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The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast

by Caitlin Fisher

The podcast for creatives of all types (and neurotypes) to celebrate passion and creativity, stop hiding your unique brilliance, and embrace what makes your mind and spirit come alive! Previously known as Run Like Hell Toward Happy, this show is hosted by Caitlin Fisher, a writing and creative coach who helps neurodivergent, chronically ill, and/or queer folks connect with their most passionate lives.

Copyright: Caitlin Fisher


9 Ways To Fight Negative Thoughts | #89

22m · Published 28 Jul 12:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, host Caitlin Liz Fisher explores the topic of battling negative thoughts and shares nine ways to combat them. Caitlin emphasizes the importance of reframing self-sabotaging beliefs and encourages listeners to challenge the validity of their negative thoughts.

Key Points:

  • Unpacking your limiting beliefs

  • Challenging the validity of those negative thoughts

  • Understanding your spicy neural pathways

  • Practical ways to fight your mean thoughts

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 86 - There's Never Any Time

  • Episode 87 - ADHD & Creating A Focus Ritual

  • Episode 88 - How to Create Your Creative Space


Challenge the validity of your negative thoughts. You don't have to accept them just because they're there. Your limiting beliefs and mean thoughts are just part of the choices, and just because they're there doesn't make them automatically true. You can teach your brain to give you something else! Because you are the thinker of your thoughts and have the power to choose something else that will help you create a more fulfilling and joyful life. 


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

How to Create Your Creative Space | #88

15m · Published 21 Jul 12:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, host Caitlin Liz Fisher addresses the challenge of finding adequate space within our homes to embrace our creative needs (especially for those who are neurospicy). Whether it's a craft, hobby, or passion that requires physical room, the perceived lack of space can hinder our creative endeavors. They share their fun insights and personal experiences, guiding us on how to create a space conducive to our creative activities.

Key Points:

  • The perceived problem of a lack of creative space

  • Debunking misconceptions around creativity requiring specific spaces

  • Benefits of creating a dedicated creative space

  • Actionable tips to build your personalized creative space despite environmental constraints

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 86 - There's Never Any Time

  • Episode 87 - ADHD & Creating A Focus Ritual


A lack of space should not hinder individuals from pursuing their creative passions. We need to challenge these beliefs because there's always room for creativity even in the constraints of our living spaces. When we create fearlessly and unapologetically, regardless of these perceived space constraints, we allow ourselves to tap into the wellspring of our full creative potential.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the ⁠Neurodivergent Creative Pod⁠, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS - ⁠Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

ADHD & Creating a Focus Ritual | #87

20m · Published 14 Jul 12:00

In episode 87, Caitlin Liz Fisher talks about finding "enoughness" in what we can achieve instead of marinating on what we feel is inadequate due to a lack of focus. Tune in to understand the bridge between reconnecting with your creativity and how creating a focus ritual will help you stay on track.

Key Points:

  • Quieting the Biggest Distractions

  • Creating a Ritual for Your Creative Activity

  • finding "enoughness" in what you can achieve

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Episode 86 - There's Never Any Time! 

  • The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron


The truth is, there is no shame in being unable to focus for long periods of time. What's important is you create a space for you to embrace your own unique circumstances and find ways to nurture your creativity - ones that make sense and work for you!

By focusing on the 'enoughness' of where you are at the moment and implementing your focus rituals, you allow yourself to reinvigorate your creative journey and overcome distractions when it matters most.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS - Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

There's Never Any Time! | #86

19m · Published 07 Jul 12:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative podcast, Caitlin Liz Fisher explores the common dilemma of not having enough time to pursue hobbies, passions, and quality relationships. She explores the various reasons behind this perceived lack of time and offers insights on how to carve out enough time to integrate creativity into our lives.

Key Points:

  • Commit to the bare minimum: Acknowledge that the bare minimum is enough and that we are enough as artists, writers, and creatives in the present moment. Embrace the idea that the time we have, even if it is limited, is sufficient to engage in creative pursuits.

  • The importance of finding balance: Many people struggle with finding balance between work, life, play, and rest. Not having enough time often stems from work or responsibilities that are too demanding, leaving little room for leisure activities and personal connections.

  • Redefining priorities: It is essential to reassess what truly matters to us and prioritize accordingly. By examining our values and desires, we can make conscious choices to allocate time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

  • Setting boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries is crucial in protecting our time and ensuring that we have space for creativity, rest, and relationships. This may involve saying no to certain commitments and creating intentional pockets of time for self-care and leisure.

  • Embracing self-compassion: Recognize that we cannot do it all and that taking care of our well-being is not a luxury but a necessity. Embrace self-compassion, let go of perfectionism, and allow ourselves to focus on what truly brings us joy and nourishment.


You do have time, you just need to identify which ones you need to do more of, what you can reduce in frequency or intensity, and even embrace the magic that comes from doing the bare minimum.

