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Study in Prayer

by Pastor Robert Thibodeau

This is short, 10-15 minute, daily teaching on PRAYER. We will discuss "What is prayer?" "How to pray?" "When to pray?" "What to pray?" and all aspects of prayer. This study will bring into a deeper relationship with God, through Christ Jesus and through prayer!

Copyright: Copyright 2023 Pastor Robert Thibodeau


Prayer 2021 - November 30 - Responsibility for Answered Prayer pt 1

5m · Published 30 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Isaiah 44:17

“From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, “Save me! You are my god!”

Responsibility for Answered Prayer pt 1

I want to share with you some very important aspects of receiving answer to your prayers. The one that most people struggle with is “Who’s responsible for our prayer being answered?”

Now, before you get mad at me already and switch this program off, hear me out…

Many people want to relieve themselves from all responsibility when it comes to receiving from the Lord. They want to put all the responsibility on God.  Then, if their prayer is not answered, they can say, “Well, it must not be God’s will, because I prayed, “If it be thy will” and God didn’t do it… so that tells me it was not His will.”

In other words, it’s human nature to try and put off all the responsibility on God. Even Adam did that in the Garden of Eden! He told God, “That woman that YOU gave me…”

We cannot get away from OUR responsibility in prayer, even if we want to. Most of us don’t want to accept the responsibility – any of it – concerning whether our prayers are answered or not. We would rather put it all over on God. That way, we would never have to say, “I failed. I missed it.” 

God has given us the Light of His Word. The more we submit ourselves TO His Word and the more we conform ourselves TO HIS Word, the more successful our prayer life will become and we will find our prayers being answered more often.  AMEN!

People often ask me questions like, “Why don’t God heal me when I ask Him too?”  Then, once they say that, they give me all of the reasons why God SHOULD heal them. “I did this and I do that and I gave this and I worked that… and…and… and…”

People do not get healed based on their reasoning or qualifications. You cannot EARN healing any more than you can EARN salvation. Amen!  Healing, Salvation, Provision and Prosperity – every single benefit has already been PAID FOR by the Lord Jesus! Amen!

Healing is one of those “God given benefits.”  Glory to God!

If you want to see more success in receiving your prayers answered, be it healing, finances, or otherwise – my best advice is (and you’ve heard me say this before) – GET INTO THE WORD on a consistent, daily, basis!


We’ll take it up more hear tomorrow!

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - November 29 - Giving Thanks pt 5

9m · Published 29 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

2 Chronicles 6:21

“Hear the supplications of your servant and of your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place; and when you hear, forgive.”

Giving Thanks pt 5

We are in the season of “Thanksgiving” here in the United States, and these last few days we have been looking at the story of the 10 lepers to learn about “Thanksgiving.” We have focused on our story of the 10 lepers and the one that returned – only one, that returned to give Jesus thanks for healing him of this dreaded disease. 

Yesterday, I left you with the “cliff hanger” of three distinct words used in Luke 17:11-19 by Jesus that, in English, all say the same thing. But when taken in context to Hebrew that the lepers and disciples heard, convey an entirely different, deeper meaning than our English translation.

One healed leper came back. One caught himself in the midst of the celebration, and returned to Jesus. He reversed his steps, put his family on hold, put the priest on hold, and came back to the cause of his celebration. His response and life situation were unique, but in the simplest sense of what he did his thankfulness led to action. And boy, did that turn out to be important!

"Where are the other nine?" Jesus asked.

Do you realize what this says? Jesus said, "Go, and show yourselves to the priests.” Jesus never commanded that any of them express thankfulness to God, or return to him, the healer. Nevertheless, that is what Jesus expected.

Look at the Scripture again, and walk with me through this. We're going to look at three different words that are all trying to say the same thing. They're all saying that this leper-used-to-be is well.

Look first at verse 15. "One of them, when he saw he was healed . . ." and stop there. This Greek word is "hi-a-tha," which is a purely medical term. It means to mend, to repair. It's like a broken bone finally mending. This guy was all patched up.

