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Stop Drinking and Start Living

by Mary Wagstaff

Do you ever feel like you've out growing alcohol, that you are longing for a deeper connection to life? If alcohol is keeping you playing small and feels like the one area you just can't figure out, you are in the right place.  I'm a holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20-year relationship to alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. Now I help powerful women just like you eliminate their desire to drink on their own terms. In this podcast, we will explore the revolutionary approach of my proven five-shifts process that gets alcohol out of your way by breaking all of the rules, and the profound experience that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol. I am so thrilled to be your guide. Welcome to your journey of awakening

Are you ready for the next step to release alcohol?  Uncover the five myths of quitting drinking and the Five shifts You need for lasting change in my free masterclass: 

 register here to learn more about how you can step into a life of greater meaning and connection: register here:

Copyright: © 2024 Stop Drinking and Start Living


What Happens In Vegas...The Short Cut To Sobriety

24m · Published 28 Feb 19:00

Today I share with you a personal experience of spending three days in a Las Vegas night club dancing with strangers. It was an integrative journey that anchored my knowing in the ONLY SHORT CUT to sobriety. Today I share with you my take aways.


  • Sobriety is more than just abstaining from alcohol; it's a journey of self-discovery and authenticity.
  • Why integration is so important.
  • Embrace the edges of your comfort zones to go beyond resistance with success.
  • How to create sustainable sobriety quicker and with greater ease.
  • Why you are confused about alcohol.

Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

Client Spotlight: Creating a Life That Honors Your Humanity with Jaclyn

51m · Published 21 Feb 08:00

Meet my client Jaclyn who is an example of what it truly means to go Beyond Alcohol.
You don’t want to miss this episode!

You will learn exactly what you need to do to end the confusion around alcohol and the exact steps to take to go beyond the moderation story.

  • What it means to create a life that honors your humanity
  • Explore critical life junctures, from divorce to pandemic, to rehab and plant medicine treatment, shaping Jaclyn's journey.
  • Dive into the complex relationship between personal identity and alcohol, challenging societal norms.
  • Jaclyn shares insights on navigating the journey with grace, focusing on internal wellness.
  • Discover the 'five shifts' methodology, redefining the narrative beyond the 'alcoholic' label.

Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

The Art of Continual Renewal and the Quest for Authentic Sobriety

21m · Published 14 Feb 08:00

Whether you began this year with a resolution or you're seeking fresh inspiration to reignite your commitment, this episode will offer you the insights and encouragement to continue moving forward.

Have you ever wondered what it means to truly commit to your own transformation, especially when it comes to reshaping your relationship with alcohol? Today I share the power of intentional action and the magic of aligning with life's rhythms to foster sustainable personal growth.

Let's peel away the layers of superficial fixes like Dry January and instead, observe the significance of continuous self-discovery.

This episode questions the delicate balance of embracing life's natural ebb and flow while maintaining a steady course toward our goals. Using the tender act of self-compassion during those inevitable low-energy dips, and I share how implementing just one small daily practice can subtly yet significantly keep you on track with your intentions.

My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Schedule a discovery call here.

This April, during the solar eclipse, the container has been created for you to reconnect with yourself in a group of women seeking spiritual alignment so you can ignite your vision. The structure is made for you to simply arrive and receive with the intention of tuning inward and fining deeper meaning through scared ceremonies, ritual magic and sisterhood. 🌹Click here to save your space.

Transformational Women's Retreat In Mexico!
Create an intentional opportunity to reconnect with yourself in a done-for you, supportive community. If you have been calling in the opportunity to tune inward while also having some fun, relaxation and connection, this retreat is for you.
To join us in circle this April : Click here to save your space

My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Schedule a discovery call here.

How To Stay Connected To Your Soul Mission with Guest Host Nura Rachelle Part 3 of 3: Embracing Autonomy

51m · Published 07 Feb 08:00

Join us on the final installment of our soul mission series, revealing the beauty of nurturing autonomy in your life. Highlighting the push and pull between societal expectations and our inner callings. For women especially, the struggle to claim personal space amid caregiving roles is profound; we tackle the associated guilt and the essential nature of carving out room for one's true self.

It's an exploration that promises to empower you with the insight to fill your cup first, so you’re better equipped to pour into others.

We also explore the cosmic energies at play, with astrology as our guide in healing and self-reclamation. Nura and I reflect on the personal and collective healing that blossoms from self-reliance, stepping into our power, and facing our shadows with the courage of an inner warrior.

This episode is a call to action, a summoning of the bravery to trust in ourselves and our unique paths.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in contemplation and action, encouraging a life lived with intention, authenticity, and joy!

Welcome to our Reconnection Retreat, on the beach in Mexico. This solar eclipse is a powerful portal for releasing limiting self-concepts and anchoring a new vision for yourself. You will be supported in circle by other women on a similar heart-centered path, who  recognize the power community connection. Secure Your Space In Our Circle HERE!