By redefining priorities, setting boundaries, and embracing self-compassion, we can carve out sufficient time for creativity, rest, and meaningful connections. Making conscious choices to integrate these essential aspects into our lives allows us to find balance and nourish our well-being.

Remember, you have the power to create space for what brings you joy and fulfillment!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS -- Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

There's Never Any Time! | #86

19m · Published 07 Jul 12:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative podcast, Caitlin Liz Fisher explores the common dilemma of not having enough time to pursue hobbies, passions, and quality relationships. She explores the various reasons behind this perceived lack of time and offers insights on how to carve out enough time to integrate creativity into our lives.

Key Points:

  • Commit to the bare minimum: Acknowledge that the bare minimum is enough and that we are enough as artists, writers, and creatives in the present moment. Embrace the idea that the time we have, even if it is limited, is sufficient to engage in creative pursuits.

  • The importance of finding balance: Many people struggle with finding balance between work, life, play, and rest. Not having enough time often stems from work or responsibilities that are too demanding, leaving little room for leisure activities and personal connections.

  • Redefining priorities: It is essential to reassess what truly matters to us and prioritize accordingly. By examining our values and desires, we can make conscious choices to allocate time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

  • Setting boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries is crucial in protecting our time and ensuring that we have space for creativity, rest, and relationships. This may involve saying no to certain commitments and creating intentional pockets of time for self-care and leisure.

  • Embracing self-compassion: Recognize that we cannot do it all and that taking care of our well-being is not a luxury but a necessity. Embrace self-compassion, let go of perfectionism, and allow ourselves to focus on what truly brings us joy and nourishment.


You do have time, you just need to identify which ones you need to do more of, what you can reduce in frequency or intensity, and even embrace the magic that comes from doing the bare minimum.

By redefining priorities, setting boundaries, and embracing self-compassion, we can carve out sufficient time for creativity, rest, and meaningful connections. Making conscious choices to integrate these essential aspects into our lives allows us to find balance and nourish our well-being.

Remember, you have the power to create space for what brings you joy and fulfillment!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS -- Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

How to Get Curious About Jealousy | #85

24m · Published 30 Jun 12:00

Welcome back to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, where Caitlin Liz Fisher helps you embrace your neurospicy brain and unpack one of the things that might be blocking your creativity… a sneaky thing called JEALOUSY! In this episode, Caitlin dives deep into the intricacies of jealousy as a neurodivergent creative and its potential as a catalyst for uncovering your desires and aspirations.

What You’ll Discover:

  • Recognizing jealousy as a sign of hidden desires and areas where we deny ourselves permission to explore

  • Understanding the difference between being jealous and being hostile toward others

  • Empowering strategies to transform jealousy into self-awareness and cultivate a sense of personal permission

Key Points:

  • Jealousy can reveal areas where we misunderstand our own values or believe we need permission to do particular activities.

  • Neurodivergent individuals may experience jealousy when observing the seemingly effortless pursuit of passions by neurotypical individuals.

  • By investigating the roots of our jealousy, we can discover unexplored facets of our identity and grant ourselves the permission to embrace our unique qualities and aspirations.

Links and resources mentioned in the show:

  • EPISODE #84 - Is Your Hobby Dormant or Are You Over It? 


Jealousy, when acknowledged and explored with compassion, has the power to guide us on a path of self-discovery and authentic creative expression. By examining the roots of jealousy, we can uncover hidden parts of ourselves and grant ourselves permission to embrace our unique qualities and pursue our creative passions.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Is Your Hobby Dormant or Are You Over It? | #84

14m · Published 23 Jun 00:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, Caitlin Fisher discusses how to determine whether a hobby has simply gone dormant or if you have actually lost interest in it. They explore the reasons why hobbies may go on hiatus and offers insights on embracing your passions, even when they take a back seat in your life.

What You’ll Discover:

  • How to recognize if your hobbies are dormant or if your interest has faded

  • The importance of acknowledging your interests and passions, even during periods of inactivity

  • Strategies for managing and decluttering craft supplies

Key Points:

  • Hobbies may go dormant due to a lack of time, capacity, or energy, but that doesn't mean they no longer matter to us.

  • Embracing the idea of being a "dormant" hobbyist can help maintain a connection with passions and creative pursuits, even during periods of inactivity.

  • Assessing your hobbies and supply collection can help in decluttering and deciding whether to hold onto or let go of certain items.

Noteworthy thoughts:

  • "If you don't have the capacity, time, and energy to fully engage with a hobby, that does not mean that it doesn't still belong to you and with you and for you."

  • "Our passions matter. You don't have to always be doing them for them to still matter. Like, I'm still a painter even if I don't paint. You know, you're still a musician. Even if you haven't written a song in a while, you are still a writer even if you haven't written in months. These are things that are core to us in our identities."

