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Soul Compass

by Vitina Blumenthal

Become the CEO of your life. Practical tips on helping you find more mental clarity and focus, lowering your stress, and finding genuine joy. The proven secrets to living your best life.

Copyright: Copyright 2024 Soul Compass


Dealing with Overwhelm at Work with Rachel Kelly

28m · Published 11 Feb 09:00

With all the incredible advances in technology comes a never-ending struggle to tend to your endless notifications. In the workplace, especially the freelancing and entrepreneur arena, this translates to being reachable 24-7 and raises expectations of clients to near unrealistic levels. If you’re a client-centred service you might have experienced personal sacrifice to satisfy these demands. This comes at the cost of mental health and manifests as worker burnout.

Burnout at work is a prevalent but under-discussed topic. It’s often unrecognised until you’re in crisis and can disable the overwhelmed worker with flow-on effects felt particularly hard by freelancers. Each and every one of us, either directly or indirectly, has seen the effects this can have and a common question from the time-poor worker emerges: how do I deal with and prevent it?

Enter Rachel Kelly: a long-standing friend and self-proclaimed Jill-of-all-trades, Rachel has enjoyed a multitude of jobs in freelance graphic design, social media marketing and copywriting before a travel writing job gave her the taste of an office-less lifestyle - one she found too delicious to give up. She embarked on her own as an entrepreneur freelancer but found she missed the comradery and social aspect of an office environment and was underwhelmed with her sad office parties of one. Around this time, a salaried dream job was withdrawn at the last minute leading to job stress though with the silver lining of a newfound sense of self-determination. Through her own patronage of co-working spaces, she identified an area of need for like-minded women paving the way for the foundation of Make Lemonade: a Toronto-based co-working space for entrepreneurial women.

In this episode, Rachel discusses her tactics for dealing with overwhelm at work and strategies to prevent it by employing achievable daily practices.


Rachel Kelly’s co-working space for women in Toronto, CA: Address: 326 Adelaide Street West, Toronto

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  • Instagram: @makelemonadeco
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5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity as a Creative Entrepreneur with Stephanie Pellett

36m · Published 28 Jan 10:00

Running your business can be overwhelming. The workload is constantly growing, along with the jumbled to-do lists, projects and calendars. You’re flooded with emails and messages, not to mention all the social media pings. You love what you do, but there are distractions everywhere and it’s hard to feel productive. Working on a project itself often seems so easy on the outside, am I right? Yet the emotional work involved in growing your creative business is not so easy.

Whether you’re starting out or are hitting your stride after a few years in the game, there is no better time than the beginning of a new year to change your habits and mindset to make your work-life easier and more efficient.

Today we’re joined by Stephanie Pellett, a creative coach and consultant for values-based entrepreneurs. Her goal is to make businesses more sustainable, more expansive, and ultimately more fun, by giving her clients the resources they need to grow. In this episode, Stephanie is going to dive with us into the 5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity as a Creative Entrepreneur. This is not just about looking at the practical work in our physical world, but we’ll also dig into what might be blocking you in your inner world.

Topics We Cover:

  • Getting your pricing right and understanding your capacity.
  • Combining your inner work and outer work to achieve better productivity.
  • The antidote for Imposter Syndrome.
  • How valuable a mastermind group can be for your accountability.
  • The power of delegation.
  • When planning your week, be realistic with what you’re physically able to achieve. Don’t overstretch yourself.

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Three Strategies To Simplify Your Life and Focus On You

20m · Published 10 Dec 11:00

Well, I can’t quite believe that we’re here. After almost 6 months of the Soul Compass podcast, we’ve reached the end of the season. I'll be honest, I didn't really know what to expect when I first started this podcast, but it exceeded my expectations. I'm really grateful for the tribe, the community, and the support I’ve received along the way. Thank you so much for being part of this journey.

