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Stop Drinking and Start Living

by Mary Wagstaff

Do you ever feel like you've out growing alcohol, that you are longing for a deeper connection to life? If alcohol is keeping you playing small and feels like the one area you just can't figure out, you are in the right place.  I'm a holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20-year relationship to alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. Now I help powerful women just like you eliminate their desire to drink on their own terms. In this podcast, we will explore the revolutionary approach of my proven five-shifts process that gets alcohol out of your way by breaking all of the rules, and the profound experience that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol. I am so thrilled to be your guide. Welcome to your journey of awakening

Are you ready for the next step to release alcohol?  Uncover the five myths of quitting drinking and the Five shifts You need for lasting change in my free masterclass: 

 register here to learn more about how you can step into a life of greater meaning and connection: register here:

Copyright: © 2024 Stop Drinking and Start Living


Ep. #217 Regret Free Mornings

26m · Published 29 Mar 07:00

You are sick of waking up with regret. 

You want to feel good about yourself. 
You want the day to feel like an adventure, not a dull half existence. 

There is a spiral of shame and judgment for not being able to quit drinking, for drinking , for not being able to control it. The list goes on. 

So you start NEW things, add new routines, more actions and information to your already stressful mind.

How many unopened courses are in your inbox? (we've all been there)

But you take your overwhelmed mind with you and quit those too.  Your resentful of your husband who can have one and leave it, so you eat cookies and that makes you feel like shit, so why not have a drink and say screw it. 

The cycle begins again. 

Welcome shift #3 from shame and judgement me move to compassion. 
Be kind to yourself no matter what. Offer yourself compassion for being human and crushing it everyday. 

You must learn to you meet the needs of emotions so you don’t have to rely on alcohol to do that for you. 

Happy? drink. Sad? drink. Depressed, frustrated, aroused?...All emotions lead to drinking,  but what it’s really doing is over riding those emotions, not supporting them. 
It's invalidating and numbing them. 

You can start small. Use the words you would to someone you love. Start with something neutral.  Humans have emotions. Emotions create sensations in the body. This is normal. 

I can help you uncover the exact place that will trip you up every time that you think you can't handle and show you just how powerful you truly are. 

You need a plan and to know what words to say and then keep practicing.  

Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free call, end the shame spiral today and wake up tomorrow morning, regret free. 

End alcohol exhaustion now so you can start enjoying your life again.
Register for the free training, now. 
Register Here for The Five Shifts

  • Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free call, end the shame spiral today so you can wake up with RELIEF and not regret. HERE.
  • Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
  • Make sure to tag, like, share and subscribe to the show!
  • Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.

Ep. #217 Regret Free Mornings

27m · Published 29 Mar 07:00

You are sick of waking up with regret. 

You want to feel good about yourself. 
You want the day to feel like an adventure, not a dull half existence. 

There is a spiral of shame and judgment for not being able to quit drinking, for drinking , for not being able to control it. The list goes on. 

So you start NEW things, add new routines, more actions and information to your already stressful mind.

How many unopened courses are in your inbox? (we've all been there)

But you take your overwhelmed mind with you and quit those too.  Your resentful of your husband who can have one and leave it, so you eat cookies and that makes you feel like shit, so why not have a drink and say screw it. 

The cycle begins again. 

Welcome shift #3 from shame and judgement me move to compassion. 
Be kind to yourself no matter what. Offer yourself compassion for being human and crushing it everyday. 

You must learn to you meet the needs of emotions so you don’t have to rely on alcohol to do that for you. 

Happy? drink. Sad? drink. Depressed, frustrated, aroused?...All emotions lead to drinking,  but what it’s really doing is over riding those emotions, not supporting them. 
It's invalidating and numbing them. 

You can start small. Use the words you would to someone you love. Start with something neutral.  Humans have emotions. Emotions create sensations in the body. This is normal. 

I can help you uncover the exact place that will trip you up every time that you think you can't handle and show you just how powerful you truly are. 

You need a plan and to know what words to say and then keep practicing.  

Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free call, end the shame spiral today and wake up tomorrow morning, regret free. 

Get support to create a nurturing inner landscape for you to nourish and birth you gifts into the world with greater ease.
Through intuitive healing and divine feminine activation, we will tend to and release old wounds and patterns, to make space for your future vision to land with clarity and greater ease. This is the only way to work with my in a private one off session.
Find out more and book your first call today! 

Thank you for following, rate, review and share! When you do, send me a screen shot and I will send you a guided audio meditation to calm any urge or emotion.

