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180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions.

by 180 Nutrition

180 Nutrition presents The Health Sessions. Each week we talk about everything health with real people with real results in a fun laid back manner.

Copyright: 2018 180 Nutrition Pty Ltd


Adam Lane Smith - Understanding & Resolving Attachment Issues

49m · Published 26 Oct 00:58

This week I'm excited to welcome Adam Lane Smith to the podcast. Adam has coached clients through his ATTACHMENT METHOD for years. And he's helped people from a variety of lifestyles, from blue collar families with marital troubles to millionaire CEOs looking or dating help. Anyone looking to fix their dating life, marriage, or overall health of all relationships.

Questions asked in the episode
  • What are the most common attachment issues/stories?
  • Why do many of us attract the wrong type of person when we have the best intentions?
  • How important are physical friend groups/meet-ups in the age of digital communication?


This week I'm excited to welcome Adam Lane Smith to the podcast. Adam is a transformative force in the field of personal development and relationships. He's a specialist in attachment and has coached a variety of individuals from every walk of life and helped them build the life they've always wanted. In this episode, we discuss the most common attachment issues linked to deep-rooted patterns and beliefs, and dig deep into the strategies to overcome them. Over to Adam.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Adam Lane Smith to the podcast. Adam, mate, how are you?



I'm doing great over here. It's good to be called, mate. I always love that. Here in the United States, they say that whenever you're called mate, you feel a little more fancy than you did before.



It's one of those terms I think that we probably use the most. Every conversation has a mate in there somewhere. But yeah, I feel naked if I didn't use that word.



We'll pretend that it's special then for me, if that's all right with you.



It is special. It is special. First up, for all of our listeners there that may not be familiar with you or your work, I would love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



Absolutely. I'm Adam Lane Smith. I am the attachment specialist. I help people fix their relationship problems that have hounded them since the day that they were born. If your childhood was difficult, if you just didn't know how to get love as a kid, and you still don't as a grownup, and things just don't feel right. Maybe you don't have friends, maybe partners are a hard thing, maybe raising your kids is tough. If you need help, that is my specialty. I was a licensed marriage and family therapist for many, many years. Now I do specific coaching and helping people make sure that they take care of that problem right here and now so that they can live a good life.

For full transcript and interview

Etienne Peirsman - Discover the benefits of craniosacral therapy

54m · Published 06 Oct 06:57

This week I'm excited to welcome Etienne Peirsman to the podcast. Etienne Peirsman isone of the most respected CranioSacral teachers worldwide, and has been teaching for nearly 35 years. He founded Peirsman CranioSacral in the Netherlands, originated the CranioSacral Professional Organization in Holland, and is an honorary member of The Dutch CranioSacral Practitioner Association

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What is craniosacral therapy?
  • What does a typical craniosacral session look like?
  • What’s the relationship between healing and human connection?


If you are curious, want I find out more, just jump over to our website. That is 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay, back to the show. This week, I'm excited to welcome Etienne Peirsman to the podcast. Etienne is one of the most respected craniosacral teachers worldwide and has been teaching for nearly 35 years. He founded Peirsman Craniosacral in the Netherlands and is an honorary member of the Dutch Craniosacral Practitioner Association. In this episode, we discuss the principles behind craniosacral therapy, the conditions that are most commonly treated, and the method to achieve a no mind state. Over to Etienne. Hey, guys. This is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Etienne Peirsman to the podcast. Etienne, how are you?



I'm totally fine.



Fantastic. Again, thank you so much for sharing some of your time. I know you've got an incredible story and really, really interesting subject that I know that our listeners would love to hear and understand and figure out a little bit more about how this amazing stuff actually happens. First up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Well, I've been teaching craniosacral therapy for as long as I remember. Actually, it started in 1990. That's an exact date. I still remember that. I've been doing nothing else since then. I had a practice for about 20 years. Then while I was teaching also, but the rest of the time up to now I just teach craniosacral therapy a little bit all over the world. We just came back from Taiwan where we taught a month, and then we go to Mexico next week for a 10-day class, Italy, Prague, the Netherlands, and US, of course. I published one book about craniosacral. I happen to have it here next to me. It's Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Small Children. That's a little bit the only book that's available about that subject. Soon, another one is going to come out a little more about also craniosacral, of course. I'm just teaching craniosacral. That's what I do.