My theme for 2019 was to simplify, and along the way I’ve learned a few valuable lessons. Yes, they’ve been hard lessons, but valuable nonetheless. I have had to let go of so much, and work on this “perfectionist” mindset that I’ve held for so long, and work on creating space for myself. So on today’s episode, I want to share with you three strategies that I’ve implemented in my life throughout 2019, to help create the space that I needed in order to grow professionally, and personally.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Using Rejections As Your Lessons with Tahani Aburaneh

53m · Published 26 Nov 11:00

How have you added value to someone’s life today? Whether it be a friend, a colleague, or a client, have you provided them with something that cost you nothing, but provided value to their life in some way. This is a noble goal. To feel like you have information to share and you can be of service to others, you first have to look inwards and assess where your strengths are. Can you be of service to others in a meaningful way? Honestly, no matter what your skillset, there is always someone that you can help in some way. There is always a way to make someone else’s day a little brighter.

My guest today, Tahani Aburaneh lives and breathes this ethos. From the very moment she was born, Tahani had to overcome such adversity. She was born in a refugee camp in the Middle East, was arranged to be married at just 15 years old and was forced to move to Canada as a result. Then after 22 years of marriage, Tahani found herself dealing with a divorce and had two young kids to take care of.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity and negative thoughts, Tahani learned how to hustle her butt off and has built an empire on real estate investing. She focuses on helping females achieve financial freedom and the importance of educating themselves to ensure they are never reliant on anyone other than themselves.

Tahani is the brains behind the Females in Real Estate (FIRE) Conference and runs her business, Tahani International. Check out her websites for more info.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

How Poor Quality Sleep Affects Your Mental and Physical Health with Shane Heath

36m · Published 12 Nov 11:00

How much coffee, is too much? The answer is remarkably different for everyone as I’m sure you’re aware.  But hey, I’m not here to discuss the ins and outs of coffee consumption. That would most likely put you to sleep regardless of whether you’ve just had a cup of coffee yourself. I’m here to introduce you to one man who found he was using coffee as a crutch, had trouble sleeping properly as a result and felt he needed to drastically change his life.

Shane Heath has been interested in health and wellbeing since a very young age. He researched ayurvedic medicine, trained in the martial art, Jiu-Jitsu of which his teacher also incorporated aspects of yoga and breath work, and he advocated for eating a plant-based diet. Although Shane loved the wellness industry he didn’t imagine he would ever find himself working in this space.

Shane has a fine arts degree and after college found himself working in the tech industry in Silicone Valley. It wasn’t until he was invited to spend 6 months in Goa, India as an artist in residence, that his life began to transformed and he began to explore the possibilities in a new venture.

Shane is the co-founder of MUD\WTR™, a coffee alternative consisting of organic ingredients lauded by cultures old and young for their health and performance benefits.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Acceptance is Liberating with Karlyn Percil

48m · Published 29 Oct 09:00

Are you scared to get into your own head? Too worried about what you’re going to find in there? Instead of sitting with your thoughts and being mindful when you’re alone, you reach for your phone, your headphones, a book. Any distraction that you can find to stop yourself from having to spend a little time within yourself. Well you know what, there’s probably a big ol’ elephant up in there, and if you don’t take the time to deal with it, then how do you expect to really grow?

At the recent Camp Dovetail event, I witnessed the powerhouse that is today’s guest, Karlyn Percil give a short but very impactful speech. The more I heard, the more I knew that I needed to have her on the Soul Compass podcast. As a survivor of child sexual abuse, bullying, depression & anxiety – Karlyn knows what it’s like to live in a dark place and for so long, she too avoided the elephant in the room. But the more she studied the brain, neuroplasticity and emotional intelligence, she realised that the only way to liberate herself from these traumas, was to accept them for what they were. Karlyn now accepts that all that has happened in her life has happened for her, not to her. A very important distinction to make, and in this conversation today, we talk about why.

To learn more about Karlyn head to her website or follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Becoming A Master of Artful Mistake Making with Tamara Jacobi

50m · Published 15 Oct 10:00

Have you ever dreamed of running away to live in the jungle? Do you instantly get visions of living a life just like Tarzan, swinging from the trees and being one with your surroundings? Well, maybe it’s not exactly as romantic as that, but my guest today Tamara Jacobi, has certainly found her place in the jungle.

