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Study in Prayer

by Pastor Robert Thibodeau

This is short, 10-15 minute, daily teaching on PRAYER. We will discuss "What is prayer?" "How to pray?" "When to pray?" "What to pray?" and all aspects of prayer. This study will bring into a deeper relationship with God, through Christ Jesus and through prayer!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 Pastor Robert Thibodeau


Prayer 2021 - Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 5

6m · Published 30 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 Lamentations 3:8

“Even when I cry out or call for help, he shuts out my prayer!”

Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 5

We have been studying about “Prayer that changes THINGS.” We have been looking at the  four sub-category of prayers under “Prayer that changes things.” Yesterday, we looked at “The Prayer of Petition and Supplication.”  Today, I want to discuss the “Prayer of Dedication and Worship.”

Jesus prayed a prayer of dedication in Luke 22:42. He said, “Faither, if you be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.”

Jesus never prayed, “IF it be Thy will, Father…” when He was praying for people to be healed. You cannot find one instance where He prayed that way.  He never “asked God” if it was His will to heal anyone. He did not ask God if it was His will to quiet the raging seas. WHY?

Because He knew it was God’s Will to destroy the works of the devil everywhere He went! And God’s PERFECT WILL was expressed in and through Jesus Himself! Amen!

The prayer of dedication for a believer concerns God’s will or plan for their life. You must seek the will of God and be open to receiving the answer. Pray in faith and receive in faith.

The prayer of dedication IS NOT a “rededication of your life” to the Lord. NO!  It is yielding yourself to God. Yielding does not mean “surrender.”  It does not mean to “surrender under pressure” when the devil brings some negative circumstances into your life and you’re trying to 

“Get God” to do something!

The ONLY time you are to surrender is to Jesus when you first make Him Lord and Savior of your life. Amen! Your spirit man dies and is then recreated in the image of Jesus Himself. You become ONE with His Spirit. Amen! He the resides on the inside of you.

Yield yourself to the Lord. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: casting ALL your cares upon Him; for HE cares for YOU!” Amen!

Cast your cares of this world over on Him. He can handle it, believe me. As you humble yourself before Him, you are exalting the Word above whatever the situation is you are facing! That is what Jesus did in the Garden. Amen!

As a result, the Word of God, the Will of God, prevailed in the Garden and at the Cross and after the Cross and after the Resurrection – and it continues to prevail unto this day! Amen!  And it will prevail in your life when you do the same thing. Humble yourself to His will and claim the victory in Jesus! Amen!

There is another area of dedication as well. It involves putting on the Armor of God. The Word says the breastplate you wear is the Righteousness of Jesus. Jesus – who knew no sin – was MADE SIN to you could be made the righteousness of God in Him. Receive this and dedicate yourself to believing it – you will win every single time!


Let’s Pray!

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You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link: 

Prayer 2021 - December 29 - Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 4

5m · Published 29 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Luke 20:47

“They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”

Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 4

We have been studying about “Prayer that changes THINGS.” Yesterday, we looked at the first of four sub-category of prayers under “Prayer that changes things,” which was “The prayer of Binding and Loosing.”

Today, I want to share with you the “Prayer of Petition and Supplication.”  Again, the scripture that immediately comes to my mind is 1 John 5:14-15. You’ve heard me teach on this over and over this year. “And this is the confidence we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know He hears us, whatsoever we ask, WE KNOW that we receive the petitions that we desired of Him.”

Notice this does not say, “Well, you never know what God is going to do…” 

It does not say, “Well, sometimes He does and sometimes He doesn’t…”

It does not say, “God knows what you need and what you don’t…”

NO.  It says, - “WE KNOW that WE RECEIVE…” 

Receive what?

“…the PETITIONS we ask of HIM!”

Prayer is simply believing God. That is the reason you must ask in faith, not doubting. Only faith filled prayers will move God and change THINGS.  Remember, we are talking about “Prayer that Changes Things.” Amen!

The Apostle Paul said, in Philippians 4:6, “Be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God.” 

