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10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool

by Pam Barnhill

Pop in your earbuds and get ready to be inspired. Veteran homeschool mom and podcast host of the Your Morning Basket Podcast, Pam Barnhill unpacks how to have a better homeschool 10 minutes at a time. Full of practical tips, stories, interviews, and inspiration 10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool is your home learning go-to show for quick, helpful information. *Formerly the Homeschool Snapshots Podcast

Copyright: Copyright 2016-2023


TMBH 82: A No-Guilt Approach to Homeschooling at Christmas

10m · Published 17 Nov 05:30

In this episode of "Ten Minutes to a Better Homeschool," host Pam Barnhill discusses the concept of having a guilt-free Christmas in homeschooling. As homeschoolers, we often feel pressured to make the Christmas season special by incorporating Christmas unit studies and activities into our already busy schedules. However, Pam shares her insights on how to navigate this dilemma without feeling overwhelmed or guilty. 

Whether you fully embrace Christmas schooling, stick to your regular academic routine, or keep it simple with a few Christmas-themed activities, Pam provides helpful advice for finding a balance that works for your family. Join her as she encourages homeschool moms to enjoy the holiday season without the unnecessary pressure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize that you have options: Choose to fully embrace Christmas schooling, stick to your regular academics, or keep it simple with a few Christmas-themed activities.
  • Let go of guilt: Understand that whatever approach you choose is valid and should not be a source of guilt.
  • Embrace the idea of Christmas schooling: If you decide to set aside regular academics, lean into the Christmas spirit and make learning fun and festive.
  • Stick to your regular routine: If the idea of incorporating Christmas activities feels overwhelming or doesn't align with your family's preferences, stick to your regular academic routine.
  • Keep it simple: If you choose to do some Christmas-themed activities, remember that it doesn't have to be over the top. Select a few activities that your family enjoys and incorporate them into your routine without feeling the need to do it all.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh82

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SPECIAL Homeschool Help and Relaxation: The We Gather Together Retreat Episode

18m · Published 09 Nov 11:29

Dive into a special episode of our podcast where we bring you exciting details about the upcoming We Gather Together Beach Retreat from January 25 to 28, 2004, on Alabama's picturesque Gulf Coast. Expect mild temperatures, warm sands, and an enriching environment perfect for homeschooling parents and enthusiasts.

Our guest, Lucy Duggar, a devoted mom and retreat alumni, shares her invaluable experiences from last year's gathering and her anticipation for the next. With a focus on educational philosophy, morning basket routines, and the essence of homeschooling, this retreat promises to be a nurturing getaway. Discover mentorship, relaxation, and community while enjoying the beach's serene backdrop.

Sign up by November 30 at pambarnhill.com/retreat, and for questions, email [email protected]. Don't miss out on this rejuvenating and educational retreat experience!

TMBH 81 Revolutionize Your Homeschool Routine: Unlocking the Potential of Seasonal Homeschooling

17m · Published 03 Nov 05:30

In this episode, Pam Barnhill interviews Robin Ludwig, a homeschooling parent who has discovered the beauty of setting up her homeschool year according to seasons. Robin shares her journey and how she incorporated classical, Charlotte Mason, and unit study approaches into different seasons of the year. Listeners will gain insights into the benefits of seasonal homeschooling and how it can bring joy and simplicity to their own homeschooling experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • The simplicity of setting up a homeschool year according to seasonal routines.
  • How to prioritize different homeschooling approaches based on the seasons.
  • The importance of establishing critical routines for success.
  • Leverage unit studies and nature study during specific seasons for maximum engagement.
  • Embrace interest-led learning during the summer months.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh81

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 80: Introducing the Wonder World Podcast

13m · Published 20 Oct 04:30

In today's episode, we have a very special guest, Olivia Barnhill, who joins her mom to talk about an exciting project they have been working on together called the Wonder World Podcast. Join us as Pam and Olivia share all the details about this fun and educational podcast, designed specifically for children. They discuss the format of the show, its kid-friendly content, and the various topics they cover, from history to food to jokes. 

