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Dr. Nicolya Show

by Dr. Nicolya Williams

It can be challenging to balance all of the expectations that life has for you. Each Tuesday Dr. Nicolya, 11x best selling author and transformational coach shares practical tips and strategies to help you live life intentionally aligned. If you desire to live a life you love this podcast is for you! Join us to take a deep dive on important topics to help you uncover the areas in your life that are preventing you from reaching the success you desire and deserve. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

Copyright: Dr. Nicolya Williams


139: The Truth About Discovery Calls

18m · Published 20 Jun 06:00

Regardless of what you decide it’s important you learn more about how they run, why they are valuable and what to call them so you can determine whether or not they fit into your business model.

Discovery calls are a great way to be introduced to a potential client and for them to also be introduced to your brand. Ultimately you get to decide whatever you end up calling this first interaction. You just need to be crystal clear on what it entails, what’s to be expected and wear your expert hat the whole time.

Strategy calls are simply a phone call or coffee meeting that you book to talk to a potential client . The difference, in my eyes with strategy and discovery calls is that strategy calls you’re discussing a strategy or offering some form of coaching and then also opening up an offer for the next step

A discovery call is the first conversation with a potential client after they show initial interest in your product or offer. It's your opportunity to get to know the individual to see if they would be a good fit for your offer. ... Discovery calls also give you the chance to ask questions about your prospects' needs and goals. With discovery calls there isn’t always coaching involved as with strategy calls.

A discovery call is also known as a “sales call,” “strategy call,” or “clarity call”— those are some of the most common names.

The typical structure for these calls goes as…

Build rapport

Share a little about how the call will go

Let them share why they wanted to have a call and where they are stuck

Discuss how you could support them

Determine next steps together

I highly recommend you record your discovery calls this will allow you to reflect on what you can improve upon and also hone in on some market research aspects as well.

The benefit of these calls

  1. You get to help your clients feel supported . The truth is moving towards your vision can feel very lonely- whether it’s starting a business or writing a book or healing after a breakup and the like many people feel alone. A discovery call is a great opportunity for you to create space for your potential client to feel heard and supported . That is a very powerful feeling.
  2. You get to learn the market research needs. When you’re doing discovery calls it’s important that you really pay attention to what it is that your potential client is complaining about and also seeking support with. This will help you with creating content moving forward. It will also help you to edit your offer to align with what it is your audience is actually seeking. I have even gone as far as paying attention to frequent words my audience uses and weave them into my offers. For example my Happily Divorce Course was titled based on women telling me they just wanted to be “happy” again! Do not discount the power of learning from your potential clients too.
  3. You get to offer opportunities for people to take the next step with you. Exposure is powerful and discovery calls is a powerful way to showcase what it is that you have to offer. The Rule of Seven is an old marketing concept. It basically states that a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you. Now the number seven isn’t cast in stone. It’s essentially stating that you can’t just market one time and be done. You have to show up in creative ways to meet their audience where they are and let them see what it is that you have to offer !

Considering this what are your thoughts about weaving in a connection call or some sort into your business model?

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

138: How to regulate your nervous system

13m · Published 06 Jun 06:00
It's easy to get caught up in the busy-ness and feel like your body is falling apart. Stress, anxiety and trauma take a serious toll on the nervous system, affecting everything from your hormones to your digestion. When our bodies are taxed, we tend to reach for external solutions rather than turn inward. We look for ways to ease the ache of chronic pain or remedy sleep issues with medications that suppress symptoms instead of treating the underlying issue. But drugs aren't solving our health problem; they're just masking it. The real solution lies in tuning in to what your body is telling you -- or rather, signaling you through physical sensations -- so that you can learn how to calm yourself down at a cellular level. In todays episode I will talk about how to create a somatic practice toolkit! Remember: your nervous system exists to help you live a healthy life, so don’t be afraid of it in fact it’s imperative that you learn how to take care of ! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

137: The ELEVATE Method Client Review

1h 35m · Published 30 May 06:00

The ELEVATE Method is a comprehensive container for coaches. While I love this program dearly I know I am a bit biased. So today I interviewed 4 women who are currently apart of the ELEVATE Method so that they could share their insights with you here. If you're ready to take the next step join us here: www.nicolyawilliams.com/elevate

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

136: The keys to an effective coaching session

8m · Published 16 May 06:00

As coaches, we want to help people get the most out of sessions. Therefore it's important to approach sessions with structure and forethought.  A good coaching session is one where the client and coach feeli in rapport and the client feels at ease, comfortable and supported.  The keys to an effective coaching session include:  




Personal ownership  


If you are ready to take your coaching sessions to the next level grab the ELEVATE Your Coaching Sessions Bundle here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/tools-for-coaching-session  Here you will get access to some of the most expansive tools and a creative layout to increase your income and impact as a coach.  Leeeetttttss GOOO!!!

