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Noob School

by John Sterling

Welcome to Noob School where expert sales trainer John Sterling is ready to teach sales noobs how to launch their careers like a rocketship. Through conversations with business leaders in every industry, you'll learn how to navigate the sales industry and apply their experiences to amplify your success.

Copyright: 2021 Noob School and Pronk Studios


Getting Healthy

6m · Published 21 Oct 12:00

In this episode of the Noob School, our host John Sterling talks about improving your mental health the way you would with your physical body: cut back on the junk. Whereas you would get rid of junk food and other unhealthy foods in your pantry and fridge to cut back on weight, so you should delete all the news apps on your phone. 

You can still watch the news on tv the way you can still order fast food if you really want to, but not having them on your phone makes it easier for you to maintain control. 



  • A healthy lifestyle starts with healthy food 
  • For your mind's sake: don't have news apps on your phone 
  • Media companies are just out to sell your attention



John on why you should cut back on listening to the news: "The people that own these news stations, whether it's this one or that one. Somebody, some executive is in charge of the darn thing and they're feeding these folks stuff to say and trying to get our attention so they can sell ads and make money."


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Asking Better Questions

5m · Published 19 Oct 12:00

As a salesperson, you need to be intentional. Everything you do, even the questions you ask should be in service of your goal, which is to help your customer address a need or purpose. In this episode of the Noob School podcast, John talks about figuring out the best questions to ask in order to best help your customers. Hint: Even if they say so, they’re never “just looking.”  



  • Be intentional with the questions you ask 
  • People are shopping for a reason; figure out why 



John on helping customers figure out what they want: "When people walk into your shop or they come by your website, they didn't do it accidentally. There's a reason. And our job as a salesperson is to very politely help them figure out what that reason is because they don't want to tell you for some reason. You got to really prod them a little bit to get it out of them."


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Think Of Your Future Self

15m · Published 10 Oct 12:00

It can be tempting to give in to instant gratification from time to time. Experience the world’s pleasures, live in the moment. But at some point, you will need to put your foot down and think long-term. In this episode of the Noob School podcast, our host John Sterling talks about thinking ahead and ensuring that the decisions you make today will benefit you 5 to 10 years  from now, whether it be in your personal development or your investment portfolio.



  • Always consider your future self 
  • Evaluate yourself and your choices every 5 to 10 years 
  • Take action today to progress your goals 
  • What kind of money do you want to make
  • Who do you want to hang out with?
  • Think of how to make your income snowball



John's advice for 20-somethings on decision-making: "What I see with the truly happy people generally, is they always consider their future self. 'The decisions I'm making today, where are they gonna lead to? What will life for me be like when I'm 30 years old?'"

John on creating passive income and why you need to start early: "Whatever you have extra beyond what you live on, instead of buying things that don't make you any money, try to put it in places that create this snowball to start to get to the point where maybe the 40 or 45 or the 50-year old you. Maybe that thing is big enough where you don't need any income anymore. You don't have to work a job to make income because your snowball is doing this."


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What Is Selling?

2m · Published 07 Oct 12:00

Selling could very well be the career for you. But before everything else, you need to be clear on what it is that you’re getting into. In this episode of the Noob School podcast, our host John Sterling breaks down the essence of the world’s most lucrative profession, minus all the trappings of modern technology and even politics that envelop today’s business world. 



  • Selling is about supplying a need 
  • Don't believe the movies: there's no need for tricks 
  • Just look for the right people



The essence of selling, according to John: "Selling is really just the art of finding companies or people, whoever your prospects could be, to have such a need for whatever it is that you have – whether it's a product or a service, that they're willing to pay for."


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How To Get Your First Sales Job

7m · Published 05 Oct 12:00

Sales is the most lucrative job in the world; no wonder you want in. But before you race to your first interview, you should probably listen to this podcast first. In this episode of the Noob School podcast, John shares a few tips that you should follow, prior to getting your first sales job. 



  • Is sales really what you want to do? 
  • Figure out your general area of interest and get a job there
  • Make a list of companies that you like and are hiring sellers 



John's advice for first-time sales jobseekers: "Get a job in sales in the area that you like. Let's say your career might be 40 years, you'll be hanging around these people and selling them stuff and buying stuff from them, hiring and firing. You might as well be around the kind of people that share a common interest." 


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Can’t Just Be Lucky, You Also Need To Be Ready with Jim Sobeck

44m · Published 03 Oct 12:00

Some people are just lucky and privileged enough to receive the opportunities that they are able to take advantage of, whether it be through education, social status, or just knowing the right people. But the truth is, you still have to work for it, or else that luck and privilege means nothing. 

In this episode of the Noob School podcast, our host John Sterling talks to New South Construction Supply’s CEO, Jim Sobeck. Jim shares how he got his start with his father’s roofing company at 12, and how all that hard work paid off not just in financial terms, but also in knowledge and experience gained. 



  • Surviving two recessions and thriving during the pandemic 
  • Luck plays a role, but you need to be ready
  • Working at 12 and learning the value of hard work 
  • Regional manager for Owens Corning's six branches at 23
  • Partner at Building Marts of America at 25 
  • Hire slowly, but fire quickly 
  • Have a checklist for everything 
  • Run a company like you're selling it tomorrow 
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome and Jim's favorite podcasts 
  • Be relentless



Jim on preparing for once-in-a-lifetime opportunities through hard work: "When opportunity knocks, you got to be there, and you got to answer the door."

