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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

by Christine Pensa

Exploring the nature of sacred self care, self healing & the evolution of our human experience now. Our world is changing, we are changing, & choosing to become more of ourselves. In Season 3 & 4 Christine Pensa explores heart expanding topics with brilliant guests to empower your sacred self care & deeper knowing of your infinite self.


Episode 182 Let the waters settle beloved, and find clarity within

27m · Published 19 Mar 20:22

In this episode host Christine Pensa explores how we can move through the polarity of solution and problem with more ease and grace. It’s been a trope that we don’t truly change until a problem, a dis-comfort or a dis-ease comes up in our lives. Then we set out to “solve” it. That’s not necessarily where we get tripped up, but we often use the energy of “trying” or “solving” something, which puts us on the same frequency (and in direct polarity) with what we originally perceived as a difficulty in our lives.

If we continue to loop with a “problem” in polarity, then we get trapped on a disempowering frequency, where the solution we crave continues to evade us.

Rather than walking a never-ending loop, we are called to sit in the stillness of ourselves to find the clarity that our own source medicine holds. “Let the waters settle beloved, for it is then you will find the clarity you crave.” In that space we begin to recognize the limitations we have taken on as though it is our own story and even believe it is written in stone. It is time to free ourselves from thought forms we perceived as solid and release them from our beautiful bodies by embodying the medicine we are here to be. Igniting our superpower of choosing to take whatever action is needed in a more efficient and streamlined way.

When we align with that sweet spot within and let the waters settle, when we allow our own source medicine, we invite ourselves to become something organic, new, and at the same time, infinitely more of who we have always been.

Thank you for listening and thank you for sharing the podcast.
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Episode 181 Releasing Observer Status (maybe it’s time to leave your seat)

20m · Published 01 Mar 20:10

This episode sprung from the poem Observer Status (see below). It’s an invitation to move from an unhealthy observer role to a more healthy discernment of where external “authorities” make sense for us and where it is simply a program being run on a loop. As always, sacred self care means we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves.

As things in our external world become more visible, our role as passive observer becomes less palatable. We are being asked to consider ever more deeply, what are you choosing now? How can you turn up the volume on who and what you are here to bring to the world?

Noticing, observing if and how you might be unknowingly be letting your divine expression remain untold. It’s time to get up off of your seat and express through your art of living.

~Observer Status ~

Consider beloved

All the ways we have been relegated to the role of observer

Taught to be content, watching
the dance of life unfold

Narration by self appointed experts,
few allowed onstage,
a puppetry of anointed ones

Consider beloved—who did this choosing—designating us as audience?

While the powerful stories moving through our divine expressions remain untold

Time to leave our seats

Time to remember how and what we are here to sing, to dance,
to paint in this, our unique, infinite, ongoing art of living

Time to embody the cosmic song of life being sung through us


(art & poetry Christine Pensa)

Link for more on all episodes through my show page;

Available everywhere you get your podcasts.

Episode 180 Weaving our new story into this world (Story series Part 4)

35m · Published 08 Feb 22:24

We know it’s time to wake up from who we thought we were and begin to thrive, and to live in harmony with all living beings. In part four of a story series, host Christine Pensa considers the evolution of sacred story and what that means for us right now on this Earth.

This episode explores these questions; What stories are we continuing to give our attention to in the external world? How do we notice the purposeful distraction and realign with what we know we are here to embody? How can we take the beauty and internal heart expansion that stories can bring and leave behind what doesn’t serve us?

The new story we want to materialize now is one that we can choose to weave and spin into this world. Remembering we are these divine points of universal light capable of spinning and weaving together a blanket of golden threads across the world — all by more fully embodying the love that we are.

It’s time to walk out of old stories, and recreate this world the way we know it should be. We can choose to become the new story of this Earth together, and it's more beautiful than anything we have been led to believe.

Much love

(Find parts 1, 2 and 3 in Episode 113, Season 3 Story and the evolution of your sacred narrative, Moving into your new sovereign story, Episode 114, Season 3 Evolution of Story part 2, Choosing to Embody Creator Truth, Episode 115, Season 3, Evolution of Story part 3, Choosing as your superpower.)

Visit the show page here;

EPISODE 179 Elaira Flow, (Part 2) How holistic Capacity work moves us into new self leadership in business and life

42m · Published 26 Jan 19:05

Elaira Flow returns for what organically became part two to our original episode 151. You can find that episode in the show page archives (Episode 151 The Curren-sea of our new businesses with Elaira Flow).

Elaira brings over 20 years of experience as a trauma informed somatic business coach, a healer with extrasensory abilities and an architect of new business paradigm that is necessarily holistic, including all aspects of ourselves. Over the years she has observed trends and directions of business and what is thought possible through structure only, which often does not work. Her work is an invitation for us to approach business (and life) holistically.