What he is telling us is we are not to fret, worry or be anxious over anything. Whatever it is we need, just bring the request to God. But don’t stop there.  It says “with THANKSGIVING.”  

That means to praise Him for the answer before you even see it, sense it or experience it. Not after. BEFORE.  Why before?  Because the Word of God says we RECEIVE our prayers as answered WHEN we pray. Amen!

Now, as you’ve heard me explain before, you need to base your prayers on God’s Word. If you find it in God’s Word where He answered someone’s prayer that is similar to what you need, you can lift that scripture to Him as part of your prayer of petition. 

It is like a lawyer preparing for a case. You want to bring prior cases that have established precedent in the law. Situations that have already been ruled on. Why?

Because the courts are supposed to be impartial. They are to treat everyone equally under the law.  The law applies to everyone equally. Amen.

God’s Word is the same way. God is not a respecter of persons. What He has done for one, He will do for another. What He has done for another He will do for YOU. Amen!

A petition is simply making a formal request. A supplication is making an impassioned plea. So go to the Word and write out your petition and then, in prayer, read it to God and make supplication before Him to grant your petition.  His Word says, “…you shall have the petition you desire of Him.” 


Let’s Pray!

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You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link: 

Prayer 2021 - December 28 - Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 4

5m · Published 28 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Daniel 9:3

“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.”

Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 3

We have been studying about “Prayer that changes THINGS.” Yesterday, we looked at the first of four sub-category of prayers under “Prayer that changes things,” which was “The prayer of agreement.”

Next is the “Prayer of Binding and Loosing.” We can look at Mark 16:17-18 for our foundation on using this type of prayer. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name, they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover.”

In case you did not know this, there are actually two separate laws that are operating in the earth at all times. Spiritual laws and natural laws. Natural laws deal with nature. Like the law of gravity. 

Natural laws can be overcome, but the law is always still in operation. We can overcome the Law of Gravity by generating enough velocity and using aerodynamics, we can fly up into the air in an airplane. But, the law of gravity is still in operation. If you don’t believe that, just turn the engine off and see what happens. Amen!

But, when Spiritual laws are in operation, they will supersede natural law. This is what happens when believers start to walk in Spiritual authority as given to them through the power in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

I know a lot of traditional, denominational pastors don’t like to hear this. But I can’t help their unbelief. I’ve seen this work countless times. Amen. And the Bible doesn’t lie. Jesus doesn’t lie. The only ones who are believing the lie that it does not work is those who don’t believe the Word. Amen!

When Spiritual Law is put into operation, believers are able to overcome the circumstances that come against them. They establish Spiritual authority, invoking Spiritual law in the earth. The physical law then bows to the Spiritual law. Amen.

Matthew 18:18 says, “Verily I say unto you…” Who is it doing the speaking here? JESUS! So this must work or else He would be a liar, right?  “Verily I say unto you, whatsoever you BIND in Heaven, shall be bound in earth. Whatsoever you LOOSE on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.”

What He is saying here is this… if you allow it to happen on earth, then Heaven will not stop your will from being imposed. BUT – if you bind it on earth – Heaven will make sure it is stopped cold, right in its tracks! AMEN!

That is a powerful promise from Jesus Himself! Glory to God!

From the very beginning, God gave man control of the earth and all that was in it. Man, in turn, gave that authority to Satan. Not until Jesus defeated Satan and then was resurrected was this dominion and power put back into man’s possession. 

Satan doesn’t want you to believe that. He will do all he can to convince you it isn’t so.  

You can whine and complain all you want to – but Jesus has said what you need to do. In fact, after you learn how powerful the prayer of binding and loosing really is, you will not have to fear the devil or those that work for him anymore!  The devil will have to fear YOU!


Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - December 27 - Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 2

4m · Published 27 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Matthew 11:17

“And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: “My house will be called a  house of prayer for all nations?”  But you have made it a den of robbers.”

Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 2

Yesterday, we started to discuss that there are basically three different kinds of prayers you can pray that are found in the New Testament.  They are: “Prayer that changes THINGS.” Plus “Prayer of Thanksgiving” and no, it is not just to be used on Thanksgiving Day. And the “Prayer of Dedication and Worship.”