Look at verse 17. Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Stop there. This is a different word than hi-a-tha. This is "kath-a-ri-dzo," the root word for our "catheter." It, too, is a medical word in part, for it means, "remove the impurities." When a doctor inserts a heart "cath", angioplasty might remove a blockage of an artery. It will cause healing. Naturally, the Jewish connotations of this word are important, too. To be "cleansed" was exactly what the priest would be looking for, and would declare. It carried some religious overtones, too.

And now, look at one more word. In verse 19, Jesus says to this very thankful man, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."

"Made you well . . ." that's a different word. It's not a medical word, necessarily, although it was used to describe the safe delivery of a baby. This is the word, "so-so," which means, "saved." The Greeks used it for people who escaped dangerous situations. Sailors surviving a storm at sea had been saved, they said. "So-dzo." When Matthew began his gospel, he started with the Christmas story. The angel told Joseph to name the Christ child "Jesus," because that name meant that he would "save people from their sins." He would "so-dzo" the people.

When Paul described what would happen to a person who publicly professed Jesus as Lord and savior, he used this same word.

". . . If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (so-dzo). For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved (so-dzo!) (Romans 10:9-10).

And Jesus says to this very thankful man willing to follow God before his circumstances changed - to...

Prayer 2021 - November 28 - Giving Thanks pt 4

6m · Published 28 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 Philemon 1:22

“And one thing more: Prepare a guest room for me, because I hope to be restored to you in answer to your prayers.”

Giving Thanks pt 4

We are in the season of “Thanksgiving” here in the United States, and these last few days we have been looking at the story of the 10 lepers to learn about “Thanksgiving.” I pray that you’ve received some great inspiration on the importance of giving thanks during this week. Amen!

With our story of the 10 lepers and the one that returned – only one. Only ONE that returned to give Jesus thanks for healing him of this dreaded disease. 

The others did nothing wrong, per se. They were doing exactly what Jesus had instructed them to do. He told them, “Go and show yourself to the priests.” That is what they were doing.

But this one, unnamed man, decided it was more important for him to return and thank Jesus for the healing – BEFORE he was declared clean by the priests. He wanted to praise Jesus FIRST.

We can learn a lot from that.  Will you give Jesus praise – even before your family knows what blessing you received?

Can you miss it? Sure you can. It's a short week for most folks, which means you might be horribly busy for one, two, or three days. You might have some time off, which means you've got some honey-do chores at home, some tasks at church, or some Christmas shopping to do at all the big sales. If you're traveling, you've got to get going. If you're hosting the family, you've got to cook. You've got to get to the grocery store. You've got to call the turkey help-line again and remember how to get it done.

In a holiday week, it's possible to get all the way through Thanksgiving without ever actually STOPPING to be thankful! AMEN!

Don't do that! Commit to it, and do it. That is worship.

One healed leper came back. One caught himself in the midst of the celebration, and returned to Jesus. He reversed his steps, put his family on hold, put the priest on hold, and came back to the cause of his celebration. His response and life situation were unique, but in the simplest sense of what he did his thankfulness led to action. And boy, did that turn out to be important!

"Where are the other nine?" Jesus asked.

Do you realize what this says? Jesus said, "Go, and show yourselves to the priests. Jesus never commanded that any of them express thankfulness to God, or return to him, the healer. Nevertheless, that is what Jesus expected.

What kind of action is Jesus looking for from you? Has God's Holy Spirit been urging you toward some action step? Had the Lord been tugging at you for some step of faith? Is there a family, a friend, or even a stranger in need of help this Thanksgiving season? Is there something you feel compelled to do?

My best advice, based on what Jesus was looking for 2,000 years ago, is to take that step of action. Assume God is pulling you toward that area, or that action, and get it done. Otherwise, a prayer over the Thanksgiving meal will last about as long as that sensation of fullness after the meal. I don't know about you, but no matter how full I get on Thanksgiving Thursday, I always manage to eat well on Friday.

