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Study in Prayer

by Pastor Robert Thibodeau

This is short, 10-15 minute, daily teaching on PRAYER. We will discuss "What is prayer?" "How to pray?" "When to pray?" "What to pray?" and all aspects of prayer. This study will bring into a deeper relationship with God, through Christ Jesus and through prayer!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 Pastor Robert Thibodeau


Prayer 2021 - December 20 - The Power of Partnership pt 4

6m · Published 20 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Daniel 9:20

 “The Seventy “Sevens” – “While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill…”


The Power of Partnership pt 4

We have been studying about the Power of Partnership. And we learned that true partnership in ministry involves a lot more than financial offerings. Finances are important. Very important. Every ministry I know of needs money to keep going. Including ours…

But I want us to look at Proverbs 18:16 today… “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men,” but it’s not talking about skills, talents, abilities, or even anointing. It is talking here about presents. 

And there is one person in particular who walked in the understanding of this scripture, whether she knew it or not, and that was the Queen of Sheba.

In 1 Kings 10:1-3 we read: “And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions. And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart. And Solomon told her all her questions: there was not anything hid from the king, which he told her not.”

In 1 Kings 10:24 we also read that all the kings of the earth sought Solomon for his wisdom and for his blessing. 

Think about that; Solomon was the most famous man in the world in his day. He was ruler of the most powerful and prosperous kingdom in the world in his day. So much so that all the people of the earth sought Solomon for his attention so they could ask his wisdom, get his opinion, and receive his favor. 

 So with all these people competing for his time, why did he move the Queen of Sheba to the front of the line and spend so much time answering all her questions? I believe it was her gift that made room for her, just like Proverbs 18:16 says, and it brought her before a great man.

She gave the king 120 talents of gold (that’s about 145,000 ounces and at today’s price would be about $44,000,000 worth of gold). That doesn’t include the great stores of spice, an abundance of which had never been seen before, and precious stones. 

It wasn’t her skill, talent, or ability that brought her before the king. But it was her huge gift that made room for her and put her at the front of the line!

So what did the Queen of Sheba get out of this? Everything she wanted and more. 

1 Kings 10:13 says, “And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty.”

King Solomon didn’t need the queen’s riches, but she needed his wisdom.

King Solomon didn’t need the queen’s blessing. But she needed his blessing.

King Solomon didn’t need her to impart to him some great wisdom about life and political situations – but she needed his wisdom in handling these kinds of things…

 And the blessing in all of these areas came to her because her gift opened the door to the very things she needed. She probably left with more riches than she brought, and just think of how much more of a blessing she may have been to the poor on her return trip. I have no doubt she stopped along the way and blessed others. Amen!

And that is: When you give to a ministry, it’s not just what they need, it’s what you need too!


Prayer 2021 - December 19 - The Power of Partnership pt 2

7m · Published 19 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Luke 21:36

“Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”

The Power of Partnership pt 3

We have been studying about the Power of Partnership. I know when a lot of people here that term, the first thing they think of is “He’s going to ask for money!”  I know it. But that is not what true partnership is about.

True partnership in ministry involves a lot more than financial offerings. Finances are important. Very important. Every ministry I know of needs money to keep going. Including ours…

We learned that Philippians 4:19, which says, “But my God shall supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” was written to people who were partnering with Paul in the Gospel and gave to his ministry on a regular basis. 

Paul confirmed that in 1 Corinthians 16:2, where he wrote to his partners in the Corinthian church, “On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside” (New King James Version).

The partners Paul was talking about were systematic, deliberate givers. They were important to the success of his ministry.

I’ve also taught that the reason God prospers you is so that you can establish His kingdom here on the earth, and if you seek to build that kingdom, then He will provide a supernatural divine flow that will meet all your needs. I can promise you that when you pray and ask God for direction in your giving and then respond to that, He will take care of your financial needs better accidentally than you’ve ever been able to do on purpose. 

These are all powerful truths, but I want to show you an aspect of partnership that I believe very few Christians understand.

Proverbs 18:16 says, “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men,” but it’s not talking about skills, talents, abilities, or even anointing. 

