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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall

by Derek Rydall

World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings -- and begin living The Best Year of Your Life! For free tools and programs to support the Best Year of Your Life, go to http://www.derekrydall.com

Copyright: © Emerging Edge Media, Inc.


(Bonus Episode) ASK DEREK - How Do You Deal With the Haters (The Gift of Criticism)

29m · Published 12 Jan 12:06

How do you deal with the haters?

This is an issue that has always been part of human culture, but with the ability of so many people to comment anonymously online, our need to deal with criticism and the haters has been greatly magnified.

There’s a thing in the UK called ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome,’ which is based on the need to cut off the top of a poppy if it grows above the rest — to create uniformity. But it also applies to people — if someone gets too big and rises above the rest, there is an impulse to cut them down. When people start to outgrow the tribe, then members of the tribe seek to pull them back down so that they can feel safe and secure.

The key thing to remember from the standpoint of Emergence is that everything, without exception, is there to serve you. You are creating your own Universe, and so everything, if you’re willing to practice this way and to live in this framework, is there to serve your awakening, empowerment, and evolution — to make you an ever stronger instrument of what you’re here to do, be and share.

To support you in mastering this, listen to this in-depth podcast episode on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum

41m · Published 10 Jan 13:17

The biggest challenges for many of us is either getting and keeping momentum, or having momentum, but that it’s going in the opposite direction – downward momentum.

For the latter, it’s like having one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. We have a downward pull, and then we’re simultaneously having upward pull. If you’re driving and pushing to make stuff happen in your life, it’s because you’ve got momentum going in two directions.

The worst thing that we try to do when we’re pushing and pushing is to push more, or push harder, at least in same the way that we’ve been pushing.

We must notice where is the momentum going in the opposite direction. This is one of the deeper esoteric meanings of the Biblical statement, “Where two or more are gathered in agreement, there I am in the midst of them.” The two or more can certainly be two or more people as in a church, organization, spiritual organization, but it also represents the two or more aspects of ourselves – the conscious, the unconscious, the mental, emotional, physical. When all of those are in agreement, moving in the same direction, then you activate the larger pattern of your potential, and you have real momentum.

At the most simplest level, how you get the Mighty Mo is to start moving… Move yourself emotionally, move yourself mentally, move yourself spiritually, and move yourself physically – you can always move no matter what, no matter who you are.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Other powerful free trainings in the podcast library:

Where are You REALLY?
When to Stay the Course, When to Change Directions
Why ALL Your Beliefs Limit You (And What You Should Do Instead)

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(Bonus Episode) The Crisis of Incongruence - The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness

25m · Published 08 Jan 11:30

This is such a powerful concept because, through Emergence principle, you know that life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. All of life is pouring through and as you, or at least trying according to a Divine pattern. You don’t experience life directly. You experience your perception of life, or experience life through your filters.

Never is there a life outside, happening to you, although that is the illusion. There is a Divine pattern and idea, a real purpose and destiny. It’s always seeking to make you congruent to the blueprint or the self-concept that you have accepted, and that is a part of and active in your consciousness.

Like the principle of homeostasis, it’s always trying to bring us back to a state of balance. This mechanism within you is always trying to make you congruent. For example, if you have a blueprint or self-concept that, “I’m not good with money” or, “I’m not good with money, money is hard, etc.”, when it comes to money, even if you do all the right things to make money, it will be on the path out your doorway as fast as possible. Even if you’re given money or win the lottery, as we’ve seen many times. Why? Because that same mechanism is working 24/7 to bring you back into congruence with that self-concept or blueprint.

This is why that saying says, “He or she who is right in mind, they can do all the wrong things and it will turn out right; but, he or she who is wrong in mind, they can do all the right things, it will turn out wrong.” Why? Whatever your self-concept or blueprint is, if you’re trying to do a bunch of actions that aren’t in integrity with it and you’re not changing the blueprint, your life is going to come back into integrity with that.

In addition, if you’re doing all these things and maybe, even in the case where you have all kinds of what the world would say good things – you have money, you have family, you have opportunity – but you’re still unhappy, there’s something in your blueprint and self-concept that you’re not pursuing or not fulfilling.

Your work is to come into ever increasing and inner alignment to condition yourselves, so that you feel, believe and see yourself with a blueprint that matches your highest good and highest desire. The law of life operates automatically on that to bring your experience into congruence with it.