For full transcript and interview:

Sarah Rusbatch - Sobriety & Grey Area Drinking

45m · Published 27 Sep 07:36

This week, I'm excited to welcome Sarah Rusbatch to the podcast. Her mission is to support as many women as possible to change their relationship with alcohol, reconnect to themselves and create a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. She is a certified Health and Wellbeing Coach, an accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach, a motivational speaker and a passionate ambassador for helping as many women as possible to live their best life. She is also an ex Grey Area Drinker. She finally quit booze in April 2019 and never looked back!

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • Is alcohol the best approach when wanting to destress after a hectic day?
  • What are the less obvious signs that we may be drinking too much/often?
  • What do you say to those who reference ‘everything in moderation’?


Each episode we cut to the chase as we hang out with real people with real results. This week I'm excited to welcome Sarah Rusbatch to the podcast. Sarah is an accredited sobriety and gray area drinking coach based in Perth and also the face behind Perth's alcohol free movement. In this episode, we discussed the finer points of gray area drinking, uncover whether alcohol really is the best tool to distress after a hectic day at the office, and also dive into the less obvious signs that we may be drinking too much. Over to Sarah.

Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Sarah Rusbatch to the podcast. Sarah, how are you?



I'm very well, thanks. How are you?



Yeah, good. Really, really good. Excited to get into this particular topic today because I know that alcohol in particular is close to many people's hearts and there are lots of nuances where alcohol is concerned. So I think that you'll be the perfect person to expand on that. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



Thank you for the introduction. So I'm Sarah Rusbatch. I'm from the UK. I live over in Perth in Western Australia, and I'm a Gray Area Drinking Coach, which is probably not a job title that many people have heard of before. When people ask me what I do, I'm always like, should I give the long answer or the short answer? Because it's not a title that people go, "Oh yeah, I know exactly what that is." So maybe I can start off by explaining to you what is gray area drinking?

For full transcript and interview:

Dr William Davis - Understanding The Gut-Skin Axis

55m · Published 27 Sep 07:36

Dr. Davis is a medical doctor, expert in gut and heart health, a New York Times bestselling author of 10 books, including the Wheat Belly Series, with nearly 4 million copies sold. He's a leading expert in nutrition, and in this conversation, we discuss his investigations with L-Reuteri, a well-studied probiotic and its connection with skin health. Over to Dr. Davis.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How long might we see improvements in skin health with the right gut protocol
  • What type of diet/foods would you recommend with skin health in mind
  • Tell us about your investigations with L. reuteri (roy-ter-eye)


    This week, I'm excited to welcome Dr. William Davis. Back to the podcast. Dr. Davis is a medical doctor, expert in gut and heart health, a New York Times bestselling author of 10 books, including the Wheat Belly Series, with nearly 4 million copies sold. He's a leading expert in nutrition, and in this conversation, we discuss his investigations with L-Reuteri, a well-studied probiotic and its connection with skin health. Over to Dr. Davis.


    Hey guys, this is Stu from one 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome back Dr. William Davis to the podcast, Dr. Davis. How are you?

    Dr Davis


    I'm terrific. Stuart, gladly back.



    No. Thank you so much. For everyone perhaps out there that may not have listened to our first conversation, not familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.

    Dr Davis


    Well, I started very conventionally, Stuart, practicing cardiology, this thing called interventional cardiology where you abort heart attacks and put stents in, drill out people's arteries, those kinds of things, blockages. But I had an odd turn in my life, and that was my mom who was living in New Jersey at the time. I had just moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, about a thousand miles away, and I got a call that she died suddenly about four months after her successful two vessel coronary angioplasty. In other words, she died after a procedure that I was doing. I didn't do my mom's of course, but I was doing that simple kind of procedure every day, many times a day.


