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Aging With Purpose & Passion

by Beverley Glazer

Aging with Purpose and Passion" is filled with stories of hope, wisdom and inspiration for women who refuse to be defined by their age or stage in life.
Mindset Expert, Therapist & Coach Beverley Glazer, brings you heartwarming, uplifting stories, tips and strategies from women who have turned their later years into their most powerful years of their lives.
Each episode of this empowering podcast is a deep dive into the lives of extraordinary women who have overcome significant challenges and emerged stronger and more purposeful. Discover invaluable insights and practical advice on embracing aging with positivity.
This podcast is a comprehensive guide for women navigating the complexities, joys and challenges of midlife and beyond."Aging with Purpose and Passion" provides a roadmap for thriving.
Whether you're looking for guidance to conquer life's hurdles or seeking a spark to ignite new interests, this podcast is your sanctuary for connection and empowerment.Join us every Wednesday for a new episode.
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Copyright: 2020-Present


Writing Your Way to Healing: Gail Harris - The Power of Stories

19m · Published 08 May 09:05
Discover the profound impact of storytelling on personal growth and healing in this inspiring episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion." Join host Beverley Glazer as she delves into an in-depth conversation with Gail Harris, a renowned author and ghostwriter, whose expertise in crafting memoirs helps women channel their past adversities into powerful narratives of resilience and recovery.In this episode, Gail shares her personal journey from grappling with her parents' tumultuous divorce to finding solace and self-discovery in the tranquil settings of an ashram. Through her narrative, Gail illustrates how embracing one’s vulnerabilities and converting them into written stories can not only facilitate personal catharsis but also inspire and uplift others who read them.
Key Takeaways:
  • Therapeutic Storytelling: Understand how writing about personal challenges serves as a cathartic exercise that fosters emotional healing.
  • Spiritual Growth through Writing: Explore how spiritual journeys intertwined with writing can profoundly transform personal adversities into lessons of strength.
  • Empowering Others Through Personal Stories: Learn how turning life’s trials into memoirs can empower other women facing similar hardships, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and support.
Gail emphasizes the importance of recognizing the healing power of one's own story: “Write yourself, just do it. Story is healing,” she advises. This episode not only highlights how effective memoir writing can be in navigating personal traumas but also showcases the broader implications of sharing these experiences in fostering a community of empathy and understanding.
Tune into "Writing Your Way to Healing: Gail Harris on the Power of Stories" to uncover how you can harness the therapeutic benefits of writing to overcome life's hurdles and how, by sharing your journey, you can help others move forward in theirs. This is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersections of creative expression, healing, and personal development.
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Gail Harris:
Beverley Glazer:
The Reinvention Readiness Quiz: Are You Prepared to Transform Your Life?

Confidence for Introverts: Kimberly Jurgen's Empowerment Tips

29m · Published 01 May 09:10
Welcome to a transformative episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion," where we dive deep with Kimberly Jurgen, an introvert empowerment coach and professional actor with a unique perspective on thriving in extroverted environments. In this episode, Kimberly shares her personal journey from recognizing her introversion and battling dyslexia, to mastering the art of acting and coaching other introverted women to embrace their true selves.Discover actionable strategies that Kimberly has refined through her "Elegant Curiosity" coaching system, designed to empower introverts to break free from limiting behaviors. Learn how embracing introversion can unlock professional success and personal fulfillment. Kimberly’s insights into overcoming dyslexia highlight the unexpected paths to empowerment that can redefine personal weaknesses as strengths.Key takeaways from this episode include:
  • Practical advice on using introversion as a superpower in personal and professional realms.
  • Innovative techniques from acting and improvisation that help introverts engage confidently with the world.
  • The benefits of a mindset rooted in "elegant curiosity" for stepping out of comfort zones and thriving in dynamic environments.

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how introspective qualities can lead to success and why introverts possess unique advantages that are often overlooked. Whether you're an introvert looking to boost your confidence or simply interested in personal growth, this episode offers valuable insights into transforming perceived limitations into powerful assets.
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Kimberly Jergen:
[email protected]
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The Reinvention Readiness Quiz: Are You Prepared to Transform Your Life?