Shouldn't our spirit of thankfulness last longer than that? Get it done!

Look at the Scripture again, and walk with me through this. Tomorrow, were  going to look at three different words that are all trying to say the same thing. They're all saying that this “used to be leper” is now healed and is well.

But you will be surprised by what Jesus actually said and what this man and those around Jesus understood Him to say. HINT:  It’s not what the English translation says… well, it IS, but yet, it

Prayer 2021 - November 27 - Giving Thanks pt 3

6m · Published 27 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

1 Samuel 12:19

“The people all said to Samuel, “Pray to the Lord your God for your servants so that we will not die, for we have added to all our other sins the evil of asking for a king.”

Giving Thanks pt 3

We are in the season of “Thanksgiving” here in the United States, and these last few days we have been looking at the story of the 10 lepers to learn about “Thanksgiving.” 

Now, Jesus says to these lepers, "Go and show yourselves to the priests."

They look down at their bodies. The hands of one man are still mangled. Another man looks at his leg, which ends with a filthy rag at the knee. Another looks at his skin, and finds it as repulsive as ever.

In other words, all of these men were no better off than they had been ten minutes earlier, when they had first spotted the famous teacher.

And yet, they headed off in search of the priests. And on their way, they were healed. On their way, a hand reappeared, and tingled with life. A crutch tripped on a filthy rag, as it fell to the ground. The leg was back, healthy, whole, complete. The skin cleared, and the tiny hairs on a forearm turned from snow white to brown. One looked at the other, another looked at the rest, and the screaming started. The smiles broke into cheering, and a sweet madness. They raced off in the distance, not believing that the nightmare was finally over.

But in order for the miracle to happen, these men had to start walking in faith before their circumstances had changed one tiny bit.

You cannot wait until the problems are over to start walking in faith. You cannot put conditions on holy God. You cannot say, "Lord, as soon as there's enough money, I follow your instructions." You cannot pray, "Lord, if you'll just solve this issue in my family, I'll go to church."

God might say, "Love me despite the disease. Obey me despite the lack of talent, or the lack of resources. Follow me now, despite the depression. Say no to the temptation, while it still is difficult. Praise me in the darkest of nights, and in the worst of circumstances."

This is the nature of God, a God who loves you so much, He'll give you the opportunity to be thankful when nothing about your circumstances gives you that motivation. My friends, that is the very definition of faith. If you praised God only on the good days, only in the best of circumstances, it would not be faith at all. That would be more like a business arrangement - and this is not about business!

Some of you are in horrible circumstances, right now. And what awaits you today, this week, is a forcing of the question. Will you be thankful despite the difficult circumstances? If so, you will have experienced faith.

One of the men came back to Jesus, and praised God. He was thankful. He was public about it. He was loud - he wasn't shy at all.

Why was he so loud? This guy had been forced to yell for as long as he'd had leprosy. Had it been years? He'd probably yelled so long, he didn't know how to come to the Lord quietly, or even in a normal voice. When he came back and fell at the feet of Jesus, he was just louder than the normal person, and he was praising God.

This is an amazingly short application point. This week, be sure you take time to acknowledge God for his goodness. Be sure to actually be thankful. Be sure to gather everyone up for a prayer of Thanksgiving that's a real prayer of thankfulness. Don't miss the opportunity to worship God this week. And be loud about it!


Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - November 26 - Giving Thanks pt 2

7m · Published 26 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Exodus 9:28

“Pray to the Lord, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let you go; you don’t have to stay any longer.”

Giving Thanks pt 2

Since we are in the season of “Thanksgiving” here in the United States, I wanted to take a few days to share my thoughts, based on Bible Scriptures, about “Thanksgiving.” 

Yesterday, we left off looking at the story of the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus. 