Whether you're looking for a podcast to incorporate into your homeschool morning time or to spice up your car rides, the Wonder World Podcast is sure to delight both children and parents alike. So, tune in and discover how this podcast can bring joy and learning to your homeschool journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Wonder World Podcast episodes are around 15 minutes long and cover a range of topics, including history and fun facts.
  • The podcast aims to be a neutral, safe, and agenda-free podcast for children and their families.
  • The target age range for the show is approximately 5 to 13 years old, although anyone can listen to it.
  • Listening to the podcast can be a great addition to morning time or as a fun activity during lunch or car rides.
  • Homeschool families can benefit from the Wonder World Podcast as it adds a touch of fun and engagement to their homeschooling routine.
  • The podcast provides interesting facts and topics that can spark conversations and deepen knowledge outside of the episodes.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh80

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 79: What is Deschooling?

11m · Published 06 Oct 04:30

In this episode, Pam breaks down the mystery of deschooling for new homeschoolers. She shares some common misunderstandings and explains why it's a crucial step in your homeschooling journey. There are also many handy tips on how to glide through this phase with your kiddos while keeping the peace at home. Tune in to learn more about deschooling and how it can smooth out the homeschooling ride for you and your family!

Key Takeaways:

  • Deschooling is an important and often misunderstood part of the homeschooling process. It is the process of transitioning from a traditional educational approach to a more relaxed mindset of learning. 
  • During deschooling, it is essential to take time to discover your own natural learning rhythms and explore your own interests. 
  • Deschooling is not a vacation or a break from academic work but a shift in mindset towards self-directed learning. 
  • Spending time at the library and reading books aloud as a family and individually is vital to deschooling. 
  • Watching educational YouTube videos together can also be a valuable activity during the deschooling period. 
  • Deschooling is not the same as unschooling, a specific homeschooling method based on self-directed learning without a set curriculum. 
  • Deschooling is not only for the student but also for the parent, who may need to unlearn preconceived notions about education. 
  • The length of the deschooling period varies for each child and may not necessarily follow the "one month for every year in school" rule of thumb. 
  • Deschooling is worth the time it takes to understand the true meaning of education and help reprogram a child away from traditional school mindsets.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh79

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 78: Uncover the Hidden Benefits of Consistency in Homeschooling

15m · Published 22 Sep 04:30

In this episode, we're discussing a topic many homeschoolers ask about: "Can I succeed at homeschooling?" Joining me is Damore Jensen, a homeschooling mom of three. She shares her transformative experience with our Homeschool Consistency Boot Camp, which reopens this month. Together, we unpack the importance of consistency, addressing misconceptions and highlighting its pivotal role, even above curriculum or method choices. This episode is a must-listen if you've ever doubted your homeschool journey or craved more stability and consistency. 

Key Takeaways:

  • It's possible to feel secure and effective in your homeschooling journey.
  • The right curriculum is great, but staying consistent in your approach is even more crucial.
  • Damore Jensen, a graduate of the Homeschool Consistency Boot Camp, shows that with the right guidance and persistence, homeschooling can be transformed.
  • Utilizing resources, like the Homeschool Consistency Boot Camp, can provide much-needed structure and support.
  • It's natural to feel like you're on a homeschooling rollercoaster. However, with the right tools and mindset, you can find stability.
  • Connect with others on the same journey to share experiences, advice, and encouragement.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh78

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 77: Teaching Kids to Use Tech in Your Homeschool

19m · Published 08 Sep 04:30

In this episode, host Pam Barnhill chats with Stephen Souders, Mr. Mytek from Mytek Labs. Stephen runs an online school where kids can take courses in programming and technology. They discuss the importance of teaching kids to be producers of technology, not just consumers, and debunk some misconceptions parents may have about their children's relationship with technology. If you've ever wondered how to inspire your kids to use tech creatively and confidently, this conversation is for you. Stay tuned for an insightful and engaging discussion with Steven Souders, aka Mr. Mytek

Key Takeaways:

  • The podcast episode discusses the difference between kids being consumers and producers of technology. It highlights the importance of teaching kids to be producers, as many kids may only know how to use technology but not understand how it works behind the scenes.
  • Stephen Souders runs an online school called Mytek Labs, where kids can take programming, technology, and 3D modeling courses. The focus is on teaching kids the fundamentals of various topics in technology.
  • Many parents assume that because their kids are digital natives and constantly using devices, they understand technology. However, there is often a disconnect between their usage and understanding of technology. Souders aims to bridge this gap by teaching kids to problem-solve and use technology confidently.
  • The online platform of Mytek Labs provides an excellent opportunity for homeschooling parents who may not have the technical knowledge to teach their children these subjects. Even parents who work in technology may find teaching their kids specific topics challenging.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh77

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 76: Your Questions About Sibling Dynamics in Homeschooling

11m · Published 25 Aug 04:30

In this episode, Pam tackles listener questions about sibling dynamics within the homeschooling setting. Are you perplexed about what happens when a younger child surpasses an older sibling in skills like math or reading? Or you're trying to navigate the challenge of keeping an older child engaged in learning while younger siblings are at play. 

