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Successful Life Podcast

by Corey Berrier

Self-Improvement Podcast for Contractors that want to learn about how to grow their business through management and marketing. Develop business ideas to improve your business experience and be successful. Real stories from real business owners. 

Copyright: © 2024 Successful Life Podcast


Charting a Future with AI in Home Services and the Pursuit of Happiness

37m · Published 05 Apr 12:00

Discover how AI is set to redefine the home services industry as I, Corey Berrier, delve into the world of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services, bringing to light the innovations that are poised to transform the way businesses operate. Listen as I unpack the groundbreaking developments from Group 1849, whose work on an AI HVAC technician assistant could very well be the secret to boosting your company's efficiency while scaling down your workforce. This isn't just speculation; it's the reality knocking at your door, and I'll guide you through these transformative times, showing just how vital it is to welcome AI with open arms for customer interactions and operational triumphs.

Then, strap in for a personal journey that hits close to home as I share the importance of choosing happiness and the pursuit of personal growth. Life's not a rehearsal; it's a live show, and every moment is a chance to shine. I get real about the hurdles and discomforts that have been pivotal in my own growth and how facing them head-on has been instrumental in not only personal success but also in fostering resilience in business. So, whether you're looking to revolutionize your service business with AI or you're on a quest for self-improvement, this episode is your beacon toward a future filled with success and satisfaction.

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Navigating the Tides of Change: Positive Leadership and Creating Success in the Trades Industry

32m · Published 29 Mar 12:00

Ever felt like you’re swimming against the current, trying to foster positivity in a work environment that seems stuck in a rut? Join me, Corey Berrier, as I delve into the heart of positive leadership and the transformative presence we can bring to our businesses. This episode of the Successful Life Podcast isn't just a collection of thoughts; it's a vault of actionable insights for anyone ready to break free from the chains of negativity that bind many work cultures. As we unpack the true potential of the trades industry, I confront the pervasive negativity that can poison a team from the inside out. But fear not, we're turning the tide by placing personal responsibility at the helm, steering towards a culture of growth, productivity, and empowerment.

Now, let's say you're ready to charter a course towards genuine connection with your customers—how do you navigate that? My solo flight today maps out the territory for building lasting rapport, from the power of active listening to the sincerity of your presence. We're not just talking shop here; I share some of my own stormy seas and how embracing the wisdom of "The Power of Now" helped me find my north star. And because running a tight ship means preparing for all weather, we'll also tackle the essentials of carving out your niche, the art of delegation, and setting your business compass for success. All hands on deck—this is one voyage in the Successful Life Podcast you won't want to miss.

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Elevating Customer Service into the Stratosphere with David Lord: Secrets to Transforming CSR Call Centers

44m · Published 22 Mar 12:00

Unlock the secrets to a customer service revolution with David Lord, GM at Nexa, as he joins me, Corey Barrier, to dissect the evolution of answering services into powerhouse CSR call centers. Our conversation is a goldmine for anyone looking to revamp their approach to customer interactions, as David imparts his wisdom on hiring for conversational intelligence, tailoring scripts, and utilizing technology to not just hit the mark but shoot it into the stratosphere. You'll get an insider's look at how Next is rewriting the script of customer service operations, turning common pitfalls into stepping stones for unparalleled success.

Feel the pulse of your business's heartbeat through the lens of customer engagement and learn the true cost of missed calls—a lesson many learn the hard way. David and I tackle the critical need for quick lead follow-ups, integrating tech to bolster service quality and strategies to keep your lines buzzing even during the busiest seasons. Our deep dive into call-back rates and first-call resolution will leave you equipped with the strategies to turn every ring into a win for your customer base.

As we peer into the crystal ball of AI in call center operations, we reveal how machine learning is set to transform mundane tasks into strategic interactions, freeing up agents to deliver exceptional service. We balance the scales of efficiency and empathy and dissect the tangible benefits of outsourcing to protect the lifeline of your business—its customer service. For networking aficionados, David sheds light on the power of LinkedIn and personal connections in fostering business growth. So, tune in and prepare to be inspired to elevate your customer service to heights you never thought possible.

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Unlocking the Future of Efficient Recruitment with AI and Jonathan Whistman

36m · Published 15 Mar 11:00

Embark on a journey with us as we reconnect with the illustrious Jonathan Whistman, whose groundbreaking book "The Sales Boss" has already reshaped our view on sales and leadership. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone eager to revolutionize their hiring process. Jonathan unveils astonishing AI tools that are shifting the terrain of recruitment, making it possible to predict a candidate's job performance and tenure. These aren't your run-of-the-mill technologies; they're the kind that transform HVAC technicians and salespersons hiring from a guessing game to an exact science. Picture a recruitment landscape where AI does the heavy lifting, leaving businesses to cherry-pick the crème de la crème of candidates – this chat with Jonathan is your first step into that world.