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

135: The 6 Principles Of Influence And How to Leverage Them

11m · Published 02 May 06:00

Influence and persuasion a​re extremely powerful skills that any individual can have. They are useful far beyond the realm of the world of work​ as ​​persuasion and influence are simply tools to get others to do things that you want them to do. This power can be used for good, to genuinely help others achieve outcomes that are in their own best interest. ​As a coach it's something that should be both understood and used with integrity.​​  The six key principles ​Dr. ​Cialdini identified ​in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion​ ​​are: reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, liking and consensus​. While this works in a lot of areas I want to dive in, today, to discuss how you can leverage these principles into the work you do as a coach.  

If you want to learn more about leveraging these tools as a coach in a way that is aligned with your integrity and you're ready to call in those soul mate clients join us inside of The ELEVATE Method here: www.nicolyawilliams.com/elevate

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

134: The 12 Laws Of the Universe

14m · Published 25 Apr 06:00
The 12 universal laws govern everything in this world and they are thought to be the unchanging laws that many ancient cultures have operated based. For me these laws have been extremely influential in allowing me to manifest the business and life I love. Manifestation is no longer a mystery when you learn to operate with The Universal Laws. We have all heard of the Law of Attraction as it has been more talked about lately. . There are books about it, documentaries, movies, courses, certifications and the like. But what about the other laws? These explain the clear principles to follow that shall regulate everything in our reality! I have a surprise for you! If you’re ready to take your business to the next level check out The ELEVATE Method! This is an un-paralled coaching certification program that will give you the tools to sell out and stand out as a coach. Not only will you learn about NLP and the power of your mind you will embody it. Through The ELEVATE Method Coaching Certification Program you will become certified in 7 different modalities allowing you to take your coaching business to that next level. In addition, In The ELEVATE Method program you will learn how to use the laws of the Universe to build a business that’s not only profitable, but impactful and sustainable as well. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the details here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/elevate --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

133: How to nurture your audience and grow your following

11m · Published 11 Apr 06:00

If you have a viral reel but no one follows you that is NOT an audience.

Having 777 people on your list and no one to engage that’s missing 777 opportunities

You don’t want that and I don’t want that for you either! So today I am going to discuss 6 simple strategies you can begin to implement today to nurture your small audience and to effectively scale it.

Let’s first begin by defining your audience. It’s not just people who follow you online it’s the people who consume your content and can’t wait for what’s next. I call this your tribe. This is a HUGE and important difference that can (and should) shift your entire mindset about audience growth.

1. Be curious about who they are - ask questions on your stories etc to learn more about them. Then leverage their responses to consider what you can create to support them!

2. Let your audience help you create- this is really for them but also deeply supports you (show them how your brands unfolds and let them be apart of it). So for example if you’re creating an ebook ask then which cover they like better etc.

3. Be consistent and creative- post regularly in a way that works for you and rotate between podcast or social or reels and static posts etc this helps you to reach your audience based on the way in which they like to consume content.

4. Nurturing and educating your audience before you launch (for example for weeks before I launched elevate method I talked about each unique modality and the power of each one). Doing this helps you to balance giving value with selling

5. Talk about your offer without actually pitching it. The goal here is to get them on the edge of their seat to let them see what’s coming and to get them hyped up about it. It also prevents them from being confused about what’s coming next

6. Showcase your amazing offer and pitch it - after you have done these foundational steps share your offer with your tribe.

As you can see nurture and scaling your audience doesn’t have to be complex! What is one strategy you can commit to today to effectively nurture and in turn grow your audience?

If you’re ready to increase both your impact and income as a coach by facilitating change that goes deeper, lasts longer and happens faster join us inside of The ELEVATE Method: www.nicolyawilliams.com/elevate

Here you will not only become certified in 7 different modalities but you will also have the business coaching to build the business you desire and deserve

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

132: How to create a realistic morning routine

9m · Published 28 Mar 06:00

Heads up: This podcast episode is a recording from my YouTube Channel that I wanted to share here as well. 

