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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall

by Derek Rydall

World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings -- and begin living The Best Year of Your Life! For free tools and programs to support the Best Year of Your Life, go to http://www.derekrydall.com

Copyright: © Emerging Edge Media, Inc.


(Bonus Episode) Are You a Do-Gooder or a Good Doer?

19m · Published 20 Dec 12:25

This is a really important concept to contemplate and to consider in your life. In the most basic sense, so many people are out there trying to do good, but they’re doing it from a consciousness of fear, of separation, or of projection. It’s like an unhealed healer, or an angry activist. This is the key here. They’ve been wounded on some level early on in their life.

That core wound really is a core initiation, and it really is pointing them in the direction of where they are meant to get stronger and ultimately make an impact in their life or in the greater world.

For example, let’s say you were abused as a child, and you grow up having such pain around any form of violence or abuse. Your reaction to it is anger, sadness, bitterness, contempt towards those that perpetrate it, and you have very little, to no, compassion for those that are so caught in their own darkness that they would perpetrate such violence.

You’re still the wounded little child that now just perhaps inhabits an adult body. In all kinds of ways, it’s made you feel like a victim, and perhaps you’ve then put a mask on top of that, because, in many cases, the last thing an abused person wants to admit is that they’re a victim. So you might put a mask on top of that to try to act independent and to be strong. You might have tried to compensate by building up these superstructures of your ego that made you actually more separate from others, more distant, more arrogant, elitist, self-righteous, any or all of these qualities.

When we embrace these parts of us that we’re projecting outside of us (the “bad capitalist”, the “bad politician”, the “bad lawyers”, the “bad perpetrators” …or even just in our own family, “the bad parents”, etc.), when we embrace those things within ourselves, now we have real wisdom. We have real power, and we are a healing agency as we move back out into the world.

If we don’t embrace those, we often are driven to try to stamp out or get rid of those things in the world, whether it’s in our family, in our business, or in the larger global culture, and we become a do-gooder. We enact movements and strategies and practices or legislature, laws, and we wonder why we’ve been doing that over and over again and it doesn’t change things.

When you look at where real change starts to happen, real evolution, real growth, it’s because someone somewhere caught this vision, and they became less focused on the problem and more focused on the vision. They stopped merely trying to save the world, and tdecided to start serving the emerging possibility, the emerging vision, and they worked on themselves. It’s the difference between a Malcolm X before his transition, and a Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is what you must do. You must look at that and notice where you’re fighting and resisting – being do-gooders – and where you’re actually creating more pain and more problems in your wake, if not for others, then for yourself. You want to take full responsibility for your emotions, your pain, and your projections, and recognize that real transformation is not about setting things right, but about seeing things rightly.

It is the consciousness of wholeness that heals, and when you can see through the appearance of the victims and the victimizers to the truth, to the true principle – the true vision of possibility - then both victim and victimizer are healed and become servants of this higher possibility.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Co-Dependence, Interdependence, Independence: The Journey of Inner Freedom

21m · Published 18 Dec 10:02

When we talk about and celebrate Independence Day in the United States, or in any country, it is a celebration of an outer change that led to people being free physically and materially, and that’s a wonderful and beautiful thing.

But what we’re coming to understand in this work, is that real freedom can never be attained through changing some outer appearance. It is only attained when we become free of the bondage, slavery, oppression, and the repression of our own inner empire, of the ego reigning like a dictatorial leader.

That’s why there’s plenty of people living in a “free” country that are in bondage. I remember listening to Nelson Mandala, who was in prison for 26 years, I believe, but he had become free long before that. (And because of that, he was able to set the country free.)

Ultimately, you want to become “inner-dependent”. This is where you’re no longer leaning on the interactivity of the world, or looking to someone else. You’re no longer manipulating and adjusting yourself. Also, no longer leaning even on your own human goodness or human capacities.

It’s important to know the different kinds of dependence, as these are the stages you typically move through to become inner-dependent: Letting go of co-dependence, coming into independence, growing through interdependence, and ultimately move to inner-dependence.

There’s co-dependence, where you are not able to feel okay about yourself unless you can make someone else feel okay about themselves.