Yesterday, I shared about the “Prayer that Changes Things.” We also learned there are four categories that go under the main category of “Prayer that changes things.” The first category we need to discuss is “The prayer of agreement.”

For any kind of prayer to produce results, it MUST be based on God’s Word. You’ve heard me teach on this many, many times. And I’m doing it again now. That’s how important this is. Amen!

His Word is His Will. If you are wondering what the Will of God is – go to His Word and find out. Amen!  It is God’s desire that you be filled with the knowledge of His Will – and that means you need to be in His Word to find out what the Will of God is for any particular situation. 

Prayer that is based on the Word of God will work every single time it is put to the test. Period!

“Well, brother Bob, what if I pray for someone to be healed and they die?”

Praise God!  They’re healed now, right?

“NO – they died!”

They may have died in this body, but if they are born again – they now have a GLORIFIED BODY and they are in the presence of Jesus and are FULL OF LIFE. And, I can guarantee you, they don’t want to come back into that old decayed piece of dirt either! Amen!

Most people don’t want someone to die and go to Heaven for selfish reasons. THEY will miss that persons physical presence. And that is true. But you are not looking at the ETERNAL aspect of things.

So, if you have a need, just go to the Word of God, find a scripture reference that either speaks to the need directly or indirectly – and STAND ON IT in prayer! Never back off it. Don’t be moved by what you hear, see, feel, etc. Just stand on the Word. Amen!

That is agreeing with the Word!  

Find another believer to pray in agreement with you on that Word. And now you have unleashed tremendous power in Faith. Amen!  That is the power of agreement.

Agreement with one another AND agreement with God’s Word – you can’t lose! Amen!

Praise God…

Let’s Pray!

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You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 26 - Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 1

4m · Published 26 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Matthew 11:17

“And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: “My house will be called a  house of prayer for all nations?”  But you have made it a den of robbers.”

Pray with All Kinds of Prayer pt 1

There are basically three different kinds of prayers you can pray that are found in the New Testament.  They are: “Prayer that changes THINGS.” Plus “Prayer of Thanksgiving” and no, it is not just to be used on Thanksgiving Day. And the “Prayer of Dedication and Worship.”

There are also a few categories that would be listed under those three major types of prayer.

For example, under “Prayer that Changes Things,” there are four major prayers. They are the “Prayer of Agreement.” The “Prayer of Binding and Loosing.” “The Prayer of Petition.” And then the “Prayer of Intercession.”

Prayer that changes things is not a prayer that changes God. No way. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen!  

His Word is established FOREVER. 

All we need to do is find out what His Word says – and believe it. Then pray the prayer of faith based ONLY on His Word. You’ve heard me teach on this all year long. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of finding out what the Word of God says concerning a situation and then using the Word to fight the battle. Amen!

This will give you the confidence when you apply your faith to what you have prayed, as long as it is in line with God’s Word, to HAVE the thing you desired.  You can study it out for yourself in Mark 11:22-24. Amen!

Folks, God is on your side. He is for you – not against you. It is the devil that is against you. He is against everything you stand for. But God is ON your side. Amen!

Everything God has done is to free you from the bondage of Satan. 

But it is up to you to take that freedom and do something with it.

And the most important thing you can do is pray accurately as you speak the Word of God in Faith! Amen!

You can have confidence when you pray. 1 John 5:14-15 clearly state this for our benefit:

“This is the confidence we have in Him. That if we pray according to His Word, He hears us. And if He hears us, we can know that we receive the petitions that we desire of Him.” Amen!

It doesn’t get any better than that!


Let’s Pray!

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You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 25 - Merry Christmas

5m · Published 25 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Matthew 5:44

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” 

Merry Christmas!

Today, I simply want to talk to you a few minutes about the importance of this day.  

Whether Jesus was born on December 25th really does not matter. Whether He was born in the winter of the fall or the spring, really does not matter. Whether the celebration of Christmas has taken on a totally secular meaning for the world does not matter.

