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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall

by Derek Rydall

World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings -- and begin living The Best Year of Your Life! For free tools and programs to support the Best Year of Your Life, go to http://www.derekrydall.com

Copyright: © Emerging Edge Media, Inc.


(Bonus Episode) The Only Argument You EVER Have to Win

36m · Published 27 Nov 11:48

Can you imagine if there was only one argument that you had to win? If you could become a master at winning that one argument, everything in your life would work. You would be a winner everywhere in your life. Would that be something worth mastering?

Well, there’s only one problem in all of human existence, and that is our belief and perception of separation from Source.

There is a something, an isness that is whole, complete and perfect, that is perfection itself, life itself. It never is born. It can never die. It has no beginning or end. It can’t be improved upon and it can’t be diminished.

It is the very source and substance, cause and effect, power and presence, principle and reality of all existence. It’s nature is good. It’s nature (not a good that’s opposite of a bad, but in all good) is an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent good that has nothing outside of it and nothing else within it except its own goodness.

Now, if you could just get what I just said, I don’t mean just intellectually but have a realization of it, you will have won the argument because that’s the truth principle – oneness, wholeness, perfection, god only, only god, love only, only love.

However, that’s not our experience. Our life experience is the relative perception and projection of this infinite perfection. So, we don’t experience the one real life directly. We experience through our perception, through the filters of our mind and awareness which become beliefs and habits, which create circumstances and conditions. That is what we call life experience.

Life experience can be all over the place. It literally can be anything depending on what dimension you’re in and how much you’re willing to believe in something. You can pretty much experience anything. That doesn’t necessarily tell you what is reality, just as your beliefs don’t tell you what reality is. They tell you your best guess at it and your emotions don’t tell you reality. They tell you what you believe. The reason for this is because life is infinite.

There’s one mind, one consciousness, the mind of God, the intelligence of the universe, the all-knowing, all-containing, all-possessing, perfect mind. You’re a center in it, and it’s unfolding. So, you have the capacity to tap into it but it’s all within this consciousness that is within you. This is why Jesus said, “Take no thought for your life, for the clothes you’ll put on and the food, wherewithal you shall be clothed… but seek first the kingdom of heaven.” Then, he said, “And then all those things you’ve been striving after, those will be added unto you.” Buddha also taught us to go within. Lao Tzu, Guanyin, Shankara and the greatest masters and teachers all said that ultimately the solution and the answer to everything outside of you is inside of you – either go within or you’ll go without.

Ultimately, the greater the realization of your true self, your true nature, the realm of truth, and your connection, communion, and identification with that, the more everything resolves itself and your life reveals more and more bounty, abundance, and goodness.

That’s why it also says in the Bible, “If you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, no hurt, no harm can come down in your dwelling place.” I’m talking about this dimension with you – consciousness.

Now, what does that have to do with the only argument you ever have to win?

Well, in the most basic sense, as I mentioned above, the only lie is that you’re separate from this ultimate reality or ultimate good. That’s the one and only problem, this sense of separation from it. So, the only solution is the realization of your oneness within.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) The End of Self-Sabotage

17m · Published 20 Nov 13:03

In today's episode, we discuss what's called "self-sabotage" and more specifically, the end of self-sabotage as you know it!

In some respects, whenever we say something like, "I'm sabotaging myself", is a bit of a trick of the ego...

You know when you find yourself using really dramatic phrases about how you’re feeling or acting, like, “I really wanted to do that thing, but I just felt paralyzed with fear?”

Or how about, “ I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the support.” “I don’t have the ability.” “I don’t have the money.”“Who am I to do this?” “What if it fails?”

Aside from these types of descriptions being inaccurate or irrelevant, when we use those kinds of words we live into it. It becomes part of a pattern that our mind believes.

However, the self can actually never sabotage itself. The Divine can never contradict it's own nature - it is One, it is whole, love, good, and it's only impulse and activity is to express more and more of it's infinite self. So, there's no such thing as self-sabotage, in the real sense.

When you experience what's called self-sabotage, it's because as the 'Real self' is trying to emerge, it bumps up against your 'limited, false concept of yourself'. It's what I call the "threshold". This looks like something coming up just before you go to sit down to start on your book, or you get sick before your big work presentation, or you start an argument with your spouse, etc.

Today’s episode helps you to access and unleash that deeper intention, prayer, affirmation or desire - that something that you really want to do, be, create, contribute - to activate that authentic self that’s emerging, and to release it from the confines of the old paradigm, self-concepts, or ego programming.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) Quantum Prayer - Healing Self-Sabotage

10m · Published 15 Nov 13:08

Welcome to this Quantum Prayer bonus episode.

Today we begin to release whatever is in the way of your full self-expression and integrate and heal whatever is appearing as self-sabotage.