Send in your questions to be answered on the show! Have a story to share about how the podcast has supported your journey? Email [email protected]

Stop obsessing about alcohol without willpower, moderation or missing out! Get the proven strategy, accountability and support you deserve....
Register for private coaching with Mary today!

Ep. #216 End Alcohol Worry

31m · Published 22 Mar 07:00

Stop Worrying About Alcohol 

You are ready to end the tireless  confusion. Welcome to shift # 2 in the 5 shifts process.
We move from Conformity & Confusion to Curiosity. 

You are worried about every area of change from drinking to quitting to the vacation that hasn't happened and the best way to that is through the lens of curiosity rather than conformity.

You haven't fully examined the narrative of alcohol. You have been taking alcohol is normal at face value.

Conformity happens when your to join another group / have someother label but it hasn’t worked because it's doesn't actually solve the problem. 

Confusion is when you spin in regret and keep wondering why do I keep doing the same things I no longer want to be. 

This keeps reinforcing the same thoughts that keeps you stuck. 

Learn what to do when your mind gets confused and how to uncover your own truth and genius. 
The only way out isn't by joining another group, it's by uncovering YOUR truth. 

Even if you are overwhelmed by urges and think you have tried "everything" today's episode will help you find the solution to meet you where you are, no matter what you have tried in the past.

Apply for private coaching with Mary and schedule your free alignment session, today. 

Week 2 Call:  receive DEEP rest and relaxation, How to self sooth, calm anxiety, have our own back, feel emotions and urges without fear. GAME CHANGER. BONUS: Live Spring break SWAG give away! 🔥 3/14 & 3/21 @ 11am PST REGISTER HERE and received the recording from week 1!

  • Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free 1:1 call to discover the 3 step strategy to stop avoiding your emotions. HERE.
  • Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
  • Make sure to tag, like, share and subscribe to the show!
  • Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.

Ep. #216 End Alcohol Worry

31m · Published 22 Mar 07:00

Stop Worrying About Alcohol 

You are ready to end the tireless  confusion. Welcome to shift # 2 in the 5 shifts process.
We move from Conformity & Confusion to Curiosity. 

You are worried about every area of change from drinking to quitting to the vacation that hasn't happened and the best way to that is through the lens of curiosity rather than conformity.

You haven't fully examined the narrative of alcohol. You have been taking alcohol is normal at face value.

Conformity happens when your to join another group / have someother label but it hasn’t worked because it's doesn't actually solve the problem. 

Confusion is when you spin in regret and keep wondering why do I keep doing the same things I no longer want to be. 

This keeps reinforcing the same thoughts that keeps you stuck. 

Learn what to do when your mind gets confused and how to uncover your own truth and genius. 
The only way out isn't by joining another group, it's by uncovering YOUR truth. 

Even if you are overwhelmed by urges and think you have tried "everything" today's episode will help you find the solution to meet you where you are, no matter what you have tried in the past.

Apply for private coaching with Mary and schedule your free alignment session, today. 

Get support to create a nurturing inner landscape for you to nourish and birth you gifts into the world with greater ease.
Through intuitive healing and divine feminine activation, we will tend to and release old wounds and patterns, to make space for your future vision to land with clarity and greater ease. This is the only way to work with my in a private one off session.
Find out more and book your first call today! 

Thank you for following, rate, review and share! When you do, send me a screen shot and I will send you a guided audio meditation to calm any urge or emotion.

Send in your questions to be answered on the show! Have a story to share about how the podcast has supported your journey? Email [email protected]

Stop obsessing about alcohol without willpower, moderation or missing out! Get the proven strategy, accountability and support you deserve....
Register for private coaching with Mary today!

Ep. #215 The First Step To Drink Less

27m · Published 15 Mar 07:00

You want to feel confident walking down the wine isle. 

You want alcohol to be unimportant. You don’t want to make it a big deal and have to explain it or talk about it. 

YOU can't make it unimportant in your life until you make it unimportant to yourself. 

So you’ve try avoiding it or accepting you fate. 

But it because the pink elephant and that's all you can think about. 

Start by learning to see your thoughts and observe them, rather than fumbling around in the dark. 

1:1 Coaching with Mary is the next best step to practice these tools, so they can become your new habit. Apply today! 

Week 2 Call:  receive DEEP rest and relaxation, How to self sooth, calm anxiety, have our own back, feel emotions and urges without fear. GAME CHANGER. BONUS: Live Spring break SWAG give away! 🔥 3/14 & 3/21 @ 11am PST REGISTER HERE and received the recording from week 1!

  • Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free 1:1 call to discover the 3 step strategy to stop avoiding your emotions. HERE.
  • Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
  • Make sure to tag, like, share and subscribe to the show!
  • Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.