I used to think it was, as a matter of fact; I used that verse in that exact way until I began to study it in greater detail. But that is not what it means…

When you give into another ministry – and I have to emphasize – a ministry which the Lord puts upon your heart to give into… that is very important.. but when you do that, it is not only to support their work and help meet their need – it is to obtain an open door for what YOU NEED as well.

When you give to a ministry, you not only bless the people that are being touched by that ministry, but you start a supernatural flow of your finances, and you partake of the anointing and the blessing that’s on that minister’s life. 

It’s not bad to want the anointing that is on my life or that of another minister. The Bible says that we are to desire spiritual gifts. I really believe that the things that are operating in my life have come in part, not totally, but because I have supported great men and women of God. 

I gave on purpose, saying, “God, I want to be a part of that. I’m going to sow part of my life into this person and into that ministry and, by doing so, open a door that allows the blessing that’s on them to flow toward me.” 

It doesn’t just happen automatically; you have to have faith. But I believe that you can start seeing these things happen in your life just as I have seen in mine - if you will mix faith with your gifts.

I ask you to consider sowing into the work we are doing all over earth as we help others to “GET THE WORD OUT!” Amen!

Just use the link down below to sow your tax deductible gift for this year, before December 31st. Amen!

Let’s Pray!

Prayer 2021 - December 18 - The Power of Partnership pt 2

6m · Published 18 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Mark 6:46

“And leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.”

The Power of Partnership pt 2

Yesterday we started to discuss the Power of Partnership. I know when a lot of people here that term, the first thing they think of is “He’s going to ask for money!”  I know it. I thought that way too for many years. But that is not what true partnership is about.

We know the “Book of Philippians” was Paul’s direct communication with this church. We also know they were so appreciative of his ministry, they sent more than one offering to him. We studied that a few days back in chapter 4:14-19.

But true partnership in ministry involves a lot more than financial offerings. Finances are important. Very important. Every ministry I know of needs money to keep going. If you don’t believe that, ask your pastor how long the church would remain open if every person stopped giving tithes and offerings.

They may have some money saved in the bank, but it will not be an endless supply. 

In 2020, this nation faced the COVID pandemic and churches were shut down. Many, many churches that were struggling to get by closed their doors for good. Many others reopened, but the folks that used to attend church never came back and they closed, too. I’m not saying that is alright – it’s not – but it’s a fact.

Unfortunately, the idea of partnership has devolved to the point that it only revolves around money.  But that is not how TRUE Partnership should operate.

In 1 Corinthians 1:9, we read, “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

So we see here that we are called into fellowship – which is another word for partnership, with Jesus for the work of the Gospel… right?

In 2 Corinthians 8:23, we read, “As for Titus, he is my PARTNER – and a fellow worker among you; as for our brethren, they are messengers of the churches, a glory to Christ.” 

We see Titus is Paul’s partner in ministry…and Titus is “fellow worker” or a PARTNER among the Corinthian churches – all for the work of Christ.

Let’s look at the letter Paul wrote to Philemon in chapter 1 verse 6: “…and I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake.” 

Paul also told Philemon to receive Onesimus as if he was receiving Paul himself!  That was an escaped slave, returning to his master.  And Paul, because of his partnership with Philemon – and Philemon’s partnership relationship with Paul, received Onesimus as if he was receiving Paul in person. 

Folks, it is the RELATIONSHIP ASPECT that creates partnership. TRUE PARTNERSHIP is a RELATIONSHIP.

And that’s where we will take this up tomorrow.

I’m working on something here…so you have to come back and here the rest tomorrow. Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 17 - The Power of Partnership pt 1

7m · Published 17 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 Matthew 6:9

“They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.”

The Power of Partnership pt 1

Yesterday, we left off with a discussion of “The Church at Philippi.”

We know the “Book of Philippians” was Paul’s direct communication with this church. We also know they were so appreciative of his ministry, they sent more than one offering to him. We studied that yesterday in verses 14 -17.

What Paul was doing was recognizing their generous donation to him – and to his ministry – as a PARTNERSHIP. 

We learned that most of the members of this church were either current or former prisoners of the Philippian jail. Amen! 

Let me ask you, how much money do prisoners have? Not much – even today. Way less back then!  But they still scraped together what they could and insisted on sending the money to Paul. 