You’ll never be truly satisfied or fulfilled if your blueprint doesn’t match, or isn’t increasingly coming into alignment with, the grand blueprint. "That true joy and happiness is on that emerging edge of ever-expanding, ever-evolving increase, and progress."

The first step is to look at your own inner self-concept, your own inner blueprint and see if it is in alignment with your highest and greatest desires or have you acquiesced to limiting conditioning.

Are you merely trying to change the outer world while remaining the same? Are you just trying to lose weight or make money or win friends and influence others when internally you believe you’re not worthy, capable, or unable?

That’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship is going down no matter what you do externally. You need to plug the holes internally. You need to redesign your inner self-concept and blueprint.

Finally, when you do that, you don’t have to make it happen. You are making it welcome in the law of life. The law of mind operates upon that newly-enhanced blueprint and brings your life into integrity – into congruence with it.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Quantum Healing: What Everyone Wants

7m · Published 05 Jan 12:53

Listen now: this Quantum Healing helps you pursue your true soul's goal ...and have “What Everyone Really Wants.”

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(Bonus Episode) Why You Can't Save the World ...and Why You Shouldn't

13m · Published 03 Jan 12:00

Aren’t we here to save the world, or at least make it a better place? Actually, the answer is “no.” The “world” that each of us perceives is really a collection of beliefs or agreements about what’s possible and what’s right. It’s a set of values, norms, and mores that vary from country to country, culture to culture, and even from person to person.

Trying to save or improve a set of beliefs is like trying to save a dream or hold on to an idea.

As we know from the Emergence principle, however, there’s always a bigger idea or pattern emerging, like when a seed is unfolding and emerging into a plant and ultimately into the grand idea, the grand pattern of a mighty tree.

You are not here to save the seed, to protect it from cracking open and falling apart.

You are here to serve the emerging paradigm, the new vision, the larger idea of yourself - and the world - that is currently emerging through you.

And, when you move away from being a problem-solver, and become a vision holder instead, you tap into this infinite pattern of wholeness and perfection that’s always there, but that you have not seen because you’ve been struggling to solve what appears to be “wrong” with the world, with your life, or with some aspect of your life, such as your work, your relationship, or your health.

You’re not here to just be a better acorn, just to be a better nut. You are here to sprout and, ultimately, to let the mighty oak of your being emerge.

Listen to “Why You Can’t Save the World ...And Why You Shouldn’t” now to set down your problems and watch your grandest vision begin to emerge!

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(Bonus Episode) Have a Backbone, Not a Wishbone

17m · Published 01 Jan 12:44

Whether you’re on a spiritual path or not, it’s very easy to get caught into magical thinking. It’s easy to think life operates based on personality or emotion, or just based on good people.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t do good. Doing good is one component of being in harmony with the principle of life, but it’s only one. If you’re doing good deeds, but emotionally you feel unworthy, or mentally you have beliefs and patterns of lack, you’re actually living out of alignment.

It’s important to understand this piece – it doesn’t matter how much you wish for or how nice of a person you are – that’s not enough. You must begin to release that wishbone, release the magical thinking, and learn how to stand stronger in the Principle of Truth.

You can have an open heart, a heart as big as the world, the heart of God, but you need to have a soul that is strong, that has stamina, that is rooted in the principle of Truth. You want to begin to learn how to have a deeper understanding and embodiment of the principle in order to stand stronger in the principle.

If you’re not experiencing abundance, for example, do not merely wish, pray or hope for abundance, but learn to understand and apprentice under the principle of abundance.

Allow your conversations be unwavering in speaking it, your actions to become undaunted in walking it – regardless of conditions. When you make knowing the truth, owning the truth, and embodying the truth your number one priority over your feelings, over your hopes, wishes and conditions, that’s having a backbone instead of a wishbone.

Remember, from the Emergence model, whatever you’re waiting for, you’re waiting with, and you’re weighing it down. So you must get on the ultimate wait loss program and let go of all the wait, because it’s already happening.

Jesus, one of the great master teachers, taught this principle, “When you pray, pray believing that you already have that you may receive.” That wasn’t a metaphysical trick to attract it. It was a mystical truth – that you already have it. Elsewhere it says in the Bible, “To he who has, more will be given, and it will be multiplied, but to he who has not, even that which he has will be taken away.” It’s talking about a state of consciousness – the state of having.

