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Social Anxiety Society

by Mark Metry

Hi, I'm Mark Metry and this is my project exploring mental health & social anxiety in today's emerging world of technology, social media, politics, entrepreneurship, and the environment. Whether you're shy or introverted or not, listen for no fluff, no fake positivity, toxic self-help, just real, credible, scientifically-backed, and personal stories designed for practical application to improve your life, mind, and anxiety. (formerly known as Humans 2.0)

Copyright: Copyright Mark Metry


What Causes Social Anxiety & Shyness? - Episode 39

12m · Published 30 Sep 18:15
When I first started to understand I might have social anxiety over 6 years ago I was so surprised.

How did this happen? Why am I like this? What can I do about this?

I went down the rabbit hole of learning why and how this happens so I could reverse-engineer it out and get my mind back.

While nobody knows for sure 100% there are some theories we can examine…

Next week I’m opening up group coaching for a limited time for just 8 of you. We will address each week how to rewire your mind and brain. Spots will go fast and early bird pricing remains for this week only!

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Making Long Lasting Progress with Anxiety - Episode 38

8m · Published 27 Sep 18:09
A great mindset, reading quotes, Instagram posts, Tik Tok videos, inspirational articles help, but you need to get up & literally change your brain based on neuroscience! Not just today. Today and most of the days of your life.

It’s hardest to do this at the beginning, especially by yourself, which is why changing yourself is considered by the majority as impossible.

But it is possible, I’ve done it and countless others.

Keep in mind doing anything is better than doing nothing. Changing your social media feed and educating yourself more is great and very important...

However, you can spend years and years reading Instagram quotes and watching reels & Tik Tok’s and not see results or any worthwhile progress.

Many of you have asked me how to work with me.

Next week I’m opening up group coaching for a limited time for just 8 of you. We will address each week how to rewire your mind and brain. Spots will go fast and early bird pricing remains for this week only!

Learn More:

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Feeling Stuck or Trapped? Listen! - Episode 37

10m · Published 24 Sep 11:04
Podcast Proudly Sponsored by Olipop - a Healthy Functional Soda that actually supports your gut microbiome and benefits digestive health in the short & long term. Try flavors like Cola, Orange, and Grape Soda that taste amazing! Grab it at Whole Foods or Wegmans or online using my special deal I’ve worked out for my listeners:

Trying to change your habits & lifestyle?

Keep your head in the game and stick to a long-term strategy in mind and paper.

It's easy to shame yourself for not doing what you said you were going to do.

But it's normal to struggle with keeping up habits due to something called the homeostatic impulse.

Your brain is conditioned to not like change.

So it actively tries to reverse the change. This is human nature.

Whether it's eating healthy or exercising regularly…

Why shame yourself for doing what a human is evolutionarily supposed to do?

Even worse, when you shame yourself, you release a powerful cocktail of emotions that drug you into being upset, sad, hopeless, probably emotions you've felt your entire life.

So your brain says - see? Don't change it's better.

These emotions activate when you shame yourself, repeating the cycle of inaction and repeats the same thing to your nervous system.

This cycle keeps people down forever.

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Eat This Food to Decrease Social Anxiety! - Episode 36

11m · Published 20 Sep 19:00
It seems like every day I go on Instagram and see the wackiest health claims like if you eat 30 cucumbers you will destroy cancer in 2 days or if you drink 65 cups of green tea it will prevent you from getting COVID.

It can be hard to sort through what’s real and what’s fake.

It can be even harder deciding what you should do about it considering your complex lifestyle and the fog of malicious marketing.

Which is why I believe in learning how to decipher the latest science and seeing results in my own life and people I work with…

While there are many kinds of foods, vitamins, compounds, etc I could write an entire book on how to care for your mental health with nutrition.

Here is evidence science-based research when it specifically comes to social anxiety!

Check out my step by step, day by day, 45-day 9-week affordable online course to rewire your mind and transform social anxiety - 🔥🧠💪

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Honest Chat On Masculinity, Emotions & Parenting ft. Andrew Reiner - Episode 35

31m · Published 16 Sep 20:25
Join me in today's episode with Andrew Reiner, Author of "Better Boy, Better Men" on a discussion about a new kind of masculinity that doesn't hurt or force men to "be a man" and suppress emotions and put on a stoic mask and how parents can help shy kids and teenagers.

In Better Boys, Better Men, cultural critic and New York Times contributor Andrew Reiner argues that men today are working on an outdated model of masculinity, which prevents them in moments of distress and vulnerability from marshalling the courage, strength, and resiliency—the very characteristics we regularly champion in men—they need to thrive in a world vastly different from the ones their fathers and grandfathers grew up in. According to Reiner, this outdated model of manhood can have devastating effects on the entire culture and, especially boys and men, from falling behind in the classroom and rising male unemployment rates to increased levels of depression and disturbing upticks in violence on a mass scale.

Reiner interviews boys and men of all ages, educators, counselors, therapists, and physicians throughout the United States to better understand what factors are preventing the country’s boys and men from developing the emotional resiliency they need. He also introduces readers to the boys and men at the vanguard of a new masculinity that empowers them to find and express the full range of their humanity.

- Grab Andrew's Book:

Check out my step by step, day by day, 45-day 9-week affordable online course to rewire your mind and transform social anxiety - 🔥🧠💪

Read the rest of the show notes: coming soon

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Changing Your Mindset Is Not Enough - Episode 34

12m · Published 13 Sep 17:47
Every day billions of people wake up and try to have a positive mindset.