The story of how Tamara came to open the Tailwind Jungle Lodge in San Pacho, Mexico, with her parents as her business partners at only 22, is certainly not a story you’d hear often. As a fresh-faced college graduate, Tamara found herself at the fork in the road trying to decide between a corporate job on Wall Street, or pursuing this passion project with her parents. It wasn’t an easy choice to make, but ultimately, it came down to her asking a very important question, “What Would I Regret More?”, and the rest is history.

Now in their 13th season in the jungle, Tamara has no regrets. Although it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, as you’ll discover from listening to Tamara on the podcast today, she is truly living a life that is aligned with her purpose.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

It's Not About Me, It's About Mwe with Dr. Dan Siegel

1h 3m · Published 01 Oct 10:00

Meditation is such a trendy thing to do these days that it is not only a staple practice for those of us in the wellness industry, but for the mainstream medical community too. In fact, it’s this intersectionality between the east and west that I find so fascinating. Allowing yourself to be still and focus only on the here and now, is definitely no easy task, but with practice, you really do start to see a shift in your emotional state. Your focus is better, your mental state is calmer and among so many other benefits, you’re just able to process your emotions easier on a daily basis.

This focus on your emotions and the science behind why meditation works so well is where we dive in to today’s episode with my guest Dr. Dan Siegel. I’m so pleased to welcome such a distinguished guest onto the Soul Compass podcast today.

Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. An award-winning educator, he is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and recipient of several honorary fellowships. Dr. Siegel is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, an educational organization, which offers online learning and in-person seminars that focus on how the development of mindsight in individuals, families and communities can be enhanced by examining the interface of human relationships and basic biological processes.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Finding The Guru Within with Erin Doppelt

43m · Published 17 Sep 10:00

Think about this for a minute with me. If you had to pick one person to follow and learn from every day, who would that person be? The answer will be vastly different for each and every one of you I’m sure, but I’d be interested to know how many of you simply thought to trust and rely on yourself among all others.

We talk in our society about the importance of mentors, surrounding yourself with positive people, studying or finding spiritual awakening from spiritual leaders or gurus. Then on a base level -listening to your parents, your grand-parents, your teachers. The list of people in your life right now that you could learn from if you really sat down and thought about it, is huge. And yet, how many opinions do you actually need? How many thoughts or feelings do you need to take into consideration? How many teachings do you need to shape your own personal development journey.

This is one of many very interesting topics we dive into today on the Soul Compass Podcast with my guest, Erin Doppelt. Erin is a highly fascinating individual with a self-discovery journey unlike many that I’ve encountered. Her travels, studies and life experiences have brought her to a place where her mind is completely open to the unique opportunities that come her way, and her ability to verbalise how these experiences have shaped her is inspiring.

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Following Your Intuition with Becka and Rachael from Vibe Tribe Wellness

59m · Published 03 Sep 04:00

What’s holding you back from the things you want to achieve in life? When you really sit down and think about it, breathe for a moment and think about that little niggle, that thought that keeps popping into your head, what is it that’s stopping you from doing that thing? Whether it’s leaving the job that you’re not interested in, turning your side hustle into your main hustle, staying with a person that doesn’t respect you, or even just committing to eating better. What is it that’s stopping you from pulling the trigger, and transforming your life?

My guests today Becka and Rachael from Vibe Tribe Wellness both reached a point in their lives where they pulled the pin on that big, scary goal and just went for it. They listened to their intuition, leaned into their purpose and the pay off has been huge. At some point, you have to learn to get out of your own way, and allow yourself to step into who you’re supposed to be.

Becka and Rachel haven’t known each other forever. In fact, they met on Instagram. They were so inspired by each other’s individual journeys and one day, the universe finally brought them together at a food event no less. They have been bff’s ever since and have created a community and wellness business that helps you achieve your personal wellness goals.

Follow them via Thisisvibetribe on Instagram for the podcast. @freedomrach for Rachael on Instagram and You can also reach Becka via Instagram @becka.crowe, @iamwellnesscollective and

Follow along on my journey over at and Make sure to subscribe to the Soul Compass podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

Soul Compass has 30 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 20:37:34. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 4th, 2024 09:14.

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