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 8:2, “Out of their poverty they gave.” This was referencing the Macedonian church – which, in Philippians 4, Paul commended the church at Philippi in the same way saying that after he left Macedonia, “NO CHURCH shared with me…except you alone.”

Folks, this was a partner letter to those that supported his ministry.

It may not have been a lot of money in the natural – but in the Spirit, this gift was priceless!  There could be no earthly value counted on the offering they gave to Paul. That is why Paul declared in verse 19 that “My God WILL SUPPLY – ALL of your need – according to HIS riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus.”

Paul did not say they would receive earthly riches. He said God would supply ALL THEIR NEED. 

We studied this a few days ago. 

Partnership does not mean “sow financially and reap even more financially.”  It can happen that way – but that is NOT what it means.

I’ve shared for 27 years or more, that EVERY BELIEVER is called into ministry. It may not be the five fold ministry. But every believer IS called into ministry.

You are either called into the five-fold ministry. That refers to “those that GO.”  Or you could be called into the “ministry of helps.” That is those folks that “help those that go.” Such as church or ministry staff, etc.  Then, there is everyone else that “sends those that go.” This refers to the “ministry of finance.”

Folks, I’m all out of time for today. But I want to ask you to consider partnering with our ministry for the coming year. We have grown more in this past 12 months than we had projected. The Word of God is going forth all over this planet each and every day.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk more about the work that God is doing through this ministry. I can truly say, this is NOT Brother Bob’s doing. I’m not smart enough to think this up and execute it on my own. This is the Lord’s doing and it is for this day and hour in which we live. I’ll leave it at that.

But I do want to encourage you to partner with us as we prepare for even greater things the Lord has put on our heart and mission to accomplish next year. Amen!

Just use the links below to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. I do appreciate each and every gift, no matter the amount. Each one is prayed over upon receipt. Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - December 16 - God's Will is to Meet Your Financial Needs pt 3

6m · Published 16 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Matthew 6:9

“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”

God’s Will is to Meet Your Financial Needs pt 3

Yesterday, we left off with a discussion of “The Church at Philippi.”

We know the “Book of Philippians” was Paul’s direct communication with this church. We also know they were so appreciative of his ministry, they sent more than one offering to him. And Paul makes special mention of this in verses 14 -17: 

Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction. 15 You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone; 16 for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. 17 Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.”

Now, let me through a caveat in here that most people never think about…  The “Philippian church.” Where was this church at?

“Well, brother Bob, in Philippi, of course!”

True. But WHERE in Philippi? 

Let me give you a clue. Now, this is just from the research I’ve done. Ok? But what I’m about to share with you makes 100% sense.

What happened to Paul and Silas in Philippi?  They were arrested and locked into the darkest, most secure cell in the jail. This was after being beaten severely. Right?  You can go read all about in Acts chapter 16 verses 16-40.

And they were singing out in the midnight hour when God heard their prayers and sprang open every single door in that jail. Right?  But the prisoners did not make a run for it, did they? Why?

Because they were experiencing God through the testimony of Paul and Silas and their singing. 

The Glory of the Lord had fallen in that place and these prisoners had never experienced anything like that before! They were not going to leave that Glorious place!  

The jailer thought “this is it” because all the doors were open. That’s what would happen in just about every prison in existence. But not here. Not this night! But it ended up, the jailer and his entire house was born again that night (and, I would venture to say – every prisoner, too).

Folks, THIS IS THE PHILLIPI CHURCH that Paul was talking to. That is who Paul was writing to!  The jailer was the PASTOR of this PRISON MINISTRY!  Praise God!  He may have been holding services for others in his home because scripture says his entire house was saved that night. I’m sure they became witnesses of what had happened, too! Amen! 

I also believe that some prisoners, when released, didn’t want to leave the area either. But folks, it makes complete sense. We do not read about any other work being done in Philippi, do we? None. 

There is no references of Paul commanding Timothy or anyone else to “go to Philippi and start a church.” None!  THIS WAS the Philippian church!

So, if PRISONERS could scrape together a few meager dollars and send it to Paul to bless others with – not just once but several times! THAT is why he was so moved!  And it turned into a HUGE Blessing!  For him AND for them! Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - December 15 - God's Will is to Supply Your Financial Needs pt 2

6m · Published 15 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 Matthew 26:36

“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”

God’s Will is to Supply Your Financial Needs pt 2

Yesterday, we introduced the topic of “Gods Will is to Supply Your Financial Needs.” Now, this really is not anything new. You have heard me talk about the foundation of this all year long. Mainly, how our own WORDS that come out of OUR mouths either bless us or condemn us. 