And while not useless, it’s a good intention, most people come home at night and have trouble falling asleep, face doubts after insecurity, aren’t really happy or proud of themselves then try to do the same thing over again the next day.

Mindset is defined from the Oxford English Dictionary as “a set of attitudes or fixed ideas that somebody has and that are often difficult to change.”

Of course, your mindset is very important. If you don’t believe something can happen, it probably won’t happen. But also thinking something is going to happen just because you set your mind to it, or sending just “positive vibes” or best wishes could also be considered delusional and impractical in the long run.

The truth is our mindset is just one layer.

If you want to learn how to manage social anxiety, it requires more than that...

Check out my step by step, day by day, 45-day 9-week affordable online course to rewire your mind and transform social anxiety - 🔥🧠💪

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Social Anxiety & Digestive, Stomach, Gut Issues - Episode 33

14m · Published 09 Sep 20:31
Social anxiety in most cases is followed with an abdominal issue or condition with your stomach.

Podcast Proudly Sponsored by Olipop - a Healthy Functional Soda that actually supports your gut microbiome and benefits digestive health in the short & long term. Grab it at Whole Foods or Wegmans or online using my special deal I’ve worked out for my listeners:

Growing up socially anxious I would be in and out of doctor’s offices because my stomach was always hurting. I would throw up, sometimes in my sleep and eventually had to get surgery to take my appendix out. Looking back now I know anxiety is highly implicated with a number of digestive issues. It’s like that old saying of having butterflies in your stomach.

In fact according to science researchers from the Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center found a correlation between abdominal issues & pains and overall anxiety in a study.

You may notice in anxious moments at social events your stomach may feel weird and contribute towards more anxiety. Today’s episode we will discuss 3 actionable ways to deal with digestive, stomach, gut issues in and out of the social situation!

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Shame Is the Ticking Time Bomb Paralyzing You - Episode 32

17m · Published 07 Sep 15:53
One of the byproducts of facing social anxiety is hiding everything from everyone.

Looking back at my own life, I didn’t tell anybody about what I was doing. I was trying to hide the good and the bad from everyone. Hiding from my friends, family, online, and the world because I felt as if I wasn’t good enough to share.

On top of that, I was afraid of people’s opinions and afraid of how they would be used against me to instill doubts, hiding and holding everything as a secret is a defensive mechanism.

Check out my self-paced online anonymous affordable course. Hundreds of people have already taken it with amazing results. It walks you through how to step by step, day by day, week by week, climb out of social anxiety and become yourself -

For me, I was hiding that I literally couldn’t talk to people (social anxiety) was holding my neck down 24/7. What I learned is when you hide from other people, most times you hide it from yourself too.

Something happens in life that you don’t know how to handle, so you take it and throw it to the back of your mind and lock it in a black box of shame. While this may be an effective short-term solution, oftentimes what you will find is that 10 years later that same issue you thought you hid is now controlling your behavior in what seems like a totally separate environment.

Trying to hide everything in your life creates the ultimate breeding ground for shame to build up. Living a hidden shameful life leads someone to have no confidence, bad self-esteem, and in turn developing poor mental health and bad unhealthy habits.

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How Social Anxiety Impacts What You See Visually - Episode 31

12m · Published 02 Sep 16:09
If you told me this 5 years ago I would never believe you.

Social anxiety or facing just anxiety or depression (long-term) is similar to wearing an involuntary biochemical pair of sunglasses 🕶️ I’ll explain what I mean…

Check out my self-paced online anonymous affordable course. Hundreds of people have already taken it with amazing results. It walks you through how to step by step, day by day, week by week, climb out of social anxiety and become yourself -

I’m not exaggerated or using this as a metaphor. The same way when you put on those Ray Bans…all of a sudden there’s a darker filter on the world, it’s the same.

It's not an exaggeration when you hear people or see in movies how people who are depressed see the world in black and white grey colors with no vibrancy or color 🌈

Additionally, its been shown when your nervous system’s fight & flight shifts into literally makes you see people’s facial expressions as hostile making you think nobody likes you 😥

When this mode in your nervous system is activated you also feel out of control, the world is dangerous and threatening, you face thoughts of hostility and fear and are unable to think clearly or even make decisions.

Believe me or not, this is the reality for many people who face social anxiety.

I also had no idea until I saw the opposite happen in front of me..

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How to Help Someone with Social Anxiety - Episode 30

7m · Published 30 Aug 17:40
More and more people every day reach out to me who have loved ones facing social anxiety. I’ve personally always severely faced social anxiety throughout my entire life until I transformed, learned, researched, and began to unwind and rewire my brain.

Check out my self-paced online anonymous affordable course. Hundreds of people have already taken it with progressing results. It can walk someone step by step, day by day, week by week, how to climb out of social anxiety and become themselves -

I also have experience coaching hundreds of people through social anxiety and before then even helping a couple of my friends climb out of the same problem.

Social anxiety is often disguised as being shy or introverted, but this is a dangerous misconception. Social anxiety is heavily correlated with much more serious problems like substance abuse, social isolation and suicide, and other health issues.

If you are reading this and want to help someone with social anxiety, keep reading.

If you face social anxiety, feel free to check out some of the other helpful articles, podcast episodes, and other resources for individuals help.

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- Email: [email protected]

Social Anxiety Society has 60 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 14:59:40. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 8th, 2024 21:12.

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