Empowering Love Strategies for Women Over 50 with Kate Houston

26m · Published 24 Apr 09:15
Join us on "Aging with Purpose and Passion" where host Beverley Glazer welcomes Kate Houston, a distinguished dating and love coach renowned for her transformative insights into overcoming relationship difficulties. This episode is a treasure trove for women over 50, packed with empowering strategies and personal resilience tips that pave the way for relationship readiness and success.In a revealing conversation, Kate shares her own poignant experiences—from confronting childhood bullying to navigating the complexities of her marriage, where she learned of her husband's homosexuality. These profound challenges not only shaped her but also fueled her passion for helping others turn vulnerability into strength.Key Takeaways Include:
  • Understanding Past Traumas: Learn how addressing historical wounds is crucial for breaking cycles of dependency and forging healthier relationships.
  • Setting Boundaries: Discover the importance of strong personal boundaries for achieving happiness and fulfillment.
  • Healing and Preparation for New Relationships: Gain insights into the self-discovery process that is essential before embarking on new romantic journeys.
  • Identifying Commitment-Minded Partners: Kate provides practical advice on spotting the right partner early in the dating process, empowering you to make informed decisions.
Featured Quotes from Kate Houston:
  • "People don't choose their sexuality. It is a part of who they are, often suppressed by societal expectations."
  • "Embracing vulnerability allowed me to be fully seen and to experience genuine connection."
  • "Realizing it was never about him changing for me, but about me growing for myself, was a breakthrough in my personal development."
  • "You can indeed determine if a man is commitment-minded and a suitable match within just three dates."
This episode is a must-listen for any woman over 50 looking to revitalize her approach to relationships and harness the power of her own experiences to foster a life filled with love and purpose. Dive into this enriching discussion with Kate Houston and start your journey towards a more fulfilling love life today.Tune in and transform your approach to finding love after 50 with Kate Houston’s proven strategies and heartfelt advice.
Have you enjoyed this episode? Please drop us a review and send it to a friend.
Kate Houston:
Facebook: katehoustoncoaching
instagram: katehoustoncoaching
Beverley Glazer
TAKE THE QUIZ:The Reinvention Readiness Quiz: Are You Prepared to Transform Your Life?

Beyond the Battles: Loray Shelton on Love, Loss and Liberation

27m · Published 17 Apr 09:10
Join host Beverley Glazer for a riveting episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion" as she welcomes Loray Shelton, a remarkable figure whose life story embodies the essence of overcoming and evolving. Loray, an IT Medicaid tester and travel consultant, shares her extraordinary journey through adversity to self-liberation, marked by her early exposure to diverse cultures in a military family and her battles with personal trauma, including breast cancer and relationship betrayals.
In this episode, Loray opens up about the profound impact of her experiences with emotional abuse and racism, and how these challenges shaped her into an advocate for women's empowerment and self-healing. Listeners will gain unique insights into how Loray transformed her pain into a powerful narrative of liberation, emphasizing the importance of self-love, resilience, and the art of forgiveness as tools for personal growth.
Key takeaways from this episode include:
Strategies for cultivating self-love and resilience in the face of adversity.
Techniques for setting boundaries and mastering assertive communication to reclaim personal power.
The role of forgiveness in healing and emotional well-being.
The significance of supporting others in their journeys of self-discovery and healing.
Tune in to discover how Loray Shelton turned her trials into a testament to the strength of the human spirit and learn how you, too, can navigate your challenges with grace and purpose. Whether you're facing personal struggles or seeking inspiration to push through obstacles, Loray’s story will leave you empowered to take charge of your life narrative.
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Loray Shelton:
Facebook: Loray Tucker Shelton
Instagram: loraymichelle
LinkedIn: Loray Shelton
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Mastering Conflict Resolution: Dr Debra Dupree's Stratagies for Life