This disease can take 30 years to run its course, and in that time span, entire limbs can simply fall off. It is, assuredly, a most horrible disease. We have nearly an impossible task in trying to fathom what it was like 2,000 years ago, when medical treatment as we know it today was almost non-existent.

Beth Moore, in her book Jesus The One And Only, tells of an occasion she had to be near a modern-day leper colony. Something within her had always wanted to minister in a leper colony, but her trip overseas had given her the first opportunity to be near such a place. She walked by the entrance three times. She saw those who were suffering. She begged herself for a chance to go inside. But she could not.

The reason? The smell overwhelmed her. She could not work up the stomach to go inside the colony. She could not bear the thought of witnessing for the Lord, but at the same time becoming violently ill as she faced human beings already acutely aware that they were different. The trip passed, and she was not able to go inside.

And, I think, we gained a new appreciation of how bad this disease must have been in the days of Christ. It wasn't just the grotesque damage, or the attack to our sight. It wasn't just the loud cries, the attack to our hearing. It was also the smell of rotting, decaying flesh, overwhelming even our sense of smell.

The emotional pain of a leper, however, must have been even worse than the physical pain. He was removed from his family, from his community. There could be no contact, whatsoever, with his children or grandchildren. None. Immediately removed. His wife would not be allowed to kiss him goodbye. He would not have allowed it, for fear that she, too, would become afflicted.

Lepers tended to roam together, looking for food, begging for assistance from a great distance, learning to yell in loud voices, both from the need to warn others, and to beg for help from across the way.

What would it have been like to have been removed from friends and family for a lifetime, and to have been forced to announce that removal on a daily basis? It must have been horrible.

But, when they asked Jesus to heal them, He responded, “OK, go show yourself to the priests!”

And, as they went, scripture say, “they were healed.”  All ten.

But in order for the miracle to happen, these men had to start walking in faith before their circumstances had changed one tiny bit.

Is there a more potent lesson for us, on this Thanksgiving week? You cannot wait until the problems are over to start walking in faith. You cannot put conditions on holy God. You cannot say, "Lord, as soon as there's enough money, I follow your instructions." You cannot pray, "Lord, if you'll just solve this issue in my family, I'll start to church." You cannot put conditions on God! Instead, God places a demand for faith on us, before anything at all has changed.

Think about that this week…

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - November 25 - Giving Thanks pt 1

8m · Published 25 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

2 Thessalonians 1:3

“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.”

Giving Thanks pt 1

As we are now in the season of “Thanksgiving” here in the United States, I wanted to take a few days to share my thoughts, based on Bible Scriptures, about “Thanksgiving.” 

Let’s just do a quick history lesson of sorts, about the REAL Thanksgiving…

Way, way back, in 1623, three years AFTER the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, Mass., this celebration was started to give thanks to God for the provision of that year. 

You see, it was a tough going the first two years…

The life and voyage the Pilgrims experienced was tough.

They lost over half of the people they started, the winters were brutal, and they would have starved to death but for the Indians who were willing to help them out.

The Pilgrims had a choice to make. They could give thanks to God for the fact they were alive and functioning.

They could have cursed God for the fact they lost well over half of the people they left England with. Or they could have cursed God because they did not land in FLORIDA!

The other choice they had was to just forget about what God did for them and just live out their lives.

They chose to give thanks. Even though they had a lot they could complain about, they chose to give thanks. They knew who to give the glory to.

We can go through life complaining or we can spend our lives giving thanks!

We can relate this to the story in the Bible of the Ten Lepers that were healed by Jesus. Turn to Luke 17:11-19…

Sometimes, we read this story too quickly. So I am actually going to take a few days to walk through this with you. 

We start with ten men who have the worst disease of their day. The physical ramifications are horrendous. Leprosy attacks the body, leaving sores, missing fingers, missing toes, damaged limbs. In many cases, the initial pain of leprosy gives way to something more terrible than that - a loss of sensation in nerve endings, leading to more damage to more body parts. The disease can take 30 years to run its course, and in that time span, entire limbs can simply fall off. It is, assuredly, a most horrible disease. We have nearly an impossible task in trying to fathom what it was like 2,000 years ago, when medical treatment as we know it today was almost non-existent.

