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We Go Boldly Podcast

by Tovah Kopan and Rielly Karsh

Discover your inner strength and unlock your full potential with We Go Boldly—the ultimate podcast empowering us all to grow, understand ourselves, and thrive in every aspect of life. Join us for empowering conversations, expert insights, and actionable tips to fuel your personal growth journey.

Copyright: © 2021 We Go Boldly Podcast


EPISODE 82: Busyness and Worth with Jessica Medina

1h 4m · Published 03 Aug 23:10

All season long we are continuing our conversation around busyness and self-worth. We’ve covered a lot of ground already though I suspect we could spend an entire year talking about this subject. Today we are thrilled to continue our interview series with our own financial guru, and accredited Financial Counselor Jessica Medina.

Jessica Medina is a former lawyer turned Accredited Financial Counselor on a mission to help attorneys figure out their finances so they can pursue their true passions, no matter the salary. She graduated from Columbia Law School as a single mom of twins with over $200,000 in student loans, took a stroll through Biglaw and the federal government, and now teaches other lawyers how to use their money to finance their dream lives. 

She has taken her financial knowledge to build a life that can be lived outside of the confines of the office.  She helps her clients do the same thing.

Welcome Jessica!

You can learn more about Jessica Medina by following her on Instagram @jessicamedinallc.


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EPISODE 81: Comparisons; Expectations, Judgements & Self-Worth

1h 7m · Published 27 Jul 11:43

We Go Boldly into uncharted territory today with a special guest co-host! As we dig into the difficult world of comparisons we are so fortunate to have a dear friend of the show, Bunmi Emenejo join us on this episode. We explore the ins and outs of what it means to spend your life constantly comparing yourself to either yourself and/or to others.

We discuss the ways in which we sabotage our own happiness by consistently comparing our current state to what we expected, imagined or were told to want. Thinking and talking through how to combat the urge to wonder “what if, if only, I should just” and all the other ways that we compare our current lives to what might have been. 

Beyond self-comparison we often find ourselves comparing our circumstances to those of the people around us in real life, online, on social media, at work and everywhere in between. These types of endless comparisons lead us to stray from our own purpose, feel insecure, depressed, unworthy and down. We fail to recognize our own strengths as we spend our time comparing our characteristics to people we know nothing about. 

Tune in to hear our conversation all around busyness, self-worth, comparisons and don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe while you’re there!


  1. We’re coming with two homework choices.  First think about what is harder for you right now.  Is it comparing yourself to where you think you should be?  Or is it comparing yourself to others.
    • If you struggle with comparing yourself to yourself, grab your journal.  Keep track of what triggers you to compare yourself to yourself. 
    • If you struggle with comparing yourself to others, take a social media break.  Step away from social media for a week.  As we know social media is a prime place where we compare ourselves to others.  Give yourself a break.
  2. Lastly, stop over on Instagram or if you’re taking a social media break send a message on our website, and tell us how you are doing.



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*Note that the reference to any article, author, and/or source is not an endorsement of the same. It is for informational purposes only.



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EPISODE 80: Busyness and Worth with Michaela Birdyshaw

1h 0m · Published 20 Jul 17:15

All season long we are continuing our conversation around busyness and self-worth. We’ve covered a lot of ground already though I suspect we could spend an entire year talking about this subject. Today we are thrilled to continue our interview series with a wonderful colleague and all around fascinating human, Michaela Birdyshaw.

Michaela Birdyshaw is the founder of Joy Enterprises where her coaching business, Joy Inc, is on a mission to help you find joy and to give joy amidst the chaos and confusion of life. Joy is not the absence of suffering, nor is it merely the experience of happiness: Joy is the journey we create within. 

Michaela graduated twice from UNC Wilmington with a Bachelors in Social Work, Minor in Psychology, and Certificate to teach High School English (essentially an English Degree and teaching certification). After running the family manufacturing business for 10 years with a focus on business organization and marketing, she established her place in the business world. She is ordained through the Universal Life Church, and she has found her calling as a Certified Personal Life coach through the World Coaching Institute. As a mother of two and a social butterfly, Michaela is very active in her community, local schools, church, Girl Scouts, recreation sports, and so much more.

As a life coach and facilitator, her mission is to work with you to find joy and to give joy while navigating this bumpy road we individually and collectively travel. She aims to empower others to shine their brightest light so that we all may glow a little brighter - which is the only way she knows to change the world. 