Ep. #215 The First Step To Drink Less

27m · Published 15 Mar 07:00

You want to feel confident walking down the wine isle. 

You want alcohol to be unimportant. You don’t want to make it a big deal and have to explain it or talk about it. 

YOU can't make it unimportant in your life until you make it unimportant to yourself. 

So you’ve try avoiding it or accepting you fate. 

But it because the pink elephant and that's all you can think about. 

Start by learning to see your thoughts and observe them, rather than fumbling around in the dark. 

1:1 Coaching with Mary is the next best step to practice these tools, so they can become your new habit. Apply today! 

Get support to create a nurturing inner landscape for you to nourish and birth you gifts into the world with greater ease.
Through intuitive healing and divine feminine activation, we will tend to and release old wounds and patterns, to make space for your future vision to land with clarity and greater ease. This is the only way to work with my in a private one off session.
Find out more and book your first call today! 

Thank you for following, rate, review and share! When you do, send me a screen shot and I will send you a guided audio meditation to calm any urge or emotion.

Send in your questions to be answered on the show! Have a story to share about how the podcast has supported your journey? Email [email protected]

Stop obsessing about alcohol without willpower, moderation or missing out! Get the proven strategy, accountability and support you deserve....
Register for private coaching with Mary today!

BONUS: Hangover Free Conscious Spring Break

20m · Published 09 Mar 18:00

📣calling all conscious Women ready to evolve BEYOND alcohol and the need to seek alteration. 

We look at a new relationship to alcohol as an empowered change that meets our growing needs as women on our journey of awakening. 

Our authenticity in every moment is a gateway into rewilding and reconnecting with the divine feminine. 

Alcohol is becoming less of a desired way to engage and connect to self and in community. 

However, cultural narratives, habit and conditioning can make this a challenge to stay in alignment to your growing awareness of self and values. 

This can leave you feeling shameful and confused about the next best step. Create a new frequency this spring break. 

Looking to make the most of your spring break? In this 2-week workshop series, discover how to enjoy your downtime without relying on alcohol and learn mindfulness practices to rejuvenate your mind.

Spring break is the perfect time to unwind and create lasting memories with your loved ones. But too often, we rely on alcohol to help us relax and enjoy the moment. This can lead to regrets, missed opportunities, and a less-than-optimal vacation experience.

This workshop is designed to help you find true enjoyment in your spring break without resorting to alcohol. We'll start by exploring your beliefs around drinking, and then we'll dive into mindfulness practices that will help you stay present and focused throughout your vacation.

Whether you're planning a staycation or a trip to the beach, I will teach you the tools you need to make the most of your downtime. You'll learn how to go for a hike, catch up on your reading, and truly be present with your loved ones, all while feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready for anything.

So if you're ready to throw a better spring break than you've ever had before, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Let's make this the best vacation yet!

Grab the replay if you can't join live. 
Invite a sister friend.

This event is for Women +. Thank you! -


Mar 14, 2023 11:00 AM
Mar 21, 2023 11:00 AM

If vacation has just become a different backdrop to drink in and you are sick of needing a vacation from your vacation.
Make the most of your time off this year,  In this 2-week free workshop series, discover how to enjoy your downtime without relying on alcohol and learn mindfulness practices to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.
🔥 3/14 & 3/21 @ 11am PST REGISTER HERE

  • Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free 1:1 call to discover the 3 step strategy to stop avoiding your emotions. HERE.
  • Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
  • Make sure to tag, like, share and subscribe to the show!
  • Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.

BONUS: Hangover Free Conscious Spring Break

20m · Published 09 Mar 18:00

📣calling all conscious Women ready to evolve BEYOND alcohol and the need to seek alteration. 

We look at a new relationship to alcohol as an empowered change that meets our growing needs as women on our journey of awakening. 

Our authenticity in every moment is a gateway into rewilding and reconnecting with the divine feminine. 

Alcohol is becoming less of a desired way to engage and connect to self and in community. 

However, cultural narratives, habit and conditioning can make this a challenge to stay in alignment to your growing awareness of self and values. 

This can leave you feeling shameful and confused about the next best step. Create a new frequency this spring break. 

Looking to make the most of your spring break? In this 2-week workshop series, discover how to enjoy your downtime without relying on alcohol and learn mindfulness practices to rejuvenate your mind.

Spring break is the perfect time to unwind and create lasting memories with your loved ones. But too often, we rely on alcohol to help us relax and enjoy the moment. This can lead to regrets, missed opportunities, and a less-than-optimal vacation experience.

