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Profit Producer Podcast

by DeKesha Williams

Welcome to Profit Producers podcast where we talk business but the journey of entrepreneurs. We are here to bring you strategy, tactics and hope that you can use to succeed in business. Be sure to tune in every week for Profit Producing tips!!!

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Confidence Is Key To Unlocking Many New Opportunities With Crystal Cunningham

32m · Published 04 Jan 17:00

Today’s Profit Producer podcast episode features Crystal Cunningham. She speaks from personal experience about overcoming fear and taking the steps to build confidence and achieve success. In this episode, we'll dive into her journey and learn about the great moments of struggle she has encountered in order to reach where she is today.

Crystal’s story began when she had a realization that she was in need of courage. From there on out, it was a never-ending cycle of learning and growth as she sought out clarity through action. Through her experiences, Crystal recognized that confidence is key to unlocking many new opportunities. From this came her mission to help others find their own courage and also benefit from the same lessons she learned. 

Crystal knows how difficult it can be to take that first step towards building confidence, which is why she created an online platform dedicated to helping people navigate through these struggles and develop skills like problem-solving, communication, and resilience in order to create success for themselves. Additionally, Crystal shares personal stories with her audiences so they can understand that they can overcome their fears if they put the effort into it too. 

Don’t miss out on this amazing episode as Crystal Cunningham reveals more information about her journey and provides advice on how you can cultivate your very own courage!

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Unlocking the Secrets to Overcoming Fear of Success With Tavona Bogg

32m · Published 28 Dec 17:00

This week on The Profit Producer Podcast, we welcome special guest Tavona Bogg. She’s helped coaches and online service providers redesign their businesses so that they can have the lifestyle and impact they started the business for, as a formal physical therapist, master certified life coach, and trauma-informed business consultant. Tavona uses her diverse background to help entrepreneurs create and scale group programs with integrity and ease so that they can bring in their favorite without suffering from burnout or hating the process.


In this episode, we speak about how fear of success can be a major setback when trying to take your business to the next level—particularly when you have achieved something as monumental as a six-figure launch. Even after such an achievement, there can still be other fears that creep up which we have to be conscious of going forward in order to prevent burnout and overwhelm.

For those who are feeling overwhelmed and burned out, Tavona recommends looking at what they’re doing and coming up with a clear outcome they want to create. She suggests taking time to step back and look at what is most important for reaching those goals, instead of just pushing through all the tasks without any guidance or structure. 

Tavona also mentions how important it is to take breaks when needed, in order to reset and refocus our energy back into our work. Taking regular breaks helps us become more productive over time - it allows us to stay focused during work hours and make sure we don’t run out of steam later on. 

Additionally, Tavona points out that it is essential to have a strong support system - whether this consists of friends or family or even co-workers can be incredibly helpful when things get tough. Having people who are there for you when you need them can help you power through challenging times and keep going toward achieving your goals!

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You Want To Start Hosting Your Webinars But Not Sure How To Get Started

11m · Published 23 Dec 17:00

One of the biggest questions that many entrepreneurs ask is how to create a successful and profitable webinar. Well if you’re looking to put together a successful webinar, then join us and host Dekesha Williams on the Profit Producer Podcast as she dives deep into the topic of "Where To Start When It Comes To Hosting A Successful Webinar". 

On this episode Dekesha will provide practical steps on how to get started and give you actionable strategies that lead to success. She will be discussing key elements that need to be in place before creating a webinar, including starting with the end in mind, determining your audience, and what you should offer them based on their needs. 

She'll also cover topics such as why it's important to know your audience and what problem you are solving for them. Additionally, she'll go into detail about preparation tasks such as setting realistic goals, crafting an engaging presentation and content, perfecting your pitch, tools that can help make things easier, promoting your webinar event, follow-up tips after the webinar and much more!

Dekesha is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success when it comes to creating a profitable webinar experience so they can reach more people and monetize their time. With her years of experience working with business owners of all sizes, as well as running her own business as a virtual COO consultant – Dekesha knows exactly what it takes to make sure you come away from this podcast feeling empowered to take action. 

So if you’ve ever wondered if webinars are worth investing your time or money in – or wanted advice from someone who has actually been down this path – then tune in for an hour filled with knowledge and valuable insight from our host Dekesha Williams on the Profit Producer Podcast today!

Thanks for joining us this week on The Profit Producers podcast! Be sure to check out Leilani’s event at [email protected].

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Unlock Your Potential and Conquer Your Fears with w/ Lakeshia Gilbert

24m · Published 21 Dec 11:00

Welcome to the Profit Producers Podcast with your V irtual COO and The Webinar Queen Dekehsa Willams, where business leaders and entrepreneurs come together to discuss how they’re creating success in their respective fields. Our guest today is Lakeshia S. Gilbert, an outgoing and purpose-driven influencer who is passionate about encouraging and empowering others.