But the emotional pain of the lepers was actually worse than the physical pain. Be forcibly separated from their loved ones…was probably the toughest part.  

The loved ones would come and give them food, but they had to stay far away and leave it for them. Then the leper could approach and eat it. But often, especially if they were disabled, other lepers would come and eat it before they arrived.

I know I’m about out of time for today.  So let me close with this…

These 10 lepers had heard about the miracles of Jesus. If there was anyone that could help them, it was Him. 

So, they asked Him to heal them. And He did.  Scripture says as “they went their way” to show themselves to the Priests, ONE turned around and came back to give thanks to Jesus.


And we are still talking about him to this day. We never hear about the other nine. Nothing.

But we still talk about the ONE.

So, in this season of Thanksgiving, please STOP and, just like the Pilgrims – and just like the ONE leper, make a decision to GIVE THANKS to the Lord for what He has provided.

It may not be anywhere near what you were hoping to have reaped this past year. But you still can...

Prayer 2021 - November 24 - Using Your Prayers Like a Sniper Uses a Bullet pt 5

9m · Published 24 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

 1 Corinthians 11:5

“But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.”

Using Your Prayers Like A Sniper Uses a Bullet pt 5

We have been talking these past few days about “Using your prayers like a sniper uses a bullet.” 

Yesterday, I left off with a description of the “armor of God” and how it applies to YOU being Spiritually prepared to engage and destroy the enemy…

The point I wanted to make, but we just ran out of time yesterday, is this…


But your words ONLY matter when they are lined up with God’s Word ON the matter.

You cannot say one thing and mean another. 

You cannot claim one thing and then deny it in the next breath.

You need to be “the same, coming and going out!”

You cannot claim one thing in church and something else when you’re confronted with the world. It will not work

For example, if you have a pain in your back that is stopping you from doing things you want to do – you can do two things…

1.     You can claim the promises in the Word concerning healing. Concerning taking authority over your body and keeping it under subjection. Concerning claiming that Jesus bore your pain on that cross so you don’t have to. Concerning taking authority over the pain and COMMANDING (not requesting – commanding) that pain leave your body because it does not have your permission to be there!

2.     You can claim all of that and then walk outside and someone sees you and asks, “How ya’ doing brother (or sister)?”  And you go talking about your bad back! 

You just negated the whole thing! You just told that person, the devil, the angels and Jesus Himself that you did not believe the prayer and words you spoke!  

The devil just turns to Jesus and says, “I told you so…”

And there is nothing Jesus can do… you gave the devil authority over that situation with your negative words!

“Well, what should I say brother Bob? The pain is real and I’m hurting bad…?”

You lay hold of the word of God. You start quoting scripture at that pain, the devil behind the pain and at the devil himself!

Something along the lines of, “I tell you one thing – this pain that has been in my back is gone in the name of Jesus. I’m not moved by what I see or what I feel. I’m only moved by God’s Holy Word and in His Word it says, “By His Stripes, I was healed.” So if I was healed that means I’m healed now. Praise God! I give no devil, no demon and no spirit of pain ANY authority to be in my body! My body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost and pain has no right to be there. I declare, in the Name of Jesus, that HIS WORD is true, not the lies of the devil. Praise God! I AM healed, in Jesus Mighty Name. In fact, I’m so healed right now, I want to lay hands on YOU and impart some of this anointing that’s on me to YOU – praise God!  I’ve gotten a double portion because I know in my heart that I AM HEALED and now I’m putting ACTION with my Faith and I’ll pray for you or anyone else that needs healing…Glory to God!"

You get to doing things like that – no demon from hell will want to be anywhere around you. Amen! Praise GOD!