Because of the celebration of believers everywhere, Christians coming together and celebrating the birth of the Savior into this fallen world – it does not matter what religion anybody is claiming to be (or none at all). 

Because even the most devout atheist, Muslim or Hindu must admit that today, December 25th, the rest of the world is celebrating the BIRTH OF JESUS.

Whether or not they believe in Him does not matter to you.

Whether or not they want to recognize today as the celebration of His birth into this world does not matter to you.

Whether they die in their sins and go straight to hell for all eternity, as tragic and as heartless as this sounds – does not matter to you.

You see, THEY have made their decision. 

You can be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in the celebration of His birth. It really does not matter what day of the year, what season of the year or whatever you want to dispute. It really does not matter…

All that really matters is the fact that TODAY, December 25th – the believers in this world ARE CELEBRATING. That is all that truly matters.

I believe Jesus is happy that we are celebrating today. Whether or not it is truly the day He was born is irrelevant to Him. He has been since the beginning. One day a year – whatever day – really does not matter. 

As long as we are recognizing HIM as the Christ… THE MESSIAH… THE SAVIOR of the world!  That is all He cares about!  Amen!

So go sing your Christmas carols. Go sing your Christmas songs. Go and open your presents and gifts. Go eat your huge banquet dinner. Go and watch your football or whatever it is you are going to do…

But, as you go, please do ONE THING…

Stop a moment, pray and just THANK JESUS for creating this day where the whole entire world, regardless if they believe in Him and His Salvation or not – the entire world, must recognize that TODAY – belongs to Jesus!


Let’s Pray!

Until next time, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 in the Living Bible to “Always Keep on Praying!”  AND MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!

Please subscribe to this podcast, leave us a quick 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow and be sure to visit our website for more information on our ministry: And while you are at the website, download the free resource I have for you… it is free and is called, “How to Start a Christian Podcast.” It will bless you – go and download it today.

You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 24 - The Last Will and Testament pt 4

7m · Published 24 Dec 14:00

    Scripture For Today:

Jeremiah 14:11

“Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of this people.” 

The Last Will and Testament pt 4

We have been looking at “our inheritance” through our Salvation in Christ. I talked about, in the natural, when some is preparing to die, they usually will leave a “Will.” And the legal name for that document is the “Last Will and Testament of” that person. 

We left off yesterday establishing that Jesus created a NEW WILL through the NEW TESTAMENT. But, does that mean He “did away with the Old Testament.”  I may have inferred that yesterday when I said that, in the case of a will, an “updated will” negates the power of the “old will.”  And that is true.

The “power of the Old Testament” was established in punishment for sin with a continual offering of sacrifice to “keep the wrath away.” With the New Testament, Jesus became the FINAL sacrifice. We no longer need to continually offer sacrifices to defer God’s wrath. 

While the Bible is a unified book, there are differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In many ways, they are complementary. The Old Testament is foundational; the New Testament builds on that foundation with further revelation from God. The Old Testament establishes principles that are seen to be illustrative of New Testament truths. The Old Testament contains many prophecies that are fulfilled in the New. The Old Testament provides the history of a people; the New Testament focus is on a Person. The Old Testament shows the wrath of God against sin (with glimpses of His grace); the New Testament shows the grace of God toward sinners (with glimpses of His wrath).

The Old Testament predicts a Messiah and the New Testament reveals who the Messiah is. The Old Testament records the giving of God’s Law, and the New Testament shows how Jesus the Messiah fulfilled that Law. In the Old Testament, God’s dealings are mainly with His chosen people, the Jews; in the New Testament, God’s dealings are mainly with His church. Physical blessings promised us under the Old Covenant give way to Spiritual blessings under the New Covenant.