Lakeshia has multiple business ventures. She knows how difficult it can be for an entrepreneur to balance the tasks of overseeing multiple facets of the business while also being a solopreneur. Her experiences have made her a valuable asset in the entrepreneurial world as she shares her knowledge on how to stay balanced while managing all aspects of a successful business.

Today we invite her onto our show so we can hear more about her experiences as an entrepreneur and uncover the strategies she has implemented that have led to success in both her personal life and business endeavors. We will also discuss how she finds balance between managing multiple responsibilities while being a solopreneur, as well as how entrepreneurs can leverage social media platforms for their own benefit.

We then discussed how we can support the those who want to get into entrepreneurship but may lack confidence or experience. Lakeshia believes that having mentors or role models is essential for people who are just starting out in their professional journeys. With the right guidance and resources they can tap into their potential with confidence! 

Join us now as we dive right into our discussion with Lakeshia S. Gilbert!

Connect With Lakeshia S. Gilbert

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Becoming A Visibility Strategist With Leilani Wells

29m · Published 16 Dec 12:00

This week on the Profit Producers podcast with your host your virtual COO Dekesha William,s, we are talking to Leilani Wells, a visibility expert. She is all about helping businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives get seen and heard in the digital space. 

Leilani has a unique story about how she developed her expertise in this area. She started as a single parent in sales and wanted to find a way to reach more people with her products without having to spend extra hours away from her son. This prompted her to dig deeper into the world of digital marketing and social media platforms so that she could reach more people while still having the time to be present in her son's life. 

From there, Leilani realized that there was so much untapped potential out there when it comes to getting seen online. She found that many people limit their chances of success by not taking advantage of utilizing various social media outlets properly and strategically. 

We discussed how relationships with others play an important role in our visibility strategies and success as business owners or entrepreneurs. Leilani believes that it is essential that we rely on helpful relationships with others who can help us reach our goals faster while also helping us stay organized, efficient, and productive at the same time. Additionally, she emphasized that although we often hear stories about self-made creative works, these successes simply cannot happen without outside help or resources from other individuals or organizations. 

Thanks for joining us this week on The Profit Producers podcast! Be sure to check out Leilani’s event at [email protected].

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3 Things To Consider Before Hosting Your Next Webinars

9m · Published 07 Dec 17:00

It’s another episode of Profit Producer’s Podcast hosted by our Virtual COO, DeKesha Williams. As you all know, I've been teaching monetizing webinars, utilizing webinars to help you build your list, build your tribe, and make money from the comfort of your own home. 

In this episode, we’ll be discussing the importance of researching and understanding your target audience before you launch your next webinar. 

Hosting an effective webinar means knowing how to reach your ideal attendees and to understand who they are and where they hang out online. The more research you do in this area, the better chance you have at filling up your webinar with engaged and excited participants who will benefit from the experience. 

We’ll begin by talking about the importance of understanding who makes up your target audience and taking time to research them. This can include identifying their demographics such as age, gender, location, interests, etc., so that you can create relevant content strategies tailored specifically for them. Knowing where your target audience congregates online is also key—whether it be on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram or discussion forums like Reddit—this will help inform which channels are the most effective for reaching potential attendees. 

In addition to researching your target audience, it’s important to think of creative ways to engage potential attendees with your webinar content prior to the event itself. This could include creating teaser videos or promotional materials with interesting facts related to the topic that updates followers on progress towards launching of the event as well as encourages them to attend. You can also leverage influencers in order to spread awareness about the webinar via their social media accounts or through blog posts or interviews on podcasts that they participate in. 

Finally, while developing marketing materials it’s essential to keep potential attendees in mind when crafting messaging that resonates with them and makes them want to attend. Utilizing multiple channels ensures a wider reach but makes sure there is consistency across all platforms when it comes down to visuals (logo design), messaging (tone) and length (short vs long form). It’s also important not to use too many channels at once since this will likely lead to confusion for potential attendees instead of piquing their interest. 

We hope these tips help give insight into preparing for a successful webinar—from researching target audiences ahead of time to leveraging multiple channels for outreach efforts—hosting an engaging and beneficial event requires thoughtful strategy beforehand !

Thanks for listening and be sure to tune in next week for another episode!

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How Insecurities & Fear Show Up When It's Time To Do A Webinar

16m · Published 30 Nov 17:00

Let’s address the elephant in the room and talk about the insecurities and fear webinars bring out of us.

It’s another episode of Profit Producer’s Podcast hosted by our Virtual COO, DeKesha Williams. As you all know, I've been teaching monetizing webinars, utilizing webinars to help you build your list, build your tribe, and make money from the comfort of your own home. 