  • "It's not mad at you. Your crafting supplies still love you and they will be there like an old friend when you are ready for them."

  • "So life might happen. You might have seasons where you don't have as much time for being creative. That's okay because there will be another season soon where you do get to be creative again."

Links and resources mentioned in the show:

  • The Focus Budget

  • The Neurodivergent Cleaning Crew


It's essential to recognize and respect the role that dormant hobbies play in our lives, even when we're not actively pursuing them. By understanding the difference between a dormant hobby and one that no longer resonates with us, we can create space for our true passions and interests while maintaining a sense of creative identity and purpose. So, embrace those dormant hobbies and remember that they still matter!


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

A Wild Demand Avoidance Appears | #83

17m · Published 16 Jun 12:00

In this episode of The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, host Caitlin Fisher addresses the topic of demand avoidance. Caitlin explains what demand avoidance is, why it can be a frustrating obstacle for neurodivergent individuals, and shares a helpful strategy from a client who successfully overcame it.

What You’ll Discover:

  • What is Demand Avoidance?

  • How does Demand Avoidance affect neurodivergent individuals?

  • The use of gamification to trick your brain into doing what you said you’d do

  • The Airport Parking Lot Analogy

Episode Highlights:

  • Demand avoidance occurs when an individual's brain resists completing a task after being directed or prompted to do so.

  • This common issue affects many neurodivergent individuals, impairing their ability to accomplish desired tasks, even if they had planned to do them in the first place.

  • Gamification can be an effective strategy to overcome demand avoidance by distracting the brain and triggering a dopamine response.

Noteworthy thoughts:

  • "One of the ways to distract the brain from this demand avoidance thing is to turn stuff into a game because if you gamify it, you get a little bit of the dopamine. We love the dopamine! The dopamine is a neuro divergence, just… catnip."

  • "I just make a list of 20 things, 20 things that I could do in roughly 10 minutes, and then I roll a D20, a 20-sided die, and then I do the thing that's on there! That's why my plants aren't dead, because occasionally I roll the number that makes me water my plants."


  • What does the research says about Pathological Demand Avoidance? According to PDA first appeared in a journal article in 2003. The last five years have seen an increase in the number of research papers written about PDA or EDA. However, the research remains extremely limited. (Source: National Autistic Society UK)

  • 'Pathological demand avoidance' has been criticized as a name for various reasons including the negative connotations some confronted with the word 'pathological' might have,[14] and alternative names like RDA for 'Rational Demand Avoidance'[15][16] or 'Pervasive Drive for Autonomy'[17][18] have been proposed and used. (Source: Wikipedia)


Demand avoidance can be a challenging issue for neurodivergent individuals, interfering with their ability to complete tasks and maintain momentum. However, by recognizing the nature of demand avoidance and employing engaging strategies like gamification, neurodivergent creatives can find ways to outsmart their brain and continue to accomplish their goals.


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression? 

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast. Let's embrace neurodiversity and celebrate our unique journeys together!

Hang out with Caitlin on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it!

Also, don’t miss the FREE MASTERCLASS >>> Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism

Linear Careers are a Myth | #82

20m · Published 09 Jun 12:00

Why do millennials job hop? Why do people with ADHD have a long career of all kinds of different roles and industries?

Are we really asking that, in this economy? This episode dives into the truths and myths about job hopping, career building, company loyalty (lol), and how to use a multi-faceted career history as a PRO and not a con when you're applying for jobs. Also, why I think a lot of AuDHD folks end up seeking entrepreneurship, because jobs suck.

Some fact checking for you below!

  • The average salary increase when changing jobs is 14.8% while wage growth is 5.8% - Zippia
  • The minimum wage has in fact been $7.25 in the US since 2009, while companies continue to have record profits, this is fine

Hang out with me on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where we make weird art and talk about it!

Also, don't miss the free Masterclass Art is Revolution: Reclaiming Your Passion Under Capitalism.

Getting a Diagnosis to "Be a Better Worker" with Devan Robinson | #81

33m · Published 02 Jun 12:00

Did you know it's easier to get a diagnosis and medication/treatment for ADHD and mental illness if you say it's affecting your ability to work? This is because our society places work and productivity over our humanity. Fun little life hack for you there.

On this episode I'm joined by Devan Robinson, who was burned all the way out at a toxic job that she thought was her dream job! After getting an ADHD diagnosis and treatment she was able to focus and work better, but realized that the toxicity went deeper than just her neurodivergent work troubles. Now Devan is a coach who works with women to work through what holds them back (little bit of patriarchy, for one example) through coaching and her annual summit, Elevate!

If you're in the Syracruse area you don't want to miss this absolutely jam packed summit event. Early bird pricing is a hell of a deal, especially if you split your ticket with a friend! Find out more at and follow Devan on!

Check out my free masterclass Art is Revolution here:

The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast has 138 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 61:39:05. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 06:49.

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