Ok, I’m out of time. I pray you got something out of this series. That is what I meant by “Using your prayers like a sniper uses a bullet!” Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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Prayer 2021 - November 23 - Using Your Payers Like a Sniper Uses a Bullet - pt 5

7m · Published 23 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

Luke 22:32

“But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Using Your Prayers Like A Sniper Uses a Bullet pt 4

We have been talking these past few days about “Using your prayers like a sniper uses a bullet.” 

Yesterday, I left off with a quote from Ephesians 6:10-17. Let’s read it again…

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

There are some things involved in this scripture that relate to the title of these past few messages. Remember, our topic is “Using Your Prayers Like a Sniper Uses a Bullet.” 

A sniper does not just send rounds down range in a haphazard manner. He does not just point and pull. He deliberately, methodically, takes aim. Adjust for windage. Adjusts for elevation changes. All of these things affect a bullets flight path from the end of the rifle until impact.

Think about this… A human target at 500 meters. You can be 1/8th of an inch off on your aim. By the time the bullet travels to the target, your almost two feet off target.

Someone who is not trained or equipped to fire and engage targets at that distance will miss 99% of the time. That is why they just pump as much lead down range as they can.  And they will usually miss.

But one sniper. Trained. Equipped. Knowledgeable. Will take aim with one round. Fire. And Destroy the target 500 meters away. Sometimes farther.


Now, let’s relate that to Ephesians 6.  Notice that each piece of equipment is designed for a purpose. This scripture used a Roman soldier as the example of how EVERY CHRISTIAN is equipped by God for battle with the devil. EVERY CHRISTIAN.

We will start with the head… the helmet of salvation. That is your security – you’re born again. 

You have your “loins girt about with the Truth.” God’s Word is the Truth!  That’s what I’ve been sharing with you. The devil may tell you some “facts.” But facts do not equate TRUTH.  Think about the “flat earth” beliefs. People would spue out FACTS.  But when satellites started to photograph earth from space – the TRUTH came out. Amen!  That’s why I tell you to use God’s Word – QUOTE IT – when you engage the devil. 

Next is your breastplate. It protects your vital organs. Your breastplate is RIGHTEOUSNESS with God. Nothing can get near you because you belong to God. You have right standing with Him. Amen!

Next is your feet. Soldiers traveled on their feet. They needed to take care of their feet. Soldiers today do the same thing. I know. I lived that life for 12 years. Amen!  You need to have your feet shod with the Gospel of Peace.  That needs to take you wherever your commander – JESUS – tells you to go. Amen!

Above all – take...

Prayer 2021 - November 22 - Using Your Prayers Like a Sniper Uses a Bullet - pt 3

5m · Published 22 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

1 Peter 3:7

“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”

Using Your Prayers Like A Sniper Uses a Bullet pt 3

We have been talking these past few days about “Using your prayers like a sniper uses a bullet.” 

I want you to notice a common element in everything I’ve been sharing with you about getting your prayers answered and answered quickly… YOUR WORDS.

For almost the past month or month and a half, I’ve been focusing on YOUR WORDS.  And your words need to match GOD’s WORD.  

If you are saying things other than what is in God’s Word, you are walking in unbelief – not Faith. If you are not walking in Faith, then you cannot tell the devil to do anything – because he KNOWS you don’t believe what you are saying!

If you are walking by Faith and not by sight, then you are walking IN Faith. You are confessing what the Word says. You are denying the “facts” you see in the natural and aligning your words with what the Word says the end result will be.

Have you ever had an argument with someone and you are trying to lay out the “facts” to them, but they don’t want to hear it? What usually happens?

You throw up your hands and walk away. Right?

Now, picture the devil arguing with you about receiving your prayers as being answered. You are not accepting his “facts.” You are denying his “facts.” He is trying to convince you these facts are the truth concerning your situation.

But when you have SCRIPTURE to stand on, you can remind him what the Word of God says!