Jim on money and why you need to use it wisely: "Money doesn't solve all problems. But money gives you options which [if] properly exercised, could lead to happiness."

Jim on running a company: "Run the company like you're going to sell it tomorrow. That way, if you do get to sell it, you can do it quickly because you have audited statements. We have all the board minutes, we have a real board of directors..." 


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Why You Need To Be Like James Bond When Interviewing, Part 2

3m · Published 30 Sep 12:00

Do you remember the legendary 007 secret agent, James Bond? International mystery man of action, always shows up in a dashing suit, and takes his martini shaken, not stirred? John certainly does, and he thinks you should channel him in your next job interview. 

In this episode of the Noob School podcast, John talks about doing your research, looking good, and being confident on the day of your interview: much like how James Bond would. 



  • Always look fresh and fit 
  • Know everything that you need to know 
  • Practice a lot to build confidence
  • Think: how would James Bond handle this interview?



John on channeling your inner James Bond during your job interview: "I always thought that was cool and kind of a role model in terms of when you actually go to the interview. That you're that prepared, and that confidence that you know what's going on, you know what needs to be done, and that you're the person to do it."


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Tips and Tricks To Nail That Job Interview with John Sterling, Part 1

4m · Published 28 Sep 12:00

So you’ve found the job that you could be qualified for, pays well, and has decent benefits. There’s no question in your mind that you want the job. The question is, how do you ensure that you’re the one who gets hired, and not the others lining up for the same job interview? In this episode of the Noob School podcast, our host John Sterling shares some tips and tricks to help you nail that job interview, straight from the horse’s mouth. 

From having a flawless resume to looking and feeling your best, John’s advice is rooted from several years of hiring employees for his own businesses. So you better take notes like your life depends on it, because it probably does. 



  • A good resume is not everything, but a bad one is so much worse
  • Don't shy away from practicing your interview
  • It's a good idea to know the person interviewing you
  • Look your best, feel your best
  • There's no excuse for being late 
  • Don't be afraid to do a little networking 



John on preparing for your interview: "Practicing your interview is one of the best things that you can do for when you show up. You're comfortable in your own skin, which is one of the best things that an interviewer wants to see. You're comfortable and not all nervous and weird about it."

John's views on being late and why there's no excuse for it: "There's just no excuse. I think if someone's late in today's world, it's an automatic kickout. I'm not even gonna listen to the reason because it's so easy to get where you're going early and just hang out."


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Selling To Save Lives with Bill Haun

27m · Published 26 Sep 12:00

In this episode of the Noob School podcast, our host John Sterling talks to Bill Haun, a Channel Partner Manager for ZOLL Medical Corporation. Bill, who has been selling the company’s defibrillators, trauma kits, and more for almost 30 years now talks about finding something to be passionate about in what you do, and how a life threatening and career-ending sports injury led him to medical sales. 



  • What it's like to sell for the same company for 27 years 
  • We need to have more defibrillators around 
  • How a football injury led to a career in medical sales 
  • Just be the best version of yourself 
  • Don't leave an email or text after 5 PM 
  • People leave bosses, not jobs 
  • You need to be passionate about the product that you're selling 
  • Get rid of your head trash 



Bill looks back at almost three decades of selling: "Being in a company as long as I have, it's been a curse and a blessing. Blessing that we do awesome things, [we] save lives everyday. A curse being, I see more death than I see loves saved."

Bill talks about his passion for the work that he does: "I'm very passionate about what we do. At the end of the day, if you're not passionate about saving lives, then I don't know how you get up in the morning. I've been offered other jobs in other industries and what not, and a lot more money here and there, but I wake up every day knowing that I'm doing something for somebody else that may not see me."


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The Most Adaptable Man in Business with Adam Fineberg

27m · Published 23 Sep 12:00

Just like in nature, the business world favors those that can adapt quickly to ever-changing conditions. In this episode of the Noob School, our host John Sterling talks to Adam Fineberg, the founder of Rock My Resume, Jackson Square Company, and Grow BPO

All in all, Adam has lived in eight different countries, adjusting his management skills and sales chops  to different cultures. When cancer forced him to slow down, Adam returned to the US to settle down and founded his own business, only to be forced to adapt once again by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Adam talks about finding your passion, and being flexible enough to adopt new ones if the situation requires you to pivot to another. From being a door-to-door seller in Buffalo to working as a CEO in Sofia, Bulgaria and finally founding his companies, Adam continues to acquire new skills and following where there is demand. 



  • The 3 companies that take up Adam's time 
  • Door-to-door selling in wintry Buffalo, New York
  • Jump to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange then Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Fight with cancer, getting fired, jumping around countries and jobs 
  • Return to the US and setting up businesses
  • Tips for finding your first sales job
  • Little things can change the course of your life 



What Adam learned from his first sales job as a door-to-door salesperson: "Just because you got a no, doesn't mean the next person is going to say no. I think that a lot of people get discouraged very easily. But if you understand how to take no and use that to motivate you to get the next yes is a huge and very important lesson to learn in sales." 

Adam's number one tip for first-time job hunters: "Find something that you're passionate about. Find something that you believe in the cause because a big part of selling is transferring that certainty to your prospect."

Adam on being flexible and adapting to market conditions: "An end goal is always important to have. But also, understanding that in life, there's so many variables that are involved and your passion is one of them, but also just the world market is another."


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Noob School has 145 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 67:20:58. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 28th, 2024 14:40.

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