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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

by Christine Pensa

Exploring the nature of sacred self care, self healing & the evolution of our human experience now. Our world is changing, we are changing, & choosing to become more of ourselves. In Season 3 & 4 Christine Pensa explores heart expanding topics with brilliant guests to empower your sacred self care & deeper knowing of your infinite self.


Episode 146, Kahu Lahela, Navigating Your Way Forward with Love and Trust

47m · Published 15 Jan 22:57

The divine Kahu Lahela was the perfect guest to begin the new year of 2022 and as the first episode of Season Four. It is a powerful, and an empowering episode. As Lahela explained, she considers herself a Kahu of balance, as a bridge between the light and the dark and a bridge to Source. For her it means being a keeper of harmony, balance and inner peace to help and remind people who they truly, authentically are—and that is indeed a divine way to step into this powerful year of change.

This is an episode that is an experience of your own sovereignty and of your own magnificence. Kahu Lahela’s wise presence is so helpful to practically lead us through how we can step into both our sovereignty and responsibility at this pivotal time on the planet. During this ease and grace-filled conversation, she shared beautiful metaphors, and simple practices to help guide listeners through the challenges stepping into more of ourselves presents, as well as some of the great joys that can unfold as a result of us taking “the driver’s seat” in our lives.

We shared our mutual excitement over the expanding and unlimited possibilities opening up this year and how we are all being called to co-create with those higher frequencies. One of the sacred self care keys is being gentle with and observing yourself. The “line of integrity” is how Lahela explains David Hawkins levels of consciousness model. Noticing where your frequency is at all times and shifting your vibration to the highest possible to counterbalance the lowest frequency of shame and guilt. Asking questions so that grace can show up as your guiding light.

The podcast conversations over the past year have felt more and more heart expanding. This one was no exception. Together with you the listener, we are weaving more and more magic back into material form. This guest is one I know you will want to experience to begin 2022 with ideas and inspiration that can serve your highest unfolding. I invite you to tune in for the gems Kahu Lahela shares freely and joyfully, and especially to hear the heart opening Ole (Hawaiian chant) she sung at the end of the episode. The Ole she chose is a call to clear your path so you can navigate your way forward with love and trust. Aloha.

Kahu Lahela at

Her Youtube video


Episode 145, In Our Aliveness, We are Both Gravity and Levity

31m · Published 19 Nov 19:30

In this episode host Christine Pensa talks about how we have been conditioned to believe that we are a category or that we can only express as one thing—specialists. Like the monoculture that dominates our food and entertainment industries, the specialist or the “one way of doing things” method is breaking down and is ready to be replaced. In fact, what we are seeing unfolding in the collective is actually the dismantling of what has and is doing harm.

What is being created now, this new human permaculture is about embodying all aspects of ourselves. As the potter and poet MC Richards famously said, “We are both gravity and levity, that’s the genius of the human being…we are both and we shouldn’t be talked out of it.”

The invitation of these times is to remember and fully inhabit the fullness of you. As you inhabit more of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies—filling the space with your I am presence—the patterns and programs of the monoculture release. You embody diversity in union with nature. You release the need to over consume and the fear associated with survival. The creator that you are is able to fully inhabit every single centimetre and cell of your divine embodied expression. We take back the beauty of the human body and embrace the wholeness of our divine expression.

MC Richards’ Most Famous Workshop on you tube;

Link to watch any podcast episode;

Episode 144 Heidi McBratney NOW is the Moment to Answer the Call of Your Spirit

55m · Published 26 Oct 18:49

This beautiful episode and conversation began with Heidi’s sharing her knowing that the time to “break free into our aliveness” is now. As Heidi says, the time for sitting on the fence is over. She says, “It’s now a desperate call. We need people to Be their shining lights.” The planet, the cosmos needs us all to be our shining lights. Our job is to let go of the shore and move into the river of our own true being and let it take us to the destination of our original truth.