There’s independence, where you’re free within yourself, individually. You can be financially independent, independent from relationships that you might have been caught in, or independent from your family values and morals.

There’s interdependence, where you lean and depend on other people and things. You can recognize the value of duality to have other people and other things; humanly you are in an interdependent relationship with nature and with each other.

Moving into inner-dependence is learning to lean on the Source beyond your own human capacities and capabilities.

Do you truly depend on that presence within you, or are you leaning on what you know from yesterday? The Bible says, “You cannot live on yesterday’s manna. If you try to hold onto yesterday’s manna it rots in your hands… the manna falls freshly from Heaven every day” – this is symbolizing this knowledge, intelligence, substance. It’s always pouring fresh in this moment.

You want to go back to the well every day, and throughout the day – every time you’re about to start something. Let go of all of your ideas of what “should be”. Let go of your attachment to what was. Let go of all of your opinions, preferences, agendas, goals, and throw yourself wide open to the power, presence, the love of God – to the Divine impulse in this moment – which is always a revelation, and always new.

I see in my mind the image of Niagara Falls, which is one of the wonders of the world. The water is gushing with just unimaginable power, velocity and volume, and yet it’s never the same water! All of that is flowing fresh and new in every instant, inexhaustibly, but it’s not coming from that spot called Niagara. That spot called Niagara is just an opening. It’s actually coming from Lake Erie, this massive body of water that’s flowing over the falls.


f it was to try to hold onto that water and say, “This is me; this is mine. I depend on this. If I let this just flow over me, I’m going to run out and go dry!”, it would end up cutting itself off from Lake Erie, and it would eventually run dry. Instead, it depends on Lake Erie, and it never runs dry, and it’s one of the most powerful waterfalls around.

The same is true with you. When you learn to have inner-dependence, not co-dependence, not interdependence, not even just human independence, but inner-dependence, (beyond your own thoughts, your own ideas, opinions and preferences) and lean back into that body of consciousness, it can begin to flow into your life like a mighty river rushing downhill without a boulder in sight, and it’s always fresh, and always new.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) The Solution State of Mind

39m · Published 15 Dec 12:26

As you begin to grow in this awareness of the Emergence principles and how life really operates, you start to discover that what you do in and of itself is not going to determine the outcomes you get.

Ultimately, as the old metaphysical axiom says, to he or she who is right in mind they can do all the wrong things, and it will often still turn out right, but to he or she who is wrong in mind they can do all the right things, and it will still turn out wrong. We see that even as Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that created it."

We understand in metaphysics and quantum physics, that the frequency or the vibration that you’re at is what actually determines the outcome. The good that you want, the answer, the solution, the opportunity, the abundance, etc. it’s already here. Much like you are inundated with radio broadcasts right now, and in the midst of those broadcast somewhere your favorite music is playing, but it’s not yet a manifest part of your experience. When you tune the dial of your frequency so that that receiver or frequency matches the frequency where that music is playing, that station becomes manifest. You have what I like to say a manifest-station. The music was already happening, but you had to make it welcome. You had to dial into that same frequency. The distance between you and your music is a distance in frequency.

The same is true for your solutions. For whatever challenge you face, the solution is a reality that already exists, but it exists at a higher or different frequency than the frequency of the problem.

Problem, when you understand it means emblem - it’s a symbol. A problem or challenge is a symbol of a state of consciousness, a particular frequency, and you can never solve a problem, any more than you can solve a frequency.

If you’re turned into station K-LACK, and it’s playing the blues all day, or it’s gossiping and complaining and talking about all this negative stuff in the world, making you feel horrible, that’s a problem. You can’t solve that problem at that frequency. You can’t solve that frequency. That’s what’s playing on that station. So, how do you solve it? You have to tune up the dial to station K-RICH, to a higher frequency.

When you tune out of K-LACK into K-RICH, the problems you are experiencing on K-LACK they’re no longer there! That particular music becomes unmanifest. It goes back into the invisible, inaudible state that it was to begin with, and the music that you really want to hear, that beat of abundance, that symphony of success, now becomes manifest. It becomes a part of your experience.