Pam offers a deep dive into these challenges, drawing from personal experience and providing actionable strategies. She emphasizes recognizing individual strengths, considering unique curriculums, and establishing clear boundaries between siblings. Whether you're a homeschooling veteran or just starting, this episode is packed with practical advice and encouragement. 

Key Takeaways:

  • It's not uncommon for younger siblings to catch up or surpass their older siblings in subjects like math or reading.
  • Rather than emphasizing areas of competition, highlight each child's unique skills and talents, whether in academics, arts, or other fields.
  • Using different curriculums for siblings can prevent direct comparison, which can alleviate potential tensions.
  • Programs without grade levels or ones labeled with non-specific markers (e.g., alpha, beta) can reduce comparison opportunities.
  • Speak to the child who's excelling about being sensitive to their sibling's feelings.
  • While older siblings might have more responsibilities, they should also be given unique privileges or perks to compensate.
  • Especially for younger kids, short lessons can be more effective and engaging. The emphasis should be on the quality of time spent, not the quantity.
  • Homeschooling, with its challenges, inherently builds character. Recognize that even the simple act of completing a lesson contributes to this.
  • Morning Time is an effective tool for combining lessons and can be tailored to suit multiple age groups, offering both structured and freeform learning opportunities.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh76

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 75: Content vs Skills Subjects

11m · Published 11 Aug 04:15

In this episode, I rethink traditional views by categorizing school subjects into two essential groups: skill-oriented and content-oriented subjects.

Skill-oriented subjects, including mathematics and phonics, follow a logical progression, fostering essential abilities, while content-oriented subjects like history and science allow the flexibility to delve into personal passions.

Be sure to catch this unique look at developing a well-rounded and tailored curriculum, taking advantage of the distinct difference between both kinds of subjects in organizing your homeschool schedule.

  • A significant mindset shift is needed in homeschooling, emphasizing the division of subjects into two distinct categories: skill-based and content-based.
  • Skill-Based Subjects like mathematics, phonics, and spelling follow a sequential pattern to learning, and each student can work at their individual pace.
  • Content-Based Subjects such as history, science, literature, and arts don't require a set starting point and offer more flexibility, allowing alignment with a child's interests.
  • In skill-based subjects, consistency over duration is key; short, consistent efforts are more effective than long, drawn-out lessons, especially with young learners.
  • Embracing Interests is encouraged; parents can deep dive into topics their children are passionate about rather than strictly following a set curriculum.
  • There's no need to adhere to a year-long curriculum in content area subjects every year, giving more freedom to explore various interests.
  • Allowing breaks from subjects like science or history during demanding times is acceptable, and focus can shift to enjoyable reading and other forms of learning.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh75

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

TMBH 74: Language Learning Made Fun With Adelaide Olguin

17m · Published 28 Jul 04:30

Join me on this episode of Ten Minutes to a Better Homeschool, where we dive into the power of the fluency approach to language learning with our guest Adelaide Olguin. Drawing from her experiences teaching her own children three languages, she shares the transformative benefits of fluency-focused instruction at home.

Adelaide discusses how this approach not only boosts the learning of individual words but promotes a deep understanding of a language as a living, communicative tool. This method ensures you and your children can start speaking and comprehending a new language from day one, creating an immersive, engaging, and positive learning environment.

We'll also delve into the importance of choosing the right language for your family, using natural language progression techniques, and much more. Listen in to discover how adopting a fluency approach can enhance the language learning experience for your homeschool family.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parents are the most successful language teachers in the world, teaching babies and toddlers to speak at a native level.
  • Learning a new language should be fun and enjoyable, even for non-native speakers. 
  • Learning a new language becomes a joyful experience for both parents and kids, and children can witness their parents learning alongside them, creating a strong connection. 
  • Just like toddlers extract different full sentences and combine them to express their thoughts, our brains are naturally good at extraction. It starts with individual words but extends beyond that. 
  • Creating a positive environment for language learning can make it easier and heal past language learning trauma.
  • Fluency is the ability to speak a language accurately and easily, without relying on translation or grammar rules.

For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to pambarnhill.com/tmbh74

To join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.

10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool has 195 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 73:58:36. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 18:13.

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