An immersive opportunity to reconnect to self in community!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse on the Pacific Riviera In Mexico. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
To join us in circle : Click here to save your space!

Become a Naturally Sober Woman today!This program is your last stop on the quitting train. It's a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol unimportant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, having more fun and worrying less about what people think, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

BONUS! Why simply quitting alcohol doesn't quite cut it

32m · Published 31 Jan 19:00

Rekindling the inner flame.

We are celebrating Imbolc!

You’re invited to join our free Imbolc Circle this Sunday, February 4th.

Bring a friend, and your open heart.

We look forward to connecting with you in circle.

You can join free by signing up HERE!

Why simply quitting alcohol doesn't quite cut it—instead, we discuss the transformative power of connecting with your inner self and the universe's natural rhythms.

I recall my client Elizabeth's interview on the podcast, showcasing the profound impact of distinguishing our physical sensations from the mental stories we tell ourselves, a pivotal step on the path to sustainable sobriety.

We weave our inner journey with the threads of the winter solstice and the lunar cycle's ebb and flow. Discover how these cosmic events reflect our personal growth, offering moments for introspection and release, much like the phases of the moon guide us through life's mysteries.

Learn to harness the Wheel of the Year and find support in the goddess Brigid's Imbolc festival, as we share our experiences of nurturing visions and utilizing resources to realize our aspirations amidst the astrological dance of Aries' desire and Aquarius' call for collective progress.

Together with Nura Rachelle, we celebrate circle gatherings as sanctuaries of shared wisdom, where the fiery individuality of Aries meets Aquarius' collective spirit, creating a dynamic synergy that fuels our transformative quests. This episode promises to arm you with the insights needed to forge a path where alcohol is no longer the centerpiece, but a forgotten part of the past.

As the wheel turns again, we make our gradual yet inevitable transition into spring.
Nature gracefully reminds us of the cyclical initiations through her seasons.
Come, gather in circle to remember the gifts of the sacred feminine within.
Together, we will be tuning into our inner resources, and remembering our role as keepers of the sacred hearth. REGISTER FOR FREE HERE. 

Come to Mexico with us, Hangover free and fully supported!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse on the Pacific Riviera In Mexico. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
To join us in circle : Click here to save your space!

Become a Naturally Sober Woman today!This program is your last stop on the quitting train. It's a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol unimportant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, having more fun and worrying less about what people think, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

How To Stay Connected To Your Soul Mission with Guest Host Nura Rachelle Part 2 of 3

30m · Published 31 Jan 08:00

In part two of our three part series on reclaiming your soul-mission, Nura Rachelle and I share about the profound connection between our inner truth and the transformative roles we play in the evolution of our collective consciousness. We share more today about how and why we loose connection with our soul mission and the necessity of intentionally curated spaces to reclaim and remember who we truly are.

Key takeaways:

  • Embracing Individuality
  • Beyond Societal Limitations
  • Living Your Soul's Mission
  • Cyclical Nature of Life's Journey
  • Celebrating Unique Modes of Knowing

As the wheel turns again, we make our gradual yet inevitable transition into spring.
Nature gracefully reminds us of the cyclical initiations through her seasons.
Come, gather in circle to remember the gifts of the sacred feminine within.
Together, we will be tuning into our inner resources, and remembering our role as keepers of the sacred hearth. REGISTER FOR FREE HERE. 

Welcome to our Reconnection Retreat, on the beach in Mexico. This solar eclipse is a powerful portal for releasing limiting self-concepts and anchoring a new vision for yourself. You will be supported in circle by other women on a similar heart-centered path, who  recognize the power community connection. Secure Your Space In Our Circle HERE!

Come to Mexico with us, Hangover free and fully supported!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse on the Pacific Riviera In Mexico. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
To join us in circle : Click here to save your space!

Become a Naturally Sober Woman today!This program is your last stop on the quitting train. It's a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol unimportant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, having more fun and worrying less about what people think, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

How To Stay Connected To Your Soul Mission w/ Guest Host Nura Rachelle Part 1 of 3

28m · Published 24 Jan 08:00

Join my co-host Nura Rachelle and I, as we explore what all heart centered woman fear mission, their soul mission. In this special three-part series, discover the joy and fulfillment of living in alignment with your true purpose. What your soul mission is and why aligning with it as a priority is crucial in your holistic wellness.

Navigate the pitfalls of the hive mind, embrace personal growth, and learn to celebrate your unique identity beyond societal expectations. Nura shares her brilliant astrological insight in where in your chart to understand and validate your soul mission, as well as significant astrological transits that are calling supporting the collective awakening.

Sister, you are invited to come and receive joy, validate and acknowlegement in a container that is created for you to remember who you are + ignite your vision of self into the world. Click here to learn more + secure your space today. 

Come to Mexico with us, Hangover free and fully supported!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse on the Pacific Riviera In Mexico. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
To join us in circle : Click here to save your space!