The spark that lit this joy-filled conversation was Elaira’s instagram post about the clarion call to move into being a leader in our own lives, rather than accepting everything outside ourselves. Self leadership capacity is one of the things she focuses on in her work. She shares that in the new business paradigm we are the leaders of our own lives, claiming both that freedom and responsibility for ourselves.

This year opened with a powerful new frequency in which many of us are hearing. It is a call to step away from simply accepting what has been, and being filled with what we don’t want, into more of what we want to see on this Earth now. Elaira invites people to notice and compare how much of their day is spent accepting life, and how much time they spend per day “crafting life,” dreaming, choosing, paying attention to what they truly want.

Elaira has crafted a model of 8 capacities, all of which are holistic, reaching into our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. She calls our businesses, the dress you put on these healed aspects of yourself—learning and recognizing your capacity covers it all. Aligning our energetics, our blockages, our nervous systems so the mind and the action steps can flow, rather than staying as Elaira says, “in familiar hell.” She says if we create from the brain only, we continue to create what we know and we do not step into the dreaming because we become sidetracked by the “greed of how.”

Capacity work does not mean we will never encounter fear or doubt, Elaira says, the difference is that we will learn how to hold more, both the “good” and the “bad” so nothing stops us from moving through in alignment with ourselves, with flow and with ease. With pioneering work like what Elaira is offering, this is how, together, we change the world. So it is.

Link to Elaira’s Capacity Path program here;

Elaira’s Rise program;

Elaira’s podcast;

For more information and episodes visit the Awakened Woman Self Care podcast show page here;

Episode 178 Jarmila, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide

1h 17m · Published 16 Jan 21:02

My guest in this (love) full episode is Jarmila, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide, Blue printer, Soul master healer, and human issues energy healer. As Jarmila shares; “Through my work I have found that my soul originated from the Prime Creator, the Infinite Mother Goddess of All Creation. At the soul level my choosing has been of healing divine service through the physical representation of sacred feminine and to participate in co-creating of new path-ways bringing freedom, higher consciousness through many healing modalities.”

The episode begins with a be-moreing meditation. We continued this incredible, expansive conversation when I asked Jarmila to share her experience of the Coherent Field. It’s difficult to summarize, but in part Jarmila emphasized the need to remember our original genetic lineage. That it requires discernment, it requires being fully present, and it needs our own feedback and awareness of how our own brain and central nervous system functions, and where the interruptions come from. It is the intent everyday to exercise our “sovereign free will being-ness in accordance with Universal law and Mother Earth sentience.” It is the discovery of what it means to be you as a unique individuated creation. As Jarmila says, “That is your beautiful artistic opportunity and investigation to follow your call.”

Love in Action was at the core of our discussion for me. I know that Jarmila approaches healing through love in action and as she says; “Healing is a process of an energetic and spiritual alignment at all levels. You are always looked after by beloved Prime Creator. This planet is a sacred planet.”

You can connect with Jarmila through her website here;
or her YouTube channel

The Awakened Woman Self Care podcast show page;

Episode 177 Sahala Larnyoh Sing Your Beautiful Note, An infinite ongoing song with all of life

1h 3m · Published 21 Dec 22:08

This is a very special episode, an offering, a neo-ceremony through the kind of ongoing, infinite, cosmic conversation you have with heart friends. My beautiful guest is Sahala Larnyoh a woman with a powerful voice that can communicate many layers of frequencies. In addition to our conversation, (which I feel is a sound bath) you will hear an exclusive preview of Sahala’s new song with Altosounds mid-episode. AND, at the end of the episode we have co-created a musical poetry meditation, which is an invitation for you to deepen into more of yourself through sound and silence.

Sahala shares how she moved through what she calls the “chaos” of her lineage and began an independent path. Her journey, her bravery and her authentic heart are powerful and inspirational reminders for us all. Sahala tells a story of her youth, one where summoned the courage to stand up before an audience for the first time. She says, “the spotlight hit, I sang …that powerful song at that age, that was the moment where an opportunity opened up for me.”

It’s an invitation to everyone listening to be part of the larger conversation where we remember how valuable we truly are. We are here to sing our beautiful note. Whether that is literal or a metaphor, each one of us is needed, each note is here to be sung. A remembering that each of us has gifts that only we have the keys to. The more you allow the truth of yourself to rise up, the more powerfully your note comes through.

In practical terms, it means letting go of self censoring. Letting go of doing what you think will help you fit in, to the detriment of your health, and well being. It means doing the work to inner-stand your own dreams and to begin to know and follow ever more of your true voice/self.

To sing your note actually begins in the silence. That’s here you begin to hear it, and begin the step by step practice following the sparks that light you up.

Enjoy this episode and singing your beautiful note, after all, it’s why you’re here.

