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Social Anxiety Society

by Mark Metry

Hi, I'm Mark Metry and this is my project exploring mental health & social anxiety in today's emerging world of technology, social media, politics, entrepreneurship, and the environment. Whether you're shy or introverted or not, listen for no fluff, no fake positivity, toxic self-help, just real, credible, scientifically-backed, and personal stories designed for practical application to improve your life, mind, and anxiety. (formerly known as Humans 2.0)

Copyright: Copyright Mark Metry


How to Network If You’re Shy, Introverted, and Socially Anxious - Episode 29

16m · Published 26 Aug 17:25
Over the years I’ve built a world-class network of some of the world’s greatest leaders. I went from someone who couldn’t talk, faced severe social anxiety every day to step outside of my comfort zone, being able to be myself, and truly changing my life by networking.

PS. Before we begin! I wanted to highlight my affordable ONLINE COURSE I’ve created to help people kick anxiety realistically, check it out here -

But here’s the thing, I realized most networking advice sucks.

“Don’t apologize” or “Just smile” or “Always be networking.” Most of it isn’t made for shy people or those who struggle with social anxiety…

Without further adieu, here are 6 major tips that will take you a long way…

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8 Misconceptions About Mental Health & Social Anxiety - Episode 28

15m · Published 23 Aug 11:30
Myths, and misconceptions are what continue to prop up false illusions in our mind.

Our brain hears or even creates a misconception to disresgard you, hurt you, and prevent you from making any necessary healthy changes.

Below are 8 of my favorite myths I hear echoed around me daily…

PS. Before we begin! I wanted to highlight my affordable online course I’ve created to help people kick anxiety realistically, check it out here -

1. Got mental health problems? Oh it means you don't have a connection to God or your family doesn’t love you.

As someone who grew up in a christian household, I can’t tell you how often this was echoed around me. Just pray to God until your problems go away, and if you still have anxiety it means you don’t have a connection to God and you just need to go to Church again and again.

I obviously have no problem whatsoever with church or God or praying, and in fact it can be helpful but it’s not a silver bullet. This is like telling someone hey instead of wearing a seatbelt, refrain from drinking alcohol, to drive safely, just close your eyes and pray and hope nothing else happens. Nothing is absolute.

Understanding there is something bigger than yourself, having faith, can be very helpful.

2. Only certain people in the world experience mental health issues…

False. If you have a physical body, you have physical health, if you have a brain, you have mental health.

Often times people who make this claim actually suffer from mental health issues unknowingly. Drinking everyday, anger spurts, trying to surpress your voice and memories are all more subtle common signs of underlying mind and brain health problems.

Read the rest in the show notes or in the podcast.

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From Social Anxiety to TEDx Keynote Speaker - Episode 27

12m · Published 20 Aug 16:24
Mostly everybody fears public speaking.

Everybody gets a bit shy when doing something new for the first time.

But, this is not social anxiety. Social anxiety is when your brain is chronically impacted by a constant loop in your mind, body, nervous system, that keeps you irrationally fearing being judged and never relating to others socially, despite objective proof.

*** Learn more about the Kick Anxiety Day Step by Step Affordable Course to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

For those of you who face this, you know it’s not as simple as:

Just “be yourself” or “speak up more.”

I’m not sure about you but, I had to build myself from scratch brick by brick, layer by layer to climb out of my social anxiety and get my life to be mine.

Since then, towards the late end of 2018, as I started to speak on my story, I started to get invited to speak at events, conferences, and various stages around the USA.

What I learned is I absolutely love speaking, but I had no idea until I did.

For those of you who experience social anxiety but want to speak, here’s what to know…

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Truth Behind Alcohol & Social Anxiety and Shyness - Episode 26

12m · Published 13 Aug 15:40
I realized for the first time in my entire life I faced social anxiety and had no idea until I got drunk at a college party for the first time 😂 All of a sudden I was like...

How does pouring a chemical down my body all of a sudden make me feel like I'm more free and able to talk? What I didn’t know back then was alcohol shuts down the part of your brain that processes judgment in social settings.

*** Learn more about the Kick Anxiety Day Step by Step Affordable Course to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

Next thing I knew, I was over drinking, overeating, over-consuming, over judging, and over in my head. For the first time in my life, I became obese, seriously depressed and my lifelong social anxiety turned into social isolation. I always just thought I was awkward or stupid or forever stuck being extremely shy...