So a problem cannot be solved. It exists. It’s a frequency. Just like ice cannot be solved at the level of temperature where ice exists; 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below, you have ice. No matter what you do to get rid of that problem, you’ll still have the problem if you’re still living at 32 degrees. You can pour hot water on it, but what’s going to happen? It’s going to become more ice. You can chip it away. What’s going to happen? Condensation will produce more ice.

So how do you deal with it then? You must rise above that temperature. When you rise above 32 degrees, what happens to the ice? You don’t solve the ice - the ice dissolves.

When you tune to a higher frequency on the station you don’t solve the problem or change the station of K-LACK. That’s still broadcasting, but it dissolves out of your experience, and what manifests is that higher frequency you’re now tuned into. That’s also why Einstein said, "Arrows of hate have been shot in my direction many times, but they no longer can touch me or hurt me, because they come from a world I no longer inhabit."

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) ASK DEREK: Karma, Environment, & Feeling Good When Things Look Bad

28m · Published 13 Dec 11:09

Today’s episode covers your questions submitted on the topic of karma, environment, and how to feel good when things look bad.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject for my answers and explanations and how they relate to the Emergence principles! This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Time, Health, Wealth, Work, and Relationship Freedom: The Path of Liberation

41m · Published 11 Dec 13:09

Do you know that 99.99% of the world is run by the belief that if we could just change conditions, we could become safe, secure, significant and free?

It’s a 180 degrees opposite of what the great teachings taught. The fundamental teaching of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Shankara were not about improving your human experience in order to be free. They were exactly the opposite.

As long as we’re trying to manipulate the world to be happy, safe or significant, we are slaves, prisoners, ruled over by an empire of human beliefs in lack, limitation, and separation.

Freedom won’t just come to you. It has to be earned by right of consciousness. Jesus taught, don’t try to save and improve your life. Let it go and seek a deeper connection. Buddha taught, do not engage in craving and aversion, which is basically the incessant need to try to get or get rid of it in order to be free or happy (in other words, manipulating appearances and conditions.) Buddha’s whole teaching was based on an idea of the whole false self, that all suffering is based on this part of us that is seeking to manipulate conditions in order to be free.

There’s no freedom in thinking you have to get something or get rid of something, change something in order to be free. That’s not freedom, that’s enslavement. Freedom is an inside job. When you can be in a place of peace, regardless of conditions, you’re really free.

When we drop down a little bit deeper into these life structures – time, health, wealth, work, relationships – you can begin to see how this applies in these areas of your life.

It’s important to understand that all human experience is a relative projection of our limited perception of infinite perfection. Time is a relative expression of eternity. It’s completely relative, bendable and flexible. That’s why if you’re with somebody you really love, an hour might feel like it went by in a minute. If you’re doing something you really hate, a minute feels like an hour. As Einstein described in his theory of relativity, time is relative. It’s just a construct. Eternity is what’s real.

So, if you’re trying to base what’s real and true on what’s in time and space, you’re already completely lost. You’re as far away from as if truth didn’t even exist because time and space are not real. There’s a bigger idea that is infinite and eternal. It’s trying to emerge as your life, as the world right now. That idea is what’s real, not all the relative expressions of it that are sometimes very chaotic, very disturbing and very challenging. None of that is truth or substance. None of that is governed or maintained by Divine life, law or power which means it has no power at all. The only thing governed and maintained by life, law or power is what is true, what is real, what is spiritual – which means it is eternal and unchanging.

You want to continuously seek a greater realization of the eternal unchanging truth of our being, or of any of these life structures -time, wealth, and health – to move into a greater state of well-being.

You can completely renew and restore each of these structures of your life forever, to the extent that you awake into this truth, because your body, wealth, work, health, and relationships arespiritual, infinite, immortal, eternal ideas and activities that never diminish, that never run out. The more free you get in this truth, you’ll be able to reveal an ever-increasing expansion and capacity in every area.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) ASK DEREK: How To Find Your True Talent & Deal With Work You Hate

33m · Published 08 Dec 13:11

Today’s episode covers your questions submitted on the topic of How To Find Your True Talent & Deal With Work You Hate.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject for my answers and explanations and how they relate to the Emergence principles! This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn't)

28m · Published 06 Dec 13:05

You came to this planet to use this dimension of duality and contrast to awaken more fully to who and what you are.

