I can tell how that would work as if I were the one doing it.”

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • 5 Reasons neurodivergent brains are excellent for creative roles

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You

  • Embrace Your Autistic Joy


Quick learning is a fantastical journey filled with twists, turns, and breathtaking insights. Your neurodivergent mind is a treasure trove of potential, just waiting to be unleashed. So, embrace your passion, channel your curiosity, and let your unique learning abilities shine. Even if you're not good at stuff right away; you're still fantastic!

Thank you for joining us on this creative adventure, and stay tuned for more fun insights and recollections at the intersection of neurodiversity and creativity in future episodes. Keep learning, keep creating, and see you again next week!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Embrace Your Autistic Joy | #94

16m · Published 01 Sep 12:00

Welcome to another episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, where we dive into empowering topics that inspire personal growth and celebrate diversity. In today's episode, we explore the theme of embracing our moments of cringe, or what Caitlin likes to call her, moments of autistic joy.

Tune in as Caitlin Liz Fisher shares their unique perspective and experiences as an individual on the autism spectrum. Expand your understanding of neurodiversity and discover the transformative power of embracing joy and living your one and only life unapologetically - this episode is everything!

Key Points:

  • Demystifying autism and debunking misconceptions

  • How to celebrate and embrace neurodiversity

  • Strategies for finding joy in everyday life as an autistic individual

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • "Autism is not a deficit, but a unique way of perceiving and experiencing the world."

  • "By embracing neurodiversity, we unlock the tremendous potential that lies within each individual."

  • "Finding joy in ordinary moments is the key to living a fulfilling and happy life as an autistic person."

  • “Do I want to hang out with somebody who thinks my autistic joy is somehow bad because they think it's childish? What does childish mean? Kids are awesome! Kids are inquisitive and curious and they want to know stuff and they want to just try new things and they're less afraid than we are of being a beginner at something.”

  • “I cringe at the fact that none of us are going for anything fun and exciting because it's too scary. No, it's not! It's just outside the norm. We have been trained and socialized to do things that fit in the norm for safety.”

  • “Give me dinosaurs. I want dinosaurs. I want bright colors. I want art. I do not care if anybody else thinks it's cringey, as long as it makes me happy!”

  • “Do stuff. Do stuff you enjoy. As long as you're not hurting anybody. Really, that's basically it. Just don't shit on anybody else's good time. That's pretty much it.”

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • 5 Reasons neurodivergent brains are excellent for creative roles

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You


Join us in this insightful conversation as we delve into the realm of autism and the power of embracing joy within the neurodiverse community. Through debunking misconceptions, celebrating neurodiversity, and finding joy in everyday experiences, we can create a world that values and uplifts individuals on the autism spectrum. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to embrace your autistic joy and unlock the limitless potential within yourself.

PS ­- As always, remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with others who may benefit from its empowering message. Thank you for joining us, and let's continue to spread joy and inclusivity together!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

5 Reasons Neurodivergent Brains are EXCELLENT for Creative Roles | #93

24m · Published 25 Aug 12:00

In this episode of the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, Caitlin Liz Fisher shares her thoughts about an intriguing article by Dana Randall, an accessibility and inclusive design expert, titled "5 Reasons Neurodivergent Brains are Great in Creative Roles."

Tune in as they explore the unique strengths of neurodivergent individuals in creative fields, and how they contribute to their success.

Key Points:

  • The unique strengths and advantages that neurodivergent individuals bring to creative role

  • Practical insights and strategies for leveraging these strengths in your own creative endeavors

  • The importance of recognizing and celebrating neurodivergent talents in the creative industry

  • How to overcome challenges in communication and embrace the power of clear messaging

  • How neurodivergent minds excel in problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • "Neurodivergent brains are a huge asset to creative roles because we're very good at creative thinking, creative problem-solving, creative everything." - Caitlin Liz Fisher

  • "Neurodivergent individuals possess a heightened sensitivity to colors, enabling them to create visually appealing designs." - Dana Randall

  • "Our unique cognitive processes and perspectives allow us to offer fresh ideas and innovative solutions to creative projects." - Caitlin Liz Fisher

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • 5 Reasons neurodivergent brains are excellent for creative roles

  • Episode 57 - Sunshine in The Storm: Handling Inner and Outer Conflict with Petra Vega

  • Episode 82 - Linear Careers are a Myth

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You

  • Episode 92 - QUIET QUITTING: Reclaim the BARE MINIMUM


Neurodivergent individuals possess incredible strengths that make them exceptional in creative roles. From their heightened color sensitivity to their attention to detail, clear messaging, creative problem-solving, and unique perspectives, their contributions to the creative world are invaluable. Join us in embracing and celebrating neurodivergent creativity as we explore the remarkable talents of these individuals.

