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Awaken Radio Podcast

by Connie Chapman

Awaken Radio is the go-to podcast for awakening women wanting to learn practical ways to live with greater self-love, personal power, feminine flow, abundance and magnetism. Join Connie Chapman, certified Life Coach & Women's Empowerment Mentor, as she offers you soulful guidance, tips and tools that will activate you into the woman you truly desire to be.

Copyright: © 2024 Awaken Radio Podcast


119 - How to Manifest Your Desires With Ease, Flow and Trust

45m · Published 13 May 05:19
I recently put a Q&A poll on my Instagram stories where I asked you how you wanted manifesting your desires to feel, and the responses came through with some very clear common themes. ⁣ ⁣ You shared that you wanted manifestation to feel natural, easeful, fun, effortless and enjoyable where you could trust the process and relax into the journey without stress, anxiety, self-doubt and fear.⁣ ⁣ So I decided to dedicate a whole podcast episode to this topic and share with you the keys to experiencing easeful, effortless and flowing manifestations.⁣ ⁣ In this episode I cover:⁣ + Manifestation is a natural process that is always happening⁣ + How you may be misusing your creative energy to create what you don’t want⁣ + The difference between manifesting intentionally vs on autopilot⁣ + The importance of aligning your energy before you take action⁣ + Why you are taking all of the action but not getting results⁣ + Why you need to surrender the ‘how’⁣ + Manifestation is a co-creative process with the Universe⁣ + When to take action and when to surrender⁣ + Feeling guided by your intuition through the manifestation process ⁣ + Embodied manifestation and the using your body as your guide⁣ + How to calm, soothe and regulate your nervous system⁣ + Holding yourself through your emotions and inner blocks⁣ + Accepting and allowing where you’re at and not resisting the process⁣ + How to have faith when you see no proof or evidence of what you want⁣ + Receiving the action steps from your intuition⁣ + Enjoy the process rather than striving for the outcome⁣ + Holding the belief that manifestation can be easy⁣ ⁣ 🌹Join CREATRESS my 7-week manifestation program:⁣⁣ ⁣ Full Post & Show Notes:⁣⁣ ⁣ Watch on YouTube:⁣ ⁣ Connect With Me:⁣ Instagram:⁣ Website:⁣ ⁣ If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people.⁣ ⁣ Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

118 - Becoming The Next-Level Version Of Yourself

28m · Published 04 May 04:59
It is currently in Eclipse season, and I don’t know about you, but under this energy, I am feeling a big inner push to uplevel! I can feel that my next-level desires are asking for me to step into a new version of myself.    So I felt inspired to come on the podcast under this Eclipse energy and talk further about this process of uplevelling.    In this episode, I explore how to step into the next-level version of yourself and why this is the key to manifesting new results in your life.    In this episode I cover:  + Eclipse energy and how it is pushing us to uplevel  + My current daily manifestation ritual  + Why manifestation is not just a ‘doing process’  + What it looks like to move through an inner uplevel  + Why all change starts at the level of being  + How to start stepping into the next-level version of yourself  + One of the key reasons that what you want isn’t manifesting  + Becoming the person you need to be to have what you want  + How to navigate the discomfort that arises on your growth journey  + The importance of not avoiding what you are feeling  + How to support yourself through an uplevel  + Why your external world results are a reflection of your inner world    🌹 The Art Of Feminine Manifestation FREE Masterclass:     Full Post & Show Notes:    Watch on YouTube:    Connect With Me:  Instagram:  Website:    If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people.    Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

117 - How I Manifested An Interstate Move & A Dreamy New Home

45m · Published 19 Apr 01:51
I am finally emerging after going through a big transition of moving interstate and manifesting a dreamy new home, and today I am walking you through the whole process!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I take you back to when this desire very first came to me, the inner and energy work I did to align with it, how I navigated the unknown, practiced surrender, and trust the divine timing and higher plan. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I also share how I called in the exact home I wanted by fully claiming my desire, never settling, working with my human design, trusting my body wisdom, embodying my magnetism and never ever giving up on what I wanted (no matter how long it took).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You get a big behind the scenes on my manifestation process in this episode, and I hope you enjoy it!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Full Post & Show Notes:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ Watch on Youtube:⁣ ⁣⁣ Connect With Connie: ⁣⁣ Instagram:⁣⁣ Website:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ If you love Awaken Radio make sure you are subscribed so you never miss an episode.⁣ ⁣⁣ Connie x