You’re here to paint your unique masterpiece of love, life, and light onto the canvas of time and space so that others can see it and be liberated and awakened to their own greatness, joy, and genius.

Whether you call it painting on the canvas of life or performing your Divine drama on the stage of life, you came here because you have gifts to bring, and you have something to learn.

That’s where the very definition of human comes from, a Sanskrit term that means the dispenser of Divine gifts. As we talk about in the Emergence work, and really what all the great masters taught, everything is already within you – all the power, presence, life, and love of God, all that you could ever want. You’re not really even in the world, the world is in you. You have everything, and so this world can’t give you anything, except for a reflection of where you’re living in consciousness and a place or an opportunity to grow and to give.

There’s a unique way that shows up for you. It might uniquely show up as a writer, teacher, dancer, singer, author, healer, doctor, plumber, parent, architect, politician, lawyer. Yes, even a politician and lawyer! Although not everybody is living the Divine purpose within their profession, we all came here in a very unique and creative way to realize the life and the light of our true being and to shine it in a unique, gifted way that helps others to awaken and to do the same.

What didn’t you come here for? You didn’t come here to shop, to win an argument, to prove anything to anybody else, to win anything, to get a job even. You didn’t come here to get anything, to get a bunch of money, or real estate, to defeat the enemy, to get approval, validation or love from anybody.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t get a job, get into a relationship, don’t get a new car, or you don’t get some clothes. That’s all beautiful and wonderful, but you’re not here to get those things.

You get into the relationship so that you can have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are and give more of the love within you.

You get that job so that you have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are through the challenges and things, and to give of your giftedness.

You get a new car so that you have the transportation in this dimension to travel to the places you need to give of your love and give of your gifts.

You get a new home so that you can create a sanctuary and an environment where you can love each other and create, meditate, grow, play, sing, love and release more of your imprisoned splendor.

You go into the lands of the world so you can cultivate, nourish and honor them. To create works of art and structures that support the awakening, loving , playing, sharing and the healing of our soul.

No matter what it is, whether its relationship, health, wealth, work, or personal development, we’ve been conditioned to believe that all of these things we need to get is the end game. The end game is to get and acquire the perfect home and the perfect job and the amount of money you want, the right relationship, and the piece of land. That if you get all that you’ve won the game. No.

You’ve only just begun it. That’s not the end result – that’s the preparation. Each one of those is like a plank in the platform from which now you can launch off from and give of your true life, your true gifts and your true purpose.

There’s some simple ways to test this: Can you take any of that stuff with you when you leave this planet? If you can’t take any of it with you, does that make any sense that you would have come here to get it? Think about that. If you can’t take the money, the houses, the cars, that person, then what can you take?

You can take the love that you activate. You can take the joy and the bliss that you active from giving of your heart and your gifts, being of service. You can take the wisdom you’ve discovered and developed and activated. Not necessarily the human knowledge, all that you learned about how to sell and make great business deals that will have no real value in the next dimension, but what you learned in terms of integrity, loyalty, service, love and honor, that translates into any dimension.

I invite you to contemplate this: once you leave this earthly place, will what you’ve done in this moment, what you’re striving for or arguing for, will it matter to the people you leave behind, to the world you leave behind?

As you begin to discover your ultimate purpose, some of the things you thought mattered, will fall away.

Your values will begin to shift, and it won’t be as important to do certain things. It won’t be as important to acquire stuff you don’t really need that aren’t truly opening your heart and mind and allowing you to give your gifts. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a big screen TV. You can have a home theater, but you’ll have a vision way bigger than that, and the vision will have something to do with truly awakening your heart, your mind, your soul, your creative genius, your loving, and helping others to do the same.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) ASK DEREK - Growth, Loss, & Divine Perfection

30m · Published 04 Dec 12:22

Today’s episode covers your questions submitted on the topic of Growth, Loss, & Divine Perfection.

Listen to the in-depth podcast on the subjects for my answers and explanations and how they relate to the Emergence principles! This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) Your Big Bold Audacious Goal: How to Create Instant Momentum that Catapults Your Life!

