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The Scaling To Business Success Podcast

by Symone Redmond

How do I get started online as a business coach? How can I start my own business while still working my 9 to 5 job? How can I grow on social media? How can I scale to business success? How can I turn my skills into a profitable online business? And the biggest question of all, can I really turn my passion into profits online? It doesn't matter if you're brand new business coach or you've had your business for a while and you're ready to get back into the game, if you have a skill that you're passionate about and you're ready to create your own business around it, this is the show for you. The Scaling To Business Success Podcast is a workshop style business and marketing podcast that is packed with actionable step-by-step tips that are helping thousands of first-time entrepreneurs and business coaches increase their income, authority and influence online and of course, helping them redefine success in their own way. Host Symone Redmond is an award-nominated online business coach who brings you social media strategies, mindset tips, business hacks and inspirational stories that can help you create your dream business and life. Symone shares tangible and actionable steps that she used to create an online business that was able to generate enough income that helped her have her first five-figure year in her business. She's sharing everything that has helped her navigate over five years of entrepreneurship. Now it's YOUR TURN to get inspired, and learn how to tackle your biggest entrepreneur goals along the way. Be sure to subscribe and listen to the podcast!

Copyright: 2023 Morgan Ventures LLC


002 - How I Made My First Five-Figures Online

33m · Published 11 Jul 10:00

When you're online and you're wanting to grow your business, you see a lot of people say, "I made five figures from my latest launch! Five figures is easy to make!" So that makes you wonder if you'll ever be able to achieve the same thing, and it seems as if it's becoming harder for you to do so.

You're doing everything the business "gurus" are telling you - do a webinar, do a challenge, show up on social media every single day, create a ton of programs, and have 1:1 coaching session with your potential clients.

Yeah... that's a lot to do.

In this week's episode of the Scaling To Business Success Podcast, I discuss my entire strategy of how I generated five figures TWICE in my business a few years ago. And to be honest, it's not a hard strategy. It's one that will require you to do something that you've probably never done, and it will require you to invest in yourself as well.

Everyone's journey of achieving five-figures is different, so don't expect my journey to be the same way yours is going to be. I'm here to give you my knowledge of what worked for me, what didn't work for me, and what I would do differently. 

Acheving five figures in your business is all about doing what's in alignment to you and what makes you feel good about what you're going to create and deliver to your audience. 

Take time to listen in to this week's episode, and I'll chat with you soon!


To learn more about my two-day free mini course, you can check it out and sign up for it HERE.

Inside this two-day mini course, you will learn and dive deeper with me on how you can achieve those five-figures without having to do live launches, posting daily on social media, or doing discovery calls. 

There's a different way to achieve your goals, and I'm here to help you get there.

Talk to you soon!

001 - Why I'm Starting Over In My Business

28m · Published 04 Jul 10:00

It's been a while since I've uploaded a podcast episode, but here we are! Welcome to the Scaling to Business Success Podcast! 

In this week's episode, I'm discussing with you why I decided to take a break from my business and why I'm back with a brand new outlook on where my business will go and where I want it to be in the future. 

I believe that it's sometimes necessary to start over from the beginning. When you start over, you're allowing yourself time to figure out what you're genuinely passionate about. And when you're passionate about something, that's when the success starts to roll in. Sometimes you can be passionate about something, then out of nowhere, you're not passionate about it anymore. It's like something clicked inside of you. 

That's what happened to me, and I'm discussing it with you in this week's episode.

Here's what you're going to hear about in this podcast episode:

  • Why I didn't like the niche that I was focusing on from 2015-2020, and the niche I focused on from 2022-2023.
  • Why you shouldn't listen to what other coaches tell you about what your niche should be.
  • How I'm going back to what brings me joy and why I never should have strayed away from it in the first place. 
  • If and when you should start over in your business - and if it's necessary to do so if you're already having success online.

I'm excited to be back and creating content for you to dive into. You're taking a ride with me in this new phase of life I like to call "freedom." That's what life and business is all about... having the freedom to do what you want, build your business like you want, so you can live a life that you have designed for yourself. 


If you want to learn more about how to achieve five-figures in your business without having to do discovery calls, live launches or worry about making a posting schedule to post on social media on a daily basis, register NOW for my FREE two-day mini-course HERE! 

045: Why I'm Against Organic Free Content

18m · Published 16 May 12:00

Over the last couple of months, I have been head down and working on changing my business around. Let's just say, I'm excited about where this is going to take my business over the next 12 months. 