Hold onto your seats as we venture into the broader business implications of artificial intelligence, where I weigh in with my experiences in AI-enhanced customer service. It's a world where efficiency is king and AI is the crown-bearer, automating roles and streamlining industry operations. Yet, it is not just about embracing AI but doing so with zeal and strategic foresight. We explore Group 1849's innovative approach, a collaborative haven for practical AI experimentation, where members piece together AI solutions with the creativity of building a Lego masterpiece. For those caught in the AI gold rush, our discussion is a map of the 'picks and shovels' you'll need to navigate this brave new world.

We wrap up this enlightening exchange with a candid chat about the complexity of the AI landscape and the vital necessity of selecting the perfect AI strategy for your business's unique challenges. It's a reminder to steer clear of the allure of AI trends and focus on what genuinely enhances your operations. Jonathan's parting gift is an invitation to continue the conversation beyond our talk, sharing his contact details for anyone inspired by his vision or looking to dive into "The Sales Boss." Our dialogue is a testament to the undeniable power of clear and straightforward communication, and this episode is your gateway to embracing that power.

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From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud

1h 4m · Published 08 Mar 11:00

Ever felt like you've tapped into a superpower within yourself? Jesse Cloud joins me, Corey Berrier, on a special birthday episode to unpack the concept of trusting our innate instincts and leveraging them to skyrocket growth and success. With Jesse's incredible story of purchasing his first home at 24 and my own transformation from obscurity to an internationally recognized sales trainer, we dissect the profound effects of maintaining a grateful perspective and consistently keeping one's word.

There's something magnetic about individuals who pivot from battling adversity to mentoring others in similar straits. In our heart-to-heart, we explore the immense influence mentors exert on budding professionals and how belief in someone's potential can fuel an unimaginable drive. We share tales of fortitude, from braving the tumultuous tides of car sales to the relentless pursuit of self-betterment despite the critics. Our discussion peels back the layers of resilience necessary to conquer setbacks and reinvent oneself, a theme that repeatedly echoes through the narratives of both Jesse and myself.

As we unfurl the blueprints of building successful teams and businesses, the episode morphs into a treasure trove of actionable strategies. It's about mastering the art of setting high standards, embracing the transformative power of adversity, and seizing every flicker of opportunity. Jesse's journey from the world of insurance to sales supremacy serves as a testament to the undying spirit of entrepreneurship. Together, we attest that when you marry a value-driven mindset with a relentless pursuit of personal development, the boundaries of success get pushed into oblivion. Join us for a raw, inspiring, and potentially life-altering conversation that transcends the norm and propels you into action.

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Elevating Work Ethic: Corey Berrier on Integrity, Excellence, and the Moral Compass in Trades

28m · Published 01 Mar 13:00

When the clock strikes the hour and not a second later, you know you've met someone who values punctuality as deeply as I do. This episode isn't just about sticking to a timetable; it's an impassioned exploration of ethics in the trades, where core values like thoroughness and a relentless drive to exceed expectations hold the key to excellence. I'm not just discussing HVAC systems or the intricacies of plumbing—I'm seizing the call to elevate our work ethic to illuminate the path that leads us to outshine the rest in service and value. We navigate the treacherous waters of mediocrity and finger-pointing, steering clear by nurturing an unwavering commitment to integrity across every job.

But it's when we touch on the moral fabric of honest selling that this conversation truly resonates. Imagine ensuring that the very air your customers breathe in their homes is clean and safe—this is the reality we confront with unwavering resolve. Sharing my own battles with substance recovery, I invite you to reflect on the weighty choices that shape our health and the health of those we serve. It's more than a trade; it's a testament to the virtue of doing what's right for fulfillment that transcends transactions and crafts, not just a livelihood but a life rich with satisfaction and prosperity. Join me in a heartfelt call to action that aspires to instill genuine value and integrity at the heart of our business practices.

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Bridging Traditions and Technology: Bluon's AI Innovation Reshaping HVAC Industry

1h 5m · Published 23 Feb 15:00

Embark on an extraordinary tale of transformation as we welcome Peter, CEO of Bluon, and Adam, SVP of Software and Data, who recount their journey from the world of chemical R&D to becoming trailblazers in the HVAC industry. Uncover the genesis of Bluon and the way these visionary leaders addressed the critical Freon issue, offering a doorway to a world where immediate access to retrofit instructions and comprehensive manuals is now at every technician's fingertips. Their narrative illustrates how innovation springs from the most unexpected places, reshaping entire industries and redefining the role of data and software in hands-on professions.

The age of artificial intelligence has dawned, and with it, our guests share the emergence of an AI system that's altering the landscape of tech support. Imagine a reality where the collective wisdom of seasoned professionals is encapsulated within an AI, offering instant, accurate responses to complex HVAC inquiries. Peter and Adam discuss the creation of an 'AI treasure trove,' the potential consciousness of such systems, and the profound implications for learning, problem-solving, and the integration of these advanced technologies within a traditionally skeptical trade community.