46m · Published 01 Dec 12:15

Today we’re talking about your big, bold audacious goal, and how to create instant momentum that catapults your life.

That’s a fun agenda, right? Just the idea of having a big, bold audacious goal gives you energy, it gives you juice! Maybe it also brings up a little nervousness or overwhelm. You could be wondering: "Can I really add a big, bold audacious goal to my already busy life?"

Meaning is the oxygen to our souls, and having a deep meaning for why you’re living, why you’re getting up every day, and why you’re going through your day, is significant.

For instance, in the concentration camps they found that if people didn’t have something worthy to live for and to hold on for they had a much lower rate of survival.

Having a vision is life itself. Life exists to fully express itself, and because life is infinite, it’s like life wants to have a big bang every moment, and in a very real way it is. This incredible explosion of possibility, energy, power and creativity is the nature of life always in this moment. In this moment there’s always a big bang trying to happen, individually, collectively. Life is just bursting at the seams with so much power, intelligence, joy, and creative energy, that it could never be fully satisfied. It says in Proverbs, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Another verse found in the bible is, "You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours."

There are three pieces to that spiritual equation: "You are my beloved"- it’s saying that life loves you, always and forever, unconditionally, no matter what. "In whom I am well pleased" - requires you to be willing to be an instrument of life, of God, truth, love, and when you’re willing to be that instrument, now the presence says, "I’m pleased. Why? Because I get to be more of myself as you, which is why the I that I Am exists."

It’s why life exists. Life doesn’t exist merely to solve problems, in fact not at all. Life doesn’t exist to try to get somewhere. Life exists so that it can express its infinite nature. As you say yes to the fullness of live moving through you and are willing to commit to living at the highest, fullest level, now life, God, this presence says, "In you, I am well pleased."

Then the third piece then kicks in, which is "...all that I have is yours." Meaning, like the king of a great kingdom is looking at his daughters and sons and wondering, "Who do I give my full inheritance to? Who do I put on the throne?" It’s the one that’s actually going to do something with it. Not the one that’s over here just kind of kicking back and eating grapes and enjoying all the fruits, but not really doing anything about it, but the one over here who’s got a big vision; who’s going to go out there and make a difference, make an impact, and use all of the riches of the kingdom to fulfill and carry on a great mission.

Life is kind of seeing you that way. When you’re willing to have a big audacious bold goal, a vision for your life that really juices you up, you become a bigger channel for which more power and energy can flow through and as you.

It’s like if a tree is not bearing fruit on a branch that branch gets cut off so that it can support all the branches that are bearing fruit richly. It’s a principle.

In order to create instant momentum with your big, audacious goal, there’s some basic things that have to be in place; a checklist. All seven pieces need to be in place:

Have a clear, compelling goal,
that is rooted in your vision and values,
with a strong why,
heal the why-nots,
have a real plan/schedule,
have accountability,
leverage yourself,
and finally, be fully committed - all in.

You can’t jump to a bigger audacious goal if you don’t have these basics. This has to be a priority and an inner intention. It can’t be something you’re going to wait for next week.

For the full explanation of all the seven points and to support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

Today we’re talking about your big, bold audacious goal, and how to create instant momentum that catapults your life.

That’s a fun agenda, right? Just the idea of having a big, bold audacious goal gives you energy, it gives you juice! Maybe it also brings up a little nervousness or overwhelm. You could be wondering: "Can I really add a big, bold audacious goal to my already busy life?"

Meaning is the oxygen to our souls, and having a deep meaning for why you’re living, why you’re getting up every day, and why you’re going through your day, is significant.

For instance, in the concentration camps they found that if people didn’t have something worthy to live for and to hold on for they had a much lower rate of survival.

Having a vision is life itself. Life exists to fully express itself, and because life is infinite, it’s like life wants to have a big bang every moment, and in a very real way it is. This incredible explosion of possibility, energy, power and creativity is the nature of life always in this moment. In this moment there’s always a big bang trying to happen, individually, collectively. Life is just bursting at the seams with so much power, intelligence, joy, and creative energy, that it could never be fully satisfied. It says in Proverbs, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Another verse found in the bible is, "You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased, and all that I have is yours."