I realized I can't use alcohol to be myself. It's fine to celebrate but to use it as a medicine is dangerous and degrading. It was this substance-induced moment that started my first ever moment of awareness of social anxiety. Which eventually led me to learn more about social anxiety, my brain, mental health, and how to be myself without needing to drink or be shy...

A priceless investment I started 6 years ago and get the honor of helping people in my situation every day as my job and role on this earth 🙌

Note: It is worth mentioning aside from some addiction to sugar, I have never experienced a legitimate physical addiction. If you need help please call your doctor or another professional healthcare practitioner. There’s no point in trying to hide the shame and thinking you can beat an addictive compound and potentially getting hurt over just going to see professional help.

Here are 3 different views on why you should reconsider alcohol and alternatives…


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Get Rid of Social Anxiety Naturally Without Medication - Episode 25

13m · Published 09 Aug 16:31
Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Please note: this is just my personal story.

Don’t take it as advice, make your own educated decisions about your life alongside professionals & experts.

In 2015 I was so depressed, socially anxious, and really at rock bottom. I had no idea what to do in my life. I felt stuck, trapped in darkness and it felt like I was withering away.

I went to my College campus health center and told them what was going on…

It wasn’t 10 minutes before a Doctor prescribed me medication.

I went home and googled the medication and found a long list of side effects, one of them included being suicidal and more anxiety, which didn’t make any sense.

I didn’t take the medication and began searching frantically for alternative solutions.

While this viewpoint may be considered taboo, I have absolutely nothing against medications. Other than the fact that it’s often claimed as the only solution.

What I’ve learned is medication can be used as a temporary crutch.

When you go to a doctor and break your leg, he or she doesn’t just send you out on your way. They give you crutches to help bridge your recovery. Medication works the same way.

Sometimes your brain is so hurt and inflamed you literally can’t do anything because of it. Giving you a chemical temporary crutch can actually really help depending on the person. In fact, I have seen miracles occur with medication all the time. I also sometimes see adverse effects. Both are possible.

Note: I am not a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, etc. This article is not meant to be taken as medical advice and please consult a licensed healthcare professional.

If you make the educated decision to follow a similar path as me…

Here are 4 ways to manage social anxiety without medication.

*** Learn more about the Kick Anxiety Day Step by Step Affordable Course to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***


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Anxiety Isn’t In Your Mind. It’s In Your Body - Episode 24

15m · Published 05 Aug 17:11
Let me know if you’ve heard this before…

”It’s all in your mind”

”Just change your thoughts”

”Stop feeling like that”

”You just need to do talk therapy”


*** Learn more about the Kick Anxiety 45 Day Step by Step Affordable Program to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

I’ve dedicated my life to studying mental health and honestly, after everything I’ve learned. As mind-blowing as it might seem, Anxiety is not your mind, it’s in your body.

We think our mind is the root of our problems. But, the issue isn’t the mind.

Our body is what feels our emotions and reacts in any given environment.

Our mind tracks and thinks of our body or it can be dissociated, ignore and not be mindful of our body.

The biggest issue with this is when you just use your mind, you can only find answers limited in the mind. When releasing anxiety has to be done through your body, not through your mind.

You can’t think your feelings.

A great example of this is your memories.

We often think our past is stored as a memory.

False, our past is stored inside of our body.

This is why we repeat the same behaviors day in and day out, regardless of what our mind thinks because our nervous system experiences the same biochemical release we will explain more in this episode!

PS. Check out my full complete training program on how to rewire social anxiety to decrease stress & transform nervousness -

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How Do I Know If I Have Social Anxiety? - Episode 23

10m · Published 02 Aug 15:33
First and foremost, I’m not a doctor or psychologist. I’m not interested or equipped to diagnose anybody with any kind of medical disorder, especially through the internet. 

I would be cautious about fully trusting what you read or hear on the internet about your own sense of self without any degree of personalization or individualized solutions. 

*** Learn more about the Kick Anxiety 45 Day Step by Step Affordable Program to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

Keeping that in mind, I write on this topic because I faced it in my personal life.

I faced over 10 years of social anxiety until I had a series of serious life events that forced me to gain awareness and change my life, and I’ve been on this journey for the last 6 years since...

I faced what I would describe as an invisible mental prison, which gave me anxiety when interacting with people, going to work or school, starting conversations, making eye contact, and really doing anything in front of others. 