This workshop is designed to help you find true enjoyment in your spring break without resorting to alcohol. We'll start by exploring your beliefs around drinking, and then we'll dive into mindfulness practices that will help you stay present and focused throughout your vacation.

Whether you're planning a staycation or a trip to the beach, I will teach you the tools you need to make the most of your downtime. You'll learn how to go for a hike, catch up on your reading, and truly be present with your loved ones, all while feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready for anything.

So if you're ready to throw a better spring break than you've ever had before, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Let's make this the best vacation yet!

Grab the replay if you can't join live. 
Invite a sister friend.

This event is for Women +. Thank you! -


Mar 14, 2023 11:00 AM
Mar 21, 2023 11:00 AM

Get support to create a nurturing inner landscape for you to nourish and birth you gifts into the world with greater ease.
Through intuitive healing and divine feminine activation, we will tend to and release old wounds and patterns, to make space for your future vision to land with clarity and greater ease. This is the only way to work with my in a private one off session.
Find out more and book your first call today! 

Thank you for following, rate, review and share! When you do, send me a screen shot and I will send you a guided audio meditation to calm any urge or emotion.

Send in your questions to be answered on the show! Have a story to share about how the podcast has supported your journey? Email [email protected]

Stop obsessing about alcohol without willpower, moderation or missing out! Get the proven strategy, accountability and support you deserve....
Register for private coaching with Mary today!

Ep. #214 Stop Being Disappointed

33m · Published 08 Mar 08:00

Does life feel like it's happening to you? Your kids don’t listen. Your spouse remembers nothing. You keep having health concerns. The god damn weather. 

Nothing how you would have planned it. 

But here’s the thing...

The reason you don’t have what you want isnt’ because life is happening to you. 

Your expectations have over ridden your intentions. 

You just like 7 billion people in the world want something to happen, FOR THEM. 

Try to change jobs, change all the external things, get all the medications and doctors, drink.
You look OUT THERE.

You neglected the root cause of your disappointment and suffering and that is your attachment to our expectations and desires. 

You need to take a step back and understand what your  intention is that has nothing to do with anyone and completely within your control. 

The 5 Shifts process I use with my clients aligns our intuition and intention with our values and what we truly want, not just to be right, but to be HAPPY. 

When we know the difference between out expectations and intention, we can solve any problem. 

If vacation has just become a different backdrop to drink in and you are sick of needing a vacation from your vacation.
Make the most of your time off this year,  In this 2-week free workshop series, discover how to enjoy your downtime without relying on alcohol and learn mindfulness practices to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.
🔥 3/14 & 3/21 @ 11am PST REGISTER HERE

  • Apply for 1:1 coaching with Mary and schedule your free 1:1 call to discover the 3 step strategy to stop avoiding your emotions. HERE.
  • Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
  • Make sure to tag, like, share and subscribe to the show!
  • Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.

Ep. #214 Stop Being Disappointed

33m · Published 08 Mar 08:00

Does life feel like it's happening to you? Your kids don’t listen. Your spouse remembers nothing. You keep having health concerns. The god damn weather. 

Nothing how you would have planned it. 

But here’s the thing...

The reason you don’t have what you want isnt’ because life is happening to you. 

Your expectations have over ridden your intentions. 

You just like 7 billion people in the world want something to happen, FOR THEM. 

Try to change jobs, change all the external things, get all the medications and doctors, drink.
You look OUT THERE.

You neglected the root cause of your disappointment and suffering and that is your attachment to our expectations and desires. 

You need to take a step back and understand what your  intention is that has nothing to do with anyone and completely within your control. 

The 5 Shifts process I use with my clients aligns our intuition and intention with our values and what we truly want, not just to be right, but to be HAPPY. 

When we know the difference between out expectations and intention, we can solve any problem. 

Get support to create a nurturing inner landscape for you to nourish and birth you gifts into the world with greater ease.
Through intuitive healing and divine feminine activation, we will tend to and release old wounds and patterns, to make space for your future vision to land with clarity and greater ease. This is the only way to work with my in a private one off session.
Find out more and book your first call today! 

Thank you for following, rate, review and share! When you do, send me a screen shot and I will send you a guided audio meditation to calm any urge or emotion.

Send in your questions to be answered on the show! Have a story to share about how the podcast has supported your journey? Email [email protected]

Stop obsessing about alcohol without willpower, moderation or missing out! Get the proven strategy, accountability and support you deserve....
Register for private coaching with Mary today!

Stop Drinking and Start Living has 538 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 324:28:12. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 05:40.

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