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Morning Meditation for Women

by Morning Meditation

Morning meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen. 💗 Start your day with a moment of mindfulness with the Morning Meditation for Women podcast. Whether you’re new to meditation, trying to kickstart your meditation practice, or a seasoned meditator, you’ll love these quick meditations designed to start your day with intention, love and a deep sense of peace. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get more meditation resources at

Copyright: Women's Meditation Network


Meditation: The Candle (Lighting the Way)

12m · Published 30 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Relax deeply into the bed or chair where you are. Let your body sink into the comfort. PAUSE Breathe in gently, deeply, until your breath forms a comfortable rhythm. PAUSE Now, imagine if you can, a large candle appearing in front of you. The candle flickers, swaying and quivering to a rhythm of its own. As you gaze into it, it calls you. PAUSE Breathe in again. And now, gaze deeper into the candle– into its center where a tiny blue light has formed. PAUSE As you gaze at the candle, you feel yourself being transported. Time no longer feels linear, but all time is now all at once. You see past, present, and future as one. PAUSE As you continue to gaze, a familiar face appears in the candle. It is someone from the past, an ancestor. They come with a message for you. Take a moment and listen. PAUSE You gaze into the candle again, and once more, a familiar face appears– someone from the present. They bring a message just for you. allow yourself to hear it. PAUSE Now, take a minute, and look into the candle again. This time, the candle flutters aloud, and images appear, images of the future for you. Take a moment. Watch and learn. PAUSE Now, take a deep breath, letting your consciousness come back to the now. As you do, let yourself feel the connection to your past, present, and future. and express gratitude for them, remembering you, your DNA, and who you are. live at all times, all at once. And so it is. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: Lift the Clouds of Darkness

27m · Published 29 May 23:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> When the noise begins to quiet, And the movement begins to slow, The cloud that’s been hovering, Starts to really show. PAUSE… For awhile it’s been lurking, Its shadows blocking light. For awhile it’s been hunting, Preying on your fright. PAUSE… Perhaps you haven’t known, The meaning of these clouds. Perhaps they’ve just left you, Feeling heavy, sad, and down. PAUSE… But if you breath deep, And take some time to see, With loving eyes you may just, See what’s here clearly. PAUSE… The magic of this vision, Of seeing what is here, The clouds of darkness lift, And release all the fear. LONG PAUSE… So come into your body, Feeling every move. Gently slow it down, And find a tender groove. PAUSE… See if you can find, Gratitude for the way, Your breath gives you life, And awakened you today. PAUSE… Breathe slowly, And relax. Breathe fully, And release. Breathe calmly, And lay back, The darkness will cease. LONG PAUSE… Open up your heart, And open up your mind. Give yourself the chance, To unpack what’s behind. PAUSE… These clouds of darkness play, And fog your inner light. But they’re just here to nudge you, To look at what’s not right. PAUSE… So search yourself for moments, That might have triggered fear, To come inside your head, And spread its darkness here. PAUSE… And as you find these things, That caused this cloud to build. Imagine so much love, Expanding till you’re filled. LONG PAUSE… As you feel the darkened clouds, Dissolve and thin and lift. Notice that your spirit, Can feel a major shift. PAUSE… More air, more light, More openness and love. Let all that darkness go, And know you are beloved. LONG PAUSE… Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: The Moon (Lighting the Way)

11m · Published 29 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Breathe in positive energy. Let it sink into you, bringing you peace and comfort in yourself. PAUSE Take in another deep breath. And as you do, let the thoughts scampering in your mind disappear. PAUSE Now, visualize if you can, a stunning, full moon rising around your heart. PAUSE The moon shimmers like a silver pearl, and opens you to your emotions. PAUSE As you visualize the moon, notice it lights your inner landscape. It scatters the dark inside you, instead, filling it with luminescence, filling it with love and compassion, filling it with intuition. PAUSE Take a minute, and touch your hand to your heart. Feel it’s rhythm, and in your mind’s eye, see it’s light--the light of your moon. PAUSE Now, breathe deep, and let the moon’s power open your vision. Your vision to see what’s really important to you. Your vision to see who those around you truly are Your vision to see who you really are. Breathe it in deeply. PAUSE Now, take a minute, and look into the moon. Look into it, and let it tell you the answers to your questions. Take a minute and listen to the answers. PAUSE Slowly, bring your mind back to present awareness. And, as you do, feel that moon still glowing within you. Breathe in the knowledge now that your moon has the answers you seek. Just look inside to find it rising around your heart, Anytime. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