Wherever you are in the time zone, whenever you’re listening to this, know that a quantum prayer is always active because it’s coming from a vibration that’s not in time or space. It continues to operate whenever you listen to it, for as long as you listen to it, until it fulfills itself.

So, I invite you now to get still and go within…

Listen to the audio to get the full quantum prayer to help you to access and activate the authentic self that’s emerging, and to release it from the confines of the old paradigm, self-concepts, or ego programming.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) The Real Story-Your Life Is a Living Bible

1h 3m · Published 13 Nov 12:21

Today's episode is all about understanding the impact of story on our lives and how our story is really the equipment for living. We live our lives literally through a story. It's unavoidable, that's why we love stories so much.

The life you're experiencing right now is based on the story you've developed over the years. I believe that you even developed a grander story before you even came here - the soul story.

In all the stories of the world - whether in a movie, a book, world events, the Bible, or your own story - there is always a bigger idea that's trying to emerge.

Behind your life stories, like the perennial truth teaching of successful living in all the Bibles of the world, ultimately, there is a seeking to awaken you out of your human story and into the Divine story.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) When To Hold On & When To Let Go - That is the Question!

23m · Published 08 Nov 13:04

This is an important question that so many people can relate to.

One assumption that many mistakenly lean on is, that if something is challenging or when the doors aren’t easily opening for something you’re pursuing, it’s a sign from the Universe that you’re not supposed to do it.

Although things you pursue and are working towards can often be very challenging, it’s not a sign from the Universe that you’re not supposed to keep pursuing it.

The only real sign you’re not supposed to pursue something is you no longer want to.

For my full explanation, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where I break it down and help you to apply this in your life TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) How to Stop Waiting & Play Full Out: The Secret to Never Being Stuck

45m · Published 06 Nov 12:05

I speak about this subject in various ways, almost everytime I talk…

How many places and pockets are there in our lives where we’re waiting?

We’re waiting for our miracle, waiting for someone to save us, waiting for the economy to get better, waiting to be loved or seen, waiting for our body to heal, waiting to have enough money… And then we’ll live life.

Somehow, we think that something needs to change before we can really show up, create our ideal life, and really live full out.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) What's Stopping You is Serving You

35m · Published 03 Nov 12:40

There are many examples and instances in life where whatever stops you from doing something is actually serving you…

A very obvious example is a red traffic light. You may be in a hurry and are frustrated by all the red lights you’re hitting on your way to work, but in the grander scheme, there’s order and reason to the traffic lights, which allow everyone to get where they need to go safely.

Another example, not as obvious, is when you seemed to have stopped progressing with something... Sometimes you’ve gone as far as you can go in a certain direction/life path, and a situation occurs that naturally stops you from continuing in that direction. Whatever you may have been doing in the past no longer works – you’re being moved or guided to take another direction.

But it's important to understand that life is totally for you.

It’s for you when it pushes you, it’s for you when it pulls you, and it’s for you when it stops you. I invite you to look deeper and ask, “How?

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) Are You Getting Warmer or Colder - The Shortest Path to Progress

27m · Published 01 Nov 11:13

You may have played that game when you were a child, when you’d hide an object then say to someone who was looking for it, “You’re getting warmer… really warm… hot!” Or “You’re cold… getting colder…”

The closer they got to the object they were looking for, they were “warmer” and the further away they got, they were “colder”.

It’s one of the most simplistic examples of how the process of success, approximation, and feedback work. That’s basically what we’re doing in life – we’re testing whether we’re getting closer to our goal or our true heart’s desire, or further away from it, based on our feedback.

You can always tell you’re getting warmer when there’s a greater sense of joy and aliveness.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) Divine Disruption

21m · Published 27 Oct 11:19

When we set an intention to grow, change, heal, or improve, life doesn't just give us what we ask for -- it first has to free us from the limited perceptions that have held us back. If we pray to be patient, our life will often be disrupted in a way that tests and challenges our patience -- so that we get stronger! When you understand how and why this principle of disruption works, you will be able to grow faster and become strong enough to stay the course no matter what. Listen to this episode to master this critical strategy!

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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(Bonus Episode) Ask Derek - How do I Keep Going When Nothing is Working?

18m · Published 25 Oct 11:34

One of the hardest things to do is to endure in the face of adversity, to have faith in the presence of fear, and to shine our light in the seeming darkness. But if you are going to take your life to the next level, you must learn how to activate this imprisoned power and potential within you -- no matter what obstacles you face. This is true freedom, and in this episode we break down the strategies and practices to achieving this state of mastery.

Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living your Emergence!

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Get a copy of my best-selling book, EMERGENCE, and $1791 in huge bonuses!

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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall has 781 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 432:16:12. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 13th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 22:41.

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