Heidi shared some powerful stories of how we can tune into our own aliveness. She has been observing in her work with people how things are moving faster and how the deeper layers of the challenges we have had are coming up more insistently—in order for us to choose change.
She says that indigenous teachers helped her recognize how Nature understands its own aliveness, and that nature’s example can help us tune into our Original Truth. She used the example of a pebble on a mountain. That pebble might be moved from the mountain, picked up by someone and taken to another country, but it always recognizes that it is the mountain. It does not lose its original truth as we humans have.

The natural world always knows how to be its best version of its original truth and the invitation is for us to be the best version of ourselves. Heidi outlined simple and practical ways we can tune into this for ourselves. As she says, she likes to make things easy. Heidi’s book, Answering the Call of Your Spirit, How to wake up and remember the light of your soul, is an incredible book of self discovery. The book contains 22 self discovery moments punctuated with inspiring, uplifting stories and deep insights.

There are many conversational gems in this episode, which closed with an exploration of ourselves as dreamers. Why deepening our capacity as dreamers is so important right now. Heidi says she invites her clients to begin their work together by asking, What do you want the end result to be? She then asks them to dream the unlimited, impossible and playful dream of their answer. She says, let’s be the wisdom of children, by dreaming ourselves into being and creating a trail that pulls others toward their own expansive dreams.

For more information on Heidi McBratney and her book;

Show page for all podcast episodes;

Episode 144 Heidi McBratney NOW is the Moment to Answer the Call of Your Spirit

55m · Published 26 Oct 18:49

This beautiful episode and conversation began with Heidi’s sharing her knowing that the time to “break free into our aliveness” is now. As Heidi says, the time for sitting on the fence is over. She says, “It’s now a desperate call. We need people to Be their shining lights.” The planet, the cosmos needs us all to be our shining lights. Our job is to let go of the shore and move into the river of our own true being and let it take us to the destination of our original truth.

Heidi shared some powerful stories of how we can tune into our own aliveness. She has been observing in her work with people how things are moving faster and how the deeper layers of the challenges we have had are coming up more insistently—in order for us to choose change.
She says that indigenous teachers helped her recognize how Nature understands its own aliveness, and that nature’s example can help us tune into our Original Truth. She used the example of a pebble on a mountain. That pebble might be moved from the mountain, picked up by someone and taken to another country, but it always recognizes that it is the mountain. It does not lose its original truth as we humans have.

The natural world always knows how to be its best version of its original truth and the invitation is for us to be the best version of ourselves. Heidi outlined simple and practical ways we can tune into this for ourselves. As she says, she likes to make things easy. Heidi’s book, Answering the Call of Your Spirit, How to wake up and remember the light of your soul, is an incredible book of self discovery. The book contains 22 self discovery moments punctuated with inspiring, uplifting stories and deep insights.

There are many conversational gems in this episode, which closed with an exploration of ourselves as dreamers. Why deepening our capacity as dreamers is so important right now. Heidi says she invites her clients to begin their work together by asking, What do you want the end result to be? She then asks them to dream the unlimited, impossible and playful dream of their answer. She says, let’s be the wisdom of children, by dreaming ourselves into being and creating a trail that pulls others toward their own expansive dreams.

For more information on Heidi McBratney and her book;

Show page for all podcast episodes;

Episode 143 The New Human Permaculture, what do you want to cultivate now?

39m · Published 25 Oct 18:02

Podcast host Christine recorded this episode after a short and deeply nourishing personal retreat where she was able to tune into her own natural flow of pure love. A big piece of her journey was the knowing she wanted to physically connect with people in her community who she had only known online. These connections planted the seeds for the unfolding of the new human permaculture image which revealed more of itself on the drive home.

On the return journey Christine was lit up while listening to a podcast on permaculture (see episode link below). As the modern philosophy of permaculture states, it is a working with, rather than against, nature.

The metaphor of permaculture opened into a heart knowing that we are also in this moment on the Earth coming together to create the New Human Permaculture. The joyful and natural exchange of being with no obligation, no hierarchy and complete freedom to expand into more of what our source connected personal instructions call forward. That kind of human permaculture exchange where naturally each human opens into more and more of their own expression, while supporting and activating the whole.