Want to know the secret to finding a morning routine that you will stick with? The impact of your morning routine isn’t in your routine at all, it’s the science behind it. Master Your Morning gives you permission to do it your way. A custom morning routine that motivates you and increases your productivity. The secret to the method isn’t in the actual steps, it’s the subconscious programming.   

So before you add a green tea and a 1 hour workout to your morning to do’s, consider how you might better understand your own subconscious mind first. My unique 8 part system can be completed in 20 minutes or 2 hours depending upon your own intentions for your morning.   

If you are slacking on your productivity but also don’t want to feel like you have to complete a novel and yoga session all before sunrise, this is the system for you.  

Grab your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Your-Morning-Science-Routine/dp/1948985144/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nicolya+williams+master+your+morning&qid=1677975449&sprefix=nicolya+wi%2Caps%2C406&sr=8-1

--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nicolyawilliams/support

131: The Value Of A Morning Routine

17m · Published 14 Mar 06:00
How do you spend your morning ? Research says that the first 20 minutes after we wake up is when our brain is most vulnerable! Unfortunately, that’s usually when we rush to our phone and jump up hurriedly because we are running later etc. It is tempting to fill our early waking hours with being rushed, hurried, or annoyed, but I want to challenge you to make the most out of your morning because this simple commitment will change the trajectory of your day! Over the years I have learned the power of having a strong morning routine and it has changed my life! Today I want to share my morning routine and why it’s so valuable. 1. Pray- it’s so important to me that I start my day off with gratitude and intention. So before my feet even hit the floor I make it a priority to Thank God for the day and set and intention! This has been so pivotal for me to feel connected and grounded! 2. Drink water- my aim each day is 64 ounces and I always get near or more than! This is so important to stay hydrated and energized so I can show up for you guys fully! It helps that I keep filled water bottles throughout my house. 3. EFT- no matter what I accomplish or how hard I work those Intrusive thoughts and limiting beliefs can be super real and hard to combat. While I have so many neat tools to use when they come up . Majority of the time I chose tapping as my go to tool to balance my energy and get me feeling super high vibe. 4. Planing- I have learned that if it doesn’t work on paper it won’t work in reality. So when I am planning my day (typically the night before) I build in at least one self care activity (we can’t pour from an empty cup), a power hour to work on my most exciting goals, family time, client time, learning time etc. I have mastered the art of being proactive and less reactive and it may have been one of the best skills to this day that I have ever cultivated. Check out the best planner I have ever bought here: The Planner That Changed My Life: https://youtu.be/Wsl_-o1YZK0 5. Motivation - I am a life long learner and feeding that desire of mine helps me to grow and to even support you guys on a deeper level. I pick a podcast, a course module, a book or a blog to read each and every day. Move my body - being diagnosed with anxiety I chose the natural route to work with it. 6. If you’re interested in learning more about human design check out this amazing free training here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/living-aligned-by-design-workshop. This has made a noticeable difference in my overall mental health ! 7. Eating- I am not a health freak and I certainly mess up with my eating habits but one thing I don’t forget or overlook is making sure I eat each and every morning. While it may sound like a lot to start my morning it’s become such a habit that it all happens in perfect flow! This is why I decided to share this with you today because I want you to begin to consider how you can create your very own morning rhythm! If you’re looking to get started on your evening routine I have the perfect book for you. In my book The Devoted Dreamers I walk you through a simple acronym you can use to make your evening routine seamless. Grab your copy here: bit.ly/nicolyawilliamsbooks --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nicolyawilliams/support

130: How To Get Out Of A Sales Slump Quick

15m · Published 28 Feb 07:00

Sales slumps can do more harm than good for your business and your morale if you do not address them quickly and begin moving forward. The ideas below will help you address your sales slump immediately so you can begin the process of shaking the slump and propelling your business and your profits onward and upward.

The good news is that you do not have to implement all of these ideas at the same time. Go through the list one by one and begin making the changes you feel will offers the best results fastest.

Always seek to measure your results so you’re aware of which actions seem to gain the most traction, which provide the most immediate responses, etc. Tracking your data today can help you make highly effective slump shaking decisions when future sales slumps arise.

--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nicolyawilliams/support

Dr. Nicolya Show has 198 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 51:34:11. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 17:11.

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