    But it was a vivid illustration, Stuart, of how fruitless, how pointless, how dangerous it is to try to manage a disease like heart disease in an laboratory, in a cath lab. Because many people, as you know, you've heard these headlines, many people never survive who get to the hospital. They die at home or route. And so I asked this question, this is now back 30 years ago, I asked, could we have identified my mom being at risk a year ahead of time, five years, 10 years? Well, back then, we all thought cholesterol was that tool. Of course, it's proven to be a miserable failure as a preventative tool, though a wonderful source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry, and they've managed to brainwash an entire generation of physicians into thinking that cholesterol and statin drugs are the cure for heart disease. Of course, they are not. They're not even close. They're barely having any impact at all. That's why in the U.S., 80 million people, Stuart, more than 80 million people take statin drugs, and there's been virtually no impact on the incidence of heart disease.

    For full transcript and interview:

Dr Shivani Gupta - Infusing Ayurvedic Wisdom into Modern Life

48m · Published 27 Sep 07:34

This week, I'm excited to welcome Dr Shivani Gupta to the podcast. As the creator of a revolutionary Modern Ayurveda program and a product-line of herbal supplements that fuse east and west, Shivani’s expertise makes her an influential and inspirational speaker. Knowledgeable in many areas of Ayurvedic living, Shivani specializes in sharing the ancient science of gut health, simple solutions for revolutionizing self care and reversing stress-related illnesses that threaten our quality of life.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What are the principles behind Ayurveda?
  • What are your thoughts on modern day western medicine?
  • How can Ayurvedic practices be used to support gut health?


For full transcript and interview:

Dr Sarah Russo - A Holistic Approach To Anxiety

32m · Published 27 Sep 07:33

This week I'm excited to welcome Dr Sarah Russo back to the podcast. Dr Sarah Russo is a clinical psychologist who creates space for you to take a moment to pause, reflect and gain clarity, to enhance your wellbeing, overcome difficulties and grow.

Sarah has a warm, compassionate, relaxed, and thoughtful approach in supporting people to connect, enhance confidence and live with meaning. She believes that the key to a successful therapeutic experience is the relationship itself. She creates an environment where others can feel safe, understood, respected, and cared for.

Sarah understands that no two people are the same and works collaboratively with her clients to support them to live more meaningful and connected lives. Sarah will take the time to learn about what’s most important to her clients, inspire and empower them to navigate life’s joys, challenges, and opportunities; whilst also respecting they are the experts of their own life.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What do you think is the catalyst behind the rise in mental health issues?
  • What are the most common causes & symptoms of anxiety?
  • Are antidepressants a viable long-term solution if chronically anxious?


    Hey, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and welcome to another episode of the Health Sessions. It's here that we connect with the world's best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve a long-lasting health. Now, I'm sure that's something that we all strive to have. I certainly do.


    Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products too. That's right. We are into Whole Food Nutrition and have a range of super foods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website that is 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay, back to the show this week.


    I'm excited to welcome Dr. Sarah Russo to the podcast. Dr. Russo is a practicing pharmacist whose personal healing journey instigated her to look beyond the counter for holistic solutions to crippling anxiety. In this episode, we discuss the catalyst behind the rise in mental health issues and look at holistic approaches available to address it. Over to Dr. Russo.


    Hey, guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Dr. Sarah Russo to the podcast. Dr. Russo. How are you?

    Dr Russo


    Hi. Thanks for having me. Love listening to your accent. This is super fun to be actually over here because I'm from the US.



    Yeah, well, I was going to say apologies for the interruption. Because I know that you guys are on holiday weekend and it's getting later on in the day, so you probably want to do other things as well just to maximize your holiday today.

    For full interview and transcript:

Dr Alan Bauman - Biohacking Baldness

58m · Published 27 Sep 07:32

This week I'm excited to welcome Dr. Alan Bauman to the podcast. Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS, IAHRS, FISHRS is a full-time hair transplant surgeon who founded his medical practice, Bauman Medical, in Boca Raton, FL in 1997 and has treated nearly 30,000 patients and performed over 10,000 hair transplant procedures to date. His compassionate, patient-centered philosophy and individualized artistic approach to protecting, enhancing, and restoring the appearance and health of the hair and scalp is what sets him apart from non-specialists and other practitioners.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What factors cause hair loss?
  • What are the most common myths associated with healthy hair?
  • What are the latest advancements in hair restoration?