Tune into this episode to connect into what and how you can tend your sacred self care by observing what wants to be cultivated within you right now.

Health Freedom for Humanity podcast episode with Jim Gale
Amy Stross Tenth Acre Farm

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast show page


Episode 142 Empowerment is a Frequency you Choose with Ashmi Pathela

48m · Published 15 Oct 16:35

My guest this week is Ashmi Pathela the creatrix, author and artist behind the book, Awakening the Heart of Humanity. She calls it, “a journey into remembering who you are and why you’re here.”

After a depleting career in silicon valley, Ashmi trusted the inner prompt to travel, to write, and paint again as she had in her childlike purity. Trusting the prompts of her heart, she continued to build her intuitive muscles, which led her away from striving and toward the flow of the language of her soul.

Ashmi found that as she became more true to herself creation naturally came through. She invites us to tune into what wants to flow through each of us by learning to deprogram what is keeping us in limitation. She says; “You know you are walking toward it just by sitting in the discomfort.”

We talked about what is birthing on this planet and how we can be the calm in the storm as things escalate by trusting the true voice of our heart. That voice will lead us to right action or non-action as we unravel our own programming and shadows to allow the new growth to begin. Ashmi says that from that place we can also trust that our loved ones are also warriors of light even if they take a path different from our own. Trusting, without division, that they are on a path that will serve their own evolution best. As she says; “If you trusted the divinity of it all, you would not be afraid.”

There were so many gems in this powerful episode. We closed with Ashmi sharing how to begin to recognize and release victim-hood—moving through empowerment—into powerfully living in joy knowing we are always safe. She says, “Empowerment is a frequency you can tune into and choose.”

Find out more about Ashmi and her heart work at;
Visit the podcast page for more episodes;

Episode 141 Kate Joyner and the Potent Alchemical Art of Self Healing

38m · Published 29 Sep 18:48

Christine's guest in this episode of the podcast was Kate Joyner the creatrix of The Dancing Serpent Mystery School. The conversation opened by diving right into the alchemical art of self healing. Kate says the journey begins with knowing ourselves. To be able to truly know how we work and then beginning to operate more from the wholeness of ourselves and less from our fragmented selves.

Kate calls this tuning in, "the largest love affair we can conjure in our lifetime." She says, that place is the place of wholeness, our true inheritance, our healthy body vibrating with the frequencies of Earth. It is from that place we move into a relational embodied alchemical healing of the wounds and conditioning which are not part of our original human design. Kate's work has been to assist others to move into the place of their original design, or wholeness, into the alchemy of shedding the layers and letting go as we all step into the new story.

The conversation flowed into how ancient alchemy is a remembrance woven into our individuated embodied souls in this now moment—how we can recognize what we don’t need to bring forward—as well as, what our soul is calling in to create the new. Kate feels the ancient piece is the way the soul resonates within us. When we come to inhabit the Earth design we are naturally in service to this world, as she says, because in that place we will know our soul and know our true belonging.

Kate shared her own knowing that the erotic impulse is one way that Earth vibrates through us to get our attention, and it does that so that we can come into relationship with our soul. She says, following the threads of our longing is a path that leads us to the revelation of our soul. Through the natural frequencies, each one of us has a unique and joyful journey to uncover what it is our own longing is pointing us toward.

Kate created the Dancing Serpent in part to create a temple space for women to become their poetry. She says, when we become our poetry, we become our soul and free ourselves to become the deepest expression of our power to love and create.

This gorgeous episode closed with Kate reading a powerful poem she wrote called—Go Transmit My Frequency.

To find out more about Kate, please visit her website;

Visit the podcast show page;

Episode 140 Standing Like a Tree, and your powerful strong roots

30m · Published 24 Sep 18:59

This episode was inspired by Tree and how trees are modelling perfectly the beauty, ease and grace of nature’s cycles. The cyclical nature of a tree shows us that letting go is not a loss, but rather a transmutation into the next level, the next evolution of what will blossom for humanity.