This goes hand in hand with receiving answers to your prayers. This goes right along with whether or not you are blessed or cursed. It all revolves along with speaking your faith and not speaking negatively to what the Word of God says. Period! Amen!

Yesterday, I shared what Paul had to say in Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply ALL your need, according to HIS riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus.”

When Paul said, “my God shall supply ALL your need” – he was talking specifically about your finances. And, we learned yesterday, that “ALL” means ALL!  Everything. Nothing left out.

So that means God will meet EVERY NEED you have. And, “every need” means “EVERY NEED!”  I hope you are getting this spiritual revelation here… Glory to God!

This means spiritual needs, physical needs (such as healing and health) and material needs (like housing and finances). 

If you are one of those who doesn’t think Philippians 4:!9 is speaking about finances here, read the entire chapter in context. You will find out that the people  of the Philippian church had collected an offering of money and goods to send to other Christians. 

Paul was saying to THEM, “Because you have given to others and helped them, my God shall supply ALL of YOUR NEED.” Amen!  Paul was talking specifically about material and financial matters.

Now, let me through a caveat in here that most people never think about…  The “Philippian church.” Where was this church at?

“Well, brother Bob, in Philippi, of course!”

True. But WHERE in Philippi? 

Let me give you a clue. Now, this is just from the research I’ve done. Ok? But what I’m about to share with you makes 100% sense.

What happened to Paul and Silas in Philippi?  They were arrested and locked into the darkest, most secure cell in the jail. This was after being beaten severely. Right?  You can go read all about in Acts chapter 16 verses 16-40.

And they were singing out in the midnight hour when God heard their prayers and sprang open every single door in that jail. Right?  But the prisoners did not make a run for it, did they? Why?

I’ll tell you what… I’m going to stop right there and we will take this up again tomorrow. Because I’m about to share something with that is going to get old Pastor Bob to preaching… and I don’t want to minimize the importance of what I’m about to share… 

Let’s Pray!

Please subscribe to this podcast, leave us a quick 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow and be sure to visit our website for more information on our ministry: And while you are at the website, download the free resource I have for you… it is free and is called, “How to Start a Christian Podcast.” It will bless you – go and download it today.

You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link: 

Prayer 2021 - December 14 - God's Will is to Meet Your Financial Need pt 2

5m · Published 14 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Daniel 9:17

“Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary…”

God’s Will is to Supply Your Financial Needs pt 1

We’ve been studying how your own words can nullify (or kill) the effectiveness of your prayer life. We’ve dealt with how your own tongue can kill your prayers. And that not only affects the area of health and loved ones, but it definitely will affect the prayers of your finances.

I’ll give you another example of God’s will is for you to prosper. Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply ALL your need, according to HIS riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus.”

Since the Word of God is true – this scripture is true. Since this scripture is true, then we now KNOW that it is God’s Will for us to have ALL of our needs met. Every single one of them – and that definitely includes financial needs. Amen!

We can have faith to claim that as our right and our privilege of being in the Body of Christ simply because it is in the Word. Amen! 

Actually, when Paul said, “…my God shall supply all your need…” he was SPECIFICALLY talking about material needs and financial needs!  I know that will get some misguided pastors feathers ruffled, but they go look it up themselves… amen!

But, I also believe, that Paul meant the God was talking about meeting ALL our needs. That word ALL is a funny word. Someone once did an indepth study of the word ALL.  He looked at in the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, English, German and Latin. And do you know what he finally decided the word ALL meant.  ALL.  Praise God!

ALL MEANS ALL…not part of. Not some of. Not this but not that. ALL MEANS ALL.

Glory to God for His revelation in the Word. Amen!

Another way of saying this is that God will meet “every need” you ever have. And “every need” means just that – EVERY – SINGLE – NEED. Period!  Whether it is spiritual, physical, material or financial. Amen!

ALL means ALL and you should never let any well meaning, but misguided Christian try and convince you otherwise. 