30m · Published 10 Apr 09:10
In this enlightening episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion," host Beverley Glazer welcomes Dr. Debra Dupree, a renowned conflict resolution expert and leadership coach, to explore the empowering effects of transforming conflict. Dr. Dupree shares her unique approach to turning potentially damaging confrontations into avenues for personal growth, improved emotional intelligence, and better communication skills.
Drawing from her rich background, including her upbringing in a large family and early business lessons on a farm, Dr. Dupree provides valuable insights into how these formative experiences have informed her professional methods in conflict management. The conversation covers a range of critical issues, from overcoming childhood conditioning and recognizing adult behavioral patterns to navigating gender dynamics and cultural influences in conflict resolution.
Key Takeaways:
•Recognizing and addressing your fears and mindset about conflict is key to managing it constructively.
•Cultivating emotional intelligence is crucial for meaningful interactions, surpassing the importance of mere intellectual ability.
•Active listening and managing emotional reactions are essential components of effective communication.
•Understanding how gender dynamics and cultural backgrounds influence conflict resolution strategies.
•The importance of evolving parental roles from directive to consultative in relation to adult children.
Notable Quotes:
•"Embracing conflict as a chance for growth involves facing our fears, redefining the experience, and recognizing conflict as a path from adversity to opportunity." - Dr. Debra Dupree
•"Engagement with others requires a shift from authoritative directives to a more consultative approach, especially with adults." - Dr. Debra Dupree
•"Our true essence extends beyond intellectual capabilities, with emotional intelligence forming two-thirds of our personal and professional identities." - Dr. Debra Dupree
•"Effective listening transcends verbal silence, necessitating quietude of the mind for genuine understanding." - Dr. Debra Dupree
By focusing on these themes, Beverley Glazer and Dr. Dupree illuminate the path to mastering conflict through empowerment strategies, offering listeners the tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and purpose.
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Dr Debra Dupree
Beverley Glazer MA.ICCAC
Life Fulfillment Guide
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Empowering Survivors to Thrive: Susan Omilian's Story

41m · Published 03 Apr 09:05
In this episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion," we invite you on an inspiring journey with Susan Omilian, whose story of transformation from personal tragedy to pioneering empowerment and advocacy offers a beacon of hope for survivors. Susan’s compelling narrative not only charts a path from surviving domestic violence to thriving beyond trauma but also ignites a movement dedicated to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of positive storytelling.
This episode, titled "Empowering Survivors to Thrive: Susan Omilian's Story," delves into how embracing our darkest moments as catalysts for change can lead to profound personal healing and societal advancement.
You will be captivated as Susan shares her expertise on thriving after trauma, highlighting the crucial steps from overcoming abuse to achieving a state of emotional empowerment and resilience. Discover the therapeutic role of journaling, the significance of crafting empowering narratives, and the impact of women’s empowerment in the journey toward healing.
"Empowering Survivors to Thrive" is not merely a testament to Susan's unwavering spirit but also a resourceful guide for anyone navigating their healing journey or aiding others on theirs. Join us to explore how the art of narrative healing and transformative advocacy can empower survivors of domestic violence to author their success stories. Tune in to this compelling episode to unlock the power of your story and find inspiration to embark on your path to thriving.
Thank you for listening.Have you enjoyed this episode? Please drop a review and send it to a friend.
To reach Susan Omilian:
@susanm.omilianthriverzone[email protected]
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Unlock Self-Love & Find True Love in Midlife with Junie Moon

25m · Published 27 Mar 09:10
Dive into this transformative episode with Junie Moon, a celebrated Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, and Champion of Women's Empowerment, as she guides listeners on an empowering journey to self-love, healing, and discovering true love after 50. With a rich background of over 30 years helping countless women embrace their worth and step into their power, Junie delves into the essential inner work, including Shadow Work, that paves the way for profound personal growth, self-esteem enhancement, and successful relationships in midlife.
Junie Moon's unlocks self-love and finds true love in later life. This is apersonal story of transcending a tumultuous marriage and overcoming adversities that illuminated the path to Next Level Love, This episode offers listeners deep insights into the resilience and empowerment necessary for thriving in life's second act. Junie's candid conversation sheds light on effective strategies for releasing codependency, quieting self-critical thoughts, and leveraging vulnerability as an empowering tool.
This episode transcends typical dating tips, focusing instead on aligning with one's true self, fostering authenticity, and courageously following one's heart. It serves as an essential guide for any midlife woman eager to rediscover her core, enhance her romantic life, and embrace a future filled with happiness and potential. Junie's blend of wisdom, actionable advice, and sincere honesty positions this podcast as a critical resource for those on the path to self-discovery and in pursuit of the love they rightfully deserve.
Listeners will be inspired by Junie's approaches to breaking free from unhealthy patterns, silencing negative inner dialogue, and embracing true authenticity. This podcast is more than a discussion; it's a comprehensive blueprint for women in midlife aiming to elevate their love life and embark on a fulfilling journey of self-love and partnership. Tune in to absorb Junie Moon's invaluable lessons on living boldly, loving fully, and transforming your life after 50 into an adventure of joy and love.
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Embracing Life After Near-Death: Kathy McDaniel's Story