If any part of you is waiting for something to happen, you are creating a sense of lag time and separation that doesn’t exist in truth, but that now must become part of your experience. Your job as a spiritual warrior, with a backbone and not a wishbone, is to stand in the truth, the vibration and the mindset, and even the action that “I already am. I already have. It’s already done.”

Do not give yourself the luxury of putting your good in the future. You’re not waiting for your miracle. A miracle is an instant demonstration of what’s already true in reality and you can never experience it until you become fully present. This present moment is the only moment where all good exists. All good, all wealth, health, happiness, love, peace, joy, beauty, abundance, wisdom, genius – all of it only exists now.

It doesn’t exist in the past, which is just a memory. It doesn’t exist in the future, which is just a fantasy. It doesn’t even exist in the temporal present, which is imagination. It exists in the eternal now, fully, completely. It cannot be improved upon, it cannot be diminished – you must come into vibrational alignment and into integrity with it.

The key is to understand is that whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. If you want more to come into your life, you must let more life come out of you. If you want something different to come into your life, you must let something different come out of you. It’s all within you. Release all futurizing. Release all waiting. Release all magical thinking.

Take your stand in it, for it and as it, and then step by step engineer your mind, emotions, actions and environment to be in integrity with it. Then watch as you start to feel and live in the finished result even before it manifests, and discover what it really means to be free.

This is what it means to have a backbone and not a wishbone, to have a heart of gold and a soul of steel. I invite you to this journey.

I invite you to take one thing you’re trying to create in your life and put it through this process.

Let everybody and everything outside of you off the hook. Take full responsibility and take a stand for it today!

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek: How Do I Manifest More Money or Anything?

21m · Published 29 Dec 11:38

First it's important to understand the true nature of manifestation.

Manifesting, from the Emergence model – from the truth principle, is not about making something happen or appear that does not yet exist. To make something manifest to is to make that which is already happening, (but is invisible, intangible, or inaudible) tangible, audible – manifest.

I like to use the analogy of the radio station to help explain this… Your favorite music is playing right now on some station, but it’s not manifest until you tune your dial into the frequency where that music is broadcasting. When your dial matches the dial where the station is and where the broadcast is happening, that music becomes manifest.

You didn’t make it happen. You made it welcome. It wasn’t in the future. It wasn’t in the distance. The music was broadcasting right where you are, but you needed to come into vibrational alignment or attunement with it. The minute that alignment happened, that station became manifest, or as I like to say, you had a “manifest-station”, a manifestation.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject to get the full explanation, and learn how to put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) Why Life is Set Up to Fail You

23m · Published 27 Dec 06:28

Some people think that life is largely against us, that life is the roll of the dice. As Einstein said, “The dice of God are always loaded.” It means that life doesn’t just happen, but life happens just. There is order. There is a certain pattern and lawfulness to life.

Chaos theory says if you step back far enough from what appears to be random chaos, you will see a pattern. You will see order. The Universe is not chaotic. It is chaortic.

What I really mean by ‘why life is set up to fail you’ is something I call the great betrayal, or the big betrayal. It’s best to tell you by means of a story…

The basic story is how years ago when I was first on a spiritual path, and I had pulled out of society for the most part to go on this inward journey. I was doing all of the right things. I was doing so much deep inner work, and there was a lot of great benefits for it, a level of peace and joy and creativity that was emerging. At the same time, as that was emerging my bank balance was submerging. It was collapsing. It was going away, and eventually I found myself broke, literally living on a prayer, and sitting in my meditation chair in the middle of the room with a bill collector knocking at the back door and the landlord knocking at the front door, on the verge of being evicted. Having no human means to support myself anymore.

I was, to be quite honest, pissed off at God. I had what I call my Gary Sinise moment. I don’t think Forest Gump was even out at that point, but I know call it my Gary Sinise moment. Where he’s in Forest Gump, and he’s on the mast of the ship, and shaking his fist at the heavens and the storm and saying, “Bring it on, God.” I didn’t understand. How did all my efforts get me back to this place again where I was once again broke? I remember saying, “This stuff is either a bunch of BS, or there’s something real here. One way or the other I’m not getting up from this chair until I know. I’m not going to go through this cycle again and again anymore. I’m done.”

I sat in that meditation chair, and I sat and sat. Daylight turned to dusk. The crickets come out for their nightly chorus, and I began to wrestle my demons and get pinned to the floor.