But in this episode, I had an epiphany just a few months ago and that is to no longer do free weekly content on any platform of mine, including podcasts. I love creating podcast episodes but doing them every week (from what I realized) is not as beneficial as I thought when it comes to the growth of my business. 

Here's what I discuss in this episode:

  • Why I'm against free content on a weekly basis
  • How Facebook and Instagram ads are more powerful than I thought
  • Why it's important to invest in a mentor 
  • What's next (something is coming in June!)

Take a listen to this episode as I share with you what's been going on since the end of March when I last uploaded an episode and why I'm excited about what's to come and how it can help you leave your healthcare career for good.

To learn more about the new LIVE program I'm launching, follow me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) to get all the DEETS! 

044: My First High-Ticket Coaching Investment and How It Helped Me

25m · Published 28 Mar 23:02

High-ticket coaching is the name of the game if you want your business to have success faster than the current rate it’s going at.

My very first high-ticket coaching investment was in 2017, and it really did change the outlook of my business, and it also showed me what steps I needed to take in order to make that happen.

Because of the high-ticket coaching program, I was able to meet other people who were just like me, and shared the same business interests that I have, and now these wonderful men and women have become my business friends for life!

Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do if you’re wanting to learn and grow like the top business leaders in the industry. 

Here’s what you’ll listen to and learn in this episode:

  • How I was stuck in my business and didn’t know what I was doing

  • My first exposure to another Black woman doing YouTube (and at the time, this was rare)

  • The program I invested in, and why I would invest in it again.

  • How my business grew after my investment into a high-ticket coaching program, and how it can help you too.

Listen to this episode, because it just may inspire you to take action and invest into a high-ticket coaching program, too!

To join the waitlist for my upcoming signature program, 12-week Scale With Confidence Accelerator, click here to do so and find more information about it!

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

043: Should You Leave Your Healthcare Job? Signs That It's Time.

22m · Published 21 Mar 13:00

If you’re wondering if now is the time to quit your healthcare job, then I have news for you.

47% of healthcare professionals are planning to quit their jobs by 2025, and the crazy part is that many of them are NOT coming back to the healthcare profession.

So where are they going? Starting businesses online! Even though you may feel ready to quit your job and jump into entrepreneurship full-time, I want to discuss with you in this podcast episode some reasons why you might be ready, and what to do if you’re not.

Taking the leap into full-time entrepreneurship can be scary, and trust me, I’ve been there before. Even if you do and you have to go back to working full-time until it’s time again, at least you know what it feels like to have that type of freedom. 

Here’s what you’ll listen to and learn in this week’s podcast episode:

  • The real reason why healthcare professionals are quitting their jobs

  • How The Great Resignation has completely changed the outlook of the healthcare profession.

  • Why you shouldn’t wait to jump and do what you’re passionate about

  • The five signs that it may be time to quit your healthcare career and do something else.

If you’re thinking of leaving your career to do your passion full-time, this is the episode that you want to listen to. It may inspire you to do something different. 


Books mentioned in this episode:

“When to Jump” by Mike Lewis  - purchase the book here

“Jump” by Steve Harvey - purchase the book here


“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!


042: Treat Your Business Like You Do Your CE's

16m · Published 16 Mar 13:00

Just like you have continuing education credits to make sure that you’re staying in compliance with your job, when it comes to your business, you have continuing education credits to do as well.

Just because you have a business doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invest into trainings and courses to help you become better. I, for one, am always investing into some training that’s aligned with my current goals to help me become better at what I do.

If you’re starting your business, it would be a great thing for you to invest in trainings that will help you get started with your online business, at least to know the basics. 

You’re already investing your time, energy and money into making sure you have your licencse and certification to make sure that you keep your job, but are you doing the same for your business?

In this bonus episode for the month, I discuss why it’s so important that you invest in yourself, especially when it comes to your business and what benefits that can bring to you and your audience.

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

041: How You Can Build Your Email List From Scratch

24m · Published 14 Mar 13:00

Your email list is the foundation of your success with your business online. If you are just starting your business, then it’s important that you have an emailing list!

Many brand-new entrepreneurs aren’t sure of how to get started with a business, but they feel as if an email list is not one of the most important things when starting a business, but it is.

Email marketing is the most effective channel because you get to talk directly to the people who want to hear from you. You’re not spending your time creating content and telling people about it who aren’t interested. These are YOUR people, and you should want to communicate with them.