PS - Hey, Sunshine! Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Stay tuned for more inspiring discussions and insights into the world of neurodivergent creativity. Remember, your unique voice and talents matter. Keep creating and embracing your neurodivergent brilliance!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism


23m · Published 18 Aug 12:00

In this episode, we swan dive into the phenomenon of quiet quitting and challenge the traditional notions of loyalty and going above and beyond in the workplace. Join Caitlin Liz Fisher as we uncover the truth behind this gaslighting phrase and explore why reclaiming the bare minimum is a powerful act of self-preservation.

Key Points:

  • What is quiet quitting and its implications in the workplace

  • How fear tactics influence individuals to sacrifice personal well-being

  • Why loyalty to a company should not come at the expense of self-care

  • Practical strategies for setting boundaries and prioritizing your mental and physical health

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 91 - How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You


You have the power to redefine what success looks like in your career. Embracing the concept of quiet quitting is not about laziness or lacking ambition, but rather about asserting your worth and reclaiming your right to a work-life balance. Prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and let go of toxic expectations. Reclaim the bare minimum and stand up for your well-being.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

How Disability Accommodations Should Work for You | #91

19m · Published 11 Aug 12:00

Accommodations are not just limited to schools or workplaces; they can greatly benefit individuals with physical or learning disabilities in various aspects of their lives. Creating accommodations for yourself doesn't just prevent burnout, it also empowers you to conquer daily challenges with more confidence and ease!

Join Caitlin Liz Fisher here on the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast as she expands on the topic of disability accommodations and what you can do to make them work for you. 

Key Points:

  • The importance of accommodations in mitigating burnout and improving overall well-being

  • The process of accessing accommodations in educational institutions and workplaces

  • The various types of accommodations available and how they can be tailored to individual needs

  • Strategies for effectively utilizing accommodations to maximize productivity and success

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 84 - Is Your Hobby Dormant or Are You Over it?


Accommodations can be life-changing for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to thrive in various environments. By understanding the importance of accommodations and how to effectively utilize them, you can unlock your potential, avoid burnout, and achieve success in your personal and professional endeavors. 

So, take the initiative to create accommodations for yourself, my friend. You 1,000% deserve to have support systems in place that will help you thrive wherever you are in your neurodivergent creative journey!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

How to Understand and Evaluate a Discontinued Creative Project (when you have ADHD) | #90

16m · Published 04 Aug 12:00

Get ready for another enlightening discussion on the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast with host Caitlin Liz Fisher! In this episode, "How to Understand and Evaluate a Discontinued Creative Project (when you have ADHD)," they dive into the intriguing world of creative project postmortems, specifically to understand why neurodivergents end up abandoning creative projects. 

Tune in to discover valuable insights on recognizing patterns, overcoming decision fatigue, seeking guidance, assessing project feasibility, and exploring alternative solutions without driving yourself bananas.

Key Points:

  • How to identify patterns in discontinued creative projects

  • Strategies to combat decision fatigue and make progress in creative endeavors

  • How to assess the feasibility and realistic expectations of a creative project

  • Exploring alternative paths to continue and adapt the project

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 84 - Is Your Hobby Dormant or Are You Over it?


Discontinuing a creative project does not equate to failure!

Instead, it presents an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and adaptation. By recognizing patterns, overcoming decision fatigue, seeking guidance, and assessing project feasibility, we can pave the way for new avenues and possibilities. So let's embrace the challenge, break free from self-doubt, and find fulfillment in our creative endeavors. 

Remember, the journey may have its ups and downs, but with the right mindset and determination (and embracing the bare minimum!), we can turn discontinued projects into stepping stones toward understanding our motivations better. 

Keep creating, keep evolving, and never stop unleashing your unique creative genius upon the world. (mic drop)


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast has 138 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 61:39:05. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 06:49.

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