AD-FREE BONUS: Practicing Resilience Morning Meditation

6m · Published 28 May 15:00
Hey, it’s Katie and I want to welcome you to this special bonus episode. It’ll be here for you completely ad-free for the next week so you can get a feel of what it’s like to be a PREMIUM member. If you’d like an easy ad-free experience for all of our podcasts - that’s over 200 episodes each month, then JOIN PREMIUM today at Resilience is a muscle. The more it work it, The stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, The more resilient you become. When you see building resilience as a practice, You’re able to recognize progress, Instead of judging yourself for the hardships. PAUSE… You’re able to see that you recover faster, Learn quicker, And evolve easier, Than your old self. PAUSE… You begin to understand that hardships will not stop. That your ability to get back up better and faster, Make those hardships easier. PAUSE… So be here, With your resilience, With the strength deep inside, That floods your body and mind. PAUSE… You can let go of anxiety and fear, Knowing that you are resilient, And can get through anything. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: The Sun (Lighting the Way)

11m · Published 28 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Gather your thoughts, and gently send them away in a little basket down an imaginary river. Let your mind open. PAUSE Breathe. And feel your body, mind, and soul opening and preparing for this meditation. PAUSE Now, visualize if you can, a beautiful yellow sun at your core. A sun radiating light from your center Take a minute and really see the sun. Feel it’s gentle warmth at your center. PAUSE And, as the sun radiates from you, feel your energy rising, readying to take all your beautiful soul into the world. PAUSE As you connect with this sun’s energy, notice your confidence rising. you feel energized and genuinely capable of doing all you need and want to do. PAUSE Your sun illuminates, the more the real you seems to come forth– with strength, compassion, intelligence, and beauty– beauty inside and out. PAUSE Now, open your arms, and let your sun shine even more brightly. As it does, you feel confident, self-assured. PAUSE Breathe, and allow yourself to feel that you can move through the day empowered. PAUSE Breathe, and allow yourself to feel that you can move through the day knowing and being who you are, no matter what happens. PAUSE Breathe, and allow yourself to feel that you can handle whatever comes your way. PAUSE As you gently come back to the present, feel that beautiful, yellow sun still energizing you, and bring that energy and power with you through your day. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: Your Aura (Lighting the Way)

13m · Published 27 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Focus on yourself. Focus on your physical being, Your mental being. Your emotional being. Your spiritual being. Feel gratitude for all these parts of you. PAUSE Breathe. And as you breathe, feel all these parts of you coming together, as energy– the energy of your aura. PAUSE Now, breathe in some more. As you exhale, notice a pink ring of light all around you. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of love and compassion. PAUSE Breathe in again. This time, as you exhale, visualize a beautiful blue light forming a wide ring around you. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of self-expression. PAUSE Breathe in again. As you exhale, see a powerful red light, spreading out around you. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of passion and courage. PAUSE Sit peacefully for a minute, while breathing a magnificent yellow light, all around you. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of joy and optimism. PAUSE Inhale a deep breath, and visualize a violet light, dancing all around you. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of wisdom and intuition. PAUSE Pause, and breathe, And as you breathe, visualize a beautiful white light, encompassing all of you, all the other colors of your aura. Breathe into the light. It is your energy of purity and spirituality. PAUSE Continue breathing, and seeing all the beautiful colors of your aura. The colors of you. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: A Reflection of Your Life

14m · Published 26 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> If all of this would end, In this moment now, If the light called me into the new. Would I find peace, With the life I’ve lived? Did I do all I was put here to do? PAUSE I close my eyes gently, As I swim in the clouds, And open the floodgates inside. Memories, emotions, And dreams swirl around, I search for anything that hides. PAUSE Surrender and fall, Love’s in it all. Beauty and grace, The sun upon my face. LONG PAUSE It’s easy to run, To push and to strive, I want to drink every last drop. Then I slow down, And notice the waves, How my breath starts and stops. PAUSE Regrets and the shoulds, All parade around, They march at their own pace. The hugs and the laughs, The tears and the pain, I see how they all have their place. PAUSE Surrender to see, That love is me. Let go of it all, And answer your call. LONG PAUSE I’m flooded with peace, Knowing that I, Am making the most of my life. It’s messy, but I feel, Rooted to my soul, Connected to the Divine. PAUSE Surrender and fall, Love is in it all. Beauty and grace, The sun upon my face. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: Zen Life: The Skunk (Becoming)