The Old Testament prophecies related to the coming of Christ, although incredibly detailed, contain a certain amount of ambiguity that is cleared up in the New Testament. For example, the prophet Isaiah spoke of the death of the Messiah (Isaiah 53) and the establishing of the Messiah’s kingdom (Isaiah 26) with no clues concerning the chronology of the two events—no hints that the suffering and the kingdom-building might be separated by millennia. In the New Testament, it becomes clear that the Messiah would have two advents: in the first He suffered and died (and rose again), and in the second He will establish His kingdom. 

Because God’s revelation in Scripture is progressive, the New Testament brings into sharper focus principles that were introduced in the Old Testament. The book of Hebrews describes how Jesus is the true High Priest and how His one sacrifice replaces all previous sacrifices, which were mere fore-shadowing’s. The Passover lamb of the Old Testament becomes the Lamb of God in the New Testament. The Old Testament gives the Law. The New Testament clarifies that the Law was meant to show men their need of salvation and was never intended to be the means of salvation.

And that is the big difference. Under the Old Covenant, man continually TRIED to please God. Under the New Covenant,...

Prayer 2021 - December 23 - The Last Will and Testament pt 3

4m · Published 23 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 Luke 6:28

“Bless those that curse you and pray for those that mistreat you.”

 The Last Will and Testament pt 3

We have been looking at “our inheritance” through our Salvation in Christ. I talked about, in the natural, when some is preparing to die, they usually will leave a “Will.” And the legal name for that document is the “Last Will and Testament of” that person. 

Yesterday, we left off with the “legacy Jesus has left us.” 

First was the Legacy of the “Forgiveness of Sins.”  This is the most important thing any human being could ever inherit. Without this included in the Will of Jesus, when we died, would still be separated from a loving Father. 

But because of His reconciliation for us to the Father through His sacrifice – we have inherited the right to be called “Sons of God.” Amen!

To go right along with the Legacy of the forgiveness of our sin is the Legacy of Eternal Life.  That is the promise that we will live FOREVER with Jesus and our Father in Heaven. That is the GREATEST LEGACY that could ever be passed from one person to another!

Imagine if someone you knew, let’s say your grandfather or someone, was really, really famous. And they had all sorts of valuable things and always said, “When I die, my Last Will and Testament will distribute everything I have to those I love.” 

Nobody ever knew who or what old granddad was going to give anyone… 

And then, grandpa passes on. But it will be 60 days before the Will is read in court.

For sixty days, everyone is walking around saying things like, “I sure hope my name is in that will…!”  In some cases, people who were not included in the Will fight for years in court to try and get some piece of the inheritance. It seems like people only want to be in the Will, not be remembered by their grandfather, but to have some earthly possessions and riches. 

But Ephesians 1:3 tells us, “Not all of the riches of the earth could even begin to be compared to the eternal riches that the Lord Jesus has given us.” Amen!

But, Hebrews 9:16-17 tells us, that “In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the testator (the one who wrote the will). Because a will is only in force when somebody has died. It never takes effect while the one who made it is alive.”

If someone has a will and it has been several years since it was written, some circumstances may change they want to update their will. That means the OLD WILL is no longer valid and the NEW WILL is now in force.

If someone comes along and tries to enforce the actions of the OLD WILL on the survivors, the court rules the old will is no longer valid and enforces actions only according to the new will.

When Jesus DIED on the Cross – His Will immediately went into effect and all of the provisions that were required and enforced under the OLD WILL were immediately nullified.

This is good news for those who were not included in the OLD WILL – but have been included in the NEW WILL. Amen!

That’s US! Praise God!

Let’s leave it right there for today and we will take it up here again tomorrow.

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - December 22 - The Last Will and Testament pt 2

6m · Published 22 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Luke 19:46

“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’”

 The Last Will and Testament pt 2

Yesterday, we looked at “our inheritance” through our Salvation in Christ. I talked about, in the natural, when some is preparing to die, they usually will leave a “Will.” And the legal name for that document is the “Last Will and Testament of” that person. 

It is a legal document and has the full power and effect of enforcing that persons desires that will take place after their death.

Hebrews 9:15-17 discuss what a “will” actually is and what it does.

 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.   In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.”