116 - 2022: A Year Of Simplicity, Self-Liberation & Soulful Success

42m · Published 19 Jan 05:01
I am excited to bring you my first episode of 2022! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In today’s episode, I am sharing my themes and feeling words for this year (and I offer tips on how you can embrace them too), what you can expect from me and my work, what I will be investing in, plus I share the details of a big change I am navigating personally.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is a big, juicy episode and I hope you love it.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In this episode I cover:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ + A big, personal change I am navigating this year!⁣⁣ + The power of knowing the astrological and energetic themes playing out in your life⁣⁣ + My key guiding themes for 2022⁣⁣ + How to work with your yearly theme and have it guide you⁣⁣ + Why creating simplicity is the key to having more of what you truly want⁣⁣ + What it means to practice self-liberation⁣⁣ + Setting yourself free from what holds you back⁣⁣ + Why I am committed to stepping away from striving this year⁣⁣ + How to create soulful, sustainable success⁣⁣ + The importance of regulating your nervous system creating safety in your body⁣⁣ + The difference between honouring your emotions and drowning in them⁣⁣ + How to clarify your key feeling words for the year ahead⁣⁣ + My areas of focus this year⁣⁣ + What I will be investing in this year⁣⁣ + What you can expect from my work in 2022⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Reclaim Your Radiance:⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The Feminine Awakening:⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Connect With Me:⁣⁣ Instagram:⁣⁣ Website:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

115 - Reflecting on 2021 - My Biggest Lessons & Learnings

40m · Published 14 Dec 05:44
I am excited to share my annual end of year reflection episode that I love to do every year. I am reviewing my year, reflecting on my key lessons, learnings and takeaways from this year and sharing with you what worked well for me in 2021!⁣ ⁣ This was yet another powerful, transformative, expansive (and at times challenging) year which was full of growth and learnings, and I am sharing all of it with you in this juicy episode.⁣ ⁣ In this episode I cover:⁣ + Why doing an end of year reflection and review is so important⁣ + The power of using journaling to document and reflect on your life and year⁣ + What it means to live with intention and consciously create your life⁣ + Working with a yearly theme⁣ + The rituals and practices I work with to live intentionally⁣ + Why I focused on cultivating my inner healthy masculine energy this year⁣ + Why your inner feminine needs your inner masculine to bring her desires to life⁣ + How I restructured my business this year⁣ + The importance of building supportive business systems, strategies and structures⁣ + Why embodiment and pleasure were life-changing practices for me in 2022⁣ + How I pulled myself out of a big funk this year⁣ + Practising surrender, trust, acceptance and flow⁣ + The power of investing and which mentoring programs I invested in through 2022⁣ + My key themes for this year⁣ ⁣ ✨Release & Rebirth 2021/2 Journaling & Embodiment Workshop Series ✨⁣ Starts 20th December:⁣ ⁣ Connect With Me:⁣ Instagram:⁣ Website:⁣ ⁣ If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people.⁣ ⁣ Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

114 - How to Heal Your Relationship With Your Body

31m · Published 24 Nov 03:56
Today’s conversation is a powerful exploration into how you heal your relationship with your body. I have had many struggles with my body and my appearance over the years, and in this episode, I walk you through how I healed this. I offer you a range of practices to help you feel more of a loving and accepting connection with your body and how to come out of your head and live in a more deeply embodied way. In this episode I cover: + Why many of us as women struggle with our relationship with our body + The personal struggles I have had with my body over the years + The power of embodiment work + Shifting from seeing your body as an object to instead becoming one with it + Feeling safe in your body + How head-driven living disconnects us from our body + How to invite your body’s experience into everything you do + Connecting with your body wisdom + Embracing your feelings and emotions (even if they’re uncomfortable) + We avoid our body because we don’t want to feel + The ONE biggest thing that healed my unhealthy body patterns + Shifting from judgement and shame to acceptance and love + Bringing loving touch to your body + Communicating with your body and asking her what she needs + Untangling your worth from your appearance + It is your energy that makes you attractive and magnetic, not how you look 🌹Join Reclaim Your Radiance 🌹 Full Post & Show Notes: Connect With Me: Instagram: Website: If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people. Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