The world is going mad trying to divide us from one another and from ourselves, Michaela offers you an invitation back to who you are truly meant to be. Join us today to learn about Michaela!

You can learn more about Michaela Birdyshaw by following her on Instagram @myjoycoach


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EPISODE 79: Looking for self worth in other people

50m · Published 13 Jul 21:04

Today we are boldly exploring the consequences of the proverbial putting all your eggs in other peoples baskets. Yes we are mixing metaphors and loving it. In our continued discussion of busyness and self worth we examine the pitfalls of putting your self-worth in someone else's hands. 

The truth is we all have been there to some degree at some point in time. Seeking external validation to confirm that we are worth it, our dreams are worth it, our existence is valued and cherished. What happens when we fail to build ourselves up without all that outside help though? Or when we never learn how?

On today’s episode we dive into that dark and doomy topic to think about the ramifications of a world where we don’t know our own worth. There are things we can do to build our self worth, re-examine the way we look at the world, change our lens and try again. There is always hope, and homework, to help you get where you want to go. Tune in today!


  1. Look back on an experience where you were proud but you didn’t receive the external validation.  Journal how you felt?  How did it affect you going forward?
  2. For the rest of the week, pay attention to when you are waiting for external validation.  What is the reason behind that? Think about how you are feeing when that happens. 


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*Note that the reference to any article, author, and/or source is not an endorsement of the same. It is for informational purposes only.


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Website: www.goboldlyinitiative.com

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EPISODE 78: Busyness and worth with Alyson McNair

1h 5m · Published 06 Jul 09:00

All season long we are continuing our conversation around busyness and self-worth. We’ve covered a lot of ground already though I suspect we could spend an entire year talking about this subject. Today we are thrilled to continue our interview series advocate Alyson McNair.

Alyson was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. She started her career at the age of 14 as an Office Assistant for East New York Betterment, a nonprofit that assisted the elderly. It was there where she learned how nonprofits are pivotal to helping change communities.  After years of government work and in the private industry Alyson realized even more about the hardships of people gaining employment after incarceration and decided to start a nonprofit to address the issue. She began conceptualizing and planning for Perfect, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides job training, job placement and lifestyle coaching for women who have been incarcerated. Alyson is passionate about creating a world where women who have been incarcerated can receive the proper support needed to become contributing citizens to society. She is an advocate for their dreams and visions to be and have all they were destined to have. Alyson is also a wife and mother.  Needless to say she knows something about busyness.  

We can’t wait to share this great interview with you today!

You can learn more about Perfect, Inc. by going to www.perfectinc.org or follow them on Instagram @Perfectinc129


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EPISODE 77: Looking for our self worth in our to do lists

55m · Published 29 Jun 17:01

Let’s Go Boldly into episode 6 and cross off finding self worth in our productivity. This week Tovah and Rielly talk all about the notion that our value and worth as humans is captured in what we can produce in a day. The idea that the more we put on our to do list and cross off by the end of the day, the more worthy we are, the more worthwhile we should feel. 

Rielly and Tovah are spending all season tackling the concept of tying our own self-worth to external factors. This week the focus is directed at the idea that we become so enamored with and tied to our to-do lists that they can become a crutch and a way to hide from our reality. The more we bury ourselves in busyness and lists, the less we focus on our present lived experience.

Join the conversation today and consider all the ways in which you use your to do lists to avoid or deflect from what you really want out of your life. Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe too!


  1. Grab your journals. “How do you determine if your day was a success?” Do you think about it?  Do you take an inventory?  Do you make a list? 
  2. Set a timer for 10 minutes.  Journal on “What a successful day looks like for you now?” Set another time for 10 minutes and journal on “What do you want a successful day look like for you?”



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*Note that the reference to any article, author, and/or source is not an endorsement of the same. It is for informational purposes only.


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Website: www.goboldlyinitiative.com

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EPISODE 76: Busyness and worth with Jennifer Walkup

54m · Published 22 Jun 18:28

Welcome back for our second interview on busyness and worth. We are in the middle of the season and the middle of some extra busy days.  This conversation feels more important now than ever. We are so excited to introduce you to author and daily mindfulness guru, Jennifer Walkup.

Jennifer Walkup is an award-winning author, artist, and positive psychology practitioner. A silver lining enthusiast, Jennifer is often found adventuring with her husband, sons, and beloved beagle. Jennifer also works as an English professor and editor and is an advocate for epilepsy awareness. 

You can follow learn all about Jennifer’s writing, and buy yourself a book, at her website: www.jenniferwalkup.com.