The testament or “Will” specifies WHO RECEIVES WHAT… And a Will cannot be made if the person who wants to leave it does not have anything worth having a Will for. Amen!  Only someone who is leaving some sort of “legacy” will have a Will.  It will deal with something of value that the person writing Will wants to make sure will be passed along to the designated person.

That means, for every Will – there MUST BE a “testator” (or someone who wrote the Will)…

Jesus IS the “New Testament.” It is HIS WILL.  He has a GREAT LEGACY to pass on to others. Amen!

The most important Legacy of Jesus is the FORGIVENESS of our sins. That is the first and foremost component of the Will of Jesus. Erasing forever the division between us and God.

Sin divides and separates us from God. Jesus’ legacy is the FOREGIVENESS of the sin that eternally separates us from our Heavenly Father. There is no greater legacy that could ever be left to any human being!  

If you do not have this promise from Jesus as YOUR legacy, as YOUR inheritance – when you close your eyes in death, there is still that separation between you and God. And it will be too late to bridge that gap. You will be forever separated from God.  And that would not be a pleasurable inheritance at all.

But the Legacy of Jesus has passed on to us the forgiveness of sins and the promise that HE is the mediator between us and God. And God has agreed to forgive the sins of every person who believes on Jesus.

Amen.  We will take it up here again tomorrow.

Let’s Pray!

Please subscribe to this podcast, leave us a quick 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow and be sure to visit our website for more information on our ministry: And while you are at the website, download the free resource I have for you… it is free and is called, “How to Start a Christian Podcast.” It will bless you – go and download it today.

You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 21 - The Last Will and Testament pt 1

7m · Published 21 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Matthew 26:39

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”


The Last Will and Testament pt 1

I know I’ve taught a lot this year from 1 John 5:14-15… but that is because it is a powerful scripture that should give us great confidence in that our prayers are heard. In fact, let’s read it again right now: 

“And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us; and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we KNOW that we HAVE the petitions that we desired of Him.”

We talked before about knowing God’s will during our prayer time. I discussed, in great detail, that God’s will is expressed through His Word. God’s Word – the Bible – is His Will.

Think about what we call the two major divisions of the Bible: The OLD Testament and the NEW Testament. Right?

In legal proceedings, when someone dies and they want to leave what possessions and valuables, etc. to certain people, what is that called?  Their “WILL.”  Right?

And what do the lawyers put at the top of the document in most cases?

“This is the last “will and testament” of “so and so.”  Right?

Now, stick with me here…

WAY BACK, in Genesis, Satan stole Adam’s inheritance by deceiving Adam into giving up his authority. God promised that there would be “one who heel you bruise but whose heel will crush your head.”  

From that moment on – God’s WILL – was to give back to mankind all of creation. Amen.

In order to do that, there had to be a payment for the sin that Adam committed. Throughout the Old Testament, we can read that the family of the person needed to make restitution. Since ALL have descended from Adam, each of us was just a guilty as he…there had to be a perfect sacrifice.

Now, I’m not going to get into the legalities of it all here. But, let’s just agree that JESUS fulfilled ALL of the requirements. He lived a sinless life and therefore, HE could inherit everything. Right?

But, He had the right to call 12 Legions of angels to save him from death on the cross and He could have still inherited it all. But He would have been the only one. Period.

He chose to die in our place. That was a sacrifice for US.  God accepted His sacrifice, opening the door for US to be forgiven and made perfect in God’s eyes.  But, we were still not able to fulfill ALL the law required…

So Jesus gave us HIS “Last Will and Testament.” It was written in John 17:20-22 when He prayed:

I am not asking on behalf of them only (His disciples standing there), but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their message (that means YOU and ME)!  So that ALL of them may be ONE as You, Father, are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in US, so that the world may believe that you sent me…”

Folks, THAT is the Last Will and Testament of Jesus!  That the inheritance that He gained would be passed on to “Those that believe God sent Him.”  PRAISE GOD! 

That’s where we will take it up again tomorrow. Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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Study in Prayer has 414 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 55:33:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on February 22nd, 2024 05:11.

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