11m · Published 25 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Take a deep breath, and let yourself relax, opening yourself to a new journey. PAUSE Take another deep breath, and give yourself permission to be transformed– transformed into a creature that is deeply misunderstood. So, breathe again, and release any judgment; Stay open to the journey. PAUSE As you breathe in again, you become aware of the scent of pine and wood. You notice you now have rich, black fur that’s soft and protective. And, there’s a snowy stripe of fur running down your back, as well as a bushy tail that helps you balance. You are an adorable skunk. PAUSE The first thing you notice about your new state of being is a sense of stillness, a deep feeling of peace in all of your core. PAUSE Now, imagine if you can, feeling curious about your surroundings. Everything is interesting, Take a minute and observe tiny acorn that rolls down a hill. Take a minute to observe a leaf Tumbling in a breeze. Take a minute to notice a mouse scampering through the pine needles. They all fascinate you. PAUSE After a moment, you observe a badger coming close, growling. Yet, your stillness remains. You stomp your feet, scratch the ground, do a little dance– all to remind the badger that you can simply spray him. The badger retreats. PAUSE Now, breathe, and come back to the here and now as you. And, as you do, notice the solid calm of the skunk is still present in you. PAUSE Breathe. And acknowledge the awareness that you now have the power to assert without being aggressive. In other words, you have the power to remain calm and centered in all situations. Because, now, you embody the Zen of the skunk. Forever more. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: Wildness--The Wolf (Becoming)

12m · Published 24 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Breathe, and let that breath transport you. Feel yourself moving through time and space, til you land in a magnificent, rugged countryside. PAUSE Breathe in some more, and as you do, notice a large, rocky hill before you. A hill that beckons you to climb it. PAUSE Now, imagine if you can, scaling the rocky hill with ease, climbing it with a purpose, to reach a red rock plateau at the very top. PAUSE When you reach the top, you stand and look out at the world, feeling pride in your accomplishment. PAUSE After a moment, you realize you are not alone. Standing next to you, is a gray wolf, with gleaming amber eyes that see into your soul. PAUSE The wolf nods, then leaps into the air. Instinctively, you follow, leaping high into the sky, until you and the wolf become one. PAUSE Now, imagine if you can, that, as the wolf, you run across the rocks and wood with such speed and grace that your paws barely touch the ground. As a wolf, you hear, see, and understand the world around you. PAUSE Running free as a wolf allows your natural wildness and innate fierceness to unfold and open in you. You are free. You are fierce. PAUSE And now imagine that you stop running, and when you do, you find your wolf pack. Notice how loving and devoted you are to your cubs Notice your devotion and loyalty To the other wolves in your pack. Your wolf nature brings you balance, balance between fierce freedom and loving loyalty. PAUSE Take a moment to breathe. And, as you return to the present as yourself, there’s an acknowledgement of change. From this day forth, you carry the spirit of the wolf– that spirit of wildness and freedom– that spirit of love and loyalty– with you always. because you and the wolf are one. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Meditation: Ancient Wisdom--The Owl (Becoming)

12m · Published 23 May 08:00
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Center yourself, and breathe, gently pulling inward for a journey of your soul. PAUSE And, as you breathe, listen to the silence, the silence of the deep night, the silence where the mysteries and ancient secrets are revealed through the owl. PAUSE Now, breathe in again, and as you do, raise your arms shoulder length, like wings ready for flight. And, now imagine if you can, your arms transform into wings, and you become The Guardian of the Night: The Owl. PAUSE Feel yourself lifting into the night sky, soaring above pine trees, gently fanned by a breeze. You see everything with your deep yellow eyes, and hear everything with your sensitive ears The world is both around and in you. PAUSE Now, imagine descending on a tree branch, with a full moon beaming. As you sit on the branch, your awareness of the beyond heightens: There is more than the here and now. You know and feel the past, present, and future all at once. Your intuition is strong. PAUSE Now, take a deep breath and extend your arms again. Allow yourself to fly back to the now. PAUSE As you come back to the present, take a deep breath, and allow the ancient wisdom of the owl to infuse you. Breathe again, and accept the owl’s gifts that are now part of you: The knowledge of Past, Present and Future And powerful Intuition. And, as you continue breathing, let yourself feel grateful, for what the owl has shown you. You are blessed by the owl. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Morning Meditation for Women has 1399 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 306:39:42. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 01:15.

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