We can’t wait to share this great interview with you today!


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EPISODE 75: Do you bury your “self” in the busyness of work?

56m · Published 15 Jun 20:00

“Hustle culture carries this overarching belief that the more you do, the more valuable you are,” says Kate Northrup the founder of The Origin Company and the author of Do Less: Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management. 

This week Rielly and Tovah dive into the big discussion of work, busyness, and the ever present “hustle culture.” People use work and the hustle culture as the filler for something that is out of whack in their lives.  Outwardly, hustle culture seems like a high-energy-motivational movement that comes with expected rewards. For most people, working long hours is typically associated with moving up the corporate ladder faster, making six-figures in the shortest amount of time possible, or earning passive income due to around-the-clock hard work. It is the belief that you can succeed and achieve anything you want in life if you work hard enough.  And if you don’t then It’s FOMO, but for work.

The reality is, sometimes working hard isn’t enough, and chronic workaholism can be detrimental in the long run. If you aim for success and glory, whatever that may look like to you, know that working hard is part of it and not all of it.

We ask a lot of questions in this episode.  Why is everyone working so hard? What is influencing us to push harder, work longer, and beyond our limits? What are the consequences of working too much on our health?

Finally we discuss what we can try to do as a society and individuals to reject hustle culture. This is an important conversation and one we are excited to share with you. 


  1. Pay attention to how often you see “hustle culture” show up in your day for the next week
  2. Note how it makes you feel to see these concepts show up in your workplace, social media, friendships etc.
  3. Reach out to your accountability partner and discuss! Share thoughts with us on social @goboldlytogether 


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EPISODE 74: Busyness and Worth with Sarah Stoeckel

53m · Published 08 Jun 17:00

It is here.  The first interview of season 6 and it is a good one!  We are so excited to introduce you to our dear friend and generally wonderful human being Sarah Stoeckel.

Sarah Stoeckel is a mom, a lawyer, and a community advocate. She is also an expert on what it means to be busy. Not only does she hold down a day-job running a small talent development consultancy, but she also volunteers her time as Vice Chair for the Board of Directors at Diaper Bank of North Carolina, Advocacy Chair for the Wake County PTA Council, and is also a member of the Board for the Cary Community Foundation.  Plus, she is a Girl Scout leader and she supports local candidates for political office by leading teams of mom-canvassers.  Woah!

You can follow Sarah on Instagram @votesarahnc and learn more about the great work of the the North Carolina Diaper Bank at https://ncdiaperbank.org/.

We can’t wait to share this great interview with you today!


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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wegoboldly

EPISODE 73: What do we mean when we say self-worth?

55m · Published 01 Jun 19:25

In this week’s episode Tovah and Rielly lay the groundwork for a discussion of self-worth throughout the upcoming season 6. They set out definitions and parameters around self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. The underlying basis for the season is that our cultural focus on busyness keeps us trapped in thinking that our self-worth is tied to busyness and productivity.

Join Rielly and Tovah as they examine the root of self-worth, how to dig into your own understanding of self-worth, and your connection to the larger world. The ability to recognize your worth as an intangible in existence regardless of action, regardless of doing, and merely because of your place as a being in the universe is fundamental to self-worth. 

Listen in as we walk through how self-worth is and importantly, is not, determined in our own lives. Think through how you experience and express your self-worth and what attachments you have to external sources of validation. Consider how your own busyness is tied to your understanding of worthiness and self-worth. 


  1. Time to have a heart to heart with yourself and do some serious journaling. This may take days or weeks.  That’s okay. Ask yourself:
    1. How would you describe your self-worth right now?
    2. What words would you use to describe yourself?
    3. What value did you place on yourself or aspects of yourself?
    4. Were your descriptions generally positive, balanced, or negative?
    5. Where did your messages around your worth come from?
  2. How did that feel?  Head over to our social or reach out to your accountability partner to share your what that felt like. 


Did you enjoy this episode? We would love to hear your thoughts. Head to Apple Podcasts and then rate, review, and subscribe. This way you will get notified once a new episode goes live.

*Note that the reference to any article, author, and/or source is not an endorsement of the same. It is for informational purposes only.


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Website: www.goboldlyinitiative.com

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LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/go-boldly-initiative

YouTube: http://bit.ly/boldlyyoutube

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/GoBoldlyTogether/_saved/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goboldlypodcast

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wegoboldly

We Go Boldly Podcast has 163 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 152:02:58. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 02:10.

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