Lastly, we tackle the formidable challenges facing the trades industry today, from the decline in traditional apprenticeships to the generational shift towards just-in-time learning. The episode examines the revolutionary impact AI could have on HVAC technician training and the imperative for businesses to adapt or risk falling behind. Peter and Adam offer insights into how Bluon is equipping technicians and companies with self-directed learning tools, ensuring the vibrancy and sustainability of the trades for future generations. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that bridges the gap between practical expertise and cutting-edge technology, setting the stage for a brighter, more efficient tomorrow.

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Ryan Groth on the Synergy of Sales Mastery and Spiritual Growth

58m · Published 16 Feb 14:00

Join the conversation with Ryan Groth, the visionary behind Sales Transformation Group, as he recounts his evolution from an aspiring athlete to a beacon of leadership within the roofing and trade industries. Our heartfelt dialogue with Ryan unveils the intricate dance of intertwining faith with professional prowess. Hear how his steadfast belief in God has not only navigated him through life's hurdles but also imbued his role as a driven entrepreneur with a sense of empathy and servitude.

In the bustling world of sales and leadership, the quest for balance between spiritual devotion and work commitments often seems daunting. Yet, Ryan and I unravel the transformative influence that a profound relationship with Jesus can impart upon both realms. We discuss how an authentic 'secret place' with the divine can subtly echo through the halls of commerce, enriching the workplace culture without preaching from the boardroom. This episode is a testament to the power of leading by heartfelt example, marrying the art of sales with the wisdom of personal growth.

As we wind down, Ryan offers an intimate glimpse into the scriptural principles that shape his marriage, advocating for a bond fortified by mutual support and spiritual unity. Beyond the personal, we shift focus to practical strategies that can revolutionize sales teams, emphasizing the importance of cultivating relationships and honing leadership skills for sustainable success. Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith, strengthen familial bonds, or elevate your professional game, this episode promises a treasure trove of insights to enrich every facet of your life.

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Selling Smarter: A Deep Dive into M&A Advisory with Eric Crouse

40m · Published 09 Feb 12:00

Unlock the secrets of successful business sales with expert Eric Crouse, as we delve into the critical role sell-side M&A advisors play in maximizing your profits and aligning the sale with your personal goals. Together, we'll navigate the nuanced landscape of selling a business, highlighting how Eric's team serves as a bridge between business owners and their ideal outcomes. His insights into strategic buyers versus private equity groups and the necessity of a sale strategy tailored to the owner's vision are invaluable for anyone considering a business transition.

Ever wondered about the complexities of non-compete agreements in business transactions? Our latest episode is a goldmine of information, where we dissect these crucial contracts with precision. Eric shares the finer points of negotiations, how different states, like North Carolina, enforce geographical limitations, and the importance of having a solid advisory team by your side. The in-depth discussion on legal documentation and non-solicitation clauses is essential listening for anyone looking to protect their interests and ensure a smooth handoff of their life's work.

Considering hiring a sell-side advisor? Listen as we explore the optimal timeframes for initiating the sale of your business and the unique support boutique agencies can offer. Eric's commitment to client success shines through as he shares the importance of choosing the right advisor—one who not only has a stellar track record but also values building a lasting relationship beyond the transaction. And for those in the home service industry, Eric has an exciting tool to share—a no-obligation business valuation calculator that could revolutionize the way you view your company's worth.

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Transforming Adversity into Achievement: Sean Crane's Journey from Prison to Prosperity

47m · Published 02 Feb 13:00

Have you ever wondered how the lowest points in life can lead to the greatest triumphs? Sean Crane's story is the epitome of transformation, and in this heart-to-heart session, he reveals the journey from addiction and false accusations to leadership and success. Together, we peel back the layers of hardship to uncover the resilience and tenacity needed to rewrite one's destiny.

The conversation takes an intimate turn as Sean and I exchange our personal battles with sobriety, the intricate dance with our inner demons, and the powerful realizations that come from self-reflection. We touch upon the courage it takes to maintain our promises to ourselves and how these commitments can dramatically elevate our self-worth and catalyze monumental changes in our lives. It's an exploration of how altering our daily actions and mindset can lead to enriching our wealth, health, and relationships beyond measure.

In a testament to the human spirit, Sean's post-prison life is nothing short of extraordinary. From just $200 and a trailer to becoming a certified personal trainer and business owner, his story is a masterclass in seizing opportunities in the face of adversity. Our dialogue invites you into Sean's world, a place where education, critical thinking, and self-awareness are the building blocks of a life once deemed impossible. His generous offer of a free copy of his book, "Prison of Your Own," is the cherry on top of this inspiring episode that's bound to leave you moved and motivated to embrace the growth that awaits on the other side of challenges.

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Successful Life Podcast has 326 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 249:51:26. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 10th, 2024 00:11.

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