It got to the point where this impacted me so much to where I wasn’t living my own life. I was living a life that my social anxiety would be happy to live in, but not me. 

How Does Social Anxiety Feel?

Mayo Clinic reports the signs and symptoms:

Fear of situations in which you may be judged

Worrying about embarrassing or humiliating yourself

Intense fear of interacting or talking with strangers

Fear that others will notice that you look anxious

Fear of physical symptoms that may cause you embarrassment, such as blushing, sweating, trembling, or having a shaky voice

Avoiding doing things or speaking to people out of fear of embarrassment

Avoiding situations where you might be the center of attention

Having anxiety in anticipation of a feared activity or event

Enduring a social situation with intense fear or anxiety

Spending time after a social situation analyzing your performance and identifying flaws in your interactions

Expecting the worst possible consequences from a negative experience during a social situation

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Ultimate Gateway to Anxiety You Must Avoid - Episode 22

24m · Published 26 Jul 16:06
Understand this to catch anxiety before it even begins...

*** Learn more about the Screw Being Shy 45 Day Step by Step Affordable Program to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

By far the most important concept I’ve learned about anxiety is it’s easier to prepare to avoid anxious moments than it is to be directly in them and then try to escape…

If you can become aware of these two concepts I will share ahead…

You stop the domino effect from starting!

Once the ball gets rolling, it’s hard to stop. Many of us are trying to brute force fight our social anxiety in the heat of the moment. Almost always this won’t work. You’re fighting an uphill battle while being low on resources to defend yourself.

In Short, it's:

1. Living Cerebrally
2. Sugar - Gateway Drug to Anxiety…

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How to Turn Off Anxiety In 60-120 Seconds - Episode 21

10m · Published 19 Jul 15:50
I’m a big believer in meditation, expressing gratitude, and really anything that helps with mental health in any way.


As you may know, these things aren’t instant.

Just because you ate a salad doesn’t mean your anxiety is cured.

Just because you meditated once doesn’t mean you are immune to stress.

What is the most instantaneous?

Find out in this podcast episode :)

*** Learn more about the Screw Being Shy 45 Day Step by Step Affordable Program to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***

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#1 Reason Why Most Never Stop Being Shy - Episode 20

8m · Published 15 Jul 18:33

It's not effort or power of will...

*** Learn more about the Screw Being Shy 45 Day Step by Step Affordable Program to Stop Shyness, Eliminate Social Anxiety, and Rewire your Mind: ***
It’s not because they are dumb.

It’s not because they aren’t hardworking.

It’s not because they aren’t talented.

It’s not because they don’t want it bad enough.

It’s because social anxiety is designed to be a prison, that your mind created, from your past, to restrict you from being your real self, even when that’s what you want to do, that automatically runs without you thinking about it 24/7.

And so the average person facing this issue:

prepares before a social event by practicing what to say.

trying to imagine being confident.

trying to hide it from everyone and faking it.

replaying social scenarios in your head.

trying to smile and look confident.

And then you go….

And then literally the same exact thing that has always happened, happens again, regardless of what you are trying to think or do differently.

The reason why most people with social anxiety never escape is because it’s not common sense, it’s not intuitive, it’s not even about your thoughts or emotions.

It’s your brain & nervous system that enter Flight & Fight and force you to be a fake version of yourself regardless of your mindset or what you told yourself in the mirror.

Sound familiar?

This was me for 10 years of my life.

Everytime that happened….

I would go home depressed. Hopeless thinking that no matter what I try to do, nothing will help me no matter what. This is a quick route to a miserable and mentally unhealthy life that will continue to drag you down again and again.

This is why Harvard’s Meta-Analysis study showed people with social anxiety face the highest rates of substance abuse, social isolation and suicide.

Which is exactly where I found myself and after years and years and years of experimenting, trying every day, learning from neuroscientists & psychologists..

I found a solution.

It’s not even going to cost you over $100, I’ve made it affordable.

It’s not a cure that will work in 10 days, although it’s a 45 day program.

It’s a system that shows you day by day, step by step, what to do, how to do it, why you should do it, and then lets you interact and find your own personal answers.

It’s my best attempt at what I wish I had when I was in your position, unable to be myself, lacking confidence, and just felt like my mind was suffering including my mental health.

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Social Anxiety Society has 60 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 14:59:40. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 8th, 2024 21:12.

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