You start quoting the TRUTH and not the “facts.” You start telling HIM what the end result is going to be. You start FIRING OFF your prayers like that and I can guarantee that he will not stay around you but will FLEE.

That’s what the Word says, right? Resist the devil and he will flee.

Well, you can’t resist him with YOUR words!  Your words are firing blanks at the enemy! He will sit there all day and tell you what a fool you are. And eventually, you’ll start to believe it!

But, when you start using the Word of God and start firing off scripture after scripture that SAYS what you are believing… those Words are like bullets being fired directly at the devil or demon. 

What does the Word say in Ephesians 6:10-17?

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

When you take a stand like that, I guarantee you the devil will flee.  Guaranteed!

We’ll take it up there again tomorrow because I want to show you something from these verses that will bless you immensely. Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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November 21 - Using Your Prayers Like a Sniper Uses a Bullet - pt 2

7m · Published 21 Nov 14:00

Scripture For Today:

3 John 1:2

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

Using Your Prayers Like A Sniper Uses a Bullet pt 2

Yesterday, I opened a discussion about “Using your prayers like a sniper uses a bullet.” Some may have thought it was a bit “morbid” or “inappropriate” to discuss shooting and killing someone on a ministry related program.

My response, “Get over yourself.”

The fact is, we are at war. War is brutal. War is fatal. War involves killing or incapacitating your enemy BEFORE he does so to you!

General George S. Patton, Jr. once said, “Your job is NOT to die for your country! Oh, no… Your job is to make the other guy DIE for HIS country!”

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:3-5, “Though we walk IN the flesh, we are not waging WAR according to the flesh….”  What Paul is saying here, is that we do not fight with armor. We do not fight with politics. We don’t fight with money. We don’t fight with all of the “humanistic” ways – the petty games – that unbelievers mess with.

Then, Paul goes on to say, “…The weapons of OUR WARFARE are not of the flesh, but have divine power to DESTROY STRONGHOLDS. We destroy the arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE in order to obey Christ.”  AMEN!

When we “entertain thoughts” that are contrary to the Bible, we run the risk of allowing those thoughts to remain IN our minds. On once they take up residence there, they have legal authority to stay. They have legal authority to continually talk to our minds. They have legal authority to allow worldly points of view to become dominant in our minds.  And this often leads to discontentment. This often leads us AWAY from the Gospel and TOWARDS the world’s point of view on various subjects.

Don’t believe me?

Listen to what Paul said in Romans 7, verses 19 and 24… “I do not do, the good I want to do, but the evil that I do not want is what I keep on doing…Oh what a wretched man I am.”

The fact is, the reason we have so many weak Christians is because we do not know how to control our minds using the Gospel. Period!

And, this all falls back on us – the ministers of the Gospel. It’s our fault this nation is in the precarious position it is in right now. Because the preachers were more concerned with filling seats (and their offering plates) than they were with the souls of the community.

Ok – I’m not going to get off on that tangent. You’ve heard me teach on this before…

But, let me close with this… If you are having an issue – any issue – that is contrary to what the Bible says belongs to you (healing, finances, loved ones, etc.) – then YOU need to get that thought demon out of your mind and out of your heart. 

And you can’t do that with flowery little prayers that sound so ‘cute.’  No, you need to find ONE SCRIPTURE that references how you are supposed to think; how you are supposed to act. ONE scripture that could be similar to your – and LIFT THAT TO THE LORD IN PRAYER…

THEN – once you tell the Lord this scripture belongs to YOU as a promise from HIM… THEN, you take aim at that demon and let the Word of God become ALIVE on the inside of you and you let that word “destroy the stronghold” within your mind and heart.

That is using your prayer like a sniper uses a bullet!  That one little demon that has been harassing you in your own mind – will either duck for cover and retreat – or take the full on BLAST OF HOLY GHOST POWER through your prayer!

I know, I know. I’m over time again today.  Let’s take it up here again

Study in Prayer has 414 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 55:33:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on February 22nd, 2024 05:11.

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