    This week I'm excited to welcome Dr. Alan Bauman to the podcast. Dr. Bauman is the founder, CEO and medical director of the Medical Hair Loss Practice at Bauman Medical. Recently he was voted North America's number one top hair restoration surgeon. Dr. Bauman's accessible and interactive presence on social media has garnered millions of video views on YouTube and thousands of subscribers, connections and followers on the most popular platforms. In this episode we discuss the factors behind hair loss, the most common myths, natural therapies, and the latest advancements in hair restoration. Over to Dr. Bauman. Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Dr. Alan Bauman to the podcast. Dr. Bauman. How are you?

    Dr. Bauman


    I'm doing great, Stu. Thank you so much for having me tonight.



    Look, really, really appreciate you sharing some of your time. And I know this is a topic that's going to be close to many of our listeners hearts or heads at least. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.

    Dr. Bauman


    Sure. I'm Dr. Alan Bauman. I'm the medical director of Bauman Medical Hair Transplant and Hair Loss treatment center located in Boca Raton, Florida. But what I've done for the past 25 years is take care of people who are struggling with hair loss or who want to maintain their own living and growing hair, thicker, fuller, healthier, not just part of their lifespan or health span, but they want to also increase their health span and hair span too.

    For full transcript and interview:

Dafna Chazin - Treating PCOS with Nutrition

54m · Published 20 Sep 01:45

This week I'm excited to welcome Dafna Chazin to the podcast. Dafna is a PCOS dietician based in the US and the host of The Down To Earth PCOS Nutrition Podcast, where she shares her expertise in the field of hormonal health, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle changes specifically for PCOS. In this episode, we discuss the environmental factors that can cause or aggravate PCOS and how to support it through diet and lifestyle.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How is PCOS diagnosed?
  • Do environmental factors cause/aggravate it?
  • Is any type of diet or eating style more effective with the condition?


This week I'm excited to welcome Dafna Chazin to the podcast. Dafna is a PCOS dietician based in the US and the host of The Down To Earth PCOS Nutrition Podcast, where she shares her expertise in the field of hormonal health, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle changes specifically for PCOS. In this episode, we discuss the environmental factors that can cause or aggravate PCOS and how to support it through diet and lifestyle. Over to Dafna.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Dafna Chazin into the podcast. Dafna, how are you?



Good. How are you?



Yeah. Very, very good. Thank you. As we mentioned before just off camera, very, very excited to talk about this subject today and pick your brains a little bit because it's a question that comes out almost daily with our audience as well and seems to be ramping up in terms of the prevalence of this particular topic. But first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Yeah. Absolutely. So my name is Dafna Chazin. I'm a registered dietician and I help women with PCOS balance their hormones, reverse their symptoms. And I've been in the field of nutrition for over a decade. I've worked in a lot of different settings, but recently in the past five years, I've landed in the women's health and hormone space, partly because I struggled with hormonal issues myself. I don't have PCOS, but I've struggled with many of the symptoms that women with PCOS experience, like acne and hair growth and painful periods, anxiety, digestive issues. You name it, I've had it. And over the years when I was really struggling, it was a time where my stress was really high. I was in the military actually. My diet wasn't so great, but I wasn't making the connection between what was happening with my hormones and my symptoms and the diet and nutrition. I always thought my nutrition and food only impacts my weight, and that's about it. And now we know that that is absolutely not true.

For full interview and transcript:

Martin Silva - Nutritional Strategies For Optimal Performance

56m · Published 13 Aug 14:33

This week, I'm excited to welcome Martin Silva to the podcast. Martin is a transformation coach, award-winning fitness model, public speaker, and podcaster. His focus and commitment with a holistic approach to long-term health sets him apart from his peers.

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • How are you currently eating and why + what have you tried and dismissed?
  • Your thoughts on daily protein intake (amount/type/timing)
  • Do you consume supplements for health/longevity?