“Well, you know – money is the root of all evil. And if God knows you couldn’t handle it, that’s why He’s not going to give you any…”

Give me a break!  

If you notice, the people who say that are just as broke, if not more broke, than you!  

Don’t listen to any negative words that go contrary to THE WORD. Amen! 

If you have a need, dig into the Word of God, find the answer and then start declaring it over yourself. Praise God!  Do not let any negative word slip out of your mouth, either. Just keep standing on THE WORD and you will soon find that ALL of your needs are being met. Praise God!

Let’s Pray!

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Please subscribe to this podcast, leave us a quick 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow and be sure to visit our website for more information on our ministry: And while you are at the website, download the free resource I have for you… it is free and is called, “How to Start a Christian Podcast.” It will bless you – go and download it today.

You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 13 - Your Words Can Kill Your Prayers pt 2

6m · Published 13 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Psalm 109:7

“When he is tried, let him be found guilty and may his own prayers condemn him.” 

Your Words Can Kill Your Prayers pt 2

We’ve been studying how your own words can nullify (or kill) the effectiveness of your prayer life. This is not just dealing with YOU, but those whom you ask to pray with you and for you as well. Your own words can overcome the well intentioned faith of even spiritual prayer giants who are praying for you! Amen!  That is how effective you very own words are. They are either used for your benefit or used for your demise.

The choice really is yours! It is what comes out of your own mouth that matters the most. And Jesus said, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” So if negativity, if doubt, if unbelief is coming out of your mouth… guess what – THAT is what is in your heart! Not faith!

You need to ADD to your prayers by speaking ONLY faith filled words! How do you do that? By speaking SCRIPTURE over your prayers, over your life and speaking the SCRIPTURES that support your prayer request!  I’ve been telling you this all year long, you MUST use the Word of God in your prayers!

“Brother Bob, you say that on almost every program.” 

Well, if you would start to do it then I could move on to something else!  But, because you don’t want to be labeled as “one of the name it and claim it crowd” or one of those “Blab it and grab it people” – you’d rather just die in your misery, poverty or whatever so you will “look good at your funeral!”

I know that offends a LOT of people out there – especially those that are of a couple of denominational sects. But get over it folks. This is real life and death stuff we are talking about here. What you say MATTERS!

Don’t believe me?

Here is what JESUS had to say about what YOU say…

Mark 11:22-24   “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly[a] I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours…”

Let me ask you, if Jesus was sitting here, in the same room with you, right now. And He said THIS is what you need to do to get your prayers answered, you need to pray standing up and that will do it… would you do it? Would you pray from that moment forward while standing up?  

“Well of course, brother Bob!”  WHY?

“Because Jesus told me that was what I needed to do. And He should know, I mean, “His Word is Truth. Amen!”

OK… Mark 11:22-24 tells YOU what JESUS said YOU should do. Look at verse 24 again:  “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours…”

Would Jesus lie to you?  If not, then WHY won’t you do this ONE VERSE in your prayer life?

We will take it up here again tomorrow…

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - December 12 - Your Words Can Kill Your Prayers pt 1

5m · Published 12 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Psalm 109:4

“In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.”

Your Words Can Kill Your Prayers pt 1

We’ve studied quite extensively about knowing you WILL receive your prayers as answered when you pray according to God’s will. We also have learned that God’s Word IS God’s Will. We demonstrated that fact that it is God’s will that ALL be saved. And in doing so, we looked at several scriptures that prove that your prayers WILL be answered when you pray in agreement with God’s Word – which is His Will.

But many people have prayed and prayed and then have solicited help from other believers to pray with them and help them in praying. And, praise God, these folks will often get in agreement with the person and come before God, lifting His Word up to Him and standing in agreement that the prayer request has already been answered “yes and Amen!”

But then, these same people will undo their prayers and nullify the Faith of OTHER PEOPLE who are praying with them, simply by speaking negatively. Their prayers didn’t work and their faith has been ineffective simply because of their negative attitude and negative words! 

I’m probably stepping all over your toes right now, right?  I know, I know – me too!  We’re not all perfect (only Jesus could fill those shoes). But we need to identify what is wrong in our prayer life when we do not see our prayers as answered.

And most of the time – it’s our own big mouths that are the problem!  Amen!