Having an email list allows you to continually build your business, build your community and be able to make sales, without relying on social media. Because we all know that social media can shut down at any point in time, and if your business relies on social media, then that’s something that needs to change ASAP.

Your email list is like gold, and you should treat it as such, and that’s what I’m discussing in this week’s podcast episode.

Here’s what you’ll listen to and learn in this episode:

  • What an email list is

  • Why you NEED to start an email list

  • The four things you should do before creating your email list

  • How to choose a reputable email marketing platform

  • The five things you should do to build your email list from scratch.

When you listen to this episode, and take action on what’s being taught, you will start to build an email list that you’re proud to have.

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!


040: How To Find The Right Audience For Your Business

21m · Published 07 Mar 13:00

Finding the right audience for your content is very important. If you want to have success online, you need to know who you’re creating content for before you even post it. What most entrepreneurs don’t know, especially in the beginning, is that your audience is out there looking for your content, but you need to know what to post in order to get them to take action on what you’re offering or selling.

When I was focusing strictly on YouTube to grow my business a few years ago, I didn’t even know who I was creating content for. Because of this, I wasn’t growing. I was doing everything I could to grow my business, but it wasn’t working because I was focusing on creating content for everyone on that particular platform.

Once you learn who you’re creating content for, it’ll make it easier for you to attract your ideal audience to you.

Here’s what you’ll hear and learn in this episode:

  • Why finding the right audience is important for your business

  • What the definition is of a target audience

  • The difference between target audience and target market

  • The six questions to help you define your target audience 

If you want to be successful online, then it all starts with knowing who your audience is, knowing them inside and out, and understanding their needs, wants and desires.

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!


039: Five Ways To Prevent Burnout When Growing An Online Business

24m · Published 28 Feb 13:00

When many brand-new entrepreneurs get started, they feel as if they have to continuously work every single day and every single hour in order to see results in their business. But what they don’t know is that working hard and overexerting yourself trying to make your business successful is what leads to burnout.

I’ve experienced burnout with my business and let's just say it wasn’t the greatest experience. I was constantly overworking myself, and making sure that I was doing something business-related. On top of that, I was working full-time, traveling to see my family, and spending time with my husband, and I was just tired of it all. It got to the point where I didn’t want to do any business work at all, and I just wanted to quit everything.

I don’t want you to feel that way. 

Your business should be fun and it should make you happy when you help your students and you’re able to get them results.

Tune in to hear:

  • How burnout affects entrepreneurs more than we think.
  • Why outsourcing is the #1 thing to help you alleviate some of the stress you have in your business
  • Why having a schedule is so important, and how it eliminated stress and delegated free time for me to do things that were important to me.
  • How it’s important to take a break and why you may need to take a break in order to do a full reset with your business. 

Plus much, much more!

This is important to hear no matter what stage of business you are in. So buckle up and get ready to become a true online entrepreneur who is highly skilled as a healthcare professional.

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

038: What Does Financial Freedom Mean To You?

20m · Published 21 Feb 13:00

What does financial freedom mean to you as an entrepreneur? It can mean a lot of things. But one thing that stands out when it comes to financial freedom is having your finances in order so you can live a better, and stress-free life!

Because a lot of entrepreneurs don’t have their finances in check, they tend to have stressful lives, and this can eventually lead to burnout. They’re constantly working, and it seems as if there is never an end to it.

Now, I’m not a financial advisor, and everything I say in this podcast is of my own words, but I feel that as healthcare workers, we’re not trained to learn about finances, especially after we get out of professional school for our particular careers.

You need to have some type of financial advice or a financial strategy if you’re going to pursue an online business.

Tune in to hear:

  • Why it’s important to educate yourself when it comes to your finances and your thoughts around money.
  • How you can create a budget and stick to it, even if you don’t your finances are tight.
  • How to spend intentionally and not overspend, or spend on things that you don’t need.

Plus much, much more!

This is important to hear no matter what stage of business you are in. So buckle up and get ready to become a true online entrepreneur who is highly skilled as a healthcare professional.

“I love Symone and the Scaling To Business Success Podcast!” ←- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! 

This helps me to support more people – just like you – move toward creating a successful online business they desire that helps them create more influence, income, and authority in their lives.

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

You can also snap a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram (@symoneredmond) and I’ll be sure to post you to my IG stories!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

The Scaling To Business Success Podcast has 89 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 36:20:06. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 5th, 2024 20:12.

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