Going through the teaching process, I realized that when it's time to do the webinar, they suddenly come up with excuses and reasons to move the date or schedule it.

In this episode, I will share how insecurities and fear show up when it’s time to do a webinar and how can we overcome these fears, and think about how this webinar could create a huge impact on our business.

Let’s switch the question from "what are you afraid of when it's time to do a webinar" to "what's the best thing that could happen when you do a webinar?"

We should focus on the rewards of doing the webinar rather than what could go wrong. It’s important to remember that you are providing valuable content and information that people want. You have a valuable service and message to share, so don't let fear hold you back from sharing it with the world. 

To help overcome the fear and insecurities, let’s focus on what the outcome of this webinar could be. Think about how you can use this platform to share your message and create a lasting impact for your business. 

I hope after this episode, you feel more encouraged and equipped to do your first webinar or take action on the ones you have planned. 

It’s time to face the fear, and truly engage with your tribe by sharing your message with them through webinars.  So let’s start planning and preparing for that amazing webinar today!  Thank you for listening, tune in next week for more tips on monetizing webinars.  This is DeKesha Williams signing off! Cheers!

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Unlock The keys To Success By Finding Clarity With Stephanie Burke

27m · Published 23 Nov 17:00

This is another episode of Profit Producer’s Podcast hosted by our Virtual COO, DeKesha Williams. As you all know, The Profit Producer Podcast is all about helping you immediately implement strategies in your business. We bring you experts from all aspects of the entrepreneurial world.

In today’s episode, Stephanie Burke is a certified life and accountability coach with a focus on personal success. She helps first-generation change makers unlock the keys to success by finding clarity on who they are and showing up in the world with authority.

Stephanie changed her career path from teaching to coaching and managing her business full-time. While doing all of these things, she managed to be a responsible and supportive mother, which clearly defines success for her.

Starting a business that she wasn't prepared to run has become a challenge for her, and she realized that in order to be successful in business and have a thriving business, she had to be in a good place herself. These days, Stephanie is passionate about helping and coaching start-up business owners, sharing some blueprints and tools to help them succeed.

So, regardless of where you are listening or tuning in to the podcast, I want you to write down what success means for you and what you have to do to get it.

“In order to be successful you have to be able to define what success means for you because what you need might be totally different.” -Stephanie Burke

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Learn How To Manage Conflict With Tabitha Liburd

27m · Published 16 Nov 17:00

Tabitha Liburd

Welcome to another episode of The Profit Producers Podcast hosted by our Virtual COO, DeKesha Williams! This will be an interesting topic for anyone struggling with conflict within the organization.

In this episode, Tabitha Liburd one of our Out Of The Shadows co-author, a conflict resolution specialist, and a strategist will reveal helpful tips on how to overcome conflict not only in your organization but also within yourself. Furthermore, she shares the biggest struggle she faced as an entrepreneur and how she deals with boundaries when working with a client.

If you are an entrepreneur that is dealing with conflict Tabitha shares these three things that you need to be doing and focusing on.

First is to do a culture check because if you haven't set it, then it might be setting itself and it might be something that you don't want it to be.

Second is knowing how you can understand your conflict style. Know how you respond in calm and how your respondent storm, because understanding yourself is going to help you know your strengths and know your weakness.

Third is to know your conflict because if you don’t know your conflict then you can’t fix it, understand what it is and where to find it in your organization or in yourself.

“Clients don’t always distinguish that the investment is in your expertise and not in you.”- Tabitha Liburd

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Client Experience: Key to Business Success With Candice Washington

27m · Published 09 Nov 17:00

Welcome to The Profit Producers Podcast. It’s another episode hosted by your favorite virtual COO, DeKesha Williams. As you guys know, we are entering a new season, with new friends, new strategies, and new techniques. Today we bring out an expert guest, Candice Washington to share her entrepreneurial journey, how she became successful in maintaining a great client experience, and the three things that a business needs to have to be successful.

Candice Washington is an experienced strategist who manages the operations and logistics of service-based businesses that aid in curating top-tier experiences for all stakeholders, ranging from team members to clients and event attendees. She has over 15 years of business development and program management experience in the sports and entertainment sector.

She works with small businesses to help them curate an experience that not only leads to client retention but also client maximization to maximize the amount of revenue that they give to your company.

Candice also shares three things every business needs to have. These are to have a measurable client experience and to have written processes in your company. Lastly, to have a blueprint and a strategy for client retention and maximization.

She believes that clients' experience is huge in business, and there aren't a lot of small businesses that really understand the importance of client experience and how that impacts revenue.

If you want to know more about these three things every business should have and how they impact company revenue, check out this episode.

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Profit Producer Podcast has 57 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 27:45:42. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 8th, 2024 06:10.

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