Folks that continuously speak negatively, not just about their lives but about their prayers as well, never put corresponding action OR words, with their faith and prayer requests. 

And these same folks, maybe you, too, will also hinder the prayers of other people who are praying for them by being negative and speaking negative things.

It is so important to make sure you do not take away from your prayers by speaking doubt and unbelief, criticism or negativity. Instead, you should add to your prayers by talking FAITH. Amen!

If you are praying for your loved ones, do not do anything or say anything that would speak opposite of what you are praying. Don’t yell at them and tell them they “will never amount to nothing” or anything like that! That just builds up insecurity and self-doubt and, in the end, a self-fulfilling  prophecy…Because you give the devil legal authority to bring your words to pass negatively.


All the praying in the world will not do anything for you, will not work for you and will never obtain the results you requested, if you are speaking negative circumstances over whatever it is you are praying for. That included loved ones, health, finances, whatever.

We will take it up more here tomorrow.

Let’s Pray!

Please subscribe to this podcast, leave us a quick 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow and be sure to visit our website for more information on our ministry: And while you are at the website, download the free resource I have for you… it is free and is called, “How to Start a Christian Podcast.” It will bless you – go and download it today.

You can also WATCH these session on our Facebook Playlist at this link:

Prayer 2021 - December 12 - God's Will is That ALL Be Saved pt 4

6m · Published 11 Dec 14:00

Scripture For Today:

1 Samuel 12:19

“The people all said to Samuel, “Pray to the Lord your God for your servants so that we will not die, for we have added to all our other sins the evil of asking for a king.”

God’s Will is That ALL Be Saved pt 4

We’ve been talking these last few days on the fact that it is “God’s Will is that all be saved.” I’ve given you several scriptures from the Word of God that demonstrates that is His Will. We looked at 1 John 5:14:15 several times in the last few weeks. But yesterday, I also showed you:

1 Timothy 2:4 “Who (God) will have ALL men be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the Truth.”

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but HAVE everlasting life.”

Knowing what the Word of God says, you can see with confidence that we can come to God in prayer. If our praying is according to His will, or His Word, He hears us, for His Word IS His Will. 

Then, there is John 15:7 that says, “If YOU abide in me and my Words abide in you, you shall ask what YOU WILL, and IT (what you are asking for) shall be done unto you.”

We left off yesterday by demonstrating that when you are born again, you are now IN CHRIST! That’s His part. Now, to complete the process, you need to have HIS WORD dwelling in YOU.

Many times, in our praying, we keep looking at the wrong things. We keep looking at the circumstances and we keep looking at what is NOT happening. 

Someone might say, “Well, hardly anyone came to the meeting last night, so people probably won’t come tonight either.”

Or in the area of finances, someone might say, “Well, the finances haven’t manifested yet. When I get the money, THEN I’ll believe my prayers have been answered.”

Or, if it is in the area of praying for the lost, perhaps one of your loved ones, you might say, “Well, when I see my family and friends saved or my loved one saved, when I see a change in them, THEN I’ll believe God has answered my prayer.”

You see, that kind of attitude doesn’t demonstrate any confidence at all in God’s Word. That kind of attitude is not letting God’s Word abide in you at all. That kind of attitude is actually walking by SIGHT and not by Faith! You only believe in what you can see. And, buddy, the devil will take you up on it…

The devil will slip in something you’ve been praying about every now and then just to say in your ear, “See, if God wants you to have it – he’ll show you by giving it to you.”  And you’ll be so spiritually deceived that you’ll believe his lies. 

You may even undo ALL of your prayers by doing that very thing – walking by sight instead of walking by Faith. Faith in God’s Word. God’s Word say, let’s just use John 15:7 again that says, “If YOU abide in me and my Words abide in you, you shall ask what YOU WILL, and IT (what you are asking for) shall be done unto you.”

But instead of standing on that scripture, you’ll only believe what you see, hear or feel rather than the Word of God. 

Don’t do that folks!  Get into the Word yourself. Read the Word. Stand on the Word. Believe the Word. See the victory IN the Word and never give up. Just believe and keep on believing and praising God for the victory – regardless of what you...

Study in Prayer has 414 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 55:33:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on February 22nd, 2024 05:11.

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