Become a Naturally Sober Woman today!This program is your last stop on the quitting train. It's a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol unimportant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, having more fun and worrying less about what people think, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Permission To Be Successful In Sobriety

21m · Published 17 Jan 08:00

We often wait for someone else to give us the green light to feel a certain way, to change, to be happy, to love something. In this process you may find your self defensive nd over expaplining, creating even more resitance to change.

How can you be successful in sobriety without anyone else "getting It".
Find out on today's show.

Here are five key takeaways:

  1. Sustainable Sobriety as a Birthright: Sobriety is not a trait acquired in reaction to alcohol but a natural state of being. The perspective that sobriety is innate within, like a birthright, becomes a game-changer.
  2. Why we defer our permission: Seeking the approval of others by needing them to fully understand, is an effort to try to understand ourselves more deeply.
  3. Permission to Feel: The theme of giving oneself permission to feel, wediscusses the impact of external validation and the need to understand and honor one's emotions without over-explaining or defending.
  4. Curating a Container for Self-Exploration: The importance of creating a container, a space for self-exploration, is highlighted. The Naturally Sober Woman Program and Ignite your Vision Retreat are presented as opportunities for an immersive experience.
  5. Moving from Defensiveness to Self-Authority: Recognizing and moving away from the need to defend oneself or seek external validation is crucial. The journey involves self-awareness, curiosity, and compassion, leading to self-authority and clarity.

If you have ever dreamt of running away to a tropical location to have the time and space to connect with yourself and get crystal clear on what it is you truly desire, you’re going to want to join me in Mexico. In April 2024 I am co- facilitating the journey of a life time intuitive astrologer, Nura Rachelle called Ignite Your Vision. Register Here

Remember who your are + Ignite your vision
Be held in a container of transformation, created for you to make SPACE to reconnect to self and gain clarity about what you are ready to ignite into the world. Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
Learn about the details and reserve your space HERE!

The Naturally Sober Woman Program is a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol insignificant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

The #1 Secret To Sustainable Sobriety: Part 2

25m · Published 10 Jan 08:00

On today's podcast I reveal the powerful five-shifts process that redefines sustainable sobriety. If you want consistent and predictable results this episode is a deep dive into aligning your actions with your core values, transcending typical sobriety methods to effect true transformation.

We'll discuss the critical need for a concrete plan, the risks of alcohol influencing your life choices, and how to tap into the wisdom of your inner self. I'll also outline why merely changing your surroundings isn't the key to overcoming alcohol dependency, and why a holistic, step-by-step approach is necessary to dismantle the barriers alcohol creates, empowering you to realize your fullest potential.

This is an invitation to redefining your relationship with alcohol—and with yourself.

If you have ever dreamt of running away to a tropical location to have the time and space to connect with yourself and get crystal clear on what it is you truly desire, you’re going to want to join me in Mexico. In April 2024 I am co- facilitating the journey of a life time intuitive astrologer, Nura Rachelle called Ignite Your Vision. Register Here

Remember who your are + Ignite your vision
Be held in a container of transformation, created for you to make SPACE to reconnect to self and gain clarity about what you are ready to ignite into the world. Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your remembering + your vision.
Learn about the details and reserve your space HERE!

The Naturally Sober Woman Program is a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol insignificant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

#1 Secret to Sustainable Sobriety

14m · Published 03 Jan 08:00

Today I teach you the #1 secret to not just quitting drinking, but sustaining a life not dictated by alcohol or sobriety. If you want consistent, reliable results transforming alcohol this year, you don't want to miss this show. I reveal the strategic process that's been a game-changer in my own relationship with alcohol.

We talk about the importance of a structured plan and how to foster a mindset that remains calm and belief-driven amidst the storm of change.

You also still have a opportunity of joining the 40-day Alcohol Transformation Challenge that's designed to align your actions with your deepest values.

The Stop Drinking, Start Living program is a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol insignificant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Join Nura Rachelle and I in the idyllic coastal town of Troncones, Mexico. A week of empowering magic to bring your next chapter to life by harnessing the transformative energy of the full solar eclipse, the power of sisterhood, embodiment practices, ceremony, pleasure and the elements of nature.  Early bird pricing through October 31st 2023!
Reserve your spot and learn more here. 

Come join me in Mexico, hangover free!
Join us for a fully authentic Women's retreat for the 2024 eclipse. Experience the transformative power of being in a conscious community of like minded Women to support your vision.
Learn about the details and reserve your space HERE!

The Stop Drinking, Start Living program is a sanctuary of support that steers clear of the traps of moderation and deprivation. This program is revolutionizing the way we approach sobriety, providing you with the tools to make alcohol insignificant in your life. If you are seeking a blueprint for success, I invite you to join us as a lifetime member.

As a special gift for being part of the community here use code PODCAST at checkout to receive 10% off the program. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Stop Drinking and Start Living has 536 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 323:10:13. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 14th, 2024 02:41.

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