This week I'm excited to welcome Martin Silva back to the podcast. Martin is a transformation coach, award-winning fitness model, public speaker, and podcaster. His focus and commitment with a holistic approach to long-term health sets him apart from his peers. In this episode, we talk about the latest nutritional trends, including daily protein intake, supplements, fasting, and meal timing. Over to Martin.


Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Martin Silva back to the podcast. Martin, mate, how are you?



I'm really good, thanks, my man. How are you?



Yeah, very good. Very good. It's been too long, so really, really keen to tap into some of your wisdom today. But first up, for any of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, haven't listened to any of... I think we've done two or three previous episodes, which have been packed full of the most amazing information on body transformation, health and wellness, all of that stuff. I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



Sure, yeah. Thanks again for having me on, Stu. Really, really appreciate it. [inaudible 00:01:51] just set off here then. I'm sure I've been on this podcast more than Stu, this is like my fifth time or something. Awesome. Yeah, a little bit more about myself. As some of the audience might know, I'm huge... Health and fitness is my life essentially, so I live, breathe, and eat a healthy lifestyle, and I've built a career out of that as well. And I've been within the fitness industry for 15, 16 years now. It sounds crazy, but I still feel like I'm in my early twenties, but I'm actually coming up to 36 now. And I was a qualified personal trainer from the age of 20, and always played sports from a young age, and I've always been just so passionate about fitness.


And now it's got to the point where I always say to people, something might start off as your passion, but then it becomes your purpose. Now it's literally, it's my purpose, and what I'm doing now, obviously with the transformation program and everything else... Because I was a personal trainer face-to-face for about 13 years, and then I built an online transformation program, actually just before COVID happened, about three years ago, and I'm having a much bigger impact this way as well. Because as we talked about before, and we'll talk about today, really helping people change their mindset, really upgrade the way they think, and just basically think at a better level, and change their relationship with food and alcohol, which we all know, the stuff outside of the gym... A lot of my clients love the gym part. You know what I mean? That's the fun part. But the stuff outside of the gym, some of them have had more struggles than others in terms of behavior change and everything else.


But a bit more about myself. I moved over to Oz just like Stu did quite a few years ago. I haven't been here as long as Stu, but I've been here for six years now. So moved over to Oz, came over here for a year from Wales in the UK, and fast-forward six years, I'm still here, permanent resident now, and living in Sydney, living the dream. And Stu's living even more of the dream up there in Byron Bay, you know what I mean? So we can't complain, mate.

For full transcript and interview:

Eduardo Corassa - Discover the Frugivore Diet

56m · Published 12 Jul 13:45

This week, I'm excited to welcome Eduardo Corassa to the podcast. He is a clinical nutritionist. focused on raw and vegan diets, founder of the Frugal Health portal, a writer, speaker, author of six books, YouTuber and culinarian. He graduated in Literature and specialized in Natural Hygiene at the University of Natural Health. He has been interviewed by countless TV programs like Globo Repórter, Sem Censura, and Câmera Record, and has published articles in several magazines in the area of ​​health and nutrition. He studied crudivorism and fasting abroad with the world's leading crudivorous leaders. For 11 years, he has been living on an exclusively raw fruit and vegetable diet, and for 9 years, he has been teaching about the correlation between health and food. 

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • When following this diet, what are the best foods to consume with nutrient density in mind?
  • How might we best navigate this way of eating if we can’t afford organic produce?
  • Are there any specific supplements that are key to supporting this diet?


for full interview and transcript:

This week, I'm excited to welcome Eduardo Corassa to the podcast. He is a clinical nutritionist. focused on raw and vegan diets, founder of the Frugal Health portal, a writer, speaker, author of six books, YouTuber and culinarian. He graduated in Literature and specialized in Natural Hygiene at the University of Natural Health. He has been interviewed by countless TV programs like Globo Repórter, Sem Censura, and Câmera Record, and has published articles in several magazines in the area of ​​health and nutrition. He studied crudivorism and fasting abroad with the world's leading crudivorous leaders. For 11 years, he has been living on an exclusively raw fruit and vegetable diet, and for 9 years, he has been teaching about the correlation between health and food.



180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions. has 284 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 247:29:22. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 16:11.

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