113 - The Keys To Living A Pleasure-Filled Life

31m · Published 16 Nov 05:07
When a woman is connected to her pleasure is connected to her life force. She is radiant, alive, juicy, full and overflowing. She is lit up and she glows from within. Pleasure is nourishment for her inner feminine. In today’s episode I am sharing 5 simple yet powerful ways to start integrating more pleasure into your every day life so you can feel radiant, magnetic and nourished from within. In this episode I cover: + A big learning I had recently about how I had disconnected from my pleasure + How rushing through life makes us numb + Simple ways to connect more deeply with your sensual pleasure + How to uncover the opportunities for pleasure that are around you all day, every day + Why slowing down is the secret to amplifying your pleasure + How focusing on productivity blocks your pleasure + Making pleasure your priority, your guide and your goal + The importance of letting go of what is draining and depleting you + How to bring pleasure into the mundane Activate Your Pleasure, Power & Radiance Free Training: Full Post & Show Notes: Connect With Me: Instagram: Website: If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people. Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

112 - Let Yourself Slow Down & Rest (Without The Guilt)

30m · Published 04 Nov 04:03
I have been moving through a season of rest and slowing down over the past month. It has been deeply nourishing and restorative but has also required me to navigate feelings of guilt and self-judgement that have arisen from being less productive. So today on the podcast, I am sharing more about my experience and offering you some tips on how to allow yourself to slow down and rest even if your life feels busy and full. In this episode I cover: + Why we need to balance periods of busyness and showing up with periods of rest and recharging + What allowing ourselves to rest can look like + The benefits we experience from rest + How to slow down and create space when your life is so busy + The various seasons of your energy and how to work with them + How to intentionally create more slowness and space in your life + The importance of boundaries, saying No and honouring your energy + Navigating guilt, self-judgement and feeling unproductive when you rest + Taking care of your energy and how you feel + Untangling your worth from your achievements + How busyness allows us to avoid our feelings and discomfort + Trusting more deeply in yourself, your body and how you feel + The importance of honouring and savouring the season you are in + Why slower seasons are invitations to more deeply explore your feminine side Full Post & Show Notes: Connect With Me: Instagram: Website: If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people. Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

111 - How To Clear The Inner Blocks To What You Want

53m · Published 22 Sep 07:24
Join Divine Femme (Doors Close Sunday 26th September) Today on the podcast we are doing something a bit different! I am sharing the recording of a recent training I hosted where I explored how to clear the inner blocks that stop you having what you want and being the woman you desire to be. We dive into the different blocks you might be experiencing, how to work through them, shifting from fear to love, deepening your self love and healing your inner child. It is a powerful and deep training and I hope you enjoy it x Connect With Me: Instagram: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Website: If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people. Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

110 - Reclaim And Embody Your Feminine Power

30m · Published 03 Sep 20:58
Embodying your feminine power is about realising that you do not have to be tough, unbreakable, always confident, kicking goals or achieving things in order to feel powerful. You do not have to follow a masculine paradigm. Feminine power is a more subtle and inward experience that lies in your energy, your embodiment, who we are being and how you feel about yourself. It is when a woman loves herself deeply, follows her intuition, owns her worth, implements boundaries and embodies her magnetism, that she taps into her true feminine power. She becomes a powerful force for change, healing and new possibilities. In this episode I cover: + The difference between feminine power and masculine power + Why many women are stuck operating in masculine paradigms + The feminine expression of power is about energy, embodiment and who you are being + Building a loving relationship with yourself + How to feel empowered as a woman, from within + The ways you weaken yourself and disconnect from your power + How to honour yourself through boundaries + They key to raising your self-worth + Feminine intuition vs masculine logic + Why your softness, sensitivity and receptivity is your superpower + Allowing intuition to guide you + Why it is your energy that makes you magnetic The importance of aligning your energy before you take action + Why feminine power is about listening to your body Full Post & Show Notes: Join Become Magnetic, Free Live Training Series: Connect With Me: Instagram: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Website: If you love Awaken Radio, be sure to subscribe and leave the show a rating and review on iTunes, as this will help it reach and support more people. Thanks for tuning in! Connie x

Awaken Radio Podcast has 148 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 95:17:52. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 17th, 2024 05:44.

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