At some point in the middle of the night this awareness broke through, and I don’t know if it was a voice or a thought, but it was definitely Divine awareness of guidance. It said, essentially, “You made your savings account your God.”

I had basically had a savings account, a nest egg, and I was leaving that alone as a form of security, but then putting all my extra things or whatever I was doing beyond any money that was coming in, if I needed more money I was just putting it on credit cards. I had built up this credit card debt, but I wasn’t touching the next egg. Little bit by little bit it dwindled until it was pretty much nothing. It said, “You made that savings account your God, your Source.” Essentially, thou shalt have no other gods before me. I half expected to turn around and see Moses there holding a tablet up, looking strangely like Charlton Heston!

As soon as that awareness broke through this peace came over me. It was like this pressure valve released, and all the stress drained away. The insight that came was that it’s literally designed this way – that you don’t put anything outside of you as your God, as your Source. When you make anything outside of you your Source of safety, supply, security, or support, it’s designed to fail you.

The reason is because when you make something outside of you your source what starts to happen? You start to give away your power to that thing or person you think is your Source.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject to get the full explanation, and learn how to put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) The LIFT Practice: Reclaiming Your Destiny

30m · Published 25 Dec 09:14

Essentially, the basic premise of Emergence is everything you could ever need to be all you were created to be, do, contribute, create, etc., is already within you.

Just like the oak tree is already in the acorn – there’s a perfect pattern awaiting the right conditions, and when those conditions match the pattern within the seed, that inherent pattern of potential naturally emerges. The same thing is true for you.

There’s a perfect pattern of your destiny that is already planted in the soil of your soul, and when the conditions are congruent with that pattern, it naturally emerges.

Another way to think of it is your favorite music is broadcasting where you are right now, amongst a bunch of broadcast stations, but you can’t hear or experience the music. The music is not yet manifest, even though it’s fully present and broadcasting. It’s not manifest until you tune the dial of your radio so that your frequency matches the frequency of that broadcast. When you do that, when the frequencies match, then that broadcast that was already playing becomes manifest. You have found your manifest-station.

In the process of Emergence, the first step is to identify the seed that’s seeking to emerge in your life. Otherwise known as the vision, whether it’s in some area of your life, or your life in general. What is the vision that’s trying to emerge in your life? There are clues for that all around you!

The LIFT practice stands for Living In the Feeling Tone, and this is part of the Emergence process. This is a simple method used to help engineer or design a way of life that is congruent to that of your grand vision.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject to get the full explanation, discover the clues to your vision, and learn how to put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Quantum Healing: Getting Unstuck No Matter What

8m · Published 22 Dec 12:31

Nowhere in the Universe is anything stuck. Energy is always moving – always flowing. Even when it’s stuck, it’s moving; it’s just moving in a very constricted spot.

No matter what situation you’re in, the reason why you think you’re stuck – the reason you feel stuck is that you have (A) an expectation of what the outcome should look like, (B) an expectation of what you should be like, of what you should be able to do, be, have, or create in that moment or under those circumstances.

Because of your expectations or perception that something or someone outside of you has to change in order for things to happen in the way that you want, you feel stuck. We hear things like, “I don’t have the money right now so I’m stuck”, “I can’t feel happy and joyful and grateful when I’m at a job that I dislike, so I’m stuck”, etc…

On it goes, where you’re putting the locus of power outside of you – in people, places, things, and conditions, even putting it in your current mental-emotional patterns – as if the current energy level, emotional pattern, or mental pattern is power over you: “I can’t write today because I’m uninspired”, “I don’t have the energy to exercise, so I’m stuck”.

At whatever point you feel stuck, there’s always something you can do to get the energy flowing in the direction that you want to be going. Whether it’s taking some action, having a conversation, acting regardless of how you feel, or doing some prayer or meditation around it, you can always do something.

Begin to activate the qualities of what it is you want to do or who you want to be. You are a Divine power plant – and a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. So, you don’t wait for inspiration, you generate it. How? By acting like a person who is inspired. You want to act from the point of knowing that you are the source of it, and then it generates.

Feeling stuck is an opportunity to discover just how powerful you are, how resourceful you are, and to develop your own wings so that you can fly into a much larger reality.

Listen to the audio to receive quantum healing around getting unstuck in any area of your own life – no matter what.

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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall has 781 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 432:16:12. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 13th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 22:41.

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