Christine invited listeners to tune into their own capacity to stand strongly rooted in their own source connection, to let go like the autumn trees with a knowing and appreciation that falling leaves are compost for future growth. Learning from the trees about deep presence and how to drop in ever more deeply into your own source.

The lyrics to an old and beautifully simple song personifies what it is to be standing strong in our own presence right now. (The song was originally performed and written by Betsy Rose music.) The lyrics are;

Standing like a tree
with my roots dug down
my branches wide and open
come down the rain
come down the sun
come down root
to the heart that is open
to be standing like a tree
with my roots dug down…

You can find the Betsy Rose version at;

You can find the Xi Earthstar version at;

Noticing what programs we are still accepting as “natural or normal” that are actually abusive. What is not in alignment with self love, and ready to fall/leave? Let’s stand in the power of our strong pure roots of love.

Link to podcast show page;

Episode 139, Choosing untamed to come home to your true voice

32m · Published 10 Sep 14:38

This episode (as always) was inspired by the listeners who call forward what wants to be heard, and by an instagram post on neutrality. The post came from Dr. Lori Earley and she said in her account @phoenixrising medicine, "Neutrality is not an option."

What are we choosing in this moment, at this pivotal time on the planet? When chaos and polarities are amplified, we can retreat from that cacophony because we do not want to be pulled in directions that would seem to pull us apart. We still FEEL it because we are part of the collective.

How can we discern what is right for us in this moment? How do we navigate the external? We choose.

We don't have to choose a side, but we are being called to choose who we are. To stand in our pure love presence. To say no to what we need to say no to, to say yes to what we need to say yes to—because to not choose is to give our tacit or implied consent to whatever, or whoever, has the loudest voice.

Christine shared her poem called, I Choose Untamed and a short visualization to help you discern what is the truth of you and how to move beyond the lower frequencies that are external to you.

Episode 138 Moving in the direction of Love with Gabriela Gutierrez

50m · Published 26 Aug 19:15

Christine’s guest is Gabriela Gutierrez, an independent scholar and practitioner of oracular arts and shamanism. The episode opened with a discussion about opening to joy/ecstasis even in the face of those most traumatic events that we are currently living. The definition of ecstasis is; “A magic state where your consciousness reaches another plane and creativity flows unimpeded.” Can we hold the place of the witness in the face of all the grief, fear and doubt and be with all that is unfolding, and—hold the joy.

We explored how our moment to moment choices can allow us to notice and dismantle some of the consumption based model that has not brought us joy and the true expression of ourselves.

Gabriela shared a powerful story of ancient wisdom through her recent experience of touring the prehistoric caves in Cantabria in Northern Spain, and how that experience can illuminate this moment, our relationship to Earth, and our relationship to our own bodies. She asks, if the Earth is the body and the body is the Earth and we are indeed made of stars and roses, then why is it we are causing her/us so much harm? How can we come into more harmony and communion with this Earth—being in our bodies, of and with the Earth again? How do we reclaim the organic idea of lover and eros and feel our feet on the Earth as part of everything?

We explored how to tune into your right action in each moment from a place of sovereignty and empowerment—moving in the direction of love to make the impossible possible. Gabriela says the body is the map and it will show us how to loosen and soften—expanding or flowering into the direction that is right for us, while allowing ourselves to evolve beyond what we think we are.

For Gabriela, the evolution of her work unfolded just before the lockdowns hit when she heard the words, “the virtual temple,” as she walked through the Alhambra (a sacred site in Spain). That became the platform for her passion to bring forward a revival of ancient wisdom and spiritual practice that is accessible to more people than it would be as an in person experience. She was able to create an all new kind of community, which is what we are all being called to create in this moment.

We closed by talking about dreaming and the impossible/possible as a means of dreaming our world into healing. Gabriela says we can choose to perceive dreaming as the landscape that can inform our life whether we are awake or asleep—and all we need to do is set the intention to enter into relationship with it so the impossible becomes possible—bee with that.

Find out more about Gabriela and her powerful work reviving ancient wisdom at;

Visit the podcast show page for more episodes;


Awakened Woman Self Care podcast has 131 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 76:39:48. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 06:54.

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