19m · Published 20 Mar 09:10
Dive into the extraordinary journey of Kathy McDaniel, whose life was irrevocably changed by a near-death experience (NDE) that reshaped her understanding of existence, spirituality, and purpose. Kathy's story is a profound exploration of resilience, innovation, and the quest for meaning in the aftermath of adversity. Her transition from facing personal and professional challenges to founding her own business, Landlady, highlights the indomitable spirit of overcoming obstacles and reclaiming control over one's destiny.
In this episode, Kathy shares insights from her NDE, offering listeners a glimpse into the transformative power of facing the afterlife and returning with a renewed mission to live with love, kindness, and service. Her narrative not only challenges conventional views on life and death but also inspires a re-evaluation of what it means to lead a purpose-driven life. Join us as we uncover the lessons Kathy learned on the other side, the impact of her spiritual odyssey on her daily life, and how embracing our inner power can lead to a fulfilling existence marked by compassion and purpose. Don't miss this captivating tale of survival, renewal, and the pursuit of a life filled with passion and grace.[email protected]
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Unlocking Confidence: Christy Howard's Toolbox

30m · Published 13 Mar 09:10
Dive into the transformative story of "Empowering Women to Unlock Confidence: Christy Howard's Toolbox" In this episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion." Christy Howard, a confidence coach and branding expert talks about her personal journey from battling early depression and overcoming significant personal traumas,, to becoming an empowering figure in self-love and confidence-building. Christy's expertise in crafting standout resumes and LinkedIn profiles ensures that her clients not only excel in the corporate world but also embrace their authentic selves with confidence. This episode not only explores Christy's path to self-awareness and empowerment but also delves into her unique methods for navigating life's challenges, transforming adversity into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Listeners will gain valuable insights into overcoming mental health struggles, the impact of familial dynamics on self-worth, and the journey towards professional fulfillment and personal rejuvenation. Christy shares her experiences with education, career transitions, and the pivotal role of therapy and self-help in her transformation. Her innovative approach to managing self-doubt, including the personification of her internal critic, provides listeners with a relatable and effective strategy for enhancing self-confidence. "Empowering Women to Unlock Confidence: Christy Howard's Toolbox" is not just a podcast episode; it's a roadmap for anyone at a crossroads in life, offering practical advice and heartfelt insights for women embracing the aging process with grace, authenticity, and empowerment. Join us for an episode that challenges conventional narratives and celebrates the journey of finding one's voice and purpose through the lens of Christy Howard's inspiring story.
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Grandmother on a Mission: Deb Kelly; Shaping the Future For Kids

29m · Published 28 Feb 10:10
Deb Kelly's story, and is packed with lessons on resilience, courage, and the incredible power of self-belief. In an open-hearted conversation with Beverley Glazer, Deb shares how being homeless, and walking across America led her to discover her true self and creating a legacy for families and educators through her online programs for parents and kids.
Deb's adventure was a quest for identity, pushing through fear, and finding joy in the unexpected. Her story reminds us that life's wake-up calls are opportunities for growth, urging us to step into the unknown and trust the journey.
As Deb navigated through adversity, reconnected with her family, and embarked on a mission to guide children and parents, she proved that it's never too late to reshape your life and make a difference. Tune in to this episode for a dose of inspiration and a nudge towards embracing your own journey with open arms and a brave heart.
Listen and celebrate the strength within us all and the transformative power of embracing the challenges in life.
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Aging With Purpose & Passion has 81 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 31:57:40. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 12th, 2024 17:41.

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