There are three pieces to that spiritual equation: "You are my beloved"- it’s saying that life loves you, always and forever, unconditionally, no matter what. "In whom I am well pleased" - requires you to be willing to be an instrument of life, of God, truth, love, and when you’re willing to be that instrument, now the presence says, "I’m pleased. Why? Because I get to be more of myself as you, which is why the I that I Am exists."

It’s why life exists. Life doesn’t exist merely to solve problems, in fact not at all. Life doesn’t exist to try to get somewhere. Life exists so that it can express its infinite nature. As you say yes to the fullness of live moving through you and are willing to commit to living at the highest, fullest level, now life, God, this presence says, "In you, I am well pleased."

Then the third piece then kicks in, which is "...all that I have is yours." Meaning, like the king of a great kingdom is looking at his daughters and sons and wondering, "Who do I give my full inheritance to? Who do I put on the throne?" It’s the one that’s actually going to do something with it. Not the one that’s over here just kind of kicking back and eating grapes and enjoying all the fruits, but not really doing anything about it, but the one over here who’s got a big vision; who’s going to go out there and make a difference, make an impact, and use all of the riches of the kingdom to fulfill and carry on a great mission.

Life is kind of seeing you that way. When you’re willing to have a big audacious bold goal, a vision for your life that really juices you up, you become a bigger channel for which more power and energy can flow through and as you.

It’s like if a tree is not bearing fruit on a branch that branch gets cut off so that it can support all the branches that are bearing fruit richly. It’s a principle.

In order to create instant momentum with your big, audacious goal, there’s some basic things that have to be in place; a checklist. All seven pieces need to be in place:

Have a clear, compelling goal,
that is rooted in your vision and values,
with a strong why,
heal the why-nots,
have a real plan/schedule,
have accountability,
leverage yourself,
and finally, be fully committed - all in.

You can’t jump to a bigger audacious goal if you don’t have these basics. This has to be a priority and an inner intention. It can’t be something you’re going to wait for next week.

For the full explanation of all the seven points and to support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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(Bonus Episode) What Should I Do?

38m · Published 29 Nov 11:59

This is such an important topic because this question is so often asked.

Sometimes the question is being asked unconsciously – you are doing so much, and feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, drained, or lacking inspiration and passion, and the unconscious question trying to be asked is, “What should I do… What should I be focused on… What really matters?

The reason so many people can relate to this is because we get so used to being busy that we don’t take care of the real business in our lives and don’t create real productivity. We are so used to reacting, putting out fires and meeting everybody else’s needs and agendas, instead of getting really clear about what our own agenda is. You hear people constantly ask, “How’s it going?” And your reply is “I’m so busy.”

There is something you are designed to be, to do, to create, to contribute. There’s a way you’re designed to show up in the world that is uniquely your design, and it comes with unique goals, projects, relationships, tasks, ways to show up, ways to serve, etc. It’s all part of the design package. Just like nature, the apple tree is designed to produce the fruit of apples, not to be a pine tree, an oak tree and a rose bush. If the ecosystem started to act like that, the entire ecosystem would collapse.

We have to start unraveling what our own vision and mission is – get back to our core, back to our real yes, back to what we really want to do, and even look at the things that other family, friends, and co-workers are excited about, but may not be the thing for us.

Sometimes there’s things that appear to be working in our lives, things that seem to be kind of going good. You’ve heard the saying, you got a good thing going here, kid; don’t mess with it. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I put it another way, what’s working that’s in the way?

Just because something isn’t broken doesn’t mean that it’s not meant to evolve. I use the example often of the Rubik’s cube, that little square puzzle, and it’s all messed up, all different colors on each side, and the point of the puzzle is you have to keep turning and twisting until you get every side a solid color. You start to do it, and at some point you get one of the sides solid. You get a solid white, and that’s a success. It’s working. However, what do you have to do to get the next side working? You have to mess up what you just got working. You could say, it’s not broken; it’s working. Why would I want to mess that side up? You have to mess it up, if you’re going to get the next side working. Then you get two sides working. Victory! But now what do you have to do to keep getting the next side, the next side? You’ve got to keep messing up what’s working. You have to keep messing up the level of success you’ve just achieved. You have to be more focused on the grander vision than on necessarily short term payoffs.

It doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate them and celebrate them. “I got another side!” You’ve got to keep letting it go and moving and evolving. A lot of times in our life there are certain things that are working at a certain level. Maybe your marriage is not broken, but is it really thriving? Maybe you’ve got to kind of break things, or at least shake things up. As I like to say, sometimes my work is not just to comfort the afflicted, but to afflict the comfortable.

Maybe you’ve got a job that’s not broken, it’s kind of working. It’s paying the bills. They’re not necessarily mistreating you, maybe they even appreciate you. You’ve got a good thing going, but you’re not truly on fire. You’re not fully alive and passionate, and there’s something more that’s trying to emerge. You might have to mess it up a little bit at first in order to say yes to your bigger yes.

This is challenging, because we’re always seeking another level of status quo, equilibrium, balance, and once we find that balance we don’t want to lose it. How do you walk? If you never ever wanted to lose your balance, you couldn’t walk, because every time you walk what you’re really doing is falling forward. You’re going off balance, catching yourself. Off balance, catching yourself. Off balance, catching yourself, but at a new level each time, in a new space, a more progressive space. So you’re off balance, catch yourself, rebalance. Off balance, catch yourself, rebalance… Before you learn to do that, you fell. As a child you got up, you fell, you got up, you fell. You just kept falling forward, and eventually you were walking. Because of this mechanism that’s always trying to bring us to a state of equilibrium and balance, we are more inclined or have more commitment to staying the same, rather than changing and continuing to grow. So that’s one of the big things we have to begin to move out of.

One way to begin to do this process of determining what’s important to you now is to make a list of everything you do and everything on your list that you think you have to do. Perhaps it’s the next months’ worth of things, and some of them are things you do all the time, and some of them are things you’re adding to your list over the next month. Look at that list, and start to identify, “If I was guaranteed success, what are the few things that would be a hell yes?”

You can also break the list down into structures, which might be a little easier. You have several life structures: health, wealth, work, relationships, spiritual growth, personal development, and service. You can break down all the tasks into these categories. What are all the things you’re doing in the category of health? What are all the things you’re doing in the category of wealth, work, relationships, spiritual growth, personal development?

Then within those categories, identify the two or three most important things that would really take your life to the next level, or that area to the next level, that are passionate, that are a yes, that are a must. It doesn’t mean they’re not all important, but there’s always one or two or three that are really calling out to be developed. Rarely are all of them urgently needing to be developed, and what happens is that when you focus on the one or two or three that really matter, that are hell yeses, the ramifications, because it’s really holistic, it’s really one, it impacts the others. For example, some of them have higher leverage. If you work on your health and get into great physical shape, the energy you have, the blood circulation, it improves your thinking. You end up having more energy to do more work. You end up having a better emotional state, and it improves your relationships. You end up having more clarity, and you’re able to be more creative and in your personal develop area. That’s a very high leverage category that almost always should be one of your main categories.

As you break down this list, you want to just go through the list as an exercise, and discover what are your reasons for doing everything you do. Start to notice there are certain patterns that keep recurring: “I’m doing this so I don’t look bad… I’m doing this so I don’t feel guilty… I’m doing this so I don’t feel shame… I’m doing this so I don’t lose the job or lose the opportunity… I’m doing this so that person doesn’t think I’m selfish or a bad mom or a bad parent…”

Then notice also, what is it you really want to do? This can even be another list of the things you really want to do, but you’re not doing. You can start to really see what are some of the core patterns driving you. The more you see it, an expanded awareness gives you actual real choice and begins the process of real change.

Now, begin the process of organizing out of your plan all of these other commitments, all of these other things, to the extent that you can. The ones you can’t, immediately begin the journey or the process of renegotiating those commitments, so that you can begin to get them off your list and off your plan. Ultimately, you want a plan that progressively reflects who you are at the deepest core, your deepest yes, your deepest passion, your hell yes, your musts, the great, not just the good, and it feels more and more authentic and congruent.

Now you’ve got a plan, a real plan that if you don’t already know what your bigger vision is, it’s going to start to tune your more into it.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

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Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall has 781 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 432:16:12. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 13th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 22:41.

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