Follow Sahala on Instagram;

Follow Sahala onSpotify

Link to Kaya Usher’s frequency technology;

Link to the show page for more episodes;

Episode 176 An undoing of shame, the other “s” word

31m · Published 18 Dec 21:39

It's coming up all over the place, shame as a tool to tell you who and what to be. Let’s explore what and how shame might be calling to us to resolve and heal in order for us and the planet to evolve right now.

We all know and have experienced shame. It is expressed on the emotional scale as the very lowest frequency, lower even than grief or fear.

This episode is an invitation to question your own experience and expression of programs and patterns of shame and why it’s now more important than ever to break the cycle of shame in ourselves. It’s an invitation to notice, and see through the programs and patterns that continue to perpetuate division on this Earth. I shared this anonymous quote; Don’t shame yourself into changing, instead love yourself into evolving. Let’s stop throwing the hot potato of shame to others and instead notice how we can alchemize shame that has been weaponized, particularly in light of current events. How can we begin to inner-stand where, when and how we navigate polarizing narratives and choose instead our highest action in each moment.

An Undoing of Shame

The words we speak

Are they a gentle song that floats to our beloveds ear

Soft and sweet as the petals of a rose

Or a cacophonous blast that destroys

Harsh and unyielding as a raging fire

We have been both, and we are neither

Shame has pulled us back and forth over those coals so the burn never heals

It’s time to remove the h
Recognize the same
You, me, us

Putting down the words we have weaponized, thrown at each other pretending they don’t cut us too

Now is the moment we set each other free

(art & poetry Christine Pensa)

Visit our show page for more episodes

Episode 175 Saying goodbye to gurus by deepening into reverence and respect

34m · Published 05 Dec 22:31

How do we navigate these times when many people, practices and teachings are being revealed to be less than authentic and actually doing harm. How do we come to a place of reverence and respect for the true way showers without giving our own power away.

First, we can choose to resolve judgement and resistance within ourselves. Noticing if we are dis-honouring ourselves, our own power, then perhaps expressing it as opposition to another person. Forgiving ourselves for misunderstanding the nature of past teachings which might have diminished us. We can choose to dismantle the hierarchy within ourselves, freeing us from a pyramid style scheme of spirituality which sees us at the bottom always striving to get somewhere.

Next, we can allow ourselves to truly witness each other, which leads to self reverence and respect, removing the programs that stand in our way. Then we can open our hearts to the many authentic and powerful teachers and mentors in our lives whose powerful light can heighten our own illumination. Witnessing the sacredness of all the beings embodying here now.

We become the sentinels, holding strong the gates of our own expression of love through our own source. Heralding the arrival of beauty, truth, love, freedom, joy and wonder we are ready to co-create here, now.

Link to our showpage for more information and episodes here;

Episode 174 We are here now to cast nothing but LIGHT

29m · Published 23 Nov 18:53

It seems fitting that this fall I begin a new season, officially season 6, as it feels like a new world, filled with powerful new beginnings.

After a long hiatus the podcast is back with a brand new episode—because NOW is the time to cast nothing but light. What does that mean for us to cast nothing but light? It is a choice to live, move and experience through the light of ourselves. We’re learning how.

In this way of operating we also cast no shadow. We create no division and harm and instead live from the knowing of who we truly are. We turn up the volume on our own connection to our own source. We turn down the volume of the cacophony of what is going on in the external world. We become clear about what service without shadow is for each of us.

Feeling the call to meet ourselves in our brilliant interior silence, we are tuning back into the truth felt deeply within our body core. We remember we know, our bodies know, we are here to birth life, to birth light.

~Love Songs to the Earth~

The time is now beloved

To use the power of your voice

To sing once again

Your sacred love songs
to this Earth


(art & poetry Christine Pensa)

(Fyi for those that love numerology; The number 6 is the embodiment of the heart. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart and soul to be of service to others.)

Listen to this episode and all others wherever you get your podcasts, or through the podcast show page here;

Episode 173 Please Free me to be Misunderstood 2

30m · Published 25 Aug 18:51

An updated reprise of episode 150 outlining the continued importance of freeing yourself to be misunderstood as a powerful self love practice.

Being misunderstood is a primal wound many of us are experiencing in these times. Freeing ourselves to be misunderstood is part of the powerful and profound work we can do right now on our beautiful planet.

It’s time to stop plucking at the leaves of what isn’t working and get to the roots. Trusting the truth that comes from the core of our own purity is to release the patterns and programs of the need to be accepted and understood for who we are.

The invitation of this episode is to explore where you have limited your expression because you were feeding the real need to be cared for—by sacrificing the love and trust of your own self—and the purity of your personal instructions. Noticing now, where you learned, or were programmed to keep yourself small in order to be accepted. What did you do to fill that wound.

Sacred self care, self love, and trust is a powerful practice that begins with your own deep knowing of who you are and what you are meant to be NOW.

Link to the show page for more info and to support the podcast;

NEW Link to download Sacred Self Care Guide for these times PDF

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast has 130 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 76:12:57. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 17th, 2024 05:55.

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